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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La provenance des boutures influence-t-elle le rendement et les taux de phytoextraction des saules dans un sol contaminé?

Beauchamp, Sonia 03 1900 (has links)
La survie et la croissance des plantes sont essentielles afin d’assurer l’efficacité des protocoles de phytoremédiation et la décontamination des friches contaminées. La survie des saules et leur adaptation aux contaminants dépendent de la nature et de la concentration des contaminants. L’objectif de l’étude est d’identifier les cultivars ayant les meilleurs rendements, mais aussi de déterminer si la provenance des boutures (milieu contaminé ou milieu non contaminé) pourrait influencer la survie, la croissance et la phytoextraction (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) des saules. Nous avons comparé ces différents paramètres pour des boutures de dix cultivars de saules dans un milieu industriel fortement contaminé par les composés organiques et dans un milieu non-contaminé. Les variations dans la réponse des cultivars selon la provenance des boutures (milieu contaminé ou milieu non-contaminé) ont aussi été analysées dans chacun des sites d’étude. Selon nos résultats, le cultivar ˈ5005ˈ (Salix alba) est très productif en milieu extrêmement contaminé. Le cultivar ˈS25ˈ (Salix eriocephala) est aussi un choix très intéressant en phytoremédiation, puisqu’il produit près de deux fois plus de biomasse racinaire comparativement aux autres cultivars. La provenance des boutures n’a pas d’impact significatif sur la survie, la croissance et la phytoextraction pour la majorité des cultivars sauf pour le cultivar ‘Millbrook’, où les individus provenant du milieu contaminé ont produit significativement plus de biomasse aérienne lorsqu’ils poussaient en sol contaminé comparativement aux individus qui n’ont jamais été en contact avec les contaminants. Ces résultats pourraient aider à planifier des protocoles de phytoremédiation plus efficaces, en sélectionnant les cultivars de saule les plus adéquats et en élaborant l’échantillonnage des boutures utilisées dans les sites appropriés. / Plant survival and growth are essential parameters to monitor the effectiveness of phytoremediation protocols and the eventual decontamination of brownfields. The ability of different willow cultivars to survive and adapt to contaminants in polluted soils depends on the nature and concentration of the contaminants. The objective of the study was to identify the cultivars with the highest yields, but also to determine whether the origin of the cuttings (contaminated site or not) might influence survival, growth and phytoextraction of willow cultivars. We compared survival, growth and phytoextraction (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) of cuttings of ten willow cultivars in a highly organic-contaminated industrial environment and in an uncontaminated soil. Variations in the response of the cultivars according to the origin of the cuttings were also analyzed for each sites. According to our results, cultivar ˈ5005ˈ (Salix alba) was very productive in an extremely contaminated environment. Cultivar ˈS25ˈ (Salix eriocephala) was also a relevant choice, as it produced nearly twice more root biomass compare to other cultivars. The origin of the cuttings did not have significant influence on survival, growth and phytoextraction for almost all cultivar except the ˈMillbrookˈ cultivar: individuals originating from the contaminated environment produced significantly more aboveground biomass when growing in the contaminated environment compared to individuals who had never been in contact with contaminants. These results could help build more effective phytoremediation protocols in highly contaminated environments by selecting adequate willow cultivars and sampling cuttings in an appropriate environment.

Wanuskewin Heritage Park and the concept of resource patches, ecological islands, and special places on the Northern Plains

2016 April 1900 (has links)
The Wolf Willow site (FbNp-26) is a multicomponent Precontact site located within the confines of Wanuskewin Heritage Park approximately 2 km north of the city of Saskatoon Saskatchewan. The site was excavated during 2010 and 2011 field seasons with the participation of The University of Saskatchewan’s archaeological field school and the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society’s field school. As a result of these excavations, 30 m2 were exposed and four distinct cultural levels were identified. These include the Plains Side-Notched complex, Prairie Side-Notched complex, McKean series, and Oxbow complex cultures. An analysis of artifacts, ecofacts, and features from each cultural level was undertaken in order to determine site usage for each time period. Ecological concepts are often used as heuristic devices in archeological studies. The theory of island biogeography and the study of patch dynamics are two concepts that can lend themselves to the archeological study of past human groups. Island biogeography was developed to explain speciation in insular environments. In archeological studies, the same mechanisms affecting speciation can be employed to study the development of culture. Patch dynamics can be used to hypothesize how resource availability affected the behavior of past populations. Using the aforementioned concepts, the Wanuskewin/Opimihaw Valley area can be viewed as a terrestrial island. The unique combination of resources both tangible and intangible combined to make the area a draw for Precontact populations for the past 6000 years. Wanuskewin continues to attract people from around the world as a centre of spiritual and cultural renewal, a world class tourism destination, and an educational facility.

