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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vineyard Floor Management Analysis Using Nematode Communities as a Bioindicator of Soil Health

Weidhuner, Amanda Marie 01 August 2018 (has links)
Traditional vineyard floor management in the eastern USA consists of mown resident vegetation in the aisle and herbicide bare driplines, promoting soil erosion and crusting, compaction, lowered water penetration, herbicide resistance, difficult weed management, increased plant parasitic nematode populations and decreased soil biodiversity for pest management. To investigate these issues, four novel vineyard floor management techniques and two N-fertilizer applications were investigated using nematode assemblages as a bioindicator of soil health. Main-plot groundcover treatments include: 1.) grower control, consisting of mown fescue (Festuca arundinacea) in the aisle with herbicide bare vine dripline, 2.) red fescue, creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) established in both the aisle and vine dripline, 3.) successional, annually planted cereal rye (Secale cereale L.), spring oats (Avena sativa L.), and sorghum-sudan grass (Sorgum x drummondii) by planting them in succession with a no-till drill throughout the year, 4.) compost treatment consisted of a 2 to 1 mix of hardwood mulch and composted winery pomace applied across both the vineyard aisle and vine dripline. Split-plot nitrogen treatments include: 1.) no nitrogen fertility applied to grapevines, 2). 20 lb. N/ac applied to grapevine dripline at budbreak, bloom and veraison. The randomized complete block design with four main-plot treatments, two split-plot treatments and five blocks was established in 2013 and 2014 in a commercial mature Norton vineyard, planted in 2003, at 2.44 x 3.66 m spacing, in southern Illinois on a Hosmer silt-loam. The canonical analysis of principle components clearly revealed that compost and successional treatments were particularly effective at shifting nematode assemblages to higher populations of cp-5 nematodes to correlate with increases in soil respiration and organic matter, thus indicating establishment of a stable soil health structure both physically and ecologically. The results of the soil health analysis panel (soil respiration, water extracted organic carbon and water extracted macro-and micro-soil elements), consistently supported the interpretation of nematode community structure analysis. In fall 2015 the compost, red fescue and successional groundcovers combined with P and K soil fertility amendments increased water extractable K (WEK) in the aisle by 85%, 59% and 71%, respectively, compared to control; they similarly increased WEK in the aisle by 46%, 59% and 71%, respectively, in summer 2016. In the dripline WEK was increased 140%, 238% and 249%, respectively, by compost, red fescue and successional treatments that received no-N-prescription, compared to the control. The application of prescription-N increased WEK by 25% and 21%, respectively, in the compost and successional treatments that had a generous mulch layer. Soil P response to groundcover treatment clearly distinguished among each treatment the impact of nutrient turnover levels with water extracted P levels: successional > red fescue > compost > control, unique to each treatment. The water extracted mineral element levels detected with the soil health analysis were one-half to one-ninth the concentration extracted with the Mehlich-III test. Red fescue tripled the population of Pratylenchus spp. (236/100cc soil) in the dripline with prescription-N fertilization compared to no-N. Red fescue and successional treatments increased Helicotylenchus spp. populations by ~657% and ~172%, respectively, compared to compost (92/100cc soil) which closely resembled control response average in the dripline across 2015 and 2016. Prescription-N reduced Longidorus spp. by 78% compared to no-N treatment (23/100cc soil) in the dripline of fall 2015. Additionally, prescription-N added to the red fescue and successional treatments reduced Xiphinema spp. populations by 57% and 92%, respectively, compared to the control (52/100cc soil). Compost and successional groundcover treatments dramatically increased grapevine yield and crop size by 38% and 30%; and 29% and 38%, respectively, compared to grower control. The prescription N-fertilizer increased yield and crop size by 13% and 17%, respectively, compared to no-N. Compost and successional also increased Ravaz index by 33% and 60%, respectively, over control without reducing vine size which indicated their future vineyard sustainability.

