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Sistemas aquosos bifásicos de polietilenoglicol e sais inorgânicos : modelo estatístico / Aqueous two-phase systems of polyethylene glycol and inorganic salts : statistical modelsBraga, Filipe Leôncio, 1985- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Mário Noboru Tamashiro / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T19:25:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Modelos termo-estatísticos que tentam reproduzir o comportamento de soluções aquosas de polímeros foram amplamente estudados ao longo dos anos. Entretanto, o número de trabalhos relacionados a sistemas aquosos contendo polímeros e sais adicionados ainda é bem restrito. Na tese desenvolvida, abordamos através de uma modelagem de Flory-Huggins a formação de sistemas aquosos bifásicos contendo cadeias poliméricas longas de polietileno-glicol em misturas contendo sais inorgânicos monovalentes. Dentro da modelagem, a competição entre a formação de ligações de hidrogênio por parte das moléculas de água e os monômeros da cadeia polimérica, além das interações íon-dipolo entre água e os íons dos sais dissociados, desempenham papel fundamental na formação das configurações de equilíbrio. Através de ajustes numéricos de dados experimentais, para cada tipo de sal introduzido na mistura, com previsões do modelo para as menores temperaturas para a formação das duas fases, as chamadas Cloud Point Temperatures (CPT), encontramos um conjunto de quatro parâmetros de interação que possibilitam a reprodução adequada do comportamento contínuo das CPT's em função das concentrações dos solutos / Abstract: Thermal-statistical models that try to reproduce the behavior of aqueous polymer solutions have been extensively studied over the years. However, the number of articles related to aqueous systems containing polymers and added salts is still very restricted. Across the developed thesis, we work with a Flory-Huggins theory to model the formation of aqueous two-phase systems containing long-polymer chains of polyethylene-glycol in mixtures containing monovalent inorganic salts. Within the model, the competition between the hydrogen-bond formation between water molecules and the monomers of the polymer chain, in addition to the ion-dipole interactions between water and the dissociated salt ions play a key role in shaping equilibrium configurations. Through numerical fits of experimental data for each type of salt introduced into the mixture with model predictions for the lowest temperatures for the formation of two phases, so-called Cloud Point Temperature (CPT), we find a set of four parameters of interaction that enable proper representation of the continuous behavior of CPT's as a function of the solutes concentration / Doutorado / Física / Doutor em Ciências
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Commingling Yarns for Reinforcement of ConcreteKravaev, Plamen, Janetzko, Steffen, Gries, Thomas, Kang, Bong-Gu, Brameshuber, Wolfgang, Zell, Maike, Hegger, Josef 03 June 2009 (has links)
Textile reinforced concrete (TRC) is an innovative composite material, which is being intensely and practice-oriented investigated on national and international level. In the last few years this material has gained increasing importance in the field of civil engineering. In the context of the collaborative research project SFB 532 at the RWTH Aachen University, research was carried out to understand and to predict the behaviour of different yarn structures in fine grained concrete. Based on the results, innovative commingling yarns were made of alkali-resistant glass fibres and water soluble PVA. These hybrid yarns have an open structure, which improves the penetration of the textile reinforcement by the concrete matrix. Hence, the load bearing capacity of TRC structural elements was significantly improved. This paper presents a technique for the production of such commingling yarns for concrete applications. The mechanical properties of the new yarns are determined due to tensile stress tests. The bond behaviour of the commingling yarns was investigated by pull-out- and tensile stress tests on TRC-specimens. The results of the different tests are being presented and briefly discussed.
