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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dielektrické vlastnosti kapalných izolantů / Dielectric properties of liquid insulators

Jahn, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with measurement of liquid dielectric materials (insulators). Above all, it is the different kinds of clean and drinking water, but also transformer oils. There was done theoretical information retrieval about the given topic in this project and on the basis of theory there were realized the relevant measurements of selected properties of liquid dielectric, such as permittivity, capacitance, loss number, conductivity, but also temperature dependence of these parameters. The measurements were realized with the help of product manufactured at the faculty FEKT VUT and with the help of measuring system AGILENT 16452A. The measured results were evaluated, graphically processed and compared.

Zdravotně technické instalace ve studentských kolejích / Sanitation installation in student dormitories

Kucharik, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes the design of plumbing systems in student dormitories. The theoretical part discusses the types of waste water, focusing on gray water and its subsequent use. The experimental part is focused on measurement drinking water consumption and drinking water discharge in existing buildings student dormitories and apartment building. The work also contains other variants of possible installation solutions. The project is part of the selected solutions developed a variant form of project documentation for construction.

Savremene metode ekstrakcije rtanjskog čaja (Satureja montana L.), hemijski sastav i biološka aktivnost dobijenih ekstrakata / Contemporary methods of extraction of winter savory (Satureja montana L.), chemical composition and biological activity of obtained extracts

Vladić Jelena 28 April 2017 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije su ispitane mogućnosti primene savremenih postupaka za dobijanje ekstrakata rtanjskog čaja (Satureja montana L.).<br />U ekstraktima dobijenim primenom superkritičnog ugljendioksida (različitih gustina) utvrđeno je prisustvo karvakrola kao najzastupljenije komponente. Ekstrakt sa najvećim sadržajem karvakrola je dobijen pri uslovima 350 bar i 50 &deg;C (60,82%), dok je najveći prinos karvakrola ostvaren pri pritiscima 325 i 350 bar i temperaturi 60 &deg;C, i iznosio je 2,4 g/100 g droge. Primenom ugljendioksida na većim pritiscima se ostvaruje efikasnija ekstrakcija karvakrola iz droge, kao i proizvodnja ekstrakata sa većim sadržajima karvakrola. Druge komponente prisutne u ekstraktima u znatno nižim koncentracijama su: p-cimen, borneol, trans-kariofilen, kariofilen-oksid, &gamma;-terpinen i linalool.<br />Da bi se utvrdila mogućnost unapređenja prinosa ekstrakcije superkritičnim ugljendioksidom, kao i pobolj&scaron;anja kvaliteta ekstrakata, ispitan je uticaj različitih predtretmana biljnog materijala. Ustanovljeno je da predtretman vodom najznačajnije povećava prinos ekstrakcije (za 25%), dok je ultrazvučni predtretman najadekvatniji izbor za dobijanje ekstrakata sa najvećim sadržajem karvakrola (66,46%). Međutim, najveći prinos ekstrakcije karvakrola iz 100 g droge postignut je primenom etanola i vode kao predtretmana.<br />Ekstrakti dobijeni primenom subkritične vode (uz variranje temperature i vremena ekstrakcije) su hemijski okarakterisani i radi utvrđivanja uslova ekstrakcije pri kojima se postiže najveći kvalitet ekstrakata u pogledu sadržaja polifenolnih komponenti, kao i antioksidantne aktivnosti, primenjena je metoda odzivne povr&scaron;ine (RSM). Utvrđena je prednost primene subkritične vode u odnosu na klasičnu metodu ekstrakcije u pogledu sadržaja polifenolnih komponenti i antioksidantne aktivnosti.<br />Suvi ekstrakti S. montana dobijeni spray drying tehnologijom su&scaron;enja (sa različitim koncentracijama maltodekstrina) su ispitani u pogledu fizičkih i hemijskih osobina. Takođe, radi ispitivanja mogućnosti primene u vidu funkcionalnih ili prehrambenih proizvoda, izvr&scaron;ena je senzorna analiza dobijenih suvih ekstrakata, i analizirana je njihova farmakolo&scaron;ka aktivnost u smislu ACE inhibitornog i antioksidantnog delovanja.<br />Ustanovljeno je da je najniža koncentracija maltodekstrina (10%) najadekvatnija za dobijanje suvog ekstrakta S. montana sa najvećim sadržajem polifenolnih komponenti, sadržajem etarskog ulja i u pogledu antioksidantne i ACE inhibitorne aktivnosti. Takođe, suvi ekstrakt sa 10% maltodekstrina ispunjava i ostale fizičko-hemijske parametre, kojima se osigurava kako efikasno su&scaron;enje, tako i kvalitet ekstrakta.<br />In vivo aktivnost odabranih ekstrakata S. montana ispitana je na modelu hepatotoksičnosti indukovane primenom ugljentetrahlorida. Analiziran je uticaj ekstrakata na funkciju jetre, enzimske parametre oksidativnog stresa i serumske parametre oksidativnog o&scaron;tećenja izazvanog ugljentetrahloridom i ustanovljen je hepatoprotektivni učinak ekstrakata S. montana. Takođe, ispitano je dejstvo ekstrakata na rast Ehrlich-ovih ascitnih tumora implantiranih mi&scaron;evima, kao i na biohemijske parametre oksidativnog stresa u ćelijama tumora i utvrđeno je da je vreme aplikacije ekstrakata od izuzetnog značaja.</p> / <p>This dissertation investigates the possibilities of applying contemporary processes for obtaining extracts of winter savory (Satureja montana L.).<br />Carvacrol was determined to be the most abundant component in extracts acquired by using supercritical carbon dioxide (of various densities). Extract with the richest content of carvacrol was obtained under conditions of 350 bar and 50 &deg;C (60,82%), while the highest carvacrol yield was produced under 325 bar and 350 bar pressures and at a 60 &deg;C temperature reaching 2.4 g/100 g of dry weight. By applying carbon dioxide on higher pressures, a more efficient carvacrol extraction from herbal material is performed, alongside production of extracts with higher carvacrol content. Other components in the extracts present in significantly lower concentrations are the following: p-cymen, borneol, trans-caryophyllene, caryophyllene-oxide, &gamma;-terpinene and linalool.<br />In order to recognize the possibility of improving the extraction yield produced by employing supercritical carbon dioxide and enhancing the quality of extracts, the influence of several different pre-treatments was investigated. It was determined that the water pre-treatment raises the extraction yield the most (for 25%), while the ultrasonic pre-treatment was the most adequate choice for acquiring extracts with the highest content of carvacrol (66.46%). However, the highest carvacrol extraction yield from 100 g of dry weight was achieved by applying ethanol and water as pre-treatment.<br />Extracts which were attained with subcritical water (by varying the temperature and time of extraction) were chemically characterized and Response Surface Method (RSM) was applied for the purposes of determining conditions of extractions under which the highest quality of extracts in terms of content of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity is reached. The advantage of employing subcritical water over the classical method of extraction in respect of content of polyphenolic components and antioxidant activity was demonstrated.<br />Dry extracts of S. montana obtained by using the spray drying technology (with different concentrations of maltodextrine) were examined in terms of their physical and chemical characteristics. Also, in order to investigate the possibility of their use as functional or food products, sensory analysis of attained extracts was performed, and furthermore, their pharmacological activity in terms of the ACE inhibitory and antioxidant effect was analysed as well.<br />It was determined that the lowest concentration of maltodextrin (10%) was the most adequate for obtaining dry extracts of S. montana with the richest content of polyphenolic components and essential oil, and in respect of antioxidant and ACE inhibitory activities. Also, dry extract with 10% of maltodextrin meets all other physical-chemical parameters, which provide efficient drying and quality of extracts.<br />In vivo activity of selected extracts of S. montana was examined on a model of hepatotoxicity induced by applying carbon tetrachloride. The influence of extracts on liver function, enzyme parameters of oxidative stress, and serum parameters of oxidative damage caused by carbon tetrachloride was analysed and hepatoprotective effect of S. montana extracts was determined. In addition, the influence of extracts on the growth of Ehrlich ascite tumors implanted in mice was investigated, and their impact on biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in tumor cells as well, and it was determined that the time of application of extracts is of great significance.</p>

