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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicación de la microsimulación en el diseño de la intersección del Jirón San Martín y Ayacucho de la ciudad de Huánuco para garantizar la accesibilidad de la alta tasa de peatones / Application of microsimulation in the design of the intersection of the jiron san martín and ayacucho city of huánuco to ensure accessibility of the high rate of pedestrians

Curi Isidro, Bryan Neils, Delgado Garayar, Pool Bryan 13 December 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad brindar una alternativa de solución a la intersección del jirón San Martín y jirón Ayacucho para mejorar la accesibilidad de los peatones, tomando como indicadores de accesibilidad la densidad, tiempos de viaje, y conflictos peatón - vehículos. La tesis se clasifica en cinco capítulos, más referencias y anexos. El primer capítulo denominado introducción, abarca generalidades, estado del arte, justificación, realidad problemática, formulación del problema e hipótesis y objetivos. El segundo capítulo, Marco Teórico, define diversos conceptos de accesibilidad y de microsimulación peatonal. En la Metodología, se realizó el diagnóstico de la situación actual de la intersección del jirón San Martín y jirón Ayacucho. Reconociendo nuestros parámetros de accesibilidad, y los problemas que presenta la calle, proponiendo soluciones priorizando el desplazamiento de peatones. También, se incluye la microsimulación peatonal con VISSIM 9, en el cual se muestra la simulación del estado actual de la intersección, y en base a eso se realiza la propuesta de solución. El penúltimo capítulo desarrolla el análisis de la propuesta, comparando la situación actual de la intersección con la propuesta de mejora. Y finalizamos con las conclusiones y recomendaciones. A finalizar la investigación se concluye que las medidas adoptadas a la infraestructura peatonal de la intersección mejoran de forma efectiva la accesibilidad peatonal, tomando como indicadores la densidad, tiempos de viaje, y conflictos peatón - vehículo. Las velocidades peatonales disminuyen 12 segundos en promedio, la densidad peatonal disminuye de 2.1 peatones/m2 a 0.51 peatones/m2. Por último, los conflictos peatón – vehículos se logran reducir en un 61%. / The present research aims to provide an alternative solution to the intersection of Street San Martín and Street Ayacucho to improve accessibility for pedestrians, taking density, travel times, and pedestrian-vehicle conflicts as accessibility indicators. The thesis is classified into five chapters, plus references and annexes. The first chapter called introduction, covers generalities, state of the art, justification, problematic reality, formulation of the problem and hypotheses and objectives. The second chapter, Theoretical Framework, defines various concepts of accessibility and pedestrian microsimulation. In the Methodology, the diagnosis of the current situation of the intersection of Street San Martín and Street Ayacucho was carried out. Recognizing our accessibility parameters, and the problems that the street presents, proposing solutions prioritizing the movement of pedestrians. Also, the pedestrian microsimulation is included with VISSIM 9, in which the simulation of the current state of the intersection is shown, and based on that the solution proposal is made. The penultimate chapter develops the analysis of the proposal, comparing the current situation of the intersection with the improvement proposal. And we end with the conclusions and recommendations. At the end of the research, it is concluded that the measures adopted to the pedestrian infrastructure of the intersection effectively improve pedestrian accessibility, taking density, travel times, and pedestrian-vehicle conflicts as indicators. Pedestrian speeds decrease 12 seconds on average, pedestrian density decreases from 2.1 pedestrians/m2 to 0.51 pedestrians/m2. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Aplicación de la metodología continuous green-t en el diseño de la intersección entre las avenidas la fontana y circunvalación del golf de los incas para la reducción de las longitudes de cola / Application of Continuous-Green-T Methodology in the design of the intersection of La Fontana and Circunvalación del Golf Los Incas Avenues to reduce queue lengths

