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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compliance-gaining requests in educational contexts in Xhosa

Khuzwayo, Zoleka 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This Study investigates how favor asking may be expressed in Xhosa. Both favor asking and requesting are situated in a context, where the meaning of each is necessarily driven by the way the interlocutors interpret each other's speech. Again favor asking and requesting share the same underlying intent in that a speaker tries to get a hearer to do something. People in the working environment, more especially in the educational sector, have lots of projects to do and they are obliged to ask for favors for such projects. In the process of asking for favors, they are faced with a wide choice of strategies to choose from. In this study, the data shows consistent use of request strategies within specific contexts. The results of this study are consistently interpretable in that the more polite is the request for compliance; the greater is the degree of compliance. In Xhosa, unhedged performative and obligation are request strategies with the highest frequency of occurrence. There are also certain strategies in Xhosa that have a low frequency, i.e., imperative, ability, hedged performative, willingness, wishes, permissions and desire. Therefore they are not considered possible compliance strategies in Xhosa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek hoe die verskynsel van guns-vra in Xhosa uitgedruk word. Sowel guns-vra en versoeke word geritueer in 'n konteks, waar die betekenis van elk noodwendig gedryf word waarop die gesprekvoerders mekaar se spraak interpreteer. Guns-vra en verskoning deel dieselfde onderliggende bedoeling daarin dat die spreker poog om die hoorder iets te laat doen. Persone in die werksektor, meer spesifiek die opvoedkundige sektor, het talle take en projekte om uit te voer en hulle het noodwendig talle gunste om te vra vir die doeleindes van hierdie take. In die proses van gunste-vra, het sprekers 'n wye keuse van strategieë om aan te wend. Die data in die studie toon 'n konsekwente gebruik van versoekstrategieë in spesifieke kontekste. Die resultate van hierdie studie is konsekwent interpreteerbaar daarin dat hoe meer beleefd die versoek vir voldoening is, hoe groter is die graad van voldoening. Hierdie studie toon aan dat in Xhosa, ongekwalifiseerde performatief en verpligting die strategieë is wat die hoogste frekwensie van verskyning het. Die studie toon voorts aan dat daar ook bepaalde strategieë in Xhosa is wat 'n lae frekwensie het, naamlik die emperatief, vermoë, gekwalifiseerde performatief, bereidheid, wense, toestemming, en begeerte. Dus word hierdie strategieë nie beskou as moontlike voldoeningstrategieë nie.

Ukucenga okujoliswe ekwakheni isimo somntu

Mantambo, Beauty Nomonde 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study is to present an account of how Xhosa realizes premises and strategies of persuasion in authentic communication, assuming Larson's (1995) framework of Persuasion Theory, taking into account all the communicative information relating to environments. A comparison will be made between persuasion as communicative acts as represented in drama texts and persuasion in other communication data, which are concerned with interpersonal communication. The research aims to establish how empirical data on persuasion in Xhosa confirm or challenge current accepted principles and properties of persuasion theory, or how empirical data on premises and strategies used in persuasion in Xhosa necessitate the extension of principles of persuasion theory. Thus, the research aims to contribute to the development, modification of refinement of current theoretical models of persuasion within the global research community. The research aims to account for the social and cultural determinants that playa role in the premises and strategies used in persuasion communication in Xhosa. Thus, the research aims to make explicit the unique and distinct properties of Xhosa that need to be taken into account in initiatives relating to the advancement of Xhosa as official language. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie is die aanbieding van In verklaring oor hoe Xhosa premisse en strategiee vir oorreding realiseer in outentieke kommunikasie. Die raamwerk van Larson (1995) van Oorredingsteorie word aanvaar, met inagneming van al die kommunikatiewe informasie wat met omgewings verband hou. In Vergelyking sal gemaak word tussen oorreding as kommunikatiewe handelinge soos voorgestel in drama tekste en oorreding in ander kommunikatiewe data wat verband hou met interpersoonlike kommunikasie. Die navorsing het ten doel om te bepaal hoe empiriese data oar oorreding in Xhosa huidige aanvaarde beginsels van oorredingsteorie bevestig of weerle. Dus beoog die navorsing om by te dra tot die ontwikleling, wysiging en verfyning van huidige teoretiese modelle oor oorreding in die navorsingsgemeenskap. Die navorsing het ook ten doel om In verklaring te gee van die bepalende faktore van In sosiale en kulturele aard van die premisse en strategiee van oorredingskommunikasie in Xhosa. Dus beoog die navorsing om duidelik te stel wat die unieke en onderskeidende eienskappe van Xhosa is wat in berekening geneem moet word in die ontwikkeling van In teoretiese basis vir die verstaan van Xhosa kommunikasie in inisiatiewe vir die ontwikkeling van die taal in Suid-Afrika / ISISHWANKATHELO Ugqaliselo lolu phando lingobuchule bokucenga obusetyenziswayo kunxibelelwano kwimiba ngemiba kulwimi IwesiXhosa. Oku kuthi kuphononongwe ngokuqwalasela ubume bethiyori yokucenga kaLarson (1995). Diu phononongo luqhutyelwa phambili ngokuthi kuthelekiswe ukucenga njengezenzo zonxibelelwano njengoko kubhentsisiwe kwincwadi echongiweyo yedrama kaMayosi ethi Lanqum'inqatha kunye nonxibelelwano Iwemiba yasekuhlaleni. Uphando olu lolucela umngeni kwiithiyori zale mihla zokucenga ngokuthi luphande nzulu ngokuba ayikho kusini na imfuneko yokuba kwandiswe imithetho siseko yethiyori yokucenga. Ngale ndlela olu phando lujolise ekuphoseni ilitye esivivaneni ngokuphathelele kumba wophuhliso, ukuguqula kwanokuphucula iimodeli ezintsha zethiyori yokucenga kuphando Iwezizwe jikelele. Diu phando Iwenza amagqabaza nangendlela imveli nenkcubeko kaNtu enegalelo ngayo kwindlela ngeendlela zokucenga kunxibelelwano. Lilinge kambe elibaluleke ngokuncamisa ekukhuliseni ulwimi IwesiXhosa, njengolwimi olusesikweni

