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Storm Response and Water Balance of Temperate Rainforest Karst Watersheds: Tongass National Forest, AlaskaKovarik, Johanna 01 May 2007 (has links)
The Tongass National Forest in southeast Alaska contains 2,176 square kilometers of karst. As part of the evolving Tongass Land Management Plan, research into the function of karst systems is crucial in understanding how forest management affects not only karst areas but also surrounding ecosystems. Dye trace and water balance results in two watersheds on the north end of Prince of Wales Island demonstrate the difficulty in containing the effects of management, as water can enter karst catchments from unknown sources at different flow regimes. A dye trace was conducted in Windgate and Canyon Block watersheds. Two sinking streams were traced to one resurgence spring in Canyon Block, and four sinking streams were traced to one resurgence spring in Windgate. Water balance data calculated for the entire study period and individual storm events suggests that Windgate has been sufficiently delineated. Data from the study period and storm event water balance calculations for Canyon Block suggest that at high flow discharge is pirated into Canyon Block from another system. High resolution monitoring in each catchment show that there is no significant delay between the increase in discharge and the arrival of direct runoff, as evidenced by the quick decrease in specific conductance. This could result in a quick transmission of sediment and contaminants through the karst system into downstream salmon habitat.
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Standortsökologische Aspekte und Anbaupotenziale von Kurzumtriebsplantagen in SachsenPetzold, Rainer 12 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Kurzumtriebsplantagen (KUP) besitzen das Potenzial, beträchtliche Mengen Biomasse für die Versorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen bereitzustellen. Es ist bekannt, dass KUP auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen mehr Ökosystemdienstleistungen hervorbringen können als üblicherweise angebaute einjährige Ackerfrüchte oder Energiepflanzen wie Raps und Mais. Trotzdem gibt es nur wenige Informationen über den Wasserverbrauch und die Transpiration von Pappelarten und ihren Hybriden unter den spezifischen Standortsbedingungen in Deutschland. Darüber hinaus bestehen Wissenslücken für die Abschätzung langfristiger Auswirkungen von KUP auf bodenökologische Aspekte.
Um diese Defizite zu minimieren wurden auf einem Standort im mittelsächsischen Löss-Hügelland Felduntersuchungen durchgeführt. Für die Untersuchung der Effekte von KUP auf die Bodenwasserbilanz wurden Saftfluss- und Bodenfeuchte-Messungen in einer 10jährigen Hybrid-Pappelplantage durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurden Biomasseakkumulation, Nährelementverteilung und bodenökologische Parameter erforscht. Die Daten wurden genutzt, um ein prozess-orientiertes Wasserhaushaltsmodell zu parametrisieren und zu kalibrieren. Das validierte Modell wurde danach für die Untersuchung und Bewertung des Einflusses von Pappel-KUP und Winterweizen auf die Wasserbilanz verschiedener sächsischer Standorte genutzt. Schließlich wurden die standortsspezifischen Biomasseerträge von KUP hergeleitet. Diese Informationen wurden mithilfe eines Geografischen Informationssystems (GIS) mit den Flächen verschnitten, auf denen der Anbau von KUP zu Synergien bzw. potenzielle Risiken für den Bodenschutz sowie den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz führen kann.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Hybrid-Pappelplantagen deutlich mehr Wasser als Ackerkulturen und einheimische Forstbaumarten verbrauchen. Es kann daraus abgeleitet werden, dass die Anlage von KUP auf Ackerflächen den wassergebundenen Nährstoffaustrag sowie den Austrag von Schadstoffen reduziert. Auch das Erosionsrisiko würde verringert. Andererseits kann eine im vergleich zum Einzugsgebiet großflächige Anlage von KUP in Regionen mit negativer klimatischer Wasserbilanz zu einer geringeren Grundwasserneubildung führen. Eine ausreichende Wasserversorgung ist unverzichtbar, um die Wuchspotenziale von Pappel-Hochleistungssorten voll auszuschöpfen.