Miñano Flores, Juan Alfredo, Pineda Sanchez, Luis Arturo 10 December 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis propone una solución que reduzca las largas colas de vehículos generadas en la Av. La Fontana a través del rediseño del cruce con la Av. Circunvalación del Golf los Incas, transformándola en una intersección en T en verde continuo o CGT: Continuous Green-T por sus siglas en inglés. Partiendo de la microsimulación fiel a la realidad actual del cruce semaforizado en el software Vissim V9, la cual fue la calibrada según lineamientos de la FWHA y validada mediante parámetros de Wiedeman, considerando la geometría del área de estudio y el comportamiento de los conductores. En el primer capítulo aborda la problemática de la congestión vehicular en Lima, además de formular la hipótesis y plantear los objetivos del presente trabajo de investigación. El segundo capítulo desarrollará el marco teórico que respaldará los criterios adoptados, en este capítulo además se presenta la normativa que será respetada para el rediseño de la intersección, el REDEVU. El tercer capítulo describe la metodología que se utilizó para la recolección de datos en campo, pasando por el rol e importancia de los mismos durante el proceso de microsimulación. El cuarto capítulo analizará los resultados de la microsimulación del modelo actual contrastado con la propuesta, derivando en el cumplimiento del objetivo del modelo CGT reduciendo el 84 % de la longitud de cola promedio y de un 69% en la longitud máxima de cola para el acceso de la Av. La Fontana. El último capítulo finaliza la investigación definiendo las conclusiones y recomendación. / This thesis proposes a solution that reduces the long queues of vehicles generated in Av. La Fontana through the redesign of the intersection with Av. Circunvalación del Golf los Incas, transforming it into a CGT: Continuous Green -T Intersection. Starting from the microsimulation in accordance to the current reality of the signalized crossing in the Vissim V9 software, which was calibrated according to the FWHA guidelines and validated using Wiedemann parameters, considering the geometry of the study area and the behavior of the drivers. The first chapter, addresses the problem of traffic congestion in Lima, formulating the hypothesis and setting out the objectives of this research work. The second chapter will develop the theoretical framework that will support the adopted criteria, this chapter also presents the regulations that will be respected for the redesign of the intersection, the REDEVU. The third chapter describes the methodology that was used to collect data in the field, going through their role and importance during the microsimulation process. The fourth chapter will analyze the results of the microsimulation of the current scenario contrasted with the proposal, resulting in the fulfillment of the objective of the CGT model, reducing 84% of the average queue length and 69% in the maximum queue length for access Av. La Fontana. The last chapter ends the investigation defining the conclusions and recommendation. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Propuesta de intersección con Giro a la Izquierda Desplazado (DLT) para reducir la congestión vehicular en el cruce de la Panamericana Norte con la avenida Próceres de Huandoy / Proposed Displaced Left Turn (DLT) intersection to reduce traffic congestion at the intersection of the Panamericana Norte with Próceres de Huandoy avenue

Acuña Herrera, Brayan Edmundo, Amaya Mejia, Laura Camila 24 March 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como prioridad resolver el problema de congestión vehicular en el cruce de la Panamericana Norte con la avenida Próceres de Huandoy, ubicado en el distrito de los Olivos, Lima, Perú. Para resolver los problemas que aquejan a los usuarios de la intersección mencionada anteriormente se propuso implementar una intersección innovadora llamada Giro a la Izquierda Desplazada (DLT). El estudio se realizó teniendo en cuenta los principios microscópicos de simulación con el programa Vissim; con el fin de evaluar a detalle el comportamiento vehicular y peatonal de manera independiente, ya que el comportamiento de uno influye en las acciones de los demás. La intersección estudiada posee grandes aforos vehiculares y peatonales, y la relación entre vehículo y peatón se encuentra latente, ya que interactúan en medio de la calzada. Para realizar el estudio, se requirió dos visitas a campo con el fin de obtener datos para, posteriormente, evaluar la situación del tránsito actual y proponer las mejoras que los aforos demanden. Asimismo, se buscó que la solución propuesta sea perdurable en el tiempo. Por tal motivo, se analizaron los escenarios con proyecciones a un horizonte de 15 años en el futuro. Los tiempos de viajes vehiculares y las velocidades peatonales fueron los parámetros que ayudaron a la investigación calibrar y validar el modelo para que, finalmente, se obtenga las demoras vehiculares y peatonales. / The present investigation had as a priority to solve the problem of vehicular congestion at the intersection of the Panamericana Norte with Próceres de Huandoy avenue, located in the Los Olivos district, Lima, Peru. To solve the problems afflicting the users of the intersection, it was proposed to implement an innovative intersection called Displaced Left Turn (DLT). The study was carried out considering the microscopic principles of simulation with the Vissim program; to evaluate in detail, the vehicular and pedestrian behavior independently. Since the behavior of one influence the actions of others. The intersection studied has large vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the relationship between vehicle and pedestrian is latent since they interact in the middle of the road. To carry out the study, two field visits were required to obtain data to subsequently evaluate the current traffic situation and propose the improvements that the gauges demand. Likewise, it was sought that the proposed solution is lasting over time. For this reason, the scenarios with projections for a horizon of 15 years in the future were analysed. Vehicle travel times and pedestrian speeds were the parameters that helped the investigation calibrate and validate the model so that, finally, vehicular and pedestrian delays were obtained. / Tesis