A pragmatic analysis of apologies in Xhosa

Mdemka, Xoliswa Leonora 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the speech act of apology in Xhosa. The main aim of the study is to examine some of the characteristics of apologies in remedial interchanges based on a Xhosa corpus within the field of pragmatics. The study is concerned with the expressions people use when they apologize in Xhosa, and the effectiveness of apologies in remediating the negative effects of transgressions. In order to examine the effectiveness of apologies in Xhosa, a questionnaire has been drawn up within which students of selected High schools in the Western Cape have completed the offence and the apology. Data was collected through the selection of four High schools in the Western Cape and Grade 11 learners were asked to complete the questionnaires. In this study, these questionnaires are analyzed and assessed. The findings based on this research are presented to identify the characteristics of apologies in remedial interchanges based on a Xhosa corpus within the field of pragmatics. The study is organized as follows: Chapter 1 features the statement of the problem and the aim of the study. Chapter 2 is concerned with an overview of the theoretical framework on which the study is based, i.e. pragmatics, and within pragmatics specifically the speech act and the theory of politeness. Chapter 3 examines the speech act of apology as indicated by the literature on this speech act. Chapter 4 investigates apologies in Xhosa with attention to the apology strategies and the analysis of the Xhosa data. Chapter 5 summarizes the findings obtained from chapters 2 - 4. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van Apologie in Xhosa. Die hoofdoelstelling van die studie is om die kenmerke van apologiee te ondersoek in die veld van die pragmatiek in remediale interaksie gebaseer op 'n Xhosa korpus. Die studie het belang by die uitdrukkings wat mense gebruik wanneer hulle apologie aanteken in Xhosa, en die doeltreffendheid van apologiee in die rernedierinq van die negatiewe effek van oortredings. Ten einde die doeltreffendheid van apoloqiee in Xhosa te ondersoek, is 'n vraelys opgestel waarin leerders van geselekteerde Hoerskole in die Wes-Kaap die oortreding- en die apologie-beskrywing moes invul. Data is versamel deur Graad 11 leerders van vier verskillende Hoerskole in die Wes-Kaap te vra om vraelyste oor Apologiee in Xhosa te voltooi. In die studie is die vraelyste ontleed en ge-evalueer. Die bevindinge wat op die navorsing gebaseer is, is aangebied ten einde die eienskappe van apoloqiee te identifiseer soos gebaseer op remediale interaksie soos dit gegrond is op die Xhosa korpus. Die studie is soos volg georganiseer: Hoofstuk 1 formuleer die probleemstelling en die doelstellings van die studie. Hoofstuk 2 bied In oorsig van die teoretiese raamwerk waarop die studie gebaseer is, dit is die spraakhandelingsteorie van beleefdheid binne die bree veld van die pragmatiek. Hoofstuk 3 eksamineer die spraakhandelingsteorie van apolcqiee soos dit verwys word in die literatuur. Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek apoloqiee in Xhosa met spesifieke aandag aan die apologiestrateqiee en die analise van die Xhosa data. Hoofstuk 5 gee 'n opsomming van die belangrikste bevindinge verkry uit hoofstukke 2 - 4. / INTSHWANKATHELO Esi sifundo sihlola isenzo ntetho sokungxengxeza esiXhoseni. Eyona njongo yesi sifundo kukuphononga ezinye zeempawu zezingxengxezo ekulungiseleleni utshintsho olubhekiselele kwingqokelela esiXhoseni kumba wePragmatiki. Isifondo esi sibhekiselele kwintetho esetyenziswa ngabantu xa bengxengxeza esiXhoseni, kunye nefuthe lezingxengxezo ekulungiseleleni iimpembelelo ezigqithisileyo ezingavumiyo. Ukuze kuphononongwe ifuthe lezingxengxezo esiXhoseni, kuye kwasungalwa iphepha lemibuzo apho kukho isono kunye nesingxengxezo. Eli phulo belisenziwa ngabafundi bezikolo ezikhethiweyo zamabanga aphakgmileyo kwiNtshona koloni. Ulwazi luqokelelwe ngokuthi kukhethwe kwizikolo ezine zamabanga aphezulu eNtshona Koloni apho abafundi bebanga le-9 bebecelwa ukuba bazalise amaphepha emibuzo. Kwesi sifundo, la maphepha emibuzo ayacalulwa kwaye ahlolwe. Iziphumo ezibhekisele kolu phando ziye zaziswe ukwalatha iimpawu zezingxengezo ukulungiselela utshintsho olubhekisele kwingqokelela yezibhalo ezithile zesiXhosa kumba we Pragmatiki. Isifundo sicangciswe ngolu hlobo: Isahluko sokuqala sibonisa intetho yengxaki kunye neenjongo zesifundo. Isahluko sesibini sinxulumene neridlela esisekelwe kuyo esi slfundo oko kukuthi, iPragmatiki yaye nalapha kwiPragmatiki ngokukodwa kwisenzo ntetho kunye nethiyori yentetho echubekileyo. Isahluko sesithathu siphonononga izenzo ntetho zokucela uxolo nje ngokuba zibonisiwe kuncwadi kwizenzo ntetho. Isahluko sesine sihlola izingxengxezo kwisiXhosa ngokunika ingqalelo kubuchule bokungxengxeza kwakunye nohlalutyo Iwezingxengxezo kwisiXhosa. Isahluko sesihlanu sishwankathela iziphumo ezifumaneke kwizahluko 2 uku ya ku 4.