'n Verkennende analise van Willow Creek gemeente, Barrington, Illinois

Dick, Ferdinand Herman Bernard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDiv) -- Stellenbosch University, 2002. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Willow Creek is 'n kerk wat alreeds die afgelope paar jaar die kerk aan die gons het. Ek wil amper sover gaan om die stigting van die Willow Creek model as 'n tweede reformasie te beskou, veral te midde van die drastiese teruggrype na die Nuwe Testamentiese kerk. Nes Martin Luther het Bill Hybels ook 'n stap van geloof geneem, en 'iets nuuts' begin wat anders was as waaraan almal gewoond was, om 'n gemeenskap van gelowiges op te rig wat leef volgens die beginsels waarvolgens die vroee kerk geleef het. Net soos wat Hybels besefhet dat die ongelowiges op 'n sensitiewe manier geevangeliseer moet word, so het Luther ook die opmerking gemaak dat diegene wie se geloof aan dade gekoppel is, teruggelei moet word na die geloof, soos wat jy 'n siek persoon sou begelei, dus baie versigtig. Hy kon maar net sowel die woord 'sensitief gebruik het. Haendler ( 1981 :28) stel dit soos volg: In his "Treatise on good works" Luther declared, "Therefore, we must not despise those of little faith who cling to their ceremonies and perform them as though they were lost in their faith without them. They would gladly do right and learn better, but they are as yet unable to grasp it all. Instead one should blame their ignorant, blind teachers, who have never taught them what faith is, and have led them so deeply into works. " The responsibility for these abuses is therefore that of the ministers rather than the congregation. Luther drew the following pastoral conclusion: "One should gently lead them back to faith in their good time, as one would treat a sick person. " Dus is ek van mening dat beide Hybels en Luther binne hulle konteks bedienaars is en was van die boodskap wat hulle glo en geglo het, relevant vir hulle samelewing is en was. Carron ( 2000:51) beskryfWillow Creek as een van 'n aantal posttradisionele kerke, wat in duidelike kontras teenoor die konvensionele kerke staan. Kenmerke wat Carron aan hierdie posttradisionele kerke toeskryf, stem baie ooreen met Willow Creek t.o.v. sy Soekersensitiewe kerkmodel, en die inligting wat ek daaroor verskaf oorvleuel wel. Carroll stel die kenmerke van 'n posttradisionele kerk soos volg: Groot getalle in vergelyking met die Protestantse kerke Gewilligheid om eeue-oue tradisies prys te gee, met 'n Bybelse uitgangspunt as rede Teologiese konserwatisme, sonder om fundamentalisties te raak Tekort aan denominale bande Sterk, entrepreneuriese leierskap, ondersteun deur opgeleide personeel, met baie klem op leke-oefening van geestelike gawes Het 'n spesifieke doel, vera! t.o.v. die identifisering van maniere om 'n spesifieke gehoor aan te spreek Getrou daaraan om lede te lei tot toegewyde dissipels van Christus Geboue wat geen ooreenkomste toon met tradisionele kerke nie, en wat gelee is om mense van 'n streek te trek, en nie net 'n spesifieke gemeenskap nie. Vermyding van die meeste tradisionele en klassieke vorme van kerkmusiek, om eerder kontemporere musiek in die kerk in te bring. Kleredrag is informeel Dienste is uiters profesioneel, en daar word geen druk op besoekers geplaas nie. Groot klem op kleingroepe. Geleenthede vir lede om betrokk:e te raak by 'n verskeidenheid bedieninge, veral op plaaslike vlak. Verwag 'n hoe vlak van toewyding van diegene wat aansluit, wat gepaard gaan met toewyding aan uitmuntendheid t.o.v. die bedieninge. Wat ek met hierdie studie poog, is om 'n verkennende analise te maak, in sover moontlik volgens die formaat soos deur Hendriks (1992: 134) voorgehou. Die motivering agter hierdie studie is die vraag na werkbare bedieningsvorme binne die N. G Kerk tradisie, omrede daar 'n afname in lidmaat getalle is, en diegene wat nie meer kerk toe gaan nie, terug 'gelok' moet word, sonder om hulle weg te jaag. Juis omrede Willow Creek so suksesvol is om ongelowiges te evangeliseer, en dit 'n taak is waarna die N.G Kerk ernstig sal moet terugkeer, kan daar by Willow Creek geleer word ten opsigte van hulle funksionering. Wat ek dus in hierdie studie doen, is om eerstens te gaan kyk na die geskiedenis van Willow Creek, waar die kerk vandaan kom, en die groeipyne wat die kerk ervaar het. Hierdie afdeling is vir my van uiterste belang, omrede die feit dat jy nie iemand regtig ken indien jy nie weet waarvandaan hy kom nie. Dus, om vir Willow Creek te analiseer, moet jy weet waarvandaan die kerk kom, en wie die kerk is. Die daaropvolgende hoofstuk handel oor die Soekersensitiewe model waarvolgens Willow Creek funksioneer, ingesluit al die areas binne die kerk wat daardeur geaffekteer word, asook die gevare en voordele van hierdie model. In die laaste hoofstuk gee ek die feitelike data en gegewens weer t.o.v. wat Willow Creek hied, en wie die kerk is. Dit sluit in wat die kerk t.o.v. homself se, wie die kerk is en waarvoor die kerk staan, asook alle geleenthede waar lidmate betrokke kan raak. Laastens toon ek die opset en ligging d.m.v. kaarte aan.

