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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização do uso da água e da energia associada à água em uma edificação residencial convencional e uma dotada de um sistema de reúso de águas cinza

Pertel, Mônica 09 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:04:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 monica pertel.pdf: 1272767 bytes, checksum: 60a2549781d95544d6d9427008b1fde9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-09 / A busca pela sustentabilidade no meio urbano compreende o uso das mais variadas práticas possíveis de conservação dos recursos como água e energia. Nesse sentido, a parcela referente ao consumo de água e energia nas residências é estratégica para a concepção de programas de conservação desses recursos em áreas urbanas, visto que o consumo residencial é responsável por uma grande parcela do consumo urbano, chegando a cerca de 80% em Minas Gerais. Visando avaliar um método de conservação de água, esse trabalho avaliou quantitativamente a economia gerada em uma edificação dotada de um sistema de reúso de águas cinza quando comparada a uma edificação com sistema hidrossanitário convencional. O monitoramento foi realizado de fevereiro a setembro de 2007 no edifício convencional e de fevereiro a setembro de 2008 naquele com sistema reúso de águas cinza, por meio de leituras diárias, sempre às 8h, de todos os hidrômetros e medidores de energia, além do levantamento de perfis de consumo de 24h. O consumo energético das bombas de recalque foi medido por meio eletrônico com a instalação de um analisador de energia. O consumo de água, avaliado através de perfis horários e dos indicadores per capita, por área e por dormitório, foi consistentemente mais elevado no edifício convencional, havendo um maior consumo nos meses de inverno nas duas edificações. Cerca de 32% da água cinza produzida são aproveitados como água de reúso na edificação, sendo que o volume de água de reúso utilizado é cerca de 22% do consumo total na edificação. Em termos energéticos, no edifício convencional o consumo das bombas de recalque foi de cerca de 8% do total de energia consumida. No dotado de reúso o consumo foi de 7% do total de energia consumida, sendo que 3% das bombas de água potável e 4% das bombas de reúso. Os valores altos de consumo energético das bombas sugerem uma maior atenção aos projetos de bombeamento. Foi observado um indicador de 1,40kWh/m³ para o edifício convencional e de 0,88kWh/m³ para o dotado de reúso. A avaliação de perdas realizada por meio da setorização permitiu inferir que há, possivelmente um vazamento de cerca de 1,88m³/dia invisível na edificação dotada de reúso antes do reservatório superior. Foi observado erros de medição nos hidrômetros das colunas de abastecimento para pequenas vazões. Não foram observados vazamentos nos apartamentos. Os resultados demonstram a importância do reúso como forma de conservação de água potável e de redução do esgoto sanitário. / The pursuit of urban sustainability entails the most diverse water and energy conservation praxes. In this context, the rational use of water and energy by residential buildings plays a strategic role in the conception of natural resources conservation programs in urban areas, since the residential usage is responsible for as much as 80% in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Seeking the evaluation of a water conservation method, the present work examined quantitatively the economic gain generated in a residential building outfitted with a gray water reuse system opposed to a building with conventional hydro-sanitary system. Data was collected from February to September of 2007 in the conventional building and from February to September of 2008 in the one equipped with the gray water reuse system. Data collection comprises daily readings, at 8:00 a.m., of the water and electricity consumption, as well as the 24h usage profile. The water pump electrical consumption was measured by an electronic gauge, installed on each pump. Based on the hourly usage profiles, per capita, per area and per bedroom, the water usage was consistently higher in the conventional building and more intense over the winter in both buildings. Approximately 32% of the produced gray water was diverted and reused, representing 22% of the total water consumption in the building. In terms of the electrical usage, the water pumps installed in the conventional residential building represented 8% of the total spent energy, while in the building outfitted with the gray water reuse system, it accounted for 7% of the total, from which 3% were used on the drinking water pumping system and 4% in the gray water system. The high electrical usage by the pumps suggests that the water systems should be more carefully designed. Energy consumption per cubic meter of conveyed water of 1,40kWh/m3 was observed in the conventional building, while in the one equipped with gray water reuse systems, a lower value of 0.88kWh/m3 was observed. The evaluation of water losses carried out by building sections, allowed the identification of a leakage of 1,88m3/day, in the building equipped with the gray water reuse system invisible by other means. Errors in the water flow meter were observed at low flow conditions. No evident leakages were observed inside the residences. The results show the potential of gray water reuse as water conservation and waste water reduction praxes.

Desempenho do sistema predial de água e esgoto sanitário com uso de bacias sanitárias de volume de descarga de 4,8 litros. / Performance of the water supply and drainage systems with use 4.8 Lpf toilets.

