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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The removal of arsenic during drinking water treatment by sorption and coagulation processes / Uklanjanje arsena u tretmanu vode za piće primenom sorpcionih i koagulacionih procesa

Watson Malcolm 19 July 2016 (has links)
<p>This dissertation investigates the factors which affect the removal of arsenic from groundwater by adsorption and coagulation technologies, including the interactions between As and natural organic matter (NOM). Humic acid (HA) was utilised as an NOM analogue, and was shown to be capable of both complexing and oxidising As, depending upon the prevailing conditions. The arsenic removing capabilities of three iron oxide coated sands (IOCS) were investigated, including IOCSW, a waste material from a local drinking water treatment plant generated during the removal of iron and manganese. IOCSW was highly effective at removing both As(V) and As(III) from synthetic water matrices (qmax = 78.3 &micro;g As(V)/g and 99.1 &micro;g As(III)/g). The negative effects of competitive anions (phosphates, silicates and HA) on arsenic removals were not significant enough to preclude the application of IOCSW for arsenic removal during drinking water treatment. The removals of both As and NOM by coagulation and enhanced coagulation with pH correction and preoxidation were also investigated. As(V) &nbsp;was more readily removed by coagulation than As(III), so that the most efficient coagulation treatment investigated for arsenic and NOM removal applied preozonation with subsequent combined coagulation with polyaluminium chloride and ferric chloride. Different groundwaters displayed large variations in the As and NOM removal behaviours. Response surface methodology (RSM) was therefore applied to investigate &nbsp;the interactions between As and NOM during ferric chloride coagulation and optimise their combined removals. Multiple interaction effects were observed during this investigation, highlighting the importance of utilizing RSM to optimise drinking water treatment technologies.</p> / <p>Ova disertacija ispituje faktore koji utiču na uklanjanje arsena iz podzemne vode primenom adsorpcija i koagulacije, uključujući i interakcije između arsena i prirodnih organskih materija (POM). Huminska kiselina (HA) je korisćena kao model za POM, a pokazano je da može i da kompleksira i da oksiduje As, u zavisnosti od eksperimentalnih uslova. Ispitivane su mogućnosti uklanjanja arsena za tri peska obložena gvožđe oksidom (IOCS), uključujući IOCSW, koji je dobijen sa postrojenja za tretman vode za piće i potiče iz procesa uklanjanja gvožđa i mangana. IOCSW se pokazao kao visoko efikasan za uklanjanje As(V) i As(III) iz sintetičkih vodenih matriksa (q<sub>max</sub> = 78.3 &micro;g As(V)/g i 99.1 &micro;g As(III)/g). Negativni efekti kompetirajućih jona (fosfata, silikata i HA) na uklanjanje arsena nisu bili dovoljno značajni da bi se isključila primena IOCSW za uklanjanje arsena tokom tretmana vode za piće. Zajedničko uklanjanje As i POM koagulacijom i unapređenom koagulacijom uz pode&scaron;avanje pH i kombinovanje sa oksidacionim predtretmanima je takođe ispitivano. Bolje uklanjanje koagulacijom postignuto je za As(V) u odnosu na As(III), stoga se kao najefikasniji ispitivani koagulacioni tretman pokazalo uklanjanje arsena i POM primenom predozonizacije praćene kombinovanom koagulacijom sa polialuminijum hloridom i gvožđe hloridom. Ispitivanja na različitim podzemnim vodama, pokazala su velike varijacije u pona&scaron;anju As i POM tokom tretmana. Iz tog razloga je primenjena metodologija odzivne povr&scaron;ine (RSM) u cilju ispitivanja interakcija između As i POM tokom koagulacije gvožđe hloridom i optimizacije njihovog kombinovanog uklanjanja. Sagledavanje većeg broja interakcija primenom metodologije odzivne povr&scaron;ine potvrđuje važnost njegove primene pri optimizaciji tretmana vode za piće.</p>

Koncepce prostoru viktoriánských románů / Concepts of Space in Victorian Novels

Sukdolová, Alice January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on two general categories of defining space: on space expression according to the expressive approach to aesthetics and, secondly, on space representation based on the mimetic aesthetics. The exploration of the surface structure of space employs the philosophical categories of smooth and striated space, formulated by Deleuze and Guattari in their Treatise on Nomadology, while the depths of the inner spaces, including the spaces of the human mind, are treated within the framework of Gaston Bachelard's phenomenology, stressing the importance of the symbolic meanings hidden in the unconscious. The primary texts in which the concept of space is explored range from the Brontë sisters' novels (Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre) to Thomas Hardy's Wessex novels, and further on to the last novel of George Eliot, Daniel Deronda. Attention is given to the role of natural elements constituting space, with emphasis on the element of water.

