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Parametrizace dyskomfortu organismu řidiče a spolujezdce při monotónní zátěži v průběhu jízdy osobním automobilem / Parameterization of body discomfort of driver and front passanger in a monotone load during driving by carKaucová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Parameterization of body discomfort of driver and front passanger in a monotone load during driving by car Objectives: The aim of this work based on the implemented case study is determination utilization of selected subjective and objective methods to assess discomfort sitting position of driver and front passanger in the monotone load during driving by car. Methods: This thesis is type of descriptive - association qualitative research. In practical part the objective discomfort parameters were monitored using Mobile system for scanning and evaluation of occupational safety and hygiene and the subjective parameters using Questionnaire physical map in combination with modified Borg scale, the mental state was monitored using modified questionnaire POMS. Results: Detailed link was not proved in context of subjective and objective methods or roles, the measurements were too influenced by entering factors and variability of observed objective parameters. The skin temperature, wetness and heart rate appear to be unsuitable for monitoring the sitting discomfort in realistic conditions, subjective methods are usable in research. Their results showed that the subjective discomfort and fatigue grew more during ride back. Pause resulted in reduced subjective discomfort. Keywords: skin temperature,...
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Tok vlhkosti a atmosférické srážky v Evropě / Moisture fluxes and precipitation in EuropeLemarie, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the influnence of moisture flux and variables, it is derived from, on rainfall in Europe. Sources of this thesis are the NCAR/NCEP and the ERA-40 reanalysis and the GPCC and the ECA&D rainfall databases. A western moisture flux prevails on studied 850 hPa isobaric level, it reaches the highest intensities over the Atlantic around 55th parallel of latitude. There is the highest correlation between moisture flux magnitude and monthly rainfall in winter on the western coast of Europe and it decreases in summer and eastwards. The correlation is very weak or none in some parts of Europe, especially in the eastern Mediterranean. Extremely wet months are related with different intensive moisture flux directions in different parts of Europe, for example there is the highest correlation of monthly rainfall with the northern moisture flux in the Czech Republic. Several selected heavy precipitation episodes in Europe are presented in this thesis - during them the moisture flux anomaly is observed, but it differs in orientation and intensity. A high wind speed causes this anomaly more frequently than a humidity. This does not apply to every event, furher research is needed to draw general patterns of moisture flux during high precipitation events.
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Vlhkost a její transport v připovrchové zóně kvádrového pískovce / Moisture and its transport in shallow subsurface of quartz sandstoneSvobodová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with moisture transport in porous medium of quartz sandstone. Capillary water and its movement is crucial for processes such as salt and frost weathering, growth of organisms and development of honeycombs and tafone. However, moisture transport is still not well described. I focused particularly on two new methods applied to sandstone investigation. In the laboratory I studied moisture transport in sandstone samples by means of repeated injection of uranine solution. I observed the evolution of evaporation front based on the changes in solution concentration indicated by difference in color of uranine solution. Additionally I investigated moisture content in the shallow subsurface of sandstone outcrops in the field using suction pressure and moisture content measurements by microtensiometers and TDR in three locations in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. Uranine proved to be an excellent tracer for visualization of the evaporation front geometry and its evolution in time. The results suggest that moisture transport is considerably affected by the presence of biofilms which are hydrophobic and retain moisture transport to surface. In addition, the values of suction pressure measured in honeycombs and a tafone are in agreement with the salt weathering model proposed by Huinink et al. (2004).
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Vliv teploty a vlhkosti vnějšího prostředí na rozmnožování včely medonosné (Apis mellifera) / Effect of temperature and humidity of the environment on reproduction of honeybees (Apis mellifera)KAŠPARŮ, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation on the influence of temperature and humidity of the environment on the reproduction of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) describes the effect of the observed physical quantities on the entire bee during the growing season. Three habitats were monitored under different conditions. The measuring devices were always located inside and outside one colony of each habitat. In cooperation with colleagues from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ČVUT in Prague, the physical parameters monitoring was extended by monitoring the sound and weight of the hives - hive assemblies at the site located at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of South Bohemia. The data collection system in beehives was designed as a fully autonomous modular system. Measured data was processed and evaluated by statistical programs. The results showed that the hives observed differ in the number of bee queens found in the growing season and also in the number of frames found. Near-fetal temperatures were measured for correct development of the bee (32 °C to 36 °C). Colonies in the observed periods of 2014, 2015 and 2016 had to actively increase the relative humidity inside the hive in spring and summer. The colony reacts to changes in air temperature by varying intensity of sound. The results revealed the differences between the intensity of bee sounds in different temperature conditions. The highest sound intensity was detected at temperatures below 10 ° C (36.71 W.m-2), the lowest being at temperatures above 29.4 °C (26.25 W.m-2). The correlation coefficients were very low (r = 0.180) to medium (r = 0.463) and the correlation coefficient (r = 0.555) changed with a change in the temperature group. In order to evaluate the optimal conditions for honeybee rearing, the temperature and humidity monitoring can be used. The most suitable temperatures were in the range (29.5-34.3 °C) and temperatures above 34.4 °C. In terms of humidity, the temperature range (20-29.4 °C) and (29.5-34.3 °C) are the most appropriate. Changes in the observed values also affect the queen's bee in the colony. The data obtained from the long-term monitoring of these variables can help us to construct a THI index for bees, which would be a suitable tool to evaluate the optimal conditions for bees.