Valêncio, Isabella Pastore 15 September 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem, como objetivo, avaliar o desempenho de bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga, bem como do sistema de esgoto sanitário, quando estas bacias sanitárias estão instaladas. Para essa pesquisa foram realizadas três etapas: revisão bibliográfica, etapa laboratorial e etapa de campo. Na etapa laboratorial foram ensaiadas vinte bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga, tanto bacias sanitárias projetadas para funcionar com 4,8 L/descarga quanto bacias sanitárias projetadas para funcionar com 6,8 L/descarga, mas reguladas para 4,8 L/descarga. Foram observadas bacias sanitárias que atendem o desempenho de remoção de dejetos da própria bacia, mas apenas cinco bacias sanitárias (25%) foram aprovadas em todos os ensaios realizados. Nenhuma das bacias sanitárias projetadas para funcionar com 6,8 L/descarga, mas regulada para 4,8 L/descarga, foi aprovada nesta etapa. Na etapa de campo, dez casas tiveram o consumo de água total e da bacia sanitária monitorados e foram realizadas cinco filmagens da rede de esgoto sanitário. Durante a etapa de campo, embora os usuários não tenham relatado problemas no desempenho das bacias sanitárias, o monitoramento dos dados revelou a presença de acionamentos sucessivos em algumas das residências. As filmagens da rede de esgoto sanitário mostraram depósito de sólidos, que pode ter ocorrido devido à redução do volume de água despejado na rede. Assim, não é possível afirmar que a substituição de bacias sanitárias de 6,8 L/descarga por aquelas de 4,8 L/descarga não causa impacto no desempenho do sistema de esgoto sanitário. Com a comparação entre os ensaios realizados em laboratório e os resultados obtidos em campo, verificou-se que os ensaios constantes, nas normas atuais, não são suficientes para avaliar bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga, mas foi possível verificar uma relação do ensaio de transporte de pasta de soja com o desempenho de bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga. Esse ensaio separa as bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga com bom desempenho em campo das que não apresentaram bom desempenho em campo; por isso, pode ser inserido em uma próxima revisão normativa que contemple bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga. / This research aims to evaluate the performance of low flush toilets (4.8 Lpf - liters per flush) and the performance of the drainage system when these toilets are installed. In this research, 3 steps were realized: bibliographic review, laboratory step and field step. In the laboratory step, 20 toilets were tested, both 4,8 Lpf toilets and 6,8 Lpf toilets, but regulated to 4,8 Lpf. There were toilets that attend the removal test of the toilet itself. This result shows that some products have enough technology to work with reduced volume, but only 5 toilets (25%) were approved in all laboratory tests. None of the 6,8 Lpf toilets, but regulated to 4,8 Lpf, was approved in the laboratory tests. In the field step, 10 houses had total water consumption and toilet consumption monitored. In addition, 5 filming - real time video - of the drainage system were realized. During the field step, although problems weren\'t reported in the performance of the toilets by the users, data\'s monitoring revealed the presence of constant successive flushes in some of the residences. The filming of the drainage system showed solid deposits which may have occurred due to the reduction of the water discharge. Thus, it isn\'t possible to afirm that the replacement of 6,8 Lpf toilets by 4.8 Lpf toilets doesn\'t have an impact on the performance of the drainage system performance, therefore it can\'t be applied unrestrictedly. With the laboratory tests and the results obtained in the field, it was verified that the tests included in the current standards aren\'t sufficient to evaluate the 4.8 Lpf toilets, but it was possible to verify a correlation of the transport of soybean paste test with the performance of 4.8 Lpf toilets. This test separates the 4,8 Lpf toilets with proper performance in the field from those that didn\'t present proper performance in the field, so it can be inserted in a next normative revision that contemplates 4,8 Lpf toilets.