Propuesta de diseño de una intersección doble diamante modificada multimodal en el cruce de las Avenidas Salaverry-Cádiz y Jirón Huiracocha, Lima / Proposal design of a modified multimodal Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) in the crossing of Salaverry-Cadiz Avenue and Huiracocha Street

Morales Gálvez, Jose Carlos, Tantalean Altamirano, Kevin Stephen 08 November 2021 (has links)
La intersección de las avenidas Salaverry, Cádiz y Jirón Huiracocha, en el límite de los distritos de San Isidro y Jesús María en Lima, se le considera de gran demanda vehicular, como peatonal, en donde la ausencia de pasos peatonales y ciclovías protegidas, y congestión vehicular generan sensación de inseguridad e ineficiencia en el sistema de tránsito urbano. Debido a esto, se realizó el estudio de tráfico y se planteó una Intersección Diamante Divergente (DDI, por sus siglas en inglés) como solución a esta perspectiva. El diseño geométrico, calibración y validación se realizaron con el programa Vissim 9 en búsqueda de la más eficiente alternativa en cuanto operatividad en una DDI. Para ello se obtuvieron los datos topográficos, toma de datos y extrapolación de los flujos vehiculares existentes. La propuesta elegida no satisfizo las expectativas planteadas al inicio de la investigación, por ello se modificó la operatividad existente con la finalidad de crear un entorno urbanístico cotidiano. Una intersección con una coordinación semafórica entre ambos cruces (Avenida Cádiz y Jirón Huiracocha) genera eficiencia y seguridad a los usuarios. La primera modificación fue realizar una apertura en la Avenida Salaverry con dirección al Jirón Huiracocha, el diseño de un ciclo semafórico y la exclusividad de cruce peatonal y ciclista. Por último, en cuanto la intersección con la Avenida Cádiz, se optimizó la seguridad de las ciclovías existentes al evitar el cruce directo con las arterias viales. Con estas modificaciones, se logró mejorar el sistema en un 7% para operatividad vehicular y un 70% en cuanto a los flujos peatonales. De esto se concluye que los tiempos de viaje, demoras y longitudes de cola vehicular se reducen frente a la situación actual. Además, el flujo de todos los usuarios se desarrolla en armonía, sin elevados tiempos de espera o elevada demanda vial en ciertos tramos del caso de estudio. / The intersection of Salaverry - Cadiz Avenues and Huiracocha street, in the limits of San Isidro and Jesús María districts in Lima, is known by its vehicular and pedestrian massive demand, where the absence of protected pedestrian crossings, bicycle path and traffic congestion generate insecurity and inefficiency in the local transit system. Due to this, the traffic study was carried out by a Diverging Diamond Intersection (DDI) as an alternative to enhance these shortcomings. The geometric design, calibration and validation were developed with Vissim 9 modeling program in search of the most efficient alternative in terms of operability in a DDI, according to its traffic light cycle and geometric design. As inputs parameters were necessary topographic data, data collection and extrapolation of existing vehicle flows. The chosen proposal did not reach the expectations at the beginning of the research; therefore, the existing traffic operability was modified in order to create a daily urban environment. An intersection with coordinated traffic lights between both intersections (Cádiz-Salaverry Avenue and Huiracocha Street) generates efficiency and safety for users. The first modification was to make an opening on Salaverry Avenue in the direction of Huiracocha street, the design of a traffic light cycle and the exclusivity path of pedestrian and bicycle. Finally, regarding the intersection at Cadiz-Salaverry Avenues, the safety of the existing bicycle roads was optimized by avoiding direct crossing on these road arteries. / Tesis

