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Development of the Web-Based Admissions and Management System for IELPZiegler, Luciano 17 December 2010 (has links)
The academic program The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) at the University of New Orleans (UNO) offers one of the most effective and diverse language programs in the United States. This thesis is to report the development of the Webbased database application that manages admissions, students learning progress, and course offering of this program. The system development followed a simplified Unified Process for Software Development (UP) using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) models such as the requirement catch model – use cases, the analysis model – activity diagrams, and the design model –communication diagrams. The new system has met and exceeded all the business requirements and has been operating to support the further growth of the IELP at UNO. Significant attention has been given to information security; multiple techniques have been applied in addition to the security measures enforced in the hosting environment – the University Computing Center.
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Control Synchronous Web-Based Training Using Web ServicesWei, Yanfang 08 May 2004 (has links)
With the rapidly advancing technologies, training has been vital to keep companies competitive. Web-based training grows rapidly and attracts more attention for its most flexible manner. Virtual classroom is a form of synchronous web-based training. It provides real-time interactivity in learning process. I have developed a virtual classroom that uses Web services to control the audio/video transmission, chat box, whiteboard, and synchronous HTML presentation. Compared to an early implementation of the virtual classroom based on the Jini network, my Web-service based implementation has a significantly different control structure. My implementation has better interoperability.
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Integrating Oracle PeopleSoft Campus Solution to External ApplicationsAryal, Ishwor 02 August 2012 (has links)
An integration solution must sustain multiple PeopleSoft upgrades, which is necessary to preserve investment in system integrations. Since the underlying structures and connection technologies of PeopleSoft have been and can be migrated from version to version in order to enhance features and performance, it is critical for any external component of integration to be built based on publicly visible interfaces of the PeopleSoft component. We have developed a standard-based solution to integrate “PeopleSoft Campus Solution” into “Microsoft SharePoint” using Web services generated by PeopleSoft’s Pure Internet Architecture. We have illustrated such kind of integration in two examples that emulate some of the imminent problems in the University’s current information systems between the PeopleSoft Campus and SharePoint Workflow. The methodology used in this is applicable to integrations of general COTS software systems into modern enterprise information systems.
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Přístupy k publikaci stream videa na webu. Realizace web služby pro tento účel. / Ways to publish streaming video on the WebSuk, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The beginning of the thesis deals with history of interconnection between video and the internet from its origins to the present. The thesis has two main aims. The first aim is to provide an overview of main solutions how to provide stream video over the internet. In the thesis there are described three different solutions. The first solution is to buy a complex media server. The second one is to hire a special service which can provide video storage and its distribution over the internet. The service must allow integration to various information systems and web pages or web applications. The last part of the first aim speculates about possibilities how to solve the stream video distribution over the internet in a business and commercial domain without any expenses to provide the functionality. The second aim is a practical realization of a complete project. The content of the project is a solution of video conversion, storage and distribution over the internet in a real company. The main business activity of the company is the development and providing of web pages and applications on its own servers. At the beginning of the second part of the thesis there are evaluated possible ways how to solve the goal of the project. The possible ways are solutions that are mentioned in the first part of the thesis plus development of new a solution by the company itself. The last alternative has proved to be optimal from the economic point of view. The result of the project is a web service which is completely platform independent. So it is possible to use the web service in company's content management systems that are developed in PHP or .Net. In the thesis there is also mentioned an issue of mechanism called HTTP Pseudo Streaming.
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Une approche adaptative basée sur la diversité pour la gestion des fautes dans les services Web / An adaptive diversity-based approach for managing faults in Web servicesAbdeldjelil, Hanane 20 November 2013 (has links)
