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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbete till varje pris : Arbetslinjen i 1920-talets arbetslöshetspolitik / Work at any cost : The work approach in the unemployment policy of the 1920s

Eriksson, Lena January 2004 (has links)
When Sweden was hit by the massunemployment of the 1920s the preferred way of distributing the help to the unemployed was to engage them in publicly financed and run relief works. This dissertation investigates why the work approach made such a strong imprint on the Swedish unemployment policy. It also analyses why the work approach, viewed as a social political measure, to understand how it structured national, local and individual conditions. In previous research there has been a tendancy to treat the work approach as the only natural way to handle unemployment. A comparison with the British case has shown that there clearly existed other ways of dealing with the problem of unemployment, and hence that the work approach should be viewed as a deliberate chiose. The study has also shown that existing institutional arrangements do not in any binding way stake out the course for future policies, and that the conditions for adopting the work approach was not any more favourable in Sweden than in Britain. The explanation suggested here is that the unemployed was looked upon with greater mistrust in Sweden than in Britain. The study shows that the work approach was designed to enforce norms and values connected to work ethics, self-support and gender. To enforce the norm of self-support it both discouraged people from seeking help, with low wges and strict conditions, and by putting them to work if they did. To enforce the norm of the male breadwinner the relief jobs were reserved mainly for male breadwinners, and women were excluded from the eligibility to appaly for unemployment support. In spite of the National Unemployment Commission's rather stron hold over the work approach, much of the implementation was left to the local authorities. This rendered them a certain amount of freedom of action, which put them in a difficult position. The local authorities had to balance long term economic goals and short term immediate needs, they had to carefully weigh the interests of different preassure groups against national, local and individual interests. Despite the powers of the Commission it was very much up to each local council to decide what the experiences of the unemployed would be. People were, by the unemployment authorities, assigned to three main categories: unemployed deemed undeserving, those on cash support and the relief workers. Creating different categories meant that the unemployed were split up, and made it very difficult to organise the unemployed to a powerful opponent to the authorities. The dissertation has shown that the social dimension is important in addition to the economical and political if you want to understand the choice and effekts of the work approach. It has also shown that it was a choice made in spite of prevailing conditions. Finally it suggests that the creation of the work approach was the really ground breaking move in the unemployment policies of the inter.war period, and that the "new" policy of the 1930s, with relief salaries paid according to negotiated rates, was rather a minor revision of the existing polcy. The main reason for the relief works in 1930s, as well as in teh 1920s, was to test the willingness to work. the aim of the work approach was to get the unemployed to take a job at any cost, and the primary method to achieve thi goal was to put the unemployed to work - at any cost.

Hydroelastic Response of Hydrofoil Under Cavitation Conditions / Hydroelastic Response of Hydrofoil Under Cavitation Conditions

Čupr, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá experimentálním a výpočtovým výzkumem přídavných účinků od proudu kapaliny na obtékaný hydraulický profil. Dynamická odezva profilu byla analyzována pro dva typy buzení: buzení odtržením mezní vrstvy a Kármánových vírů a dále buzení pomocí externího budiče připojeného k lopatce. Experimentální měření dynamické odezvy profilu na oba typy buzení bylo provedeno pro lopatku umístěnou v kavitujícím a nekavitujícím proudění. Získané výsledky byly použity pro verifikaci přídavných účinků stanovených s využitím numerického modelování.