Mejora de la circulación vehicular en la Av. Malecón Checa entre las intersecciones Av. Pirámide del Sol y Jr. Chinchaysuyo mediante el diseño de un Bypass en el margen derecho del rio Rímac / Improvement of vehicular circulation in Av. Malecón Checa between intersections Av. Pirámide del Sol and Jr. Chinchaysuyo through the desing of a Bypass on the right edge of the Rímac river

Obando Chávez, Anthony Gabriel, Portocarrero Seopa, Jose Antonio 09 December 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis realiza el estudio de la situación actual de dos intersecciones de la Av. Malecón Checa y se propone una solución para mejorar la circulación vehicular al reducir la longitud de cola promedio y aumentar la velocidad promedio vehicular en aquella avenida para ambos sentidos. El estudio es validado y calibrado a través de las variables Wiedemann 74 utilizando como parámetro de eficiencia los tiempos de viaje. Los dos primeros capítulos presentan la problemática en la zona, la justificación, los antecedentes y se define la hipótesis; también, el desarrollo que se seguirá siguiendo un objetivo general y otros específicos, las limitaciones que tendrá el estudio y finalmente el marco teórico de este proyecto. Luego se compara los diferentes tipos de modelación de tráfico vehicular, se detalla por qué se escogió el modelo microscópico, sus fundamentos y su aplicación en el software Vissim 9. El capítulo 3 precisa el tipo y diseño de investigación; así como la metodología empleada para el desarrollo de la tesis, el procedimiento de recolección de datos basado en aforos realizados y el desarrollo de la microsimulación en el software Vissim. El capítulo 4 presenta los resultados de la microsimulación para la situación actual de la zona de estudio. Posterior a ello se presentan 2 propuestas de mejoras, la primera abarca una optimización de los ciclos semafóricos y la adición de un giro protegido. La segunda propuesta consiste en la implementación de un intercambio a desnivel en el sentido oeste a este. Ambas propuestas se evalúan individualmente y luego en conjunto. Finalmente se comparan los resultados propuestos con las condiciones actuales. El capítulo 5 nos presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones, / The present thesis carries out the study of the current situation of two intersections of the Av. Malecón Checa and a solution is proposed to improve vehicular circulation by reducing the average length of the queue and increasing the average vehicular speed on that avenue for both directions. The study is validated and calibrated through the Wiedemann variables 74 using travel times as an efficiency parameter. The first two chapters present the problem in the area, the justification, the background and the hypothesis is defined; Also, the development that will continue to follow a general objective and other specific ones, the limitations that the study will have and finally the theoretical framework of this project. Then the different types of vehicle traffic modeling are compared, it is detailed why the microscopic model was chosen, its fundamentals and its application in the Vissim 9 software. Chapter 3 specifies the type and design of the investigation; as well as the methodology used for the development of the thesis, the data collection procedure based on the measurements carried out and the development of the microsimulation in the Vissim software. Chapter 4 presents the microsimulation results for the current situation in the study area. After this, 2 proposals for improvements are presented, the first one covers an optimization of traffic light cycles and the addition of a protected turn. The second proposal consists of the implementation of an uneven interchange in the west to east direction. Both proposals are evaluated individually and then together. Finally, the proposed results are compared with current conditions. Chapter 5 presents the conclusions and recommendations, / Tesis

