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Vybrané problémy českých médií a novinářské profese na příkladu pronikání smyšlených událostí a recesistických obsahů do zpravodajství / Selected problems of the czech media and journalistic profession on the exemple of the intrusion of fictitious events and news satire into official newsSeidlová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the problematic aspects of the journalistic profession nowadays, namely on the example of the penetration of the mystifying jokes to the mainstream media. In three specific cases where the authors of the mystifying pranks managed to penetrate the media, the work illustrates the most common mistakes journalists can make and focuses on trends, which stand for these tendencies. Part of this work is the analysis of the mystifying contents that appeared on jokes websites, on Facebook or in the context of interpersonal communication, and subsequent analysis of the media in which these mystifying reports appeared in the form of the real events. The interviews with both stakeholders - authors of the hoax contents and media representatives - will subsequently serve for the illustration of the overall issue and the final conclusion.
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Právní úprava ochrany ovzduší před znečišťováním ze stacionárních zdrojů / Legal regulation of air protection against pollution from stationary sourcesKunert, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with legal regulation of air protection against pollution from stationary sources especially with the Act no. 201/2012 Coll. on the Protection of Air. The opening chapter introduces to the issues and systematics of the diploma thesis. The second chapter contains the overview of the most important pollutants with their impacts on human health and the environment. The third chapter concerns the international regulation of the air pollution protection including the European Union regulation. The fourth chapter describes the development of the air protection legal regulation in the Czech Republic. The fifth chapter gives attention to the definition of the stationary source of pollution. The sixth chapter deals with the level of pollution and the tools connected with this level. The seventh chapter is about the regulation of the sources of pollution. The final chapter summarizes the previous text and contains the evaluation of the legal regulation of the air protection.
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Vliv agenturního zpravodajství České tiskové kanceláře na obsah zahraničních rubrik periodického tisku / The influence of agency news from the ČTK on the content of foreign news sections in periodicalsVančurová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The Influence of Agency News from the Czech News Agency on the Content of Foreign News Sections in Periodicals" is focused on the thematic a geopolitical focus of the foreign news sections of Czech national dailies in comparison with the agency service of the Czech Newa Agency (CTK). The thesis strives to answer the question, how similar they are. At the same time, work with sources is compared. The theoretical basis for this thesis lies in the theorie of gatekeeping, news values and agenda setting. Two month-long periods were analyzed in the thesis, with emphasis on the comparability of the work with sources. March 2012, a so-called usual month with no expected events of big importance, was compared to the period between 20 October and 20 November 2012, when presidential elections went on in the United States of America. Three hypotheses were determined; of them, two were confirmed and one partially disproved. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Určení zdrojů Pb v malém povodí pomocí Pb isotopů / Determination of Pb sources in small catchment using Pb isotopes.Krajíčková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The contents and isotopic composition of lead (Pb) were studied in a small forested catchment Lesní potok. The catchment is located 30 km southeast from Prague near Jevany. Monitoring inputs and outputs in GEOMON, a network of small forested catchments in the territory of the Czech Republic, has been coordinated by the Czech Geological Survey since 1994. It was analyzed litter of spruce and beech, collected between 2013 and 2014, and an archival sample litter of spruce from 1997. Lead in soil was studied at two profiles cambisols in each diagnostic horizons. Samples of profile LP 38 were collected in 2005, the LP 39 a year later. Surface water and bulk precipitation were sampled monthly for one hydrological year 2013. The ICP-MS method was used to determine the concentration and isotope ratios of lead. To determine of sources Pb were used isotope ratios 206 Pb/207 Pb and 208 Pb/206 Pb. In spruce litter (3,87 mg.kg-1 ) was measured average Pb concentration higher than beech (0,98 mg.kg-1 ). Topsoil horizons contain elevated concentrations of Pb (up to 100,70 mg.kg-1 ) decreasing towards the deeper horizons. The Pb concentration in the soil was 61,28 mg.kg-1 . Bulk precipitation in with average Pb concentrations206 Pb/207 Pb = 0.87 µg.l-1 contained more Pb than surface water 206 Pb/207 Pb = 0.50 µg.l-1 ....
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Izotopové složení olova vybraných referenčních materiálů v jednotlivých krocích sekvenčního loužení. / Lead isotopic composition of selected certified reference materials in three step extraction procedure.Martinovský, Václav January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with the issue of lead isotopic composition in reference materials. These reference materials were extracted by using method of sequential extraction analyses Isotopic composition of the lead was determined by ICP MS (Thermo scientific). The first part summarizes knowledge in the field of sequential extraction analyses; in the following section issue of using isotopic composition of lead in environmental sciences is discussed. Experimental part describes research methodology and presents results of the sequential extraction and the isotopic composition of lead contained in the analysed reference materials. Following reference materials were analysed: CRM BCR 483, CRM BCR 701, SRM NIST 2709a, SRM NIST 2710a, SRM NIST 2711a. Results of modified sequential extraction procedure BCR (three steps methodology created by Community Bureau of Reference, Belgium to harmonize technical procedure) measured in this work corresponds to the certified or indicative values. Isotopic composition expressed by isotopic ratios 206 Pb/207 Pb among fractions of BCR sequential extraction (fractions I - IV) was folloving: CRM BCR 483 (1,1168 - 1,1350); CRM BCR 701 (1,1583 - 1,1844); SRM NIST 2709a (1,1819 - 1,2118); SRM NIST 2710a (1,1583 - 1,1989); SRM NIST 2711a (1,1079 - 1,1284). Key words: lead isotopic...
