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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výpočty interakce systému grafen/SiO2 s adsorbovanými atomy a molekulami pomocí DFT metod / Calculation of Interactions of Graphene/SiO2 System with Adsorbed Atoms and Molecules using DFT Methods

Nezval, David January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis studies the electronic properties changes of graphene caused by substrate SiO2, adsorbed molecules of water and atoms of gallium. There are tested different geometrical configurations of these systems and consequently calculated band structures to derive the changes of the electronic properties: the doping effect and band gap opening of graphene layer.

Vývoj gelových technik pro in situ měření biodostupných forem kovů v půdách a sedimentech / Development of Gel Techniques for in situ Measurement of Bioavailable Metals in Soils and Sediments

Kovaříková, Vladěna January 2010 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with usage of gel techniques for in situ measurement of bioavailable metals in soils and sediments. The DGT technique was applied to soil samples from the localities of Zlín, Tuřany and Chrlice for estimation of bioavailable metals in soils. These soils were amended by sewage sludges in years 1980-1987. The experiment using diffusive gels with different pore size, APA and RG gels, has shown that the DGT can be used for assessment of trace metal soil complexes - small inorganic and larger organic. The results obtained by DGT measurements were approximately up to two orders of magnitude lower than metal concentrations obtained by leaching with sodium nitrate. The leaching with sodium nitrate does not provide true reflection of metal availability to plant root system and soil microorganisms and the DGT technique seems to be a better predictor of metal bioavailability. Only small differences between undisturbed and homogenized soil samples were found out by application of DGT to soil samples from localities of Veverská Bítýška and Ostrovačice. The undisturbed soil is not homogenous and the DGT unit gives information only about the part of the soil which is in direct contact with the unit. The procedure with soil slurry can be recommended for the characterization of large soil areas and estimation of bioavailable metals in soils. Gel techniques were also used for the study of processes occuring in sediments. Mercury species and other metals were analysed in surface water, pore water and sediments collected from two sampling sites in the Dele River in northern France. This river had been polluted during the last century by the activity of Métaleurop factory, which dealt with metal ore treatment. The application of DGT technique using two specific ion-exchange resins, Chelex-100 and Duolite GT-73, provided assessment of mercury in sediment pore water. DGT and DET techniques together with centrifugation provided also high resolution depth profiles of Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd in pore water. It is not possible to determine which sampling site was more contaminated. Only small differences in mercury species and metal content were observed between sampling sites. The Dele River can be classified as contaminated river according to total mercury content in sediments and as slightly contaminated river from the point of view of methylmercury content. Correlations between mercury species and sulphide content confirm that total mercury and sulphide content count among factors influencing the mercury release to pore water and controlling processes of methylation and demethylation. Only low toxicity of sediment slurries was found out by the bioluminiscence test with Vibrio fischeri. The results of doctoral thesis demonstrate gel techniques as a very good tool in environmental analysis.

Studie odkanalizování a likvidace odpadních vod obce Větřní / Study of sewerage and wastewater disposal municipality Větřní

Červenková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with possible options for solving drainage in the village Větřní - Frymburk st. and School st. and adjacent villages Lužná, Dolní Němče and Dobrné. The first part describes the current state of sanitation of Větřní and its adjacent area. It also includes assessment of the condition of the current sewer system in the village Větřní, which is connected with some newly proposed sewerages. The following chapter deals with the technical description of the possible variants of the drainage sites including economic evaluation. Then there is a recommendation of choices of variant and evaluation of overall investment and operating costs. In conclusion of the chapter there are summarized advantages and disadvantages of variants of drainage.

Optimalizace zdrojů tepla pro bytový dům / Optimization of heat generators for residential house

Smola, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves design of heating in a residental building. This work is focused on the selection of appropriate one of the two options a heat source, which are cascade heat pumps ground-water and gas condensing boilers. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with introducing to the issue of heat pump systems. The functional principle of the widely most used types and particularized type ground-water. In the practical part calculation and design of heating system with selected heating source that is cascade of gas condensing boilers.

