Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wird tunnel""
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Human comfort in tall building\'s subjected to wind-induced motion. / Conforto em edifícios altos sob ação do vento.Ferrareto, Johann Andrade 05 May 2017 (has links)
Assessing tall building oscillation is a multidisciplinary area involving knowledge from different fields of study: structural engineering, wind engineering, reliability, and even human physiology, to name a few. With the modern high strength structural materials and the latest tendencies in tall buildings construction, new structural systems have become slender and new buildings have reached greater heights as time passes. This context leads to a situation where these slender structures are sensitive to dynamic effects from wind loads and where human comfort is often the prevailing criterion for the structural design. This multidisciplinary area with slender structural systems allied to economic and environmental aspects from building construction demands a better integration between the abovementioned fields in order to achieve both human comfort and sustainable buildings (from environmental and economic points of view). This thesis aims at connecting the \"weak links\" of the Davenport\'s chain of wind loading, discussing criteria from each field involved in the oscillation assessment of a tall building: dynamic analysis, finite element modelling, wind climate modelling and comfort assessment. The axis of investigation intends to bring precision to the procedure, whilst creating a reliable set of criteria to perform a dynamic response assessment from the wind tunnel testing of tall buildings. This thesis also aims at connecting these fields of study by bringing understanding from each one of them to all the others, and at validating multidisciplinary interactions in the Davenport\'s chain. Finally, a wide dispersion of results is obtained for two different tall buildings in São Paulo. This dispersion serves to corroborate the deficient integration between these fields of study and to present a set of criteria that brings precision to the procedure, whilst allowing more economic and sustainable designs. / O estudo das oscilações de edifícios altos sob ação do vento é uma área multidisciplinar que envolve conhecimentos de diferentes campos de estudo: engenharia estrutural, engenharia de vento, confiabilidade e até fisiologia humana, para citar apenas alguns. Em paralelo, a criação de novos materiais de construção de alta resistência, aliados às últimas tendências na construção de edifícios altos, permite sistemas estruturais cada vez mais esbeltos aplicados a edifícios cada vez mais altos. Este contexto leva a uma situação em que estes sistemas estruturais são sensíveis aos efeitos dinâmicos das cargas de vento e onde o conforto humano é frequentemente o critério preponderante para o projeto estrutural. Esta área multidisciplinar, com seus sistemas estruturais esbeltos, aliada aos aspectos econômicos e ambientais da construção de edifícios altos, exige uma melhor integração entre os campos acima referidos para se alcançar conforto humano em edifícios sustentáveis (tanto do ponto de vista ambiental quanto do econômico). Esta tese tem como eixo de investigação os \"elos fracos\" da corrente de cargas de vento de Davenport e discute os critérios de cada campo envolvido na avaliação das oscilações de um edifício alto: análise dinâmica, modelagem de elementos finitos, modelagem probabilística de vento e avaliação de conforto. O eixo de investigação proposto visa a trazer precisão ao procedimento, criando um conjunto de critérios confiáveis para a avaliação da resposta dinâmica a partir de ensaios em túnel de vento de edifícios altos. Esta tese também visa a conectar estes campos de estudo, trazendo a compreensão de cada um deles para todos os outros e para validar as interações multidisciplinares na corrente de Davenport. Finalmente, uma grande dispersão de resultados é obtida para dois edifícios altos em São Paulo. Esta dispersão serve para corroborar a deficiência da integração entre estes campos de estudo e para apresentar um conjunto de critérios que traga precisão ao procedimento, permitindo, concomitantemente, projetos mais econômicos e sustentáveis.