Intermittent Turbulent Exchanges and Their Role in Vineyard Evapotranspiration

Los, Sebastian Alexander 01 August 2019 (has links)
Vineyards are often grown in semi-arid climates, such as California’s central valley, where water resources can be limited. Summer weather conditions result in high water use by these plants. For wine grapes, a high-value commodity, there are known benefits to fruit quality in irrigating grapevines with slightly below optimum for the plant. Growers would like to be able to precisely irrigate without overusing water or overstressing the vines. This calls for improving ways to monitor vineyard water use by estimating the combined soil evaporation and plant transpiration known as evapotranspiration (ET). A computer model developed by the USDA called the Two-Source Energy Balance model (TSEB) can estimate ET through satellite or aircraft measurements of land surface temperature. The model has been successful for simple, uniform vegetation such as maize, soybeans, and grasslands. The ability of TSEB to estimate vineyard ET has been tested through a field experiment called the Grape Remote sensing, Atmospheric Profile,& Evapotranspiration eXperiment or GRAPEX. Water is primarily transported away from the ground and plants by turbulent swirls in the wind. Models such as TSEB assume these swirls occur in a consistent manner over a few minutes to hours. Yet, interactions between the wind, the complex vineyard canopy, and heating near the ground can cause them to be episodic or intermittent. There are questions of if and how intermittent water vapor transport might happen in vineyards, and whether the TSEB model will still estimate ET well in such cases. In this study wind, humidity, air temperature, and surface temperatures are used to examine when intermittent behavior occurs, how it affects ET from the vineyard canopy, and how TSEB performs for intermittent versus more steady conditions. Results show that intermittent turbulence significantly alters the microclimate in the vineyard canopy compared to more ideal, steady behavior. The TSEB model was successful but showed reduced ability to estimate ET during times of intermittent behavior. The knowledge gained is an important step toward using TSEB as a powerful tool for sustainable water management, not only in vineyards, but other cash crops with complicated canopies such as orchards, as well as natural ecosystems.

Contextualizing the Use of Palimpsest to Reconstruct an Ephemeral Past

Culp, Cheyenne 09 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Implementation of Sustainable Management Practices at Two California Central Coast Vineyards and Their Effects on Soil Fertility

Stimson, Dawn M 01 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Implementation of Sustainable Management Practices at Two California Central Coast Vineyards and Their Effects on Soil Fertility Dawn Michelle Stimson “Sustainable agriculture” has gained increased popularity in recent years. This study was conducted to determine the effects of sustainable management practices on soil fertility at two California Central Coast vineyards. The effects of cover crops (Erosion Control Mix - blando brome [Bromus hordeaceus], hykon rose clover [Trifolium hirtum All.], and zorro annual fescue [Vulpia mourns]), green waste compost (Forest Blend), and reduced tillage on soil fertility were investigated in San Luis Obispo, California on a clay and sandy loam soil. Between the fall 2007 and spring 2008, which had a low precipitation amount (13.3 & 15.6 inches), there was a significant difference (P <0.001 to 0.007) between vineyards in terms of their mean soil nutrient and ratio concentrations. The range of soil values (soil pH, P, K, exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K, OM, Ca/Mg and C/N ratios) was either completely separate or different between Vineyard One and Two. There was almost no significant difference found between treatments and their effects on soil nutrients, exchangeable cations, and ratios. However, there were some noticeable effects on soil nutrients, exchangeable cations and ratios. Soil P and K concentrations increased in most areas (except cover crop/till where it decreased slightly). Soil P increases ranged from 14 to 143% while potassium increases ranged from 9 to 78%. Soil OM increased in all areas at both vineyards (5 to 55%). Ca/Mg ratios increased in some areas between 8 and 43%. C/N ratios increased in all areas between 5 and 85%. Soil type appears to affect soil nutrients, exchangeable cations, and ratios more than sustainable management practices. Keywords: Sustainable, vineyard, and soil nutrients.

