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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

浙西六家詞學研究. / Study of ci poetry of the six Zhexi poets / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhe xi liu jia ci xue yan jiu.

January 2011 (has links)
劉喜儀. / Six poets are: 朱彝尊、李良年、李符、沈皞日、沈岸登、龔翔麟. / Six poets are: Zhu Yizun, Li Liang'nian, Li Fu, Shen Haori, Shen Andeng, Gong Xianglin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 228-245) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liu Xiyi.

坑冶競利──明代的礦政、礦盜與地域社會 / Digging for profit: mining policy, mine pilfering, and local society in Ming China

唐立宗 Unknown Date (has links)
明代礦業是中國礦業發展興衰成敗的關鍵期,在物質文化、商品經濟帶動下,此時各界都對工業原料的獲取感到興趣,明代官方與民間也不例外,官方政策無論是封禁或鼓勵開採,著眼點都是在確保「普天之下莫非王土」的礦利之權;而民間開採風氣亦屢禁不絕,亦即官民均在坑冶中進行活動,形同「坑冶競利」的較勁現象。 明代礦政發展可分三期觀察:(1)明初洪武至宣德年間(1368-1435)是明代礦業穩定發展期。朱元璋立國主張謹慎發展銅鐵開採事業,嚴禁金銀等貴重金屬的開採,但繼任者明成祖朱棣則支持開採弛禁,積極推動開礦事業,因此明代放寬對鐵冶開採的限制,不過對於金銀等貴重金屬開採則出現爭論,時開時禁,反倒成為明代礦業政策中最為鮮明的特色。(2)明正統至萬曆年間(1436-1620)是礦法與礦課調整時期。自明英宗朱祈鎮即位後,政府嚴格加強礦政管理,發布禁約,犯者即調軍剿捕,直到萬曆朝中期,官方還陸續針對《大明律》所欠缺的礦法,修改金銀銅錫等礦法條例細則,以因應社會的變遷。為求開礦增課,官方對於民間的非法採冶活動作了讓步,並改變明初定額課徵的規定,實施官三民七或官四民六的抽分制。但因皇室財政相當倚重礦銀收入,部分地區被強制改採官民對半抽分制,或實施「包派」、「包砂」、「包課」等名目不一的礦稅制度,弊端層出不窮,反而得不償失。(3)明天啟至崇禎年間(1621-1644)是封礦與開採弛禁時期。受到萬曆朝礦稅使事件影響,後來朝野各界均不主張開礦,但晚明財政的危機、邊鎮軍餉匱乏,急需鑄造錢幣礦料等因素,促使朝廷逐漸放寬採礦禁令,進而同意各地擴大開採貴重礦物,並翻譯頒布《坤輿格致》等礦書。 帶給明代礦政最致命的傷害,莫過於「礦盜」的活躍。自明初起,有關當局欲傾全力去圍堵防範,可是官方以暴制暴的鎮壓方式,反倒促成葉宗留等礦徒公開稱王造反,成為明代最為眾人所知的礦盜事件。為了穩定礦區生產與秩序,中央曾特派戶部官員、內臣與錦衣衛特使,以及巡按監察御史等專人留駐礦區監督;地方則派有按察僉事、副使、布政使參議等巡視礦場官員;軍事層級上又派任都指揮僉事管理礦區治安,並在礦場附近留有衛所、民兵戍守。 採礦所得誘惑甚高,礦冶業的蓬勃,多少也衝擊到地方社會的常態秩序。明代中期以後,原在浙江、福建交界等地活動的礦徒,逐漸轉往南直隸、浙江、江西交界等地發展;也有一些江西、福建等地的流民,因人口壓力下的生存競爭,陸續進入福建、江西、廣東交界,在粵東山區內進行季節性的採冶工作,形成獨特的地域社會。由於礦徒事件與倡亂區域明顯擴大,官方遂將地方礦政事權漸歸督撫來統籌管理,嚴格執行禁令,並且還特設總督處理浙直江西軍務事,以統攝三省礦防軍兵,清查轄區所有的礦場地點,以阻絕礦徒的活動。 另一方面,礦防兵力主要是借重地方民兵,甚至還招撫礦徒入營效力,但這項招募礦兵、採行招撫的作法,也帶給地方社會負面的影響。在浙江義烏,地方十室九空,成為地方上的一大隱憂。在廣東惠州地區,招撫未能得宜,礦徒事件有增無減,顛覆日常的社會秩序,地方士民不滿官方政策,激發民間的地域認同,出現了類似《定氛外史》等關心地域的作品,進而強烈抵制官府地方行政區劃的變動。 明代的礦徒問題,始終未能妥善解決,地方社會自然不願配合政府的開礦政策。明代官民在坑冶間相互競利,卻兩敗俱傷,沒有一方是嬴家。礦務執行的爭議、開礦引發的恐慌、礦徒倡亂事件的不絕,最終都讓明代礦政畫下了休止符。

松江畫派與及周邊地區藝術活動關係之研究. / Artistic activities between Songjiang School and the peripheral regions / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Songjiang hua pai yu ji zhou bian di qu yi shu huo dong guan xi zhi yan jiu.

January 2007 (has links)
This thesis looks into the development of Songjiang School in the context of mutual interaction and networking among painters. It focuses on two phenomena. Firstly, it studies the interaction between Songjiang School painters and artists from various Jiangnan art centres. Secondly, it explores the artistic genealogy within the Songjiang School. It investigates the activities of individual Songjian School painters in particular, and the rise and decline of the entire Songjiang School in general. / Under the famous master literati Dong Qichang, Songjiang School painters broke new path in landscape painting, valuing moist ink tones at the expense of brush and ink. But even before Dong, Gu Zhenyi and Mo Shilong were already well known for their efforts in exploring new styles. Supported by brilliant art talent such as Chen Jiru, Zhao Zuo and Shen Shicong, Dong Qichang brought the Songjiang School to its zenith. However, it was also Dong Qichang who dug the grave for the School. As Dong's followers were mostly professional painters, they could not stand as equals to Literati connoisseurs. Some became Dong Qichang's ghost-painters at the expense of their artistic individuality, whereas others were trapped in the lower end of the art market. Consequently, the Songjiang School lost its vigor and prestige in the Qing dynasty. Only Dong Qichang, the leading master of the School, could dominate the literati painting scene. / With its economy revived after the suppression of the wako invasion in late Jiajing period (1522-1566), Songjiang quickly reassumed its dominant position in the art scene. Songjiang School painters became very self-conscious and proud of their own hometown. They succeeded in networking with connoisseurs in Zhejiang and Huizhou, and learning valuable lessons from the works of their Suzhou counterparts. Consequently, although both the Wu (Suzhou) and Songjiang Schools were descendents of the same literati painting tradition, the Songjiang School loomed large throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The social prestige of some Songjiang literati certainly enhanced the success of the School. / 徐麗莎. / 呈交日期: 2005年8月. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2005. / 參考文獻(p. i-x (2nd group)). / Cheng jiao ri qi: 2005 nian 8 yue. / Advisers: Jao Tsung-i; Harold Mok Kar-leung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: A, page: 2355. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2005. / Can kao wen xian (p. i-x (2nd group)). / Xu Lisha.

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