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema de aumento de estabilidade longitudinal de uma aeronave com enflechamento negativo e canard, com ensaios em túnel de vento / Development of a longitudinal stability augmentation system of a forward swept wing and canard airplane, with wind tunnel testingPereira, Natanael de Carvalho 19 August 2005 (has links)
As pesquisas modernas em aeronáutica envolvem a expansão dos envelopes de vôo, como resultado do desejo de melhorar a manobrabilidade e controlabilidade em operações táticas, e melhorar a segurança do vôo. Esses objetivos podem ser alcançados através do desenvolvimento de sistemas automáticos de controle de vôo. Os sistemas de controle aplicados a aeronaves podem ser desenvolvidos e simulados através de métodos computacionais. No entanto, existem imperfeições na simulação computacional por não se conseguir reproduzir algumas características do vôo real ou devido a simplificações no modelo matemático da aeronave. Desta forma, a construção de um modelo físico de uma aeronave em escala reduzida e a implementação de um controlador a este modelo, torna-se uma ferramenta bastante importante para validar resultados teóricos e métodos computacionais. Os custos associados a estes testes são geralmente muito menores que aqueles dos ensaios em vôo e com maior flexibilidade de instrumentação. Este trabalho descreve a construção de um modelo de aeronave, baseado no X-29, o desenvolvimento de um mecanismo de fixação do modelo ao túnel de vento, tipo rótula, e a implementação de um sistema de aumento de estabilidade longitudinal, através de um sistema de controle automático. O modelo físico possui uma configuração de asa com enflechamento negativo e canard, e que tende a ser inerentemente instável, sendo necessário o auxílio de um sistema de aumento de estabilidade. Testes de estabilidade dinâmica em arfagem foram realizados no túnel de vento em diferentes posições do centro de gravidade. Os parâmetros de estabilidade foram registrados e analisados através de uma curva de ajuste exponencial. / Modern aeronautical research involves flight envelope expansion as the result of a desire for improvement in tactical operation handling qualities and improvement in flight safety. These objectives can be achieved through the development of automatic flight control systems. Aircraft flight control systems can be developed and simulated through computational methods. However, there are imperfections in the computational simulation of flight dynamics due to the difficulty in reproducing real flight conditions or due simplifications in the aircraft mathematical model. The construction of a reduced scale physical aircraft model and the implementation of a controller is a very valuable tool to validate theoretical results and computational methods. The costs associated with these tests are usually much smaller than those associated with full scale flight testing and may offer greater flexibility for instrumentation. The present work describes the construction of an airplane model, based on the X-29, the development of a wind tunnel gimbal type support and the implementation of a longitudinal stability augmentation system using automatic flight control. The model configuration has forward swept wings and canard with a tendency to be inherently unstable and, thus, requiring a stability augmentation system. Pitching dynamic stability tests where conducted in a wind tunnel in different center of gravity positions. Stability parameters were acquired and analyzed by exponential fit curve.
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Projeto de dispositivo para realização de ensaios aeroelásticos em modelos seccionais de pontes em túnel de vento. / Design of an elastic suspension system for aeroelastic studies of bridge section models in wind tunnels.Martins, Gabriel Borelli 11 July 2016 (has links)
Uma base elástica para ensaios seccionais de pontes foi projetada a partir de mancais aerostáticos. Um sistema de dois graus de liberdade foi construído, de forma a possibilitar estudos de flutter, de galloping e de vibrações induzidas por vórtices em túneis de vento. A base mostrou-se bastante versátil, permitindo diversas configurações além da inicialmente prevista, o que possibilita a realização de estudos envolvendo diferentes fenômenos aeroelásticos nos mais variados modelos. Foram realizados ensaios para a caracterização de galloping em um prisma de seção quadrada e de flutter em um fólio NACA 0020. Os resultados de galloping obtidos, considerando o escoamento incidente perpendicular a uma das faces do prisma, foram condizentes com os encontrados na literatura. Por outro lado, as derivadas de flutter obtidas nos ensaios com o fólio não foram aquelas esperadas. Ensaios complementares deverão ser realizados no futuro com o objetivo de determinar as fontes das discrepâncias observadas. / A new elastic suspension system using air bearings for heaving and pitching motions was designed to test section models of suspended bridges in wind tunnels. The two-degrees-of-freedom system and its versatility makes possible the study of many aeroelastic phenomena, such as galloping, vortex-induced vibrations, buffeting and flutter. Moreover, as a modular system is proposed, degrees of freedom can be easily removed or added as desired. Therefore, it can be used to study not only bridge aeroelasticity, but also fluid-structure interaction of other geometries. In order to verify the suspension system, galloping tests, using a square cylinder, and flutter tests, using a foil NACA 0020, were done at IPT\'s wind tunnel facility. The galloping response obtained for the square cylinder was consistent with the literature. On the other hand, the flutter derivatives obtained for the foil differ from those expected. Therefore, other investigations must be done in the future in order to identify the sources of the discrepancies observed.