Energetické využití čistírenských kalů / Energetic utilisation of sewage sludge

Tlašek, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with issues related to final treatment sludge. Sewage sludge is an inevitable product of wastewater treatment. Also, most of them concentrated pollution. Most of pollution are concentrated in to them. And because it contains a large percentage of combustibles. Before thermal utilization, it is necessary to appropriately adjust the sludge. Thermal sludge utilization offers the most effective method of energy recovery. It is an energy conversion in the sludge, to heat and electricity. In the vast majority, if not the co-firing, it is necessary to modify the sludge and so it is dried. This is the optimal use of modern technology. There are several variations possible use. Unfortunately it is not in general able to propose the most appropriate technology or methodology, how to make best use of sewage sludge. Specific assignment usually have their own characteristics. In my work I will therefore first try to outline possible technology and in the second part to suggest sludge terminal for WWTP Hodonín.

Posouzení účinnosti filtračního materiálu DMI-65 na odstraňování kovů z vody / Assessment of the effectiveness of filter material DMI-65 on removing metals from water

Konečný, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The first chapter of diploma thesis discusses about various water processes which remove metals and metalloids compounds from water. A substantial part is devoted to filter materials, which include a new filter material DMI-65. Comprehensive chapter discribes characteristics, proporties and practical application of filter material DMI-65. The next chapter describes the process of pilot testing of material DMI-65 in the water treatment plant in Ivancice. At the end of the diploma thesis, the laboratory test of filter material DMI-65 is described, including the description of particular metals that are removed from the water and the compresion of the filter materiál DMI-65 with other selected filter materials.

Energetické využití odpadních vod / Energetic utilization of wastewater

Žáček, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis presents various methods of energetic utilization of wastewater. It shows that wastewater is source of heat energy that has not been used yet. The thesis focuses mainly on heat recovery from wastewater from sewer bypass by modular heat exchangers. Design of heating of polyfunctional building from bypass from main sewer in Brno is developed. The main finding is that wastewater as low potential source of energy can together with heat pump be not only used for heating and heating of domestic hot water but also for cooling of polyfunctional object. Part of work is also technical-economical assessment by the NPV method.

Karakterizacija bioremedijacionih procesa u zemljištu i podzemnim vodama zagađenim naftom i derivatima na lokalitetu Ratno ostrvo / Characterisation of the bioremediation processes in soil and groundwater contaminated by oil and oil derivatives at the site of Ratno Ostrvo

