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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algebraic Methods for Reducibility in Nowhere-Zero Flows

Li, Zhentao January 2007 (has links)
We study reducibility for nowhere-zero flows. A reducibility proof typically consists of showing that some induced subgraphs cannot appear in a minimum counter-example to some conjecture. We derive algebraic proofs of reducibility. We define variables which in some sense count the number of nowhere-zero flows of certain type in a graph and then deduce equalities and inequalities that must hold for all graphs. We then show how to use these algebraic expressions to prove reducibility. In our case, these inequalities and equalities are linear. We can thus use the well developed theory of linear programming to obtain certificates of these proof. We make publicly available computer programs we wrote to generate the algebraic expressions and obtain the certificates.

Modelling & implementation of Aerodynamic Zero-lift Drag into ADAPDT / Modellering & implementering av aerodynamiskt nollmotstånd i ADAPDT

Bergman, David January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this thesis work was to construct and implement an algorithm into the programADAPDT to calculate the zero-lift drag profile for defined aircraft geometries. ADAPDT, shortfor AeroDynamic Analysis and Preliminary Design Tool, is a program that calculates forces andmoments about a flat plate geometry based on potential flow theory. Zero-lift drag will becalculated by means of different hand-book methods found suitable for the objective andapplicable to the geometry definition that ADAPDT utilizes. Drag has two main sources of origin: friction and pressure distribution, all drag acting on theaircraft can be traced back to one of these two physical phenomena. In aviation drag is dividedinto induced drag that depends on the lift produced and zero-lift drag that depends on the geometry of the aircraft. How reliable and accurate the zero-lift drag computations are depends on the geometry data thatcan be extracted and used. ADAPDT‟s geometry definition is limited to flat plate geometrieshowever although simple it has the potential to provide a huge amount of data and also delivergood results for the intended use. The flat plate representation of the geometry proved to beleast sufficient for the body while wing elements could be described with much more accuracy. Different empirical hand-book methods were used to create the zero-lift drag algorithm. Whenchoosing equations and formulas, great care had to be taken as to what input was required sothat ADAPDT could provide the corresponding output. At the same time the equations shouldnot be so basic that level of accuracy would be compromised beyond what should be expectedfrom the intended use. Finally, four well known aircraft configurations, with available zero-lift drag data, weremodeled with ADAPDT‟s flat plate geometry in order to validate, verify and evaluate the zeroliftdrag algorithm‟s magnitude of reliability. The results for conventional aircraft geometriesprovided a relative error within 0-15 % of the reference data given in the speed range of zero toMach 1.2. While for an aircraft with more complicated body geometry the error could go up to40 % in the same speed regime. But even though the limited geometry is grounds foruncertainties the final product provides ADAPDT with very good zero-lift drag estimationcapability earlier not available. A capability that overtime as ADAPDT continues to evolve hasthe potential to further develop in terms of improved accuracy. / Målet med detta examensarbete var att skapa och implementera en algoritm som införmöjligheten att beräkna nollmotstånd för givna flygplansgeometrier i programmet ADAPDT.ADAPDT, kort för AeroDynamic Analysis and Preliminary Design Tool, är ett program som,baserat på potential strömnings teori, beräknar krafter och moment på en geometri uppbyggd avplana plattor. Nollmotståndet kommer att baseras en kombination av handboksmetoder somfunnits lämpliga och applicerbara på geometridefinitionen given i ADAPDT. Motstånd har sitt ursprung i två fysikaliska fenomen: friktion och tryckfördelning, ur vilka alltmotstånd som agerar på ett flygplan härrör. Inom flyget delar man in motståndet ilyftkraftsberoende inducerat motstånd samt geometriberoende nollmotstånd. Hur pålitliga och noggranna motståndsberäkningarna kan förväntas vara beror på mängdengeometriska data som finns att tillgå. ADAPDT:s geometridefinition är begränsad till planaplattor men trots detta finns potential att leverera stora mängder data och resultat med rimlignoggrannhet. Plan plattgeometrin visade sig, för kroppsgeometrin, väldigt begränsad ochotillräcklig medan ving element kunde beskrivas med större noggrannhet. En rad olika empiriska handboksmetoder användes för att skapa nollmotståndsalgoritmen. Vidvalet av formler och ekvationer var det viktigt att välja sådana som ADAPDT kunde försetillräckligt med data till. Samtidigt fick formlerna inte vara alltför simpla så att måttet avnoggrannhet i resultaten vart alltför låg mot för vad som, för ändamålet, är förväntat. Slutligen valdes fyra kända flygplan, med nollmotståndsdata tillgängligt, att modeleras medADAPDT:s plan plattgeometri för att validera, verifiera och utvärdera algoritmens mått avtillförlitlighet. Resultaten för mer konventionella flygplanskonfigurationer visade på ett relativtfel mellan 0-15 % mot de givna referensflygplanens nollmotståndsdata inom hastigheterna 0 tillMach 1,2. För mer komplicerade konfigurationer steg det relativa felet omedelbart upp mot 40% inom samma hastighetsregim. Men även om den begränsade geometridefinitionen iADAPDT är grunden för mycket osäkerheter förser den slutliga produkten ändå programmetmed en väldigt god möjlighet till skattning av nollmotståndet som inte tidigare fanns. Enmöjlighet som över tid, allteftersom ADAPDT forstätter att utvecklas, har all potential till attförbättras med avseende på noggrannhet och tillförlitlighet.