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Investigação da camada limite atmosférica simulada em túnel de vento no topo de morros utilizando dinâmica dos fluídos computacional (CFD)Vecina, Tanit-Daniel Jodar January 2017 (has links)
O formato do perfil de velocidades do vento varia de acordo com as características locais da superfície terrestre e de rugosidade do terreno, parâmetros que definem o perfil da Camada-Limite Atmosférica (CLA). As características do escoamento do ar atmosférico sobre e ao redor de acidentes geográficos, tais como morros e colinas, são de grande interesse para aplicações relacionadas à Engenharia de Turbinas e Parques Eólicos. No topo de morros, ocorre a aceleração do vento, fenômeno que pode representar um fator decisivo para a instalação de aerogeradores. Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo do comportamento da CLA como função da inclinação e rugosidade superficial da elevação, fazendo uso da Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) para construir perfis de velocidade do vento e de intensidade de turbulência. O problema de fechamento das Equações Médias de Reynolds (RANS) é contornado com o uso do modelo de turbulência k-ω SST; os resultados numéricos obtidos são comparados com dados experimentais medidos em túnel de vento sobre modelos em escala dos morros. São testados oito modelos de morros com declives que variam de 25° a 64° para dois tipos de categorias de terreno, em 2D e 3D, e são aplicados dois códigos analíticos para representar o perfil de velocidades de entrada. Resultados numéricos para os perfis de velocidade apresentam diferença inferior a 4% em relação aos respectivos dados obtidos experimentalmente. Os perfis de intensidade de turbulência apresentam diferença máxima na casa dos 7% em comparação aos dados experimentais, o que é explicado pelo fato de que não é possível inserir o perfil de entrada de intensidade de turbulência nas simulações numéricas. Em alternativa, foi usado um valor constante resultado da média dos valores dos perfis usados no túnel de vento. Os modelos de morro em 3D apresentam maior concordância nos resultados de velocidade que os modelos em 2D e que ademais quanto maior é a inclinação do morro maior é a concordância com as medições experimentais. / The shape of the wind velocity profile changes according to local features of terrain shape and roughness, which are parameters responsible for defining the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) profile. Air flow characteristics over and around landforms, such as hills, are of considerable importance for applications related to Wind Farm and Turbine Engineering. The air flow is accelerated on top of hills, which can represent a decisive factor for Wind Turbine placement choices. The present work focuses on the study of ABL behavior as a function of slope and surface roughness of hill-shaped landforms, using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to build wind velocity and turbulent intensity profiles. Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are closed using the SST k-ω turbulence model; numerical results are compared to experimental data measured in wind tunnel over scale models of the hills under consideration. Eight hill models with slopes varying from 25° to 64° were tested for two types of terrain categories in 2D and 3D, and two analytical codes are used to represent the inlet velocity profiles. Numerical results for the velocity profiles show differences under 4% when compared to their respective experimental data. Turbulent intensity profiles show maximum differences around 7% when compared to experimental data, this can be explained by not being possible to insert inlet turbulent intensity profiles in the simulations. Alternatively, constant values based on the averages of the turbulent intensity at the wind tunnel inlet were used. The 3D models present greater concordance in the speed results than the 2D models and that in addition the greater the slope of the hill, the greater the agreement with the experimental measurements.
