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Vzdělávací projekt Sacharidy Projektová výuka v chemii na gymnáziu / Educational Project Saccharides Topic Work in Chemistry for high schoolŠedivá, Renata January 2012 (has links)
Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Science Department of Teaching and Didactics of Chemistry Albertov 3, 128 40 Praha 2, Czech Republic Educational project Saccharides Topic Work in Chemistry for high School Bc. Renata Šedivá sedivarenata@gmail.com This diploma thesis is a suggestion of educational project Saccharides classifiable into education of Chemistry in 3rd year of four-year grammar school. In the first part there is a research of literature sources concerning the issue project education. The Following part is a suggestion of educational project Saccharides, its product are lessons about the topic saccharides, which are designed, prepared and taught by the students. The suggestion of the project contains a timetable of the project, instructions and methodology for individual parts of the project (motivation, preparation of lessons, laboratory works, presentation of lessons, final practice, test and reflection), methodological notes and documentation to the implementation of the project at Grammar school in Dvůr Králové nad Labem.
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Teorie grafů a její výskyt ve školské matematice / Graph theory and its use in school mathematicsGlasová, Ester January 2012 (has links)
Graph theory and its use in school mathematics This thesis deals with the inclusion of some problems of graph theory in education at secondary school. It contains the necessary theory for teachers as well as several examples of graph theory in school mathematics in elementary school; moreover it describes several well-known problems, which can be solved using graph theory. The work also includes preparation of two lessons. The theme of the first one is drawing in one stroke and an Eulerian cycle in general. Second topic is dedicated to mazes and labyrinths, their transformation to graph and few algorithms for passing through the maze. In the experimental part, the author examines whether the students are able to understand the selected parts of graph theory, and whether they find this topic more interesting than the usual mathematics they are used to at school. The results of this experiment are then compared for children from two types of lower secondary schools.
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Plody podle způsobů jejich šíření - výukový materiál pro ZŠ / The fruits according to their spreading - an educative material for the primary schoolsMIKLASOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to summarize the issue of different types of seed / fruit propagation and to propose teaching material containing elements of inquiry based education. In the presented research proposal, pupils focused on finding out how to spread the seeds / fruits through their own process. The pupils worked with the worksheet, a description of the selected plants and the presented tools. The research task was carried out in four schools. The pre-test was conducted with seven grade students and final testing with seventh-grade students. Even though selected pupils met for the first time with this type of learning, they were able to build their own practice and discuss each other's findings.
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Současné trendy v interaktivní výuce na střední škole / Actual trends in interactive learning in higher secondary educationBrand, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis maps interactive teaching in high school as a actual phenomenon. The aim of the thesis is to understand the current situation within the interactive teaching and to introduce possibilities how to realize the teaching with the elements of interactivity. The theoretical part describes various views of interactivity and its wildcards. This results in the characteristic elements of interactive teaching and the benefits that interactive teaching brings. The thesis also introduces current digital technologies that can be used in school education. It specifies what the specific technologies can be used for, what their advantages and disadvantages are. In the empirical part, the thesis examines one secondary school in Prague Hostivař for a closer understanding of the current situation of interactive teaching. This is done by using a questionnaire survey. The part of the empirical part is the design and implementation of teaching activities using interactivity, which are based on the theoretical basis and information found by the research. The activities are carried out directly in the classroom and subsequently evaluated by the pupils themselves. Subsequently, the activities are evaluated by the usability within the classroom, their versatility of use and the risks that they may face in...
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Zapojení průřezového tématu mediální výchova do výuky českého jazyka na SŠ / Media education in the teaching of Czech language at secondary schoolsCihlářová, Marcela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the involvement of the cross-curricular theme of media education in the Czech language teaching. The first part defines the basic concepts of media literacy and media education and describes their development and concepts in education. It also deals with the form of media education in curricular documents, especially in the framework educational programme, and the characteristics of the thematic areas of the cross-curricular theme of media education involved in this document. Subsequently, it deals with the possibilities of media education realization and with the use of textbooks and other methodological and teaching materials and projects. In the second part of the thesis, the school education programmes of three selected grammar schools are analysed, on the basis of data obtained by own qualitative research, by answers of respondents from semi-structured interviews and by specific teaching situations. The aim of the research part is to provide information on the implementation of media education and on the state of the relevant cross-curricular topic integration into teaching at selected grammar schools. The focus of concern is also whether the topics defined in the Framework Educational Programme for Grammar Schools are fulfilled in media education.
