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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Arte e mito nell'opera di giuseppe conte lo scrittore come sciamano

Dogliotti, Rosa-Luisa Amalia 31 December 2005 (has links)
This study examines the literary texts of the Ligurian writer Giuseppe Conte published between 1972 and 2005. In Part One, the reasons are considered which justify this research on Giuseppe Conte. This author is discussed in the context of the literary movements of the second half of the 20th century in Italy, with special reference to his approach to literature, which proposes a modern rewriting of myth. Conte is in fact a co-founder of "Mitomodernismo". "Mitomodernismo" is a literary movement, established in 1994 and currently still active, which aims to revive modern society through a spiritual rebirth promoted by a recovery of basic human values, as these appear within the boundaries already suggested by myth since antiquity. The Mitomodernisti propose an alternative which could assist contemporaries to overcome the obstacles created by modern "maladies", particularly in the West, whether these be socio-cultural, ecological, or religious. Throughout Conte's entire æuvre one clearly perceives this strong desire for rebirth which for the author is concretised in "Fare Anima", that is, a way to reconnecting with the universe, of rising towards the "light". This tension towards rebirth could be compared metaphorically to the quest for the Graal, which involves suffering as a way to redemption. The artist's visionary work is comparable to the extrasensory journey undertaken by the shaman during his trance. For this reason, in Part One of this study the figure of the shaman will also be examined in a socio-cultural context, in order to transfer it better to the literary context. The whole of Part Two is dedicated to an analysis of Conte's æuvre - poetry, novels and also, but only indirectly, essays and articles - in the light of his fundamental themes, which metaphorically turn the writer into a "shaman". The analysis is based on some concepts put forward by the Swiss psycho-analyst Carl Gustav Jung, such as the function and symbolism of myth in literature from a psychoanalytical perspective. RIASSUNTO In questo studio vengono prese in esame le opere dello scrittore ligure Giuseppe Conte, pubblicate dal 1972 al 2005. Nella Parte Prima vengono considerate le ragioni che giustificano questa ricerca su Giuseppe Conte. L'autore viene discusso nel contesto dei movimenti letterari del secondo Novecento in Italia, ed in particolare il suo approccio alla letteratura che propone una riscrittura del mito in chiave moderna. Lo scrittore è infatti uno dei cofondatori del "Mitomodernismo". Il "Mitomodernismo" è un movimento letterario che vide la luce nel 1994 e che è ancora attivo alla data attuale. Esso si prefigge di risanare la società moderna mediante una rinascita spirituale promossa dalla ripresa dei valori umani di base, simili a quelli suggeriti dal mito fin dai tempi antichi. A tutto ciò i Mitomodernisti propongono un'alternativa che aiuti l'uomo contemporaneo a superare gli impedimenti creati da queste "malattie" moderne, particolarmente nell'ambito occidentale, siano queste socioculturali, ecologiche, religiose, o altre. Attraverso tutta l'opera di Conte si percepisce chiaramente questo desiderio di rinascita che per lo scrittore si concretizza nel "Fare Anima", vale a dire in un modo di ricollegarsi al cosmo, di innalzarsi verso la "luce". Questa tensione verso la rinascita può venire metaforicamente comparata alla ricerca del Graal attraverso la sofferenza che redime. L'opera visionaria dell'artista è paragonabile al viaggio extrasensoriale intrapreso dallo sciamano durante la sua trance. Per questo motivo nella Prima Parte di questo studio si esamina la figura dello sciamano anche in ambito socioculturale per poterla poi meglio trasferire in quello letterario. La Parte Seconda è completamente dedicata all'analisi dell'opera contiana - poesie, romanzi e, trasversalmente, i saggi e gli articoli alla luce dei suoi temi portanti, che dello scrittore fanno metaforicamente uno "sciamano". L'analisi viene condotta basandosi su alcuni concetti elaborati dallo psicoanalista svizzero Carl Gustav Jung, quali la funzione ed il simbolismo del mito in letteratura da una prospettiva psicoanalitica. / Classics & Mod Euro Lang / D. Lit. et Phil.

