Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wideband"" "subject:"widedband""
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Contribution aux architectures protocolaires pour un système de localisation dans un réseau de capteurs sans fil basé sur une couche physique 802.15.4a UWB / Contribution to protocol architectures for a location system in a wireless sensor network based on a 802.15.4a UWB physical layerFofana, Nezo Ibrahim 06 July 2017 (has links)
Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil ont connu depuis quelques années un intérêt majeur dans tous les domaines d’activités. Une des informations attendue est la localisation des nœuds capteurs ; pourtant, compte-tenu des contraintes imposées aux capteurs en termes d’encombrement et d’énergie, il est peu envisageable d’équiper le capteur d’équipements spécifiques dédié à la localisation comme un récepteur GPS. Dès lors, localiser le capteur en exploitant le signal de communication est une option intéressante. A l’inverse des techniques Range-Free exploitant des hypothèses de connectivité du réseau, les techniques généralement connues pour atteindre une bonne précision de localisation par la radio sont de type Range-Based, et se basent, dans notre cas, sur la mesure du temps de vol du signal radio UWB. Nos contributions portent alors sur le choix d’une couche physique performante, sur la mise en place d’outils favorisant une bonne précision temporelle dans les échanges radio, et l’élaboration d’un protocole original d’évaluation de la distance. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit visent donc à aborder la problématique générale de la localisation d’intérieur dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, et en particulier la fonctionnalité de ranging qui est le mécanisme d’évaluation de la distance entre les nœuds. Dans un premier temps, nous implémentons puis évaluons les protocoles de référence rencontrés dans la littérature. Nous identifions et corrigeons par la suite, les erreurs susceptibles de biaiser la métrique du temps de vol. Nous proposons alors le protocole 2M-TWR (2 Messages – Two Way Ranging) comme une amélioration du protocole de référence TWR. Enfin, nous proposons et implémentons le protocole BB-TWR (Beacon Based –TWR), qui permet d’effectuer le ranging, de manière séquentielle et non séquentielle, en incluant les informations temporelles nécessaires dans tout trafic natif diffusé existant. Les preuves de concept ont été prototypées et évaluées sur un banc de test réel. / In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks has gained an important interest in all fields of activity. One of the expected information is the sensor nodes localization; However, due to the sensors constraints in terms of memory and energy, it is not possible to equip the sensor with specific equipment dedicated to the localization as the GPS receiver. Thus, locating the sensor by using the communication signal is an interesting option. In contrast to Range-Free techniques which use assumptions of network connectivity, the Range-Based techniques are known to reach good localization accuracy and, in our case, they are based on the measurement of the time of flight of the radio signal UWB. Our contributions focus on the choice of an efficient physical layer, on the implementation of tools that promote a good temporal accuracy in radio exchanges, and the development of an original distance evaluation protocol. Research works presented in this manuscript aim to address the global general problem of indoor localization in wireless sensor networks, and particularly the ranging functionality which is the distance evaluation mechanism between nodes. At first we implemented and evaluated the well-known protocols encountered in the literature. Then, we identify and correct errors that may bias the Time of flight metric. We propose the 2M-TWR protocol (2 Messages - Two Way Ranging) as an improvement to the TWR reference protocol. Finally, we propose and implement the BB-TWR (Beacon Based-TWR) protocol, which is able to perform ranging, sequentially and non-sequentially, by including the necessary time information in any existing broadcast native traffic. The proofs of concept were prototyped and evaluated on a real testbed.
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Mise en place d'une couche physique pour les futurs systèmes de radiocommunications hauts débits UWB (Ultra Wide Band)Aubert, Louis-Marie 08 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
L'UWB (Ultra Wide Band) consiste à transmettre des signaux entre 3.1 et 10.6 GHz avec une puissance limitée à -41.3 dBm/MHz. Pour les communications hauts débits (100 à 500 Mbit/s) et courtes portées (1 à 10 m), les solutions de l'état de l'art reposent sur des traitements numériques complexes. Mitsubishi ITE propose une solution alternative multi-bandes (MB) impulsionnelle basée sur un récepteur non-cohérent. La démodulation OOK est effectuée par une détection d'énergie originale avec un seuillage adapté dynamiquement suivant les conditions de propagation. La parallélisation complète de ce système MB-OOK permet à la fois d'éviter les interférences inter-symboles et de récupérer la quasi totalité de l'énergie disponible. En outre, l'approche impulsionnelle limite les évanouissements du signal sur canal multi-trajets. La comparaison des systèmes MB-OOK et MB-OFDM démontre la pertinence de la solution proposée pour des applications très hauts débits, courte portée et faible consommation.