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Didaktické využití tématu zhudebněné poezie v českém jazyce a hudební výchově / Didactic use of musicalized poetry in Czech language and MusicDobiášová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on verification of specific didactic processes which aim to closer introduce poetry to students of primary and secondary schools in an unconventional way. This goal is to be achieved with the use of music. The subject of research is the topic of musicalized poetry and mainly its didactic use in pedagogic practice. This work combined knowledge across subjects of czech grammar/literature and music and arts. The first chapter describes general principles of musicalising poetry, the process of musicalisation and common traits of musicalised poems. The core of the work consists of a reserach probe for which I have prepared several lecture preparation materials. These materials utilise various methods and processes for work with musicalised poetry - specifically I focused on texts of czech poets from the 20th century. Prepared lectures are applied in pedagogic practice by using the method of expetimental teaching. All the didactic outputs are accompanied by one or more reflections. In the end the results are summarized and learned facts are formulated for practical use.
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Badatelsky orientované vyučování fyzického zeměpisu / Inquiry based teaching/ learning in physical geographyJEŘÁBKOVÁ, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with both theoretical part of the new trend in education, it is meant inquiry based teaching/ learning, and practical part which is useful mainly for geography teachers on the 2nd stage of primary schools. Inquiry based teaching has the aim in increasing the efficiency of the science subjects education on primary schools and getting pupils interested in study and interests. In view of the fact that the physical geography has many under parts, there were chosen three main categories for this work: hydrology, meteorology and climate, cartography and geographical informational system. In the theoretical part there is dealt with a definition of a term inquiry based teaching and learning, its using in the world educational systems and its integration into Czech educational system. On the grounds of the studied materials it was made "A set of projects for inquiry based teaching in geographical lessons on the 2nd stage of primary school. This practical portfolio includes both methodical sheets for teachers and worksheets for an explorer. Chosen projects were tested in practice and they are evaluated in the final part of the whole of the diploma thesis.
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Uplatnění badatelských prvků v biologii na střední škole s využitím modelového tématu / Application of inquiry-based education into high schools using a model topicDOSKOČILOVÁ, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the present work is to determine the reaction of Czech student to Inquiry-based science education. The study was conducted using two different laboratory topics, prepared for the study according to the principles of Inquiry-based education. Four different classes from one school participated in this study and the reaction of the students was determined by comparing two questionnaires; one initial, completed before the laboratory work, and the other final, filled in after the laboratory practice has ended.
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Rostliny a atmosféra - didaktické zpracování tématu pro výuku na základní škole / Plants and atmosphere - didactic processing of the theme for teaching on the elementary schoolČEKAL, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work was to process the selected theme of the fields of relationships between plants and atmosphere by means of learning programme based on the inquiry approach didacticly and apply it at the elementary school. The aim of the thesis was also to investigate the influence of the created learning programme on the level of pupils´ knowledge. 150 pupils took part in this testing. The research approved that by means of using IBE (Inquiry based education) the level of pupils´ knowledge compared with the frontal form of the education is increasing. The next fact was that pupils´ knowledge of photosynthesis was only on the average. It was also confirmed that with the using of this learning programme with the elements of exploration and the use of modern technology (pupils´ sets called Vernier) the curriculum was absorbed by students more efficiently.
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Badatelsky orientovaná výuka matematiky / Inquiry based teaching matematicsŠULOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis briefly introduces the concept of inquiry based teaching mathematics. In inquiry based teaching, emphasis is placed primarily on the active activity of the pupil, the aim of which is to discover a certain reality. This activity mainly involves solving problems and finding the right paths to achieve the right goal. We can call this path to a goal as a research. The inquiry process involves observing, formulating questions, identifying information, designing possible processes, and verifying them. In this educational method, the role of the teacher is not to pass the facts to the pupils, but to target them and to supervise the correctness of their practices. We can understand the teacher here as a guide, adviser or assistant on the path to the goal (discovery). In the thesis a few examples of mathematics of elementary and secondary schools are given, in which the inquiry based approach is applied. Mathematics in the given examples is not complicated, emphasis is put on the practical use. In the examples interdisciplinary relationships are developed as well, which is an important part of the inquiry based teaching. In each example, additional questions are provided.
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