Rončević Srđan 01 June 2007 (has links)
<p>Predmet izučavanja ove disertacije je pasivna bioremedijacija naftom i derivatima nafte&nbsp;zagađenih podzemnih voda na lokalitetu&nbsp; Ratno ostrvo i pospe&scaron;ivanje procesa&nbsp;<br />bioremedijacije zemlji&scaron;ta i podzemne vode zagađenih naftom i derivatima nafte na&nbsp;laboratorijskom postrojenju u ciljusanacije ugroženog lokaliteta.</p><p>Praćenjem podzemnih voda granične zone izvori&scaron;ta Ratno ostrvo i Rafinerije nafte&nbsp;utvrđeno je da je u podzemnoj vodi granične zone izvori&scaron;ta Ratno ostrvo i Rafinerije&nbsp;nafte Novi Sad prisutan proces pasivnebioremedijacije, odnosno, da na pojavu&nbsp;ugljovodoničnog zagađenja u vodi sredina odgovara povećanjem brojnosti, pre svega,&nbsp;ugljovodonik-osidujućih i lipolitskih bakterija i bakterijske enzimatske aktivnosti, i&nbsp;dolazi do transformacije mineralnih ulja u polarna jedinjenja. U vodi većine praćenih&nbsp;objekata uočene su eksponencijalne i linearne funkcionalne zavisnosti bakterijske&nbsp;brojnosti i fosfatazne aktivnosti od koncentracije ugljovodoničnog zagađenja za&nbsp;koncentracije ukupnih ugljovodonika &lt; 400 &micro;g/l (najče&scaron;će &lt; 200 &micro;g/l). Visok nivo&nbsp;podzemnih voda i prisustvo dela zagađenja u gornjim slojevima zemlji&scaron;ta ukazuje nam&nbsp;na mogućnost primene fitoremedijacije navedenog područja, jer je deo zagađenja&nbsp;dostupan korenskom sistemu.</p><p>Ispitivanjem tehničke bioremedijacije zemlji&scaron;ta i podzemne vode zagađenih naftom i&nbsp;<br />derivatima nafte&nbsp; na laboratorijskom postrojenju utvrđeno je da dolazi do opadanja&nbsp;<br />koncentracije ukupnih ugljovodonika u zemlji&scaron;tu sa 38,2 na 14,6 g/kg i mineralnih ulja&nbsp;sa 27,0 na 10,2 g/kg (62%), &scaron;to se može definisati jednačinom C=C<sub>0</sub>e<sup>-kt</sup>, gde je&nbsp;<br />konstanta brzine degradacije ugljovodonika k=0,0082 dan<sup>-1</sup>. U vodi je prisutan veliki&nbsp;<br />broj karboksilnih kiselinanastalih oksidacijom alkana (C10-19), kao i aromata&nbsp;(benzoeva kiselina, kao i benzaldehid), &scaron;to ukazuje na proces biooksidacije&nbsp;ugljovodonika. Proces rastvaranja i emulgovanja nafte se pospe&scaron;uje uvođenjem&nbsp;recirkulacije vode: određena je jednačina zavisnosti koncentracije ugljovodonika u&nbsp;vodenoj fazi od koncentracije u&nbsp; čvrstoj fazi, zavisno od&nbsp; brzine proticanja:&nbsp;C<sub>voda</sub>=(f<sup>*</sup>v+K<sub>0</sub>)C<sub>zemlja</sub>, gde je koeficijent ispiranja f=1400 s/m, a difuzioni koeficijent&nbsp;K<sub>0</sub>=6<sup>*</sup>10<sup>-4</sup>. Proces ispiranja nafte i derivata sa zemlje značajno utiče na aktivnost&nbsp;mikroorganizama i razgradnju zagađenja. Sa porastom koncentracije ugljovodonika&nbsp;generalno opadaju brojnosti svih ispitivanih grupa bakterija i fosfatazna aktivnost i&nbsp;određene su granične vrednosti tolerancije. Proces ispiranja se &nbsp;mora voditi tako da&nbsp;koncentracija mineralnih ulja u vodenoj fazi netreba da pređe 15-35 mg/l, a kad se&nbsp;postignu koncentracije ugljovodonika manje od 400 &micro;g/l treba prepustiti pasivnoj&nbsp;bioremedijaciji da ukloni zagađenje.</p> / <p>This dissertation investigates the passivebioremediation of groundwater from Ratno&nbsp;Ostrvo contaminated by oil and oil derivatives, and a bench-scale experiment to improve the soil and groundwater bioremediation processes, with the goal of sanatising the effected area.</p><p>During groundwater monitoring of the zone between the Ratno Ostrvo spring and the&nbsp;Novi Sad oil refinery, a passive bioremediation process was observed, whereby, &nbsp;in the hydrocarbons-contaminated water, increased counts of hydrocarbon-oxidising and lipolytic bacteria and increasing bacterial enzyme activity were found, along with the transformation of mineral oils to polar&nbsp; compounds. In water, the majority of the&nbsp;monitoring points displayed either exponential or linear functionalal dependence&nbsp; between bacterial count or phosphatase activity and hydrocarbon concentration, for&nbsp; total hydrocarbon concentrations &lt; 400 &micro;g/l (most often &lt; 200 &micro;g/l). The high groundwater level and the presence of contamination inthe upper soil layers makes possible the application of phytoremediation at the site, as part of the contamination is in the rhyzosphere.</p><p>The bench-scale investigation of bioremediation in soil and groundwater contaminated by oil and oil derivatives yielded decreasing concentrations of total hydrocarbons in the soil from 38.2 to 14.6 g/kg and mineral oils from 27.0 to 10.2 g/kg&nbsp; (62%), which can be described by C=C<sub>0</sub>e<sup>-kt</sup>, where the rate constant of&nbsp; hydrocarbon degradation is k=0.0082 day<sup>-1</sup>.</p><p>In water, a large number of carboxylic acids were present, from the oxidation of&nbsp; alkanes (C10-19) and aromatics (benzoic acid, and also benzaldehyde), which indicates a hydrocarbon biooxidation process. The process of dissolving and emulgating the oil is enhanced by recirculating the water: the linear relation between the concentration of hydrocarbons in the liquid and solid phases was found to be dependent on the flow rate: C<sub>water</sub>=(f<sup>*</sup>v+K<sub>0</sub>)C<sub>soil</sub>, where the rinsing coefficient f=1400 s/m, and the diffusion coefficient K<sub>0</sub>=6 x 10<sup>-4</sup>. The process of rinsing the oil and oil derivatives from the soil significantly influences the microbial activity and the degradation of contaminants. With increasing hydrocarbon concentrations, there was&nbsp; generally decreasing bacterial counts and phosphatase activity, and an upper limit for&nbsp; hydrocarbon tolerance was determined. The rinsing process must becontrolled to&nbsp; ensure the mineral oil concentration in water does not exceed 15-35 mg/l, and once the concentration of hydrocarbons becomes less than 400&micro;g/l, passive bioremediation may be left to complete the degradation.</p>