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Broadband Phase Shifter Realization With Surface Micromachined Lumped ComponentsTokgoz, Korkut Kaan 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Phase Shifters are one of the most important building cells of the applications in microwave and millimeter-wave range, especially for communications and radar applications / to steer the main beam for electronic scanning. This thesis includes all of the stages starting from the theoretical design stage to the measurements of the phase shifters. In detail, all-pass network phase shifter configuration is used to achieve broadband and ultra wide-band differential phase characteristics. For these reasons, 1 to 2 GHz, 2 to 4 GHz, and 3 to 6 GHz 4-bit, 22.5° / phase resolution phase shifter realization with surface micromachined lumped components are designed, simulated, fabricated and measured. Basic building blocks of the phase shifters, i.e., surface micromachined lumped components, square planar spiral inductors and Metal-Insulator-Metal capacitors are designed with EM simulation and lumped equivalent model extractions. The validation of the designed square planar spiral inductors is done with fabrication and measurement steps, very low error, below 1%, between the designs and fabricated samples are observed. Using this knowledge on lumped elements finally phase shifters are designed with surface micromachined lumped components, fabricated using an in house technology provided by METU-MEMS facilities, RF MEMS group. Low phase rms error, good return and insertion loss considerations are aimed, and achieved.
In addition to the main work of this thesis, a generalized theoretical calculation method for 2n-1 number of stages all-pass network phase shifters is presented for the first time in literature. A different, new, broadband, and combined phase shifter topology using two-stage all-pass filters is presented. Moreover, the implementation of this idea is proved to be practical to 3 to 6 GHz 5.625° / and 11.25° / combined phase shifter.
A new approach for stage numbers other than power of 2 is indicated, which is different from what is already presented in the literature. An example practical implementation results are provided for the three-stage 4-bit 1 to 6 GHz phase shifter.
Also, a small improvement in SRF of the high inductance valued inductors is achieved with the mitering of the corners of square planar spiral inductors. Comparison of the measured data between the normal inductors and mitered versions shows that the first SRF of the inductors are increased about 80 MHz, and second SRF of the inductors are increased about 200 MHz.
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Design of simulation platform joigning site specific radio propagation and human mobility for localization applicationsAmiot, Nicolas 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the development of tools and methods dedicated for ultra wide band (UWB) localization systems in indoor environment. The thesis work was conducted within the European FP7 project Where2, about the cooperative localization in cellular networks. Data from a measurement campaign conduct during the project are used to validate the proposed algorithms. This thesis is divided in four parts : The first part is focused on the description of an original raytraing tool based on a graph description. In order to be compliant with the requirement of a mobile simulation, a new concept of rays signature enabling incremental computation, and a vectorized formalism for processing rays are described and implemented. The second part is focused on the indoor localization techniques, where a novel technique based on interval analysis approaches is presented and compared to alternative techniques. Advantageously using this approach, a specific processing based on an hypothesis testing method using received power observations to resolve ambiguities appearing in under determined localization problems is described. A third part describes different aspects of the dynamic platform. In particular a realistic mobility model based on ''steering behaviors'', a graph description of the network scene and an inter agents communication protocol are detailed. The fourth section uses measured data obtained from an heterogeneous measurement campaign to validate both the developed software platform and the proposed localization algorithms.
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Developmental Studies on Ultra Wide Band Type High Power Electromagnetic Radiating System for Use as an Intentional Electromagnetic Interference SourceHiralal, Bhosale Vijay January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The electronic control, instrumentation and communication hardware is becoming more and more compact and faster in operation due to the increased use of large scale integration of semiconductor devices operating at higher speeds. The use of VLSI circuit based systems in various industrial and defence sectors is also increasing continuously. Since the operating threshold voltages and currents of these devices are very small they are very prone to electrical disturbance in their operation by the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) signals. Their proper functioning is very important particularly in the case of systems used in mission mode, critical defence/industrial platforms. EMI can be generated within the electronic system/equipment itself or may result due to some external electromagnetic source. The high power Ultra Wide Band system is one such kind of external High Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) interference source which may cause malfunctioning/physical damage to the sensitive electronic systems. Hence it is necessary to test the susceptibility of electronics to such high power UWB based intentional EMI or IEMI sources. The sources for generating these transient EM fields may also be used in impulse radars and offensive applications to mal-operate/damage non-friendly electronics.