Die gebruik van metadiskoers in Afrikaans T1-skryfwerk van eerstejaar-universiteitstudente / A. Jordaan

Jordaan, Adéle January 2014 (has links)
Students’ argumentative writing is substandard in the sense that the necessary relations, amongst other things, are not indicated in their texts. These texts also often lack an author’s voice. In a module such as academic literacy, it is important to pay attention to the means in which these particular problems can be solved. Part of the aims of a course in academic literacy is to equip students with the necessary academic literacy abilities (which include reading and writing ability) and in doing so, teach them to function properly in a tertiary discourse community. In this study, only the written component of academic literacy will be considered. Following the above mentioned problems, the focus will be specifically on items of metadiscourse, which may form part of a possible solution to improve students’ writing. Hyland (2004) distinguishes between two main categories of metadiscourse, namely the interactive and the interactional categories (which each consists of five subcategories). The aim of these categories is to guide the reader through the text in a specific way, and also to actively involve the reader with the textual content and the reading process. If these aspects of metadiscourse are applied effectively, the text may be more cohesive and coherent and a stronger reader-writer-relationship may be established. A corpus-linguistic approach has been followed in the investigation of the frequency of the occurrence of the subcategories of metadiscourse, as well as the functional suitability thereof. The data analysis is based on Hyland’s (2004) analytical framework of metadiscourse categories, which has been adapted according to the data that has been processed with WordSmith Tools (version 6.0). In this study, the focus group is Afrikaans L1 first-year students at the North-West University’s Vaal Triangle Campus in the year 2010. All 109 participants in the study were registered for AGLA111 (Introduction to Academic Literacy) and AGLA121 (Academic Literacy). The texts that were gathered from AGLA111 are represented in corpus 1 whereas the texts gathered from AGLA121 are represented in corpus 2. The data that was provided by these two corpora was measured against an honours corpus (consisting of 39 texts), which served as the norm for this study. The data interpretation can be divided into four categories, namely phenomena that show a statistically significant change in the correct direction, phenomena that were correct from the start and did not show any change between corpus 1 and corpus 2, phenomena that did not show any change between corpus 1 and corpus 2 but that differed from the honours corpus, as well as phenomena that show incorrect development. Recommendations, which have been based on the literature review and text analysis, are made with regard to specific aspects relating to metadiscourse and the teaching of academic literacy modules (on which this study is founded). These recommendations primarily focus on how students’ attention can be focused on the requirements proposed for writing an argumentative text. / MA (Afrikaans en Nederlands), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014

Аутобиографски фрагменти у српским списима 20. века / Autobiografski fragmenti u srpskim spisima 20. veka / The Autobiographical Fragments in Serbian Writings in the 14th century

