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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ukuphononongwa kwezaphuli-mthetho nokuzalana kwemixholo yenkangeleko kwincwadi ka L. K. Siwisa "Izimanga zalo mhlaba"

Melane, Amanda Boniswa January 2006 (has links)
Ubundlobongela buxhaphake okweentwala kubaThembu. Zininzi iindidi zobundlobongela ezithi ziqhubekeke apha ekuhlaleni. Abantu abathi bazibandakanye nobundlobongela, baphembelelwa ziimeko ezithile. Iimeko ezifana nokunqaba kwemisebenzi, izinga elinyukileyo lokusetyenziswa kweziyobisi nendlela athi umntu othile akhule ngayo. Ukuba ubani othile ukhule ngobusela, naye ulandela emkhondweni kanye abe lisela elibalaseleyo. Kwincwadi kaL. K. Siwisa ethi, “Izimanga zalomhlaba” kubhaqeka oku kulandelayo: Umntwana okhule ekhayeni lakhe kuetyenziswa iziyobisi naye wenza njalo akuba mkhulu. Imali eza ngobuqhinga nokuphela kwayo kuba lula. Ungumntu ebomini kufuneka utye ukubila kwebunzi lakho, uyeke ukufuna ukuvuna kodwa ungakhange ulime. Umntu kaloku uvuna loo nto athe wayilima. Apha ebomini zimisele ukwenza ubutyebi nelifa ngeli xesha usadla amazimba ukuze uphumelele. Xa ungumntu zimisele ukwanela, kule ndawo uMdali akubeke kuyo. Akufuneki ube ngumntu onentliziyo ende, unikwe isandla, wena ufune isandla kunye nengalo. Yonke le mikhwa ikukhokelela ekubeni ekugqibeleni wenze ubundlobongela. Ubundlobongela ke abubhatali koko busingisela kwantshabalala. Kula mabalana iyangqineka ngokuthi abonise iziphumo zobundlobongela ezifana nokuphulukana nobomi, ukuphelelwa zizinto zakho obunazo ngenxa yamaqhinga nobusela nokuphelela entolongweni. Kobu bundlobongela kukholisa ukubakho amaxhoba. Ngelishwa uninzi lwawo iba ngamabhinqa nabantwana.

A study of conflict and theme in A.C. Jordan's novel Ingqumbo yeminyanya

Qangule, S. Z. 04 August 2021 (has links)
African Languages / M.A. (Bantu Languages)

Indlela ababunjwe ngayo abafazi kwiincwadi zedrama ZesiXhosa

Ngqase, Fikiswa Freelance, Mtuze, P. T. Umdlanga, Mkonto, B. B. Inzonzobila, Lamati, M. Indlal'inamanyala, Nami, T. A. Inxeba Lenkosi 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Xhosa. / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines representations of women in four Xhosa drama books, thus aiming at highlighting the interplay between culture and women's social space. A comparative approach is used to review the ways in which the Xhosa dramatists under study characterise women.Some of these representations suggest that women have the capability to achieve personal transedence rather than accept the immanence imposed by stereotyped gender relationships. In these works, it is evident that writers can change the image of women by centralising them as active people who fight for their rights. THE ASSIGNMENT IS ARRANGED AS FOllOWS: CHAPTER 1 Introduces the aim, the scope, the theories and the methods of the study. CHAPTER 2 Deals with the development of plot and attention is paid to episodes in the four dramas. These episodes depict the different phases of the dramas. The dramas under study are evaluated critically by motivating their positive and negative aspects. CHAPTER3 Deals with woman as character in Xhosa dramas under study. A critical detailed analysis of the main woman character in each drama is undertaken. CHAPTER4 Presents depiction of Xhosa culture in the Xhosa dramas. CHAPTERS Summarises the findings of the study which is the representation of women in Xhosa drama books. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek voorstellings van vroue in vier Xhosa dramas met die doelom die interaksie te ontleed tussen kultuurverskynsels in die vrou se sosiale ruimte. 'n Vergelykende benadering word gevolg om 'n analise te doen van hoe die dramaturge wie se werke bestudeer word vroue karakteriseer. Sommige representasies van hierdie karakterisering dui aan dat vroue die vermoë het tot persoonlike transendensie, eerder as om die onmiddellikheid te aanvaar van gestereotipeerde genderverhoudings. In die dramas wat ondersoek is, blyk dit dat die skrywers in staat is om die beeld van vroue te verander deur hulle te sentraliseer as aktiewe mense wat veg vir hulle regte. Die werkstuk word as volg georganiseer: Hoofstuk Een gee 'n uiteensetting van die doelstelling, omvang, teoretiese raamwerk en metodes van die studie. Hoofstuk Twee ondersoek die ontwikkeling van intrige en 'n analise word gedoen van die episodes in die vier dramas. Hierdie episodes beeld die verskillende fases van die onderskeie dramas uit. Die dramas word krities ge-evalueer en hulle positiewe en negatiewe aspekte word behandel. Hoofstuk Drie ondersoek die vrou as karakter in die Xhosa dramas. 'n Gedetaileerde kritiese analise word onderneem van die hoof vroue karakter in elke drama. Hoofstuk Vier ondersoek die uitbeelding van kultuur in die onderskeie Xhosa dramas. Hoofstuk Vyf gee 'n opsomming van die hoofaspekte van ondersoek en die bevindinge van die studie.