Pappel-KUP können weitgehend ohne zusätzliche Düngung bewirtschaftet werden. Ehemals intensiv genutzte Ackerböden enthalten ausreichend Nährstoffe und Elemententzüge über die geerntete Biomasse werden durch atmosphärische Depositionen ausgeglichen. Auf lange Sicht kann der KUP-Anbau jedoch zu einer Verringerung des pH-Wertes und der Kationen-Austauschkapazität im Boden führen. Für die Vermeidung negativer Folgen für die Bodenfruchtbarkeit und das Pflanzenwachstum wären dann angepasste Konzepte für die Kalkung und Düngung notwendig. Die GIS-basierte Analyse unterstreicht, dass in Sachsen beträchtliche Flächenpotenziale für die Anlage von KUP existieren. Auf einem großen Teil würde die Anlage von KUP auch andere Ökosystemdienstleistungen aus dem Bereich Boden- und Naturschutz verbessern.
Auch künftig sollte bei der Anlage von KUP-Flächen eine ökologische Begleitforschung erfolgen. Es besteht unter anderem der Bedarf, die ökologischen Aspekte von anderen schnell wachsenden Baumarten im Kurzumtrieb, zum Beispiel Robinie zu bewerten. Ein weiteres ziel könnte die Verbesserung von Anlage- und Rückumwandlungstechnologien sein, um die Stabilität von akkumulierter organischer Bodensubstanz zu erhalten. Es wird geschlussfolgert, dass die künftige praktische Bedeutung von KUP eher von den sozioökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen und der regionalen Umsetzung der gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der Europäischen Union abhängen wird als von unzureichenden Standortsbedingungen. / Short rotation plantations and short rotation coppice (SRC) have the potential to contribute significant amounts of biomass to the sectors of green energy and of renewable raw materials. It is generally accepted that SRC may provide more ecosystem services on agricultural land than common annual arable or even energy crops like oil seed rape or maize do. However, only sparse information exists about the water demand and transpiration of poplar species and their hybrids for site conditions in Germany. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge about the long-term impact of short rotation plantations on soil ecology. To overcome these shortcomings, field investigations were conducted at a site in the hilly loess region of Saxony. To study effects of SRC on the soil water balance, sap flow and soil moisture measurements were conducted in a 10 years old hybrid poplar plantation. Moreover biomass accumulation, nutrient allocation and soil ecological parameters were determined.
The data were used to parameterize and calibrate a process-oriented hydrological model. The validated model was subsequently used to determine and assess the impact of short rotation poplar plantations and winter wheat on the water balance of different sites in Saxony Finally, site specific yields of SRC were determined and areas with synergies and potential risks for soil protection, nature conservation at the regional scale were identified using Geographical Information Systems. The results show that hybrid poplar plantations consume significantly more water than arable crops and native tree species. Thus, it can be expected that the establishment of short rotation coppice may reduce the export of nutrients and pollutants or lower the risk of soil erosion. On the other hand, the large-scale establishment of short rotation coppice at catchments with negative climatic water balance may lead to a decrease of groundwater recharge. A sufficient water supply is indispensable in order fully to exploit the growth potential of high yielding polar clones.
Short rotation plantations with poplar on arable land may be extensively managed without fertilization. Former intensively used agricultural soils provide sufficient nutrients and element exports by harvested biomass may be balanced by atmospherical deposition. However, it might be that in the long run cation exchange capacity and pH of the soils will decrease. This would require appropriated concepts for liming and fertilization. The GIS based analysis shows that there exist a substantial potential of arable land for the cultivation of SRC in Saxony. There, the establishment of SRC may improve other ecosystem services as soil protection and nature conservation too.
Future research should be included into the ecological evaluation of new SRC plots. There is a need to asses ecological aspects of other fast growing tree species in SRC, in particular Black Locust. Another task could be the improvement of conversion practices to ensure the stability of accumulated soil organic matter during establishment and reconversion of SRC sites. It can be concluded that the future practical relevance of SRC is rather dependant on socio-economic framework conditions and the regional implementation of the common agricultural policy within the European Union than on insufficient site condition.