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Impacto de dispositivos de sombreamento externos e muro na ventilação natural e no desempenho térmico de uma habitação de interesse social térrea / Impact of external shading devices and wall on natural ventilation and thermal performance of a ground floor low-cost houseCastaño, Hector Fabian Marin 09 May 2017 (has links)
Uma importante estratégia de projeto para melhorar o desempenho térmico das edificações em climas quentes e úmidos é a adoção conjunta da ventilação natural e de dispositivos de sombreamento. Contudo, quando a ventilação natural é ocasionada pela ação dos ventos nas edificações, as pressões do vento nas envoltórias da edificação são alteradas com a presença de elementos externos próximos que mudam as características do fluxo incidente. Deste modo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar os impactos na ventilação natural, e nas temperaturas internas do ar e/ou no conforto térmico de uma habitação térrea em um clima quente e úmido, a partir do uso de diferentes dispositivos de sombreamento externos e muro. Para isso, foram realizadas simulações computacionais no programa EnergyPlus através do módulo AirflowNetwork. Foram realizados ensaios em túnel de vento de Camada Limite Atmosférica (CLA) para a obtenção dos coeficientes de pressão (Cps). Os resultados apontaram impactos específicos a cada elemento estudado, no entanto o fenômeno mais frequente nos casos com dispositivos de sombreamento foi a redução dos efeitos de sobrepressão e sucção. Quanto aos seus impactos nas renovações de ar, estes provocaram uma diminuição do fluxo de ar e, consequentemente, o aumento da temperatura no período predominantemente noturno. Entretanto, foi observado um maior impacto na atenuação das temperaturas internas nos períodos diurnos, que prevaleceu sobre o aumento nos períodos de ventilação. Destacou-se, dentre os dispositivos de sombreamento estudados, as proteções tipo veneziana por proporcionarem um melhor desempenho térmico. Já os muros, dentre todos os elementos estudados, foram os que tiveram maior impacto nos Cps. Tal fenômeno significou a diminuição da taxa de renovação de ar dentre 50 e 75%. O impacto mais sobressalente nas temperaturas internas nestes casos foi o aumento destas no período noturno, limitando o potencial da ventilação natural para a remoção de calor da edificação / An important design strategy for improving the thermal performance of buildings in hot and humid climates is the adoption of natural ventilation strategies and shading devices combined. However, when natural ventilation is wind-driven, the wind pressures on the building envelope are altered by the presence of nearby external elements that change the incident flows characteristics. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the impacts on natural ventilation, and the internal air temperatures and/or the thermal comfort of a single ground floor low-cost house in a hot and humid climate, considering the use of different external shading devices and walls. For such, computational simulations were performed in the EnergyPlus program using the AirflowNetwork module. Atmospheric Limit Wind (CLA) wind tunnel tests were performed to obtain pressure coefficients (Cps). The results indicated specific impacts to each element studied, however the most frequent phenomenon in cases with shading devices was the reduction of the effects of overpressure and suction. As for their impacts on air changes rate, they caused a decrease in airflow and, consequently, an increase in temperature predominantly in the nocturnal period. However, a greater impact was observed in the attenuation of internal temperatures in the daytime periods, which prevailed over the increase in ventilation periods., Among the shading devices studied, venetian type protections for providing better thermal performance were highlighted. Among all the elements studied, the walls had the greatest impact on the Cps. This phenomenon meant the reduction of the air changes rate between 50 and 75%. The most significant impact on internal temperatures in these cases was the their increase at night, limiting the potential of natural ventilation to the removal of heat from the building.
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Ventilation naturelle en architecture : méthodes, outils et règles de conception / Natural ventilation in architecture : methods, tools and rules for designFerrucci, Margherita 20 December 2017 (has links)