The UWB system consists of a high voltage pulsed power source called pulser along with a high bandwidth (Ultra Wide Band) antenna to radiate the UWB signal. The pulse fed by the pulser to the antenna through a switch is of high voltage type (amplitude of few 10s of kV to about a MV) and has a sub-nanosecond rise time. Most of the UWB systems developed over the world have the switch employing gaseous dielectric switching media used at pressures above the atmospheric level to generate such a fast rise time voltage pulse. Use of gaseous switching media at sub-atmospheric pressures to achieve sub-ns rise time, short duration high voltage pulses required for the high power UWB applications is another possibility. This possibility has not been exploited till date. Hence it was decided to develop a pulser switch with gaseous switching media at sub-atmospheric pressures (up to 50 mbar) and achieve sub-ns rise time voltage pulses of up to 50 kV. The energy delivered out by the UWB system depends upon the pulser output energy per switching shot and the repetitive switching rate of the pulser. To achieve maximum energy output it is required to maximize either the energy per switching shot or the pulse repetition rate (PRR) of the pulser switch. The optimization of the pulser operation to achieve maximum pulser energy output in every switching shot has not been tried so far. In this work it was decided to analyze the circuit so as to achieve maximum pulser output energy per switching shot. Another objective of the study was to systematically characterize the pulser switch using various gases and gas
mixtures as the switching media to evaluate the switch performance as a function of gas pressure and switch breakdown voltage. The effect of pulser and antenna performance parameters on the UWB system performance was also decided to be evaluated.
Hence the present thesis work deals with the design, development, evaluation and performance optimization of a 50 kV, 25 MW UWB system based on Half Impulse Radiating Antenna (HIRA) fed by a coaxial capacitive pulser. The spark gap type self triggered pulser switch is designed to have a fixed gap spacing and variable gas pressure in order to vary the switch breakdown voltage. The switch is designed for operation with dry air, nitrogen, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and a mixture of different gases as the dielectric switching media with pressures of up to 5 bar above the atmospheric level and up to 50 mbar below the atmospheric level. Physical placement of the switch just above the coaxial pulser capacitor terminal offered a low inductance geometry. The rise time estimation of the switch has been carried out as a function of gas pressure and the switch arc inductance. These rise time values have been compared with the measured ones and a good agreement was found between the two. The rise time values indicate that an inverse relationship exists between the gas pressure and the rise time. The rise time was found to decrease at increased pressures. SF6 gas offered the minimum rise time out of all the gases/mixtures studied. The pulse repetition rate (PRR) of the UWB system depends upon the dielectric recovery of the gaseous switch and the charging time of the pulser capacitor. To estimate the PRR a circuit model has been proposed based on these parameters. The model shows an inverse relationship between the switch breakdown voltage (BDV) and the gas pressure with the PRR. The estimated PRR values were found to vary between 800 Hz and 5 kHz in the experimented range of the switch breakdown voltage. The PRR values have also been experimentally measured. There is a good match between the measured and the estimated values up to the switch BDV of 12.5 kV after which the difference is increased to about 20 %.
The feed for the reflector of the HIRA antenna consists of a pair of coplanar conical transverse electromagnetic (TEM) feed plates as they have a better antenna aperture blockage performance. The angles of the TEM feed plates have been chosen using stereographic projections of the feed plates into the HIRA reflector. Each TEM feed plate of 200 characteristic impedance has been terminated by matched resistor.
An analytical expression has been derived to optimize the pulser output voltage at which the energy output per switching shot of the UWB system is maximum. It was found that when the pulser output voltage i.e. the switch breakdown voltage is 75 % of the dc source voltage the output energy delivered is maximum. It was possible to achieve a maximum output energy of 10 J per switching shot for the designed 25 MW high power UWB system.
The HIRA antenna has been analysed for the impedance profile for frequencies up to 3.5 GHz and was found to maintain a reflection performance better than -10 dB over the frequency range. The radiated field analysis of the antenna was carried out using an analytical model and numerically by using a commercially available software. It was found that as per the analytical model, the Figure of Merit (FoM) of the designed UWB system is 1.41 V for a normalized excitation feed pulse of 1 V and the 3 dB spectral content of the radiated field is between 180 MHz-1.8 GHz. The corresponding results using computer simulations of the UWB system indicate a slightly lesser FoM of 1.1. Higher FoM obtained using the analytical model is due to ignoring the antenna aperture blockage and the field diffraction effects over the TEM feed arms as well as from the rim of the reflector of the antenna. The radiated field amplitude and gain of the HIRA antenna were found to be a direct function of the frequency of the radiated signal. Higher gains and narrower beam width for the radiated field were observed with an increase in the frequency. The radiated field spectral waveform in the near field region was observed to have a notch at a particular frequency and its harmonics. The notch frequency was found to be a function of the propagation time difference called clear time. The effect of pulser rise time, antenna feed arm impedance and position on the radiated far field amplitude and wave shape was analysed. It was observed that with decrease in the pulser rise time from 700 ps to 100 ps, the radiated field amplitude increases by about 600 %. A matched termination impedance with position of 30of the TEM feed arms with respect to the vertical symmetry axis of the antenna provides a higher radiated field amplitude and lower post pulse oscillations in the radiated field waveform.
