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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The association between traumatic brain injury, behavioural factors and facial emotion recognition skills in delinquent youth

Cook, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
Objectives: To examine the association between traumatic brain injury (TBI) in delinquent youth and facial emotion recognition (FER) abilities, offending, behavioural difficulties, aggression, empathic sadness and parenting. Participants & Setting: Forty-eight delinquent youth, aged 14 to 19 years, recruited from Youth Offending Teams and Targeted Youth Support. Main Measures: A cross sectional case-control design compared individuals in a TBI versus a non-TBI group on a forced-choice, FER paradigm assessing recognition accuracy to six basic emotions. Self-reported measures of TBI, behavioural difficulties, experience of parenting, reactive and proactive aggression, and empathic sadness. Results: History of TBI was reported by 68.7% of the sample, with 94% including a loss of consciousness. No significant differences were found between TBI and non-TBI groups on FER accuracy. Participants in the TBI group self-reported significantly higher proactive and reactive aggression and lower levels of parental supervision as compared to the non-TBI group. Tendency to incorrectly give ‘anger’ as a response on the FER task was strongly positively associated with proactive and reactive aggression. Conclusions: Future research requires larger samples recruited across settings to further investigate the association between FER abilities and TBI in this population. Findings highlight the need for TBI to be appropriately assessed and managed in delinquent youth, and highlights important aggression differences.

The lives of young Polish migrants residing in Northamptonshire

Callender, Matthew January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the lives of young Polish migrants living in Northamptonshire, who migrated to the UK following Poland’s accession to the European Union in May 2004. Over 1.1 million Worker Registration Scheme (WRS) applications were made in the UK between May 2004 and December 2010, of which around two-thirds were made by Polish nationals. It is noted that high numbers of young people in Poland migrated to the UK, and a little under half of all WRS applications in the UK have been migrants aged between 18 and 24 years. Research exploring the lives of young migrants details strong connections between migration and life course progression. Given the relatively young ages of those migrating, this thesis is concerned with the impacts of migratory experiences upon migrants’ senses of ‘self-identity’, and transitions through the life course. Explanations for these movements have often treated migration as an ‘empirical event’ by focusing upon economic rationales, and much less attention has been given to motivations for migration, everyday experiences and future intentions of A8 migrants. To address this gap, this research explores the biographies of 40 young Polish migrants, revealing individual factors that influenced their migratory decision-making, and considering distinguishing features that set groups of Polish migrants apart. To achieve this, participants were asked to prepare a narrative of their experiences, based upon four biographical periods: life in Poland, the decision to migrate, life in the UK and perceived future pathways. Following this, 10 case studies were conducted with participants different ‘types’ of Polish migrant. Semi-structured interviews were organised and participants led ‘photo tours’ of their everyday locales. The findings show that while economic triggers were important to decision-making, it was also the case that social factors were critical, and migration to the UK for some was viewed as a means of leaving the parental home. Traditional social markers of difference, such as gender or age, were found to be of less importance: rather, participants emphasised a range of shared migratory experiences: ‘priorities’, ‘planning’, ‘stability’ and ‘language’. The themes of ‘temporariness’ and ‘trust’ were found to be central to everyday experiences, and participants indicated they were vulnerable to exploitation from other Polish migrants, as well as from known contacts pre-dating migration. Connections were identified between participants’ migratory experiences and their transitions though the life course. Four factors were found to have influenced participants’ transitions through the life course - spaces, times, self identity and support - which combine to form the relative pace(s), ‘smoothness’ and risks of such changes. The term ‘turbulent transitions’ is used to encapsulate major changes within participants’ biographies as a result of migration, which many experienced as being made quickly with limited access to support structures and in environments that contain high degrees of risk. The research calls for a more sensitive account of post-accession migration, which can only be achieved by exploring the experiences, encounters and biographies of migrants

Youth disaffection : an interplay of social environment, motivation, and self-construals

