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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interakce podzemní a povrchové vody za extrémních hydrologických situací v nivě horní Lužnice / Interaction of groundwater and surface water under extreme hydrological conditions in the floodplain of the upper Lužnice river

Fialová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The object of this work is an analysis of the influence of extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts) in terms of interaction between groundwater and surface water in the river floodplain. The aim of this thesis is also the evaluation of the hydrological regime of the upper Lužnice basin and evidence of retention potential preserved natural floodplain. The selected objectives of the work were resolved on the basis of the values of groundwater levels and surface water in the area of interest. Based on data from underground wells and a digital terrain model, it was possible to create an image of the distribution of groundwater levels in river floodplains during selected hydrological situations. Data from surface flow was obtained from several habitats in the flow direction Lužnice. This has enabled graphically illustrate individual flood waves and characterize their size, speed and transformation after the passage of a preserved natural floodplain of Lužnice river. Carried out research has been confirmed retention capacity of the floodplain, which is most significant at flow rates slightly in excess of the flow capacity of the river bed. However, extreme floods or in periods with many culminations in a relatively short time leads to reduces water retention capability of the floodplain. In...

Effets de la nature et décomposition des mulchs de résidus végétaux sur les services assurés par les sols en agriculture de conservation : Étude expérimentale et modélisation / Effects of nature and decomposition of crop residue mulches on the services provided by soils in conservation agriculture : Experimental study and modeling

Iqbal, Akhtar 07 June 2013 (has links)
En agriculture de conservation (AC), les résidus de cultures sous forme de paillis à la surface du sol associés à la suppression du travail du sol sont une composante intrinsèque des systèmes de culture. L'objectif principal de ce travail était de comprendre les effets de la nature et de la décomposition de mulch de résidus s sur les services d'approvisionnement et de régulation fournis par les sols dans les agrosystèmes en AC de régions tempérées (France) et tropicales (Madagascar et le Brésil). Des études expérimentales ont été réalisées pour obtenir des paramètres de décomposition pour une large gamme représentative de la qualité des résidus végétaux des agrosystèmes étudiés et pour tester et améliorer un modèle de décomposition des mulchs. Ensuite nous avons utilisé le modèle PASTIS_MULCH qui simule les biotransformations C et N et le transport de solutés dans les sols lors de la décomposition des mulchs.Pour la gamme de résidus de tiges testées, la rétention d'eau maximale a varié considérablement et ceci a été expliqué par les caractéristiques physiques du résidu. Avec les données obtenues par une série d'incubations de décomposition de résidus, nous avons proposé un ensemble de paramètres biologiques unique pour le module de décomposition CANTIS, simulant une large gamme de qualité des résidus de culture. L'étude expérimentale dans les colonnes de sol a montré que le mulch de maïs + dolique se décompose plus rapidement que mulch de blé + luzerne. Un régime de pluies fines et fréquentes augmente la décomposition du mulch par rapport à des pluies plus rares et plus fortes et cela est dû au maintien de l'humidité du mulch.Les simulations de scénarios avec PASTIS_MULCH ont montré que la pluie et les conditions d'évaporation classent les résidus de culture vis-à-vis de la décomposition lorsque ceux-ci sont placés en mulch à la surface des sols, tandis que les caractéristiques chimiques des résidus classent ceux-ci vis-à-vis de la décomposition lorsqu'ils sont incorporés. Aucune des situations étudiées pourrait être définie au vu des résultats de simulation comme étant adaptée à toutes les conditions pédo-climatiques et agricoles. / In conservation agriculture (CA), crop residues mulches are associated to reduction or suppression of soil tillage and are an intrinsic component of CA. The objective of this work was to understand the effects of nature and decomposition of crop residue mulches on the provisioning and regulating services of agrosystems provided by soils under temperate (France) and tropical (Madagascar and Brazil) conditions. Experimental studies were realized to get decomposition parameters for a large range of residue quality representative of the agrosystems studied and to test and improve a MULCH model. Then we used PASTIS_MULCH model which simulates the C and N biotransformations and solutes transport in soils during mulch decomposition.For a range of plant-stem residues tested, the maximal water retention varied greatly and was only explained by the physical features of the residue. With a series of decomposition incubations, we proposed a single set of biological parameters for CANTIS decomposition module, simulating a large range of crop residue quality. Experimental study in soil columns showed that maize+dolichos mulch decomposed faster than wheat+alfalfa mulch. Frequent and light rain enhanced mulch decomposition compared to infrequent and heavy rain and this was due to the mulch remaining wetter with frequent rain.The simulations of scenarios with PASTIS showed that rain and evaporation conditions ranked crop residues decomposition when placed as mulches while the residue chemical characteristics ranked crop residues decomposition when incorporated. None of the situations studied would be defined as suitable in all pedo-climatic and agricultural conditions.