Hustotní a elektrostatické vlastnosti vody a jejich využití v termodynamice vodných specií a rozpustnosti minerálů za vysokých teplot a tlaků / Volumetric and electrostatic properties of water and their application to aqueous thermodynamics and mineral solubility at high temperatures and pressures

Hanková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Hydrothermal fluids are important mass and heat transfer agents in the Earth's crust and mantle. Aside from their transport role, the aqueous fluids act as reactants or products in rock environment during diverse processes ranging from partial melting, magmatic and metamorphic devolatilization. This study evaluates the effect of equations of state and thermodynamic data for aqueous species on prediction of mineral solubility in aqueous fluids at high temperatures and pressures employing the Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers model (HKF). These calculations require: (i) volumetric properties of water; (ii) dielectric properties of water; (iii) aqueous species thermodynamic properties. A comparison of ten equations of state against the IAPWS scientific standard reveals that volumetric properties of water up to 1200 řC and 50 kbar are predicted within 5 %, except at low pressure (below 2 kbar), temperatures higher than 1000 řC, and the liquid-vapor equilibrium curve, particularly in the proximity of the critical point of water. The deviations of volumetric and electrostatic properties of water propagate into the mineral solubility calculations. For quartz and corundum these deviations lead to discrepancy in mineral solubility of up to half an order of magnitude for molal concentrations. These discrepancies...

Vliv konzumace alkalické vody na sportovní výkon / Effect of alkaline water consumption on sports performance

Moulisová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
Title: Effect of Alkaline Water Consumption on Sports Performance Objectives: The aim of the work was to find out the differences in performance after three days of intake of alkaline water in comparison with intake of water with normal pH. Methods: The thesis is conceived as an experimental study. A total of 12 participants aged 19-28 participated in the study. Volunteers were students of the UK FTVS military field. The testing included repeated crate outputs (Step-test), reaction rate tests on visual and auditory stimuli. Before and after exercise, blood lactate value, specific urine weight, and body diagnostics were recorded using a bio-impedance device. The study lasted a total of 3 weeks. Testing was performed with weekly spacing in controlled drinking regime of common or alkaline drinking water, always 2 days before testing. The obtained data were then analyzed and processed. Results: The average power of the Step-test participants in the first part of the measurement for both tests after the use of plain water is 718,8 W, compared to the average power of the participants after the use of alkaline water, which is higher and reaches 848,8 W. The test was 15,7 % with placebo and -0,9 % with alkaline water. The average perception of fatigue after drinking alkaline water was lower than that of...

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