La ventilation naturelle est une stratégie passive qui permet l'échange naturel d'air entre le bâtiment et l'environnement extérieur. Elle assure une bonne qualité de l'air intérieur, améliore le confort thermique et elle réduit les besoins énergétiques, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et les symptômes liés au syndrome du bâtiment malsain. Bien que les avantages et les bénéfices de la ventilation naturelle soient multiples, son usage est rare dans l'architecture contemporaine. Bien sûr, il existe des limites à sa mise en œuvre dans certains bâtiments, comme la mauvaise qualité de l'air extérieur, mais ces problèmes ne justifient pas une utilisation si peu répandue. La cause de sa faible diffusion est principalement liée à la difficulté de la conception plutôt que aux facteurs physiques liés à l'environnement. La thèse vise à fournir différents outils pour comprendre la dynamique des fluides dans les bâtiments et développer des techniques et des méthodes pour aider la conception des bâtiments ventilés naturellement. L'approche adoptée dans la thèse est modélisée selon les besoins du concepteur qui peut choisir d'utiliser différents types de supports tels que: utiliser des outils graphiques ou des modélisations numériques, s'inspirer de l'architecture contemporaine et répéter les solutions technologiques existantes, utiliser des outils de modélisation physique, s'inspirer du passé ou du monde naturel. Ici plusieurs aspects de la ventilation naturelle sont traités en apportant à chacun une contribution innovante afin de créer des outils d'aide pour différents phases de la conception : Les objectifs de la thèse sont de créer des outils innovants qui simplifient la conception à des niveaux différents. Nous avons créé donc, des outils et des modèles graphiques simplifiés pour choisir la forme du bâtiment et son orientation, des lignes directrices pour le dimensionnement des dispositifs de ventilation (cheminées de toit), des méthodes expérimentales simplifiées associées à des codes de lecture des écoulements d'air. Nous avons également élargit le panorama culturel et historiques et nous avons créé des indications morphologiques dérivant de l'analyse de l'architecture biomimétique. Grâce à une analyse CFD paramétrique, des outils graphiques sont générés pour évaluer, de manière comparative, les performances de ventilation d'une famille morphologique de bâtiments et choisir la forme du bâtiment, son orientation et la position des ouvertures. Nous créons des lignes directrices pour la conception et le pré-dimensionnement des dispositifs de ventilation. Les règles sont déterminées par une analyse comparative de neuf projets de bâtiments contemporains ventilés naturellement dans lesquels le dispositif de ventilation est présent. Une soufflerie est conçue et réalisée pour simplifier les visualisations des écoulements d'air autour des modèles de bâtiments et nous proposons une méthode pour réaliser des expérimentations de support à la conception. Le système de refroidissement géothermique d'une ancienne villa à Costozza (Vicence, Italie) est étudié. Cette section élargit la connaissance du patrimoine architectural italien et souligne l'importance de redécouvrir des solutions technologiques bioclimatiques existantes, toujours en fonction. On analyse une structure animale: le nid d'un insecte. Il s'agit d'un archétype bioclimatique qu'il peut être utilisé dans l'architecture en tant que technologie biomimétique / Natural ventilation is a passive ventilation strategy of confined spaces that consists of natural air exchange between the building and the outdoor environment. Natural ventilation ensures a good indoor air quality, it improves the thermal comfort and it reduces the greenhouses gases emission, the energy demand and the symptoms associated with the Sick Building Syndrome. Although the advantages and benefits of natural ventilation are multiple, its application is rare to contemporary architecture. By the way, there are some limits to its implementation, such as the bad quality of outdoor air, but that does not justify a so limited design of naturally ventilated buildings. The cause of its rare diffusion is primarily the difficulty of design rather than the factors related to the environment. The thesis intends to provide multiple tools for understanding the fluid dynamics in buildings and to develop techniques and methods to support the design of naturally ventilated buildings. The approach adopted in the thesis is modeled according to the needs of the designer. In fact, a designer can choose to use different types of support tools such as: use of graphic tools or numerical models, inspiration to contemporary architecture to provide the existing technology solutions, use of physical modeling tools, inspiration to the past or to the nature. Often, the design is a global process and does not need a single tool but the designer uses more than one. Here, several aspects of natural ventilation are dealt with, trying to make an innovative contribution to each of these themes, in particular : Through a parametric CFD analysis, graphical tools are generated to evaluate, adopting a comparative approach, the ventilative performance of a morphological family of buildings and to choose the shape of the building, its orientation and the position of the openings. Guidelines are set for the design and pre-dimensioning of ventilation devices. The rules are determined by a comparative analysis of nine contemporary ventilation projects in which the ventilation device is present. An optimized wind tunnel is created to simplify airflow visualizations around building models. We provide also a method to make simplified experimentations, an aiding-design tool, and a code that allows to understand the views with the smoke. We study the geothermal cooling system of an ancient villa in Costozza (Vicenza, Italy). This section extends the knowledge of the Italian architectural heritage and highlights the importance of rediscovering existing bioclimatic technology solutions, still in operation. An animal structure is analysed: the bug of an insect. This is a bioclimatic archetype and therefore it can be applied to architecture as a biomimetic technology