Polovina Nataša 14 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Проблем аутобиографије и аутобиографског текста у српској књижевности средњег века комплексан је и у науци недовољно истражен. Иако интересовање за аутобиографске текстове старе српске књижевности није ново, досадашња бављења овом темом имала су за циљ само да прикупе и делимично опишу те текстове, без покушаја њиховог систематског сагледавања и тумачења у контексту српске и византијске књижевне традиције, а готово увек без одговарајуће теоријске аргументације.<br />Дефинишући аутобиографију, савремене теорије у први план стављају појмове идентитета, индивидуалности и субјективитета. Ови појмови, међутим, захтевају темељно преиспитивање када је реч о средњем веку, који није познавао индивидуалност у данашњем смислу речи. Штавише, средњи век суочава нас са индивидуумом који се плаши своје оригиналности, који се боји да буде ,,он сам&ldquo;.<br />Отуда је, према средњовековном погледу на свет, писац само ,,инструмент&ldquo;, продужена рука Бога; он је стваралац који ће све добро, тачно и истинито приписати дејству Духа, а своје ауторство признати једино у одступањима и погрешкама. Топос скромности којим средњовековни писци себе одређују као &ldquo;грешне&ldquo;, &ldquo;недовољне&ldquo;, &ldquo;недостојне&ldquo;, &ldquo;последње од свих&ldquo;, којим признају своје незнање и неспособност да пишу о одређеној теми, конституисао се најпре као израз монашке смерности, да би се у ХIV и XV веку ово опште место задржало као обична &ldquo;декорација књижевног карактера&ldquo;.<br />Ипак, иако је за човека средњег века оригиналност била грех таштине, то не значи да средњовековни уметници нису били способни да створе оригинална дела, нити да су књижевна дела настала у епохи средњег века лишена особености и креативног приступа. Упркос томе што средњовековни аутори нису тежили сопственом изразу, већ су следили традицију раније формирану у одговарајућем жанру, ипак можемо говорити о њиховом индивидуалном стилу. Индивидуалност уметника огледала се, углавном, у инвентивности с којом је писац приступао наслеђеним навикама и у оплемењивању традиционалних поступака.<br />Једна од основних претпоставки нашег истраживања била је да у епохи средњег века социјални идентитет готово у потпуности потискује лични идентитет, те да је средњовековни човек био сведен на функцију коју је имао у друштву, односно, да се право на писање аутобиографије у средњем веку заснива на темељу социјално признате важности. Прихватили смо, при том, мишљење већине изучавалаца да је за средњовековље најприкладнији појам ,,културне фигуре&ldquo;, којим су означени тзв. идеални типови људске егзистенције, а који се, између осталог, исказују у језику књижевности и писмености оног времена.<br />Имајући у виду чињеницу да поетиком средњовековне књижевности доминира начело жанра, а не начело ауторства, те да је управо жанр најзначајнији фактор који одређује шта ће писац рећи о себи и о свом животу, трагали смо за аутобиографским фрагментима у повељама, посланицама, записима и натписима, и житијима из XIV века.<br />Будући да је основна карактеристика средњовековне аутобиографске књижевности фрагментарност (подаци које аутор оставља о себи расути су у текстовима различитих жанрова) један од основних циљева нашег истраживања био је да се утврди каква је веза аутобиографског фрагмента с главним текстом. Такође, као својеврстан аутобиографски поступак, а у складу с поетичким начелима средњовековне књижевности, анализирали смо сваку иновативну и оригиналну употребу општих места и библијских цитата, указујући на широке могућности увођења оригиналног садржаја у задате обрасце.<br />У научној литератури посвећеној делима српске средњовековне књижевности појединим текстовима 14. века приписан је атрибут ,,аутобиографског дела&ldquo;, док су неки чак означени као ,,праве аутобиографије&ldquo; (нпр. Улијарска повеља приписана краљу Милутину и Реч Душанова уз Законик). У неким случајевима, међутим, такво атрибуирање је потпуно неоправдано, па смо у раду покушали ревалоризовати уврежена мишљења.<br />Коначно, један од циљева нашег истраживања био је да установимо шта је основна функција аутобиографских фрагмената у делима српске средњовековне књижевности: чување од заборава, оживљавање прошлости, или, пак, пишчево представљање сопственог религиозног и духовног развоја? У сваком случају, на примеру српских списа XIV века показује се да се аутобиографски принцип не мора схватити искључиво као принцип самоисказивања, већ и као одраз духа епохе у објективном сведочанству појединца.</p> / <p>Problem autobiografije i autobiografskog teksta u srpskoj književnosti srednjeg veka kompleksan je i u nauci nedovoljno istražen. Iako interesovanje za autobiografske tekstove stare srpske književnosti nije novo, dosadašnja bavljenja ovom temom imala su za cilj samo da prikupe i delimično opišu te tekstove, bez pokušaja njihovog sistematskog sagledavanja i tumačenja u kontekstu srpske i vizantijske književne tradicije, a gotovo uvek bez odgovarajuće teorijske argumentacije.<br />Definišući autobiografiju, savremene teorije u prvi plan stavljaju pojmove identiteta, individualnosti i subjektiviteta. Ovi pojmovi, međutim, zahtevaju temeljno preispitivanje kada je reč o srednjem veku, koji nije poznavao individualnost u današnjem smislu reči. Štaviše, srednji vek suočava nas sa individuumom koji se plaši svoje originalnosti, koji se boji da bude ,,on sam&ldquo;.<br />Otuda je, prema srednjovekovnom pogledu na svet, pisac samo ,,instrument&ldquo;, produžena ruka Boga; on je stvaralac koji će sve dobro, tačno i istinito pripisati dejstvu Duha, a svoje autorstvo priznati jedino u odstupanjima i pogreškama. Topos skromnosti kojim srednjovekovni pisci sebe određuju kao &ldquo;grešne&ldquo;, &ldquo;nedovoljne&ldquo;, &ldquo;nedostojne&ldquo;, &ldquo;poslednje od svih&ldquo;, kojim priznaju svoje neznanje i nesposobnost da pišu o određenoj temi, konstituisao se najpre kao izraz monaške smernosti, da bi se u HIV i XV veku ovo opšte mesto zadržalo kao obična &ldquo;dekoracija književnog karaktera&ldquo;.<br />Ipak, iako je za čoveka srednjeg veka originalnost bila greh taštine, to ne znači da srednjovekovni umetnici nisu bili sposobni da stvore originalna dela, niti da su književna dela nastala u epohi srednjeg veka lišena osobenosti i kreativnog pristupa. Uprkos tome što srednjovekovni autori nisu težili sopstvenom izrazu, već su sledili tradiciju ranije formiranu u odgovarajućem žanru, ipak možemo govoriti o njihovom individualnom stilu. Individualnost umetnika ogledala se, uglavnom, u inventivnosti s kojom je pisac pristupao nasleđenim navikama i u oplemenjivanju tradicionalnih postupaka.<br />Jedna od osnovnih pretpostavki našeg istraživanja bila je da u epohi srednjeg veka socijalni identitet gotovo u potpunosti potiskuje lični identitet, te da je srednjovekovni čovek bio sveden na funkciju koju je imao u društvu, odnosno, da se pravo na pisanje autobiografije u srednjem veku zasniva na temelju socijalno priznate važnosti. Prihvatili smo, pri tom, mišljenje većine izučavalaca da je za srednjovekovlje najprikladniji pojam ,,kulturne figure&ldquo;, kojim su označeni tzv. idealni tipovi ljudske egzistencije, a koji se, između ostalog, iskazuju u jeziku književnosti i pismenosti onog vremena.