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Water management in novel direct membrane deposition fuel cells under low humidificationBreitwieser, Matthias, Moroni, Riko, Schock, Jonathan, Schulz, Michael, Schillinger, Burkhard, Pfeiffer, Franz, Zengerle, Roland, Thiele, Simon 27 October 2020 (has links)
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) fabricated by direct membrane deposition (DMD) were shown to work even at dry conditions without significant deterioration of the membrane resistance. Here, in situ neutron radiography is used to investigate the water management in those fuel cells to uncover the phenomena that lead to the robust operation under low humidification. A constant level of humidification within the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) of a DMD fuel cell is observed even under dry anode operation and 15% relative humidity on the cathode side. This proves a pronounced back diffusion of generated water from the cathode side to the anode side through the thin deposited membrane layer. Over the entire range of polarization curves a very high similarity of the water evolution in anode and cathode flow fields is found in spite of different humidification levels. It is shown that the power density of directly deposited membranes in contrast to a 50 μm thick N-112 membrane is only marginally affected by dry operation conditions. Water profiles in through-plane direction of the MEA reveal that the water content in the DMD fuel cell remains steady even at high current densities. This is in contrast to the N-112 reference fuel cell which shows a strong increase in membrane resistance and a reduced MEA water content with raising current densities. Thus this new MEA fabrication technique has a promising perspective, since dry operation conditions are highly requested in order to reduce fuel cell system costs.
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Obnova a rekonstrukce malé vodní nádrže / Renovation and reconstruction of small water reservoirPavlík, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of small water reservoirs and their water management. The work is divided into two parts. The first part contains research and the second one is dedicated to the project of small water reservoir. The research describes the basic division of small water reservoir and their construction and technical equipage. The knowledge that has been found is applied in the project. The project describes the renovation of small water reservoir Kančí obora and pool, in k.ú Nové Bránice and Moravský Krumlov.
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Použití předpovědního modelu při řízení vybrané soustavy nádrží / Application of the prediction model on the control of selected reservoir systemMichalová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on verifying the success of prediction models mean monthly flows for strategy control storage function of water management system. The success of prediction models is tested during three different periods. To determine the predicted inflows into the reservoirs is applied to the generator artificial flow series LTMA using the Monte Carlo method and the classical model of neuron networks. During the solution is applying the principles of adaptive control. The adaptive control is compared with simple control for improved outflow.
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Použití předpovědního modelu při řízení hydroenergetické funkce vybrané soustavy nádrží / Application of the prediction model on the control of hydropower function of selected multi-reservoir systemŠejnoha, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The diploma sthesis is focused on verifying the influence of the length of the prediction period and the accuracy of the predicted mean monthly inflows of water sources in the management of hydropower function selected water management system. To determine the predicted inflows into the reservoir system is applied zonal prediction model. When the solution is used a simulation model that is hand-built in Microsoft Excel and optimization model, which is automatically built into the program SOMVS and is applying the principles of adaptive control.
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Komplexní hospodaření s vodou v objektu rodinného domu bez možnosti napojení na kanalizační síť / Comprehensive water management in a family house without connection to the wastewater disposal systemPlhák, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Czech Republic is called roof of the Europe, several rivers rise here and many of them flow away and continue to other countries. That's why I find, that’s extremely important to manage out water sources properly and carefully, because for example the weather has a huge impact on our limited sources and can affect them especially in a dry periods. These issues can be improved by finding a use for used water, good storm water management as well as using greywater. In my diploma thesis, I'll be mainly focused on an overall water management in an ordinary family house. It has two parts as theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part is then split into another three parts. The first part covers a storm water management, the second is about waste water management. The third explains greywater management. In practical part of my diploma thesis, there's my study of not disposing rain water into a drain with other waste water, but making both waters useful. In this my particular subject in village called Plesnice, is projected a waste water treatment plant. Treated water will be accumulate together with rain water. Accumulated water will be used for irrigation. For a waste water treatment is projected a constructed wetland with vertical flow (down flow reed beds) and facility for sludge management. This is example of extensive technology. Irrigation system consists of storage tank with mechanical pre-treatment and pump valve shaft, sprinklers for lawns, drip irrigation decorative surfaces and everything is controlled by a control unit. Thanks to irrigation and rainwater remains in effect, which is important for local microclimate and save drinking water. This study is an example of that in water management is not necessarily a need for global action, but you can start with individuals and individual houses, which in total could have a significant effect on water retention in the landscape and to slow down and reduce the peak flow in rivers.