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Controle angular ativo de um aerofólio adaptativo utilizando fios de liga de memória de forma / Active angular control of an adaptive aerofoil using shape memory alloy wiresMaestá, Marcelo Francisco [UNESP] 21 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by MARCELO FRANCISCO MAESTÁ null (mfmaesta@gmail.com) on 2017-02-22T00:41:17Z
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Tese MArcelo Francisco Maesta.pdf: 11803249 bytes, checksum: c99c02808167e733ec292281a2b8c183 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-24T18:06:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
maestra_mf_dr_ilha.pdf: 11803249 bytes, checksum: c99c02808167e733ec292281a2b8c183 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T18:06:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A busca por aeronaves capazes de modificar sua geometria melhorando suas características aerodinâmicas incentivou diversos autores a sugerirem modelos de asas adaptativas. Tais modelos utilizam atuadores leves de modo a substituir os atuadores clássicos convencionais sem, no entanto, comprometer a e ciência de voo da aeronave. Dentre os materiais utilizados para isto se destacam as ligas de memória de forma (Ni-Ti), que são capazes de converter energia térmica em energia mecânica e, uma vez deformadas, podem retornar a sua condição original de forma através de seu aquecimento. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho objetiva controlar a posição angular de um aerofólio utilizando para isto um par de os de liga de memória de forma. No modelo de asa proposto, deseja-se estabelecer uma forma para o per l aerodinâmico a partir da determinação de um ângulo entre duas seções da asa. Este ângulo é atingido pelo efeito de memória de forma da liga através da passagem de uma corrente elétrica. A função da corrente elétrica é alterar a temperatura dos atuadores através do efeito Joule, modificando a forma da liga. Devido à presença de efeitos não-lineares, principalmente no modelo matemático da liga, propõe-se a aplicação de controladores não-lineares do tipo liga-desliga. / The search for aircraft capable of modifying its geometry improving its aerodynamic characteristics, encouraged several authors to suggest models of adaptive wings. These models use lightweight actuators to replace conventional classic actuators without, however, compromise aircraft flight efficiency. Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) can be used efficiently for this application. These materials are capable of converting thermal energy into mechanical energy and a deformed time, can return to its original condition so through its heating. The current work aims to control the angular position of an airfoil using a couple of alloy wires of shape memory. In the proposed wing model, it is desired to establish a way for the aerodynamic pro le of the determination of an angle between two sections of the wing. This angle is attained by the alloy shape memory effect by passing an electric current. The function of the electric current is to change the temperature of the actuators through the Joule effect, modifying the shape of the shape memory alloy. Due to the presence of non-linear effects, especially in the mathematical model of the alloy, it proposes the application of nonlinear controllers type on-of
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Transmission des fluctuations de bruit aéroacoustique dans un modèle d’habitacle automobile générées par un écoulement instationnaire : étude en soufflerie / Transmission of the aeroacoustic noise fluctuations into a car interior model due to an unsteady flow : a wind-tunnel studyZumu Doli, Christian 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude vise à caractériser en soufflerie les mécanismes aérodynamiques à l’origine de la génération puis la transmission des fluctuations de bruit dans un modèle d’habitacle automobile. Le banc d’essai conçu en soufflerie anéchoïque consiste en un écoulement dont la vitesse incidente est modulée par un volet mobile, et qui par interaction avec une marche montante rayonne un bruit aéroacoustique transmis à travers une vitre dans un caisson anéchoïque. L’approche retenue consiste, pendant le temps de maniement du volet, à mesurer et relier le champ de vitesse externe mesuré à l’aide de la technique de vélocimétrie laser par images de particules (TR-PIV échantillonnée à 20 kHz) à la pression pariétale d’une part, puis au champ acoustique interne obtenu par transmission d’autre part. Des outils de corrélation spatio-temporelle sont alors utilisés pour mettre en évidence les zones de l’écoulement les plus corrélées avec les fluctuations d’énergie de la pression pariétale et celles du niveau de bruit intérieur. La fluctuation du chargement aérodynamique de la vitre sous la bulle de recirculation est logiquement liée à l’activité instationnaire de cette dernière, puis plus en aval, au lâcher tourbillonnaire. Quant au bruit transmis dans le modèle d’habitacle, il semble principalement lié aux fluctuations de vitesse dans la couche de