Nemati, Mehdi 01 January 2018 (has links)
Environmental goals such as urban water conservation and pollution control regulations are typically achieved through price and non-price methods. This dissertation offers an analysis of the non-price approaches, including the rationing of water for particular users, installation of particular technologies, and adoption of particular certifications to achieve environmental goals. To begin, an analysis of California’s 2015 urban water conservation mandate was performed. Results indicate that the average welfare loss of the mandate is $6,107 per acre-foot of restriction in Northern California and $2,757 per acre-foot of restriction in Southern California. In terms of monthly household-level willingness-to-pay (WTP) to avoid the mandate, results illustrate that households have a WTP between $5 and $200 per month. Northern Californian utilities were generally in compliance with their mandated conservation targets, while Southern Californian utilities tended to fall short. The second essay focuses on analyzing how web-based Home Water Use Reports (HWURs) affect household-level water consumption in Folsom City, California. The HWURs under study, offered by the company Dropcountr (DC), share social comparisons, consumption analytics, and conservation information to residential accounts, primarily through digital communications. We found that there is a 7.8% reduction in average daily household water consumption for a typical household under treatment of the DC program. Results suggest that the effect of DC varies by the baseline consumption quintile, the number of months in the program, the day of the week, message type, and enrollment wave. Furthermore, we find that indicate these responses to DC program likely come from the information channel rather than moral suasion. The final essay studies the effectiveness of ISO-14001 on pollution reduction as a non-price pollution control approach. Manufacturers have been increasingly relying on environmental management systems (such as ISO 14001 based ones) to comply with government regulations and reduce waste. In this essay, we investigated the impact of ISO 14001 certification on manufacturers’ toxic release by release level. Results show that ISO 14001 had a negative and statistically significant effect on the top 10% manufacturing sites regarding the on-site toxic release, but it did not reduce off-site toxic release. Therefore, one should not expect ISO 14001 to have a uniform impact on manufacturing sites’ environmental performance. For large firms, encouraging voluntary adoption of ISO 14001 might be an effective government strategy to reduce on-site pollution.

International river basin management : a case study of the Okavango River Basin.

Chase, Michael John. January 2002 (has links)
This dissertation reviews the principles of International River Basin Management and their application by the governments of Angola, Botswana and Namibia. The dissertation deals with the issues popularised by governments, water planners and international agencies that the twenty-first century's conflicts will be fought over water. Increasingly this concern is being used to justify new water-supply dams and river diversion projects. This is especially so in arid Southern Africa, the focus of this dissertation, where numerous major international water transfers are underway and many more are being planned. While Namibia's growing thirst is a serious problem, the story is more complicated than just too many basin states putting their straws into one glass. The growing conflicts over the Okavango's water use raise broader questions about ownership of common resources, and equity of access to those resources. Most southern African countries depend on primary natural resources to sustain economies and their people. The environmental issues are remarkably similar in countries within the region, and the economic, social and political fortunes of the individual countries are intertwined. Furthermore, the ways in which resources are being managed are similar and thus cause for common concern. In general, the ability of countries in the region to achieve sustainable development depends not on national policies but also on the commitment of neighbours to practice sound environmental management. This is because activities in one country can easily cause impacts on a neighbour and possibly result in "downstream" opportunity costs. This case study of the Okavango River Basin, a river facing prospective developments from riparian states Angola, Botswana and Namibia, attempts to find sustainable solutions to solving international resource conflict. In addition to outlining the possible future threats to the Okavango River, this study proclaims a number of recommendations in the way of declaring alternatives to Namibia's plans to extract water from the Okavango River. One such recommendation is the encouragement of Water Demand Management as an alternative to water transfer by Namibia. This management strategy is aimed at optimising the use of available water rather than developing new or extended supplies and as a result it has a vital role to play since it contributes to sustainable development rather than over exploitation of limited natural resources. The majority of large rivers in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are shared by three or more countries, and as the region's water resources come under growing development pressure, the importance of establishing effective national and regional methods and institutions for sustainably managing these resources will increase greatly. From economic, ecological and human welfare perspectives, the Okav,ango River Basin is arguably one of the most important transboundary natural resources (TBNR) in the region. Owing to the basin's remoteness and history of conflict, the Okavango was spared much of the destructive developments that rivers in the region have suffered. As a result, the relatively pristine Okavango ecosystem continues to provide significant benefits to the region much as it has done for centuries. As we approach the new millennium, however, it is clear that the health of the Okavango River Basin is threatened as riparian states increasingly turn to the Okavango to support their growing populations and economies. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2002.