Implementation of a Zero Aware SRAM Cell for a Low Power RAM Generator

Åkerman, Markus January 2005 (has links)
In this work, an existing generator for layout of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is improved. The tool is completed with a block decoder, which was missing when the thesis started. A feature of generating schematic files is also added. The schematics are important to get a better overview, to test parts properly, and enable Layout versus Schematics (LVS) checks. The main focus of this thesis work is to implement and evaluate a new SRAM cell, called Zero Aware Asymmetric SRAM cell. This cell saves major power when zeros are stored. Furthermore the pull-up circuit is modified to be less power consuming. Other parts are also modified to fit the new memory cell. Several minor flaws are corrected in the layout generator. It does still not produce a complete memory without manual interventions, but it does at least create all parts with one command. Several tests, including Design Rule Checks (DRC) and LVS checks, are carried out both on minor and larger parts. Development of documentation that makes it easier for users and developers to use and understand the tool is initiated.

Algebraic Methods for Reducibility in Nowhere-Zero Flows

Li, Zhentao January 2007 (has links)
We study reducibility for nowhere-zero flows. A reducibility proof typically consists of showing that some induced subgraphs cannot appear in a minimum counter-example to some conjecture. We derive algebraic proofs of reducibility. We define variables which in some sense count the number of nowhere-zero flows of certain type in a graph and then deduce equalities and inequalities that must hold for all graphs. We then show how to use these algebraic expressions to prove reducibility. In our case, these inequalities and equalities are linear. We can thus use the well developed theory of linear programming to obtain certificates of these proof. We make publicly available computer programs we wrote to generate the algebraic expressions and obtain the certificates.

Characterizing Chromium Isotope Fractionation During Reduction of Cr(VI): Batch and Column Experiments

Jamieson-Hanes, Julia Helen January 2012 (has links)
Chromium (VI) is a pervasive groundwater contaminant that poses a considerable threat to human health. Remediation techniques have focused on the reduction of the highly mobile Cr(VI) to the sparingly soluble, and less toxic, Cr(III) species. Traditionally, remediation performance has been evaluated through the measurement of Cr(VI) concentrations; however, this method is both costly and time-consuming, and provides little information regarding the mechanism of Cr(VI) removal. More recently, Cr isotope analysis has been proposed as a tool for tracking Cr(VI) migration in groundwater. Redox processes have been shown to produce significant Cr isotope fractionation, where enrichment in the ⁵³Cr/⁵²Cr ratio in the remaining Cr(VI) pool is indicative of a mass-transfer process. This thesis describes laboratory batch and column experiments that evaluate the Cr isotope fractionation associated with the reduction of Cr(VI) by various materials and under various conditions. Laboratory batch experiments were conducted to characterize the isotope fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction by granular zero-valent iron (ZVI) and organic carbon (OC). A decrease in Cr(VI) concentrations was accompanied by an increase in δ⁵³Cr values for the ZVI experiments. Data were fitted to a Rayleigh-type curve, which produced a fractionation factor α = 0.9994, suggesting a sorption-dominated removal mechanism. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) indicated the presence of Cr(III) on the solid material, suggesting that reduction of Cr(VI) occurred. A series of batch experiments determined that reaction rate, experimental design, and pre-treatment of the ZVI had little to no effect on the Cr isotope fractionation. The interpretation of isotope results for the organic carbon experiments was complicated by the presence of both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) co-existing in solution, suggesting that further testing is required. A laboratory column experiment was conducted to evaluate isotopic fractionation of Cr during Cr(VI) reduction by OC under saturated flow conditions. Although decreasing dissolved Cr(VI) concentrations also were accompanied by an increase in δ⁵³Cr values, the isotope ratio values did not fit a Rayleigh-type fractionation curve. Instead, the data followed a linear regression equation yielding α = 0.9979. Solid-phase analysis indicated the presence of Cr(III) on the surface of the OC. Both the results of the solid-phase Cr and isotope analyses suggest a combination of Cr(VI) reduction mechanisms, including reduction in solution, and sorption prior to reduction. The linear characteristic of the δ⁵³Cr data may reflect the contribution of transport on Cr isotope fractionation.