cisaillement. Enfin, une procédure spécifique a permis d’évaluer le caractère quasi-stationnaire des variations temporelles des quantités fluctuantes ainsi que la réponse acoustique de la vitre. / This study aims at characterizing in a wind tunnel the aerodynamic mechanisms contributing to the generation and transmission of the noise fluctuations into a car interior model. The test bench designed in anechoic wind tunnel consists of a flow whose incoming flow velocity is modulated by a mobile flap, and which by interaction with a forward-facing step radiates an aeroacoustic noise transmitted through a glass into an anechoic box. The adopted approach consists, during the flap handling time, in measuring and connecting the external velocity field measured using the Time-Resolved laser Particle Image Velocimetry technique (TR-PIV at sampling frequency 20 kHz) to the wall pressure on the one hand, and then to the internal acoustic field obtained by transmission on the other hand. Spatio-temporal correlation tools are then used to highlight the flow areas that are the most correlated with the energy fluctuations of the wall pressure and with those of the internal noise level. The fluctuation of the aerodynamic loading of the window under the recirculation bubble is logically related to the unsteady activity of the latter, then further downstream to the vortex stream. As for the noise transmitted into the cabin model, it seems mainly related to the speed fluctuations in the shear layer. Finally, a specific procedure allows to evaluate the quasi-steady nature of the temporal variations of the fluctuating quantities, as well as the acoustic response of the window.
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Wind resource accessment in complex terrain by wind tunnel modelling / modélisation en soufflerie du vent en terrain complexe pour l'évaluation du potentiel éolienConan, Boris 12 December 2012 (has links)
Afin de bénéficier de vents importants, un nombre croissant d'éoliennes est installé en terrain complexe. Cependant, un terrain complexe accroit la complexité de l'écoulement et donc la prédiction du potentiel éolien. Dans ce travail, le vent en terrain complexe est simulé en soufflerie. L'objectif est d'étudier la capacité de la modélisation en soufflerie.La partie basse de l'atmosphère, appelée couche limite atmosphérique, est le siège d'important gradients de vitesse et de turbulence. Dans la soufflerie, ils sont reproduits grâce à des obstacles placés dans la section d'essai. Leurs tailles varient en fonction du type de terrain à modéliser. Cette approche expérimentale est validée par des données terrain. La reproduction des conditions atmosphériques est le paramètre crucial pour une bonne modélisation.Pour évaluer le vent en terrain complexe, le choix de la zone à reproduire autour du site d'intérêt est une question centrale : elle doit tenir compte de l'effet des reliefs environnants mais doit être assez réduite pour préserver un facteur d'échelle raisonnable dans la soufflerie. Une série d'études sur des collines simplifiées est ainsi réalisé afin de déterminer l'étendue spatiale du sillage en aval d'un relief simplifié afin de rationaliser le choix de la zone d'étude.Deux cas réels sont ensuite traités, l'ile de Bolund au Danemark et la montagne Alaiz en Espagne. Les résultats sont bons pour l'estimation de la vitesse du vent, entre 5 et 10 % mais la modélisation de la turbulence est plus difficile, des écarts jusqu'à 100 % sont enregistrés comparés aux données terrain. / To benefit from strong winds, an increasing number of wind turbines are placed in complex terrains. But complex terrains means complex flows and difficult wind resource assessment. This study proposed to use wind tunnel modelling to evaluate the wind in a complex topography. The goal of this study is to evaluate the possibilities of wind resources assessment by wind tunnel modelling and to quantify the important modelling parameters. The lower part of the atmosphere, the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is defined by a velocity and a turbulence gradient. The ABL is reproduced in the wind tunnel by placing obstacles and roughness elements of different size representative to the type of terrain desired. The flow produced in the wind tunnel is validated against field data and a wise choice of the obstacles is discussed to reproduce the desired wind profile. The right reproduction of the inflow conditions is found to be the most important parameter to reproduce. The choice of the area to reproduce around a site in usually difficult to make in order to keep a low scaling factor and to account for the surrounding topography. A series of tests on simplified hills helps the experimentalist in this choice by enlightening the longitudinal and vertical extension of the wake downstream different hills shapes. Finally, two complex topographies are studied in two wind tunnels, the Bolund hill in Denmark and the Alaiz mountain in Spain. The results are giving good results, 5 to 10 %, for predicting the wind speed but more scatter is observed for the modelling of the turbulence, up to 100 %. The laboratory simulation of atmospheric flows proves to be a demanding but reliable tool for the prediction of the mean wind speed in complex terrain.