The extent of water sensitive urban design in the George municipality

Lottering, Naomey Olive 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the extent of Water Sensitive Urban Design activities in the George municipality in the Western Cape Province, in South Africa. Water resource management in urban areas worldwide had become unsustainable with the widespread implementation of outsized infrastructure, environmental degradation and overuse of natural resources. The result was a concept called Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM). IUWM encapsulates the entire water cycle from rainwater to surface water, groundwater and wastewater, as part of urban water management, and not as separate entities. There was worldwide response to IUWM, with the USA formulating Low-Impact Development (LID), the UK designing their Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS), and New Zealand articulating Low Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD), all to improve urban water resource management. Australia responded with Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). WSUD explores the design and planning of water infrastructural development in an urban setting, vital in Australian cities which experience continuous severe water shortage conditions. The WSUD approach aims to influence design and planning from the moment rainwater is captured in dams, treated, and reticulated to consumers, to the point of wastewater re-use, as well as stormwater use. Various techniques are specified as part of the WSUD approach namely: the installation of greenroofs, demand reduction techniques, stormwater management and the re-use of treated wastewater for irrigation and fire-fighting. These WSUD activities can be implemented from large-scale efforts with whole suburbs working together to manage stormwater by construction of wetlands, as well as small-scale change in design and planning, e.g., with household rainwater tank installation for irrigation and toilet flushing. With South Africa’s progressive legislation at a national, provincial and local municipal level, various WSUD activities can be implemented to aid and guide municipalities. The study aimed to investigate what type of WSUD activities the George municipality has implemented, and to what extent the activities had an impact on water consumption, since the drought in 2009. The reasons behind any lack of implementation were also explored. Proof of only eight WSUD activities implementation could be found. Water debtors’ data and bulk water data was sourced in order to determine the effect of the eight WSUD activities on water consumption. Bulk meter data could however not be used to correlate with the debtors’ data since readings from many bulk meters had not been recorded. Debtors’ data did prove however that the WSUD activities had a short-term impact on water consumption in the suburbs where it was implemented. The reasons given for non-implementation were not satisfactory. Recommendations are that the municipality should focus on better planning and implementation of diverse activities and that keeping records and data should be made a priority to determine any progress made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die omvang van die Water Sensitiewe Stedelike Ontwerp (WSUD) aktiwiteite in die George munisipaliteit in die Wes-Kaap, in Suid-Afrika. Waterhulpbronbestuur in stedelike gebiede in die wêreld het nie-volhoubaar geword met die grootskaalse implementering van buitenmaatse infrastruktuur, agteruitgang van die omgewing en die oorbenutting van natuurlike waterhulpbronne. Die gevolg was 'n konsep wat Geïntegreerde Stedelike Water Bestuur (IUWM) genoem is. IUWM omvat die hele watersiklus vanaf reënval, tot oppervlakwater, grondwater en afvalwater, as deel van die stedelike waterbestuur, en nie as aparte entiteite nie. Daar was 'n wêreldwye reaksie te IUWM, met die VSA se Lae-impak-Ontwikkeling (LID), die Verenigde Koninkryk se ontwerp van hul volhoubare stedelike dreineringstelsel (SUDS), en Nieu-Seeland se formulering van Lae-impak Stedelike Ontwerp en Ontwikkeling (LIUDD), om stedelike water hulpbronne beter te bestuur. Australië het reageer met Water Sensitiewe Stedelike Ontwerp (WSUD). WSUD verken die ontwerp en beplanning van waterbestuur infrastruktuur ontwikkeling, in 'n stedelike omgewing, waar dit noodsaaklik was in die Australiese stede wat deurlopende tekort aan water ervaar. Die WSUD benadering het ten doel om die ontwerp en beplanning te beïnvloed vanaf die oomblik reënwater in damme opgevang is, behandel, en aan verbruikers versprei word, tot by die punt van afvalwater hergebruik, sowel as stormwater gebruik. Verskeie tegnieke word verskaf as deel van die WSUD benadering, naamlik: die installering van “greenroofs”, wateraanvraagbestuur tegnieke, en stormwater gebruik en hergebruik van behandelde afvalwater vir besproeiing en brandbestryding. Hierdie WSUD aktiwiteite kan implementeer word vanaf grootskaalse pogings met die samewerking van hele voorstede met stormwater bestuur deur die konstruksie van die vleilande, sowel as kleinskaalse verandering in die ontwerp en beplanning by huishoudings, byvoorbeeld met reënwatertenk installasie vir besproeiing en toilet spoel. Met Suid-Afrika se progressiewe wetgewing op 'n nasionale, provinsiale en plaaslike munisipale vlak wat munisipaliteite steun en lei, kan die verskeie WSUD aktiwiteite ïmplementeer word. Die studie is gemik om ondersoek in te stel na watter tipe WSUD aktiwiteite deur die George-munisipaliteit implementeer word, en tot watter mate die aktiwiteite 'n impak gehad het op die water verbruik sedert die droogte in 2009. Die redes agter 'n gebrek aan implementering is ook ondersoek. Bewyse van implementering van net agt WSUD aktiwiteite kon gevind word. Data van die water debiteure en grootmaat water meters is verkry ten einde die effek van die agt WSUD aktiwiteite op die water verbruik te bepaal. Grootmaat water meter data kan egter nie gebruik word om te korreleer met die data van die debiteure aangesien die lesings van baie grootmaat water meters nie aangeteken is nie. Debiteure se data het egter bewys dat die WSUD aktiwiteite 'n korttermyn-impak op die waterverbruik in die voorstede waar dit geïmplementeer is gemaak het. Die redes gegee vir nieuitvoering is nie bevredigend nie. Aanbevelings is dat die munisipaliteit moet fokus op beter beplanning en implementering van diverse aktiwiteite en dat die hou van rekords en data prioriteit gemaak moet word om vas te stel of enige vordering gemaak is.