Comportement thermo-hydro-mécanique et microstructure de l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien / Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour and microstructure of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone

Menaceur, Hamza 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le développement de l’énergie nucléaire durant les dernières années nécessite de trouver des solutions pour le stockage et le confinement des déchets radioactifs. Une solution envisagée est l’enfouissement dans les formations argileuses peu perméables comme les argilites. Dans cette perspective, l’Andra a mis l’accent sur l’étude du comportement à court et à long terme de l’argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien (COx), considérée comme une roche hôte potentielle en France. Dans le cadre de ce projet, une étude expérimentale microscopique et macroscopique sur le comportement thermo-hydro-mécanique de l’argilite du COx a été réalisée. Dans un premier temps, une investigation microstructurale des propriétés de rétention d’eau a été réalisée. L’étude de la courbe de rétention d’eau déterminée par la technique de contrôle de succion par phase vapeur et incluant les changements de volume et de degré de saturation en fonction de la succion le long des chemins de séchage et humidification a été complétée par une étude microstructurale basées sur des mesures porosimétriques par intrusion de mercure sur éprouvettes lyophilisées. On observe que les concepts régissant l’hydratation des smectites peuvent être utilisés pour une meilleure compréhension des effets de changement de teneur en eau sur la microstructure de l’argilite. Le comportement en compression-gonflement avec un aspect microstructural a été étudié par la réalisation d’un programme d’essai oedométriques haute pression et l’utilisation conjointe de la porosimétrie au mercure et le microscope électronique à balayage. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le potentiel du gonflement était lié à la densité de fissuration engendrée lors de la compression. Le comportement thermo-mécanique de l’argilite du COx saturée a été étudié à partir d’essais de cisaillement et de chauffage en condition drainée réalisés à l’aide d’une cellule triaxiale cylindre creux à faible chemin de drainage. Les essais de cisaillement à 25°Cmontrent des résistances au cisaillement plus faible pour des éprouvettes de plus forte porosité. Les essais triaxiaux à 80°C montrent un comportement plus ductile, une résistance au cisaillement moins importante et pas d’effet significatif sur les paramètres élastiques de l’argilite. L’analyse des résultats des essais de chauffage drainée confirme un comportement plastique contractant, similaire aux argiles normalement consolidées, pour l’argilite du COx. La possibilité de réactivation d’un plan de cisaillement lors d’un essai de chauffage non drainé d’un échantillon de l’argilite du COx est mise en évidence. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la pressurisation thermique du fluide interstitiel peut, du fait du relâchement de contrainte induit, réactiver une fissure de cisaillement existante. Les propriétés d’auto-colmatage de l’argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien, dans une gamme de température de 25-80°C, ont été étudiées par la réalisation d’essais de perméabilité sur un échantillon endommagé par un chargement déviatorique. Les résultats montrent que la présence des plans de cisaillement n’affecte pas la perméabilité, ce qui confirme la bonne capacité d’auto-colmatage de l’argilite du COx / The development of nuclear energy in recent years requires safe solutions for the storage of radioactive waste. A solution proposed for high activity radioactive waste is the storage indeep low permeability geological formations such as claystones. In this perspective, Andra, the French agency for the management of radioactive wastes, supported investigations on theshort and long term behaviour of the Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone, considered as apotential host rock in France. In this framework, a microscopic and macroscopic experimental study on the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of COx claystone was carried out. In this work, a microstructure investigation of the water retention properties of the Cox claystone was performed. The water retention properties were determined by controlling suction through the vapour phase, with also the monitoring of volume changes and changes indegree of saturation as a function of suction along the drying and wetting paths. The study was completed by a microstructure investigation based on the use of mercury intrusion porosimetry on freeze-dried specimens. It was observed that the concepts governing the hydration of smectites appeared useful to better understand the effects of changes in water content and suction on the microstructure of COx claystone. In a second step, the compression-swelling behaviour of the COx claystone was related to micro structure features by performing high pressure oedometer compression tests and byrunning mercury intrusion porosimetry tests and scanning electron microscope observationson specimens submitted to compression and stress release. The results obtained showed that the potential of swelling was linked to the density of cracks generated during compression. The thermo-mechanical behaviour of fully saturated COx claystone specimens was investigated from shear and drained heating tests using a hollow cylinder triaxial device specially developed for low permeability materials. The shear tests at 25°C evidenced lowershear strength on specimens with higher porosity. The preliminary results obtained at 80°Cevidenced a more ductile response, with slightly smaller shear strength and little changes of the elastic parameters at elevated temperature. Drained isotropic heating tests confirmed thecontracting volumetric plastic behaviour of the COx argillite, similar to normally consolidated clays. The effect of thermal pressurisation of the pore water on a specimen with a pre-existingshear plan was investigated. The results showed that undrained heating under shear stress decreased the effective stress, bringing back the sheared specimen to failure. The self-sealing properties of COx claystone at 25 and 80°C were investigated by conducting steady state permeability tests on sheared specimens at various stages. The results showed that the overall permeability of the sheared specimen at 25 and 80°C was comparable to that before shearing, confirming the good self-sealing properties of COx claystone

