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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agregační reakce chitosanu využitelné při úpravě pitné vody. / Aggregation reactions of chitosan in drinking water treatment

Leskovjanová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with treatment of surface waters containing humic substances. The most often used method of surface water treatment is coagulation with subsequent separation of aggregates. In this study, only perikinetic coagulation phase was studied. It is the phase when aggregates are formed by the Brownian motion only, i.e. without mixing. Separation of the formed aggregates was made by centrifugation. Coagulation tests were made under the laboratory conditions with model humic water. Humic substances were added from a concentrate, which was taken from a natural peatbog. The influence of temperature on the coagulation process was studied, ranging from 5 to 22 °C. Chitosan (natural biopolymer) was used as coagulant. In present, it is not used in Czech water treatment practice yet. No effect of temperature was observed when chitosan was used as coagulant. Influence of temperature was also studied with the use of aluminium and ferrous sulphates, which are used in common praxis as coagulation reagents. Influence of the temperature was observed and is in agreement with previously reported data of pilot-plant experiments by other researchers. Spectroscopic methods were used to evaluate the coagulation efficiency and determine residual concentration of aluminium and ferrous coagulant. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was determined for optimal doses. At first, coagulation tests were made under the laboratory temperature. This tests determined optimal aggregation time and optimal coagulant dose under low temperature. Afterwards, all coagulants used were compared at given temperatures.

Studium adsorpce přirozených organických látek na aktivním uhlí při úpravě pitné vody / Adsorption of natural organic matter (NOM) on granular activated carbon in the treatment of drinking water

Le Duc, Duy January 2008 (has links)
In the first part of this thesis the methodic of lab trial was studied, which will be useful for studying adsorption of natural organic matter by activated carbon. As an optimal method of testing adsorption characters jar testing was chosen. Again as an indicator of organic contamination, it was decided to use permanganate chemical oxygen demand (in Czech CHSKMn) will be used. In the second part of this thesis the adsorption characters of eight types of granular activated carbon were studied. Those granular activated carbon came from two world produces, from company NORIT five type of granular activated carbon were tested: NORIT GAC 1020, NORIT PK 1-3, NORIT GAC 1240, NORIT ROW 0.8 SUPRA a TOD NORIT ROX 0.8 and from company Chemviron Carbon three types of granular activated carbon were tested: F100 FE11120A, F400 FE11210A a TL830 FE2028B. Batch kinetic tests of natural organic matter adsorption were conducted with all types of granular activated carbon at first. For description of sorption not only the batch kinetic tests and duration needed for setting equilibrium were observed, but also the process decreasing of concentration of natural organic matters to the value of equilibrium concentration known as adsorption equilibrium was followed.

Syntetické vonné látky ve vodní biotě / Musk compounds in water biota

Zouhar, Libor January 2009 (has links)
Synthetic musk compounds (MUSK) or synthetic fragrances are organic substances commonly used as fragrant constituents of perfumes, detergents, cosmetics and personal care products. These compounds are discharged after use via domestic wastewater and sewage treatment plants to the aquatic environment. The result is accumulation in the environment and occurrence in a food chain especially of aquatic and marine ecosystems. Synthetic musk compounds are also found in surface water, fish tissues and also in body fluid (blood, urine, milk) and tissues of human body. Quantitative detection and studying properties of these compounds is an important activity because we have low knowledge about their fate in the environment (persistence, bioaccumulation) and toxicity. This diploma thesis is focused on three commonly used synthetic fragrances – tonalide, musk ketone and musk xylene. The base of this study was to perform a method optimisation for the determination of selected compounds in water and water biota (fish). The aim was determination of selected musk compounds in real samples (water, fish) and evaluation of the results. Pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) for fish samples and solid phase microextraction (SPME) for water samples were used for isolation of analytes from samples. The identification and quantification of analytes was carried out by high resolution gas chromatography – mass spectrometry.

Optimalizace provozních parametrů na úpravně vody Bzenec-Přívoz / Optimization of operating parameters in drinking water treatment plant in Bzenec-Přívoz

Sukopová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Water treatment plant Bzenec Přívoz represents important supply of potable water for Hodonín district. After a longtime operation it was in 2008-2010 reconstructed in order to make water treatment technology more effective. The basic step was dividing technology into one stage and two stage water treatment for particular spring areas of ground water. The character of raw water requires effective removal of iron and manganese, therefore intensification and optimization of operating parameters were the purposes of the project. Installation of new aerators and hyperboloid stirrers in flocculation tank required an operating tests for proving of high technological efficiency while the operating costs were decreased. The water treatment process was completly automatized, which made the operation easy and minimized human element impact. Results of the reconstruction are more effective water treatment and a distinct decrease of operating costs.