Zero tillage and organic farming in Saskatchewan : an interdisciplinary study of the development of sustainable agriculture

Beckie, Mary Anne 01 January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate how sustainable agriculture is being conceptualized and implemented in Saskatchewan. Zero tillage, organic farming, and the discourses surrounding them were examined as theoretical and practical responses to sustainable agriculture. Characteristics of 33 organic and 33 zero tillage farming systems located throughout the soil climatic zones of southern Saskatchewan were compared, as well as farmers' perceptions of sustainable agriculture and factors influencing their management decisions. The analysis was extended beyond the local level by examining the links between major socio-political forces shaping agriculture and farmers' perceptions and choices. Central to this analysis is an examination of the role of informal and formal knowledge systems in the development of sustainable agriculture, and how relations of power affect the knowledge that is being produced and ultimately the direction of change in agriculture. Interdisciplinary and exploratory approaches were used to identify and examine a range of emergent issues. The data gathered was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. This study revealed commonalities between zero tillage and organic farmers' basic views on sustainable agriculture, and important differences in the ways these two groups of farmers translated these ideas into practice. Most farmers defined sustainability at the farm-level, focusing on land stewardship and the preservation of the family farm. Farmers adopted zero tillage because of specific environmental, economic and labour advantages, whereas organic farming was adopted for a combination of environmental, health, economic, philosophical/spiritual and labour factors. In general, zero tillage and organic farming systems differed in size, in production and management operations, in land tenure, and in the use of purchased inputs and labour. Zero tillage farms tended to be large, capital-intensive, specialized cropping operations, with a significant proportion of rented land and non-family hired labour. Organic farms were moderate-sized, diversified crop and livestock operations that substituted biological and cultural practices for purchased (agrochemical) inputs, had a high degree of ownership, and relied more upon labour exchange. These characteristics create distinct environmental, economic and social advantages and disadvantages. Zero tillage, compatible with the dominant agricultural paradigm and the industrial model, continues to be promoted by agricultural institutions and agribusiness as the best solution to farm-level sustainability. Interest in organic agriculture and the alternative agricultural paradigm is increasing, however, due to the current crisis in the farm economy and changes in consumers' perceptions and choices.

The European Union policy of zero tolerance : insights from the discovery of CDC Triffid

Dayananda, Buwani 11 July 2011 (has links)
Flax is one of the major cash crops in Canada. Approximately seventy percent of Canadian flaxseed was exported to European Union (EU) annually until 2009. In 2009, the EU imposed an import ban on Canadian flaxseed due to the adventitious presence of a GM flax variety - CDC Triffid was identified in Canadian flaxseed exported to the EU. The EUs decision to apply zero tolerance on CDC Triffid flax has been based on its interpretation of the precautionary principle. According to the World Trade Organisations Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), however, precautionary measures are subject to a scientific risk assessment. As the EU did not base its zero tolerance for CDC Triffid flax on any scientific risk assessment, the EU is in violation of the SPS Agreement. Moreover, the EU has ignored the available scientific information regarding CDC Triffid flax. The EU did not consider the possibility of following the guidelines given by Codex Alimentarius Commission in the case of CDC Triffid flax. There are non-scientific reasons behind the EUs zero tolerance on CDC Triffid flax and they overweigh the available scientific information. The EU position would be unlikely to be supported if a complaint was brought to the World Trade Organisation Disputes Panel. A partial equilibrium model was used to provide a theoretical background to examine the changes in the flaxseed industry and the linseed oil industry due to the CDC Triffid event. A model of the supply chain of Canadian flaxseed was developed to illustrate the operationalisation of the Protocol developed by the EU and Canada to address the zero tolerance policy. Empirical estimation suggests that the operationalisation of the Protocol incurred additional cost of $7.5 million to the flax seed industry of Canada in 2009/ 2010. Out of that, cost of testing was approximately $1.2 million and cost of segregation was $4.2 million. Estimation of changes in revenue suggests that there was a loss of revenue in flaxseed trade between the EU and Canada in 2009/2010. Imports of Canadian flax by China provided an alternative market, at a considerably lower price than typically realised from the EU market. Interestingly, the EUs zero tolerance policy on CDC Triffid flax has resulted in a larger additional cost on the EU than Canada.

