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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular characterization of microbial diversity in wastewater treatment and reuse

Garrido Molina, Laura 13 July 2012 (has links)
La generació d’aigua residual és una conseqüència inevitable de les activitats humanes. Aquestes activitats modifiquen les característiques de les aigües de consum, contaminant-les i invalidant la seva posterior aplicació per altres usos. Abocar aquestes aigües sense depurar ocasiona danys, a vegades irreversibles, al medi ambient. D’altra banda, l’abocament d’aigües no depurades suposa riscos per la salut pública. Per aquesta raó, la depuració de les aigües residuals esdevé una necessitat important a la nostra societat. Les estacions depuradores d’aigües residuals (EDARs) constitueixen un dels processos biotecnològics més importants utilitzats arreu del món per depurar aigües residuals municipals i industrials. Des d’un punt de vista biològic, els microorganismes juguen un paper important en la depuració de les aigües residuals ja que són els principals responsables de l’eliminació de la matèria orgànica i dels nutrients d’aquestes aigües. D’altra banda, la reutilització de l’aigua s’està convertint en un aspecte cada vegada més important de la gestió sostenible dels recursos hídrics. En aquesta tesi s’ha estudiat la composició de les comunitats microbianes en diferents ambients relacionats amb la depuració d’aigües residuals i la seva reutilització. Per un costat, s’han estudiat i comparat les comunitats microbianes trobades en processos convencionals de depuració amb dos sistemes atípics de depuració d’aigua residual (un fang activat provinent d’una EDAR que processa aigua de mar i uns aiguamolls construïts). Per un altre, s’han determinat les diferències en el perfil microbià d’una aigua depurada versus una aigua dolça natural, amb la intenció de trobar un indicador alternatiu de qualitat de l’aigua. Finalment, s’ha analitzat la població microbiana associada amb els problemes derivats de la reutilització d’aigua. Les mostres del fang activat marí van ser analitzades utilitzant una aproximació completa per l’anàlisi de rRNA (electroforesi en gel de gradient desnaturalitzant, genoteca i hibridació in situ), obtenint-se una imatge de la composició de la comunitat completament diferent a la d’un fang activat convencional, amb la particularitat que es va trobar una presència molt baixa del grup Betaproteobacteria. A més, la detecció del gen funcional amoA va corroborar la presencia d’oxidadors d’amoni, que probablement eren de generes diferents als descrits en la literatura. Per un altra banda, les comunitats microbianes trobades en aiguamolls construïts experimentals pertanyien a espècies relacionades amb l’eliminació de matèria orgànica. L’estudi dels perfils d’aquestes comunitats va permetre determinar l’efecte del tipus de planta, el disseny hidràulic i la càrrega de matèria orgànica d’aquests sistemes en la seva composició. Comparant els nostres sistemes atípics de depuració amb els sistemes convencionals, es va poder concloure que cada sistema té la seva comunitat microbiana específica, adaptada a les seves condicions ambientals, duent a terme les mateixes funcions però amb diferents grups implicats. Tanmateix, l’examen dels perfils de diversitat microbiana d’aigües depurades provinents de EDARs i la seva comparació amb els perfils d’aigües naturals no contaminades mostrava que els efluents de depuradora tenen una empremta comú, que difereix de la d’una aigua natural. Segons això, tenint en compte els grups taxonòmics trobats més abundants en aquest tipus d’aigües, proposem l’ús de la ratio Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria i Nitrospira / Betaproteobacteria com a indicador alternatiu de qualitat ecològica de l’aigua. Pel que fa a la reutilització d’aigües, es va estudiar un exemple d’un problema de formació de biofilms derivat de l’ús d’aigua regenerada en un sistema de reg per goteig. En aquests biofilms la comunitat microbiana estava principalment composada per microorganismes termòfils i esporulats, la qual cosa suggereix que les altes temperatures dins de la infrastructura de reg van seleccionar aquestes poblacions. Per tant, sembla ser que les condicions en el sistema de reg poden ser més importants que la composició de la pròpia aigua regenerada. / Wastewater generation is an inevitable consequence of human activities. These activities modify the characteristics of the original waters, contaminating them and invalidating subsequent application for other uses. Dumping of raw sewage causes damage, sometimes irreversible, to the environment. On the other hand, the discharge of untreated sewage poses risks to public health. Thus, wastewater treatment becomes an important need in our society. Wastewater treatment plants constitute one of the most important biotechnological processes used worldwide to treat municipal and industrial sewage. From a biological point of view, microorganisms play an important role in wastewater treatment since they are the main responsible of the remove of organic matter and nutrients from this sewage. Furthermore, water reuse is becoming increasingly important as a component of sustainable management of water resources. In this thesis we investigated the composition of microbial communities in different environments related to wastewater treatment and reuse. First, we studied and compared the microbial communities found in conventional processes with two atypical treatment systems (activated sludge from a seawater-processing EDAR and constructed wetlands). On the other hand, we determined how different was the microbial profile of a treated wastewater versus a natural freshwater, and tried to find out an alternative indicator of water quality. Finally, we examined the microbial population associated with the problems arising from water reuse. Samples of a marine activated sludge were analyzed by using the full-cycle rRNA approach (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, clone libraries and in situ hybridization), obtaining a picture of the composition of the community completely different from a conventional activated sludge, with particularly a low presence of Betaproteobacteria. In addition, detection of the functional gene amoA corroborated the presence of ammonia oxidizers, corresponding probably to different genera from those described in the literature. On the other hand, the microbial communities found in experimental constructed wetlands belonged to species related with organic matter removal. The study of the profiles of these microbial communities allowed determining the effect of the type of plant, hydraulic design and organic matter load of these systems in their composition. Comparing our atypical treatment systems with conventional ones, we can conclude that each system has its specific microbial community, adapted to its environmental conditions, with the same functions being carried out by different groups. Besides, examination of microbial diversity profiles of treated wastewater from different EDARs and comparison with natural non-contaminated water showed that sewage effluents have a common fingerprint, which differs from natural water. Thus, taking into account the most abundant groups found in these types of waters, we proposed the use of the Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria and Nitrospira / Betaproteobacteria ratio as an alternative indicator of ecological water quality. Concerning water reuse, we focused on an example of a biofouling problem derived from the use of reclaimed water in a drip irrigation system. In these biofilms the microbial community was mainly composed of thermophilic and sporulated microorganisms, suggesting that high temperatures within the irrigation infrastructure selected these populations. Thus, it seemed that the conditions in the system may be more important than the composition of reclaimed water itself.