Hanrahan, Fidelma January 2014 (has links)
Youth disaffection is associated with huge personal and social costs, with future trajectories typically marked by school exclusion, poverty, unemployment, youth offending, and substance abuse. Core theoretical frameworks including perspectives concerning self-determination, self-discrepancy, and achievement motivation provide explanations for the role of social-environment factors, self-concepts and cognitions in human motivation. However, there has been little work to integrate these theories into a nuanced account of the socio-motivational processes underpinning school disaffection, and our understanding of how interventions may work to re-direct the negative trajectories remains weak. This thesis includes four papers reporting on a programme of theoretical and empirical research conducted in order to address this gap in knowledge. The first, a theoretical paper, presents an integrated model of the development of school disaffection in which multiple self-construals play a key role in bridging the gap between need fulfilment and cognitive and behavioural indicators of school disaffection. The second paper reports on a thematic analysis of extensive semi-structured individual interviews with school-excluded young people and practitioners working with them. In accordance with our theoretical model, the accounts of the young people‟s emotional and behavioural profiles in achievement contexts were connected to need-thwarting social experiences, with maladaptive constructions of multiple selves appearing to mediate the relationship between these factors. The third paper presents an analysis of quantitative survey data with school-excluded and mainstream secondary school pupils that investigated the direct and mediated pathways between key processes identified by our model. Results showed that pathways between key variables were moderated by the experience of exclusion such that distinct pathways emerged for excluded and non-excluded pupils. The final paper reports on an in-depth, longitudinal, idiographic study exploring the impact of theatre involvement on marginalised young people. Results from an interpretative phenomenological analysis of interview transcripts suggested that the nurturing, creative environment of the theatre project provided optimal conditions for promoting resilience and self-development in youth at risk. Together, the findings from this programme of research highlight the crucial role played by social experiences in the development of school disaffection via the impact on self-construals, motivation and achievement goals, as well as the role they can play in supporting young people to create more positive life trajectories. This body of work has implications for further research and also carries practical implications for interventions and school-based practices seeking to both support school-disaffected children, and increase engagement in those at risk of school disaffection.

Youth movements, citizenship and the English countryside, 1930-1960

Edwards, Sian January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the significance and meaning of the countryside within mid-twentieth century youth movements. Whilst modern youth movements have been the subject of considerable historical research, there has been little attention to the rural context within which so many of them operated. Moreover, few historians have explored youth movements into the post-Second World War period. This thesis therefore makes an original contribution both in terms of its periodisation and focus. It draws on a rich seam of archival and printed sources focusing in particular upon the Boy Scout and Girl Guide movements, the Woodcraft Folk and the Young Farmer's Club movement. The thesis examines the ways in which the countryside was employed as a space within which ‘good citizenship' could be developed. Mid-century youth movements identified the ‘problem' of modern youth as a predominantly urban and working class issue. They held that the countryside offered an effective antidote to these problems: being a ‘good citizen' within this context necessitated a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with the rural sphere. Avenues to good citizenship could be found through an enthusiasm for outdoor recreation, the stewardship of the countryside and work on the land. Models of good citizenship were intrinsically gendered. Girls were trained for their domestic role within the home, although this was a specifically rural form of domesticity. Chapter One explores the shifting relationship between the urban public and the countryside in the mid-century and argues that the popularity of outdoor recreation developed understandings of citizenship that were directly linked to the English countryside. For youth this country-conscious citizenship could be developed in three spheres: leisure, work and the home. Chapter Two examines the approach of youth movements to youthful leisure across the mid-century and, using concern for the juvenile delinquent as a case study, argues that through physical and mental improvement the countryside could prevent misbehaviour. Parallel to this youth movements instilled an understanding of ‘good' countryside manners and encouraged members to protect the countryside from the onslaught of urban pleasureseekers. Chapter Three explores the importance of agricultural work in meanings of ‘good citizenry' arguing that for both urban and rural boys proficiency in farming, particularly in wartime, was considered an important service to the nation. Chapter Four investigates how the sphere of the home remained central to understandings of ‘good citizenship' for girls and suggests that the distinct nature of rural domesticity should be considered here. It also considers the place of youth movements within the gendered lifecycle, understandings of female deviance and issues of agency in leisure provision for girls in the mid-century. This thesis argues that, fundamentally, the mid-century period should be seen as one of continuity in the training of youth movements. The central role of the countryside in categorisations of ‘good citizenry' supports recent understandings of a rural national identity in the mid-century. Furthermore, approaches to youth were clearly divided in terms of both class and gender. While concerns over the working classes did shift at this time understandings of innate working class deviance remained. Moreover, the persistence of gendered understandings of citizenship and the emphasis on domesticity for girls suggests that gender remained central to experiences of youth movements in the mid twentieth-century.

Journeying Beyond: Critical Multiculturalism and the Narrative Engagements of White Rural Youth at Shady Grove High School

Staley, Brenda Ellen 18 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Supporting the transition to adult care for youth with medical complexity: family experiences, adaptation, and recommendations