Virginia Gravity Flow Winery: A Transformative Journey

Morgen, Brian A. 09 July 2018 (has links)
This thesis is embodied by the design of a new gravity flow winery on the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Northern Virginia. The 100 acre site is home to an existing winery with grape vines aged over a decade. From its initial inception, this thesis has been in part a response to the rapidly growing wine industry in Virginia and the typical ad hoc architecture associated with the wineries serving the state. The swelling interest in the culture of wine has sparked an evolution of the role of wineries. The winery of today is both an establishment for the production of wine as well as a venue for the enjoyment of its product and the delight of its natural setting. Creating a dialogue between site and visitor via thoughtful engagement of earth, air and sky is key for establishing a sense of place. The winery at the heart of this thesis is the quintessence of these ideals. The architecture of this winery embraces the steps of gravity flow winemaking, which aims to preserve the integrity of the grapes by utilizing gravity instead of electric pumps. The design seeks to make these steps perceivable and understandable, taking a visitor from the wind swept heights of the mountainside to the cool air of the winery's subterranean vaults and back again. From vine to glass and from layperson to student of wine, this shared journey engenders a transformation of both grape and visitor. / Master of Architecture / This thesis is embodied by the design of a new gravity flow winery on the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Northern Virginia. The 100 acre site is home to an existing winery with grape vines aged over a decade. From its initial inception, this thesis has been a response and possible solution to the rapidly growing wine industry in Virginia and the typical ad hoc architecture--which is to say additions are made without acknowledging or responding to the existing buildings--associated with the wineries serving the state. The winery of today is both an establishment for the production of wine as well as a venue for the enjoyment of its product and the delight of its natural setting. Creating a dialogue between site and visitor via thoughtful engagement of earth, air and sky is key for establishing a sense of place. The winery at the heart of this thesis is the quintessence of these ideals. The architecture of this winery embraces the steps of gravity flow winemaking, which aims to preserve the integrity of the grapes by utilizing gravity instead of electric pumps. The design seeks to make these steps perceivable and understandable, taking a visitor from the wind swept heights of the mountainside to the cool air of the winery’s subterranean vaults and back again. From vine to glass and from layperson to student of wine, this shared journey engenders a transformation of both grape and visitor.

Mature Cabernet Franc Vine and Groundcover Ecosystem Response to Vineyard Aisle Managed Cover Crops

Bowman, Sarah Elizabeth 01 December 2013 (has links)
Traditional vineyard floor management in humid regions consists of mown perennial grass or mown resident vegetation in aisles. Many vineyard sites in the eastern USA have climate and soil that support excessive vine vigor and rapid growth of aisle vegetation. Frequent mowing or unmanaged aisles are not a practical option. To explore vineyard floor management options for vine vigor and weed management while maintaining soil cover, vine balance, and fruit quality in the eastern USA, seven cover crop treatments: 1) grower control mown tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea L.), 2) chemically mown tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), 3) little barley (Hordeum pusillum Nutt.), 4) downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.), 5) oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus L.), 6) spring oats (Avena sativa L.), 7) chemically mown sorghum-sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench sp.) were established for the 2011 and 2012 growing seasons in a commercial Cabernet franc vineyard, planted in 2000, in southern Illinois, on an Menfro silt loam soil. In fall 2011, oilseed radish reduced the fresh weight of grapevine shoots removed with summer hedging 46% compared to the grower control. In 2012, spring oats increased the weight of grapevine shoots removed with summer hedging 160% compared to the grower control. In 2012, spring oats, and chemically mown sorghum-sudangrass produced 82% and 73%, respectively, greater pruning weights compared to grower control mown fescue, also, spring oats, downy brome, and chemically mown sorghum-sudangrass produced 54%, 48%, and 50%, respectively, greater yields compared to the grower control in 2012. Cover crop did not affect Ravaz index in 2011 or 2012. Chemically mown sorghum-sudangrass reduced total soluble solids in grape must 7% compared to the grower control in 2012. Downy brome produced the most ground cover and greatest weed control at bloom time in 2011 and 2012, and harvest time in 2011. In 2012, oilseed radish at veraison and harvest time produced 97% and 177%, respectively, more ground cover than grower control. The persistent mulch produced by little barley and downy brome followed by burndown herbicide, Rely ® (glufosinate 1 lb ai/gal) 76 fl oz/acre in August reduced their average weed cover by a range of 99% to 89% compared to all other treatments except grower control at harvest 2012. Downy brome established in vineyard aisles had the greatest potential for maintaining weed control at bloom and harvest time, while increasing yield without decreasing vine size. However, more research is needed to develop a residue management program which encourages self-reseeding of downy brome and little barley. In a season with above average rainfall, oilseed radish reduced excessively vigorous vine growth. While all treatments studied had the potential for vineyard use, downy brome and oilseed radish had the most potential to be readily incorporated into practical vineyard aisle management systems provided they are managed to produce moderate vine size, without adverse effects to yield or fruit quality, while still maintaining effective weed control.