Umyalezo olukuhlayo ekuvuseleleni i-Afrika

Martins, Luvuyo Shaun, New Partnership for Africa's Development 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is about the persuasive message towards the Millennium African Recovery Plan, which is known today as New Partnership for African Development. It is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, which constitutes the introductory chapter, deals with the general introduction to the entire study, the scope of the study, statement of the aim and objectives of this study, also looks at the research methods. The second chapter provides a brief theoretical background to the study of persuasion, and the third chapter looks at various applications of persuasion. This forms the basis upon which the entire study will rest as it provides different theories pertaining to persuasion. The fourth chapter concentrates on a critical evaluation of persuasion messages. The messages, which are analysed in this study, are selected from the newsletter ANC Today. These 4 articles are: 1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001. 2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no. 7, 9-15 March 2001. 3. Important steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa. Vol. 1 no. 16, 11- 17 May 2001. 4. Our commitment to Africa Vol. 1 no. 18,25-31 May 2001 The fifth chapter contains general conclusions drawn from the persuasive messages in chapter 4. Translations for terminology are provided and are contained in the appendix, which is found at the end of this study, which is followed by the bibliography. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handeloor die oorredende boodskap gerig op die Millenium Afrika Hernuwingsplan, ook bekend as die 'Nuwe vennootskap vir Afrika se ontwikkeling'. Die studie is verdeel in vyf hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk, wat die inleidende hoofstuk is, bied 'n algemene inleiding tot die studie as geheel, gee 'n oorsig van die omvang van die studie, bied die doelstellings van die studie, en gee 'n uiteensetting van die navorsingsmetode. Die tweede hoofstuk bied 'n kort teoretiese agtergrond tot die studie van oorreding, en die derde hoofstuk handeloor 'n verskeidenheid toepassings van oorreding. Hierdie hoofstuk vorm die basis waarop die navorsing berus aangesien dit 'n oorsig bied oor verskillende teorieë van oorreding. Die vierde hoofstuk konsentreer op 'n kritiese evaluering van oorredingsboodskappe. Die boodskappe wat analiseer word in hierdie studie is geselekteer uit die nuusbrief ANC Today. Die vier artikels is die volgende: 1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001. 2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no. 7, 9-15 March 2001. 3. Important steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa. Vol. 1 no. 16, 17- 17 May 2001. 4. Our commitment to Africa. Vol. 1 no. 18,25-31 May 2001. Die vyfde hoofstuk bevat algemene gevolgtrekkings met betrekking tot die oorredende boodskappe wat ontleed is in hoofstuk 4. Vertalings van terminologie word in die bylae aan die einde van die studie gegee. / ISIXHOSA SISHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo simalunga nomyalezo olukuhlayo ekuvuselelweni kwe-Afrika. Sahlulwe saba ziza hluko ezintlanu. Isahluko sokuqala, esiphawula intshayelelo yesahluko, sijongana nentshayelelo eqhelekileyo kuso sonke isifundo, umda wesifundo, ingxelo yenjongo yesi sifundo, kwaye sijonga kwizicwangciso zophando. Isahluko sesibini sinika imvelaphi yethiyori kwisifundo solukuhlo., kwaye isahluko sesithathu sijonga kwiindlela zokusetyenziswa kolukuhlo. Oku kwenza isakhelo apho sonke esi sifundo siza kuqwalasela khona njengokuba sinika iithiyori ezahlukeneyo malunga nolukuhlo. Isahluko sesine sizikis'ingqondo kuvavanyo olunzima Iwemiyalezo yolukuhlo. Imiyalezo, eboniswayo apha kwesi sahluko, ikhethwe kumaphetshana e-"ANC Today". La maphetshana mane ngala: 1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001. 2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no.7, 9-15 March 2001. 3. Impotant steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa, Vol. 1 no. 16, 11- 17 May 2001. 4. Our commitment to Africa. Vol.t no.18, 25-31 May 2001. Isahluko sesihlanu siqulathe iziqukumbelo eziqelekileyo ezisukela kwimiyalezo yolukuhlo kwisahluko se-4. Isigama esitolikiweyo sinikiwe kwaye siqulathwe kwi-apendiksi, efumaneka ekupheleni kwesi sifundo, elandelwa yi-bibliyografi.