Reducción de la Longitud de Cola Vehicular en la Estación de peaje Variante de la Red Vial 05 a través de la mejora del diseño geométrico y la implementación de sistemas inteligentes de transporte / Reduction of the Length of the Vehicle Queue at the Variant Toll Station of the Road Network 05 through the improvement of the geometric design and the implementation of intelligent transport systems

Aburto Girón, Javier Antonio, Contreras Saavedra, María Dolores 16 December 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis propone una alternativa de solución para la reducción de la longitud de cola vehicular que se registra en la unidad de peaje Variante, a través de un rediseño geométrico, así como la instalación de sistemas inteligentes de transporte. Para la elaboración de esta propuesta se analizó la problemática que se presenta de forma diaria de dicha unidad de peaje, la misma que afecta a miles de usuarios, generando malestar, pérdida de tiempo y en general insatisfacción del servicio que se brinda en dichas instalaciones. La propuesta fue analizada a través microsimulación con el software Vissim, usando un modelo de calibración y validación a fin de simular la situación real de la zona. En el Capítulo 1 se plantea a problemática, antecedes de trabajos relacionados, desarrollo de la hipótesis, planteamiento de objetivos de la presente investigación. En el Capítulo 2 se ha desarrollado el marco teórico el mismo que sustenta el modelo de microsimulación. En el Capítulo 3 se describe la metodología usada, la misma que inició con la recolección de data de campo hasta la calibración y validación del modelo de microsimulación. En el Capítulo 4 se hace la presentación de los resultados de la situación actual y la simulación de la propuesta de mejora del diseño geométrico e instalación de un sistema inteligente de transporte, con lo cual se logra la reducción de la longitud de cola de hasta un 42% en horas pico. En el Capítulo 5 se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones que se logran con el presente trabajo. / This thesis proposes an alternative solution to reduce the length of the vehicular queue at the Variante Toll Unit, through a geometric redesign, as well as the installation of intelligent transportation systems. For the elaboration of this proposal, the problems that occur on a daily basis at this toll unit were analyzed, which affect thousands of users, generating discomfort, loss of time and in general dissatisfaction with the service provided at these facilities. The proposal was analyzed through microsimulation with Vissim software, using a calibration and validation model to simulate the real situation in the area. Chapter 1 presents the problem, the background of related works, the development of the hypothesis, and the objectives of this research. In Chapter 2, the theoretical framework that supports the microsimulation model is developed. In Chapter 3 the methodology used is described, the same one that began with the collection of field data until the calibration and validation of the microsimulation model. Chapter 4 presents the results of the current situation and the simulation of the proposal to improve the geometric design and installation of an intelligent transport system, thereby reducing the queue length of up to one 42% in peak hours. In Chapter 5 the conclusions and recommendations that are achieved with this work are presented. / Tesis

Propuesta de semaforización actuada con detección de presencia peatonal, en la intersección de la Av. Huandoy con la carretera Panamericana Norte, para reducir el tiempo de cruce peatonal y la longitud de cola vehicular / Proposal for fully actuated signal control with pedestrian presence detection, at the intersection of the Panamerican highway with Huandoy avenue, to reduce the time pedestrian crossing and the length of the vehicle queue