Investigation of the Effect of Operational Parameters on the Fouling Development and Control in an Algal Membrane Photobioreactor for the Treatment of Simulated Secondary Wastewater

Lamprea Cala, Andres 07 1900 (has links)
The release of water effluents rich in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus without adequate treatment represents environmental and human health concerns. Growing concerns about these impacts have resulted in increasingly stringent water quality regulations that encouraged the adoption of advanced treatment processes. Microalgae-based advanced wastewater treatment has gained momentum owing to its well-known advantages for advanced wastewater treatment, including the recovering of nutrients for the production of fertilizers, biofuels and fine chemical from microalgal biomass. Nevertheless, the progressive membrane fouling and permeate flux declining hamper the large-scale commercialization of membrane photobioreactors (MPBRs) in the wastewater sector. In order to get a further understanding of the fouling mechanisms and antifouling control strategies, this study investigated the effect of the hydraulic retention time on the fouling development, and the effect of different physical fouling control strategies in the fouling mitigation. A synthetic secondary effluent was continuously fed to three MPBRs operated at different HRTs (12, 24 and 36 hours). Different fouling behaviors were found as the HRT changed, which was confirmed by continuously monitoring the transmembrane pressure (TMP) and by measurements in the biomass and its algal organic matter (AOM) properties. Lowering the HRT resulted in higher fouling rates due to changes in the biomass and AOM properties. Higher HRTs led to lower fouling rates and to a lower organic rejection across the membrane. The retention of small-MW organics in SMPBR12h was found to exacerbate the fouling resistance, whereas the accumulation of large-MW biopolymers enhanced the rejection of organics, despite of not imparting significant resistance in SMPBR24h. In order to assess the impact of different physical fouling control strategies, namely relaxation, backwash and air scouring, OCT in-situ monitoring was employed in MPBR12h to provide real-time information of the fouling layer properties (thickness and relative roughness) and its interaction with the membrane surface. Different fouling mechanisms were observed under different fouling control strategies. MPBRRLX and MPBRBW presented similar fouling rates despite of the lower permeate productivities of the latter. The lowest fouling rates were observed in MPBRSC, where stronger interactions between the membrane and small-MW organics and particles was observed.