Ukungquzulana lwenkcubeko yemveli neyasentshona kwi-ingqumbo yeminyanya / ukuba ndandazile

Cata, Zolani Theo 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Xhosa. / Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the cultural conflict between the Western and African cultures in two Xhosa novels. The two novels investigated in this study are Ingqumbo yeminyanya by A.C. Jordan and Ukuba ndandazile by W.K. Tamsanqa. We concentrate on the two older Xhosa novels with the aim to find out how they deal with the cultural conflict arising from western and traditional Xhosa life systems. Chapter 1 of the study presents the aims of the study. Chapter 2 presents theoretical underpinnings of literature and culture as the theoretical framework of the study. In Chapters 3 and 4, two Xhosa novels are analysed, one in each chapter. It is found that conflict in Ingqumbo yeminyanya and Ukuba ndandazile, results from western and traditional Xhosa value systems that co-exist. The characters in the novels belong to each camp and have strong views about the other's value system. The protagonists of both novels adhere to the western culture, and they live in their community with antagonists who cherish their traditional Xhosa lifestyle. The traditional people are content with their style of life, they are dissatisfied by the westernised life of their offspring who have become alien and who despise and look down upon their own Xhosa tradition and custom. A major problem in the novels is that the westernised protagonists are a few educated royal leaders who have to lead the traditional people they despise. Yet because of the majority of the traditionalists, the traditional Xhosa life exerts so much force on the lives of the few educated protagonists such that they reach tragic ends. The conclusion that can be made about the tragic end of the characters in both novels is that it results from the failure of the intolerance of the western and traditional value systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die kulturele konflik tussen die Westerse en Afrika-kulture in twee novelles. Die twee novelles wat ondersoek word is Ingqumbo yeminyanya van A.C. Jordan en Ukuba ndandazile van W.K. Tamsanqa. Daar word gekonsentreer op hierdie twee ouer novelles met die doelom te bepaal hoe kulturele konflik hanteer word wat veroorsaak word deur die verskille tussen westerse en tradisionele Xhosa leefwyses. Hoofstuk 1 van die studie bied die doelstellings en afbakening van die navorsingsonderwerp. Hoofstuk 2 bied die teoretiese grondslae van die interaksie tussen letterkunde en kultuurondersoek wat die teoretiese raamwerk vorm van die studie. In hoofstukke 3 en 4 word die Xhosa novelles ontleed. Daar word bevind dat konflik in Ingqumbo yeminyanya en Ukuba ndandazile veroorsaak word deur westerse en tradisionele Xhosa waardesisteme wat naas mekaar bestaan. Die karakters in die novelles verteenwoordig elk van hierdie kante, en het sterk sieninge oor die ander se waardesisteem. Die protagoniste in beide novelles volg die westerse kultuur, en hulle leef in hulle gemeenskap met antagoniste wat die tradisionele Xhosa lewenswyse volg. Dié tradisionele mense is tevrede met hulle leefwyse, en is ontevrede oor die verwesterse lewe van hulle kinders wat vervreemd geraak het, en wat neerkyk op die Xhosa tradisies en gewoontes. 'n Groot probleem in die novelles is dat die verwesterse protagoniste in paar opgevoede koninklike leiers is, wat die tradisionele mense moet lei vir wie hulle verag. Vanweë die meerderheid tradisionele mense, oefen aspekte van die tradisie te veel druk uit op die enkele opgevoede protagoniste en laasgenoemde het 'n tragiese dood. Die gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word uit die tragiese dood van die protagonis karakters in beide novelles dat dit die resultaat is van onverdraagsaamheid van westerse en tradisionele waardesisteme. / XHOSA: Olu phando lumalunga ngokungquzulana kwenkcubeko yaseNtshona neyemveli kwiinoveli ezimbini ezibhalwe ngababhali abadumileyo ekubhaleni iincwadi zamabali esiXhosa. Ezi noveli zolu phando nababhali bazo yi - Ingqumbo yeminyanya ngokubhalwa A. C. Jordan. Eyesibini ngu - Ukuba ndandazile ngokubhalwa ngokuka W. K. Tamsanqa. Olu phando luqwalasela kwezi noveli zindala ukuze lubone ukuba ziwuxukushe njani umbandela wongquzulwano Iwenkcubeko yaseNtshona neyemveli yamaXhosa. Isahluko 3 sithetha ngokuza kuqhubeka kolu phando. Isahluko 2 sidandalazisa amabakakala engcingane oluncwadi., nenkcubeko, nto leyo ebonanakalisa ubume. bolu - phando. Kwisahluko 3 kunye no 4, kuhlalutywa iinoveli ezimbini zesiXhosa. Ingqumbo yeminyanya kunye no - Ukuba ndandazile kwisahluko 4. Kuyafumaniseka ukuba ungquzulwano kwi - Ingqumbo yeminyanya no - Ukuba ndandazile Iwenziwe kukudibana kwenkcubeko yaseNtshona neyemveli. Abalinganiswa bamacala omabini baye banezinye iingqondo ezingahambelaniyo nelinye icala. Abalinganiswa abazintloko bezi noveli bakholelwe kwinkcubeko yaseNtshona, noxa bekhokela isizwe sabo sabantu benkcubeko yemveli. Noxa abantu benkcubeko yemveli babeqhubeka nenkcubeko yabo yemveli, babengayithandi inkcubeko yaseNtshona eyamkelwe ngabantwana baseNtshona, ebenza ukuba bayijongele phantsi inkcubeko yabo yemveli. Unobangela owenze ungquzulwano kukuthi bona abantu abakholelwa kwinkcubeko yaseNtshona bebancinci ngokwenani, bafune ukuqweqwedisa abantu benkcubeko yemveli abasisininzi. Ngenxa yobuninzi babantu abakholelwa kwinkcubeko yaseNtshona, nto leyo edale isiphelo esingekho sihle nokuphalala kwegazi kwezi noveli. Ukuqukumbela, isiphelo esibi sabalinganiswa senziwe kukunganyamezelani kwabanbezinkcubeko zombini.