The role of crack willow in the wetland water balance, Moutere region, New Zealand

Amaravathi, Kiran Kumar January 2010 (has links)
The Waiwhero wetland (16 ha) is one of the largest wetlands in the Rosedale Hills, 35 km north-west of Nelson, New Zealand. It has an extensive cover of Salix fragilis L. (crack willow) and has been hypothesised to be a source of groundwater recharge for the Moutere aquifers, an important local groundwater system. However the wetland could also be a groundwater discharge zone, because of the geological boundary that it straddles. The overall aim of this study was to determine the direction of groundwater flux of the wetland by measuring the water balance, with particular emphasis on the transpiration rates from the crack willow trees. The average daily transpiration (measurement was for 230 days) of crack willows in the wetland (6.4 mm/day) was close to twice the potential evapotranspiration (PET) for grassland (3.9 mm/day). The highest measured willow transpiration rate was 12.4 mm/day and the lowest was 0.8 mm/day. High transpiration from crack willows was due to the horizontal energy fluxes (advective energy), tree physiological characters and high soil water content. The study established that the wetland is a groundwater discharge zone with, on average for the two summer periods (2008 and 2009), the net groundwater discharge being 4.8 mm/day. The daily water balance results between two major rainfall events showed that the initial discharge source was from the surrounding hills and later stabilized at around 6 to 14 mm/day. It was believed to be a contribution from the shallow and deep aquifers or a combination of local region inflow and aquifers. The water balance showed that the main loss of water through the hydrological system of the wetland during summer was from the high transpiration of willows (7.7 mm/day). The extent of water savings estimated for the 16 ha wetland through a hypothetical situation of willow removal, and the assumption that it is filled with open water without any canopy cover, was 688 m3/day. However this water savings rate if applied to a large area of crack willow stands would be quite high. On similar lines it is important to understand the transpiration rates of other wetland tree species in New Zealand. This information would help in preparing regional council plans for the introduction of tree species in the wetland for better management of the water resources and sustainable ecosystem management.

Gluosnių ruošimo ir naudojimo konversijai įvertinimas / Study on Developing and Application of Willow Crop for Energy Convertion

Puskunigis, Mantas 02 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe pateikta gluosninių žilvičių auginimo, ruošimo bei naudojimo analitinė apžvalga, gluosnių auginimo technikos ir technologijų energetinis vertinimas, nesubrendusių gluosnių pjaustinio ilgio teoriniai tyrimai naudojant žolinių augalų smulkintuvą. Taip pat eksperimentiškai nustatytos gluosnių fizikinės – mechaninės savybės, poveikis aplinkai deginant skirtingo pjaustinio gluosnius. Tyrimai atlikti naudojant 10 kW biokuro katilą, skirtą kūrenti energetinių augalų skiedroms, briketams, paletėms. Nustatytos kenksmingų medžiagų (CO2 , CO, NO, NOx) emisijos į aplinką deginant skirtingo tipo smulkintuvais susmulkintus gluosnius. / In this work the willow cultivation, preparation and use of analytical review of willows growing energy technology and technology assessment in juvenile willow cuttings-length adaptation of the theoretical studies of herbaceous plants shredder. It is well established experimentally rushes physical - mechanical properties of the environmental impact of combustion of different willow cuttings. Investigations were carried out using a 10 kW biofuel boiler to burn energy crops for wood chips, briquettes, pallets. Down (CO2 , CO, NO, NOx) emissions into the environment by burning different types of chopped willow cutter.