Zeolite‐Based Algae Biofilm Rotating Photobioreactor for Algae and Biomass Production

Young, Ashton M. 01 August 2011 (has links)
Alkaline conditions induced by algae growth in wastewater stabilization ponds create deprotonated ammonium ions that result in ammonia gas (NH3) volatilization. If algae are utilized to remediate wastewater through uptake of phosphorus, the resulting nitrogen loss will hinder this process because algae generally require a stoichiometric molar ratio of N16P1. Lower ratios of N/P due to loss of ammonia gas will limit the growth and yield of algae, and therefore will reduce phosphorus removal from the water phase into the algae phase. In order to reduce nitrogen loss through volatilization, an ammonium selective zeolite, clinoptilolite, can be used to sequester nitrogen from the water phase as ammonium ion and in a form that is bioavailable for uptake and growth of algae. A novel algae biofilm rotating photo bioreactor (RPB) with clinoptilolite integrated to the outermost surface as the substratum for algae biofilm attachment and growth has been designed, constructed, and tested for ammonium capture and algae biomass production, with simultaneous removal of the algal nutrient phosphorus from water. The clinoptilolite‐based RPB (cRPB) provides algal biomass that can serve as feedstock for biofuel production through uptake of zeolite‐based nitrogen and water phase phosphorus.

Development of a microwave-assisted catalytic reactor for wastewater treatment : simulation and experiments

Anshuman, Aashu January 2017 (has links)
The global population is constantly rising and with the consequent increase in demand for clean water, the planet is facing a looming freshwater shortage. At the current rate, cities around the globe could lose as much as two thirds of their freshwater supply by 2050. To tackle this, there has been a huge surge on the investigation of novel wastewater treatment technologies. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have shown great promise in this regard. Recently using microwaves with AOPs has been proven to exhibit improved reaction rates and thus there is a push towards developing processes involving microwaves and AOPs to achieve high water treatment efficiencies. However no methodical studies have been conducted to the best of our knowledge, to take the lab scale improvements successfully on to the pilot scale wastewater treatment system. To design such a system by coupling microwaves with Fenton process is the objective of this microwave assisted catalytic treatment of wastewater (MICROCAT) research project. Multiphysics simulation was used for cavity design optimisation and common pesticides found in agricultural wastewater were used as candidate impurities. A heterogeneous Fenton catalyst was prepared by a multi-stage thermal and chemical treatment of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) mesh on polypropylene support structure in collaboration with De Montfort University (DMU). The PAN meshes, after each stage of the treatment process, have been characterised using the field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEGSEM) and electron dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) for microstructure and composition. The catalyst was used to study the decomposition of a model compound (e.g., carbetamide) using microwave radiation as well as conventional heating. Two kinds of trials were carried out constant power and constant temperature to observe the effect of variation of process parameters on the reaction rates. It was seen that the use of microwave heating enhanced the rate of decomposition compared to conventional heating in both scenarios. Attempts were also made to modify the composition of the catalyst and the support structure using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and carbon based additives (graphite and carbon black) to improve the microwave absorption characteristics. The combination of additive and PAN/PVDF mixtures has the potential to help in designing a suitable fabric support for catalyst that could be more receptive to microwaves, thereby helping to improve the energy efficiency of the process. Thorough investigation of dielectric properties and microwave absorption characteristics of the catalyst and support materials were performed independently. The heating rates of the meshes were monitored using an infrared thermal imaging camera. The absorption efficiencies of materials commonly used to build water treatment reactors such as polypropylene (PP), Fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), glass, PTFE, and fused quartz were assessed by subjecting them to constant microwave power experiments to ascertain their utility for making the reactor parts To take the successful lab scale results (100 ml) to scalable levels (80000 ml) for field trails, a new microwave reactor system was designed and tested. The cavity design was aided by multiphysics simulation of the electromagnetic field and temperature distribution inside the cavity. The model was created using COMSOL and provided valuable insight in making several design choices and improvements. The material data used in the model was determined both from our characterisation results and from corroborative literature data. The cavity itself was fully constructed using aluminium and the internal components were made using polypropylene and PTFE within the project timeline. The cavity was commissioned and initial testing at end user sites involved experiments measuring the rate of decomposition of carbetamide and other pesticides the results again emphasising that microwave treatment improves the reaction rates both from lab scale and in pilot scale water treatment situations in comparison to conventional treatment systems. This augers well for the generic applicability of the microwave assisted catalytic reactor system and its potential for the efficient treatment of contaminated water from hard to treat agricultural. Industrial, medical and defence waste/pollutants in future. An added advantage is that the developed microwave treatment system is mobile (on an ISO-container) and hence can reach the remote, contaminated site and treat it then and there rather than transporting the contaminated fluid to the treatment plant in a faraway location.