Vodní režim blatkových borů na Třeboňsku a vodní provoz jejich dominant / Vodní režim blatkových borů na Třeboňsku a vodní provoz jejich dominant

Kučerová, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
The thesis was intended to fill the information gap in the ecohydrology of the Pinus rotundata dominated peatbogs in the Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic by studying various aspects of their water régime (i.e., transpiration of the dominant tree species, soil water chemistry, retention ability). The study is based on regular monitoring of the water table, water discharge, soil water chemistry and precipitation (during 1995-2000, study sites Červené blato and Žofinka peatbogs). Additionally, the transpiration of adult Pinus rotundata trees was measured in the field during 1999-2000 at the experimental plot in the Červené blato peatbog (330 ha, 465-475 m a.s.l.). Nowadays, the Pinus rotundata-dominated peatbogs represent almost natural (peaty) forests inside of otherwise human-made forest plantations. Long-term vegetation changes after natural disturbances such as windstorms, insect infestation and fire are only occasionally reported for the central European natural forests. Therefore the evaluation of vegetation changes after disturbances, typical of boreal forests, and their impact on peatbog hydrology has also been included in this thesis (study site Žofinka peatbog, 130 ha, 470-475 m a.s.l.). Transpiration of the central European endemic tree species, Pinus rotundata Link, was...

Condutividade hidráulica não saturada de um solo arenoso: aplicação do infiltrômetro de disco / Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of a sandy soil using the disk infiltrometer

Fernandes, Mariana Alher 23 September 2011 (has links)
A função condutividade hidráulica é um dos parâmetros essenciais para o estudo do fluxo em solos não saturados, permitindo abordar, dentre outros, o avanço da frente de umedecimento e questões como a irrigação e drenagem de solos. Para determinar a condutividade hidráulica não saturada de um solo típico da região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, utilizou-se o infiltrômetro de disco. Este equipamento permite conduzir a infiltração de água, estando esta sujeita a um potencial negativo. Com os dados de infiltração acumulada e tempo acumulado obtidos em cada ensaio, foi possível determinar os valores da condutividade hidráulica não saturada e sortividade. Os cálculos foram feitos por diferentes métodos para cada ensaio realizado com o infiltrômetro de disco e comparadas com resultados de ensaios utilizando o permeâmetro Guelph. Observou-se que as condutividades hidráulica não saturadas obtidas com o infiltrômetro de disco tenderam a valores próximos das fornecidas indiretamente por meio do permeâmetro Guelph, com dispersão de aproximadamente uma ordem de grandeza para cada sucção. Também se observou que a condutividade hidráulica não saturada tende a diminuir conforme aumenta a sucção imposta ao solo, mesmo considerando a estreita faixa de sucções usadas nos ensaios. Notou-se ainda pequena variação nas condutividades hidráulicas saturadas calculadas por meio do infiltrômetro de disco, por meio de medidas diretas utilizando o permeâmetro Guelph e ensaios de permeabilidade realizados em laboratório. / The hydraulic conductivity function is essential to the study of water flow in unsaturated soils. From function there can be derived the advancement of the humidification (saturation) front, among other parameters, which is essential to projects of irrigation and drainage of soils. A disk infiltrometer was used to determine the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of a sample of typical soil from central São Paulo, Brazil. The disk infiltrometer apparatus conducts the infiltration water, which is held at negative potential. Data for cumulative infiltration and elapsed time for each test was used to determine values of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and sorptivity. Different methodology was applied in the calculations. Data for each experiment carried out utilizing the disk infiltrometer was compared to data obtained utilizing the permeameter of Guelph. It was observed that the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity obtained through the disk infiltrometer yielded values near those obtained indirectly by the permeameter of Guelph, which showed dispersion approximately within one order of magnitude for each suctioning performed. Furthermore, it was observed that the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity tends to diminish in magnitude in an inverse relation to the suction pressure subjected by the soil, even after considering the narrow band of suction pressures carried out in the tests. It was further observed a small variation in the saturated hydraulic conductivities computed from data obtained directly from the infiltrometer disk, the permeameter of Guelph, and other permeability tests done in laboratory.