Impixano njengoyena ndoqo kwidrama yesixhosa

Mtsotsoyi, Edith Ntombizodwa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to explore conflict in the two dramas under study. Conflict is one of the cornerstones of drama and it is the most significant element of plot. An investigation is done of the two dramas under study: Inene nasi isibhozo by Mthingane (1965) and Buzani Kubawo by Tamsanqa (1958). Both dramas depict Xhosa cultural properties, and its impact on character portrayal in the dramas. The study has the following organization: Chapter 1: Purpose and aims of the study. Chapter 2: Review of literature on conflict. Chapter 3: Deals with the development of plot within episodes. A critical evaluation of the dramas is undertaken. Chapter 4: Presents culture and conflict in the dramas and an investigation of the portrayal of these aspects is undertaken. Chapter 5: Summary of the findings of the study.

The portrayal of characters through dialogue and action in isiXhosa drama : dramatic and cultural perspectives

Yantolo-Sotyelelwa, Betty Matase 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This study aims at highlighting one of the crucial aspects of Xhosa drama: how women have been regarded by a variety of communities as being inferior to men. This stereotype pervades almost all spheres of life. The low status assigned to women find its way into literature as well. Ngewu’s drama “Yeha mfazi obulala indoda” and Taleni’s drama “Nyana nank’uNyoko” has been examined. In most Xhosa literature, women are portrayed as submissive, obedient and minor characters. The advent of Ngewu’s work changed this scenario by portraying women as independent characters. This has led to great conflict with male characteristics and this demonstrates clearly that partriarchal domination is deep rooted in Xhosa culture.