Izincomo phakathi kwesiduna namabhinqa esiXhoseni

Ralarala, Knowledge Monwabisi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to investigate the speech act of complimenting in Xhosa. The study constitutes of six chapters with respective to execute this aim. Chapter one provides special details regarding the aim of this study, the method that has been followed, and the organisational structure of the study. Chapter two focuses on both speech act and politeness theories. The central notion relates to (a) the acts of locution, (b) illocution and (c) perlocution. These elements of speech acts entail the notion that utterances that are produced by participants in a conversation comprises of (a) the actual sounds and words uttered, and those words and sounds (b) are intended towards the fulfilment of the force or intention behind them and (c) the effect of that force is intended to the hearer. Although there are other related elements, this notion is prominent in this chapter. Chapter three examines speech acts of complimenting in Xhosa along with their responses. This examination is informed by various ideas from respective researchers. For an effective and successful investigation of speech acts, a guideline which serves as a base follows a model of ethnography of communication. Almost all these researchers are putting emphasis on this view. This chapter takes this issue further by exploring the differences in compliments and responses with reference to gender, along with other qualities that have been mentioned. The elements of the responses the principles, their nature, structure and appearance in general conversations with specific reference to complimenting, are other key properties examined in this chapter. Chapter four focuses on the functions of the compliments. For example, almost all the researchers in the field are in agreement that compliments serve to revitalize, establish or create or encourage solidarity. Although there are other functions relating to this speech act, such as replacing other conversational formulas, e.g. greetings, softening criticism, the function of solidarity is perceived to be central. Another area which receives attention is the structural qualities of the compliment, along with syntactic and lexical features. This analysis explores the syntactic categories that relate to this work, together with the formulaic nature of this speech act. In addition, the status and gender of the participants in an interaction, as informed by situations or friends who like to be complimented, are all matters that receive scrutiny in this chapter. Chapter five constitute the central part of the study. The differences in compliments and responses receive attention with the aim of establishing possible difference between compliments given by males and females. Chapter six is the last chapter, it presents the findings and conclusion of the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het as doelstelling die ondersoek van die spraakhandeling van komplimentering in Xhosa. Die tesis beslaan ses hoofstukke wat gestruktureer is om uitvoering te gee aan hierdie doelstelling. Hoofstuk een gee spesifieke besonderhede betreffende die doelstelling van die studie, die metode wat gevolg word, en die organisasie van die studie. Hoofstuk twee fokus op spraakhandelingsteorie en hoflikheidsteorie. Die sentrale konsep hou verband met (a) die handelinge van lokusie, (b) ilokusie en (c) perlokusie. Hierdie elemente van spraakhandelinge behels die begrip dat die uitinge wat deur deelnemers in 'n gesprek geproduseer word bestaan uit (a) die werklike klanke en woorde wat geuiter word, en wat (b) die intensie het om uitdrukking te gee aan die fors daaragter, en (c) die effek is gerig op die hoorder. Hierdie oorweging is sentraal in die hoofstuk. Hoofstuk drie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van komplimentering in Xhosa tesame met die response daarop. Hierdie ondersoek word ingelig deur sieninge van verskillende navorsers. Vir die effektiewe ondersoek van spraakhandelinge, is 'n rigtinggewende basis vanuit die etnografie van kommunikasie nodig. Hierdie hoofstuk ondersoek die verskille in komplimente en die response daarop met betrekking tot gender en ander eienskappe. Die aspekte van die response, hulle beginsels, aard, en struktuur, en die gebruik daarvan in gesprekke wat komplimente bevat, word ondersoek. Hoofstuk vier fokus op die funksies van komplimente. Feitlik al die navorsers in die veld van komplimentering stem saam dat komplimente die doel het om solidariteit te skep of te versterk. Alhoewel daar ander funksies is van komplimentering, bv. die verplasing van gespreksformules, soos groet, kritiek, is die bevestiging van solidariteit sentraal. 'n Ander area wat aandag kry in die hoofstuk, is die strukturele kenmerke van komplimente, insluitende sintaktiese en leksikale kenmerke. Die analises behels 'n ondersoek na die sintaktiese kategorieë wat komplimente realiseer, tesame met die formule-agtige aard van komplimente as spraakhandelinge. Voorts word die status en gender van die gespreksgenote ondersoek. Hoofstuk vyf vorm die sentrale deel van die studie betreffende die bepaling van moontlike gender verskille in komplimente. Hoofstuk ses bied die samevatting en gevolgtrekkings van die studie. / ISISHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo sikwiphulo lokuphanda ngezenzo zentetho zezincomo. Kuqulunqwe izahluko ezintandathu ezineenjongo ezahlukiyo ukufezekisa eli phulo. Isahluko sokuqala sinika umkhombandlela malunga nenjongo yesifundo, imethodi elandelweyo kananjalo nolwakhiwo zinikwa ingqwalasela. Isahluko sesibini sinika ingqwalasela kwithiyori yezenzo zentetho kananjalo neyentlonelo. Uluvo olungundoqo nolunika umdla kule ngxelo luqulathe izenzo ze (a) ilokhushini, (b) 1- ilokhushini ne (c) nephelokhushini. Ezi zenzo zixhibe ingcamango yokuba intetho eveliswa ngabo bathatha inxaxheba kunxibelelwano iqulathe (a) izandi zolwakhiwo Iwesigama, ukuze eso sigama (b) sijoliswe kwinjongo ethile ekuyimfuneko ukuba iphunyezwe ekugqibeleni (c) ifuthe laloo mpumelelo lingqale lowo kunxityelelwano naye okanye umphulaphuli. Nasekubeni ekhona namanye amasolotya axhagileyo, kodwa le ngcamango iphawuliweyo iphume izandla kwesi sahluko. Isahluko sesithathu siphonononga izenzo zeentetho zezincomo kananjalo neempendulo zazo. Olu phononongo lungqongwe zizimvo zeengcali eziphuma kwiinkalo ngeenkalo. Umkhombandlela osisikhokhelo kwiphulo lophando Iwezenzo zeentetho naziphi na, ukuze lube yimpumelelo kwaye lusulungeke kufuneka luiandeie imodeli okanye umgaqo weethinografi yonxibelelwano phantse bonke aba baphandi babeke umnwe kule ngcamango. Ngokunxusa oku, esi sahluko, xa sihlabela mgama, siphawula ngeyantlukwano yezincomo neempendulo zazo ngesini, nangezinye iimpawu ezikhankanyiweyo. Uqulunkqo Iwemigaqo yokuphendula, ubunjani, ubume nembonakalo yayo entethweni gabalala ngokunxulumene nezincomo ngamanye amasolotya abalulekileyo nanika umdla kwesi sahluko. Isahluko sesine sinika ingqwalaselo kwimisebenzi yesincomo. Umzekelo, phantse zonke ezi ngcali zikweli phulo ziyayingqina nento yokuba izincomo zivuselela , ziyila okanye zikhuthaza umanyano. Nangona ibonakala ikhona eminye imisebenzi ekhankanywayo engqonge esi senzo sentetho njengokuthabatha indawo yezinye zeefomuia zonxulumano, umz. imibulisi, ukuthomakalisa ugxeko-ncomo, olu luvo lomanyano lubonwa njengoluhamba phambili. Enye indima ephononongwayo ziimpawu zolwakhiwo Iwezincomo, kananjalo neempawu zesintaksi neleksikali. Olu hlalutyo lulo oludulisa izigaba zentetho ezibandakanyekayo kananjalo nobufomula besi senzo sentetho. Ukwaleka, iwonga nesini sabo bathabatha inxaxheba kolu nxibelelwano ngokulawulwa ziimeko okanye izihlobo ezikholisa ukunconywa, konke oku yimibandela efumana ukuphicothwa kwesi sahluko. Isahluko sesihlanu siqulathe umongo wesi sifundo. Uhlalutyo Iwezincomo neempendulo zazo lunikwa ingqwalasela ngamehlo abukhali; ngeenjongo zokufumanisa umahluko ongaba ukhona phakathi kwezincomo zamaduna namabhinqa. Isahluko sesithandathu nesokugqibela sinika iziphumo zophando nesiphelo sesi sifundo.

