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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MDF kompozity AC-PVAl se zvýšenou odolností proti vlhkosti / MDF composites AC-PVAl with increased moisture resistance

Repka, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Polymerem impregnované cementové materiály představují zajímavou a perspektivní alternativu klasických portlandských cementových past. Hlavním zástupcem těchto materiálů jsou macrodefect-free (MDF) kompozity, složené z anorganického pojiva a organického polymeru. I přes řadu vynikajících mechanických vlastností je plné zavedení MDF kompozitů na trh omezené především z důvodu jejich relativně nízké odolnosti vůči vlhkosti. Jednou z možností jak zvýšit odolnost výsledného MDF vůči vlhkosti je „in situ“ síťování polymeru. V této práci byla připravena počáteční série MDF kompozitů na bázi hlinitanového cementu a polyvinylalkoholu se třemi typy organo-titanátových síťovacích činidel (Tyzory). Efekt modifikace MDF kompozitů byl hodnocen na základě zkoušek pevnosti v tahu za ohybu po uložení materiálů v různých vlhkostních podmínkách.

Experimentální měření v oblasti průmyslového sušení textilu / Experimental measurement in the area of industrial drying of textile

Gutovský, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to provide and explore main factors that affect a drying process. The first part contains brief description of the drying process and focuses on a convectional industrial drying process. The following section discusses the theory of an experiment planning followed by an experiment design of the compact tumble industrial dryer. The thesis also includes an exact description of the executed experiment, then outputs of the measurements and model characterizing the drying process of the tested dryer. The last part deals with the methodology and recommendations for the measurements in operating conditions.

Syntéza vysokopevnostních kompozitů na bázi anorganického cementu a polymeru / Synthesis of High-Strength Composites Based on Inorganic Cement and Polymer

Másilko, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the doctoral thesis is the study of moisture resistance of macro-defect-free (MDF) composites based on calcium-aluminate cement and polyvinylalcohol used as polymer. MDF cements are perspective materials providing unique properties relative to traditional cement pastes with great potential to incoming constructional utilization. But it is known that MDF cements exhibit sensitivity to water, with swelling and reduction of strength. Therefore the work is aimed in monitoring of an organic polymer effect on the moisture resistance of MDF materials and phase changes. The effects of three different organotitanate cross-linking agents on the properties were investigated. The organotitanate-modified MDF cement samples exhibited improved moisture resistance as compared to the standard samples when exposed to 100 % relative humidity or water at laboratory conditions. The influence of composition at different curing on the properties of model MDF cement samples was observed. The characterization of MDF samples was based especially on test of flexural strength, XRD, DTA/TGA and EGA, EDS and scanning electron microscopy analyses.

Systém pro měření teploty, tlaku a vlhkosti ve výrobní hale / Temperature, pressure and humidity monitoring system for a workshop floor

Kudera, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of overall concept of distributed system which is used for temperature, pressure and humidity measurement. The system is adapted to be used in instrument transformers and sensors production hall of ABB s.r.o. Brno. Firstly, the requirements for the measuring system are defined. After that market research focused on sensors and measurement modules is performed. The selected sensor is afterwards built into own measurement module for which hardware and software part is designed. The work continues with design of local and remote database of measured values. Besides, the PC software used for local and remote data storage is designed afterwards. The components of the measurement system are tested in the final part of the thesis.

Vztah anomálií toků vlhkosti, extrémních srážek a povodní ve střední Evropě / Relationship among moisture flux anomalies, extreme precipitation, and floods in central Europe

Gvoždíková, Blanka January 2021 (has links)
Floods associated with extreme precipitation are one of the most serious natural hazards, which produce substantial human and socio-economic losses in central Europe. One way to reduce the impact of flooding is by increasing preparedness with better flood forecasts and warnings, which is not possible without a proper understanding of physical processes leading to a flood hazard. However, frequent research on floods in relation to causal precipitation and synoptic conditions is usually carried out regionally, although some events often affect areas of a size of entire countries or even larger. The thesis was focused exactly on these large-scale precipitation and flood events that occurred in the second half of the 20th century and then until 2013, for which the size of the affected area is as crucial in the extremity assessment as the magnitude of flood discharges or precipitation totals. The extremity indices used for the assessment of extreme precipitation and flood events connected both aspects. The larger area of interest defined within central Europe allowed examining the spatial structure of events, the differences between them, and their relation to conditions in the atmosphere. To connect the extremes of precipitation with extremes in atmospheric conditions, the causal circulation was...