Estimação de vazão em bacias hidrográficas do sul do Espírito Santo usando o Swat / Flow estimation in watersheds of the southern of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, using SWAT

Fukunaga, Danilo Costa 24 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:51:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao - Danilo Costa Fukunaga.pdf: 8515561 bytes, checksum: ba38cee72ad050285f5ea5c0e36c53d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-24 / O aumento da atividade econômica e do número de habitantes no mundo, juntamente com o uso não sustentável dos recursos hídricos, os despejos de efluentes sem tratamento no ambiente e o manejo inadequado das bacias hidrográficas, têm contribuído para diminuição da disponibilidade de água no planeta. Apesar de ser um recurso natural renovável, a água que retorna da atmosfera não ocorre de maneira uniformemente distribuída, nem no espaço geográfico, nem no tempo, tornando a sua boa gestão essencial para diminuição das consequências desastrosas dos eventos extremos de cheia e de escassez. Mas, uma gestão exitosa requer, além de profissionais qualificados, o uso de ferramentas para suporte à tomada de decisão. Neste contexto, a utilização de modelos hidrológicos pode auxiliar no planejamento e avaliação de práticas conservacionistas de solo e água e de manejo de bacias hidrográficas. Do exposto, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a aplicabilidade do SWAT para a estimação de vazões em bacias hidrográficas no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo. Foram estudadas: a microbacia do córrego Jaqueira (MBJ), com aproximadamente 22,6 ha, e a sub-bacia do rio Itapemirim, à montante da estação fluviométrica de Rive (BIMR), com aproximadamente 2.237 km². Devido ao alto número de falhas e ao curto período de monitoramento hidrológico, não foi possível calibrar e verificar a aplicabilidade do modelo para a MBJ. Para a BIMR, na análise das vazões médias, estimou-se 45,5 m³ s-1 antes da calibração, e 32,6 m³ s-1 após a calibração, muito próxima da vazão média monitorada de 36,9 m³ s-1. Para o período de validação, a vazão média monitorada foi 22% maior (45,0 m³ s-1), enquanto a estimada foi de 33,9 m³ s-1, permanecendo próxima da vazão média estimada calibrada. Em análise gráfica, observou-se que, antes da calibração, as vazões mínimas estimadas ficaram abaixo das observadas, porém as vazões de pico eram superestimadas. Após a calibração, as vazões mínimas tiveram melhores correlações, enquanto as vazões de pico foram subestimadas. Na análise dos índices estatísticos, o R² passou de 0,74 para 0,76 após a calibração, mas foi reduzido para 0,63 no período de validação. Para o coeficiente de Nash Sufcliffe, houve uma melhora significativa do valor após a calibração, passando de -0,38 para 0,75, permanecendo com um valor aceitável de 0,57 no período de validação. O SWAT foi capaz de simular vazões em bacias hidrográficas do Sul do Espírito Santo, desde que não houvesse muitas falhas nos dados monitorados, sendo capaz inclusive de simular dados de outros períodos para os quais os parâmetros não foram ajustados / The increasing of world economic activity and the number of inhabitants, along with the unsustainable use of water resources, untreated wastewater release into the environment and inadequate watersheds management, has contributed to water availability decrease on the planet. Despite being a renewable natural resource, the water that returns from the atmosphere does not occur evenly distributed, either in geographic space or in time, making its good management essential to reduce disastrous consequences of extreme events of floods and droughts. But a successful management requires, as well as qualified professionals, the use of support decision tools. In this context, the use of hydrological models can assist in planning and assessment of conservation practices for soil and water and watershed management. In this light, the present study aimed to evaluate the SWAT capability to estimate flow in river basins in the southern of Espírito Santo state, Brazil. The Jaqueira stream watershed (MBJ), with approximately 22.6 ha, and Itapemirim river basin, upstream of the Rive fluviometric station (BIMR), with approximately 2,237 km², were studied. Due to the high number of gaps and short-term hydrological monitoring, was not possible to calibrate and verify model applicability for the MBJ. For BIMR, the analysis of the average flow rate was estimated by 45.5 m³ s-1, before calibration, and 32.6 m³ s-1 after calibration, closely to the monitored average flow, that was 36.9 m³ s-1. For the validation period, the average flow monitored was 22% higher (45.0 m³ s-1), while the estimated flow was 33.9 m³ s-1, remaining closely to the average calibrated estimated flow. In graphical analysis, it was observed that before calibration, the estimated minimum flow rates were below those observed, but the peak flows were overestimated. After calibration, the minimum flows had better correlations, while the peak flows were underestimated. In the analysis of statistical indexes, the R² increased from 0.74 to 0.76, after calibration, but was reduced to 0.63 in the validation period. For the Nash Sufcliffe coefficient, was verified a significant improvement of its value after calibration, from -0.38 to 0.75, remaining with an acceptable value in the validation period, 0.57. The SWAT was able to simulate flows in river basins in the southern of Espírito Santo state, since there were not many gaps in the monitored data, and also being able to simulate data from other periods for which the parameters were not adjusted