Jauregui Obando, Christian André, Torres Domínguez, María Donata 26 July 2021 (has links)
Un problema considerable en Lima es el congestionamiento vehicular, debido al crecimiento demográfico continuo, el centralismo, la escasa planificación urbanística y el crecimiento sostenido del parque automotor. La presente tesis se centra en la intersección de la carretera Panamericana Norte con la avenida Huandoy distrito de Los Olivos. La realidad problemática presente en la intersección es la gran variabilidad del flujo peatonal y vehicular bajo un sistema de semáforo de tiempo fijo. Por ende, la consecuencia de este tipo de semáforos aumenta los tiempos de cruce peatonal, es decir el tiempo que demoran los peatones en cruzar la vía y las longitudes de colas vehiculares. La investigación propone el diseño de un ciclo semafórico completamente actuado cuyo objetivo es captar la densidad de peatones en las islas de refugio y dar prioridad de paso de acuerdo con las necesidades del entorno. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de identificación de los volúmenes, tanto de peatones como de vehículos y en los que al realizar los flujogramas para un intervalo de 15 minutos se demostró la alta variabilidad de volúmenes presentes en una hora. El modelo de control de prioridad óptimo se simula y valida. Así mismo, se hace uso del módulo VisVAP del programa Vissim, para asignar la condicional de cruce. Finalmente. los resultados demuestran que, se redujo el tiempo de cruce peatonal en el sentido oeste a este en 6.38% y en 20.84% la longitud de cola vehicular. Además, se mejoró la geometría vial, esto permitió mayor área para la isla de refugio. / A major problem in Lima is vehicle congestion, due to continued population growth, centralism, poor urban planning and the growth of the automotive fleet. This thesis focuses on the intersection of the Panamerican highway with Huandoy avenue in the Los Olivos district. The problematic reality present at the intersection is the traffic light at fixed time as a traffic regulator. Owing to this, the system is inefficient for the great variability of pedestrian and vehicular volumes in the study area. And the consequence of this type directly prejudice pedestrian crossing times and vehicle queue lengths. The research proposes the design of a fully actuated signal control whose objective is to detect the density of pedestrian on the refuge islands and prioritize the passage according to needs of the environment. To do this, a study was carried out to identify the volumes, both of pedestrians and vehicles, and when performing the flow charts for a n interval of 15 minutes, the high variability of volumes present in one hour was demonstrated. The optimal priority control model is simulated and validated. Likewise, the VisVap module of the Vissim9 program is used to assign the crossing condition. Finally, the results show that the pedestrian crossing time was reduced by 6.38% and the length of vehicle queues by 20.84 %. In addition, the road geometry was improved, this allowed more area for the refuge island. / Tesis

A New Methodology for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bus Rapid Transit Strategies