A missional church (The Gospel and Our Culture Network) ecclesiological critique of Willow Creek Community Church's 5-G participating membership model

Lovaglia, Daniel M. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Wheaton College Graduate School, 2005. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 162-169).

Characterization of Fungal Communities Associated to Willow SRIC Plantations in the Canadian Prairies Ecozone Using PCR-Based Molecular Methods

2012 February 1900 (has links)
Willow (Salix spp.), a major source of biomass and renewable fiber production, is one of the best choices for short-rotation intensive culture (SRIC) in Canada. Since fungal communities play important roles in the plant’s health status, it is vital to understand their interactions with willows and their roles in the sustainability of SRIC. In this study, fungal diversity of the above-ground organs (stem/leaf) of healthy and diseased willow plants in western Canadian Prairies were assessed using cultural and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) techniques. Comparison of the mycoprofiles within established plantations vs. newly introduced cuttings revealed differences in the fungal communities. Ascomycota were mainly isolated, followed by Basidiomicota and Zygomycota. Willow genotypes seem have an influence on the abundance of fungal pathogens and disease severity; among them Charlie (Salix alba x gladfelteri) and SV1 (S. eriocephala) cultivars demonstrated superior performances. Photosynthesis measurements and biomass compositions confirmed these findings. Potentially pathogenic fungi (Dothioraceae, Diaporthaceae, Glomeraceae, and Pleosporaceae) dominated in diseased or symptomatic willows, whereas potentially beneficial fungi (Coniochaetaceae, Hypoceraceae, Nectriaceae, Trichocomaceae, and Agaricaceae) prevailed in healthy plants. In-vivo and greenhouse assays showed that inoculation with potentially pathogenic fungi induced leaf necrosis, anthracnose and open cankers. However, suppression of the latter was still possible using fungal antagonists. Hence, assessment of stem/bark and leaf fungal communities with respect to willow genotypes, cuttings origin, and SRIC location, is useful for the design of an effective management strategy to increase the productivity of the SRIC-biomass systems.

Agroforestry Community Gardens as a Sustainable Import-Substitution Strategy for Enhancing Food Security in Remote First Nations of Subarctic Ontario, Canada

Spiegelaar, Nicole 25 April 2011 (has links)
The high prevalence of food insecurity experienced by remote First Nation (FN) communities partially results from dependence on an expensive import-based food system that typically lacks nutritional quality and further displaces traditional food systems. In the present study, the feasibility of import substitution by Agroforestry Community Gardens (AFCGs) as socio-ecologically and culturally sustainable means of enhancing food security was explored through a case study of Fort Albany First Nation (FAFN) in subarctic Ontario. Agroforestry is a diverse tree-crop or tree-livestock agricultural system that has enhanced food security in the developing world, as low input systems with high yields of diverse food and material products, and various ecological services. Four study sites were selected for biophysical analysis: two Salix spp. (willow)-dominated AFCG test plots in an area proposed by the community; one “no tree” garden control test plot; and one undisturbed forest control test plot. Baseline data and a repeatable sampling design were established to initiate long-term studies on the productive capacity of willow AFCGs as a means to enhance food security in subarctic FN communities. Initial soil and vegetative analysis revealed a high capacity for all sites to support mixed produce with noted modifications, as well as potential competitive and beneficial willow-crop interactions. Identification of barriers to food security and local food production in FAFN revealed a need for a locally-run Food Security Program (FSP) in partnership with the AFCGs to provide the personnel, knowledge and leadership necessary to increase local food autonomy and local food education and to manage the AFCG as a reliable food supply. Continued research on AFCGs and the FSP may allow wide-scale adoption of this strategy as an approach to enhance community food security and food sovereignty in remote FNs across Canada. An integration of conventional crops and native species in the AFCGs is recommended as a bicultural approach to enhance social, cultural and ecological resiliency of FN food systems. As an adaptable and dynamic system, AFCGs have potential to act as a more reliable local food system and a refuge for culturally significant plants in high-latitude FN socio-ecological systems, which are particularly vulnerable to rapid cultural and ecological change.