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Simulace chodu podniku Prádelna Lety / Simulation of the operations of the company Prádelna LetyVeselý, Mikuláš January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the theme simulation models. It is separated to three parts: theoretic, a part describing a simulation program and a practical part. The opening part's role is to introduce to a reader the problem about simulation models, inform him about simulation project building and define some key words. The second part explains a work with simulation program Simprocess. In the third part the reader finds out, how to use theoretic knowledge. It is demonstrated on the simulation of the operations of the company Prádelna Lety. A goal of this part is to make a simulation model, which describes the reality and can solve the main problems identified in the beginning of this part. All of this is the object of the analysis. After that is possible to give some advises about improving the operations.
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Analýza novinářské práce se zdroji v závislosti na pohlaví novináře/novinářky / Analysis of journalistic treatment with sources depending on gender of a journalistKudláčková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Analysis of journalistic treatment with sources depending on gender of a journalist Lucie Kudláčková Abstract This thesis examines relationship between a sex of a journalist and a sex of news source, that the journalist chooses. The work includes a search of existing Czech and foreign research and theories on this topic. Its main goal is to determine whether woman journalists have more female sources than their male colleagues and to describe the difference between men and women journalists during their work with women and men. The paper also attempts to describe share of men and women as sources in the Czech media, with special emphasis on women's representation in the news and their position in it, and brings information on the share of women journalists in the media and their positions in newsrooms. The paper provides quantitative research of media content of the Czech press and television. Data shows that men far outnumber women as authors and as news sources as well. The gender of the sources was proved as an important factor for selection to the report and the source's position in it. It was also proved that female journalists have in their texts more women than their male counterparts. The work also includes additional qualitative research consisting of interviews with journalists. Interviews...
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Komplexní posouzení energetické náročnosti výroby granulí pro vytápění z obnovitelných zdrojů / Comprehensive Assessment of Energy Demand in Production of Granules for Renewable Resources HeatingSTERNBERG, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The first part of the graduation thesis deals with renewable resources, utilization possibilities of biomass and plant phytomass. The most common sources from which phytomass is obtained, are also mentioned here. A great deal of attention is paid to selected energetic plants included into the experiment. It is Sorrel Rumex OK-2 (Rumex tianschanicus x Rumex patientia) and Poppy seed (Papaver Somniferum). Further there are summarized the processes necessary for separating and pressing of biomass into granules for direct combustion. Within the research, two-year experience of growing sorrel stand is described. On the basis of performed technological operations in the stand, energy demands of growing are calculated. The real usage of energy at the production of one tonne of granules is measured. When labour costs are taken into account I can say that the expenses for the production of one tonne of briquettes from biomass would be 4 592 CZK, which is a non-competitive sum.
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Mezinárodní obchod s druhy rodu Hippocampus / International trade in sea horses (\kur{Hippocampus spp}.)NEDOROSTOVÁ, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This work comprehensively reviews the international trade in sea horses, particularly the Hippocampus genus, from 1997 to 2012. The genus was added to the Appendices II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (thereinafter as the CITES) in 2002, came into force in 2004. Before the addition, the genus was entered into the appendix D for the non-CITES species whose import is monitored by the EU. The CITES Trade Database kept by the UNEP - WCMC Secretariat was used as the source of data about the trade. The frequency of the trade in sea horses tended to be increasing with a moderate decrease in 2009. The Hippocampus species was traded in the following forms: live, bodies, derivatives, specimens, medicine, carvings, eggs live, extracts, fingerlings, powder, skeletons, skin pieces, soup, trophies and other unspecified forms. The living specimens traded: (1) specimens taken from the wild., (2) animals bred in captivity as well as parts and derivatives, (3) Animals born in captivity (F1 or subsequent generations) that do not fulfil the definition of 'bred in captivity', as well as parts and derivatives thereof, (4) specimens of animals reared in a controlled environment, taken as eggs or juveniles from the wild, where they would otherwise have had a very low probability of surviving to adulthood, (5) confiscated or seized specimens, (6) pre- Convention specimens. The trades purposes were: (1) commercial, (2) personal, (3) scientific, (4) zoo (aquarium) breeding, (5) educational, (6) breeding in captivity, circus and other exhibitions, (7) conventional medicine, (8) law enforcement / judicial / forensic purposes. The most traded genus was unspecified (Hippocampus spp.), then the H. kuda, the H. reidi and the H. erectus as living specimens or dead bodies; also the ones from the wild and for the commercial purposes. Those came mostly from Vietnam, Thailand or Australia. They were exported mainly from Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Australia. The greatest importers were the USA, Germany and the Great Britain.
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Mezinárodní obchod s druhy čeledi Crocodylidae / International trade in species of the family CrocodylidaeVEJBOROVÁ, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the evaluation of an international trade with species of Crocodylidae family. The main data source was CITES trade database, in which there are registered all the trades with required species. Based on data analysis it was identified the course of commerce with all the commodities between 1993 and 2012. The most frequently marketed species are these four crocodiles: Crocodylus niloticus, porosus, siamensis a novaeguineae. For these species were observed total net import, gross export, the number of trades per year, share of countries participated on import and export, the purpose of the trade and the source of traded commodities. At the rest of the species the less marketed ones summary tables of import and gross export were created. From the analysis was found out that the most of monitored species come from the farm breeding, which are specialised inleather and meat production. The third significant commodity is leather products. From charts can be noticed the growth of leather and skin production for Nile crocodile and of live specimens export for Siamese crocodile. For the next two in detail analysed species there was no production growth noted.
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