Obecné školství bývalého okresu Karlínského v závěru 19. a v první polovině 20. století (jeho struktura a písemnosti) / The General education system in former Karlín distrikt in the end of 19th century and in the first half of 20th century (its structure and documents)

Vrchotická, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines school documents in the former Karlín district, from the second half of the 19th century to the year 1927 for example: general schools in Brandýs nad Labem, Stará Boleslav, Klecany, Odolena Voda, Panenské Břežany and Veliká Ves. This thesis is divided in two parts, the first part focuses on the history of education from Marie Terezie's school reforms to the first Czechoslovak Republic along with school administration in the same period, mainly it focuses on the lower grades of school education systems. Then I describe the former Karlín district, especially individual towns and villages, whose documents I describe later and I write about short history of their schools. In the main part of this thesis I compare selected school documents - namely class statements, class registers, class statements of school leavers, main registers, conferences protocols and school chronicles of individual schools and I examinate their development. Key words The Karlín district, general education system, Brandýs nad Labem, Stará Boleslav, Klecany, Odolena Voda, Panenské Břežany, Veliká Ves

Růst vodní vegetace v rekreačně využívaných rybnících Bolevecké soustavy v Plzni / Growth of aquatic vegetation in fish ponds used for recreation - Bolevecká soustava near Plzeň.

Pták, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to clarify the differences among three different ponds (Bolevecký, Třemošenský, Šídlovský) situated in Pilsen. All of the above mentioned ponds are recreational areas where Bolevecký pond is best known for his water quality improvements since 2006 (after application of Fe and Al - colagulants and also fish - stock changes). The main difference was based on the growth of submersed water plants. The macrophytes were growing slowly or not at all in Bolevecký pond. There was a huge expansion of macrophytes (mainly Myriophyllum spicatum species) in Třemošenský and Šídlovský ponds therefore the water plants must be regulated during summer seasons by mechanical harvesting. The water in all three ponds proves the same qualities but the differences may be found in the nutrient composition of sediments. The fractionation analysis (the founders Psenner and Puczsko) confirmed the fact that all localities are poor in phosphorus however the differences were found in content of iron. The increased content of iron was observed in sediments of Šídlovksý and Třemošenský ponds (mainly in BD fraction - the iron was unstable under redox potential changes). The result of this analysis proves that phosphorus is potentially more available for macrophytes in sediments of Třemošenský and Šídlovský...