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Effect of lipid-based formulation on the solubilization patterns if poorly water-soluble drugs.Gude, Manjiri January 2021 (has links)
Poorly water-soluble drugs (PWSDs), to date, require advanced formulation techniques to improve solubility and achieve the required plasma concentration to show a therapeutic effect when orally administered. Lipid-based formulations (LBFs) are an enabling strategy that is being used to improve the oral delivery of PWSDs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of lipid-based formulation, Type IIIA-LC, on the solubilization patterns of PWSDs, namely, carvedilol and felodipine. Solubility studies, for both drugs, were performed with LBF dispersed in -1) dog intestinal fluid (DIF), and 2) water, to identify and compare the extent of solubility in different matrices, and in silico to identify interesting patterns with any correlations in experimental and computational data. Solubility studies showed that carvedilol had better solubility in LBF when compared to felodipine. Computational studies showed that both drugs solubilized in the colloid in both digested and undigested states. Effect of drug loading had no significant difference on the solubilization patterns of both drugs. The maximum drug loading done was for 100 molecules though there is the possibility of the colloid having a higher capacity. Digestion did not seem to have a significant effect on the distribution of both drugs. In vitro and in silico data were in qualitative agreement and therefore, this computational model can be further used to study the specific processes causing solubilization, improvement, and development of new LBFs.
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Synthesis of a polar conjugated polythiophene for 3D-printing of complex coacervatesHeimonen, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to synthesize a functionalized polar conjugated polythiophene that could be (3D-) printed into form-stable structures for bio-interfacing. The material design rationale aimed for a water-processable polymer that had the capability of electronic and ionic conduction, by using a thiophene backbone and oligoethylene side chains. Functionalization of the oligoethylene side chains with carboxylate groups created a polyanion, which allowed for a bio-inspired approach to combine printability and form-stability through formation of complex coacervates. The synthesis of the conjugated monomer and polymer was optimized to provide a more sustainable and material efficient synthesis route. Combined structural analysis with 1H-NMR, FT-IR and UV-vis revealed successful synthesis of the target polymer. Spectro electrochemistry revealed that the polymer was optically and electrochemically active in both the protected and deprotected form. The obtained material is processable from water, and initial tests revealed that crosslinking can be achieved through formation of acid dimers, ionic crosslinks with Ca2+ ions and complex coacervation with a polycation. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>
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Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei klinisch gesunden Kühen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der wasser- und fettlöslichen Antioxidantien.Gieseler, Jörn 19 April 2011 (has links)
Jörn Gieseler
Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei klinisch gesunden Kühen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der wasserlöslichen und fettlöslichen Antioxidantien.
Medizinische Tierklinik, Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät, Universität Leipzig.
Eingereicht im Oktober 2010.
97 Seiten; 25 Abbildungen; 11 Tabellen; 351 Literaturangaben;
Schlüsselwörter: Rind, Stoffwechsel, wasserlösliche Antioxidantien, lipidlösliche Antioxidantien.
Die Gesundheit und Leistung von Milchkühen sind an einen stabilen Stoffwechsel gebunden. Abweichungen in der Nährstoffversorgung, im Intermediärstoffwechsel sowie seitens der Umweltbedingungen wirken sich belastend auf den Stoffwechsel und damit auf die Gesundheit des betroffenen Organismus aus. Mit gezielten Untersuchungen, z.B. Blutuntersuchungen, kann kontrolliert werden, ob der Stoffwechsel physiologisch oder durch Imbalancen belastet oder gar gestört ist.
Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Aktivität der Glutathionperoxidase sowie die Konzentrationen der wasser- und fettlöslichen Antioxidantien im Blut von klinisch gesunden Kühen zu ermitteln, in Stoffwechseluntersuchungen mit einzubeziehen sowie den Einfluss von Laktation und Jahreszeit auf die o.g. Parameter zu prüfen.
Versuchsanordnung: Insgesamt wurden bei 85 SB/HF-Kühen (7990 kg fettkorrigierte Milch/Jahr) folgende zwei Gruppen analysiert: Gruppe 1: Zur Kontrolle des Laktationsverlaufes wurden 10 Kühe zum Zeitpunkt der 4. - 5. Woche ante partum (ap), 1. Woche ap, 1 - 2 Wochen post partum (pp), 4 Wochen pp und 8 - 12 Wochen pp untersucht. Gruppe 2: Im Verlaufe eines Jahres wurden im Abstand von 6 Wochen jeweils 10 gesunde Kühe, die sich alle in der 2. - 4. Woche post partum (pp) befanden, untersucht. Stall- und Außentemperaturen wurden dabei berücksichtigt. Die Tiere der beiden Gruppen wurden nach der klinischen Untersuchung weiter chemisch auf folgende Parameter getestet: Glutathionperoxidase (GPX), wasserlöslichen Antioxidantien (ACW), fettlösliche Antioxidantien (ACL), ß-Hydroxybutyrat (BHB), Cholesterol (Chol), Bilirubin (Bili), Glutamat-Dehydrogenase (GLDH), Aspartat Amino Transferase (AST), Creatinkinase (CK), Albumin (Alb), Harnstoff (Hast), Calcium (Ca), anorganisches Phosphat (Pi) und Chlorid (Cl). Durch eine Rationsberechnung wurde die Fütterung in die Untersuchung mit einbezogen.
Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse der peripartalen Stoffwechseluntersuchungen zeigen einen Anstieg der wasserlöslichen Antioxidantien (ACW) bis zur 4. Woche pp (p < 0,05). Ab 8 Wochen pp sinken die Konzentrationen wieder ab. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt die Glutathionperoxidase (GPX) ihre höchste Aktivität bei den Trockenstehern. Es folgt eine starke Abnahme der Aktivität bis zur 4. Woche pp (p < 0,05) und ein Anstieg ab der 8. Woche pp (p < 0,05). Die Korrelation zwischen der Konzentration der ACW und der Aktivität der GPX verhält sich signifikant negativ. Die höchsten Konzentrationen der ACL liegen im Zeitraum des Trockenstehens, die niedrigste Konzentration 1. Woche ap - 4. Woche pp (p < 0,05). Ab 8 - 12 Wochen pp steigen die Konzentrationen der ACL wieder an. Die Stoffwechselparameter Harnstoff, Bilirubin, Cholesterol und BHB unterliegen Schwankungen über den gesamten Laktationsverlauf. Die AST-Aktivität erreicht ihren Höchststand 1-2 Wochen pp und liegt nur in dieser Zeit außerhalb der Toleranzgrenze. Die Albumin- und Pi-Konzentrationen sowie die CK-Aktivitäten bleiben im Laktationsverlauf konstant. Die Cl-Konzentration liegt in der 1. - 12. Woche pp unterhalb der physiologischen Grenze.
Die Ergebnisse der Stoffwechseluntersuchungen im Jahresverlauf zeigen einen kontinuierlichen Anstieg der ACW von Februar an, mit Höchstwerten im April und August (p < 0,05). Danach erfolgt ein kontinuierlicher Abfall der Werte bis zum Dezember. Die GPX zeigt eine generelle Verminderung ihrer Aktivität von Februar bis August (p < 0,05), um dann im Oktober wieder anzusteigen. Ihre Höchstwerte liegen im Januar und Dezember. Die Aktivität der GPX und die Konzentrationen der ACW korrelieren sowohl im Jahresverlauf als auch im Laktationsverlauf signifikant negativ. Die Konzentrationen der ACL unterliegen im Jahresverlauf Schwankungen. Dennoch korrelieren sie mit den Konzentrationen der GPX signifikant positiv. Die Harnstoff- und BHB-Konzentrationen sowie die Aktivität der CK liegen im gesamten Jahresverlauf innerhalb der physiologischen Grenzen. Die CK-Aktivität erreicht, zusammen mit der Albuminkonzentration, ihre Höchstwerte im Mai. Die Albuminkonzentrationen unterliegen mit dem Bilirubin im Jahresverlauf relativen Schwankungen. Das Bilirubin hat seine niedrigste Konzentration im Dezember und Januar bzw. seine höchsten Konzentrationen im Juli und August. Die Aktivität der AST zeigt einen gleichmäßigen Anstieg in den Sommermonaten. Ihre niedrigsten Aktivitäten liegen im Dezember und Januar. Die Cholesterolkonzentration sowie die Aktivität der AP sinken im Sommer ab. Cholesterol hat seine höchsten Konzentrationen im Dezember und Januar.