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Erosion éolienne de tas de stockage de matières granulaires sur sites industriels : amélioration des méthodes de quantification des émissionsFurieri, Bruno 01 October 2012 (has links)
L’érosion éolienne des matières granulaires (minerais, charbons,. . . ) est un des facteurs influençant grandement la qualité de l’air dans l’environnement proche de nombreux sites industriels. L’objectif principal de ce travail est l’amélioration des méthodologies de quantification des émissions des sources diffuses, notamment à partir d’une meilleure prise en compte de l’exposition éolienne des sources que sont les tas de stockage et des répartitions granulométriques des matières présentes sur les sites de stockage. Les observations sur sites industriels montrent que les régions proches des tas de stockage de matières granulaires sont chargées de particules de granulométries plutôt fines. Celles-ci sont susceptibles d’être remises en suspension par les structures tourbillonnaires générées par le vent incident. Ainsi, ces zones d’envol potentiel ont fait l’objet d’analyses afin de quantifier leur contribution aux émissions globales. Une technique de visualisation d’écoulement pariétal, associée à des simulations numériques tridimensionnelles, ont été mises en oeuvre pour mieux comprendre ces structures de l’écoulement. Les matières granulaires sont un mélange de particules érodibles et non-érodibles. Le caractère érodible étant lié aux propriétés des particules (principalement granulométrie et masse volumique), ainsi qu’à la vitesse du vent incident. Dans ce cadre, deux types d’études ont été menées: des essais expérimentaux d’envol de particules dans une soufflerie et des simulations numériques tridimensionnelles avec un logiciel open-source de mécanique des fluides (Code_Saturne). Une technique originale a ainsi été développée pour quantifier, par une pesée en continue, l’influence des particules non-érodibles sur le flux massique envolé. En parallèle, le comportement des particules sur la surface est analysé à l’aide de clichés photographiques. L’analyse de l’effet des particules non-érodibles au niveau local est réalisée grâce à des simulations numériques pour des configurations polydispersées. Les résultats présentés dans ce mémoire constituent de premiers éléments pouvant possiblement contribuer à l’amélioration des modèles actuels de quantification des émissions de particules par une meilleure intégration et pris en compte de la présence de particules non-érodibles pour les matières présentant de larges spectres granulométriques. / Wind erosion of granular materials (ores, coal, ...) is one of the factors that greatly influence the quality of the air in the immediate vicinity of many industrial sites. The main objective of this work is the improvement of methodologies for quantifying emissions from diffuse sources. It may be carried out by a better consideration of wind exposure on the sources (storage piles) and larger size distributions of granular materials present at the storage sites. Observations show that areas near storage piles of granular materials on industrial sites are loaded with silt particles. These particles may be re-emitted by vortex structures. Thus, these areas of potential particles take-off were analyzed to quantify their contribution to global emissions. A wall flow visualization technique associated with three-dimensional numerical simulations have been implemented. Granular material is a mixture of erodible and non-erodible particle. The erodible character may be associated to particle properties (mainly size and density), as well as the ambient wind speed. In this context, two types of studies were conducted: experimental tests of particles take-off in a wind-tunnel and numerical simulations with a three-dimensional open-source fluid dynamics code (Code_Saturne). An original technique has been developed to quantify, by a continuous weighing, the influence of non-erodible particles of the mass flow. In parallel, the behaviour of particles on the surface is analyzed using photographs. The analysis of the effect of nonerodible particles at local level is achieved through numerical simulations for poly-dispersed configurations. The results presented in this thesis are the first elements that can potentially contribute to the improvement of current models of quantification of particulate emissions through a better integration of the presence of non-erodible particles for materials with large particle size spectra.
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