Problematika stanovení cínu v environmentálních matricích / The issue of determination of tin in environmental matrices

Bušinová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the retrieval of the content of tin in environmental media, the circulation in them and possibilities of the determination of tin in the environment. Summarizes available information on the properties of tin and its compounds, the occurrence and circulation of tin in environmental and determination of tin in environmental media, attention is paid to the determination of total tin content using method of ET-AAS. The experimental part is focused on optimization methods of determination for the ET AAS and selection of a suitable extraction procedure for determination of total tin content in soils and sediments. The best procedure for the determination of tin in the ET-AAS was applied to samples of soil, sediment and water. As the optimum matrix modifier was chosen the solution of Pd (NO3)2 in 5% ascorbic acid, the optimum pyrolysis temperature was 1400 °C and atomization temperature 2400 ° C. Neither of extraction procedures examined were found to be an appropriate procedure for the determination of tin in environmental samples and further work is necessary to optimize the method of separation.

Stanovení radionuklidů ve vodách a kalech / Determination of radionuclides in water and sediments

Bílek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has been prepared for DIAMO, Branch GEAM Dolní Rožínka. Literature research includes a description of the ionizing radiation, natural radionuclides, mining of uranium ore and mineral deposits; Běstvina and Licoměřice. The experimental part includes sampling, analysis and evaluation of the content of selected radionuclides in the two selected locations. The content of uranium and radium in sludge from mine water treatment plant is determined annually by an external laboratory, using of semiconductor gamma-spectrometric analysis (GSA). Determination of both radionuclides in waters in these areas is carried out in the Centre of testing laboratories (SZLAB) in Dolní Rožínka. Uranium and radium activity is below the detection limit. Sludges from Běstvina, according to the results of external laboratories, routinely show activity of both radionuclides. But activity in the waters from this locality is below the detection limit. The goal of this diploma thesis is to verify the radionuclide content in sludge from CDV Běstvina by another method. As a comparative method was chosen determination of uranium using the UV-VIS spectrophotometry with separation on silicagel. Location Licoměřice was chosen as a reference. Like a supplementary method for determining the concentration of uranium was chosen ICP-MS. For the determination of the radium was chosen radiochemical method scintillator ZnS (Ag).

Monitoring obsahu fosforu a dusíku v odpadních vodách / Monitoring of the contents of phosphorus and nitrogen in wastewater

Herka, Milan January 2014 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on the occurrence of phosphorus and nitrogen in effluents and methods of their determination. In the theoretical part of the thesis describes methods for the determination of nitrogen and phosphorus in waste waters, their selection and optimization methods including mobile analytics. Experimental section is devoted to the abstraction of wastewater from selected wastewater treatment plants and their analysis methods including mobile analytics and comparing them with the presentation of their results. The conclusion is drawn evaluate the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater influent and effluent from wastewater treatment plants and compared the variation of these values during the one-month study and compared with published data.

Sledování obsahu sulfonamidů v odpadních vodách z čistíren odpadních vod s různými technologiemi čištění / Monitoring of sulfonamides in wastewater from sewage treatment plants with different treatment technologies

Chaloupková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the presence of pharmaceuticals in wastewater from several wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with different number of equivalent persons and different treatment technologies. Five sulfonamides were chosen for a determination due to their wide usage in human and veterinary medicine practice. The specific compounds are sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfapyridine, sulfathiazole a sulfamethoxazole. For the determination of those sulfonamides, an UHPLC/DAD analytical method was chosen and optimized. There was also a need for optimization of SPE extraction method, especially a sample volume optimization. 250 mL was chosen as an ideal volume of wastewater sample for SPE. The optimized method was used for determination of sulfonamides in real wastewater samples from WWTP in Podivín, Pohořelice, Hustopeče, Valtice, Lednice and Mikulov. Average concentrations of pharmaceuticals in influent and effluent wastewater samples were in a range of 0,1 – 1 µg/l. The concentration of sulfonamides was mostly found higher in influent samples and lower in effluent samples. It can be said that a partial recovery of sulfonamides on WWTPs was observed.

Vliv pH záměsové vody na hydrataci a mechanické vlastnosti cementových kompozitů. / Effect of pH of mixing water on hydration and mechanical properties of cement composites.

Bezděk, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on the effect of mixing water pH value on hydration and mechanical properties of cement composites based on portland cement. Source material was CEM I 42,5 R. Hydration process was analyzed by isoperibolic calorimetry, X-ray diffraction analysis and differential thermal analysis. Compressive and flexural strength was examined as mechanical properties. The samples microstructure was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Influence of mixing water pH value on flexural and compressive strength, retardation of hydration and ratio of individual phases was shown.

Odstraňování vybraných kovů z vody / Removal of selected metals from the water

Pěkný, Mojmír January 2013 (has links)
In my thesis I focused on the problem of removal of some heavy metals from water. Heavy metals cause deterioration of quality of water sources and bring about a need of complicated water treatment technologies. In particular it is the case of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium and nickel. This diploma thesis focuses on the utilization of adsorption using suitable adsorption materials to reduce concentrations of nickel in drinking water. At the same time it investigates the effectiveness of these materials in the process of removing iron and manganese from water. The first part of my thesis presents an overview of these metals. I write about their occurrence, its forms, properties and significance. The second part of the work focuses on the laboratory observations of the effectiveness in removing iron, manganese and nickel from water. The description of the used sorptive materials is also included.

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