Schlussfolgerung: Schwankungen von Stoffwechselparametern im Jahres- und Laktationsverlauf betreffen vor allem die Antioxidantien. Deshalb können sowohl die in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Antioxidantien, als auch die anderen Stoffwechselparameter zur Beobachtung und Diagnostik von Stoffwechselbelastungen rund um die Kalbung sowie im Jahresverlauf zur Herdenkontrolle herangezogen werden. Die Referenzbereiche betragen für die ACW 12 bis 142 µmol/l und für ACL 1 bis 45 µmol/l.
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Quantitative analysis of allergens in peanut varieties and assessment of effects of food processing on peanut allergensMeng, Shi 04 May 2018 (has links)
Peanut, a major allergenic food, has life-threatening potential and is difficult to be totally avoided due to its common use in processed foods. Thermal processing can influence the allergenic properties of peanuts. However, the kinetics of the reactions caused by thermal processing has not been characterized. In our study, kinetics of the commonly used thermal processing methods on a commercial peanut cultivar (Virginia) using five time intervals was conducted. Water-soluble and SDS-sample buffer soluble proteins were extracted sequentially, and analyzed by sodium-dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and western-blot using human plasma containing IgE antibodies. The relationships between thermal processing (time) and log transformed water-soluble/total extractable major allergen content could be explained by a simple linear regression kinetic model for most of the processing methods (except high-pressure steaming). Among all the methods with optimal processing point, frying for 6 min had relatively lower IgE binding (linear epitopes) ratio may be due to the fact that this processing condition causing break down, cross-linking and aggregation of Ara h 2, and relatively lower solubility. Besides thermal processing, enzymatic processing also is considered to be an effective method in the allergenicity of peanuts. Eleven peanut lines (Coded MS-1~MS-11, MS-9 is the check and a common cultivar namely Valencia) were pre-screened from 122 peanut lines harvested in 2015 for allergen levels. These pre-screened lines were re-planted in 2016 for further analysis. One line, MS-7, was selected for lower Ara h 1 (8.5-9.5% of total protein) and Ara h 2 (4.2-6.6% of total protein) content in 2015 and 2016. Roasted MS-9 (check) peanut powders were used for enzymatic treatment for enzyme selection. A first order kinetic reaction model was conducted to describe the relationship between enzyme concentration (0-400AzU/g) and IgE-binding property reduction. Among eight food-grade enzymes, bromelain, papain and ficin hydrolysates had lower IgE-binding properties in terms of high IgE-binding property reducing rate (K, ≥ 0.4) and were selected for the following study. MS-7 (selected) & MS-9 (at level of 200AzU/g) hydrolyzed by three selected enzymes (200AzU/g) were used for IgE binding property comparison, TGase crosslinking and functional properties study. After hydrolyzed by the selected enzymes (200 AzU/g), the emulsion and foaming stabilities were decreased. Emulsion and foaming stabilities were increased in TGase (5U/g protein) crosslinked hydrolysates, which were even higher than soy protein isolate (SPI). The IgE-binding properties of TGase treated hydrolysates were similar to the hydrolysates without TGase treatment. MS-7 hydrolysates (with/without TGase) possessed less IgE-binding properties and similar functionality as compared with MS-9 hydrolysates.