The pulser switch was evaluated systematically for various performance parameters such as BDV, rise time, PRR, voltage recovery and jitter characteristics as a function of switch gas pressure, type of gaseous switching media and breakdown voltage at pressures above and below the atmospheric level. The switch BDV was found to be a linear function of pressure of the gas used i.e. dry air, nitrogen, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and a mixture of air and SF6. The measured rise times of all the gases were found to be in inverse proportion to the switch gas pressure. SF6 gas offered the best rise time and hence was found to be a good contender for achieving higher radiated field amplitudes and bandwidth. The voltage recovery characteristics of SF6 gas and air were experimentally studied as a function of the recovery time. It is found that both the gases have similar recovery characteristics having a distinct saturation plateau region. It was found that for a given recovery time SF6 recovers to a higher voltage than air and the recovery further improves for SF6 at increased pressures (between 0.5-2 bar). The effect of the number of switching shots on the jitter in the switch rise time was measured by operating the switch continuously at a PRR of 1 kHz and for total number shots up to 10.8 M. It was observed that the jitter increases by an order of magnitude after 10.8 M shots. This indicates that for the present switch design,
the switch electrodes require maintenance (buffing, polishing, etc.) after every 3.5 M shots to maintain a reasonably low jitter. SF6 gas was characterized for a fixed source voltage to determine the effect of
pressure on rise time in the sub atmospheric regime (up to 50 mbar). It was found that the rise time vs. pressure characteristics follows the Paschen’s curve with a value of pressure at which rise time is the
lowest for a given source voltage. With increase in the source voltage the rise time was found to decrease.
The HIRA based UWB radiating system was evaluated for radiated fields in the near and far field region for the temporal and spectral characteristics. It was found that for the source voltage of 25 kV, the
FoM in the near and far field region are 29.4 kV and 28.9 kV respectively. The fields in the distant far
field region have more oscillatory post pulses due to the effect of ground reflections and the low frequency dipole moment mismatch of the antenna.
Since SF6 gas offered the best rise time of 193 ps at a voltage of 46 kV than the other gases tried, the radiated field is the highest (5.3 kV/m) with SF6 at a distance of 10 m offering a gain factor of 1.15.
Dry air offered a radiated field gain factor of 0.83 which got improved by 33 % by just 30 % addition of SF6 gas into the air. The field amplitudes measured were in good agreement with those computed using the analytical model and the computer simulations and they follow the 1/R rule as a function of the far
field distance, R in the bore sight direction. The measured radiation pattern of the UWB system showed a focussed and narrow radiated field beam at higher frequencies with a half field beam width (HFBW) of 8
at 2 GHz. The UWB system was measured to have dominant highest cut off frequency of 1.79 GHz with a band ratio and percentage band width of 9.56 and 162.11 % respectively. This confirmed that the developed system is of sub-hyper band radiator type.
The UWB system developed through this work is having a better performance than some
of the other systems developed elsewhere in the world, in terms of FoM (53 kV) and the PRR (> 1 kHz).