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Water balance of a feedlotWhite, Lisa Nicole 01 March 2006 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study was to define the water balance of feedlot pens in a Saskatchewan cattle feeding operation for a one year period. Although the initial intention of the study was focused upon an active feedlot, cattle were removed from the pens in July 2003. Therefore, the year of analysis was conducted on the manured surface of an inactive feedlot. The water balance was also performed on a scraped soil surface, since manure is removed from the pens and spread on agricultural land, leaving the pen surfaces bare for a short period of time each year. <p>During the monitoring period (Sept. 2003 to Aug. 2004), 313 mm of precipitation was received at the feedlot, but only 84 mm of that total was received before June 2004. Winter precipitation was very low (33 mm) and there was no observed runoff from it. Runoff collection weirs in operation for only part of the summer recorded no runoff. The Green-Ampt and USDA SCS runoff models, as well as a snowmelt runoff equation, were used to predict runoff from both the manure pack, as well as the scraped soil surface. Using manure and soil hydraulic parameters determined in the laboratory (from falling head permeameter measurements) and the field (from rainfall simulations), as well as incorporating the greatest 24 hour rainfall amounts and 30 minute intensities experienced at the feedlot, the USDA model found that 29 mm of runoff would occur from the scraped soil surface. Additionally, snowmelt runoff was estimated to be 19 mm for the winter precipitation received. Drainage beneath the 0.6 m soil depth was negligible and the top 0.6 m of soil experienced an increase in moisture of 54 mm. Finally, 211 mm was lost as evaporation. For the manure pack, no runoff was predicted using the Green-Ampt and USDA SCS models and snowmelt runoff equation, which corresponded well to the lack of runoff measured both from the weir and rainfall simulations. Drainage beneath 0.6 m soil depth was negligible. Of the 313 mm of precipitation that fell during the study year, 42 mm was stored within the manure pack and the rest was lost as evaporation (271 mm).
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Hydrological and sediment Yield modelling in Lake Tana Basin, Blue Nile EthiopiaSetegn, Shimelis Gebriye January 2008 (has links)
<p>Land and water resources degradation are the major problems on the Ethiopian highlands. Poor land use practices and improper management systems have played a significant role in causing high soil erosion rates, sediment transport and loss of agricultural nutrients. So far limited meas-ures have been taken to combat the problems. In this study a physically based watershed model, SWAT2005 was applied to the Northern Highlands of Ethiopia for modelling of the hydrology and sediment yield. The main objective of this study was to test the performance and feasibility of SWAT2005 model to examine the influence of topography, land use, soil and climatic condi-tion on streamflows, soil erosion and sediment yield. The model was calibrated and validated on four tributaries of Lake Tana as well as Anjeni watershed using SUFI-2, GLUE and ParaSol algo-rithms. SWAT and GIS based decision support system (MCE analysis) were also used to identify the most erosion prone areas in the Lake Tana Basin. Streamflows are more sensitive to the hy-drological response unites definition thresholds than subbasin discretization. Prediction of sedi-ment yield is highly sensitive to subbasin size and slope discretization. Baseflow is an important component of the total discharge within the study area that contributes more than the surface runoff. There is a good agreement between the measured and simulated flows and sediment yields with higher values of coefficients of determination and Nash Sutcliffe efficiency. The an-nual average measured sediment yield in Anjeni watershed was 24.6 tonnes/ha. The annual aver-age simulated sediment yield was 27.8 and 29.5 tonnes/ha for calibration and validation periods, respectively. The SWAT model indicated that 18.5 % of the Lake Tana Basin is erosion potential areas. Whereas the MCE result indicated that 25.5 % of the basin are erosion potential areas. The calibrated model can be used for further analysis of the effect of climate and land use change as well as other different management scenarios on streamflows and soil erosion. The result of the study could help different stakeholders to plan and implement appropriate soil and water conser-vation strategies.</p>
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Einfluss der Waldkonversion auf den Wasserhaushalt eines tropischen Regenwaldeinzugsgebietes in Zentral Sulawesi (Indonesien) / Experimentelle Analyse und Modellierung unter Berücksichtigung von Landnutzungsszenarien / Influence of forest conversion on the water balance of a tropical rainforest catchment in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia) / Experimental analyses and modelling with regard to land use change scenariosKleinhans, Alexander 23 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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The water balance of a lichen tundra underlain by permafrost /Wright, Richard Kyle January 1980 (has links)
A detailed study of the water balance of a lichen-heath tundra underlain by permafrost was begun in September 1976 near Schefferville, Quebec. The study was centred on a 0.9 ha hillside and an adjacent 100 ha catchment. The study revealed that the transfer of latent heat by moisture transport occurs during the development of the active layer as well as during freeze-up. The transfer of sensible and latent heat does not have a major impact on the maximum depth of the active layer on hillslopes, but does strongly control the maximum depth of thaw in the valley bottoms. The study also demonstrated that a simple form of the Priestley-Taylor model yields accurate estimates of evapotranspiration from several types of surfaces. A water budget model based on the Priestley-Taylor model gave an accurate estimate of the seasonal runoff from the experimental catchment. A daily water budget model indicated that a significant proportion (31%) of the net runoff (precipitation minus evapotranspiration) is stored within the still-frozen part of the active layer (primarily in the valley bottoms) early in the thaw season. That stored water is released only when the active layer approaches its maximum depth of thaw.