<br />Imajući u vidu činjenicu da poetikom srednjovekovne književnosti dominira načelo žanra, a ne načelo autorstva, te da je upravo žanr najznačajniji faktor koji određuje šta će pisac reći o sebi i o svom životu, tragali smo za autobiografskim fragmentima u poveljama, poslanicama, zapisima i natpisima, i žitijima iz XIV veka.<br />Budući da je osnovna karakteristika srednjovekovne autobiografske književnosti fragmentarnost (podaci koje autor ostavlja o sebi rasuti su u tekstovima različitih žanrova) jedan od osnovnih ciljeva našeg istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi kakva je veza autobiografskog fragmenta s glavnim tekstom. Takođe, kao svojevrstan autobiografski postupak, a u skladu s poetičkim načelima srednjovekovne književnosti, analizirali smo svaku inovativnu i originalnu upotrebu opštih mesta i biblijskih citata, ukazujući na široke mogućnosti uvođenja originalnog sadržaja u zadate obrasce.<br />U naučnoj literaturi posvećenoj delima srpske srednjovekovne književnosti pojedinim tekstovima 14. veka pripisan je atribut ,,autobiografskog dela&ldquo;, dok su neki čak označeni kao ,,prave autobiografije&ldquo; (npr. Ulijarska povelja pripisana kralju Milutinu i Reč Dušanova uz Zakonik). U nekim slučajevima, međutim, takvo atribuiranje je potpuno neopravdano, pa smo u radu pokušali revalorizovati uvrežena mišljenja.<br />Konačno, jedan od ciljeva našeg istraživanja bio je da ustanovimo šta je osnovna funkcija autobiografskih fragmenata u delima srpske srednjovekovne književnosti: čuvanje od zaborava, oživljavanje prošlosti, ili, pak, piščevo predstavljanje sopstvenog religioznog i duhovnog razvoja? U svakom slučaju, na primeru srpskih spisa XIV veka pokazuje se da se autobiografski princip ne mora shvatiti isključivo kao princip samoiskazivanja, već i kao odraz duha epohe u objektivnom svedočanstvu pojedinca.</p> / <p>The problem of autobiographies and autobiographical texts in the medieval Serbian literature is complex and has not been researched enough scientifically. Although the interest in autobiographical texts in the old Serbian literature is not new, prior dealings with this topic only aimed at collecting and partly describing those texts, without attempting to systematically consider and interpret them in the context of Serbian and Byzantine literary tradition. What&rsquo;s more, they almost always lack appropriate theoretical argumentation.<br />In their definition of autobiography, contemporary theories emphasize the notions of identity, individuality and subjectivity. However, these notions require a thorough reconsideration in relation to the Middle Ages, when individuality was not recognized in today&#39;s sense of the word. Moreover, the Middle Ages present us with the individual afraid of their originality, afraid of being &ldquo;themselves&rdquo;.<br />Thus, according to the medieval view of the world, the writer is just an &ldquo;instrument&rdquo; &ndash; God&rsquo;s extended arm; he is the creator who will ascribe everything good, correct and true to the act of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, he will be recognized as the author only in alterations and mistakes. Medieval writers use the topos of modesty to define themselves as &ldquo;sinful&rdquo;, &ldquo;inadequate&rdquo;, &ldquo;unworthy&rdquo;, &ldquo;last of all&rdquo;, and to admit their ignorance and incompetence to write about a specific topic. At first, the topos was constituted as an expression of monastic meekness, but in the 14th and 15th century this commonplace remained as an ordinary &ldquo;decoration of literary nature&rdquo;.</p><p>However, even with individuality being the sin of vanity for the medieval person, it means neither that medieval artists were incapable of creating original works nor that the literary works from the Middle Ages lack any distinctiveness and creative approach. Although medieval authors did not aspire to their own expression but followed earlier established traditions in corresponding genres, their individual style can still be a matter of discussion. The individuality of an artist was reflected mainly in his inventiveness which he used to approach inherited habits and in the refinement of traditional devices.<br />One of the basic assumptions of this research was that the social identity almost completely suppresses the personal identity in the Middle Ages, and that the medieval person was reduced to the function they had in the society, that is, that the right to write an autobiography in the Middle Ages was based on socially recognized importance. In addition, the proposition of most researchers that &ldquo;cultural figures&rdquo; is the most appropriate term for the medieval period is acknowledged in the research. This term signifies ideal types of human existence, which are, among other aspects, expressed in the language of literature and literacy of this era.<br />Bearing in mind the fact that the poetics of medieval literature is dominated by the principle of genre rather than the principle of authorship and that the genre is the crucial factor when determining what the writer is going to say about himself and his life, the research focused on autobiographical fragments in charters, epistles, inscriptions and epitaphs, and hagiographies from the 14th century.</p><p>Since fragmentariness is the central feature of medieval autobiographical literature (the facts which author leaves about himself are scattered in texts belonging to different genres), one of the primary aims of this research is to establish the quality of the connection between autobiographical fragments and the main text. In addition, every innovative and original use of topoi and biblical quotations has been analyzed as a particular autobiographical device in accordance with the poetical principles of medieval literature, highlighting a range of possibilities for the introduction of original contents into the given patterns.<br />In the scholarly researches dedicated to the works of medieval Serbian literature, certain texts from the 14th century have been described as &ldquo;autobiographical works&rdquo; while some have even been designated as &ldquo;real autobiographies&rdquo; (e.g., Ulijarska Charter ascribed to King Milutin and Dusan&rsquo;s Reč uz Zakonik). However, in some cases, such attribution is completely unjustified so this research has tried to revalue prevailing opinions.<br />Finally, one of the aims of this research is to establish the basic function of autobiographical fragments in medieval Serbian literature and see if they were used to preserve memory, resurrect the past or allow the writer to present his own religious and spiritual development? In every case, taking the Serbian writings from 14th century as examples, it is shown that the autobiographical principle does not have to be understood only as the principle of self-expression, but as the reflection of the spirit of an era in an individual&rsquo;s objective testimony.</p>