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Vliv relativní vzdušné vlhkosti dřevostaveb na kvalitu jejího vnitřního prostředíVíšek, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the quality of the internal environment of wooden buildings, especially the quality of the indoor environment interior loaded VOC emissions. The main goal of this work is to analyze the influence of relative humidity constructions on the quality of the indoor environment in the region Mountains. As assessed buildings were elected four wooden buildings, one of which is a frame structure, the second is half-timbered, and the other two are made with timber construction.Sampling methodology VOC emissions from the interior of the investigation based on the standard DIN EN ISO 16000 1 and 5. Sampling polluted indoor air was performed using a membrane pump Gilian LFS - 113DC, the collected air samples were collected in metal sorption tubes that are filled with TENAX TA sorbent. Indoor Environmental Quality assessed based constructions of wood was monitored during one calendar year, with the influence of the season on emissions of VOC(Fall, Winter, Spring ).Part of this work was to also assess the impact of age of the building and its material composition on the emission of volatile organic compounds assessed based constructions of wood.Detected concentrations of VOCs elected representatives were subsequently compared with the limit concentration by the Ministry of Health Decree No. 6/2003 Coll. , Laying down the health limits of chemical, physical and biological indicators of residential rooms inside certain buildings.
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Dynamika vlhkosti půdy při pěstování jarního ječmene v podmínkách minimálního a tradičního zpracování půdyJežová, Marie January 1971 (has links)
No description available.
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Mikroklimatické parametry ve stájích pro dojený skot a jejich vliv na užitkovost / Microclimate parameters in the stables for dairy cattle and their impact on milk production.BILEC, Stanislav January 2015 (has links)
The aim of presented work was the evaluation of the effect of microclimate parameters on cows milk production. The observation of these scientific problems runs on the farm near Tábor from the February 2014 to the February 2015. 180 dairy cows Holstein cattle were stabled in loose housing without bedding.
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Analýza vybraných potravin metodou NIRBočková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
BOČKOVÁ, T. Analysis of selected foods by NIR, Master thesis, MENDELU in Brno, 2015, 72p. The aim of the thesis was to examine samples of regionally grown cereals, oilseeds and legumes using NIR analyzer DA 7200 and compare the results to the tables and chemical analysis. A total of 26 samples were used. For the whole, crushed and milled grains and seeds, according to the type of the sample, analysis of water, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat and starch were made. The content of crude protein was verified by the chemical laboratory. NIR measurements showed discrepancies in the case of evaluation of individual substances for the whole, crushed and milled grains or seeds, although the same material was used and the measured values should be similar. We have detected for example crude protein content in Apache (Litava) wheat sample by NIRS analysis 129,3 +- 1,78 g.kg-1 for the whole grains, 116,5 +- 0,72 g.kg-1 for the crushed grains and 100,9 +- 2,71 g.kg-1 for the milled grains. The chemical analysis for the same sample showed the value of 120,8 g.kg-1. According to the literature, the crude protein content in wheat should be between 118 and 132,1 g.kg-1. When evaluating the characteristics of the whole, crushed and milled samples crude protein content reached 135,6 +- 8,78 g.kg-1 for the whole, 132,3 +- 9,97 g.kg-1 for the crushed and 130,5 +- 11,55 g.kg-1 for the milled samples. Given that the crude protein measurement results were in accordance with the chemical analyses and the tabular values, it is apparent that the NIR analyzer is working properly. The results of this thesis, however, bring the presumption that the device setting is now not suitable for multiple analyses of different materials.
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Ověření tepelné vodivosti dřevěných materiálů / Verification of thermal conductivity of wood materialsKostka, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with verifying the thermal conductivity and other thermophysical properties of different types of wood (spruce, oak, ash and maple). A special device ISOMET 2104, which is based on dynamic method of measurement, was used. Three different samples for each type of wood were used (for example, different age of trees). Values of the thermal conductivity, the thermal diffusivity and the specific heat capacity, depending on the gradually decreasing moisture of wood, were obtained. The key point of this study was finding that the values of thermophysical properties of wood materials vary significantly depending on the age, growing conditions, properties of the soil and other factors. Some of the data correspond with previously published studies but other data are in contrast to them.
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Specifika mikroklimatu pšenice a výskyt vybraných patogenů v této souvislostiMinaříková, Ladislava January 2016 (has links)
In 2015, the microclimatic monitoring of winter wheat canopy in location of Branišovice and Žabčice (the Czech Republic, central Europe) was established. Air temperature and humidity were measured in the ground layer of the vegetation. The soil temperature was measured in the depth of 5 centimetres. Measured data were compared with the data from the nearest climatological weather stations. Charts of differences between the microclimate of the undergrowth and the climate at the station were created. Data were evaluated using linear or polynomial regression analysis to create relation models between observed meteorological measurements. According to the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture methods, the occurrence of the leaf pathogens was observed. The development of temperatures and humidity had been evaluated before the diseases struck.
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