Alomari, Ahmad 01 January 2015 (has links)
Over the last few years, public transportation has become more desirable as capacity of existing roadways failed to keep up with rapidly increasing traffic demand. Buses are one of the most common modes of public transportation with low impact on network capacity, especially in small and congested urban areas. However, the use of regularly scheduled buses as the main public transport mode can become useless with the presence of traffic congestion and dense construction areas. In cases like these, innovative solutions, such as bus rapid transit (BRT), can provide an increased level of service without having to resort to other, more expensive modes, such as light rail transit (LRT) and metro systems (subways). Transit signal priority (TSP), which provides priority to approaching buses at signalized intersections by extending the green or truncating the red, can also increase the performance of the bus service. Understanding the combined impact of TSP and BRT on network traffic operations can be complex. Although TSP has been implemented worldwide, none of the previous studies have examined in depth the effects of using conditional and unconditional TSP strategies with a BRT system. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of BRT without TSP, then with conditional or unconditional TSP strategies. The micro-simulation software VISSIM was used to compare different TSP and BRT scenarios. These simulation scenarios include the base scenario (before implementation of the TSP and BRT systems), Unconditional TSP (TSP activates for all buses), Conditional TSP 3 minutes behind (TSP only activates for buses that are 3 minutes or more behind schedule), Conditional TSP 5 minutes behind (only activates for buses 5 minutes or more behind schedule), BRT with no TSP, BRT with Unconditional TSP, BRT with Conditional TSP 3 minutes behind, and BRT with Conditional TSP 5 minutes behind. The VISSIM simulation model was developed, calibrated and validated using a variety of data that was collected in the field. These data included geometric data, (number of lanes, intersection geometries, etc.); traffic data (average daily traffic volumes at major intersections, turning movement percentages at intersections, heavy vehicle percentages, bus passenger data, etc.); and traffic control data (signal types, timings and phasings, split history, etc.). Using this field data ensured the simulation model was sufficient for modeling the test corridor. From this model, the main performance parameters (for all vehicles and for buses only) for through movements in both directions (eastbound and westbound) along the corridor were analyzed for the various BRT/TSP scenarios. These parameters included average travel times, average speed profiles, average delays, and average number of stops. As part of a holistic approach, the effects of BRT and TSP on crossing street delay were also evaluated. Simulation results showed that TSP and BRT scenarios were effective in reducing travel times (up to 26 %) and delays (up to 64%), as well as increasing the speed (up to 47%), compared to the base scenario. The most effective scenarios were achieved by combining BRT and TSP. Results also showed that BRT with Conditional TSP 3 minutes behind significantly improved travel times (17 – 26%), average speed (30 – 39%), and average total delay per vehicle (11 – 32%) for the main corridor through movements compared with the base scenario, with only minor effects on crossing street delays. BRT with Unconditional TSP resulted in significant crossing street delays, especially at major intersections with high traffic demand, which indicates that this scenario is impractical for implementation in the corridor. Additionally, BRT with Conditional TSP 3 minutes behind had better travel time savings than BRT with Conditional TSP 5 minutes behind for both travel directions, making this the most beneficial scenario. This research provided an innovative approach by using nested sets (hierarchical design) of TSP and BRT combination scenarios. Coupled with microscopic simulation, nested sets in the hierarchical design are used to evaluate the effectiveness of BRT without TSP, then with conditional or unconditional TSP strategies. The robust methodology developed in this research can be applied to any corridor to understand the combined TSP and BRT effects on traffic performance. Presenting the results in an organized fashion like this can be helpful in decision making. This research investigated the effects of BRT along I-Drive corridor (before and after conditions) at the intersection level. Intersection analysis demonstrated based on real life data for the before and after the construction of BRT using the Highway Capacity SoftwareTM (HCS2010) that was built based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2010) procedures for urban streets and signalized intersections. The performance measure used in this analysis is the level of service (LOS) criteria which depends on the control delay (seconds per vehicle) for each approach and for the entire intersection. The results show that implementing BRT did not change the LOS. However, the control delay has improved at most of the intersections' approaches. The majority of intersections operated with an overall LOS "C" or better except for Kirkman Road intersection (T2) with LOS "E" because it has the highest traffic volumes before and after BRT construction. This research also used regression analysis to observe the effect of the tested scenarios analyzed in VISSIM software compared to the No TSP – No BRT base model for all vehicles and for buses only. The developed regression model can predict the effect of each scenario on each studied Measures of Performance (MOE). Minitab statistical software was used to conduct this multiple regression analysis. The developed models with real life data input are able to predict how proposed enhancements change the studied MOEs. The BRT models presented in this research can be used for further sensitivity analysis on a larger regional network in the upcoming regional expansion of the transit system in Central Florida. Since this research demonstrated the operational functionality and effectiveness of BRT and TSP systems in this critical corridor in Central Florida, these systems' accomplishments can be expanded throughout the state of Florida to provide greater benefits to transit passengers. Furthermore, to demonstrate the methodology developed in this research, it is applied to a test corridor along International Drive (I-Drive) in Orlando, Florida. This corridor is key for regional economic prosperity of Central Florida and the novel approach developed in this dissertation can be expanded to other transit systems.

A Microsimulation of Traffic, Parking, and Emissions at California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo

Kilbert, Steven Michael 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Traffic and parking congestion are significant issues at many universities nationwide. The delays experienced result in wasted time, money, and fuel for students, faculty and staff, not to mention the negative contributions to the environment. This paper quantifies the amount of vehicle emissions generated during an average morning peak hour in the university environment. Using VISSIM and CMEM microsimulation packages, a model is created for California Polytechnic State University- San Luis Obispo to aggregate the collective transportation behaviors and practices of the campus and recognize the implications these behaviors pose on the transportation network as a whole. Reasonable estimates are generated for overall HC, CO, and NOx type emissions as well as fuel consumption. Scenarios are proposed which reflect the sensitivity of outputs to key input parameters. The findings of this research can be useful for future campus planning and the ideas can be extended to similar environments with traffic and parking problems such as business parks, corporate campuses, downtown districts, and special event venues.