Le «translateur» translaté : l’imaginaire et l’autorité d’un romancier médiéval à travers le cycle post-vulgate et son adaptation portugaise

Santos, Eugenia 06 1900 (has links)
La traduction portugaise de la version post-vulgate française de la Quête du Graal achevée vers la fin du XIIIe siècle et intitulée A Demanda do Santo Graal, offre un prisme intéressant pour saisir, en contexte et à travers les jeux de déplacements et de reconfiguration, l’imaginaire caractéristique du cycle Post-Vulgate, autrement difficilement accessible. La Demanda do Santo Graal permet de mieux comprendre l’imaginaire du roman français et d’accompagner son évolution en dehors de ses frontières linguistiques à une époque où le romancier n’est plus traducteur, mais devient lui-même une figure d’autorité. Ce travail consiste essentiellement à voir comment la Queste Post-Vulgate lue en parallèle avec la traduction/adaptation portugaise permet de comprendre l’évolution du roman vers la fin du Moyen Âge et la notion d’auteur en faisant la distinction entre le translateur, le créateur et le romancier dans le récit médiéval tout en faisant témoin de l’évolution de leur subjectivité littéraire du roman des origines à celui du Moyen Âge tardif. / The Portuguese translation of the Post-Vulgate Cycle completed towards the end of the 13th century and entitled A Demanda do Santo Graal offers an interesting prism to grasp, within the context and through a set of displacement and of reconfiguration, the characteristics of the Queste Post-Vulgate’s imagination, otherwise difficult to access. The Demanda do Santo Grail gives the reader access to the imagination of the Medieval French novel while tracing the different aspects of its evolution outside of its linguistic borders in an era where the writer is no longer a translator, but becomes an auctor. This work mainly shows how the Queste Post-Vulgate, read in conjunction with the Portuguese translation/adaptation, illustrates the evolution of the novel and the concept of author while distinguishing between the translator, the creator and the writer. This important distinction between the different representations of the writer during the medieval period allows one to understand their literary subjectivity in the narrative from the beginning to the end of the Middle Ages.