Estimação de vazão em bacias hidrográficas do sul do Espírito Santo usando o SWAT / Flow estimation in watersheds of the southern of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, using SWAT

Fukunaga, Danilo Cesar 24 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:51:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Introducao_Revisao.pdf: 957704 bytes, checksum: e17ebeae5294a2c7986614add6f88f96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-24 / O aumento da atividade econômica e do número de habitantes no mundo, juntamente com o uso não sustentável dos recursos hídricos, os despejos de efluentes sem tratamento no ambiente e o manejo inadequado das bacias hidrográficas, têm contribuído para diminuição da disponibilidade de água no planeta. Apesar de ser um recurso natural renovável, a água que retorna da atmosfera não ocorre de maneira uniformemente distribuída, nem no espaço geográfico, nem no tempo, tornando a sua boa gestão essencial para diminuição das consequências desastrosas dos eventos extremos de cheia e de escassez. Mas, uma gestão exitosa requer, além de profissionais qualificados, o uso de ferramentas para suporte à tomada de decisão. Neste contexto, a utilização de modelos hidrológicos pode auxiliar no planejamento e avaliação de práticas conservacionistas de solo e água e de manejo de bacias hidrográficas. Do exposto, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a aplicabilidade do SWAT para a estimação de vazões em bacias hidrográficas no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo. Foram estudadas: a microbacia do córrego Jaqueira (MBJ), com aproximadamente 22,6 ha, e a sub-bacia do rio Itapemirim, à montante da estação fluviométrica de Rive (BIMR), com aproximadamente 2.237 km². Devido ao alto número de falhas e ao curto período de monitoramento hidrológico, não foi possível calibrar e verificar a aplicabilidade do modelo para a MBJ. Para a BIMR, na análise das vazões médias, estimou-se 45,5 m³ s-1 antes da calibração, e 32,6 m³ s-1 após a calibração, muito próxima da vazão média monitorada de 36,9 m³ s-1. Para o período de validação, a vazão média monitorada foi 22% maior (45,0 m³ s-1), enquanto a estimada foi de 33,9 m³ s-1, permanecendo próxima da vazão média estimada calibrada. Em análise gráfica, observou-se que, antes da calibração, as vazões mínimas estimadas ficaram abaixo das observadas, porém as vazões de pico eram superestimadas. Após a calibração, as vazões mínimas tiveram melhores correlações, enquanto as vazões de pico foram subestimadas. Na análise dos índices estatísticos, o R² passou de 0,74 para 0,76 após a calibração, mas foi reduzido para 0,63 no período de validação. Para o coeficiente de Nash Sufcliffe, houve uma melhora significativa do valor após a calibração, passando de -0,38 para 0,75, permanecendo com um valor aceitável de 0,57 no período de validação. O SWAT foi capaz de simular vazões em bacias hidrográficas do Sul do Espírito Santo, desde que não houvesse muitas falhas nos dados monitorados, sendo capaz inclusive de simular dados de outros períodos para os quais os parâmetros não foram ajustados / The increasing of world economic activity and the number of inhabitants, along with the unsustainable use of water resources, untreated wastewater release into the environment and inadequate watersheds management, has contributed to water availability decrease on the planet. Despite being a renewable natural resource, the water that returns from the atmosphere does not occur evenly distributed, either in geographic space or in time, making its good management essential to reduce disastrous consequences of extreme events of floods and droughts. But a successful management requires, as well as qualified professionals, the use of support decision tools. In this context, the use of hydrological models can assist in planning and assessment of conservation practices for soil and water and watershed management. In this light, the present study aimed to evaluate the SWAT capability to estimate flow in river basins in the southern of Espírito Santo state, Brazil. The Jaqueira stream watershed (MBJ), with approximately 22.6 ha, and Itapemirim river basin, upstream of the Rive fluviometric station (BIMR), with approximately 2,237 km², were studied. Due to the high number of gaps and short-term hydrological monitoring, was not possible to calibrate and verify model applicability for the MBJ. For BIMR, the analysis of the average flow rate was estimated by 45.5 m³ s-1, before calibration, and 32.6 m³ s-1 after calibration, closely to the monitored average flow, that was 36.9 m³ s-1. For the validation period, the average flow monitored was 22% higher (45.0 m³ s-1), while the estimated flow was 33.9 m³ s-1, remaining closely to the average calibrated estimated flow. In graphical analysis, it was observed that before calibration, the estimated minimum flow rates were below those observed, but the peak flows were overestimated. After calibration, the minimum flows had better correlations, while the peak flows were underestimated. In the analysis of statistical indexes, the R² increased from 0.74 to 0.76, after calibration, but was reduced to 0.63 in the validation period. For the Nash Sufcliffe coefficient, was verified a significant improvement of its value after calibration, from -0.38 to 0.75, remaining with an acceptable value in the validation period, 0.57. The SWAT was able to simulate flows in river basins in the southern of Espírito Santo state, since there were not many gaps in the monitored data, and also being able to simulate data from other periods for which the parameters were not adjusted