Li, Lin January 2024 (has links)
Background: A growing population of youth with medical complexity (YMC) are surviving into adulthood and being forced to transition from pediatric to adult health care. YMC and their families face significant challenges during this transition, putting them at risk for service fragmentation, inadequate care, and negative health outcomes. Existing interventions to support transition continue to have limited benefits for this group, demonstrating a clear need for tailored supports, informed by the perspectives of YMC and their families. Currently, these families’ transition experiences are poorly understood in the Canadian context. Thus, the aim of this dissertation was to holistically examine the experiences of families of YMC with the transition to adult care in Ontario. Methods: This sandwich thesis consists of: 1) a meta-ethnography synthesizing qualitative literature about the experiences of YMC and their families during the transition to adulthood; and 2) a patient-oriented qualitative case study exploring: i) how families of YMC adapt to the transition to adult care; ii) the influence of contextual factors; and iii) family recommendations for support. Findings: Transition impacts nearly all aspects of the youth’s and family’s lives. Families encounter numerous challenges in their pursuit of a good future and they “survive” by advocating, making sacrifices, and persisting despite inequities. Furthermore, families’ experiences are shaped by the complex interplay of personal and environmental factors. Conclusion: Implications for nursing practice, health care provider education, and health policy focus on: supporting nurses to provide instrumental and psychological support to families; building capacity in primary care (e.g., through nurse-led models of care); training health professionals on complex care management; and advocating for system-wide strategies to improve health care transition. Future research should prioritize the co-design and evaluation of interventions to address families’ information and emotional needs and training initiatives to facilitate the implementation of recommendations into practice. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Youth with medical complexity have serious illness and intensive care needs. Recent advances in technology have led to more of these youth living into adulthood and moving to adult health care. The transition to adult care puts their health at risk and is highly stressful for their families. Currently, little is known about how these families cope with this transition and what help they need. This thesis aims to address these gaps by reviewing existing research and interviewing youth and families about their experiences. Findings show that the transition to adult care greatly affects many parts of the youth’s and family’s lives. Families cope with these changes by advocating, making sacrifices, and persisting in the face of inequities. Study findings can help guide nurses, other health care providers, and policy makers to better support these youth and families in their transition to adult care.

School-based HIV counselling and testing: providing a youth friendly service

Lawrence, Estelle January 2013 (has links)
<p>HIV counselling and testing (HCT) is an essential element in the response to the HIV epidemic. There are still major gaps in research about the best ways to provide HCT, especially to young people. School-based HCT is a model which has been suggested for providing HCT to young people in a youth friendly manner. This study was aimed at producing recommendations for providing a youth friendly school-based HCT service using the World Health Organisation (WHO) framework for youth friendly health services. It was conducted in six secondary schools in Cape Town, where a mobile HCT service is provided by a nongovernmental organisation (NGO). It was an exploratory descriptive study, using a mixed-methods approach. Twelve focus group discussions (FGDs) were held with learners to explore their needs with regards to school-based HCT. An evaluation (which consisted of observation of the HCT site, service provider interviews and direct observation of the HCT counselling process) was done to determine whether the mobile school-based HCT service was youth friendly. A learner survey was conducted with 529 learners to investigate the factors that influence the uptake of HCT and to explore learners&rsquo / behaviours and experiences under test conditions. In the FGDs, learners said that they wanted HCT to be provided in schools on condition that their fears and expressed needs were taken into account. They wanted their concerns regarding privacy and<br /> confidentiality addressed / they wanted to be provided with information regarding the benefits and procedure of HCT before testing took place / they wanted service providers to be competent to work with young people, and they wanted to be assured that those who tested positive were followed up and supported. On evaluation of the mobile school-based HCT service, it was evident that the service did not meet all the needs of the learners nor did it have all the characteristics of a youth friendly health service. The model of &lsquo / mass testing&rsquo / used by the NGO did not fulfil learners&rsquo / expressed need for privacy with regards to HCT. Service providers were friendly and non-judgemental but had not been trained to work with young people (especially marginalised groups e.g. young men who have sex with men). The information needs of learners were not addressed, and learners were not involved in the provision of the HCT service. Learners who tested positive were not assisted in accessing care and support. The learner survey revealed a high uptake of HCT (71% of learners) at schools with learners who do not identify themselves as Black, with female learners and older learners being more likely to have had an HIV test. Factors that influenced uptake of HCT were complex, with learners reporting many different motivators and barriers to testing. Of concern was the low risk perception of leaners with regards to HIV infection and the fact that learners who tested HIV positive were not being linked up with treatment and care. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made for providing youth friendly schoolbased HCT. A multisectoral approach, with learner and community involvement, was suggested in order to provide a service which is equitable, accessible, acceptable, appropriate and effective.</p>

