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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lower payroll taxes for young workers : Was the introduction of the payroll tax reductions for young employees an effective way to lower youth unemployment?

Johansson, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies the effects on the unemployment rate and average income due to the payroll tax cuts for young workers in Sweden. The method that has been used is a difference-in-difference approach with two different control groups. The unemployment rate for Swedish individuals at age 15-24 has been matched towards individuals at the same age in Finland and Denmark. The data behind the estimations is picked from the database of Eurostat. The results indicate an increase in the unemployment rate, contrary to the expectations from the theoretical framework in the subject. One possible explanation for a lack of increase in employment due to a targeted tax cut is shifting, meaning that the lowered cost for firms is shifted onto the employees’ wages. However, no significant results on the wage effect were found, so no such conclusion can be made. The explanation could lay in modeling problems, a growing labor force or the supply of labor (which may choose other alternatives than employment). By the results of this report, the main conclusion is that the payroll tax reductions did not reduce the high unemployment rate among young individuals in Sweden.

Att vara ung och anställningsbar : En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetslösa ungdomar uppfattas vara anställningsbara ur ett  kommunalt arbetsgivarperspektiv

Thorsén, Frida, Liljegren, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Ungdomsarbetslösheten i Sverige är i förhållande till den totala arbetslösheten, i landet, hög och är en av svenska regeringens högst prioriterade frågor inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken. För att komma in på arbetsmarknaden idag måste du visa dig anställningsbar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad kommunala arbetsgivare har för uppfattning om arbetslösa ungdomars anställningsbarhet. Syftet konkretiseras med hjälp av tre frågeställningar som syftar till att se vad betydelsen av deltagandet i aktiva arbetsmarknadsåtgärder har för anställningsbarheten, samt vad gymnasieexamen och de personliga egenskaperna betyder för anställningsbarheten. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsansats och besvarar syftet utifrån åtta kommunala arbetsgivares uppfattningar om arbetslösa ungdomars anställningsbarhet. Resultatet visar att anställningsbarhet enligt de kommunala arbetsgivarna är betydelsen av erfarenheter, kompetenser och utbildning. Studien visar även att praktik i en kommunal arbetsmarknadsåtgärd, vars syfte är att ge arbetslivserfarenhet, inte nödvändigtvis kan likställas med arbetslivserfarenhet. Deltagandet i en kommunal arbetsmarknadsåtgärd kan minska anställningsbarheten, likaså kan avsaknaden av en gymnasieexamen försvåra chansen till en anställning och en individs personliga egenskaper anses avgörande. Därför uppfylls heller inte den grundläggande anställningsbarheten. / Youth unemployment in relation to overall unemployment is high and is one of the Swedish government´s priorities in labour market policy. The purpose of this study is to investigate what idea the municipal employers have of unemployed youths ́ employability. The purpose is embodied by three questions, designed to see what importance of participation in active labour market programs, upper secondary school diploma and personality have on employability. The study is based on a qualitative research approach and answers the purpose with eight municipal employers' perceptions of unemployed young people's employability. The result indicates that employability, according to the municipal employers, is the importance of experience, skills and education. The results also indicate that the internship in a municipal labour market program, which aims to provide work experience, cannot be equated with each other. Participation in a municipal labor market program could reduce employability, as well as the lack of an upper secondary school diploma reduces the chance of an employment. The personality of an individual that is considered crucial for employment does not meet the requirements of the essential employability.