A Comparison of Los Angeles and Phoenix Homeowners’ Attitudes and Behaviors towards Outdoor Water Conservation

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Los Angeles, California and Phoenix, Arizona are two naturally water-scarce regions that rely on imported water to meet their local water needs. Both areas have been experiencing an ongoing drought that has negatively affected their local water supply. Populations in both cities continue to grow, increasing overall demand for water as the supply decreases. Water conservation is important for the sustainability of each town. However, the methods utilized to conserve residential water in the two areas differ drastically; Los Angeles has implemented involuntary water rationing and Phoenix has not. The widespread effectiveness of involuntary restrictions makes them a popular management scheme. Despite their immediate effectiveness, little is known about how involuntary restrictions affect attitudinal precursors towards the behavior in question and thus, whether or not the restrictions are potentially helpful or harmful to lasting behavior change. This study adapted the Theory of Planned Behavior to survey 361 homeowners in Los Angeles and Phoenix to examine how involuntary water restrictions shape attitudinal precursors to outdoor water conservation. This study found that when involuntary water restrictions are present, residents feel less in control of their outdoor water use. However, in the presence of involuntary water restrictions, stronger social norms and stronger support for policy prescriptions over outdoor water use were found. The favorable societal support towards water conservation, conceptualized as social norms and policy attitudes, in the presence of involuntary water restrictions is potentially promising for lasting behavior change. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Sustainability 2016

O direito à água no Brasil e no Equador

Covatti, Cláudio Luiz 16 October 2016 (has links)
O estudo comparado do direito humano fundamental à água, observando-se os sistemas jurídicos do Brasil e do Equador é importante para delimitar o tratamento concedido ao recurso natural água. A análise da questão passa pelo princípio da sustentabilidade, o qual apresenta interações com a justiça e os direitos humanos, que é entendido como princípio constitucional, de caráter vinculante, e que promove a universalização da dignidade dos seres vivos. A abordagem destaca a essencialidade do recurso natural água e a questão da escassez de água, situação que tem se agravado no Brasil. Em decorrência da necessidade da água e do agravamento de sua escassez, trabalha-se também o tratamento jurídico concedido pelo ordenamento jurídico do Brasil, dando-se ênfase ao princípio da dignidade humana, e o tratamento jurídico conferido pelo Equador, o qual possui visão biocêntrica e já promove, em sua Constituição, a própria natureza como sujeito de direitos. A conclusão do trabalho aponta, por último, as medidas que merecem ser adotadas, para uma mudança de concepção quanto ao tratamento jurídico conferido à água no Brasil e, por consequência, uma melhor preservação do recurso natural água. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2016-04-29T17:47:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Claudio Luiz Covatti.pdf: 1601820 bytes, checksum: de6bf010e1f26659db310941c3e5742e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T17:47:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Claudio Luiz Covatti.pdf: 1601820 bytes, checksum: de6bf010e1f26659db310941c3e5742e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-29 / The study compared the fundamental human right to water, observing the legal systems of Brazil and Ecuador is important to delimit the treatment of the natural resource water. The analysis of the issue through the principle of sustainability, which has interactions with the justice and human rights, which is understood as a constitutional principle of binding, and which promotes universal dignity of living beings. The approach highlights the essentiality of the natural resource water and the issue of water scarcity, a situation that has worsened in Brazil. Due to the need for water and the deterioration of its scarcity, also works out the legal treatment accorded by the law of Brazil, giving emphasis to the principle of human dignity and the legal treatment given by Ecuador, which has biocentric vision and already promotes in its Constitution, the very nature as a subject of rights. The conclusion of the study points out, finally, the measures that deserve to be taken to better preservation of the natural resource water.