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Wasserhaushaltsschichten als Bestandteil von DeponieoberflächenabdichtungssystemenMüller, Mario 11 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Wechselspiel Boden-Pflanze und die damit verbundenen Wassergehaltsänderungen im Boden bestimmen die Funktionalität einer Wasserhaushaltsschicht. Untersuchungen an der Lysimeterstation Bautzen/Nadelwitz machen deutlich, dass vielfältige Faktoren (z. B. nFK, Durchwurzelungstiefe) die Mächtigkeit einer Wasserhaushaltsschicht bestimmen. Der Bodeneinbau mit einem Verdichtungsgrad von 90% - 92% Proctordichte gewährleistet ein setzungsstabiles Korngerüst unter Gewährleistung der geforderten nFK und LK. Durch die Erweiterung des Feinbodenartendreiecks mit den Ebenen „Durchwurzelung“, „nutzbare Feldkapazität“ und „Standsicherheit“ wird eine fachübergreifende Eignungsbeurteilung von Böden ermöglicht. Die wasserhaushaltspezifische Anwendung des Dreiecks der Phasenzusammensetzung nach RUDERT erlaubt die Ausweisung von Schwankungsbreiten bzgl. der Einbaukenngrößen, ohne Abweichungen von den geforderten bodenphysikalischen Anforderungen an eine Wasserhaushaltsschicht hinnehmen zu müssen.
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Estimativa da economia de água potável nos campiRomano, Arthur Miguel 27 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho busca estimar a eficiência da economia de água potável no Campus Santa Mônica, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, utilizando reservatórios de água pluvial para a substituição de água tratada por água de chuva para fins não potáveis. Por meio de informações obtidas junto a Prefeitura Universitária foi possível estimar a demanda diária de água de abastecimento para os Blocos desse Campus, em especial para aqueles com predominância de salas de aulas. A fim de verificar a capacidade de obtenção de água de chuva nas áreas impermeáveis buscou-se no site Hidroweb da Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) os dados de precipitação diários no período de 1980 a 2015. Com as informações de oferta e demanda de água das principais edificações da área de estudo, construiu-se em Planilhas Eletrônicas, o balanço hídrico diário e a estimativa da eficiência de reservatórios na faixa de volume de 10 a 80m . O período médio de retorno do capital investido variou de 4,1 a 41,3 anos em função das características de cada bloco, tais como: área do telhado, volume do reservatório e demanda. Verificou-se que a escolha do reservatório com base apenas na porcentagem da demanda atendida é ineficaz, o bloco 3Q, por exemplo, apresentou para a demanda 10L/discente.dia uma porcentagem de demanda atendida 32% e 65% superior respectivamente as demandas de 15 e 20L/discente.dia, porém a economia média anual de água potável para a demanda de 20L/discente.dia foi, em média, 9% e 24% maior que as economias médias das demandas de 15 e 10L/discente.dia respectivamente. Além disso, através de uma regressão linear múltipla foram propostas fórmulas para o cálculo da economia anual nos campi da UFU em função do tipo de telhado da cobertura, da população do bloco, do volume do reservatório de armazenamento instalado, da demanda diária por água e da área total da cobertura. Para todos os campi da UFU o coeficiente de correlação R foi superior a 0,83. / This work seeks to estimate the efficiency of the drinking water economy in the Santa Mônica Campus, Federal University of Uberlândia, using rainwater reservoirs to replace rainwater treated water for non potable purposes. By means of information obtained from the University City Hall, it was possible to estimate the daily supply water demand for the Blocks of this Campus Especially those with a predominance of classrooms . In order to verify the capacity to obtain rainwater in the impermeable areas, the daily rainfall data from 1980 to 2015 was searched on the National Water Agency's website (Hidroweb). With the information on water supply and demand Of the main buildings in the study area, it was built on Electronic Sheets, the