Relação solo-água-vegetação em uma toposseqüência localizada na Estação Ecológica de Assis, SP / Soil-water-vegetation relationships in a toposequence located in the Ecological Station of Assis, São Paulo, Brazil

Juhász, Carlos Eduardo Pinto 23 January 2006 (has links)
O bioma Cerrado está cada vez mais fragmentado devido à ocupação agrícola e antrópica. Para a manutenção da biodiversidade, corredores de vegetação devem ser criados com o auxílio da revegetação e recuperação de áreas degradadas. Isto é facilitado pelo conhecimento da distribuição e dinâmica natural dos solos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o funcionamento físico-hídrico dos solos distribuídos em uma toposseqüência sob vegetação nativa. A área de estudo foi localizada dentro de uma parcela permanente instalada na Estação Ecológica de Assis, SP, Brasil, com vegetação predominante de cerradão ou savana florestada. Para a caracterização do funcionamento físico-hídrico dos solos foram realizados inicialmente estudos morfológicos, a partir da técnica da análise estrutural e da descrição de perfis de solo dispostos em cinco posições-chave da encosta. Amostras deformadas de solo foram utilizadas em análises químicas, granulométricas e densidade de partículas. Amostras indeformadas coletadas em anéis cilíndricos definiram as curvas de retenção de água e a densidade do solo. Blocos de solo foram impregnados e polidos para análise de imagens, obtendo-se a distribuição de poros em número, forma e tamanho. Em poços perfurados em três setores da toposseqüência, foi determinada a condutividade hidráulica saturada de campo. O monitoramento da umidade do solo "in situ" foi obtido por sensores instalados nos principais horizontes das trincheiras, calibrados para cada horizonte, durante o período de novembro de 2003 a novembro de 2004. Foram também utilizados os dados de precipitação mais próximos. Fotografias digitais adquiridas nos perfis de solo determinaram a distribuição das raízes. Os solos foram classificados, de montante a jusante, em Latossolo Vermelho, Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Latossolo Amarelo e Gleissolo Háplico, com transição homogênea de cor e predomínio de textura franco-arenosa. No horizonte de superfície da toposseqüência, pequeno número de poros complexos de diâmetro equivalente superior a 1000µm ocupou quase a área total da imagem, representando uma estrutura de empilhamento de grãos simples com porosidade maior que em profundidade. Este comportamento provocou uma menor retenção hídrica, apesar do maior teor de matéria orgânica, e oscilação da umidade do solo após cada evento chuvoso. Predominaram raízes aglomeradas ou ramificadas nesta camada. Em profundidade, as raízes são mais individuais. Nos Latossolos, maior número de poros complexos de diâmetro equivalente superior a 1000 µm ocupa menor área em Bw do que em superfície. Isto indica a presença de aglomerados de microagregados em Bw que conferem maior retenção de água, maior número de microporos e menor oscilação da umidade do solo do que em superfície. No Gleissolo, o horizonte Btg2, mais profundo e mais argiloso, apresentou estrutura mais densa representada por uma porosidade expressiva de forma arredondada ou cavitária de diâmetro de 30 a 1000 µm. Neste horizonte, foi obtida a maior retenção hídrica, drenagem imperfeita e menor condutividade hidráulica. Nos outros horizontes da toposseqüência a condutividade foi elevada. O relevo influenciou nas propriedades físicohídricas e morfológicas dos solos que, por sua vez, determinaram o conteúdo de água limitante na estação seca e em períodos de estiagem. Este comportamento pode definir o padrão florístico de cerradão na parcela permanente. / The "Cerrado" bioma is being fragmented due to the human and agricultural occupation. To maintain the biodiversity, ecological corridors must be created by the revegetation and the restoration of the degraded areas. It can only be ameliorated upon the knowledge of the soil’s natural dynamics and distribution. The aim of this work was to characterize the behavior of soil water flow and soil physical properties, distributed in a toposequence under native vegetation. The study area was in a permanent plot installed in the Assis Ecological Station, São Paulo, Brazil. The predominant vegetation is the closed "cerrado" or savanna woodland. The soil physical, hydraulic characterization depended on soil morphology. The morphological study was carried out by structural analysis and by description of soil profiles arranged in five key positions on the slope. Disturbed soil samples were taken for chemical, particle size and soil particle density analyses. Undisturbed samples collected in cylindrical cores were used to define the soil water retention and bulk density. Soil blocks were impregnated and polished for image analysis to obtain the distribution of pores in number, shape and size. In wells perforated in three sectors of the toposequence the field saturated hydraulic conductivity was determined. The soil moisture monitoring "in situ" was obtained by sensors installed in the main horizons of the pits and calibrated for each soil horizon, during the period of November 2003 to November 2004. The nearest rain volume data were collected too. Digital photos of the soil profiles were acquired for the determination of the root distribution. The soils were classified, from the top backslope down to the footslope, as Rhodic Haplustox, Typic Haplustox and Epiaquic Haplustult, with a homogeneous color transition and the predominance of a sandy loam texture. In the soil surface on the toposequence, a little number of complex pores with equivalent diameter over 1,000 µm occupied almost the total pore area, characterizing the predominance of a structure formed by the packing of single grains. The porosity was higher than in the other horizons. This behavior caused lower water retention even with the highest organic matter content. On the surface, the oscillation of the soil moisture is closely related to each rain event. The roots were distributed in ramified or grouped roots in the surface layer and individually in the deeper horizons. In Oxisols, the presence of microaggregates in the B-horizon was characterized by a number of complex pores with equivalent diameter over 1,000 µm larger than in the soil surface but in minor area than in the surface layer. This conferred higher water retention, larger number of micropores and lower oscillation of soil moisture than in soil surface. The structure of the deepest B-horizon of Epiaquic Haplustult was denser, featured by an expressive rounded or vugh porosity with diameters between 30 and 1,000 µm. This conferred the largest content of clay, with the highest water retention, imperfect drainage and lowest hydraulic conductivity. The other soil horizons in the toposequence presented greater hydraulic conductivity. The landscape influences the physical, hydraulic and morphological soil properties in the toposequence. So the water content is limited in the dry season and partially in the humid season too, which can define the floristic pattern of the closed "cerrado" in this permanent plot.