Assessment of toxic baits for the control of ants (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) in South African vineyards

Nyamukondiwa, Casper 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ant infestations comprising the Argentine ant Linepithema humile (Mayr), common pugnacious ant Anoplolepis custodiens (F. Smith) and cocktail ant Crematogaster peringueyi Emery are a widespread pest problem in South African vineyards. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programmes aimed at suppressing the problematic honeydew excreting vine mealybug Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on grapes must include ant control to optimize the effectiveness and efficacy of mealybug natural enemies. If ants are eliminated, natural enemies are able to contain mealybugs below the Economic Threshold Level (ETL). Current strategies for ant control are limited and generally include the application of long term residual insecticides that are detrimental to the environment, labour intensive to apply and can disrupt natural biological control if applied incorrectly. A more practical method of ant control using low toxicity baits was therefore investigated. Field bait preference and bait acceptance assessments aimed at determining bait repellency and palatability, respectively, were carried out during spring, summer and autumn in three vineyards of the Cape winelands region during 2007/08. Five toxicants comprising gourmet ant bait (0.5%), boric acid (0.5%), fipronil (0.0001%), fenoxycarb (0.5%) and spinosad (0.01%) dissolved in 25% sugar solution were tested against a 25% sucrose solution control. Gourmet ant bait was significantly more preferred and accepted by all ant species than the other baits. Laboratory bait efficacy assessments using four insecticides (gourmet, boric acid & spinosad) at concentrations of 0.25; 0.5; 1; 2 and 4 times the field dose and fipronil at 0.015625; 0.03125; 0.0625; 0.125; 0.25 times the field dose were carried out. Results revealed that boric acid (2%), gourmet ant bait (2%) and fipronil (1.0 X 10-5%) exhibited delayed toxicity for L. humile and C. peringueyi while spinosad (0.01%) showed delayed action on L. humile. Field foraging activity and food preference tests were also carried out for the three ant species during 2007/08. Foraging activity trials revealed that vineyard foraging activity of L. humile is higher relative to A. custodiens and C. peringueyi. This means fewer bait stations are required for effective L. humile control making low toxicity baits a more affordable and practical method of controlling L. humile than the other two ant species. Food preference trials showed that L. humile and C. peringueyi have a high preference for sugar while A. custodiens significantly preferred tuna over other baits. However, all ant species had a preference for wet baits (25% sugar water, 25% honey, tuna & agar) as opposed to dry ones (fish meal, sorghum grit, peanut butter & dog food). This research concludes that low toxicity baits show potential in ant pest management and can offer producers with a more practical, economical and environmentally friendly method of ant control which is compatible with vineyard IPM programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mierbesmetting wat uit die Argentynse mier Linepithema humile (Mayr), die gewone malmier Anoplolepis