Youth unemployment in Sweden : from the perspectives of party as actor and party as outflow of society

Myrhed, Lily January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim was to analyse how the political parties, relate to questions of young individuals in Sweden, particularly to the question of youth unemployment. The theoretical basis encompassed two perspectives explaining party politics - “the party as outflow of society” and “the party as actor”, derived from the structure-agency school. Units of analysis were the parliamentary parties and their youth organisations, and the material comprised the parliament’s special debate of youth</p><p>unemployment in 2006, and text from the youth organisations' web sites. The method was qualitative with an interpretative approach. Conclusions were that young individuals in society have a limited impact on the appearance of political parties. No party has a stable responsiveness to questions of young individuals; only three out of the seven youth organisations had the current youth unemployment on the agenda (parties as outflow of society). All parties had suggestions on how to combat unemployment, but not all had suggestions directed towards youth in particular. The proposals were adjusted to other party policies to facilitate a power position through alliances</p><p>(parties as actors). The Centre party brought forward the current youth unemployment the most and “the special youth agreements” might attract new voters, including young individuals, but could also deter traditional voters.</p>

"Våga lämna flocken" : En fallstudie kring samverkan mellan privat och offentlig sektor / ”Dare to do different” : A qualitative case study regarding collaboration between private and public sector.

Erlandsson, Sara, Wellberg Bengtsson, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Ungdomsarbetslöshet är idag ett stort problem i Europa. Ungdomar har svårare att få ett heltidsjobb än för 20 år sedan. I samarbete med Arbetsförmedlingen startade Swedbank projektet Unga Jobb med syfte att få fler arbetssökande ungdomar in på arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med studien var att med kvalitativ metod öka vår förståelse för initiativet Unga Jobb och vad samarbetet innebär för huvudaktörerna Arbetsförmedlingen och Swedbank. Syftet var också att studera och analysera kring hur Arbetsförmedlingen, Swedbank och samhället kan ta till vara på positiva konsekvenser av projektet och hur negativa konsekvenser av projektet kan ge lärdomar och undvikas. Studien utfördes som en kvalitativ fallundersökning. Undersökningen bestod av åtta stycken intervjuer med respondenter från Arbetsförmedlingen och Swedbank. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen vi kan dra av studien är att samverkan är något positivt och som behövs för att lösa svårare frågor som till exempel ungdomsarbetslöshet. Det är viktigt att arbeta för bättre och effektivare åtgärder och finna lösningar som är bra för alla parter, det vill säga samhället, organisationerna och individerna. / Youth unemployment is currently a major problem in Europe. Young people have a harder time getting a full time job than 20 years ago. In cooperation with Arbetsförmedlingen (the Employment Service) Swedbank started the project Unga Jobb in order to get more young job- seekers into the labor market. The purpose of the study was with a qualitative method to get a better understanding of the iniative Unga Jobb and what collaboration means for the main stakeholders Arbetsförmedlingen (the Employment Service) and Swedbank. The purpose was also to study and analyze how Arbetsförmedlingen (the Employment Service), Swedbank and the community can take advantage of positive impacts of the project and how negative impacts of the project can provide lessons and be avoided. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study. The survey consisted of eight interviews with respondents from Arbetsförmedlingen and Swedbank. The main conclusion we can draw from the study is that the corporation is positive and needed to resolve difficult issues such as youth unemployment. It is important to work for better and more effective action and find solutions that are good for all parties, namely the community, organizations and individuals.

Implementation of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) with special reference to the Department of Correctional Services

January 2019 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Youth unemployment has become a national crisis in South Africa. The South African government has put policies in place to combat this challenge. Among the policies that have been implemented to address the problem of unemployment, is the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS). The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation of the NSDS by using the Department of Correctional Services (DSC) as a case study. The study explores the importance of public policy monitoring and evaluation within the DCS. This study analysed the implementation of the NSDS by looking at the Five C’s approach to implementation. The Five C’s (content, context, commitment, clients and coalitions, capacity) which also formed part of the literature review and theoretical framework. The Five C’s will form the basis of selection and assessing the implementation of the NSDS in the DCS and its subsequent monitoring and evaluation. The researcher used a triangulation approach as a research technique, which means that the researcher utilized different methods in collecting data. The research used DCS as a case study, and also made use of academic journals, government reports and policies.