Método do Perfil Instantâneo em amostras de solo homogêneas e estratificadas / Instantaneous Profile Method in homogeneous and stratified soil samples

Meurer, Ismael 28 June 2018 (has links)
O conhecimento das propriedades hidráulicas do solo referentes ao movimento da água é essencial para a solução de problemas que envolvem a poluição de mananciais e aquíferos, a conservação da água e o controle da erosão. Neste contexto, as propriedades hidráulicas do solo de maior importância são a curva de retenção da água no solo, a condutividade hidráulica e a difusividade hidráulica em função do conteúdo de água no solo. O método do perfil instantâneo é um dos métodos mais utilizados na determinação da condutividade hidráulica do solo não saturado, no entanto, a suposição do gradiente de potencial total unitário, adotado nos modelos de simplificação do método do perfil instantâneo, é ainda muito questionada em perfis de solo que não sejam estritamente homogêneos e com conteúdo de água afastado da saturação. Nesse sentido, os objetivos do projeto são: (1) obter e comparar a função condutividade hidráulica do solo pelo modelo de Hillel et al. (1972) com o modelo propostos por Libardi et al. (1980) e por van Genuchten (1980); (2) verificar a influência da adoção do gradiente de potencial total unitário no modelo de Libardi et al. (1980). O método simplificado de Libardi et al. (1980) apresenta boa concordância com o método padrão de Hillel et al. (1972) em estimar a condutividade hidráulica do solo não saturado para tempos de observação superiores a 24 horas, mesmo quando o gradiente de potencial total fica relativamente distante da unidade. Para tempos de observação inferiores a 24 horas, onde o conteúdo de água é maior, o modelo de Libardi et al. (1980) superestima o valor de condutividade hidráulica. A aplicação do método de Libardi et al. (1980), também em tempos de redistribuição inferiores a 24 horas, permite obter valores mais precisos de condutividade hidráulica do solo, expressos assim por duas funções com relação ao tempo de redistribuição observado. A presença de horizontes pedológicos ocasionou o impedimento hidráulico ao movimento da água, ou seja, reduziram a condutividade hidráulica do solo não saturado. O impedimento foi proporcional à maior proximidade dos horizontes. O aumento do valor médio e da variação do gradiente de potencial total se correlacionou exponencialmente com a redução da concordância do modelo simplificado de Libardi et al. (1980) com o modelo padrão de determinação da condutividade hidráulica do solo não saturado (Hillel et al., 1972). / The knowledge of the soil hydraulic properties related to the water movement is essential for the solution of problems involving the pollution of water sources and aquifers, water conservation and erosion control. In this context, the most important hydraulic properties of the soil are the soil water retention curve, the hydraulic conductivity and the hydraulic diffusivity as a function of soil water content. The instantaneous profile method is one of the most used methods to determine the unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity, however, the assumption of the total potential gradient, adopted in the simplification models of the instantaneous profile method, is still very questioned in soil profiles that are not strictly homogeneous and with water content far from saturation. In this sense, the objectives of the project are: (1) obtain and compare the hydraulic conductivity function of the soil by the model of Hillel et al. (1972) with the model proposed by Libardi et al. (1980) and van Genuchten (1980); (2) verify the influence of the adoption of the unit total potential gradient in the model of Libardi et al. (1980). The simplified method of Libardi et al. (1980) shows good agreement with the standard method of Hillel et al. (1972) to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated soil for observation times greater than 24 hours, even when the total potential gradient is relatively far from the unit. For observation times shorter than 24 hours, where the water content is higher, the method by Libardi et al. (1980) overestimates the value of hydraulic conductivity. The application of the method, also in redistribution times less than 24 hours, allows to obtain more precise values of hydraulic conductivity of the soil, thus expressed by two functions with respect to the redistribution time observed. The presence of pedological horizons caused the hydraulic impedance to the water movement, that is, has reduced the hydraulic conductivity. The impediment was proportional as greater proximity the horizons have from each other. The increase in the mean value and variation of the total potential gradient correlated exponentially with the reduction of the agreement index comparing the simplified model of Libardi et al. (1980) with the standard model for determining the hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated soil (Hillel et al., 1972).