Mediální ohlas literární tvorby s vězeňskou tematikou Jiřího Stránského a Karla Pecky / Media responses of literary works with the prison theme of Jiri Stransky and Karel Pecka

Rozšafná, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The master diploma thesis "Media response of literary work with the prison theme by Jiri Stransky and Karel Pecka" maps the beletric works of Jiri Stransky and Karel Pecka which are influenced by their time in Communist prisons. The work deals with critical reviews of these literary works and it is based on contemporary reviews published in literary and other periodicals. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of reviews is included in a practical part of the master diploma. It is preceded by a theoretical part. In the theoretical part we shortly think about the importance of literary criticism but mostly important we clarify the conditions which led to the creation of Stransky's and Pecka's works. Thanks to the preserved documents from The National Archive and from The Archive of Security Forces we can now read about Stransky's and Pecka's arrest, interrogation and imprisonment in Communist prisons in the 1950s. Jiri Stransky was imprisoned in the years 1951-1960 and Karel Pecka between 1949 and 1959. The preserved documents outline also other repressions of Karel Pecka towards the State security, which occurred after his repase from prison in the sixties. In the theoretical part of master diploma we think about literary critism and we draw from works of Ansgar Nünning, Winfried Schulz, Hans-Gregor...

František Šimáček (1834-1885), novinář a nakladatel / František Šimáček (1834-1885), journalist and publisher

Muchka, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis František Šimáček (1834-1885), the Journalist and Publisher tries to introduce an important person of the Czech nationalistic movement of the 1850's-1880's from different aspects, i. e. concerning his activity in the fields of journalism, publishing, national movement, national economy and his family life. General research method used in the thesis is biographically focused analysis of the primary sources, mainly private correspondence and other documents from collections of the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature, the National Museum Library and the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures. Based on the method, the chronological construction of history of Šimáček's life, his public and professional activities was outlined. Sufficient literature concerning the topic which would analyse in detail scope of activities of František Šimáček in the context of the Czech intellectual milieu in the 19th century is unfortunately lacking in the meantime. Fragmentarily preserved archival documents do not allow us to follow Šimáček's public contacts with all important actors of the Czech cultural and political life in the 19th century. Therefore, a deeper relationship with Božena Němcová was chosen as an example of Šimáček's steadier and lasting friendships with...

Spisovatelka Vlasta Javořická a dva totalitní režimy v polovině 20. století. Obecní kronika jako ego-dokument / Vlasta Javořická and Two Totalitarian Regimes between 1938 and 1953. Municipal Chronicle of this Writer as an Ego-Document

BARTUŠEK, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This paper deals with the problematic of ego-documents as historical sources. The following study is based on one example of these sources regarding the municipality of Studená during the first half of the 20th century. It is mainly focused on the local chronicle depicting the period of 1938-1949 written by the native of Studená and writer Vlasta Javořická. The important part of this work is an edition of this chronical completed with the comparaison with its almost identical copy. The chronical is characteristic of a noticable amount of specificities. It is predominantly an ego-document rather than an institutional and commemorative source. Through the analysis of local chronicles (ie. ego-documents) and the study of additional sources this paper aims to contribute among others to the theoretical problematic of the criticism of the historical sources. At the same time, it shall extend the existing findings regarding the study of the society and the reflection of some periods of the 20th century thanks to the official local chroniclers as well as the authors of different sources having a similar character. The main problematic of this paper is the question whether it is possible to fully use the ego-documents for the factual learning or rather for the research of the history of mentalities, dailyness, cultural and social history, ethnography, etc.