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Spårning av vägsalt och vattenlösliga föroreningar med CVES och EM prospektering / Tracing Road Salt and Water-Soluble Pollutants with CVES and EM ProbingHolmberg, Alicia, Bethoon, Tania January 2022 (has links)
Vid utformning av väginfrastruktur borde trafikrelaterade utsläpp med ursprung från väg- och däckslitage samt halkbekämpning tas hänsyn till för att nå en verklig hållbar utveckling. Exempel på vägrelaterade utsläpp är aluminium, bly, koppar, kadmium, krom och zink. I Sverige sprids det omkring 200 000 - 230 000 ton salt per år på vägarna för att bekämpa halka under vinterhalvåret. Vattenlösliga föroreningar antas spridas till omkringliggande miljöer på samma sätt som vägsalt gör. Därmed syftar projektet till att observera den elektriska resistiviteten och konduktiviteten som vägsalt ger upphov till, för att spåra utbredningen av vägsaltet och andra vattenlösliga trafikrelaterade föroreningar, samt dess påverkan på närliggande miljöer. Mätmetoderna som användes var CVES som bidrog med resistivitetsvärden samt EM som bidrog med konduktivitetsvärden. Mätningarna utfördes vid tre tillfällen; kring Arningevägen, E18 samt Skålhamravägen. På grund av tekniska fel har dock färre resistivitetsmätningar gjorts vid E18 i jämförelse med de andra vägarna som undersöktes. Resultatet från och analys av mätningar från respektive mätmetod presenteras visuellt i figurer med hjälp av programmen Res2DInv, Voxler och Surfer. Från dessa figurer kan slutsatser kring föroreningars potentiella spridning dras. Samtliga mättillfällen visade att utbredningen av vägsalt, och därmed föroreningar, spårades till områden närmast vägkanten men även ner till grundvattnet. Ett antal felkällor och begränsningar har påverkat resultatet, exempelvis att metoderna som användes i detta arbete inte undersöker exakta mängder av föroreningar. Detta eftersom mätmetoderna som har används är indirekta metoder som syftar till att spåra vägsalt. Vägarnas storlek och trafikmängd har även vägts in och överläggs kring hur dessa påverkat resultaten. Det framkommer att ju mer trafikerad en väg är desto mer sprids vattenlösliga vägrelaterade föroreningar. Det diskuteras även om hur omkringliggande miljö kan påverkas samt vilka av Sveriges miljömål och de globala målen är av relevans och motverkas. / When planning road infrastructure, traffic-related emissions originating from road and tire wear, as well as anti-skid mitigations, should be taken into account in order to achieve real sustainable development. Examples of road-related emissions are aluminum, lead, copper, cadmium, chromium and zinc. In Sweden, around 200,000 - 230,000 tonnes of salt per year are spread on roads to prevent slippage during the winter. Water-soluble pollutants are assumed to spread to surrounding environments the same way as road salt does. Thus, the project aims to observe the electrical resistivity and conductivity that road salt gives rise to, in order to trace the distribution of road salt and other water-soluble traffic-related pollutants, as well as its impact on nearby environments. The measurement methods used were CVES which provided resistivity values and EM which provided conductivity values. The measurements were performed on three occasions; around Arningevägen, E18 and Skålhamravägen. Due to technical errors however, fewer resistivity measurements have been made at E18 in comparison with the other roads that were investigated. The results and analysis from each measurement method are presented visually in figures using the programs Res2DInv, Voxler and Surfer. From these figures, conclusions can be drawn about the potential spread of pollutants. All measurement occasions showed that the distribution of road salt, and thus pollution, was traced to areas closest to the roadside but also down to the groundwater. A number of sources of errors and limitations have affected the result, for example that the methods used do not examine exact amounts of pollutants. This is because the measurement methods that have been used are indirect methods that aim to detect road salt. The size and amount of traffic on the roads have also been weighed in and discussed as to how these have affected the results. It appears that the busier a road is, the more water-soluble road-related pollutants are spread. It is also discussed how the surrounding environment can be affected and which of Sweden's environmental goals and Sustainable Development Goals are relevant and counteracted.
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Inosine 5’- monophosphate derived umami flavor intensity of beef determination by electrochemistry and chromatographyTo, Kezia Virellia 09 August 2022 (has links) (PDF)
The umami sensation contributes to beef flavor and acceptability. Inosine 5’- monophosphate (IMP) was the most abundant nucleotide in meat known to impart umami taste which thus far had been overlooked in meat flavor studies. The objectives of this study were to determine the umami taste threshold of inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP), the effects of spiking IMP on the sensory descriptive attributes of various USDA graded beef strip steaks, and to differentiate beef by IMP content using electrochemistry. USDA Prime, Choice, and Select steaks were spiked with 0.3 and 0.6 mM IMP and analyzed chemically and organoleptically. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and descriptive sensory analysis showed no changes in IMP content and the perceived sensory attributes of steaks. The electrochemical approach successfully differentiated IMP concentrations in aqueous solutions when present at 0.5 mM or above and was able to recognize the presence of nucleotides in the meat extract.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem como finalidade determinar a concentração em massa, caracterizar quimicamente as espécies presentes e identificar as possíveis fontes das amostras de material particulado (MP10 e MP2,5) coletados em locais com (Gericinó, Lagoa e Copacabana) e sem (Botafogo) a influência dos Jogos
Olímpicos, no Rio de Janeiro. As amostras de MP foram disponibilizadas pelo Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (INEA) referente ao ano de 2016, sendo os meses de julho a setembro considerados como a temporada Olímpica. A caracterização química das amostras foi realizada por ICP-MS e Cromatografia de Íons (CI).