Estudo sobre a resistência ao cisalhamento de um solo residual compactado não saturado. / Study on the shear strength of a residual unsaturated soil.

Oliveira, Orlando Martini de 22 June 2004 (has links)
O principal enfoque deste estudo é investigar alguns aspectos da resistência ao cisalhamento e as propriedades de retenção de água de um solo residual compactado no estado não saturado. Foi utilizado um solo residual de gnaisse retirado do campo experimental de geotecnia da Universidade de São Paulo. Com base na curva de compactação foram escolhidos três pontos de moldagem para o estudo, estando os mesmos associados à umidade ótima, ao ramo seco e ao ramo úmido. Foram realizadas algumas series de ensaios triaxiais sob condições saturadas (CAU e CD), e um grande número de ensaios triaxiais não saturados com teor de umidade constante (CW). Os ensaios triaxiais CW não saturados, foram feitos com medição de sucção utilizando um tensiômetro de alta capacidade (TAC) colocado na base do corpo de prova. Estudos específicos relacionados com a técnica de medição de sucção com o uso do TAC foram feitos. Com os resultados dos ensaios de resistência foram obtidas, para diferentes pressões confinantes, as variações dos valores da resistência ao cisalhamento (q) em função da sucção. Estas relações permitiram a definição das superfícies de ruptura para as três condições de moldagem. Foram investigados também aspectos relativos à forma de carregamento, a velocidade de carregamento, o tipo de compactação e a trajetória de umedecimento. São apresentados detalhes de como a resistência do solo é afetada por estas variáveis. O estudo define os procedimentos para obtenção das superfícies de resistência do solo no estado não saturado, com o uso de ensaios de compressão simples, feitos com medição de sucção durante o ensaio, e com a envoltória do solo saturado. As curvas de retenção do solo foram obtidas sob diversas condições de moldagem e umedecimento, e utilizado as técnicas de translação de eixos, placa de sucção, tensiômetro e papel filtro. Estas curvas foram utilizadas como ferramenta para se verificar a aplicabilidade dos modelos de previsão de resistência propostos por Vanapalli et al (1996) e Khalili e Khabbaz (1998), ao solo estudado. / The main focus of this study is to investigate some aspects of the shear strength and water retention properties of a compacted residual soil, under unsaturated condition. A residual of gneiss obtained from the geotechnical experimental site of the University of São Paulo was used. Based on the compaction curve three molding conditions were adopted for the study: one associated with the optimum water content, and two others located at the dry side and wet side of the compaction curve. A series of triaxial tests were performed under saturated conditions (CAU and CD), and a great number of triaxial tests under unsaturated conditions at constant water content (CW). The CW tests were performed with suction measurement using a high capacity tensiometer (HCT) placed at the base of the sample. Investigations were carried out associated with the use of the CHT. Based on the shear strength tests performed under different confining pressure the relation between shear strength and suction were determined. With this relation it was possible to define the shear surface for the three molding conditions. It were also investigated aspects related with type of loading, speed of the test, type of compaction and moisture path after compaction. It is presented details on how the shear strength is affected by these parameters. The study defines a procedure to obtain the shear surface of an unsaturated soil using unconfining tests, with suction measurement and using the shear envelope obtained at saturated condition. The retention curves were obtained at different molding conditions, following distinct moisture path. The retention curves were determined using axis translation technique, suction plate, filter paper and tensiometer. The retention curves were used as a tool to evaluate the applicability of the models presented by Vanapalli et al (1996) and Khalili and Khabbaz (1998) to infer the shear strength of the residual soil studied.