Ulukuhlo nelima kumzantsi Afrika otshintshayo

Mashiyi, Phozisa Christina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on a critical examination of the communication-theoretic properties of persuasive messages in the Volunteer campaign in South Africa. Five articles have been analysed according to two premises which form the theory of Larson (1975), entailing content premises and process premises. The content premise is used in the analysis of two articles of this study, namely: the first and the fifth article, and it concentrates solely on the theme on both articles. The theme concentrates on persuasive messages in the letsema/ilima volunteer campaign in South Africa. In the analysis of the content premises emphasis is put on the cause to effect reasoning. The other articles focus on the process premises only. The process premises focus on the three different types of processes, namely: the need, the attitude and consistency. As regard the need, the study puts emphasis on the esteem need. As regard attitude, emphasis is put on the evaluative responses. As regard the consistency, emphasis is put on the two types of consistency, namely: consonance and dissonance. In terms of consonance, emphasis is on the analysis of reassurance of security. In terms of dissonance, emphasis is on the analysis of sense of guilt. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op 'n kritiese ondersoek van die kommunikasie-teoretiese eienskappe van oorredende boodskappe in die Vrywilligerveldog in Suid-Afrika. Vyf artikels word ontleed in die studie binne die raamwerk van twee premises van Larson (1975), nl. die inhoudpremis en die prosespremis. Die inhoudpremises word aangewend in die analise van twee artikels, nl. die eerste en die vyfde artikel, en daar word uitsluitlik gefokus op die tema van hierdie artikels. Die tema in hierdie artikels hou direk verband met oorredende boodskappe in die letsema/ilima vrywilligerveldtog. In die analise van die inhoudpremises word veral klem geplaas op die oorsaak-effek redenasie. Die analise van die ander drie artikels fokus op die prosespremise. Die prosespremise fokus op drie verskillende prosesse, naamlik die behoeftepremis, die houdingpremis, en die konsekwentheidpremis. Aangaande die behoeftepremis, word klem geplaas in die ondersoek op die waarde-behoefte. Ten opsigte van die houdingspremis, is die klem op die evaluatiewe response. Rakende die konsekwentheidspremis, beklemtoon die analise twee soorte konsekwentheid, naamlik konsonansie en dissonansie. Die ondersoek van konsonansie fokus op die versekering van sekureiteit, terwyl die analise van dissonansie, klem plaas op die analise van skuld. / ISIXHOSA ISISHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo sijolise kwimiyalezo elukuhlayo ejolise kwilima eMzantsi Afrika. Ekwenzeni oku, kuhlalutywe amaphetshana amahlanu ngokwezindululo zesiseko ezibini ezize noLarson (1975) ezizezi: Isiqulatho sesindululo sesiseko nenkqubo yesindululo sesiseko. Isiqulatho sesindululo sesiseko sisetyenziswe kumaphetshana amabini angala: elokuqala nelesihlanu, kwaye siqwalasela umxholo kuwo omabini la maphetshana. Lo mxholo uqwalaselweyo ngulowo ujongene nemiyalezo yolukuhlo kwiphulo lokwenza ilima eMzantsi Afrika. Kwisiqulatho sesindululo sesiseko kugxininiswe kwingqiqo kanobangela ukuya kwisiphumo. Kwamanye amaphetshana kuqwalaselwe inkqubo yesindululo sesiseko kuphela. Inkqubo yesindululo sesiseko inike ingqwalasela kwiindidi ezintathu zeenkqubo ezizezi: Imfuno, isimilo nokungaguquguquki. Kwimfuno ingqwalasela ibekwe ibekwe kwimfuno yokuzingca. Kwisimilo ingqwalasela ibekwe kwiimpendulo zokuhlola. Kukungaguquguquki ingwalasela ibekwe kuzo zombini iindidi zokungaguquguquki ezizezi: Isivumelwano nokungavumelani. Kwisivumelwano kubekwe ingqwalasela ikakhulu kwisiqinisekiso sokhuseleko. Ekungavumelanini kugxininiswe kuhlobo Iwako olubizwa ngokuba luluvo lokuba netyala.