The system can be further improved in terms of consistency (jitter) and intensity by use of a triggered switch and hydrogen gas at 100 bar pressure as the switching medium respectively. The profile of the TEM feed plates of the HIRA antenna may be further improved to have a better antenna aperture fill factor. Such multiple systems in an arrayed manner may be used either for higher power output/better agility of the radiated field beam. This system will be fully exploited for the applications of susceptibility evaluation of electronic circuits, non-friendly applications as well as impulse radars
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Caractérisation et modélisation de nouvelles capacités «Through Silicon Capacitors» à forte intégration pour la réduction de consommation et la montée en fréquence dans les architectures 3D de circuits intégrés / Characterization and modeling of new capacitors"Through Silicon Capacitors" highly integrated to reducing consumptionand to allow high frequency operating in 3D integrated circuitDieng, Khadim 23 November 2016 (has links)
La diminution de la longueur de grille des transistors a été le moteur essentiel de l’évolution des circuits intégrés microélectroniques ces dernières décennies. Toutefois, cette évolution des circuits microélectroniques a entrainé une densification des lignes d’interconnexion, donc la génération de fortes pertes, des ralentissements et de la diaphonie sur les signaux transmis, ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’impédance parasite des interconnexions. Cette dernière est néfaste pour l’intégrité de l’alimentation des composants actifs présents dans le circuit. Son augmentation multiplie le risque d’apparition d’erreurs numériques conduisant au dysfonctionnement d’un système. Il est donc nécessaire de réduire l’impédance sur le réseau d’alimentation des circuits intégrés. Pour ce faire, les condensateurs de découplage sont utilisés et placés hiérarchiquement à différents étages des circuits et dans leur intégralité (PCB, package, interposeur, puce).Ces travaux de doctorat s’inscrivent dans le cadre des développements récents des nouvelles solutions d’intégration 3D en microélectronique et ils portent sur l’étude de nouvelles architectures de capacités 3D, très intégrées et à fortes valeurs (>1 nF), élaborées en profondeur dans l’interposeur silicium. Ces composants, inspirés des architectures de via traversant le silicium (TSV, Through Silicon Via), sont nommées Through Silicon Capacitors (TSC). Ils constituent un élément clef pour l’amélioration des performances des alimentations des circuits intégrés car elles pourront réduire efficacement la consommation des circuits grâce à cette intégration directe de composants passifs dans l’interposeur silicium qui sert d’étage d’accueil des puces. Ces composants tridimensionnels permettent en effet d’atteindre de grandes densités de capacité de 35 nF/mm². Les enjeux sont stratégiques pour des applications embarquées et à haut débit et plus généralement dans un environnement économique et sociétal conscient de nos limites énergétiques. De plus ces condensateurs de découplage doivent fonctionner à des fréquences atteignant 2 GHz, voire 4 GHz, qui tendent à maximiser les effets parasites préjudiciables aux performances énergétiques des alimentations. Ceci est rendu possible par l’optimisation de leur intégration et l’utilisation de couches de cuivre avec, une bonne conductivité supérieure à 45 MS/m, comme électrodes.Les technologies d’élaboration des condensateurs TSC ont été développées au sein du CEA-LETI et de STMicroelectronics. Leur comportement électrique restait jusqu’alors mal connu et leurs performances difficiles à quantifier. Les études menées dans cette thèse consistaient à modéliser ces nouveaux composants en prenant en compte les paramètres matériaux et géométriques afin de connaitre les effets parasites. Les modèles électriques établis ont été confrontés à des caractérisations électriques effectuées sur une large bande de fréquence (du DC à 40 GHz). Ainsi ce travail a permis d’optimiser une architecture de capacité et leur intégration dans un réseau d’alimentation d’un circuit intégré 3D a pu montrer leur efficacité pour des opérations de découplage. / The decrease of transistor’s gate length was the key driver of the development of microelectronic integrated circuits in recent decades. However, this development of microelectronic circuits has led to a greater density of interconnection lines, generating high losses, slowdowns and crosstalk on the transmitted signals, and an increase of the parasitic impedance of interconnections lines. The latter is detrimental to the power integrity of the active components in the circuit. Its increase increases the risk of developing numerical errors leading to a system’s malfunction. It is therefore necessary to reduce the impedance of the power distribution network of integrated circuits. To do this, the decoupling capacitors are used and placed hierarchically on different floors of the circuits and in their entirety (PCB, package, interposer, chip).These doctoral works are in the context of recent developments in new 3D integration solutions in microelectronics and they carry on studying new 3D capacitors, highly integrated, presenting high capacitance values (> 1 nF), and developed by using the depth of silicon interposeur level. Inspired from the Through Silicon Vias (TSV), these newly developed 3D capacitors are named Through Silicon Capacitors (TSC). They are a key element for improving the performance of the power integrated circuits because they can efficiently reduce the consumption of circuits thanks to their direct integration in silicon interposer which is used to stack chips. These 3D components allow tor reach high capacitance density up to 35 nF/mm². The issues are strategic for high speed embedded applications and more generally in an economic and societal environment aware of our energy limits. Moreover these decoupling capacitors must operate at frequencies up to 2 GHz or 4 GHz, which tend to maximize the parasitic effects which affect the energy efficiency of power distribution networks. This is made possible by optimizing their integration and by the use of copper layers with a good conductivity higher than 45 MS / m conductivity as electrodes.The technologies used to fabricate the TSC are developed by CEA-LETI and STMicroelectronics. The electrical behavior of those TSC remained hitherto little known and their performances difficult to quantify. The studies conducted in this thesis were to model these new components by taking into account the material and geometrical parameters in order to know the parasitic effects. The established electrical models have faced electrical characterizations carried out over a wide frequency range (DC to 40 GHz). This work allow to optimize the TSC architecture and their integration in a power distribution network (Power Distribution Network - NDS) prove that they are good candidate for decoupling operations.