Jogos de construção nas aulas de educação física: alternativa pedagógica para aquisição de competências leitora e escritora / Construction Games in the lessons of Physical Education: alternative for reading acquisition of abilities and writer.

Rodrigues, Antonio Cesar Lins 28 January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo versa sobre uma pesquisa-ação crítico-colaborativa desenvolvida numa classe de alfabetização em uma escola pública de Cubatão, SP, tendo como objeto principal a construção de competências leitora e escritora numa perspectiva globalizante das aulas de Educação Física. Para tanto, buscou-se nos jogos de construção sob a perspectiva epistemológica de Piaget, o caminho para chegar-se ao objetivo de reverter o quadro de fracasso escolar diagnosticado, nessa mesma classe. Foram aplicados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: aulas passeio, história-roteiro, temas geradores, palavras geradoras, roda cantada, lengalenga, colagens alfabetizadoras, dominó das rimas, cartas alfabetizantes, jogos da memória e livro em quadrinhos, todos desenvolvidos sob a forma de jogos de construção. Protocolaram-se as aulas por meio de filmagem em vídeo, fotografias, gravações, registros por escrito e depoimentos dos alunos. Também foram empregados materiais como câmera fotográfica, gravador mp3 e filmadora. Por meio de sessões de vídeo, leitura dos registros escritos, audição das gravações dos depoimentos e observação das fotografias, efetuou-se a análise dos dados coletados. Como resultado menciona-se a reversão do quadro de fracasso escolar detectado no mês de agosto de 2006, ao iniciar-se a pesquisa, juntamente com as ações de autonomia de cada aluno da turma pesquisada que passaram a ser uma constante nas situações de ensino e aprendizagem sugeridas ao longo da pesquisa. Há que se destacar o desenvolvimento de uma postura mais ativa dos pais e demais professores da escola onde foi realizada a pesquisa, em relação às ações de escolarização proposta pela direção e/ou diretoria de ensino. / The present study it turns on a developed critic-colaborative action-research developed in an alphabetization class in a public school of Cubatão, SP, with the main objective of construction of the writing and reading skills in a globalizing perspective in Physical Education lessons. For in such a way, one searched in the games of construction under the epistemológica perspective of Piaget, the way to arrive it the objective to revert the pertaining to school picture of failure diagnosised, in this same classroom. The following metodológicos procedures had been applied: aulas passeio, história-roteiro, temas geradores, palavras geradoras, roda cantada, lengalenga, colagens alfabetizadoras, dominó das rimas, cartas alfabetizantes, jogos da memória e livro em quadrinhos, todos desenvolvidos sob a forma de jogos de construção. The lessons by means of filming in video, photographs, writings, registers in writing and depositions of the pupils had been protocolled. Also they had been used material as camera, recording mp3 and video cam. By means of video sessions, reading of the written registers, hearing of the writings of the depositions and comment of photographs, effected it analysis of the collected data. As result mentions it reversion of the pertaining to school picture of failure detected in the month of August of 2006, when initiating itself it research, together with the actions of autonomy of each pupil of the searched group that had started to be a constant in the situations of suggested education and learning throughout the research. It has that to be distinguished the development of a more active position of the parents and too much professors of the school where the research was carried through, in relation to the actions of escolarização proposal for the direction and/or direction of education.

