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Development of a New Zn-Al Eutectoid Alloy for Hot Dip Batch GalvanizingRanjan, Madhu 07 July 2003 (has links)
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Study of a Novel Hot-Dip Galvanizing AlloyNarasimham, Meghamsh Jayanthi 14 July 2009 (has links)
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Experimental study of oxidation, ignition and combustion of aluminum based nanomaterialsFahad, Noor January 2014 (has links)
Aluminum based reactive nanomaterials have extensive applications in many fields including solid propellants, pyrotechnics, and catalytic reactions. One recent example is the novel concept of using nanostructured energetic particles for energy storage where the controlled exothermic reaction is the key to control the energy release process. It is of primary interest to understand the thermodynamics, kinetics, morphological and structural properties of these particles during the exothermic reaction. While the physiochemical properties of the monometallic powders are determined only by their size, the properties of bimetallic nanoalloys can be also engineered by their constituent compositions. This thesis conducts a systematic experimental investigation of the oxidation, ignition, and combustion of nano aluminum particles (nAl) and nanoalloys such as nanoscale aluminium-copper (n-AlCu) and aluminium-zinc (n-AlZn). The oxidation experiments are conducted by a TGA/DSC system with detailed characterisation of particles before and after the experiments by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the Nanosizer, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and powder X-ray diffractionmetry (XRD). In the TGA/DSC analysis, nanomaterials are oxidized either at constant temperature or under different heating rates in the controlled atmosphere of air or nitrogen. A unique early ignition reaction is observed at the high heating rates for nAl and n-AlCu, which is associated with the effect of polymorphic phase transformation of the alumina shell and the early melting of the aluminum core. Different to the conventional shrink-core concept, hollow structures, i.e. nanoholes, in the central regions of nAl are observed and a phenomenal model is proposed. The comparison of the thermal-chemical characteristics of different nanomaterials reveals some unique 5 features related to nano-alloys such as increased reactivity. A preliminary combustion experiment on feeding nanoparticles in a methane stream is performed with a Bunsen burner setup, where the burning characteristics of different nanoparticles are analysed.
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Mechanical Flow Response and Anisotropy of Ultra-Fine Grained Magnesium and Zinc AlloysAl Maharbi, Majid H. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Hexagonal closed packed (hcp) materials, in contrast to cubic materials, possess
several processing challenges due to their anisotropic structural response, the wide
variety of deformation textures they exhibit, and limited ductility at room temperature.
The aim of this work is to investigate, both experimentally and theoretically, the effect
os severe plastic deformation, ultrafine grain sizes, crystallographic textures and number
of phases on the flow stress anisotropy and tension compression asymmetry, and the
mechanisms responsible for these phenomena in two hcp materials: AZ31B Mg alloy
consisting of one phase and Zn-8wt.% Al that has an hcp matrix with a secondary facecentered
cubic (fcc) phase. Mg and its alloys have high specific strength that can
potentially meet the high demand for light weight structural materials and low fuelconsumption
in transportation. Zn-Al alloys, on the other hand, can be potential
substitutes for several ferrous and non-ferrous materials because of their good
mechanical and tribological properties. Both alloys have been successfully processed
using equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) following different processing routes in order to produce samples with a wide variety of microstructures and crystallographic
textures for revealing the relationship between microstructural parameters,
crystallographic texture and resulting flow stress anisotropy at room temperature. For
AZ31B Mg alloy, the texture evolution during ECAE following conventional and hybrid
ECAE routes was successfully predicted using visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC)
crystal plasticity model. The flow stress anisotropy and tension-compression (T/C)
asymmetry of the as received and processed samples at room temperature were
measured and predicted using the same VPSC model coupled with a dislocation-based
hardening scheme. The governing mechanisms behind these phenomena are revealed as
functions of grains size and crystallographic texture. It was found that the variation in
flow stress anisotropy and T/C asymmetry among samples can be explained based on the
texture that is generated after each processing path. Therefore, it is possible to control
the flow anisotropy and T/C asymmetry in this alloy and similar Mg alloys by
controlling the processing route and number of passes, and the selection of processing
conditions can be optimized using VPSC simulations. In Zn-8wt.% Al alloy, the hard
phase size, morphology, and distribution were found to control the anisotropy in the flow
strength and elongation to failure of the ECAE processed samples.