Ropa a voda v Saúdské Arábii optikou teorie udržitelného rozvoje: možné scénáře dalšího vývoje / Oil and Water on Saudi Arabia through Sustainable development theory: possible scenarios of future development

Hamdi, Selma January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between a possible shortage of oil in Saudi Arabia and access to drinking water. The work is based on the hypothesis that in this area peak oil has taken place. Through method of disciplined interpretive study we focus on the influence of both sources in Saudi Arabia from the theory of sustainable development and conclusion are dealing with a scenario of possible solutions.

Uklanjanje teških metala iz vode piljevinom drveta, celulozom i lignitom / HEAVY METALS REMOVAL FROM WATER BY WOOD SAWDUST, PULP AND LIGNIN

Šćiban Marina 14 May 2002 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>Istraživana je mogućnost primene piljevine različitih vrsta drveta, tehničke celuloze i Kraft lignina kao adsorbenata različitih te&scaron;kih metala iz vode. Za adsorpciju te&scaron;kih metala koji su u vodi prisutni u vidu katjona, kao najbolji adsorbenti su se pokazale piljevine drveta hrasta i bagrema i Kraft lignin. Za adsorpciju hromatnih anjona najbolje su se pokazali Kraft lignin i piljevina drveta jele. Kapacitet adsorpcije piljevine drveta se može pobolj&scaron;ati prethodnim tretiranjem piljevine rastvorom natrijum hidroksida. Efikasnost adsorpcije te&scaron;kih metala iz vode je bolja: kada se primenjuju sitnije čestice piljevine, kada se radi sa većom količinom piljevine i/ili dvostepeno, na povi&scaron;enoj temperaturi. Utvrđen je optimalni pH za adsorpciju pojedinih te&scaron;kih metala, optimalno vreme kontakta adsorbenta i vode, uticaj prisustva različitih te&scaron;kih i lakih metala i anjona na efikasnost adsorpcije te&scaron;kih metala. Adsorbovani te&scaron;ki metali se mogu desorbovati sa piljevine drveta rastvorima različitih mineralnih kiselina. Piljevina drveta se može primeniti u vi&scaron;e ciklusa adsorpcije-desorpcije, uz ne&scaron;to smanjeni kapacitet adsorpcije. Ispitivani adsorbenti se mogu primeniti i u dinamičkim uslovima adsorpcije u koloni.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>The possibility of adsorption of different heavy metals from water by sawdust of different species of wood, pulp, and Kraft lignin has been investigated. Oak and black locust sawdust, and Kraft lignin were shown to be the most efficient adsorbents for heavy metals in cationic form. Kraft lignin and fir sawdust were shown to be the most efficient adsorbents for chromium anions. Previous treatment of wood sawdust by sodium hydroxide solution can increase its adsorption capacity. Better adsorption efficiency was accomplished: when smaller parts of sawdust were used, when a large amount of sawdust was used and/or two stage process was applicated, and adsorption process was done on higher temperature. There were established: optimum initial pH value for different heavy metals, optimum adsorbent - water contact time, and degree of influence of other different heavy and lite metals, and anions on adsorption efficiency. Adsorbed heavy metals can be desorbed from vvood sawdust with solutions of different mineral acids. Sawdust can be applied in several cycles of adsorption - desorption, with some decrease of adsorption capacity. Investigated adsorbents can be also used in dynamic conditions of adsorption in column.</p>

Možnosti odstraňování kovů ze zdrojů pitné vody vodárenskými procesy / Possibilities of removing metals from drinking water sources by water treatment processes

Marzinová, Kristýna January 2022 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I focused on the issue of metals, their occurrence in drinking water sources in the Czech Republic and the possibility of their removal by water supply processes. Heavy metals degrade the quality of water resources, so more complex water treatment technologies are needed. The first part describes the metals, their properties, their significance and occurrence in water, then the possibility of removing metals using water supply processes. In the practical part of the diploma thesis I performed a laboratory experiment to remove iron, manganese and nickel by adsorption on selected filter materials, which are Filtrasorb F100, Filtrasorb F 400, Bayoxide E33 and GEH. The experiment was used to compare the effectiveness of selected sorption materials.