Aplicação dos processos de coagulação/floculação e adsorção em carvão ativo no tratamento primário dos efluentes de indústrias de defensivos agrícolas. / Aplicação dos processos de coagulação/floculação e adsorção em carvão ativo no tratamento primário dos efluentes de indústrias de defensivos agrícolas. / Use of coagulation/flocculation and activated carbon adsortion processes in the primary wastewater treatment from pesticides industries. / Use of coagulation/flocculation and activated carbon adsortion processes in the primary wastewater treatment from pesticides industries.

Gabriela de Carvalho Breia 15 December 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi estudado o tratamento do efluente líquido de uma indústria de defensivos agrícolas, que se caracteriza por apresentar alta DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e alta toxicidade. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o processo de coagulação/floculação associado ao processo de adsorção em carvão ativo na remoção de DQO e na redução da toxicidade do efluente, para adequá-lo ao tratamento posterior por lodos ativados. Foram realizados testes para analisar a eficiência desse processo e obteve-se uma excelente redução na DQO e uma boa redução da toxicidade. A remoção média de DQO ficou entre 73,4 e 93,5% e todas as correntes encontravam-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela DZ-205, legislação estadual da FEEMA (Fundação Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente) para envio à unidade de tratamento biológico. Obteve-se também boa redução da toxicidade, o que indica que os efluentes analisados podem ser enviados para o tratamento biológico. Essa metodologia também permitiu a otimização do processo de pré-tratamento dos efluentes em diversos aspectos: redução do consumo de carvão ativo, redução do tempo de operação e redução de 19,7% nos custos operacionais. / In the present work the wastewater treatment from a pesticides industry was investigated, the wastewater has the following characteristics: high COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and sometimes high toxicity. The main objective of this study was to investigate the coagulation/floculation process associated with the activated carbon adsorption process to remove COD and to reduce toxicity from the wastewater, leading it adequate for a latter treatment with activated sludge. The results showed that the process led to an excellent reduction of COD and an appreciable reduction of the toxicity. The COD removal was comprised between 73.4 and 93.5% and the treated effluents fulfilled the requirements established by DZ-205 from FEEMA (Fundação Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente). Toxicity was appreciably removed, indicating that the treated effluent can be sent to a biological treatment process. It was possible to improve the wastewater pre-treatment process in some aspects: reduction of the activated carbon consumption, reduction of the operational process duration and reduction of 19.7% on the operational costs.

Aplicação dos processos de coagulação/floculação e adsorção em carvão ativo no tratamento primário dos efluentes de indústrias de defensivos agrícolas. / Aplicação dos processos de coagulação/floculação e adsorção em carvão ativo no tratamento primário dos efluentes de indústrias de defensivos agrícolas. / Use of coagulation/flocculation and activated carbon adsortion processes in the primary wastewater treatment from pesticides industries. / Use of coagulation/flocculation and activated carbon adsortion processes in the primary wastewater treatment from pesticides industries.