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Utilisation des propriétés électromagnétiques en sécurité des réseaux sans fil / Signal-Based security in wireless networksBen Hamida, Sana 27 February 2012 (has links)
La sécurité des systèmes de communication mobiles/sans fil est problématique, car ceux-ci sont généralement construits suivant une topologie répartie ou arborescente. Les noeuds qui composent ces réseaux sont caractérisés par des ressources limitées et connectés généralement entre eux d'une manière ad-hoc sans l'aide d'une tierce personne de confiance. Les méthodes de sécurité matures issues du monde des réseaux filaires s'appuient souvent sur des procédés nécessitant des systèmes centralisés et des ressources importantes qui sont difficiles à mettre en place dans des réseaux à fortes contraintes. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, on propose de nouvelles solutions de sécurité qui exploitent les propriétés du médium électromagnétique et de l'interface de radiocommunication dans le but d'assurer des communications sécurisées. La thèse est structurée en deux parties. La première est dédiée au problème de génération de clés de cryptage en exploitant les propriétés des systèmes de communication à bande de fréquence ultra large (ULB). Trois phases sont nécessaires pour convertir le canal radio en clés secrètes: l'estimation du canal, la quantification et l'accord mutuel entre noeuds. Des expérimentations ont été effectuées pour valider les hypothèses sur lesquelles se fondent les méthodes de génération de clés (c.-à-d. la réciprocité et la décorrélation spatiale du canal). Notre étude a montré que la robustesse de ces techniques de sécurité repose sur le choix des algorithmes de numérisation utilisés pour la conversion de la signature du canal ULB vers un format de clé. Une solution adaptative d'extraction a été proposée, évaluée et testée. La robustesse contre les attaques de prédiction du canal a été également examinée. La deuxième partie traite le problème des intrusions illégitimes aux réseaux sans fil. Dans un premier temps, nous testons expérimentalement une méthode basée sur les variations électromagnétiques afin de détecter l'attaque d'écoute passive "eavesdropping" dans les réseaux de capteurs. Par la suite, nous présentons nos travaux concernant l'attaque relais qui est une variante de l'attaque de l'homme-du-milieu et qui est considérée comme un grand défi en particulier pour les systèmes d'authentification. Une nouvelle approche basée sur la détection de la variation des caractéristiques du bruit a été proposée. Des études théoriques et expérimentales ont été conduites pour vérifier la validité de la proposition dans les systèmes de communication de type RFID. / Security in mobile wireless networks is considered a major impediment since these environments are a collection of low-cost devices. They are generally collected in ad hoc manner without the help of trusted third party. Therefore, conventional security methods are always inappropriate. Recent contributions propose to explore the radio communication interface and to turn the radio propagation problems into advantages by providing new alternatives to enhance security. In this thesis, we investigate the signal-based security concept and study its effectiveness through experiments. The first part of this dissertation discusses the problem of key generation from Ultra Wide Band channel. To derive secret keys from channel measurements three stages are required: channel estimation, quantization and key agreement. A campaign of measurements has been performed to confirm the fundamental channel requirements for key generation (i.e., the reciprocity and the spatial decorrelation). Results show that the robustness of such techniques depends on the channel information used as source of randomness as well as on the underlying algorithms. Analysis on the impact of each stage (i.e. the quantization and the key agreement) on the security has been presented. An adaptive key extraction method is proposed, performances are evaluated and robustness against deterministic channel prediction attacks is presented. The second part of the dissertation considers the problem of intrusion detection. First, we test a method based on electromagnetic radiation to discover the presence of an adversary in the receiver/emitter vicinity. Then, the problem of relay attack detection is investigated in RFID systems. A relay attack is a man-in-the middle attack, where the adversary is able to successfully pass the authentication phase by relaying messages between the legitimate verifier and the prover. A new solution based on the noise channel is proposed to detect this attack. Experimental and theoretical results are provided to test the effectiveness of the new proposition.