Využití filtru z nanovláken pro filtraci vzduchu / Use of nanofiber filter for air filtration

Straka, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The doctoral thesis „Using of nanofiber filter for air filtration“ is focused on application of nanofiber filter for air filtration under demanding conditions of water supply facilities. The main aim of the filter application is to decrease the secondary contamination of the indoor environment of the water accumulation tanks. The nanofiber filters are distinguished by high filtration efficiency of pollutants, dust particles and organic impurities. The contaminants don´t have to be unhealthy but they can be used for spore and microorganisms delivery to the system. They are served frequently as a reproduction substrate of microorganisms. All these factors negatively affect the water quality. The research includes formation of suitable testing methodology, pilot unit construction and operation, short-term testing and evaluation of nanofiber filters and commonly used filters and long term testing and verification of nanofiber filter attributes and quality. Furthermore the filter´s characteristics and filtration efficiency for characteristic pollutants were evaluated. Short-term and long-term experimental testing proved suitability of nanofiber filters use in water supply facilities. Interception of reported pollution indicators was reported on similar or higher level for application of nanofiber filter than for application of commonly used filter. Measured values of higher pressure difference of nanofiber filter were indicated as still adequate for use in water supply facilities. No operation difficulties, failures neither filter´s damage were reported during testing of nanofiber filters.

Hevlín – sídlo v krajině / Hevlín – place in the landscape

Šperlová, Zuzana Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the work is a vision of changing the approach to the landscape and agriculture. Defining a new field structure and supporting the territorial system of ecological stability. Part of the smart landscape is a series of technological support for agriculture in the form of towers. Subsequently, two of these towers are developed to the scale of detail.

Odstraňování antibiotik z odpadních vod pomocí pokrokových oxidačních technologií / Removal of antibiotics from wastewater by advanced oxidation technologies

Macsek, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
Antibiotics are substances that inhibit the growth of microorganisms and are widely used in modern medicine. High consumption of antibiotics correlates with their elevated occurence in sewage systems, from where they are further released into the environment. The threat of their occurrence in the environment is in triggering the formation and spread of antibiotic resistance. This thesis focuses on the removal of selected antibiotics and partly on the antibiotic resistance from wastewater by advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). AOPs are based on the creation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals, which are able to oxidize even highly persistent substances. The thesis focuses on the purification of effluents from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), which are identified as the main source of pharmaceutical pollution in the environment, by AOPs mainly based on ozonation. These processes were tested under laboratory conditions on model water as well as under real conditions as the tertiary stage of the treatment at Brno-Modřice WWTP under various operating states. As the results of the performed experiments show, it could be concluded that the studied AOPs are capable of effective degradation of studied antibiotics from the treated medium. Under real conditions, the antibiotics sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, azithromycin and clarithromycin were monitored. Output concentrations in each operational state were achieved to be below the limit of detection for all four antibiotics. The application of AOPs based on ozonation as the tertiary step of the treatment also had a positive effect on the reduction of microbial contamination and antibiotic resistance. Within the pilot plant experiments, a reduction of up to 4 orders of magnitude of E.coli, coliform microorganisms and a reduction of their resistant strains in the range of 1.4 - 4.0 logs were observed, compared to the effluent from the WWTP.

Kontrapunkt / The Counterpoint

Bučková, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
The connection between music and architecture was a field of many people all over the world throughout history. Attitude is different in every single way. Someone feels music in architecture through the feelings someone uses exact methods. My way led through the many formal analysis to design my own composing method on the basis of music patterns. The idea for designing my opera house in the capital Prague on the bank of the Vltava river was a symphonic poem written by Bedřich Smetana – Vltava. The tones of the music flow gracefully like a river, from the soft lines of flutes to the orchestra pother. And this is the story of the template for my design, where the river bank escalates to the opera theatre. And this space of opera is curious in some way. It can be changed between performances from opera to the Philharmonie purpose.

Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)

Lamačková, Zuzana Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is a design of a spatial and functional concept of the site of non-functional historical reservoirs in Brno on Yellow hill. The aim of the work is to create an idea of the use of the site and its underground reservoirs and to find a strategy for involving the site in the functioning of the city. The source of water was an elementary condition in the expansion and growth of city, and now few people realize how large network of underground structurs ensures its circulation and how important was their role in the past. The main idea of the work is to focus not only on one accessible reservoir in the area on Yellow Hill, but on a wider water world of Brno.

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