Vojenský újezd jako determinant populačního vývoje daného mikroregionu / Military Area as a Determinant of Microregion Population Development

Kusovská, Marie January 2012 (has links)
Military Area as a Determinant of Microregion Population Development Marie Kusovská Abstract The study deals with military area as a specific factor of microregion population development. The objective of the study is to describe and demonstrate the different effects of current and former military areas on neighbourhood population's demographic behaviour. The analysis is focused on the period of 1995-2010 and takes place in five current military areas: Boletice, Brdy, Březina, Hradiště and Libavá and three former military areas: Mladá (today's municipality Milovice), Ralsko and Dobrá Voda. The study examines the population development and its structure, natural and mechanical movement, including an analysis of migration directions. There is a finding that the municipality Milovice and Ralsko differs significantly from other areas in young age structure, high levels of total fertility rate and the intensity of immigration. At the level of mortality no significant differences were indicated. Therefore, it appears that a military area can be considered as a determinant of microregion population development, but it depends on the military uses of this area and in case of its cancelation it depends on the future civilian use.

Kanály vzniklé prouděním podzemní vody v lomu Střeleč: erozní procesy a faktory ovlivňující vznik kanálů / Channels eroded by groundwater flow in Strelec quarry: erosion processes and factors influencing channel evolution

Soukup, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Large depression cone in water table was formed due to mining in surroundings of Střeleč quarry. The concentrated inflow from conduits to quarry is up to 70 l/s. Large conduit systems are created by flowing water into the quarry. The biggest conduit system was at least 300 m long and 17 m high with maximum calculated volume of 22 thousands m3 . Evolution of these conduits usually takes several months to few years. Fast conduit evolution allows to study erosion processes in detail in situ. In the thesis I am describing conduits, character of flow and erosion processes. Measured flow velocities in conduits are up to 0,4 m/s with hydraulic gradient 1 to 5%. Flow velocities and hydraulic gradients are typical for piping erosion. Piping initially forms small protoconduits. The bigger conduits are formed as water is progressively drained from larger area. Conduits are following fracture surfaces, which are also limiting the conduit propagation to the sides. Above water table the conduits are enlarged mainly by mass wasting of undercut sandstone slabs. For distinguishing less and more erodible parts of sandstone, we adapted and partially developed a method for measuring erodability (REI) and drilling resistance (DR). Both are used to compare different types of sandstone surfaces. In lowermost part of the...

Hodnocení zátěže životního prostředí v ČR pomocí indikátoru Vodní stopa / Environmental assessment of the Czech Republic based on Water Footprint

Žlábková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation sets its goal in application of the water footprint indicator, which is a practical and multi-layered indicator of water sources consumption. Of human activities, agriculture presents the most significant demands on water sources consumption. Therefore I have turned my focus to the widely-discussed issue of biofuels production, because the input materials for production of this kind of energy are agricultural crops (in the Czech republic those are: oilseed rape, sugar beet, Indian corn and winter wheat). The calculated results of water footprints of the selected industrial crops (m3 /t) and of water footprints of the heating value units of that crops (m3 /GJ) offer us a concrete notion of energy requirements of water of that chosen industrial crops in the conditions of the Czech republic. Keywords: water footprint indicator, biofuels, oilseed rape, water consumption, biodiesel, bioethanol, evapotranspiration.

Analýza aplikovatelnosti obchodovatelných povolení ve vodním hospodářství v České republice / Analysis of the applicability of tradable permits in water management in Czech Republic

Ropický, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Tradable permits are currently among the most frequently used market-based instruments of environmental protection. The aim of my work is this tool to explore and then implement the water management in the Czech Republic. I'm going to try to answer the fundamental question is whether a tool that can be in our legal environment to apply to the taking of surface water for industrial use? This method of solution is used, especially abroad, especially in the U.S. and Australia. I'm going to use the literature and resources in this particular part of the world. In my work I rely on both scientific literature and articles written on this subject and obtained from the primary sources of research systems in other countries. The analysis of the Czech environment, the focus on water authorities and companies to individual basins, which are according to our laws the central government in this matter.

,,Voda" - tematická řada ve výtvarné výchově pro střední školní věk / "Water" - series of lessons in art education for middle childhood age.

KALKUŠOVÁ, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
Theoretical and project diploma thesis focuses on elaboration of the thematic art series named "Water" and its realization in art classes of middle aged children at the elementary school. The theoretical part brings the general insight into the problematics of water in art and project teaching. The project part follows and it is composed of seven proposed lectures of art lessons. The description of realizations and didactic analysis of the lectures are included in the project part as well. The diploma thesis is complemented with picture attachments, photo documentation of sectional lessons and proposed structured preparation of lessons.

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