Les services Web tolérants aux fautes sont des composants avec une grande résilience aux défaillances qui résultent de différentes fautes imprévues, par exemple des bugs logiciels ou crash de machine. Comme il est impossible de prévoir l'apparition d'éventuelles fautes, de nombreuses stratégies consistent à dupliquer, d'une manière passive ou active, les composants critiques (eg. services Web) qui interagissent durant une exécution d'application distribuée (eg. composition). La capacité d'une application à continuer l exécution en présence de défaillances de composants référé a la Tolérance aux Fautes (TF). La duplication est la solution largement utilisée pour rendre les composants tolérants aux fautes. La TF peut être assurée à travers la réplication ou la diversité. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement dans cette thèse à la diversité, et nous montrons comment un ensemble de services Web sémantiquement équivalents qui fournissent la même fonctionnalité (eg. prévisions météo), mais qui l'implémentent différemment, collaborent pour rendre un service Web TF. Nous illustrons les limites de la réplication (présence de fautes répliquées), et proposons la diversité comme une solution alternative. En effet, la littérature a révélé un intérêt limité dans l'utilisation de la diversité pour rendre les services Web tolérants aux fautes / Fault Tolerant Web services are components with higher resilience to failures that result out of various unexpected faults for instance software bugs and machine crashes. Since it is impractical to predict the potential occurrence of a fault, a widely used strategy consists of duplicating, in a passive or active way, critical components (e.g., Web services) that interact during a distributed application execution (e.g., composition). The ability of this application to continue operation despite component failures is referred to as Fault Tolerance (FT). Duplication is usually put forward as a solution to make these components fault tolerant. It is achieved through either replication or diversity. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in diversity, and we show how semantically similar Web services, i.e., offer same functionality (e.g., Weather Forecast) but implement this functionality differently in terms of business logic and technical resources, collaborate together to make web services fault tolerant. We illustrate the limitations of replication (e.g., presence of replicated faults) and suggests diversity as an alternative solution. Our literature review revealed a limited interest in diversity for FT Web services
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Teste estrutural de programas concorrentes como uma composição de serviços na Web / Structural testing of concurrent programs as a Web service compositionPrado, Rafael Regis do 24 March 2016 (has links)
O teste de programas concorrentes é essencial para assegurar a qualidade das atuais aplicações distribuídas/paralelas em desenvolvimento. Apesar de ser essencial, essa atividade de teste é dificilmente empregada adequadamente, devido a fatores como: alto custo de execução, grande lacuna entre desenvolvedores e resultados de pesquisas em testes para programas concorrentes e acesso às ferramentas de teste de programas concorrentes que automatizem/viabilizem o emprego do teste. Este projeto visa definir os parâmetros da atividade de teste estrutural de programas concorrentes que nortearão a composição de diferentes serviços na Web. Tais serviços dão suporte à atividade de teste estrutural de programas concorrentes, estabelecendo fronteiras claras em ferramentas de teste para os módulos relativos ao modelo de teste, aos critérios de teste, à linguagem de programação e aos paradigmas de sincronização. Desse modo, novas ferramentas de teste poderão ser construídas de maneira mais flexível, com menos custo de desenvolvimento e com mais eficácia. Tal abordagem traz como benefícios diretos: (1) facilitar a interação entre os setores da indústria, ensino e pesquisa que estejam interessados no desenvolvimento de programas concorrentes com qualidade; (2) diminuir os custos de instalação e manutenção de ferramentas de teste estrutural pelos desenvolvedores; (3) facilitar a incorporação da atividade de teste de programas concorrentes no ciclo de desenvolvimento das aplicações distribuídas e paralelas; (4) aumentar a abrangência do projeto TestPar, permitindo que novos usuários (desenvolvedores, professores e outros grupos de pesquisa) possam utilizar facilmente os conhecimentos gerados no projeto; e (5) realimentar o projeto TestPar com novas demandas qualificadas, estas advindas de novos programas concorrentes submetidos para teste. / Testing of concurrent programs is essential to ensure the quality of todays distributed/parallel applications in development. Although it is essential that testing activity is hardly properly employed, due to factors such as high cost of implementation, big gap between developers and research results in tests for competing programs and access to competing software testing tools to automate / enable the test job. This project aims to define the parameters of structural testing activity of concurrent programs that will guide the composition of different Web services. These services support the structural testing activity of concurrent programs, establishing clear boundaries in test tools for the modules related to the test model, the test criteria, the programming and synchronization paradigms language. Thus, new test tools can be built in a more flexible way, with less development cost and more effectively. Such an approach has as direct benefits: (1) facilitate interaction between industry sectors, education and research who are interested in the development of concurrent programs with quality; (2) reduce the costs of installation and maintenance of structural testing tools for developers; (3) facilitate the incorporation of testing activity of concurrent programs in the development cycle of distributed and parallel applications; (4) increase the scope of TestPar design, allowing new users (developers, teachers and other research groups) can easily use the knowledge generated in the project; and (5) feed back into the project TestPar with new demands qualified, those arising from new concurrent programs submitted for testing.