daily water balance and the estimation of the efficiency of reservoirs in the volume range of 10 to 80m3. The average return period of invested capital ranged from 4.1 to 22.8 years, depending on the characteristics of each block, such as roof area, reservoir volume and demand. It was verified that the choice of the reservoir based only on the percentage of the demand served is ineffective, for example, block 3Q presented a demand percentage of 32% and 65%, respectively, higher than demand Of 15 and 20L / student.day, but the average annual saving of drinking water for the demand of 20L / student.day was on average 9% and 24% higher than the average savings of 15 and 10L / student demands. Day respectively. In addition, through a multiple linear regression, formulas were proposed for the calculation of the annual savings in UFU campuses according to the type of coverage roof, the population of the block, the volume of installed storage tank, daily demand for water and Of the total coverage area. For all UFU campuses the correlation coefficient R was higher than 0.83. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Regularidade de resposta da cultura do milho à compactação do solo / Regularity of the corn crop response to soil compactionGubiani, Paulo Ivonir 27 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The hypothesis that soil compaction in no-tillage affects crop production has been
tested often, however, there is no regularity in the relationship between plant response and
soil compaction indexes that has allowed generalization of research results. Therefore the
objective of this study is to investigate these relationships. An experiment was conducted on
an Oxisol under eight corn crops grown (Zea Mays L.) during the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012
growing seasons using no-tillage (NT), no-tillage + chiseling (CNT) and no-tillage + traffic
(TNT) treatments. The aim of additional chiseling and traffic is to reduce and increase soil
compaction, respectively. From the soil physical properties and daily sequential water
balance, soil indexes were calculated over the entire corn cycle in NT, CNT and TNT,
consisting of frequencies and accumulated resistance to penetration (RP), matric tension (ψ)
and fraction of available water (FAW). Other soil indexes were calculated, including the
frequency that the water content (θ) remained of the least limiting water range (LLWR) and
the LLWR amplitude, using different values of ψ and RP in the lower limits of the LLWR.
Agronomic parameters measured include: plant height (Ph), leaf area index (LAI), effective
rooting depth (Rd) and grain yield. Correlation and regression analyzes were performed to
assess the relationship between measures of corn and soil indexes. The soil indexes regularly
indicated that the increase in compaction decreased Ph, LAI and Rd. Grain yield ranged from
1980 to 5738 kg ha-1 in the eight corn crops, but there was little statistical evidence that this
variability was caused by compaction. The corn variables were weakly correlated with ψ and
FAW. Alone, RP was more efficient than the IHO to relate response of corn to soil
compaction, and the RP efficiency increased when RP was subject to decay with decreasing in
θ. However, the most efficient RP index explained only 25, 24 and 6% of the variation in Ph,
LAI and grain yield, respectively. Furthermore, the assumption that the LLWR indicates soil
physical quality for crop production was statistically refuted by grain yield. The evidence
from this study indicate that soil physical indexes such as LLWR, critical density and
penetration resistance are inefficient to investigate the regularity of plant response to soil
compaction. / A hipótese que a compactação do solo em plantio direto prejudica a produção das
culturas vem sendo frequentemente testada, mas não há regularidade nas relações entre
resposta das plantas e indicadores de compactação que possibilitam generalização de
resultados das pesquisas. Investigar essas relações é o que constitui o objetivo deste trabalho.