Desempenho do sistema predial de água e esgoto sanitário com uso de bacias sanitárias de volume de descarga de 4,8 litros. / Performance of the water supply and drainage systems with use 4.8 Lpf toilets.

Isabella Pastore Valêncio 15 September 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem, como objetivo, avaliar o desempenho de bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga, bem como do sistema de esgoto sanitário, quando estas bacias sanitárias estão instaladas. Para essa pesquisa foram realizadas três etapas: revisão bibliográfica, etapa laboratorial e etapa de campo. Na etapa laboratorial foram ensaiadas vinte bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga, tanto bacias sanitárias projetadas para funcionar com 4,8 L/descarga quanto bacias sanitárias projetadas para funcionar com 6,8 L/descarga, mas reguladas para 4,8 L/descarga. Foram observadas bacias sanitárias que atendem o desempenho de remoção de dejetos da própria bacia, mas apenas cinco bacias sanitárias (25%) foram aprovadas em todos os ensaios realizados. Nenhuma das bacias sanitárias projetadas para funcionar com 6,8 L/descarga, mas regulada para 4,8 L/descarga, foi aprovada nesta etapa. Na etapa de campo, dez casas tiveram o consumo de água total e da bacia sanitária monitorados e foram realizadas cinco filmagens da rede de esgoto sanitário. Durante a etapa de campo, embora os usuários não tenham relatado problemas no desempenho das bacias sanitárias, o monitoramento dos dados revelou a presença de acionamentos sucessivos em algumas das residências. As filmagens da rede de esgoto sanitário mostraram depósito de sólidos, que pode ter ocorrido devido à redução do volume de água despejado na rede. Assim, não é possível afirmar que a substituição de bacias sanitárias de 6,8 L/descarga por aquelas de 4,8 L/descarga não causa impacto no desempenho do sistema de esgoto sanitário. Com a comparação entre os ensaios realizados em laboratório e os resultados obtidos em campo, verificou-se que os ensaios constantes, nas normas atuais, não são suficientes para avaliar bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga, mas foi possível verificar uma relação do ensaio de transporte de pasta de soja com o desempenho de bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga. Esse ensaio separa as bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga com bom desempenho em campo das que não apresentaram bom desempenho em campo; por isso, pode ser inserido em uma próxima revisão normativa que contemple bacias sanitárias de 4,8 L/descarga. / This research aims to evaluate the performance of low flush toilets (4.8 Lpf - liters per flush) and the performance of the drainage system when these toilets are installed. In this research, 3 steps were realized: bibliographic review, laboratory step and field step. In the laboratory step, 20 toilets were tested, both 4,8 Lpf toilets and 6,8 Lpf toilets, but regulated to 4,8 Lpf. There were toilets that attend the removal test of the toilet itself. This result shows that some products have enough technology to work with reduced volume, but only 5 toilets (25%) were approved in all laboratory tests. None of the 6,8 Lpf toilets, but regulated to 4,8 Lpf, was approved in the laboratory tests. In the field step, 10 houses had total water consumption and toilet consumption monitored. In addition, 5 filming - real time video - of the drainage system were realized. During the field step, although problems weren\'t reported in the performance of the toilets by the users, data\'s monitoring revealed the presence of constant successive flushes in some of the residences. The filming of the drainage system showed solid deposits which may have occurred due to the reduction of the water discharge. Thus, it isn\'t possible to afirm that the replacement of 6,8 Lpf toilets by 4.8 Lpf toilets doesn\'t have an impact on the performance of the drainage system performance, therefore it can\'t be applied unrestrictedly. With the laboratory tests and the results obtained in the field, it was verified that the tests included in the current standards aren\'t sufficient to evaluate the 4.8 Lpf toilets, but it was possible to verify a correlation of the transport of soybean paste test with the performance of 4.8 Lpf toilets. This test separates the 4,8 Lpf toilets with proper performance in the field from those that didn\'t present proper performance in the field, so it can be inserted in a next normative revision that contemplates 4,8 Lpf toilets.

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