A study in sustainability within the building value chain: An organization-based case study exploring the architect’s responsibility

Andersen, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
The modern form of humans has thrived on the planet for the past 200.000 years. Since back then and all the way to the present we’ve had several basic, physiological human needs, one of those being that of shelter. To create constructions that may inhabit our population in both residential and commercial regards, someone must show intelligent use of all the factors required to design a building that meets and exceeds clients’ expectations. This is where the role of the architect plays in. In this role, the study seeks to find what responsibilities can be found in line with sustainability actions and providing a better future. The study has been carried out at Blaavand & Hansson A/S architectural firm, where a study has been conducted on the basis of a recently finished project with external sustainability demands: The bay dormitory in Sønderborg. Here, it is found that a profound implementation of sustainability is lacking with the potentials of implementing ideals, reviewing the current work done and the approach taken. The architect’s role in sustainability is considered somewhat complex. the complexity is derived from open roles that lead to different interpretations of responsibilities and obligations. The architect has an initial role in the industry, attaining exclusive design and decision-making mandates on all early stages of construction projects. This means that the architect is providing consultation, suggestions, and demands that may either harm or benefit the triple bottom line performance. The architect’s responsibilities fall in line with being advice-giving, consulting, spokesmen and advocates of sustainable alternatives. They have a role in being informed of what sustainable actions can be carried out and implement them as requirements, advising the client of the need to look beyond self- benefit, knowing that a holistic approach to benefit evaluation will also benefit the client. The study finds that a suitable solution for the implementation of sustainability at Blaavand & Hansson falls to the likes of implementing a holistic approach and strategy utilizing visualization tools, attaining new knowledge through education and re-evaluating current relationships with business stakeholders and customers. / Människan har levt på planeten de senaste 200,000 åren. Sedan dess och ända tills nu har vi haft flera grundläggande, fysiologiska mänskliga behov, en av dem är skydd i form av boende. För att skapa konstruktioner som kan leva upp till vår befolkning i både boende och kommersiella hänsyn, måste någon visa intelligent användning av alla de faktorer som krävs för att utforma en byggnad som uppfyller och överträffa kundernas förväntningar. Det är här arkitektens roll spelar in. Studien syftar till att hitta det ansvar som finns i linje med hållbarhetsåtgärder och skapandet av en bättre framtid. Studien har genomförts på Blaavand & Hansson A/S arkitektbyrå, där en studie har genomförts på basis av ett nyligen avslutat projekt med externa hållbarhetskrav: Hamnfrontens studentboende i Sønderborg. Här konstateras att ett djupgående genomförande av hållbarhet saknas med potential att genomföra ideal, granska det nuvarande arbetet och den strategi som vidtagits. Arkitektens roll inom hållbarhet anses vara tämligen komplicerad. Komplexiteten härleds från öppna roller som leder till olika tolkningar av ansvar och skyldigheter. Arkitekten har en första roll i branschen, att uppnå exklusiv design och beslutsfattande mandat på alla tidiga stadier av byggprojekt. Detta innebär att arkitekten ger konsultation, förslag och krav som kan antingen skada eller gynna resultatet enligt Triple Bottom Line. Arkitektens ansvar ligger i linje med att vara rådgivande, konsulterande, talesmän och förespråkare för hållbara alternativ. De har en roll i att bli informerad om vilka hållbara åtgärder som kan genomföras och implementera dem som råd till kunden om behovet av att se bortom egen nytta, i vetskap om att en helhetssyn vid utvärdering av nytta också kommer att gynna kunden. Studiens resultat påvisar att Blaavand & Hansson A/S kan integrera hållbarhet genom att utvidga deras vy i form av att applicera en helhetssyn. Sedan bör de även implementera en hållbarhetsstrategi med hjälp av visualiseringsverktyg, kunskap och omvärdering av aktuella relationer med affärsintressenter och kunder.

Vliv novinářské profese na osobní život novinářů a novinářek / Influence of journalistic proffesion on personal life of journalists

Krejčí, Eva January 2020 (has links)
anglicky This diploma thesis focuses on the influence of journalistic profession on personal, private and family life of journalists. The aim is to find different approaches by which people employed in the media approach their work and reconcile personal life with employment, as well as to identify and describe possible differences in attitudes between men and women. The method of qualitative research is semi-structured interviews followed by analysis through grounded theory. A sample of respondents made up of men and women who work in the media of various types, focus and reach at the time of writing this diploma thesis should help to get a comprehensive view of the matter.

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