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Étude des mécanismes d'adhésion entre une surface d'oxyde et hydroxyde métallique (modèle et industrielle) et un polymère type époxy. Caractérisation de l'interface et de l'interphase / Study of adhesion mechanisms between surfaces oxides and hydroxides and epoxy polymer. Interfaces and interphase’s characterizationPélissier, Krystel 04 June 2014 (has links)
La nouvelle génération de revêtement métallique à base de zinc, aluminium et magnésium (ZM) développée par ArcelorMittal permet une meilleure résistance à la corrosion pour une épaisseur plus faible que les aciers galvanisés standard du type GI. Toutefois, leur homologation pour l’utilisation dans des assemblages collés dans le secteur automobile pose problème car, contrairement au système adhésif crash/GI, des ruptures adhésives sont observées lors du test de traction-cisaillement d’un assemblage adhésif crash/ZM. Ce travail a visé à comprendre la ou les raison(s) de ces ruptures adhésives afin de proposer des solutions industrielles pour y remédier. Pour cela, une stratégie multi-technique et multi-échelle (XPS, IRRAS, Raman, AFM, …) a été mise au point afin de caractériser la surface métallique et ses oxydes, les interactions de ces derniers et les composants réactifs de l’adhésif à savoir la résine (DGEBA) et le durcisseur (DDA), et le système complet adhésif/ZM. Nous avons montré que la chimie de surface du ZM est bien plus complexe que celle du GI et est dominée par des phases riches en magnésium et très peu par des oxydes/hydroxydes de zinc contrairement au GI d’où une réactivité différente vis-à-vis de la DGEBA et la DDA. En particulier le piégeage de la DDA par interaction avec le magnésium perturbe la réticulation dans une interphase chimique ainsi que l’interaction du réseau polymérique avec la silice colloïdale et les charges à base de calcium dans une interphase mécanique affaiblissant la mécanique d’ancrage de l’adhésif. Divers solutions telles que l’application d’un traitement de surface sont proposées pour remédier à cet effet négatif du magnésium / New generation of metallic coatings based on zinc, aluminum and magnesium chemistry (ZM) developed by ArcelorMittal allows a higher corrosion resistance with a thinner layer than standard galvanized steel GI. However, its homologation for bonding structure application in automobile sector is a problem because of observation of adhesive failure after lap shear test with crash adhesive unlike GI coatings. This work’s aim is to understand the reason(s) behind the adhesive failure in order to resolve this problem by proposing industrial solutions. Thus, a multi-technical and multi-scale strategy (XPS, IRRAS, Raman, AFM,… ) was developed to characterize the metallic surface and its oxides, interactions between these oxides and the reactive components of the adhesive, namely the epoxide resin (DGEBA) and the hardener (DDA) and finally the whole system, i.e. ZM/adhesive. It was demonstrated that ZM surface chemistry is far more complex than GI surface chemistry and is dominated by rich magnesium phases and low in zinc oxides/hydroxides unlike GI leading to a different reactivity towards DGEBA and DDA. In particular, the DDA trapping by interaction with magnesium disrupts reticulation process in a chemical interphase and interaction of the polymeric network with colloidal silica and mineral fillers (calcium types) in a mechanical interphase which is weakening the adhesive mechanical anchoring. Several solutions like application of surface treatments can be proposed to solve the negative effect of magnesium
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The Influence of Alloying Additions on Diffusion and Strengthening of MagnesiumKammerer, Catherine 01 January 2015 (has links)
Magnesium alloys are being developed as advanced materials for structural applications where reduced weight is a primary motivator. Alloying can enhance the properties of magnesium without significantly affecting its density. Essential to alloy development, inclusive of processing parameters, is knowledge of thermodynamic, kinetic, and mechanical behavior of the alloy and its constituents. Appreciable progress has been made through conventional development processes, but to accelerate development of suitable wrought Mg alloys, an integrated Materials Genomic approach must be taken where thermodynamics and diffusion kinetic parameters form the basis of alloy design, process development, and properties-driven applications. The objective of this research effort is twofold: first, to codify the relationship between diffusion behavior, crystal structure, and mechanical properties; second, to provide fundamental data for the purpose of wrought Mg alloy development. Together, the principal deliverable of this work is an advanced understanding of Mg systems. To that end, the objective is accomplished through an aggregate of studies. The solid-to-solid diffusion bonding technique is used to fabricate combinatorial samples of Mg-Al-Zn ternary and Mg-Al, Mg-Zn, Mg-Y, Mg-Gd, and Mg-Nd binary systems. The combinatorial samples are subjected to structural and compositional characterization via Scanning Electron Microscopy with X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Electron Probe Microanalysis, and analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy. Interdiffusion in binary Mg systems is determined by Sauer-Freise and Boltzmann-Matano methods. Kirkaldy*s extension of the Boltzmann-Matano method, on the basis of Onsager*s formalism, is employed to quantify the main- and cross-interdiffusion coefficients in ternary Mg solid solutions. Impurity diffusion coefficients are determined by way of the Hall method. The intermetallic compounds and solid solutions formed during diffusion bonding of the combinatorial samples are subjected to nanoindentation tests, and the nominal and compositionally dependent mechanical properties are extracted by the Oliver-Pharr method. In addition to bolstering the scantly available experimental data and first-principles computations, this work delivers several original contributions to the state of Mg alloy knowledge. The influence of Zn concentration on Al impurity diffusion in binary Mg(Zn) solid solution is quantified to impact both the pre-exponential factor and activation energy. The main- and cross-interdiffusion coefficients in the ternary Mg solid solution of Mg-Al-Zn are reported wherein the interdiffusion of Zn is shown to strongly influence the interdiffusion of Mg and Al. A critical examination of rare earth element additions to Mg is reported, and a new phase in thermodynamic equilibrium with Mg-solid solution is identified in the Mg-Gd binary system. It is also demonstrated that Mg atoms move faster than Y atoms. For the first time the mechanical properties of intermetallic compounds in several binary Mg systems are quantified in terms of hardness and elastic modulus, and the influence of solute concentration on solid solution strengthening in binary Mg alloys is reported. The most significant and efficient solid solution strengthening is achieved by alloying Mg with Gd. The Mg-Nd and Mg-Gd intermetallic compounds exhibited better room temperature creep resistance than intermetallic compounds of Mg-Al. The correlation between the concentration dependence of mechanical properties and atomic diffusion is deliberated in terms of electronic nature of the atomic structure.
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