Análise de curvas de retenção e distribuição de poros de um latossolo vermelho distrofico submetido aos sistemas de plantio convencional e direto

Borkowski, Angelo Kuhn 20 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T19:25:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angelo Kuhn Borkowski.pdf: 2809062 bytes, checksum: e19eeb0a6431498f9c455c21df75a8bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / To evaluate the environmental impacts generated by the tillage systems, it is necessary to evaluate the variations caused by them in the soil structure. The space porous is the best indicator of the soil structural quality, because it is responsible, among many factors, for transport phenomena of water and solutes in his interior and water retention. Tillage systems used in the soil tend to modify her structure. Thick way, the conventional tillage is characterized by the soil revolviment and mixture of the remains of the previous culture in their more interior layers. Already the no-tillage has for main characteristic the non revolviment of the soil, and the remains of the previous culture are left in the surface of the soil for incorporation of this material. The objective of this work was the survey of retention curve (RC), the which was determinate using the potential of 10,30,40, 60,80,100,300, 500,1000,4000,8000 cm de H2O, this dates when interpolates through of function of kind “spline cubic” allowed the construction of retention curves more detailed of that the curves obtained by traditional methods, so then, obtain of pores distribution curves (CDP) of a Red Dystrophic Latossoil under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems, in depths of until 0-40 cm. With base in those CDPs and in CRs to compare the modifications produced in the structure of this soil due to those two tillage types. Also, to study those modifications such complementally studies they were accomplished as: the analysis textural (mechanics) of the soil, the determination of his/her density and the determination of the macro, micro and total porosity of the soil. The results of this work showed that the soil under the system of no-tillage presented smaller density values in comparison with the soil under conventional tillage, values, respectively, of 1,09 against 1,20Mg/m3 (on average). Also, in the soil under conventional tillage an increase of 12% was observed in the density of the deepest layers (below 10cm) in comparison with the superficial layer (up to 10cm). That is an indicative of compacting of the soil, which, in general, it is attributed to the most intensive job of agricultural machinery in this type of tillage system. Already the soil under no-tillage presented a compressed layer, between 10 and 20 cm, with density approximately 8% larger than the adjacent layers, which was associated to traces of other tillage systems previously accomplished in the area under no-tillage. The results also indicated larger values of the total porosity and macroporosity for the soil under notillage. The retention curves CRs and of pores distribution CDPs showed larger homogeneity of the soil under no-tillage when compared to the soil under the conventional tillage. Except for the superficial layer (0-10 cm) of the soil under conventional tillage, CDPs showed that the distribution of sizes of pores of the soil under the direct and conventional plantings is trimodal with picks in the areas of rays among: 1 and 6μm; 9 and 25μm and 25 and 100μm. For the superficial layer of the soil under conventional tillage, CR and CDP indicated that the system of conventional tillage promotes a great desestructuration of the porous system of the soil, turning it less capable of keeping the water in his interior due to an enlargement of the distribution of pores above 25μm (macroporous). / Para avaliar os impactos ambientais gerados pelos sistemas de plantio, é necessário avaliar as variações provocadas por eles na estrutura do solo. O espaço poroso é o melhor indicador da qualidade estrutural do solo, pois é responsável, dentre muitos fatores, por fenômenos de transporte de água e solutos em seu interior e retenção de água por ele. Sistemas de manejo empregados no solo tendem a modificar sua estrutura. Grosso modo, o convencional é caracterizado pelo revolvimento do solo e mistura dos restos da cultura anterior em suas camadas mais interiores. Já o direto tem por característica principal o não revolvimento do solo, e os restos da cultura anterior são deixados na superfície do solo para incorporação deste material. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o levantamento da curva de retenção de água (CR), a qual foi determinada utilizando potenciais de 10-30-40-60-80-100-300-500-1000-4000- 8000 cm de H2O, estes dados quando interpolados através de uma função do tipo “spline cúbica” permite a construção de curvas de retenção mais detalhadas do que as curvas obtidas por métodos tradicionais, assim sendo, obter as curvas de distribuição de poros (CDP) de um classificado como Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico sob os sistemas de planto direto e convencional, em profundidades de até 0-40 cm. Com base nessas CDPs e nas CRs comparar as modificações produzidas na estrutura deste solo devido a esses dois tipos de manejo. A fim de se obter mais informações a respeito do solo estudado, também foram realizadas medidas de análise textural do solo, determinação da densidade do solo e a determinação da macro, micro e da porosidade total do solo. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que o solo sob o sistema de plantio direto apresentou menores valores de densidade em comparação com o solo sob plantio convencional, valores médios, respectivamente, de 1,09 contra 1,20Mg/m3. No solo sob plantio convencional observou-se um aumento de 12% na densidade das camadas mais profundas (abaixo de 10 cm) em comparação com a camada superficial (0-10 cm). Esse é um indicativo de compactação do solo, o qual, em geral, é atribuído ao emprego mais intensivo de maquinário agrícola neste tipo de sistema de plantio. Já o solo sob plantio direto apresentou uma camada compactada em 10-20 cm, com densidade aproximadamente 8% maior que as camadas acima (0-10 cm) e abaixo (10-20 cm), a qual foi associada a resquícios de outros sistemas de plantio realizados previamente na área sob plantio direto. Os resultados também indicaram maiores valores da porosidade total e macroporosidade para o solo sob plantio direto. As curvas de retenção CRs e de distribuição de poros CDPs mostraram maior homogeneidade do solo sob plantio direto nas camadas em profundidade que quando comparado ao solo sob o plantio convencional. Com exceção da camada superficial (0-10 cm) do solo sob plantio convencional, as CDPs mostraram que a distribuição de tamanhos de poros do solo sob os plantios direto e convencional é trimodal com picos nas regiões de raios entre: 1 e 6μm; 9 e 25μm e 25 e 100μm. Para a camada superficial do solo sob plantio convencional, a CR e a CDP indicaram que o sistema de plantio convencional promove uma grade desestruturação do sistema poroso do solo, tornando-o menos capaz de reter a água em seu interior devido a um alargamento da distribuição de poros acima de 25μm (macroporos).