Gabriela de Carvalho Breia 15 December 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi estudado o tratamento do efluente líquido de uma indústria de defensivos agrícolas, que se caracteriza por apresentar alta DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e alta toxicidade. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o processo de coagulação/floculação associado ao processo de adsorção em carvão ativo na remoção de DQO e na redução da toxicidade do efluente, para adequá-lo ao tratamento posterior por lodos ativados. Foram realizados testes para analisar a eficiência desse processo e obteve-se uma excelente redução na DQO e uma boa redução da toxicidade. A remoção média de DQO ficou entre 73,4 e 93,5% e todas as correntes encontravam-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela DZ-205, legislação estadual da FEEMA (Fundação Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente) para envio à unidade de tratamento biológico. Obteve-se também boa redução da toxicidade, o que indica que os efluentes analisados podem ser enviados para o tratamento biológico. Essa metodologia também permitiu a otimização do processo de pré-tratamento dos efluentes em diversos aspectos: redução do consumo de carvão ativo, redução do tempo de operação e redução de 19,7% nos custos operacionais. / In the present work the wastewater treatment from a pesticides industry was investigated, the wastewater has the following characteristics: high COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and sometimes high toxicity. The main objective of this study was to investigate the coagulation/floculation process associated with the activated carbon adsorption process to remove COD and to reduce toxicity from the wastewater, leading it adequate for a latter treatment with activated sludge. The results showed that the process led to an excellent reduction of COD and an appreciable reduction of the toxicity. The COD removal was comprised between 73.4 and 93.5% and the treated effluents fulfilled the requirements established by DZ-205 from FEEMA (Fundação Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente). Toxicity was appreciably removed, indicating that the treated effluent can be sent to a biological treatment process. It was possible to improve the wastewater pre-treatment process in some aspects: reduction of the activated carbon consumption, reduction of the operational process duration and reduction of 19.7% on the operational costs.

Estratégia de partida de reatores anaeróbios visando o tratamento de resíduos agrícolas / Start up of strategy aimed at anaerobics reactors agriculture waste treatment

Julião, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, 1982- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Luiz Lonardoni Foloni, José Teixeira Filho / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T00:57:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliao_LuizGustavoFernandes_D.pdf: 1925287 bytes, checksum: f0d1ddadad4045c0d9d6614cce1c80f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O Brasil é o maior produtor de café do mundo. Entretanto, a produção de café de qualidade lança em corpos d¿água, grande quantidade de água residuária, principal resíduo do beneficiamento do grão. Desse modo, tecnologias que minimizam o impacto de descarte em rios são necessárias para conservação do meio aquático. Assim, a hipótese desse trabalho foi a utilização de microrganismos através da técnica de biorremediação, que por possuir alta taxa de remoção, devido ao processo biológico, acelera a partida de reatores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de criar estratégias de partida de reatores anaeróbios antes do recebimento de águas residuárias para acelerar o processo de maturação, e dessa forma obter melhor eficiência no tratamento. O experimento foi realizado no Campo Experimental da Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, da UNICAMP nos meses de março a julho de 2013. Foram avaliados cinco reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente, em duas fases diferentes, utilizando-se de dois inóculos diferentes: um composto biológico comercial e lodo de esgoto sanitário. Na Fase 1: R1 ¿ inoculado com lodo de esgoto sanitário; R4 ¿ testemunha; R6 ¿ inoculado com composto biológico a dose 50% maior que a recomendada (3,5 mL); R8 ¿ inoculado com lodo de esgoto sanitário e composto biológico na dose recomendada e R9 ¿ inoculado com composto biológico á dose recomendada. Os