The speech act of complaining in isiXhosa

Manjiya, Monelwa Precious 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the speech act of complaining in Xhosa. It is organized into six chapters. Chapter 1 states the aim of the study. The method, design and the organization of the study are also presented. In Chapter 2 the speech acts and politeness theories are presented as the basic framework of this study. It is clear that people do not only produce utterances, which contain grammatical structures and words when attempting to express themselves, but they always perform actions via those utterances. The actions people perform via their utterances are done in accordance within a certain area of linguistic pragmatics. Chapter 3 deals with the speech act of complaining as discussed by various theorists. Chapter 4 is concerned with complaints strategies. Here it is revealed that one must be able to voice one's annoyance or anger while at the same time it is important to avoid embarrassment by creating a situation in which it becomes impossible for him/her to face the aversiveness of taking the blame. Chapter 5 deals with complaint situations in Xhosa. In order to make sense of what is said during an interaction, various factors have been examined, which relate to social distance and closeness. The relative status of the participants is based on social values. Complaint situations are divided into three social groups: power relations, friendship and strangers. Power relations involve people of superior and low status. This group is divided into two subgroups: people with superior status to people with low status and vice versa; those speakers with a lower status in a Xhosa speaking context tend to mark social distance between themselves and higher status speakers. Among friends, there is no social distance because people tend to treat one another as equals. The same is true of strangers, although they don't know each other; they tend to treat one another with mutual respect. Most of the time complaints in Xhosa express disapproval or negative feelings towards the source of the complaint. Complaints sometimes can be impolite. They can lead to conflict as they are sometimes very threatening, accusing and cursing. That is why a number of strategies have been introduced to a complainant who wants to avoid direct confrontation with the complainee. The indirect accusation strategy is the number one tool, which is always used by the complainers to avoid conflict, unlike annoyance, direct accusation and explicit blame of the accused's action or of the accused as a person. People who use indirect accusations do not want to run the risk of losing face, unlike the direct accusation, which is face-threatening. Responding to a complaint is also an important factor as it promotes further interaction. Response serves as a way of displaying interest in what the speaker is saying. It has been noticed that response gives the speakers the opportunity to voice their feelings. Finally, Chapter 6 presents the conclusions of the investigation and the main findings of the study are summarized. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van klagte in Xhosa. Dit is georganiseer in ses hoofstukke. Hoofstuk 1 bied die doelstelling van die studie. Die metode, ontwerp en organisasie van die studie word ook bespreek. In Hoofstuk2 word die spraakhandelinge en beleefdheidsteorieë bespreek as die raamwerk van die studie. Dit word duidelik gemaak dat mense nie slegs uitinge produseer wat grammatikale strukture en woorde bevat nie, maar hulle voer altyd aksies uit via die uitinge. Hierdie aksies wat mense uitvoer via hulle uitinge word gedoen in ooreenstemming in bepaalde area van linguistiese pragmatiek. Hoofstuk 3 behandel in die besonder die spraakhandeling van klagte soos ondersoek deur verskillende navorsers. Hoofstuk 4 behandel klagte-strategieë. Hier word aangedui dat 'n spreker in staat moet wees om hy/sy se ontevredenheid of woede te lug terwyl dit terselfdertyd belangrik is om verleentheid te vermy deur die skep van 'n situasie waar dit vir hom/haar onmoontlik maak om te staan te kom voor die neem van die blaam. Hoofstuk 5 ondersoek klagte-situasies in Xhosa. Ten einde sin te maak oor wat gesê word en 'n interaksie, is verskeie faktore ondersoek wat verband hou met sosiale opstand en nabyheid. Die realtiewe status van die deelnemers word gebaseer op sosiale waardes. Klagte-situasies kan verdeel word in terme van drie sosiale groepe: magsverhoudinge, vriendskap en vreemdelingskap. Magsverhoudinge hou verband met die verhoudinge tussen mense met hoë en lae status. Hierdie groep word verdeel in twee sub-groepe: mense met superieuse status en mense met lae status en omgekeerd. Persone met 'n laer status in 'n Xhosasprekende konteks is geneig om sosiale afstand te markeer tussen hulleself en hoër status sprekers. Daar is geen sosiale opstand tussen vriende nie, omdat sulke persone geneig is om mekaar as gelykes te behandel. Dieselfde is waar van vreemdelinge, want alhoewel hulle mekaar nie ken nie, is hulle geneig om mekaar met respek te behandel. Die meeste van die klagtes oor tyd in Xhosa gee druk misnoeë of negatiewe gevoelens uit met betrekking tot die bron van die klagte. Klagtes kan soms onbeleefd wees. Hulle kan lei tot konflik, aangesien hulle soms baie bedreigend aantygend en beledigend kan wees. Daarom is 'n aantal strategieë beskikbaar vir 'n klaer wat direkte konfrontasie wil vermy teenoor die persoon waarteen gekla word. Die indirekte aantyging strategie is die voorkeur strategie wat deur die klaers gebruik word kom konflik te vermy, in teenstelling met kwaad word direkte aantyging en eksplisiete blaam van die aangetygde persoon se aksie of die persoon self. Persone wat indirekte aantygings gebruik, wil nie die risiko loop om "gesig" (face) te verloor nie, in teenstelling met die direkte aantyging, wat gesig-bedreiging is. Om te reageer op 'n klagte, is ook 'n belangrike faktor, aangesien dit verdere interaksie aanmoedig. Die gee van 'n reaksie is 'n wyse om aan te toon dat daar belangstelling is in wat die spreker sê. Daar is aangetoon dat 'n reaksie vir sprekers die geleentheid gee om hulle gevoelens te lug. Laastens, gee Hoofstuk 6 die gevolgtrekkings van die ondersoek, en die belangrikste bevindinge van die studie word opgesom.