Durante a temporada Olímpica, em 2016, foram reduzidos cerca de 26 porcento de MP10, quando comparados aos anos anteriores na mesma época do ano, por outro lado, o MP2,5 não foi reduzido. De todos os íons solúveis em água analisados, as maiores concentrações foram obtidas para o NO3-, SO4 2- e Na positivo nas duas frações de MP. As altas concentrações dos íons NO3 - e SO4 2- sugerem a presença de fontes antropogênicas. A partir do cálculo de nss (non-sea salt) foi possível observar que os íons Ca2 positivo, K positivo e SO4 2- tiveram uma contribuição marinha baixa. Os metais Fe, Cu e Ti foram os majoritários em todas as amostras nas duas frações de MP, enquanto que elementos como Mn, Pb, V e Ni foram detectados como minoritários. Correlações acima de 0,90 foram observadas entre Ti-Mn e Ti-Fe, sugerindo emissões de ressuspensão do solo e fortes correlações entre V-Ni e VPb mostram a influencia veicular como principal fonte. Finalmente, foi possível observar que houve uma influência dos Jogos Olímpicos na concentração em massa e de algumas espécies no MP2,5, enquanto que no MP10 não foi observada qualquer correlação. / [en] The main aim of this work was to determine the mass concentration, chemically characterize the species present and identify the possible sources of samples of particulate matter (PM10 e PM2.5) collected at sites with (Gericinó, Lagoa e Copacabana) and without (Botafogo) the influence of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The PM samples were obtained from the Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (INEA) relative to the year 2016. The Olympic seasons considered were July to September of 2016. The chemical characterization of the samples was performed by ICP-MS and ion chromatography (IC). PM10 during the Olympic period were reduced 26 percent, when compared to previous years at the same time of the year. On the other hand, PM2.5 was not reduced during the Olympic period. Of all the water-soluble ions analyzed, the highest concentrations were obtained for NO3-, SO42- and Na plus in both fractions of PM. High concentrations of NO3 - and SO4 2- suggest the presence of anthropogenic sources. From calculation of non-sea salt was possible to observe that Ca2 plus, K plus and SO4 2- had a low marine contribution. Fe, Cu and Ti were the majority metals of all samples in both fractions of PM, while Mn, Pb, V and Ni were detected as minorities. Correlations above 0.90 are observed between Ti-Mn and Ti-Fe, suggested soil resuspension emissions. Strong correlations coefficients between V-Ni and V-Pb show the vehicular influence as the main source. Finally, it was possible to observe an influence of the Olympic Games in mass concentration and
some species in PM2.5, while in PM10 no correlation was observed.