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Etude de filtres MMIC hyperfréquences en technologies GaN et AsGa / MMIC Filter Design in GaN and GaAs TechnologyKamoun, Leila 02 December 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l‟étude de filtres « multi-fonctions » dont l‟objectif serait de réduire les dimensions des circuits réalisant les fonctions de filtrage dans les systèmes aéroportés. Ces travaux ont donc conduit à la réalisation de filtres large bande (2 – 18 GHz) réjecteurs développés en technologie MMIC utilisant la filière GaN, ainsi que des filtres large bande développés suivant la filière AsGa en technologie MMIC. Les différents filtres réjecteurs ont été conçus suivant deux principes :- Le premier basé sur une structure à résonateurs à lignes couplées. Les différents prototypes réalisés ont permis de montrer l‟accordabilité en fréquence grâce à une charge variable placée à l‟extrémité non court-circuité de la ligne couplée. Celle-ci peut être réalisée par une diode varactor ou par un transistor froid. Ces prototypes ont également permis de montrer la possibilité de fonctionner suivant un mode passe-tout ou un mode réjecteur par simple polarisation de transistors chargés à l‟extrémité de la ligne couplée.- Le second est basé sur l‟accordabilité de filtres actifs par commutation entre plusieurs canaux à l‟aide d‟une structure distribuée. Un prototype a été développé et réalisé en technologie AsGa. Cette structure permet à la fois une accordabilité en fréquences, ainsi qu‟en largeur de bande passante (par activation de plusieurs canaux de bandes passantes adjacentes), et une adaptation large bande. Cette structure réunit à la fois des fonctions d‟accordabilité en fréquences (entre 8,7 et 15,6 GHz) par polarisation d‟éléments actifs, ceux-ci permettant même d‟obtenir du gain (de l‟ordre de 10 dB). / The aim of this work is to study “multi-functions” filters with an objective to reduce the dimensions of the circuits used for filtering functions in airborne systems. This work allows to obtain wide band notch filters (from 2 to 18 GHz) developed in MMIC technology using theEtude de Filtres MMIC Hyperfréquences en Technologies GaN et AsGa. 152GaN process and wide band filters developed in GaAs technology. The notch filters have been realized with two principles:- The first one based on coupled lines resonators structure. The prototype manufactured allow to validate the frequency tunability thanks to a variable load placed at the end of the coupled line. This can be realized with a varactor diode or with a cold transistor. These prototypes allow also validating the possibility for the circuit to work as an “allpass” filter or as a notch filter by applying a bias voltage on the transistors placed at the end of the coupled line.- The second one is based on the tenability of active filters by commuting between several channels thanks to a distributed structure. A prototype has been developed and manufactured in GaAs technology. This structure allow a frequency tunability with also the possibility to tune the bandwidth (by activating seeral channels with edge bandwidth), and a wide band matching. This structure allows to obtain frequency tunability (between 8.7 and 15.6 GHz) by applying a bias voltage on the active elements which brin gain (around 10 dB).
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On design concept for full-duplex based flexible radio transceivers / Conception d’une architecture pour Full-Duplex basée sur les émetteurs-récepteurs radioZhan, Zhaowu 16 December 2014 (has links)
Le medium sans fil est une ressource partagée et limitée. Les normes sans fil actuelles partagent toujours le principe de partage du medium Half-Duplex: la transmission et la réception de signaux sont effectuées dans deux intervalles de temps distincts ou deux bandes de fréquences différentes. En outre, l'émetteur-récepteur ne peut émettre et recevoir qu’un signal à la fois. Cette thèse suit une autre approche: au lieu de partager le support avec le principe de Half-Duplex, toute la bande de fréquence autorisée est partagé pour la transmission et la réception simultanée, approche qui est appelée Full-Duplex. Dès lors, on peut concevoir une architecture d'un émetteur-récepteur radio flexible à large bande pour traiter deux types de signaux différents à la fois. Pour approcher cet objectif, nous utilisons une méthode de suppression active analogique de l’auto-interférence (AARFSIC) et l'annulation active numérique d'auto interférence dans le domaine temporel (ADSICT) pour annuler la forte auto-interférence (SI) induite par le principe Full-Duplex. Basé sur la radio Full-Duplex, nous proposons un système flexible Dual-Band (FDDB) émetteur-récepteur radio OFDM-Full Duplex en la combinant avec un front-end RF double bande. S'appuyant sur ces principes, nous exposons trois contributions principales: Nous présentons une technique d’annulation analogique de l’auto-interférence (ASIC), qui peut annuler complètement l’auto-interférence à trajet direct ou multi-trajets, basée sur la combinaison des méthodes AARFSIC et DSICT. Ensuite, nous présentons la conception et l'évaluation d'une radio OFDM Full-Duplex, y compris l'analyse et la qualification de l'impact du bruit thermique et du bruit de phase sur les performances du système. Enfin, nous développons une radio dual-bande FDDB OFDM qui peut fonctionner sur deux