Microscopic Assessment Of Transportation Emissions On Limited Access Highways

Abou-Senna, Hatem 01 January 2012 (has links)
On-road vehicles are a major source of transportation carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas emissions in all the developed countries, and in many of the developing countries in the world. Similarly, several criteria air pollutants are associated with transportation, e.g., carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM). The need to accurately quantify transportation-related emissions from vehicles is essential. Transportation agencies and researchers in the past have estimated emissions using one average speed and volume on a long stretch of roadway. With MOVES, there is an opportunity for higher precision and accuracy. Integrating a microscopic traffic simulation model (such as VISSIM) with MOVES allows one to obtain precise and accurate emissions estimates. The new United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) mobile source emissions model, MOVES2010a (MOVES) can estimate vehicle emissions on a second-by-second basis creating the opportunity to develop new software ―VIMIS 1.0‖ (VISSIM/MOVES Integration Software) to facilitate the integration process. This research presents a microscopic examination of five key transportation parameters (traffic volume, speed, truck percentage, road grade and temperature) on a 10-mile stretch of Interstate 4 (I- 4) test bed prototype; an urban limited access highway corridor in Orlando, Florida. iv The analysis was conducted utilizing VIMIS 1.0 and using an advanced custom design technique; D-Optimality and I-Optimality criteria, to identify active factors and to ensure precision in estimating the regression coefficients as well as the response variable. The analysis of the experiment identified the optimal settings of the key factors and resulted in the development of Micro-TEM (Microscopic Transportation Emissions MetaModel). The main purpose of Micro-TEM is to serve as a substitute model for predicting transportation emissions on limited access highways in lieu of running simulations using a traffic model and integrating the results in an emissions model to an acceptable degree of accuracy. Furthermore, significant emission rate reductions were observed from the experiment on the modeled corridor especially for speeds between 55 and 60 mph while maintaining up to 80% and 90% of the freeway‘s capacity. However, vehicle activity characterization in terms of speed was shown to have a significant impact on the emission estimation approach. Four different approaches were further examined to capture the environmental impacts of vehicular operations on the modeled test bed prototype. First, (at the most basic level), emissions were estimated for the entire 10-mile section ―by hand‖ using one average traffic volume and average speed. Then, three advanced levels of detail were studied using VISSIM/MOVES to analyze smaller links: average speeds and volumes (AVG), second-bysecond link driving schedules (LDS), and second-by-second operating mode distributions (OPMODE). This research analyzed how the various approaches affect predicted emissions of CO, NOx, PM and CO2. v The results demonstrated that obtaining accurate and comprehensive operating mode distributions on a second-by-second basis improves emission estimates. Specifically, emission rates were found to be highly sensitive to stop-and-go traffic and the associated driving cycles of acceleration, deceleration, frequent braking/coasting and idling. Using the AVG or LDS approach may overestimate or underestimate emissions, respectively, compared to an operating mode distribution approach. Additionally, model applications and mitigation scenarios were examined on the modeled corridor to evaluate the environmental impacts in terms of vehicular emissions and at the same time validate the developed model ―Micro-TEM‖. Mitigation scenarios included the future implementation of managed lanes (ML) along with the general use lanes (GUL) on the I-4 corridor, the currently implemented variable speed limits (VSL) scenario as well as a hypothetical restricted truck lane (RTL) scenario. Results of the mitigation scenarios showed an overall speed improvement on the corridor which resulted in overall reduction in emissions and emission rates when compared to the existing condition (EX) scenario and specifically on link by link basis for the RTL scenario. The proposed emission rate estimation process also can be extended to gridded emissions for ozone modeling, or to localized air quality dispersion modeling, where temporal and spatial resolution of emissions is essential to predict the concentration of pollutants near roadways

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