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Décentralisation optimisée et synchronisation des procédés métiers inter-organisationnels / Optimized Decentralization and Synchronization of Inter-Organizational Business ProcessesFdhila, Walid 07 October 2011 (has links)
La mondialisation, la croissance continuelle des tailles des entreprises et le besoin d'agilité ont poussé les entreprises à externaliser leurs activités, à vendre des parties de leurs procédés, voire même distribuer leurs procédés jusqu'à lors centralisés. En plus, la plupart des procédés métiers dans l'industrie d'aujourd'hui impliquent des interactions complexes entre un grand nombre de services géographiquement distribués, développés et maintenus par des organisations différentes. Certains de ces procédés, peuvent être très complexes et manipulent une grande quantité de données, et les organisations qui les détiennent doivent faire face à un nombre considérable d'instances de ces procédés simultanément. Certaines même éprouvent des difficultés à les gérer d'une manière centralisée. De ce fait, certaines entreprises approuvent le besoin de partitionner leurs procédés métiers d'une manière flexible, et être capables de les distribuer d'une manière efficace, tout en respectant la sémantique et les objectifs du procédé centralisé. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse consiste à proposer une méthodologie de décentralisation qui permet de décentraliser d'une manière optimisée, générique et flexible, des procédés métiers. En d'autres termes, cette approche vise à transformer un procédé centralisé en un ensemble de fragments coopérants. Ces fragments sont déployés et exécutés indépendamment, distribués géographiquement et peuvent être invoqués à distance. Cette thèse propose aussi un environnement pour la modélisation des chorégraphies de services web dans un langage formel à savoir le calcul d'événements. / In mainstream service orchestration platforms, the orchestration model is executed by a centralized orchestrator through which all interactions are channeled. This architecture is not optimal in terms of communication overhead and has the usual problems of a single point of failure. Moreover, globalization and the increase of competitive pressures created the need for agility in business processes, including the ability to outsource, offshore, or otherwise distribute its once-centralized business processes or parts thereof. An organization that aims for such fragmentation of its business processes needs to be able to separate the process into different parts. Therefore, there is a growing need for the ability to fragment one's business processes in an agile manner, and be able to distribute and wire these fragments together so that their combined execution recreates the function of the original process. This thesis is focused on solving some of the core challenges resulting from the need to restructure enterprise interactions. Restructuring such interactions corresponds to the fragmentation of intra and inter enterprise business process models. This thesis describes how to identify, create, and execute process fragments without loosing the operational semantics of the original process models. It also proposes methods to optimize the fragmentation process in terms of QoS properties and communication overhead. Further, it presents a framework to model web service choreographies in Event Calculus formal language.
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Implementação de mecanismos tolerantes a falhas em uma arquitetura SOA com Qos / Implementation of fault tolerant mechanisms in a SOA architecture with QoSOliveira, Edvard Martins de 28 August 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo avaliar a integração de políticas de tolerância a falhas em uma arquitetura de Web Services com múltiplos módulos. A arquitetura utilizada é denominada WSARCH, e foi desenvolvida para o estudo das relações e interoperabilidade entre serviçcos. Os mecanismos de tolerência a falhas foram integrados aos módulos da arquitetura, testados, comparados e avaliados. A avaliação de desempenho mostrou que os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas introduzidos foram eficientes e apresentaram resultados adequados. As técnicas de reputação utilizadas na seleção de serviço atuaram satisfatoriamente e foram consideradas um importante avanço nos mecanismos da arquitetura / This master\'s thesis aims to evaluate the integration of fault tolerance mechanisms in a Web Services architecture with multiple modules. The architecture used is named WSARCH and was developed for the study of interactions and interoperability of services. WSARCH is an architecture conceived to receive tests and experiments involving concepts of Web Services. The fault tolerance tools were integrated in the architecture, tested, evaluated and comparated. The performance evaluation showed that the fault tolerance mechanisms introduced were ecient and presented appropriate results. The reputation techniques utilized in service selection operated successfully and were considered an important advance in the mechanisms of the architecture
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Composição dinâmica de web servicesMartins, Rogério Samuel de Moura 29 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:59:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As invocações a serviços disponíveis na internet são construídas de forma estática, sempre referenciando o mesmo web service e o mesmo web method. Quando este serviço
apresentar baixa disponibilidade o desempenho da aplicação será reduzido. Para evitar este problema é necessário que a aplicação tenha a habilidade de identificar o melhor serviço disponibilizado e então possa invocá-lo. A inserção de novos protocolos e novas funcionalidades na arquitetura de web services pode permitir que as aplicações encontrem serviços disponíveis na internet e, além disso, possam medir a qualidade do serviço disponível e assim direcionar sua chamada para o melhor serviço. Padrões de projeto são usados como um instrumento para uma melhor compreensão da
arquitetura proposta / The invocations to available services in the internet are built in a static way, always referring the same web service and the same web method. When this service presents low
readiness the performance of the application it will be reduced. To avoid this problem it is necessary that the application has the ability to identify the best made available service and then it can invoke it. The insert of new protocols and new functionalities in the architecture of web services
can allow the applications to find available services in the internet and, besides, they can measure the quality of the available service and like this to address his call for the best
service. Design patterns are not a lust, but an instrument for a better understanding of the proposed architecture
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Aktuální problémy webových služeb a stav nabídky v ČR / The Current Issues of Web Services and the Supply of Web Services in the Czech RepublicZelenka, Dušan January 2006 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku webových služeb, především pak na jejich komunikační a interakční protokol SOAP, který tvoří jejich klíčovou část. Úvod je věnován především terminologii webových služeb a jejich koncepci. Další část je již plně zaměřena na protokol SOAP a pojednává o historickém vývoji SOAPu a standardizačních aktivit okolo něj. Dále pak obsahuje rozbor základních aspektů protokolu SOAP. Další a nejpodstatnější částí této práce je rozbor problémů současných webových služeb, především jejich problémů s interoperabilitou. Tato práce tyto problémy nejen shrnuje a popisuje, ale zároveň se snaží navrhnout i řešení těchto problémů. Dále pak obsahuje i metodický postup pro hledání a odstraňování problémů interoperability webových služeb. Poslední část je věnována analýze nabídkové strany trhu webových služeb v ČR.
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