Characterisation in isiXhosa drama with specific reference to two isiXhosa dramas

Nweba, Lena 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aim of study is to investigate characterisation in two of Ngewu's dramas. Ngewu's dramas are contemporary and many scholars have not yet had time to research them. The story in the drama Amadada la afunani ezintsaneni ?( 1998), is about the sexual abuse of children. This is new because the abuse of small children is not seen to indicate culture especially now that even fathers abuse their children. In the olden days children used to look to grown -ups for protection of every kind. The story in the second drama Yeha Mfazi Obulala Indada (1997) , is about a wife who hires assassins to kill her husband. In the past wives were submissive to their husbands. It was unheard of a wife challenging the husband's authority, let alone hiring assassins to kill him. Chapter 1 introduces the aim, the scope, the theories and the methods of the study. Chapter 2 deals with the plot structure of the dramas Amadada la afunani ezintsaneni? (1998) and Yeha Mfazi Obulala Indada (1997) Chapter 3 deals with characterisation in isiXhosa dramas, Amadada la afunani ezintsaneni(1998) and Yeha Mfazi Obulala lndoda (1997) Chapter 4 deals with language and the pattern of stylistic devices Chapter 5 concludes the findings of the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om die karakterisering in twee van Ngewu se dramas te ondersoek. Ngewu se dramas is hedendaagse daarom is daar nog veel navorsing daaroor ezintsaneni (1998) gedoen nie. Die storie in die drama Amadoda la afunani handel hoofsaaklik oor die seksuele molestering van kinders. Seksuele kindemolestering is In relatiewe nuwe versknser want dit is taboe in kultuur veral nou dat die bekend is dat kinders deur hulle vaders gemolesteer word. In vroeer jare was kinders van volwassens afhanklik vir beskermering en welvaart. Die tweede drama Yeha Mfazi Obulala lndoda (1997) handeloor I vrou wat sluipmoordenaars huur om haar man om die lewe te bring. In vroeer jare was vroue aan hul mans onderdaning. Dit was ongewoon dat I vrou haar man se gesag sou ondermyn, en nog meer ondenkbaar die huur van sluipmoordenaars om hom om die lewe te bring. In hoofstuk 1 vind ons die doel van die studie, die omvang ,teoretiese raamwerk en metode van die studie. Hoofstuk 2 handeloor die struktuur van die twee Amadoda la afunani ezintsaneni (1998) en Yeha Mfazi Obulala Indoda ( 1997) Hoofstuk 3 handeloor die karakterisering in die isiXhosa dramas, Amadoda la afunani ezintsaneni (1998) en Yeha Mfazi Obulala Indoda (1997) Hoofstuk 4 handeloor die taal en skryfstyl van die skrywer. Hoofstuk 5 bevat die samevatting van die studie.

Good-Gooder-Goodest / Isikhumba Sikaxam

Majola, Fundile Lawrence January 2014 (has links)
My stories are set in the townships, and move with the vigorous rhythms and jagged structures of township life. Some of them are written in English and others in isiXhosa. Some of the dialogue is township slang, a mixture of languages; and pure isiXhosa. The stories follow no particular pattern and are arranged according to any form of chronology, and different voices, at times as a man/boy and in others as a girl. The characters are not related each story perfectly stands for itself. Some of the stories hark back to the days of apartheid and are seen through the eyes of a child confused by the humiliations of his elders. / Amabali am asekelwe ezilokishini yaye ahambelana neemeko ezimaxongo zokuphila zasezilokishini apho yaye amanye asukela kwixesha lengcinezelo yesizwe esimnyama. Imiba echatshazelwa kula mabali iquka intlupheko, intiyo kwakunye nokuphilisana koluntu ezilokishini, phantsi kwezo meko. Amabali la ndizame ukuwenza alandele indlela yokubalisa yhenkwenkwana enguSkhumba, ethi ibone iqwalasele iimeko zokuphila zabantu bohlanga lwayo. Ingqokelela esisiqendu sokuqala yona ibhalwe ze yangeniswa ngesiNgesi. / This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.

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