Design of A Droop-Controlled Inverter with Seamlessly Grid-Connected Transition

Kuo, Chun-Yi 25 August 2011 (has links)
The grid voltage is normally required to avoid transient current of the inverter due to asynchronously grid-paralleling connection. This paper presents a seamless transition method to allow the inverter to connect to the grid at any time with no requirement of the grid voltage. The control of the inverter consists of the droop control and the riding-through control. In the droop-controlled mode, the inverter can connect to the utility and supply power according to its rated capacity. On the other hand, the riding-through mode is proposed to suppress the transient current due to asynchronous paralleling. In this mode, the zero-current control is realized to reduce transient current and a phase-locked loop is designed to correct the angle of the inverter output voltage. In addition, the virtual inductance is implemented to improve transient current resulting from the mode transition back to the droop control mode. Design considerations of the seamless transition method are provided and test results are conducted to verify its effectiveness.

Code design for multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channels

Uppal, Momin Ayub 02 June 2009 (has links)
Recent information theoretical results indicate that dirty-paper coding (DPC) achieves the entire capacity region of the Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channel (BC). This thesis presents practical code designs for Gaussian BCs based on DPC. To simplify our designs, we assume constraints on the individual rates for each user instead of the customary constraint on transmitter power. The objective therefore is to minimize the transmitter power such that the practical decoders of all users are able to operate at the given rate constraints. The enabling element of our code designs is a practical DPC scheme based on nested turbo codes. We start with Cover's simplest two-user Gaussian BC as a toy example and present a code design that operates 1.44 dB away from the capacity region boundary at the transmission rate of 1 bit per sample per dimension for each user. Then we consider the case of the multiple-input multiple-output BC and develop a practical limit-approaching code design under the assumption that the channel state information is available perfectly at the receivers as well as at the transmitter. The optimal precoding strategy in this case can be derived by invoking duality between the MIMO BC and MIMO multiple access channel (MAC). However, this approach requires transformation of the optimal MAC covariances to their corresponding counterparts in the BC domain. To avoid these computationally complex transformations, we derive a closed-form expression for the optimal precoding matrix for the two-user case and use it to determine the optimal precoding strategy. For more than two users we propose a low-complexity suboptimal strategy, which, for three transmit antennas at the base station and three users (each with a single receive antenna), performs only 0.2 dB worse than the optimal scheme. Our obtained results are only 1.5 dB away from the capacity limit. Moreover simulations indicate that our practical DPC based scheme significantly outperforms the prevalent suboptimal strategies such as time division multiplexing and zero forcing beamforming. The drawback of DPC based designs is the requirement of channel state information at the transmitter. However, if the channel state information can be communicated back to the transmitter effectively, DPC does indeed have a promising future in code designs for MIMO BCs.

Establishment of zero-water exchange cultivation technology in the white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei

Chang, Chun-ming 13 July 2005 (has links)
White shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) were cultured in isolated environment using zero-water exchange to investigate optimum cultivation method. Except density experiment, culture density was 100 shrimps/m2 in all other experiments. The results indicated that simple quarantine facility could prevent virus infection of pond shrimps. After 83 days of cultivation, survival rate, final weight, yield and growth rate (90.7%, 16.8 g, 1.52 kg/m2, 1.36 g/week) of zero-water exchange group was not significantly different from those of water exchange group, but FCR was lower (p<0.05) instead. Addition of brown sugar increased final weight and growth rate of shrimp and lowered FCR (18.6 g, 1.60 kg/m2, 1.64 ¡Ó 0.04) (p<0.05), but nitrification was inhibited. Application of two mats per tank gave highest increases in final weight and yield and lowest FCR (p<0.05). Bottom sand increased final weight and yield and lowered FCR (p<0.05), stabilized pH and increased de-nitrification efficiency. Salinity of 25 ppt had highest final weight and yield and lowest FCR (p<0.05). Density of 200 shrimps/m2 had highest final weight and lowest FCR (p<0.05) and yield twice as that of density of 100 shrimps/m2. At the end of cultivation, water quality condition between 37% and 32% protein feed were not significantly different. But, the shrimps of 37% protein feed had higher final weight, lower FCR (p<0.05) and 26% more yield. The above results indicated that the risk of shrimps infected by virus could be prevented using zero-water exchange culture method. As long as solid was held suspending by sufficient agitating, good water quality could be maintained. Hence, zero-water exchange culture could not only decrease electricity of water pump and quantity of water use, but also increase the value of product and incorporation efficiency of feeds.

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