Salicylates amount variation in different species of Lithuanian Willow / Salicilatų kiekio įvairovė Lietuvoje augančiuose gluosniuose

Viltrakytė, Eglė 16 June 2008 (has links)
In natural dendroflora of Lithuania willow genus (Salix L.) is abundant in species amount. Its bark contains active materials which are known as possessing anti-inflammatory properties since former times. Bark extracts are contained in analgesic as well as antirheumatic preparations. Its therapeutic effectiveness is associated with salicine which turns into salicylic acid. Willow bark is a know phytotherapeutic precursor of aspirin. To use more natural and not synthetic materials in the 21st century the methods for extraction of active materials for medicine are being sought. Thus, the studies on plant groups possessing the most intense anti-inflammatory properties became urgent. The amount of salicin varies among different species. Acording to the European Pharmacopoea, minimal amount of 1,5% of salicin is required in Willow bark. The aim of the study was to investigate salicylates amount variation in willow bark of different Salix species growing in Lithuania. The studies were carried out using the routine methods of pharmacopeia. After extraction analysis was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The first step of study was made among 3 samples of each plant, colected at different growing period (1-st year autumn, 2-nd year autumn and 2-nd year spring). Comparison of the quantities of the salicylic derivatives depending upon age of the plant and time of collection shows, that plants at two years of growth and collected in autumn accumulate... [to full text] / Natūralioje Lietuvos floroje gluosnių (Salix L.) rūšys yra plačiai paplitusios. Gluosnio žievė – nuo seno žinoma kaip priešuždegiminiu poveikiu pasižyminti vaistinė augalinė žaliava. Jos ekstraktai įeina į priešreumatinių ir analgezinių preparatų sudėtį. Terapinis veikimas yra susijęs su salicinu, kuris organizme virsta salicilo rūgštimi. Gluosnio žievė yra fitoterapinis aspirino pirmtakas. XXI amžiuje vis didesnis dėmesys krypsta į natūralius, o ne sintetinius preparatus. Tokiu būdu, augalų, pasižyminčių terapinėmis savybėmis tyrimai įgyja didelę reikšmę. Skirtingų rūšių gluosnių žievėje, kaupiamas salicino kiekis skiriasi. Europos farmakopėjoje reglamentuojamas minimalus salicino kiekis yra 1,5%. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo Ištirti Lietuvoje augančių gluosnio rūšių salicilatų kiekio įvairavimą vaistinėje augalinėje žaliavoje (žievėje). Darbo uždaviniai- atlikti įvairių Lietuvoje augančių gluosnio rūšių salicilatų kiekio analizę, palyginti salicilatų kiekį gluosnio žievėje, atsižvelgiant į augalo amžių bei rinkimo laiką bei įvertinti gautus rezultatus, numatomą terapinį veikimą. Tyrimai atlikti naudojant farmakopėjinius analizės metodus. Žievės ekstraktai buvo tiriami efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos metodu.Šio tyrimo pirmo etapo metu išanalizuota 12 gluosnių taksonų. Buvo ištirti vienerių ir dviejų metų, taip pat pavasarį ir rudenį rinkti žievės pavyzdžiai. Didesni kiekiai aktyvių medžiagų rasta rudenį ir 2 metų amžiaus gluosnių žievės pavyzdžiuose. Antrajame tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]


Mann, John 10 September 2012 (has links)
Recently, the use of biomass to produce energy has resulted in evaluating each potential biomass species individually, and primarily in terms of yield potentials. However, discrepancies between species yield caused by varying site conditions and varying fertilization regimes between studies do exist. Therefore, this study attempts to address some of these discrepancies by growing multiple species simultaneously on marginal land with zero fertilization. The yield and fuel characteristics of the four most commonly used biomass feedstocks (Miscanthus, switchgrass, willow and poplar) in southern Ontario, along with one herbaceous polyculture, were investigated. Species' influence on microclimatic modifications was quantified during the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons in order to understand its impact on biomass yields. Yield data was gathered for each species treatment for both growing seasons. Few significant differences were found between species during establishment. Fuel characteristics analyses including, gross calorific value, ash (%), and an elemental ash analysis were completed during 2010 and 2011. The differences between the combustion properties of the grass species and the woody species were obvious, but neither could be conclusively determined as universally better than the other. Yield and fuel characteristics change as plants mature, therefore research should be continued in future years once plots are fully established to determine which species are best suited for bioenergy production in Southern Ontario. This will help growers and energy producers focus on crops that have the most potential in achieving environmental sustainability and economic viability. / OMAFRA

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