compostos biológicos foram inoculados inicialmente três vezes por semana e diminuindo a concentração ao longo do período estudado, enquanto o lodo de esgoto sanitário foi inoculado uma única vez. Na Fase 2: R1 ¿ inoculado com lodo de esgoto sanitário; R4 ¿ testemunha; R6 ¿ inoculado com composto biológico na dose recomendada (10 mL); R8 ¿ inoculado com lodo de esgoto sanitário e composto biológico na dose recomendada e R9 ¿ inoculado com composto biológico 5x á dose recomendada. Os compostos biológicos foram inoculados inicialmente três vezes por semana e diminuindo a concentração ao longo do período estudado, enquanto o lodo de esgoto sanitário foi inoculado uma única vez. Porem, nesta fase, ao inserir o composto biológico foi feita uma aeração de forma a homogeneizar com o esgoto presente no reator. Os parâmetros para avaliar a eficiencia no tempo de partida foram DQO, fósforo, nitrogênio, pH, sólidos (ST,STV e SST), temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido e vazão. Os resultados revelaram que o reator R4 foi o que obteve menores níveis de DQO, maior remoção de nutrientes, nas duas fases. Enquanto os reatores que foram inoculados com lodo de esgoto, R1 e R8 tiveram as maiores concentrações de DQO, independentemente da fase. Os reatores tratados com composto biológico, R6 e R9 obtiveram melhores respostas quando comparados com os reatores tratados com lodo de esgoto. Entretanto, em relação a partida de reatores, os dias avaliados em cada fase não foram suficientes para a estabilização dos parâmetros estudados. Contudo, devem ser realizados mais trabalhos para aumentar a eficiência dos inóculos na partida de tratamento anaeróbio / Abstract: The Brazil is productor major coffee of the world. However, the production of quality coffee put in water¿s body great amount of wastewater, main residue of the processing of grains. Thereby, technologies that minimize the impact of disposal in rivers are needed to conserve the aquatic environment. Thus, the hypothesis of this study was the use of microorganisms through the technique of bioremediation, which possess high removal rate due to biological process, accelerates the starting-up of reactors. The aim of this study was to develop strategies starting anaerobic reactors before receiving wastewater to accelerate the maturation process, and thus obtain better efficiency in treatment. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Field of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, UNICAMP in the months from March to July 2013. We evaluated five anaerobic reactors at two different stages. In Phase 1: R1 - inoculated with sewage sludge; R4 ¿ control; R6 - inoculated with biological compound drop 50% greater than the recommended; R8 - inoculated with sewage sludge and biological compound at the recommended drop and R9 - inoculated with biological compound recommended drop. The organic compounds were initially inoculated three times a week and decreasing concentration over the study period, while the sewage sludge was applied only once. In Phase 2: R1 - inoculated with sewage sludge; R4 ¿ control; R6 - inoculated with biological compound at the drop recommended; R8 - inoculated with sewage sludge and biological compound at the recommended drop and R9 - inoculated with biological compound the 5x recommended drop. The organic compounds were initially inoculated three times a week and decreasing concentration over the study period, while the sewage sludge was applied only once. Meantime, at this stage, to enter the biological compound was made an airing to homogenise the sewage present in the reactor. Parameters to evaluate the effective start-up were COD, phosphorus, nitrogen, pH, series of total solids, temperature, dissolved oxygen and flow. The results revealed that the reactor was R4 which had lower levels of COD, more removal of nutrients in both phases. While the reactors were inoculated with sewage sludge, R1 and R8 had the highest concentrations of COD, regardless of the stage. The reactors treated with biological compound, R6 and R9 had better responses when compared with the reactors treated with sewage sludge. However, regarding the start-up of reactors, the days assessed at each stage were not sufficient for stabilization of the parameters studied. All the same, more work must be done to increase the efficiency of the starting inoculum in anaerobic treatment / Doutorado / Agua e Solo / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola

Protótipo de biofiltro percolador com uso de meio suporte sintético / Prototype of biofilter percolator with synthetic support

Bergamini, Natália Cedran, 1984- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Gomes da Nave Mendes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T02:02:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bergamini_NataliaCedran_M.pdf: 5745897 bytes, checksum: 69560c23a66d8d968b36f4b34e17bc8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este trabalho consistiu em inovação tecnológica antes nunca testada desde a concepção, projeto, construção e operação de um biofiltro percolador de tratamento de esgoto sanitário em escala piloto. O reator foi desenvolvido nas instalações do Laboratório de Protótipos da Faculdade de Engenharia Civil da UNICAMP, cidade de Campinas, estado de São Paulo, é constituído de pré-filtro fabricado com a manta acrílica resinada, 3 reatores biológicos percoladores dispostos em séries, revestidos de não tecido sintético e filtro secundário confeccionado do mesmo material do pré-filtro. A vazão real média de alimentação do sistema era de 12,8 L h-1, tendo sido operado em regime hidráulico com tempo de detenção hidráulico variável de 82 a 100 minutos. A inovação baseou-se no uso de não tecido sintético com tripla função: a) proporcionar o fluxo do substrato sob ação da gravidade; b) promover a troca gasosa entre o meio líquido e a atmosfera; e c) constituir-se como meio suporte da biomassa, além de verificar as condições operacionais e tipos de mantas para viabilizar o tratamento de esgoto na remoção de matéria carbonácea sem a necessidade de aeração artificial. Neste estudo, foi analisada a remoção de sólidos suspensos (SS), turbidez, oxigênio dissolvido, DQO e DBO5. Os resultados médios de remoção de DQO e de DBO nas diferentes fases operacionais variaram de 75 a 86% e de 80 a 86%, respectivamente. As concentrações médias de DQO no efluente final variaram de 81 a 179 mg/L, enquanto as concentrações médias de DBO estiveram entre 47 a 97 mg/L. As médias globais de SST no efluente final foram mantidas em 49 mg/L. Com remoção de turbidez de 92,8%. O sistema PF/FBP (Pré-filtro/Filtro Biológico Percolador) pode se tornar uma alternativa muito promissora para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário de pequenas instalações do Brasil, uma vez que o sistema manifestou baixos tempo de detenção hidráulica e eficiência na remoção de DQO, DBO5 e sólidos suspensos, resultando em uma instalação compacta e de baixos custos. Além disso, o consumo de energia e os custos operacionais são mínimos / Abstract: This work consisted in technological innovation never before tested from conception, design, construction and operation of a trickling biofilter wastewater treatment in pilot scale. The reactor was developed on the premises of the Laboratory Prototypes of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, is constituted of prefilter manufactured with resin-coated acrylic blanket, three biological trickling reactors arranged in series, coated and synthetic nonwoven secondary filter made of the same material pre-filter. The average real power flow of the system was 12,8 L h-1, having been operated hydraulic system with variable hydraulic detention time of 82-100 minutes. The innovation is based on the use of non-synthetic fabric with three functions: a) providing the flow of the substrate under the action of gravity; b) promote gas exchange between the liquid medium and the atmosphere; c) to establish itself as a means of support biomass and to check the operating conditions and types of blankets to enable wastewater treatment for the removal of carbonaceous matter without the need for artificial aeration. In this study, we analyzed the removal of suspended solids (SS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen, COD and BOD5. The average results of COD removal and BOD in the different operational phases ranged 75-86% and 80 to 86%, respectively. The average concentrations of COD in the final effluent ranged 81-179 mg/L, while the average concentrations of BOD were between 47-97 mg/L. Global average of TSS in the final effluent were maintained on 49 mg/L. To remove turbidity of 92.8%. The PF / BTF (Pre-filter / Biological trickling filter) system can become a very promising alternative for treating sewage from small installations from Brazil, once the system showed low hydraulic retention time and removal efficiency of COD , BOD5 and suspended solids, resulting in a compact installation and low costs. Furthermore, the energy consumption and operating costs are minimal / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestra em Engenharia Civil

Construção de um turbidímetro de baixo custo para controle de qualidade de efluentes industriais / Construction of a low cost turbidimeter for quality control of industrial effluens

Martins, Gabriel Soares, 1983- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Otávio Saraiva Ferreira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T21:54:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Martins_GabrielSoares_M.pdf: 6495887 bytes, checksum: 4a05e53032d23853568df2eca3d4ecf7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Medir a qualidade da água sempre foi importante para as agências governamentais, organizações científicas e a própria sociedade manterem o nível de contaminação da água em patamares que não afetem a sobrevivência de nenhum ser vivo. Rastrear de forma mais detalhada e precisa os efluentes industriais que retornam aos rios e lagos das cidades, através da instalação de diversos medidores ao longo das linhas de distribuição de água industriais, auxilia na manutenção da qualidade da água destas fontes naturais. Os medidores existentes atualmente, conhecidos por turbidímetros, são caros, o que impede o amplo monitoramento das linhas de água. O objetivo desta dissertação é a construção de um turbidímetro de baixo custo que seja capaz de auxiliar na avaliação dos efluentes industriais. O turbidímetro proposto é baseado no GLI Método 2 (Great Lake Instruments Method 2), que emprega duas técnicas de espectroscopia: a nefelometria e a turbidimetria. A contribuição dada por esta dissertação está na aplicação da técnica de modulação por amplitude de pulso com amostragem instantânea, muito utilizada em telecomunicações, com o intuito de mitigar qualquer deslocamento do sinal devido às fontes de luz do ambiente e outras interferências do circuito eletrônico. O equipamento consegue medir uma faixa de turbidez de 16 a 4000 NTU. Abaixo de 16 NTU não há precisão nas medidas devido à intensa presença de ruído no sinal nefelométrico. Apesar de não conseguir medir o nível de turbidez aceitável de água apropriada para consumo (5 NTU), considera-se a faixa de medição suficiente para se medir efluentes indústrias e monitorá-los para não que não poluam os rios e reservatórios das cidades / Abstract: Measuring water quality has always been important for government agencies; scientific organizations and society maintain the level of water contamination at levels that do not affect the survival of any living being. Track, with more details and accuracy, the industrial effluents that return to the rivers and the lakes of the cities through the installation of several meters along the water lines of industries, helps maintain water quality of the natural sources. The meters currently existing, known for turbidimeters, are expensive, which prevents the widespread monitoring of water lines. The objective of this dissertation is design a low cost turbidimeter that is able to assist in the assessment of industrial effluents. The turbidimeter proposed is based on the GLI Method 2 (Great Lake Instruments Method 2), which employs two spectroscopic techniques: nephelometry and turbidimetry. The contribution of this dissertation is in applying the technique of pulse amplitude modulation with instantaneous sampling, widely used in telecommunications, in order to mitigate any signal offset due to ambient light sources and interference from the electronic circuit. The equipment can measure a range of 16-4000 turbidity NTU. Below 16 NTU there is no accuracy in measurements because the noise interfering in the nephelometric signal. Although the equipment cannot measure the acceptable turbidity level of drinking water (5 NTU), it is considered sufficient to measure industrial effluents and track them to not pollute the rivers and reservoirs of cities / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Att ta tillvara biogas från rötning avavloppsslam : En förstudie om biogasproduktion ochanvändning av energin på Horshagaavloppsreningsverk i Skara