fragments de spectre séparés. Afin d'éliminer l'impact du déséquilibre I/Q sur la radio FDDB, une méthode d’estimation des déséquilibres I/Q et de compensation, simple mais efficace, est présentée. La simulation au niveau système menée avec ADS et Matlab montre que cette méthode peut effectivement compenser des déséquilibres I/Q aussi bien élevés que faibles. / The wireless medium is a shared and limited resource. Current wireless standards always share the medium with Half-Duplex principle: the transmission and reception of signals are done in two separate time slots or two different frequency bands. Besides, the transceiver can only transmit and receive one signal at a time. This dissertation takes an alternate approach: Instead of sharing the medium with Half-Duplex principle, the entire licensed frequency band is shared for simultaneous transmission and reception, which we call Full-Duplex. Besides, the design concept for a wideband flexible radio transceiver can process two different types of signals at a time. To approach this goal, we use an active analog radio frequency self-interference cancellation (AARFSIC) method or a combination scheme of the AARFSIC and active digital self interference cancellation in time domain (ADSICT) to cancel the strong self-interference (SI) induced by the Full-Duplex principle. Based on the Full-Duplex radio, we propose a flexible Full-Duplex Dual-Band (FDDB) OFDM radio transceiver by combining it with a Dual-Band RF front-end. Building on these, we make three main contributions: We present an active self-interference cancellation (ASIC) scheme, which can cancel both the strong one-path and multi-path SI completely, based on the combination of the AARFSIC and DSICT. Next, we introduce the design and evaluation of a Full-Duplex OFDM radio, including the analysis and qualification of the impact of the thermal noise and phase noise on the system performance. Finally, we develop a FDDB OFDM radio that can work on two separate spectrum fragments. In order to eliminate the impact of the I/Q imbalance on the FDDB radio, a simple but practical digital I/Q imbalance estimation and compensation method is presented. The system level simulation conducted with ADS and Matlab software shows that this method can effectively compensate both high and low I/Q imbalance.
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Contribution à l'utilisation des polymères à mémoire de forme pour les structures à amortissement contrôlé / Contribution to using shape memory polymers for the control of structural dampingButaud, Pauline 01 December 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse proposent utiliser les polymères à mémoire de forme comme moyen de contrôle desvibrations des structures. Outre hystérésis de mémoire qui est classiquement mis en avant, ces matériauxpossèdent des propriétés amortissantes intrinsèques qui sont d'autant plus intéressantes lorsque l’effetmémoire de forme est important. Dans un premier temps une caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques dutBA/PEGDMA, polymère à mémoire de forme de l'étude, est effectuée par analyse dynamique mécanique.Un modèle rhéologique basé sur lʹéquivalence temps-température, le 2S2P1D, est utilisé pour rendre comptedu comportement viscoélastique du polymère. Dans un deuxième temps, une campagne expérimentale estmenée, sur une large bande de fréquences et de températures, grâce à divers moyens expérimentaux(statiques, modaux, nano-indentations, ultrasons, dynamiques hautes fréquences, microscopie acoustique)afin de définir le domaine de validité, fréquentiel et thermique, du modèle rhéologique. Dans un troisièmetemps, le polymère à mémoire de forme est intégré à une structure composite de type sandwich pour mettreen évidence le pouvoir amortissant impressionnant du matériau. Enfin, une méthodologie de contrôle delʹamortissement par la température est proposée. En effet, la dissipation d’énergie dans le sandwich sʹavèrecontrôlable, la température permettant d’ajuster la rigidité et le facteur de perte du tBA/PEGDMA pour unamortissement optimal sur une large bande de fréquences. / This work proposes to use shape memory polymers to control structural vibrations. These materials exhibit amemory hysteresis which is practically associated with intrinsic damping properties which are very highwhen the memory effect is strong. First, a thermomechanical characterization of the shape memory polymerof interest (tBA/PEGDMA) is performed by dynamic mechanical analysis. A rheological model based on timetemperaturesuperposition is used to represent the viscoelastic behavior of the polymer. Secondly, anexperimental campaign is performed over a wide frequency and temperature range, through variousexperimental techniques (static, modal, nanoindentation, ultrasounds, high frequency dynamic analysis,acoustic microscopy) to define the area of validity, in frequency and temperature, of the rheological model.Third, the shape memory polymer is integrated into a composite sandwich structure to highlight the awesomedamping capabilities of the material. Finally, a damping tuning methodology by temperature control isproposed. Indeed, the power dissipation in the sandwich is related to physical properties of the tBA/PEGDMA core which are temperature-controlled to optimize the damping over a given frequency range.
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