Unemployment dynamics in Austria - The role of gender-specific worker-flows

Schoiswohl, Florian 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
There is a growing literature studying unemployment dynamics by means of worker flow data between labor market states. This paper contributes to this literature stream by analyzing the dynamics of the Austrian unemployment rate applying novel worker flow data for 2005-2016. Our main results can be summarized along two dimensions: First, we show that worker flows between unemployment and inactivity are major determinants of unemployment fluctuations in Austria. Second, we show for the working-age population that the contribution of male worker flows to the overall variation of the unemployment rate is higher, but that this relation turns when it comes to the youth cohort. The gender differences are probably related to the early occupational and educational segregation of young men and women in Austria. The paper concludes by stressing a strong need for further empirical and theoretical research which aims to link structural differences in an economy with different responses to the business cycle. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Ungas attityder till arbete - Ungdomsarbetslöshetens dilemma

Svensson, Jim, Nyman, Felicia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att utifrån Berglunds (2001) fyra idealtypiska attityder undersöka vilka attityder andraårselever på gymnasiet hade till sitt kommande arbetsliv, med samma utgångspunkt ämnade vi också att undersöka vilka attityder arbetsgivare ville se vid en nyrekrytering. Med attityder till arbete avsågs individens värderingar av vad som var viktigt med arbete. De fyra idealtypiska attityderna innefattade instrumentell-, altruistisk-, individualistisk-, och materialistisk attityd. Det första urvalet bestod av 103 andraårselever på gymnasiet fördelade över el- och energiprogram och samhällsprogram. Det andra urvalet bestod av 23 strategiskt valda arbetsgivare fördelade mellan både offentlig- och privat sektor. Resultatet av vår kvantitativa undersökning visade att den dominerande attityden bland eleverna var den materialistiska attityden, både som sammanhållen attityd och som attitydkombination. Bland arbetsgivarna visade vår kvantitativa undersökning att den attityd som premierades var den individualistiska attityden, en attityd som endast återfanns bland samhällseleverna. Undersökningen visade också att det fanns tendenser till att el- och energielever hade en mer instrumentell attityd än samhällselever. / The purpose of this paper was to draw on Berglund's (2001) four ideal typical attitudes, to examine which attitudes senior students in high school had towards their future working life, with the same starting point we also intended to examine which attitudes employers wanted to see when recruiting. With attitudes towards work meaning the individuals values of what was important with work. The four ideal typical attitudes included instrumental-, altruistic-, individualistic-, and a materialistic attitude. The first sample consisted of 103 senior students in high school distributed over electricity- and energy programs and studies of social science programs. The second sample consisted of 23 strategically selected employers split between both the public and private sector. The results of the study was that the dominant attitude among the students was the materialistic attitude, both as a coherent attitude and as an attitude combination. Among employers, our quantitative survey showed that the preferred attitude was the individualistic attitude, an attitude which could only be found among the social science students. The study revealed that there was a tendency for electricity and energy students to have a more instrumental attitude than the social science students.

"Man kommer inte särskilt långt om man sitter på sin lilla ö" : En studie om samverkan kring ungdomsarbetslöshet / "You will not get very far if you´re sitting on your own little island" : A study of collaboration on youth unemployment

Olsson, Annie, Axelsson-Stark, Mathilda January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the view that officials involved in youth unemployment have on the significance of collaboration between organizations working with unemployed youth. The study was based on nine qualitative interviews with officials from PES offices and from municipalities such as job coaches. The results were analyzed based on qualitative content analysis. The analysis led to two different themes: conditions and the individual. In the analysis two different theories were used, new institutionalism and Lipsky's theory about street-level bureaucrats. The analysis led us to the conclusion that these officials find collaboration important both for their work and for the unemployed youth and that they collaborate with the individual’s interests in mind.