Nilsson, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
För att skapa ett hållbart och cirkulärt samhälle måste nödvändigt avfall börja ses som en värdefull resurs. Ett exempel på en sådan resurs är det slam som avskiljs vid rening av avloppsvatten. Genom att mikroorganismer bryter ner det organiska materialet i slammet bildas biogas som kan användas för att utvinna energi. Detta är ingen ny teknik utan har använts i 1000-tals år men processen för energiutbytet har effektiviserats och idag används ofta en syrefri och uppvärmd rötkammare för att påskynda nedbrytningen. Vid Horshaga avloppsreningsverk i Skara produceras biogas av slammet som utvinns vid reningen av vattnet. Biogasen används för intern uppvärmning av rötkammaren, vatten och lokaler. Ofta produceras det mer än vad verksamheten kan använda internt och biogasen eldas då istället upp i en gasfackla utan att energi tillvaratas. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga biogasproduktionen och energianvändning för att se om det går att nyttja överskottsbiogasen för kraftvärmeproduktion. I Studien har data samlats in från verksamhetens interna nätverk samt genom intervjustudie med anställda inom bolaget. Resultatet visade på att årsvis produceras det mer biogas än vad verksamhet kan använda, men under vintermånaderna råder ett underskott av biogas och då har fossilolja tillsatts för att täcka upp för värmebehovet. Största värmeförbrukning går åt till att värma upp rötkammaren. Vid kraftvärmeproduktion av överskottsbiogasen skulle intäkterna bli 267 576 kronor. Att öka kvalitén och minska den interna energianvändningen skulle bidra till mera tillgänglig biogas till kraftvärmeproduktion. Det kan också finnas andra värden än ekonomiska för egen elproduktion tillexempel ökad krisberedskap / To create a sustainable and circular society, waste must begin to be seen as a valuable resource. An example of such a resource is the sludge that occurs during wastewater treatment. When microorganisms break down the organic material in the sludge, biogas is formed that can be used to extract energy. This technology has been used for 1000s of years, but the process for energy exchange has been improved and today an oxygen-free and heated digester is often used to speed up the decomposition. At the Horshaga wastewater treatment plant in Skara, biogas is produced from the sludge extracted in the biological treatment of water. The biogas is used for internal heating of the digester, water and premises. Often more biogas is produced than the business can use internally and the biogas is the instead burned up without energy being utilized. The purpose of the study is to map biogas production and energy use to investigate possibility to use the surplus biogas for combined heat and power production. The study has been based on data from the company's internal network and a smaller interview study with employees within the company. The result showed that more biogas is produced annually than the business can use, but during the winter months there is a deficit of biogas, and fossil oil has been added there to cover the energy need. The largest heat consumption is used to heat up the digester. In the case of cogeneration production of the surplus biogas, the revenue would be SEK 267,576. Increasing the quality and reducing internal energy use would contribute to more available biogas for cogeneration production. There may also be values other than financial for own electricity production, for example increased crisis preparedness. / <p>2023-06-02</p>

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