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Façons de gouverner et façons de faire l'eau en Crau / Manners to govern and manners to do water in CrauAuvet, Brice 23 January 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les organisations et les relations sociales qui façonnent les usages de l'eau dans la plaine de la Crau. L'approche inductive et multi-échelle explore les interactions entre acteurs humains et non-humains qui participent au gouvernement et aux pratiques de l'eau. Le travail de terrain s'est focalisé sur les dynamiques de modernisation de l’eau en Crau sur les deux derniers siècles et notamment sur celles de gestion intégrée de l’eau. Un travail d’archives historiques et contemporaines permet de situer les continuités et les discontinuités des formes de gouvernement de l'eau. Une enquête par entretiens et l’observation de réunions professionnelles ou publiques nourrit la réflexion sur les jeux d'acteurs actuels. Les généalogies, le fonctionnement des dispositifs de gouvernement ainsi que les arrangements, contournements ou oppositions qu'ils suscitent, sont analysés dans une perspective constructiviste et historique. Il s’agit ainsi d’une contribution à une political ecology du « premier monde », croisant une approche latourienne avec une étude des manières de gouverner foucaldienne.L’eau en Crau est un objet multifacette sujet à une pluralité d’appropriations. L'irrigation gravitaire de 12 000 hectares de prairies de foin de Crau repose sur un réseau de canaux dérivant l'eau de la Durance depuis 1554, alimenté depuis 1972 par l’aménagement hydro-électrique. L’arrosage établit ainsi une frontière entre la Crau sèche des Coussouls et la Crau humide « productive ». La nappe de Crau est rechargée à plus de 70% par les infiltrations dues à ces pratiques d’arrosage. Depuis les années 1970, le développement industriel, l'agriculture intensive et l'urbanisation ont conduit à une exploitation croissante de cette nappe. Elle approvisionne actuellement 270 000 habitants et est considérée comme vulnérable, notamment du fait de son alimentation dépendante de la production de foin. La nappe fait ainsi l'objet de dispositifs de gestion destinés à protéger la ressource par une démarche territoriale.L’étude de l’articulation des savoirs techno-scientifiques spécifiques avec les manières de gouverner l’eau dans le temps long met en lumière un réseau hétérogène d'êtres et d'objets qui ont interagit pour moderniser l’eau. La « modernité » s'entend ici comme un idéal émancipateur fondé sur une augmentation de l'objectivité, de l'efficacité, de la rentabilité et de la formalisation (Latour, 2004). Cette recherche analyse comment les différentes manières de moderniser l’eau transforment la matérialité même de l'eau. L’étude des constructions matérielles, symboliques ou encore normatives qui sous-tendent et territorialisent les dispositifs de modernisation du gouvernement de l’eau est associée à celle des arrangements, des adaptations et des résistances qu'ils produisent en retour. C'est dans cette tension entre les façons de gouverner et les façons de faire que se situe le cœur et l'apport empirique de la thèse.Trois vagues de modernisation de l’eau sont identifiées à partir du cas de la Crau. A la suite de la Révolution Française, la première vague vise à conquérir et «mettre en valeur» la Crau. L’Etat impose ainsi progressivement un règlement des eaux et soutient la mise en culture des Coussouls par des acteurs privés. Dans les années 1950, la deuxième vague est mise en œuvre pour reconstruire la France. Elle porte un discours d’abondance hydraulique. Depuis les années 1990, une troisième vague met l’accent sur la rareté de l’eau et la vulnérabilité de ses usages et appelle à leur gestion intégrée. La vivisection du dispositif de gestion de la nappe de Crau permet d’explorer son fonctionnement dans son versant formel comme ses pratiques informelles. Les discours de crise de l’eau se révèlent partie intégrante de la gestion. Ils sont déployés pour mobiliser des acteurs historiques et des usagers, les enrôlant dans une nouvelle gouvernementalité avec laquelle ils doivent composer. / This thesis analyzes the institutions and the social relations which shape water use in the Crau plain. The inductive and multi-scale approach explores the interactions between human and non-human actors that contribute to water governmance and practices. The fieldwork focused on the dynamics of modernization in water over the last two centuries and particularly on moves toward integrated water management. Archival work drawing on historical and contemporary sources makes it possible to identify the continuities and discontinuities in manners to govern water. Interviews and the observation of meetings, both professional and public, provide insights into the actual interplay among actors. The genealogy and functioning of governing apparatuses, as well as the ways in which they are adapted, circumvented or opposed in turn, are analyzed using a constructivist and historical perspective. This work thus contributes to a political ecology of the first world by bringing together a Latourian approach with a Foucauldian study of governing manners.Water in the Crau is a multifaceted object appropriated in a number of different ways. the gravity-fed irrigation of 12 000 ha of grassland producing hay in the Crau relies on a canal network that has derived water from the Durance since 1554, and has been supplied since 1972 by the hydroelectric infrastructure. This has resulted in a frontier between the dry Crau (Coussouls) and the “productive” wet Crau. These irrigation practices account for 70% of the volume of the groundwater table. Since the 1970s, industrial development, intensive agriculture and urban expansion have led to an increasing exploitation of groundwater. This water sustains 270 000 inhabitants and is considered vulnerable, particularly as it is artificially sustained by hay production. The groundwater is subject to management apparatuses that aim to protect the resource through a territorial approach.The long term study of the articulation of specific techno-scientific knowledge and manners to govern water highlight the heterogeneous network of actors and objects that interact to modernize water. “Modernity” is understood as an emancipatory ideal based on increased objectivity, efficacy, profitability and formalism (Latour, 2004). This research analyzes how the different manners to modernize water transform the materiality of water itself. The study of material, symbolic or normative constructions underpinning and territorializing the modernization apparatuses of water governance is complemented by the study of arrangements, adaptations and resistance that they generate in turn. The heart of this study, and its empirical contribution, lie in this tension between governing manners and everyday practices.Three waves of modernization of water have been identified from the grounded perspective of the Crau. Following the French Revolution, the first wave aimed to conquer and to improve the Crau. The state progressively imposed water regulation and supported the cultivation of Coussouls by private actors. In the 1950s, the second wave, implemented as part of a project to reconstruct France, emphasized hydraulic abundance. Since the 1990s, a third wave has highlighted the scarcity of water and the vulnerability o users, and called for integrated management. The vivisection of apparatuses of groundwater management considers its functioning in both its formal aspect and informal practices. Discourses of water crises reveal themselves as an integral part of water management. They are deployed to mobilize historical actors and users, by integrating them in a new governmentality within which they have to work.