A pragmatic analysis of persuasion in isiXhosa

Gqwede, Eunice Nolungisa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This study has the main goal of investigating the speech act of persuasion in isiXhosa. The main aim of the investigation is to examine the characteristics of persuasion in remedial interchanges based on the isiXhosa pragmatics. The study is concerned with the strategies people use when persuading targets, how message sources seek compliance, how targets resist and / or comply and how influence interactions are structured and what constraints on conversation need to be taken into account.

Isenzo sentetho yokwala kumaziko emfundo esixhoseni

Mlandu, Mirriam Nozidima 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the speech act of refusal in educational contexts in isiXhosa. The speech utterance is used to accept or refuse request. The request can be made by a friend, parent, school principal etc. The authority of the one making request is very important because it makes the recipient of the request to think twice before he or she refuses. This is done by the fact that the recipient is afraid to damage the face of the requestor. Secondly, the rights that people have make it difficult for the person in authority to use his powers in a way that is not satisfactory, because people belong to unions that protect their rights. For instance, the teacher requests leave because he wants to go and make provisions for his son who is coming from the initiation school. In this regard, the principal is unable to refuse fully although the exams are around the corner. He has to use certain strategies in convincing the teacher about the importance of the forthcoming exams. In the Department of education there is a district director and his team, responsible for certain departments, the school inspectors, subject-advisors, school principals, teachers and students. Each and every one of the above-mentioned has a right to make request. Some of them resort into using politeness strategies when requesting or refusing to obey the request. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van weiering in opvoedkundige kontekste in isiXhosa. Die spraakuiting word gebruik om 'n versoek te aanvaar of te weier. Die versoek kan gemaak word deur 'n vriend, ouer, skoolhoof, ens. Die gesag van die persoon wat die versoek maak is baie belangrik, want dit veroorsaak dat die ontvanger van die versoek deeglik dink voordat hy/sy dit weier. Dit word veroorsaak deurdat die ontvanger van die versoek bang is om die gesig ('face') van die versoeker te beskadig. Die regte wat mense het, maak dit moeilik vir die persoon met gesag om sy/haar magte te gebruik op 'n wyse wat onbehoorlik is, want mense behoort aan vakbonde wat hulle regte beskerm. Byvoorbeeld, 'n onderwyser versoek verlof want hy wil voorsorg gaan maak vir sy seun wat terugkeer uit die inisiasieskool. In hierdie gval is die skoolhoof nie in staat om die versoek volledig te weier nie, alhoewel die eksamens binnekort geskryf sal word. Die skoolhoof gebruik sekere strategieë om die onderwyser te oortuig van die belangrikheid van die eksamens. In die Departement van Onderwys, is daar 'n distriksdirekteur en sy span, verantwoordelik vir sekere departemente, die skoolinspekteurs, vakadviseurs, skoolhoofde, onderwysers en leerders. Elkeen van die genoemde persone het die reg om versoeke te rig. Sommige persone maak gebruik van beleefdheidstrategieë in die weiering of reg van 'n versoek.