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Термодинамика взаимодействия полиакриламида с полиакриловой и полиметакриловой кислотами : магистерская диссертация / Thermodynamics of the interaction of polyacrylamide with polyacrylic and polymethacrylic acidsМанас Кызы, А., Manas Kyzy, A. January 2020 (has links)
С помощью объемного варианта сорбционного метода изучена сорбция воды пленками ПАА, ПАК, ПМАК и смесями ПАА-ПАК, ПАА-ПМАК разного состава. Измерены теплоты смешения образцов с водой с использованием микрокалориметра типа Тиана-Кальве. Рассчитаны разности химических потенциалов воды ∆µ1, полимеров и смесей ∆µ2, энергии Гиббса смешения полимеров с водой ∆gm. Определены энергии Гиббса, энтальпии и энтропии смешения компонентов в полимерных композициях. Показано, что сорбционная способность систем ПАА-ПАК, ПАА-ПМАК определяется их структурой и сродством к воде. ПАК ведет себя как плотноупакованный полимер, имеющий высокое сродство к воде, а сорбция воды ПМАК свидетельствует о менее плотной упаковке цепей и меньшему сродству к воде. Сорбция воды смесями немонотонно изменяется с составом композиции. Установлено, что смешение всех систем с водой сопровождается уменьшением энергий Гиббса (Δgm < 0), величина ∂2g/∂ω22 > 0, что указывает на образование термодинамически устойчивых систем. Чем б льше сорбционная способность полимера или смеси, тем более отрицательны величины Δgm. Обнаружено, что растворение в воде всех изученных систем сопровождается экзотермическим тепловым эффектом. Отклонения энтальпий смесей от аддитивности положительны для всех систем кроме смеси ПАА-ПМАК с ωПАА < 0,2, что свидетельствует о хорошем взаимодействии полимеров друг с другом. Установлено, что энергии Гиббса смешения ПАА с ПАК и ПМАК полученные двумя методами: с помощью расчета по энергиям Гиббса растворения систем и с помощью уравнения Флори-Хаггинса, хорошо коррелируют друг с другом. Показано, что что смешение ПАА с ПАК сопровождается экзотермическим тепловым эффектом во всей области составов и уменьшением энергии Гиббса вплоть до содержания 90% ПАА. При этом ∆gx и ∆hx близки по величине, и энтропийный вклад в совместимость компонентов T∆sx очень невелик. Таким образом, термодинамическая совместимость ПАА с ПАК обусловлена, главным образом, энергетическим взаимодействием компонентов. Обнаружено, что смеси ПАА-ПМАК образуются с отрицательной энергией Гиббса смешения (∆gx<0) и знакопеременной энтальпией смешения: при содержании ПАА менее 20% ∆hx > 0,а при содержании более 20% – ∆hx<0. Энтропия смешения положительна во всей области составов. / Using the volumetric version of the sorption method, water sorption was studied with PAM, PAA, PMAA films and PAM-PAA, PAM-PMAA mixtures of various compositions. The heats of mixing samples with water were measured using a Tiana-Calve type microcalorimeter. The differences between the chemical potentials of water ∆µ1, polymers and mixtures ∆µ2, Gibbs energy of mixing polymers with water ∆gm are calculated. The Gibbs energies, enthalpy, and entropy of mixing of the components in polymer compositions are determined. It was shown that the sorption ability of PAM-PAA, PAM-PMAK systems is determined by their structure and affinity for water. PAA behaves as a close-packed polymer with a high affinity for water, and the sorption of PMAA water indicates a less dense packing of chains and a lower affinity for water. Sorption of water mixtures non-monotonously changes with the composition. It was found that the mixing of all systems with water is accompanied by a decrease in Gibbs energies (Δgm <0), the value ∂2g/∂ω22> 0, which indicates the formation of thermodynamically stable systems. The greater the sorption capacity of the polymer or mixture, the more negative the Δgm values. It was found that dissolution of all the studied systems in water is accompanied by an exothermic thermal effect. Deviations of the enthalpies of the mixtures from additivity are positive for all systems except the PAM-PMAA mixture with ωPAM <0.2, which indicates a good interaction of the polymers with each other. It was established that the Gibbs energies of mixing PAM with PAA and PMAA were obtained by two methods: using the Gibbs energies of dissolution of systems and using the Flory-Huggins equation, they correlate well with each other. It was shown that the mixing of PAM with PAA is accompanied by an exothermic thermal effect in the entire composition range and a decrease in Gibbs energy up to the content of 90% PAM. Moreover, ∆gx and ∆hx are close in magnitude, and the entropy contribution to the compatibility of the components of T∆sx is very small. Thus, the thermodynamic compatibility of PAM with PAA is mainly due to the energy interaction of the components. It was found that PAM-PMAA mixtures are formed with a negative Gibbs mixing energy (∆gx <0) and an alternating mixing enthalpy: with a PAM content of less than 20%, ∆hx> 0, and with a content of more than 20%, ∆hx <0. The entropy of mixing is positive throughout the composition field.
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