Unemployment Experience Of Youth In Ankara And Sanliurfa

Celik, Kezban 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT UNEMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE OF YOUTH IN ANKARA AND SANLIURFA &Ccedil / elik, Kezban Ph.D., Department of Sociology Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Sibel Kalaycioglu September 2006, 367 pages This thesis aims to analyse how joblessness is experienced by unemployed youth, which factors are involved in this experience, what are their coping strategies and results. Final objective is to understand the relationship between wage work, adulthood and citizenship for young people who are in the process of learning how to be adult. The study is based on the interviews conducted in Ankara and Sanliurfa with 329 young people, who had registered to iSKUR in the last quarter of 2003 and who were approached after six months of registration, 30 families of the unemployed youth and 21 decision-makers of both provinces. The results of the study represent only the survey group. The study found that &amp / #8216 / family&amp / #8217 / is the most important institution in the experience of unemployed youth due to the scarce welfare state implementation and limited number and low quality of jobs created in the labour market. Therefore, family resources are crucial in the management of unemployment experience. It is not a reason itself for unemployment, but poor resources increase the need for wage work of youth labour. Youth who are heavily dependent on family support cope with unemployment in two ways: early adulthood or postponed adulthood. They try to overcome their unclear stage between childhood and adulthood through finding a job accompanied by other criteria of being adult. The former leads to the reproduction of earlier family patterns and intergenerational transfer of poverty, while the latter means to postpone the exercise of adult rights. With heavy dependence on family, unemployed youth learn to be &amp / #8216 / good family members&amp / #8217 / . This has an eroding effect on their trust and respect towards the state and its institutions as expressed by one interviewee, my State is my father. As a result, their chance to become active, participatory, responsible, entrepreneur individuals as required by new system decrease dramatically. Keywords: Wage work, youth unemployment, experience of unemployment.

Young and unemployed : giving and getting recognition in peer groups and online

Whittaker, Lisa S. January 2011 (has links)
Economists have stated that unemployment has a lasting negative effect, particularly on young people. The present research examined the experiences of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) in Scotland and the impact being NEET has on their identities. Specifically focussing on how these young people gain recognition and construct a positive sense of self. Three research questions are addressed: (1) how do young people give and receive recognition in their peer group? (2) How do young people engage with the alternative context of an online social networking site in order to give and receive recognition? (3) Are there any disagreements and/or misunderstandings between young people and employers? These questions are examined using three data sets: 16 peer group discussions with a total of 79 young people, 37 Bebo (a social networking site) profiles and questionnaires completed by 33 young people and 29 employers. Analysis of peer group discussions revealed the ways in which young people give and receive recognition and the recognition they feel they are given and denied from others. This highlights the complex transition into work for these young people and their struggle for recognition. For example, trying to balance avoiding ridicule from peers associated with certain jobs with their desire to find a job which will allow them to buy certain things and participate in adult life. Analysis of Bebo profiles revealed that young people make use of the existing structures of recognition within Bebo but also manipulate the site in order to gain further recognition in ways that could not have been predicted. Bebo offers young people the chance to gain recognition for popularity, sexual attractiveness and physical strength in ways which may not be deemed acceptable in everyday offline life. A comparison of the perspectives of young people and employers revealed a number of misunderstandings which hinder their relationship, for example the importance of qualifications. Analysis across these three data sets, and the social contexts they represent, reveals the tensions young people experience as they move between different structures of recognition. The main theoretical contribution of this research is a model of recognition in which the self is caught between different structures of recognition. This model provides an insight into what motivates young people to behave differently in different contexts, based on the perceived and actual recognition available. For example, online social networking provides a space for young people to receive recognition for how much alcohol they can drink, however this is not something they would draw attention to in a work environment. There are two applied contributions: (1) at a practical level, young people would benefit from more work experience placements and positive engagements with employers. (2) Most importantly, alternative structures of recognition are needed which recognise the knowledge and skills that young people do have. Instead of focusing on their weaknesses, we must help them build on their strengths. This would allow all young people to feel valued and more able to create a positive sense of self.

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