A pragmatic analysis of complimenting in Xhosa

Adonis, Nomangwevu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the speech acts of complimenting in Xhosa. It is divided into five chapters, which are arranged as follows: Chapter 1 states the aims of the study. The method, design and the organization of the study are also investigated. Chapter 2, the speech act theory and the politeness theory have been dealt with. These theories included the basic assumptions of this study. Chapter 3 deals with compliments and compliment responses as they are discussed with regard to various languages, i.e. the works of Wolfson and Manes (1980), Wolfson (1983), Manes (1983), Holmes (1988) and Herbert (1990). Chapter 4 deals with compliments and compliment responses in Xhosa. In this chapter the compliments have been divided into three social groups, namely males and females; friends and people of unequal status. The people of unequal status are divided into two sub-groups, people with superior status and lower status. In Xhosa people of lower and high status do compliment one another. Also Xhosa males and females; friends and people of unequal status tend to compliment one another. The most common compliments concentrate on appearance, ability and possession. In some cases the compliments are used to a way of encouragement and showing of appreciation. People who are being complimented tend to respond to the compliment. The response can be positive or negative. The person who is complimented can agree or disagree with the compliment. The response depends on how he/she feels about the compliment. Chapter 5 is the last chapter of this study. It represents the conclusion in which the main findings in the study are summarized. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van komplimentering in Xhosa. Die studie is in vyf hoofstukke ingedeel wat soos volg georganiseer is. Hoofstuk 1 bespreek die doelstellings, die navorsingsontwerp en -metode, en die organisasie van die studie. Hoofstuk 2 bied 'n bespreking van die terme van spraakhandelinge en beleefdheidsteorie. Hierdie teorieë is van belang vir die basiese vraagstukke wat in die studie ondersoek word. Hoofstuk 3 bied 'n oorsig van vorige navorsing oor die spraakhandeling van komplimente en komplimentresponse soos ondersoek met betrekking tot verskillende tale. Die navorsing van Manes (1980), Holmes (1988), Herbert (1990) en Wolfson (1983). Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek die spraakhandeling van komplimente en komplimentresponse in Xhosa. In hierdie hoofstuk is die spraakhandeling van komplimente en komplimentresponse onderneem met betrekking tot drie sosiale groeperinge, naamlik tussen manlike en vroulike persone, tussen vriende, en tussen persone van ongelyke status. Laasgenoemde groep is verder verdeel in terme van twee sub-groepe, naamlik: persone met hoër en laer status, respektewelik. In Xhosa diskoers, komplimenteer persone van hoër en laer status mekaar. Voorts komplimenteer manlike en vroulike persone, vriende, en mense van ongelyke status mekaar in Xhosa. Die mees algemene komplimente hou verband met voorkom, vermoëns, en besittings. In sommige gevalle word komplimente gebruik as 'n wyse van aanmoediging of waardering. Die studie bied evidensie uit Xhosa dat mense wat gekomplimenteer word, neig om te reageer op die kompliment. Hierdie respons kan positief of negatief wees. Die persoon wat gekomplimenteer word kan saamstem of verskil met die kompliment. Hierdie reaksie word bepaal deur hoe die hoorder voeloor die kompliment. Hoofstuk 5 is die laaste hoofstuk van die studie. Dit bied die gevolgtrekking van die navorsing oor die spraakhandeling van komplimentering in Xhosa en gee 'n opsomming van die hoofbevindinge. / ISIHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo siphononga izenzo ntetho zoncomo esiXhoseni. Sahlulwe saba zizahluko ezintlanu ezicwangciswe ngolu hlobo: Isahluko sokuqala sichaza iinjongo zesi sifundo. Kukwaqwalaselwe, indiela, isicwangciso kunye noluhlu Iwesi sifundo. Isahluko sesibini sixusha ithiyori yesenzo ntetho kunye nethiyori yentetho echubekileyo. Ezi thiyori zibandakanye imiba engundoqo yesi sifundo. Isahluko sesithathu siqwalasela izincomo kunye neempendulo zezincomo njengoko zichazwa kwezinye iilwini, oko kukuthi, imisebenzi ka Wolfson no Manes (1980), Wolfson (1983); Manes (1983); Holmes (1988); no Herbert (1990). Isahluko sesine siqwalasela izincomo kunye neempendulo zezincomo esiXhoseni. Kwesi sahluko izincomo zohlulwe zaba zindidi ezintathu: amadoda nabafazi; izihlobo; abantu abanamawonga angalinganiya. Abantu abanamawonga angalinganiyo bohlulwe bangamaqela amabini: abantu abanamawonga aphezulu kunye nabo banamawonga asezantsi. EsiXhoseni abantu abanamawonga aphezula kwakunye nabo banamawonga asezantsi bathi bancomane omnye nomnye. Kwakhona esiXhoseni amadoda nabantu ababhinqileyo, izihlobo kunye nabantu abanamawonga angalinganiyo badla ngokuncomana. Ezona zincomo zibalaseleyo zezo ziquka imbonakalo, ingqondo kunye nobumnini. Kwezinye iziganeko izincomo zisetyenziswa njengendlela yokukhuthaza kunye nokubonisa ixabiso. Abantu abanconywayo badla ngokuphendula isincomo eso. Impendulo yesincomo isenokuba yeyakhayo okonye engakhiyo. Umntu onconywayo usenokuvumelana okanye angavumelani nesincomo. Impendulo yakhe ixhomekeke ukubeni uziva njani na ngesincomo eso. Kwesi sifundo, isahluko sesihlanu sesokugqibela kulapho kuchazwa khona izigqibo ekufikelelwe kuzo nezithe zashwankathelwa.

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