custodiens (F. Smith) en die wipstertmier Crematogaster peringueyi Emery bestaan, is ’n plaagprobleem wat wydverspreid in Suid-Afrikaanse wingerde voorkom. Programme vir geïntegreerde plaagbeheer (GPB) wat daarop gemik is om die wingerdwitluis Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) – wat ’n probleem is weens die heuningdou wat dit afskei – op druiwe te beheer, moet mierbeheer insluit om sodoende die uitwerking en doeltreffendheid van die witluis se natuurlike vyande die beste te benut. As miere uitgeskakel kan word, sal dit vir die natuurlike vyande moontlik wees om die witluis sodanig te beheer dat dit onder die ekonomiese drempelvlakke (EDV) bly. Huidige strategieë om miere te beheer, is beperk en sluit gewoonlik die toediening van insekdoders in wat lank neem om in die grond af te breek, wat skadelik vir die omgewing is, waarvan die toediening arbeidsintensief is en wat die natuurlike biologiese beheer kan versteur indien dit verkeerd toegepas word. Daarom is ’n meer praktiese metode ondersoek waar miere deur die gebruik van lae toksisiteit lokase beheer word. Ondersoeke na lokaasvoorkeure en lokaasaanvaarbaarheid in die praktyk, wat daarop gemik is om te bepaal of die lokaas onderskeidelik afstootlik en smaaklik bevind word, is oor lente, somer en herfs in drie verskillende wingerde in die Kaapse wynlandstreek gedurende die 2007/08-seisoen uitgevoer. Vyf gifstowwe, bestaande uit gourmet ant bait (0.5%), boorsuur (0.5%), fiproniel (0.0001%), fenoksiekarb (0.5%) en spinosad (0.01%) wat in ’n 25%-suikeroplossing opgelos is, is getoets teenoor ’n kontrole wat uit ’n 25%-sukrose-oplossing bestaan. Al die mierspesies het gourmet ant bait bo die ander lokase verkies en aanvaar. In die laboratorium is ondersoeke gedoen om die doeltreffendheid van die lokase te bepaal deur vier insekdoders (gourmet ant bait, boorsuur en spinosad) te gebruik in konsentrasies van 0.25; 0.5; 1; 2 en 4 keer die dosis in die praktyk en fiproniel teen 0.015625; 0.03125; 0.0625; 0.125; 0.25 keer die dosis in die praktyk. Resultate het getoon dat boorsuur (2%), gourmet ant bait (2%) en fiproniel (1.0 X 10-5%) vertraagde toksisiteit getoon het vir L. humile en C. peringueyi, terwyl spinosad (0.01%) ’n vertraagde uitwerking getoon het op L. humile. Toetse om kossoekaktiwiteite in die praktyk en die voedselvoorkeure van die drie mierspesies te ondersoek, is ook gedurende die 2007/08-seisoen gedoen. Proewe oor kossoekaktiwiteite het getoon dat hierdie aktiwiteite in die wingerd by L. humile hoër is in verhouding met A. custodiens en C. peringueyi. Dit beteken dat minder lokaasstasies nodig is om L. humile doeltreffend te beheer en lei daartoe dat lae toksisteit lokaas ’n beter manier is om L. humile te beheer as die ander twee mierspesies. Proewe oor voedselvoorkeure het aangedui dat L. humile en C. peringueyi ’n groot voorkeur toon vir suiker, terwyl A. custodiens ’n duidelike voorkeur vir tuna het. Alle mierspesies het egter ’n voorkeur vir nat lokaas (25% suikerwater, 25% heuning, tuna en agar), eerder as droë lokaas (vismeel, sorghumgruis, grondboontjiebotter en hondekos) getoon. Uit hierdie navorsing word afgelei dat lae toksisteit lokaas potensiaal toon in mierbeheer en dat dit produsente ’n meer praktiese, ekonomiese en omgewingsvriendelike metode van mierbeheer kan bied wat met GPB-programme in die wingerd versoenbaar is.