Technické a technologické řešení stavební údržby, případně sanace spodní stavby domu s cílem odstranění nadbytečné vlhkosti. / Technical and technological solutions building maintenance, rehabilitation or construction of the lower house in order to remove excess moisture.

BLÁHA, Bohumil January 2012 (has links)
The thesis aimed to examine the problem of excessive moisture in existing buildings and to design a suitable construction and technological procedure including the analysis of particular options and their economic analysis. For this purpose I chose a particular family house with excessive moisture. I elaborated basic characteristics of the building, where I described the age of all parts affected by moisture. Next I described used material, that was incorporated into the ground plan of the house. To make a complex view I described the surroundings of the building as well. Apart from that I worked out a basic reconnaissance of the bedrock, which included the analysis of radon threat analysis. Furthermore, I described the moisutre manifestations in the building and their possible causes. Based on this analysis I suggested a construction and technological procedures consisting of two solution options, which were in detail described and incorporated into the ground plan of the building. I calculated the costs of both solutions and finally the most suitable solution was chosen with a corresponding proper explanation.

Analýza transportu vzdušné vlhkosti v obalových konstrukcích budov / Analysis of humid air transport in the building envelope

Tománek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of temperature and humidity in the construction of flat roofs with influence even without influence of solar radiation. It was necessary to study and verify the properties of building materials, the physical nature of the influence of solar radiation on building structures and the transport mechanisms of moisture. The theoretical part describes the basic physical theory on solved problems, the essence and division of solar radiation, the description of thermal moisture properties of building materials and the calculation method of determination of moisture in structures according to valid standards. Practical part deals with description of work in software DEKSOFT - Thermal technology 1D and WUFI 2D software, description of individual models and analysis of achieved results. At the end of the practical part the achieved theoretical knowledge is validated by analyzing the obtained data from the practical model.

Optimalizace a měření transportních experimentů na grafenových polem řízených tranzistorech / Optimalization and measurement of transport experiments on graphene field effect transistors

Urbiš, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the automation of transport experiments on graphene using the graphical programming language LabVIEW. Specifically, the experiments with graphene relative humidity sensors are based on: a two-point graphene structure, a two-point structure of SiO$_2$ and a four-point graphene structure in the form of a Hall bar. In all of these experiments, relative humidity, input electrical parameters, SPM measurements, and macroscopic transport properties are measured simultaneously. The program DeviceManager developed in framework of this thesis simplifies the implementation of these experiments.

Příprava MDF kompozitů se zvýšenou odolností proti vlhkosti / Preparation of MDF composites of increased moisture resistance

Žůrová, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to improve the moisture resistance of MDF (macro-defect-free) composites prepared on the basis of aluminous cement and polyvinyl alcohol. These materials are characterized by the absence of defects in the structure and high mechanical performance. These features make MDF composites a promising type of material that could be used in the future for construction purposes. The basic deficiency of MDF composites is insufficient resistance to water or moisture, accompanied by a significant decrease in strength. Therefore, this work deals with increasing of moisture resistance using organotitanate agent and modification of the polymer. Two types of polyvinyl alcohols differing in hydrolysis degree and degree of the polymerization has been modified. Based on the results of the measurement the effect of storage conditions on the properties and structure of prepared MDF composites was observed. The characterization of MDF composites were realized by measurement of flexural strength in bending, scanning electron microscopy with EDS analysis, TG-DTA-EGA, water absorption and consequently the porosity of all prepared MDF composites.

Domácí meteorologická stanice / Meteo weather station

Dvořák, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master‘s thesis is design and construction of home meteo weather station, the choice of applicable temperature, humidity and pressure sensors and characterization of workable device of station. The core of the station is microcontroller ATmega8 used for process data from sensors. Evaluative criteria for choice of sensors will be comunicate interface, accuracy, operating range, current drain and other aspects. Outer transmittin unit measure air temperature and relative humidity. These data are trasmitted by wireless radio module to interior receiving unit, that measure interior temperature and atmospherical pressure and represent measured data to LCD display including dew point. The data are transmitting to the internet and storing in the database. Measured values are available on the web page where you can display the graphs of last measured values.

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