Para isso, um experimento foi conduzido num Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico típico sob
plantio direto (PD), que recebeu escarificação (PDE) e compactação adicional (PDC). Nesses
tratamentos, foram medidos a altura de plantas (Ap), o índice de área foliar (IAF), a
profundidade efetiva de raízes (Ze) e o rendimento de grãos (Rend), em oito cultivos de milho
(Zea Mays L.) nas safras 2010/2011 e 2011/2012. A partir de propriedades físicas do solo e da
execução de cálculos de balanço hídrico sequencial diário, índices físico-hídricos, consistindo
de frequências e acumulados de resistência do solo à penetração (RP), tensão matricial (ψ) e
fração de água disponível (FAD), foram calculados ao longo do ciclo do milho no PD, PDE e
PDC. Também foram calculados índices obtidos pelas frequências que o conteúdo de água (θ)
permaneceu fora do intervalo hídrico ótimo (IHO) e pela amplitude do IHO, adotando-se
diferentes valores de RP e ψ para os limites inferiores do IHO. Análises de correlação e
regressão foram utilizadas para verificar a relação entre as medidas da cultura do milho com
índices de solo. Os índices de solo regularmente indicaram que o aumento da compactação
diminuiu a Ap, o IAF e o Ze. O rendimento de grãos variou de 1980 kg ha-1 a 5738 kg ha-1
nos oito cultivos, mas houve pouca comprovação estatística que essa variabilidade foi causada
pela variação da compactação. As variáveis da cultura estiveram pouco correlacionadas com a
ψ e a FAD. Sozinha, a RP foi mais eficiente que o IHO para relacionar resposta da cultura do
milho com compactação do solo, e sua eficiência aumentou quando a RP foi condicionada ao
decaimento com o decréscimo de θ. Contudo, o índice de RP de maior eficiência explicou
somente 25%, 24%, e 6% da variação da Ap, do IAF e do Rend, respectivamente. Além disso,
a suposição de que o IHO indica qualidade física do solo para produção das culturas foi
refutada estatisticamente pelo Rend. As evidências a partir deste trabalho indicam que índices
físicos do solo como intervalo hídrico ótimo, densidade crítica e resistência à penetração são
pouco eficientes para se investigar a regularidade da resposta das plantas à compactação do
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Fenometria, produtividade e necessidades hídricas das culturas da alface e do coentro em clima tropical. / Phenology, productivity and water requirements of crops of lettuce and coriander in tropical weather.TAVARES, Alexandra Lima. 14 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-14T13:09:45Z
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ALEXANDRA LIMA TAVARES - TESE (PPGMet) 2016.PDF: 1785379 bytes, checksum: 4abc947e5329e85eba74a25f6ab6e976 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T13:09:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ALEXANDRA LIMA TAVARES - TESE (PPGMet) 2016.PDF: 1785379 bytes, checksum: 4abc947e5329e85eba74a25f6ab6e976 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Capes / O estudo foi conduzido na Unidade de Produção de Hortaliças da empresa Hortaliças Vida Verde, em parceria com a Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), localizado no município de Itabaiana, SE. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a evapotranspiração (ETc) e os coeficientes de cultivo (Kc) do coentro e da alface cultivados em clima tropical, bem como avaliar as variáveis fenométricas ao longo de seu ciclo de produção. A ETc das culturas foi obtida através do balanço hídrico no solo e a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) pelo método de Penman-Monteith, utilizando-se dados coletados numa estação automática localizada próxima à área experimental. As variáveis fenométricas avaliadas foram: comprimento das raízes e caule, área foliar e peso da massa fresca da parte aérea. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que os valores médios da ETc do coentro e da alface são, respectivamente, 139,8 e 158,5 mm, nas condições de realização do experimento. O Kc médio do coentro encontrado foi 0,87 e da alface 0,84. Verificou-se que as culturas do coentro e da alface requerem mais atenção com a demanda hídrica no período do verão. Os resultados obtidos permitiram ainda constatar que o coentro e a alface no período de outono proporcionam melhor desenvolvimento de suas variáveis fenométricas, bem como suas produtividades, sendo portanto este o período mais apropriado para o cultivo dessas culturas em regiões tropicais. / The study was carried out in production unit of vegetabled of company Hortaliças “Vida Verde” in partnership with the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), located in the city of Itabaiana, SE. The objective of this study was to determine the evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficients (Kc) of coriander and lettuce grown in a tropical environment, as well as evaluating the fenometric variables throughout its production cycles. The ETc crops was determined based on soil water balance and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) by Penman-Monteith method (FAO/56), using collected dates from automatic weather station next to experimental site. The fenometric variables were: length of the roots and stem, leaf area and Fresh weight of shoot. The mean values of ETc for coriander and lettuce are, respectively, 139.8 and 158.5 mm while the mean values of Kc were 0.87 and 0.84 for coriander and lettuce, respectively. Results also show that coriander crop water needs are higher than lettuce during summer period. The results revealed that the coriander and lettuce in the fall period provide better development of their fenometric variables and productivity, which is the most appropriate period for the cultivation of these crops in the tropical regions.
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