The distribution and ecology of ants in vineyards

Chong, C.-S. January 2009 (has links)
Ants are highly abundant and ubiquitous in many terrestrial ecosystems. They perform many important ecological functions and have been widely employed as bioindicators for various terrestrial monitoring programmes. In agroecosystems, their role is controversial because ants can act as predators against herbivorous pest but also associate with and protect honeydew-producing hemipteran pests. The ecology, function and interactions of ants with other arthropods in vineyards are poorly known and this thesis therefore examines their distribution and ecology in south-eastern Australian vineyards. / An extensive survey of 50 vineyards distributed in five regions in South Australia and Victoria recorded 147 native ant species and one invasive species, Linepithema humile (Mayr). Species richness, compositional similarities and assemblage structure varied within and across regions. High species turnover and variation in assemblage structure were found across regions and implications of these patterns are discussed. The invasive L. humile was only detected in some vineyards in one region. The potential impact of management practices and off-farm vegetation on augmenting ant diversity and conserving biodiversity are considered. / The impact of non-target agrochemical applications on ants was investigated in 19 vineyards that received varying levels of agrochemical input. Ant assemblage structure and assemblages were not found to be impacted by pesticides. In contrast, ant assemblage structure was influenced by the presence of shelterbelts near the sampling area. Reasons for the resilience of ants to pesticides are given and assessment at the colony level instead of worker abundance is suggested. / An ant-exclusion experiment was designed to test the impact of native ants on both canopy and ground arthropods concurrently. The potential influence of ants on predation and parasitism on eggs of light brown apple moth (LBAM), a grape pest, was also examined. Adult grapevine scale insects and earwigs under bark were also counted after a season of ant-exclusion. While ant exclusion was successful, there was no detectable difference in the abundance of most arthropod orders and feeding groups between ant-excluded and control vines, although ground spiders were more abundant under ant-excluded vines, despite increased ground ant foraging pressure. LBAM egg parasitism and predation were low and probably affected by weather and other arthropods. Ant exclusion did not reduce survival of scale insects, although the distribution and abundance of scale insects were negatively associated with earwigs. Reasons for the lack of negative effects of ants are discussed. / The spatial patterns of ants were investigated with intensive pitfall trappings in two vineyards to examine if non-random patterns occur and whether these might be the result of competitive species interactions as well as non-crop vegetation adjacent to the vineyards. Null model analyses suggested competitive species interactions within ant assemblages that might have been driven by dominant species even though both positive and negative associations between dominants were also found. Consistent spatial aggregations indicated significant spatial overlap in distributions of some species. Such overlap suggests that potential co-existence might be attributed to temporal partitioning or differences in foraging strategies. The presence of vegetation had a marked influence on ant assemblage structure and competitive interactions, and might also facilitate co-existence by increasing resource heterogeneity. The implications of these findings for sampling strategies and ecological processes within vineyards are discussed. / This thesis has provided new information about ants in vineyards. The high ant diversity could be important in maintaining ecosystem services. Among the 33 ant genera recorded, Iridomyrmex, Paratrechina and Rhytidoponera have the greatest potential in contributing to canopy pest suppression although their associations with honeydew-producing hemipterans need to be considered. Stable isotope analysis or/and molecular gut content analysis should reveal their trophic position in vineyards. Evaluation of crop yield that is directly attributed to soil conditioning by ants in agroecosystems should be explored. The importance of landscape composition, complexity and connectivity is highlighted and role of agroecosystems in conserving biodiversity is emphasised. Future research should be directed towards understanding how landscape composition and complexity may enhance ant diversity and alter dynamics and interactions that may be functionally important (biological control, soil conditioning, etc) in a landscape context.

A Biblical evaluation of John Wimber's concept of power evangelism

Downs, David Rutherford. January 1989 (has links)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 1989. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [133]-143).