A caracterização textual-discursiva do artigo de divulgação científica

Silva, Rodrigo Leite da 16 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Leite da Silva.pdf: 20875319 bytes, checksum: 554cabea7e4b5d63a6e4289b78db38cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis comprises the popular science articles require treatment by Textual Linguistics, Discourse, complimented by Critical Discourse Analysis. Its theme the popular science articles published in the field of history, which treat of the Second Empire Imperial in Brazil and present the reconstruction of the main characters of this period are: From Pedro II and Princess Isabel. This thesis is justified, as popular science articles are organized by a narrative of scientific discovery in modified news event. The news event is guided from the selection of topics through the following categories: Offbeat and Current. Two popular science articles were analyzed that being a magazine published in Adventures in History and the other in the history of the magazine National Library. The overall objective is to contribute to the studies of popular science discourse within the text and speech and specific: 1) To examine the textual construction, through textual sequences that are embedded in popular science article; 2) Analyze the processing of opinionated promoter of ratings in relation to the scientific findings produced by historical research. The results show that: the popular science article is a genre opinionated and his producer, the science writer, is one that produces opinions about the findings derived from the historical science, so that collaborate for the democratization of scientific knowledge. Opinions are built in accordance to company-Journal of interests. Therefore, the opinions produced by science communicators in popular science articles are arranged from facts and arguments of the promoter and are guided by the semantic categories of journalistic news (unusual and current) / Esta tese compreende que os artigos de divulgação científica necessitam de tratamento pela Linguística Textual-Discursiva, complementada pela Análise Crítica do Discurso. Tem por tema os artigos de divulgação científica publicados na área da História, os quais tratam do Segundo Reinado Imperial no Brasil e apresentam a reconstrução dos principais personagens desse período que são: Do Pedro II e a Princesa Isabel. Esta tese se justifica, pois os artigos de divulgação científica são organizados por uma narrativa da descoberta científica modificada em evento noticioso. O evento noticioso é guiado a partir da seleção de temas, por meio das categorias: Inusitado e Atual. Foram analisados dois artigos de divulgação científica que sendo um publicado na revista Aventuras na História e o outro na revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional. O objetivo geral é contribuir com os estudos do discurso de divulgação científica, no âmbito do texto e discurso e, os específicos: 1) Examinar a construção textual, por meio das sequências textuais que se incrustam no artigo de divulgação científica; 2) Analisar o processamento das avaliações opinativas do divulgador, em relação às descobertas científicas produzidas pela pesquisa historiográfica. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que: o artigo de divulgação científica é um gênero textual opinativo e seu produtor, o divulgador científico, é aquele que produz opiniões a respeito das descobertas oriundas da ciência histórica, de modo que colabore para a democratização do saber científico. As opiniões são construídas em conformidade aos interesses da empresa-jornal. Assim sendo, as opiniões produzidas pelos divulgadores científicos nos artigos de divulgação científica são organizadas a partir de fatos e argumentos do divulgador e são guiados pelas categorias semânticas da notícia jornalística (inusitado e atual)

A ficção australiana de J. M. Coetzee: o romance autorreflexivo contemporâneo / The Australian fiction, by J.M. Coetzee: the contemporary self-reflexive novel

Cruz, Talita Mochiute 10 April 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma leitura da chamada ficção australiana de J. M. Coetzee composta por Elizabeth Costello (2003), Homem lento (2005) e Diário de um ano ruim (2007). Esses romances da fase madura do autor compartilham um núcleo de questões estéticas e éticas, configurando um conjunto significativo marcado pela inflexão autorreflexiva. O trabalho acompanha a constituição e a trajetória dos escritores-personagens Elizabeth Costello e Señor C, discutindo como a inserção do recurso do duplo do escritor desestabiliza as noções de autor, personagem e narrador, além de borrar os limites entre ficção e não ficção. A dramatização do processo criativo no centro das obras é outro foco da análise, com o objetivo de entender a encenação da impossibilidade do romance nos moldes do realismo formal. O estudo ainda tenta sugerir a resposta de Coetzee sobre a validade do romance no mundo contemporâneo. / This dissertation presents a reading of J. M. Coetzees so-called Australian fiction comprising the works Elizabeth Costello (2003), Slow Man (2005), and Diary of a Bad Year (2007). These novels, belonging to the authors late prose, share core aesthetic and ethical issues. They are meaningful works characterized by self-reflexive inflection. This study follows Elizabeth Costello and Señor C in their writer-characters constitution and journey to discuss how the presence of the writers double, as literary device, destabilizes the notions of author, character, and narrator, as well as it blurs the boundaries between fiction and non-fiction. The dramatization of the creative process in the center of Coetzees works is another focus of analysis aiming to understand the impossibility of staging the novel in formal realism patterns. This work also attempts to suggest Coetzees response on the validity of the novel in the contemporary world.

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