Oliveira, Jocenei Antonio Teodoro de 10 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T19:26:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jocenei Antonio Oliveira.pdf: 2309316 bytes, checksum: 8527d62e93fbe03d332c4ffaa65aedda (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soil water retention properties can be described by so-called soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) or retention curve (WRC). This curve expresses the relationship between matric potential and soil moisture based on weight or volume. Through the attainment and subsequent analytical interpolation of the WRC, it’s possible the indirect estimative of the pore-size distribution (PSD) curve of any porous system. Sometimes, obtaining the WRC may be a time-consuming process or involve the use of equipment not available in some laboratories. Thus the development of an alternative method to obtain the WRC and after the PSD becomes desirable, since these are properties of extreme importance to characterize porous media. The main objective of this study is to create and adapt methodology for obtaining PSD using computer simulation in tomographic images with micrometer resolution. In this study, there were used samples of sand and glass beads of different grain sizes for the generation of the PSD curve using a Haines’ funnel on balance. After WRC achievement, these were adjusted through an analytical model and then there were built experimental PSD curve. PSD were also determined by adaptation of a computer program using tomographic images of these samples. The results of obtained WRC associated with geometric models to predict the entry point of air have only revealed the idea about how may occur drying of the samples, showing only morphological considerations are not sufficient to describe this situation. The investigated porous systems homogeneity was able to be visualized by comparing the PSD curves in terms of their widths. / Propriedades de retenção da água no solo podem ser descritas pela chamada curva característica de água no solo ou curva de retenção (CR). Esta curva exprime a relação entre potencial mátrico e a umidade do solo à base de massa ou volume. Mediante o levantamento da CR e posterior interpolação analítica, pode-se estimar indiretamente a curva de distribuição de poros (CDP) de um sistema poroso qualquer. Algumas vezes, a obtenção da CR pode ser um processo demorado ou envolver a utilização de equipamentos não disponíveis em alguns laboratórios. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia alternativa para a obtenção da CR e posteriormente da CDP se faz desejável, uma vez que se trata de propriedade de extrema importância para a caracterização de um meio poroso. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é criar e adaptar metodologia para a obtenção de CDPs utilizando simulação computacional em imagens tomográficas com resolução micrométrica. No presente estudo, foram utilizadas amostras de areias e esferas de vidro de diferentes granulometrias para o levantamento das CRs usando um funil de Haines adaptado. Depois de obtidas as CRs, essas foram ajustadas através do modelo de ajuste de van Genuchten e obtidas as CDPs (primeira derivada da CR). Também foram obtidas CDPs mediante a adaptação de um programa computacional que utiliza informações de imagens tomográficas dessas amostras. Os resultados das CDPs levantadas pelos dois métodos mostram alguma concordância. Verificou-se, no entanto, que apenas considerações sobre a morfologia dos poros não são suficientes para descrever a forma com que as amostras são drenadas.

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