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Verbesserte Ansätze für Wasser- und Stoffstrommanagement in intensiv genutzten kleinen Einzugsgebieten auf der Grundlage von integrierten Nutzen- und Risikobewertungen (wsm300)Thiel, Enrico, Schmidt, Walter 19 September 2006 (has links)
Im Rahmen wasserwirtschaftlicher Planungen ist eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Zielsetzungen zu berücksichtigen. Diese ergeben sich u. a. aus den Vorgaben der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (EUWRRL), dem Leitbild einer nachhaltigen Landnutzung, dem Hochwasserschutz und der Freizeitnutzung. In der Praxis ist die Umsetzung dieser Ziele eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, für die geeignete Hilfsmittel entwickelt werden müssen. Zu diesem Zweck unterstützte die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) für drei Jahre (06/2002 - 06/2005) ein Verbundprojekt zur Entwicklung von „Verbesserten Ansätzen für Wasser- und Stoffstrommanagement in intensiv genutzten kleinen Einzugsgebieten auf der Grundlage von integrierten Nutzen- und Risikobewertungen (wsm300)“.
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Remotely Sensed Data Assimilation Technique to Develop Machine Learning Models for Use in Water ManagementZaman, Bushra 01 May 2010 (has links)
Increasing population and water conflicts are making water management one of the most important issues of the present world. It has become absolutely necessary to find ways to manage water more efficiently. Technological advancement has introduced various techniques for data acquisition and analysis, and these tools can be used to address some of the critical issues that challenge water resource management. This research used learning machine techniques and information acquired through remote sensing, to solve problems related to soil moisture estimation and crop identification on large spatial scales. In this dissertation, solutions were proposed in three problem areas that can be important in the decision making process related to water management in irrigated systems. A data assimilation technique was used to build a learning machine model that generated soil moisture estimates commensurate with the scale of the data. The research was taken further by developing a multivariate machine learning algorithm to predict root zone soil moisture both in space and time. Further, a model was developed for supervised classification of multi-spectral reflectance data using a multi-class machine learning algorithm. The procedure was designed for classifying crops but the model is data dependent and can be used with other datasets and hence can be applied to other landcover classification problems. The dissertation compared the performance of relevance vector and the support vector machines in estimating soil moisture. A multivariate relevance vector machine algorithm was tested in the spatio-temporal prediction of soil moisture, and the multi-class relevance vector machine model was used for classifying different crop types. It was concluded that the classification scheme may uncover important data patterns contributing greatly to knowledge bases, and to scientific and medical research. The results for the soil moisture models would give a rough idea to farmers/irrigators about the moisture status of their fields and also about the productivity. The models are part of the framework which is devised in an attempt to provide tools to support irrigation system operational decisions. This information could help in the overall improvement of agricultural water management practices for large irrigation systems. Conclusions were reached based on the performance of these machines in estimating soil moisture using remotely sensed data, forecasting spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture and data classification. These solutions provide a new perspective to problem–solving techniques by introducing new methods that have never been previously attempted.
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Komplexní hospodaření s vodou v obytném objektu v obci Pařezov / All-embracing water management in a residential object in a Pařezov villageKirál, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with sound water management and is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into three main chapters. The first part focuses on rainwater, its quality characteristics and utilization. The second chapter focuses on the management of waste water, its properties, the amount of waste water and natural ways of wastewater treatment. The last chapter is devoted to the gray waters and their utilization. The practical part focuses on the study of the draft comprehensive management of sewage and rainwater in the village Pařezov district Domažlice. It focuses on wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands, using rainwater for irrigation and infiltration of the remaining water.
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Urbanisticko – architektonická studie areálu pro šetrný turismus Strachotín / Eco-friendly tourism complex Strachotín – urban and architectural study.Panáčková, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the urban design of the selected area in the village Strachotín and the architectural design of the building in the given locality. The aim of the proposal is to connect the building with regard to the surrounding landscape and to make the locality more attractive to tourists around the northern shore of Nové Mlýny reservoirs. The design concept is based on the modular arrangement of the individual parts of the object. Functional layout is represented by a hotel, wellness, restaurant and cosmetics production.
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