Modélisation de la dispersion aérienne de pesticides des échelles locales aux échelles régionales, influence des aménagements et quantification des niveaux d’exposition / Modelling pesticide dispersal in the atmosphere from local scale to regional scale, effect of topography, configuration and exposure level assessment.

Chahine, Ali 13 December 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est l'étude de la dispersion de pesticides à partir de parcelles de vigneet l'influence de l'aménagement de parcelles sur la dispersion. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons utilisé la méthode de simulation des grandes échelles (LES) et l'approche lagrangienne combinées avec des expérimentations. Pour l'étude de la dynamique du vent dans les couverts en rangs, une expérimentation a été conduite sur une parcelle de vigne. Le modèle Atmosphérique ARPS a été utilisé pour la modélisation de l'écoulement atmosphérique dans les couverts en rangs. Pour la validation du modèle, les différentes statistiques mesurées ont été comparées à celles simulées. L'accord entre les mesures et les prédictions du modèle était encourageant. L'expérimentation et la modélisation ont montré que l'écoulement dans les couverts en rangs se comporte différemment selon la direction du vent en termes d'organisation et de paramètres aérodynamiques. De plus, les structures cohérentes turbulentes dans les couverts en rangs sont quasi-indépendantes de la direction du vent et partagent les mêmes propriétés que dans les couverts homogènes horizontalement. Pour l'étude de la dispersion de pesticide à partir de la vigne, une expérimentation sur vigne artificielle a été menée. En parallèle, un modèle numérique de dispersion, qui repose sur le modèle de vigne validé, a été développé. Il est ressortit de la modélisation et de l'expérimentation que, à temps court, la dispersion de pesticides à l'échelle de quelques rangs de vigne est dominée par les jets d'air du sprayer. Les comparaisons qualitative et quantitative de la progression du nuage émis par le sprayer, des pertes verticales et des dépôts obtenus par simulation et expérimentation étaient assez satisfaisantes. Les résultats de l'expérimentation sur la dispersion sur vigne artificielle ont été combinés avec la modélisation numérique pour l'étude de la dispersion à l'échelle de la parcelle et l'analyse de l'influence des aménagements de parcelles sur la dispersion. L'analyse comparative des scénarios a montré que le maximum d'exposition des individus vivant à proximité de parcelle viticoles est observé quand les rangs de vigne sont parallèles à la direction moyenne du vent et que les haies d'arbre constituent une alternative pour réduire les niveaux d'exposition. / The aim of this work is to study pesticide dispersal from vineyards and the effect of the layingout of the vineyards on pesticide dispersal. For this purpose, we have used the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method and the lagrangian approach combined with the experiments. To examine the wind dynamic in row vegetable canopy, an experiment was achieved on a natural vineyard. The atmospheric model ARPS was used to model the atmospheric wind flow above and within row vegetable canopy. For validating the model, the measured wind flow statistics were compared to the simulated ones. The agreement between the measurement and the prediction of the model was encouraging. In addition, experiment and modeling have shown that the wind flow in the row vegetable canopy behave following the wind direction in term of the flow organization and aerodynamic parameters. Moreover, the turbulent coherent structures in row vegetable canopy are independent on the wind direction and share the same properties as in the horizontally homogeneous canopy. To study the pesticide dispersal from vineyard, an experiment on artificial vineyard was accomplished. In parallel, a numerical model lying on the validated row vegetable canopy model was developed. From both experiment and modeling, it appears that the short term pesticide dispersal at the scale of the few vine rows is dominated by the air jet sprayer. The qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the measured and simulated cloud spreading, upward loss and deposit were promising. The experimental results on pesticide dispersal from the artificial vineyard were combined with numerical modeling in order to analyze the pesticide dispersal at the scale of the vineyard and the effect of the vineyard laying out on the exposure level of the bystanders. Comparative analysis of the scenarios has shown that the maximum level of exposure is reached when the vine rows are parallel to the dominant wind direction and it can be reduced by using tree-wall.

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