School-based HIV counselling and testing: providing a youth friendly service

Lawrence, Estelle January 2013 (has links)
<p>HIV counselling and testing (HCT) is an essential element in the response to the HIV epidemic. There are still major gaps in research about the best ways to provide HCT, especially to young people. School-based HCT is a model which has been suggested for providing HCT to young people in a youth friendly manner. This study was aimed at producing recommendations for providing a youth friendly school-based HCT service using the World Health Organisation (WHO) framework for youth friendly health services. It was conducted in six secondary schools in Cape Town, where a mobile HCT service is provided by a nongovernmental organisation (NGO). It was an exploratory descriptive study, using a mixed-methods approach. Twelve focus group discussions (FGDs) were held with learners to explore their needs with regards to school-based HCT. An evaluation (which consisted of observation of the HCT site, service provider interviews and direct observation of the HCT counselling process) was done to determine whether the mobile school-based HCT service was youth friendly. A learner survey was conducted with 529 learners to investigate the factors that influence the uptake of HCT and to explore learners&rsquo / behaviours and experiences under test conditions. In the FGDs, learners said that they wanted HCT to be provided in schools on condition that their fears and expressed needs were taken into account. They wanted their concerns regarding privacy and<br /> confidentiality addressed / they wanted to be provided with information regarding the benefits and procedure of HCT before testing took place / they wanted service providers to be competent to work with young people, and they wanted to be assured that those who tested positive were followed up and supported. On evaluation of the mobile school-based HCT service, it was evident that the service did not meet all the needs of the learners nor did it have all the characteristics of a youth friendly health service. The model of &lsquo / mass testing&rsquo / used by the NGO did not fulfil learners&rsquo / expressed need for privacy with regards to HCT. Service providers were friendly and non-judgemental but had not been trained to work with young people (especially marginalised groups e.g. young men who have sex with men). The information needs of learners were not addressed, and learners were not involved in the provision of the HCT service. Learners who tested positive were not assisted in accessing care and support. The learner survey revealed a high uptake of HCT (71% of learners) at schools with learners who do not identify themselves as Black, with female learners and older learners being more likely to have had an HIV test. Factors that influenced uptake of HCT were complex, with learners reporting many different motivators and barriers to testing. Of concern was the low risk perception of leaners with regards to HIV infection and the fact that learners who tested HIV positive were not being linked up with treatment and care. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made for providing youth friendly schoolbased HCT. A multisectoral approach, with learner and community involvement, was suggested in order to provide a service which is equitable, accessible, acceptable, appropriate and effective.</p>

Resilience and emotional distress in young people : risk, promotive and cultural factors

Malik, Aiysha January 2015 (has links)
Resilience, as a trait, process or outcome, is the negation of an undesirable outcome or of an expected maladjustment in the context of an adversity. Young people represent a developmental stage in which there is a vulnerability to experience deleterious outcomes during adversity. The literature on risk and promotive factors for resilience in youth is compounded by narrative reviews which have not applied a rigorous search methodology and which have failed to operationalise resilience. To date, the majority of research in resilience for emotional distress has focussed on data collected in high income countries. The first paper presents a systematic review of the literature on risk and promotive factors for trait resilience in youth. The findings indicate that there are differences in the magnitude of association between trait resilience and various risk and promotive factors, which were conceptualised into biological, intrapersonal, interpersonal and environmental factors. The largest body of evidence reviewed pertained to intrapersonal risk and promotive factors for trait resilience. Factors predicting trait resilience were also identified. Implications for future research include addressing the methodological and sampling limitations of the reviewed studies. The second paper presents an empirical study investigating factors within a microsystem which differentiate adolescents with resilience for emotional distress and those vulnerable to emotion distress in India (<i>N</i> = 967) and in Peru (<i>N</i> = 606). Factors which predict low emotional distress in each country and factors which differentiate between low emotional distress Indian and Peruvian adolescents were additionally investigated. A cross-sectional exploratory investigation of secondary data was employed. The findings suggest that the profile of low vulnerability for emotional distress differs between different cultural contexts and contribute to an extraordinarily limited evidence-base in low and middle income contexts. Extensive additional research is required to delineate culturally-specific profiles of resilience for emotional distress in a bid to develop culturally-sensitive treatment targets.

Funktionell familjeterapi (FFT), är den funktionell? : Familjebehandlarens erfarenheter av arbete med Funktionell familjeterapi (FFT) i socialtjänstens öppenvård / Is Functional Family Therapy functional? : Family therapists experience of using Functional Family Therapy (FFT) in the social services outpatient service

Husband, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur familjebehandlare upplever det att arbeta med FFT-metoden samt de faktorerna som gör den funktionell. Eftersom FFT är anpassad till den amerikanska kulturen som skiljer sig ganska mycket från den svenska, båda i kultur och socialsystem är det viktigt att inte bara utvärdera utifrån modellen men också hur implementering och anpassning av modellen har gått. För att kunna besvara syftet och frågeställningar har fem kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts av semistrukturerad karaktär. Urvalet av respondenter gjordes utifrån snöbollsmetoden där de intervjuade arbetar inom socialtjänstens öppenvård. Resultaten visade att det finns många saker som ska tas hänsyn till vid anpassning till andra kulturer, bland annat utbildningar, målgrupper och ekonomi. FFT är en behandlingsmetod och en påbyggnadsutbildning där gränsen mellan det som är klientens behandling och det som är FFT-terapeuternas utbildning är diffus. Studien kan bidra med tankar om hur man skulle kunna göra vidare studier rörande utbildning och implementering av evidensbaserade modeller.

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