Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dnak""
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Graphický znak v prostředí školy a města / Graphical sign in the context of school and townNovotná, Monika January 2014 (has links)
NOVOTNÁ, Monika. Graphic sign in context of school and town. Prague, 2014.Thesis. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts. Supervisor Mgr. Helena Kafková, 90 pages. In the theoretical part I focus on a sign, the graphical sing. I sort out its forms. I present the sing as a nonverbal system of communication and a way of labelling objects. I search for the connections and contradictions of the existence of legal [traffic signs, orientation signs, signboards] and illegal graphic signs [graffiti and street art] in the public space. In the didactic part I suggest and realize the art projects where some technics of graffiti and street art are used. The artistic themes: SING - LETTER - PICTOGRAM - PUBLIC SPACE are processed at my art lessons at both primary and secondary schools. We discuss the meaning of these words in the public space. The part of the thesis is a research study among the pupils of a primary and secondary school which tries to point at either different or the same art perceptions by the pupils and their mental constructions of these. There I try to connect the street art and graffiti with the topics of private property, vandalism and personal attitudes versus the state and society. I offer to the children the question of personal freedom of an...
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Válečný plakát a propaganda v období II. světové války / World War II Posters and PropagandaStudený, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The thesis offers semiotic analysis of the World War II poster. It examines the fundamental rhetorical and visual examples based on specific ideological context. The thesis presents the representative war posters of the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United States of America and Nazi Germany. Selected samples of the Czechoslovak posters are also included.
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Verbální a vizuální sdělení na titulních stranách deníku Aha! a jejich znaková tvorba / Verbal and Visual Contents at the Title Pages of Newspaper Aha! and their Semiotic ProductinProtiva, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
The title page is clearly the main representative of the print media, which often determines their success or failure. An even greater justification for the tabloid newspapers whose everyday existence depends on nonabonent readers. A typical representative of tabloid domestic news is Aha!, which creates his main communicator with no real functioning of the theoretical model. This does not mean that it does not work with repetitive characters or signs in this work to clearly identify key elements for creating and thus the theoretical framework that can be used in practice. To this will serve as an analysis relating to the actual Aha!, so comparisons with by the Lidove noviny and Hospodarske noviny. Researched topic will also be given one of the topical issues related images and text.
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MMS aneb Sémiotický potenciál obrazové výpovědi / MMS aneb Sémiotický potenciál obrazové výpovědiJanda, Filip January 2015 (has links)
In the first chapter we will have a look at the transformation and evolution of a photo-camera which on its way to become a medium ofcommunication came a long way from cumbersome glass-plate machinery to the current ubiquitous day-to-day personal digital companion. In the second chapter we will explore the effects of digitisation on the theoretical notion of photography and its position in the present context. Next we will touch on the movement of pragmatism (primarily those versions ofCharles Sanders Peirce and William James) that will allow us to regard our matter as a more holistic interactive problem than dissected pieces of a puzzle; and we will also recapitulate parts of Peirce's theory of signs that are relevant to our cause. The fourth chapter is about the ability of symbolic reasoning - a feature so unique in the world that it is only found in humans and whose principles are very close to the thought-sign system that Peirce devised. In the fifth and last chapter we will see how all that connects to the photographs themselves when they are used in the current digital intention-laden semiotic manner. I
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Dobová problémovost satirických znaků socialismu díla "Černí baroni" perspektivou Lotmanových prací / The period issue of the satirical signs of socialism of the work "Black Barons" from the perspective of Lotman's worksDovhanič, Pavel January 2022 (has links)
This thesis attempts to clarify the period issue of satirical signs of socialism of the prose "Black Barons" with regard to the Czechoslovak normalization culture. It focuses primarily on the historical role of the work and its artistic components. It studies them with a particularly semiotic perspective of Lotman's texts culturally and literary. Its core is then an analysis of the literary structure of mentioned book. It is realized with regard to the partial characters and aims to find out which specific parts of the world of the story are ridiculed and for what exactly the title is (at the time of its first publication) censorial unacceptable. Keywords: sign, language, system, structure, culture, socialism, satire, Black Barons
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Porovnání kartografických znaků užívaných v účelových mapách / Comparison of the cartographic symbols used in thematical mapsAndělová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The master's thesis is concerned with a comparison of cartographic symbols used in thematical maps of a large scale. The purpose of the comparison is evaluation of uniformity currently used cartographic symbols and creating tutorial database of symbols for students. The thesis is divided to the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes thematical maps, cartographic symbols, laws for thematical maps and issues of their timeliness. The practical part is focused on comparison of cartographic symbols used in thematical maps of different authors. There is also described in this part creating of cartographic symbols database.
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Sémiotika tlumočnického zápisu / Semiotics of note-taking in consecutive interpretingHrušovská, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis focuses on semiotic aspects of note-taking in consecutive interpreting, in particular with respect to the process of semiosis and factors influencing the interpreters' conception of their notes. Chapter 1 mentions the basic features of note-taking in order to trace its semiotic characteristics in the following parts of the thesis. In Chapter 2, the notes as a specific semiotic system are briefly discussed within the framework of the second Peircean trichotomy of signs (cases of iconicity, indexicality and symbolicity are demonstrated) and in terms of their function, productivity and spatial settings. After these general considerations, Chapter 3 introduces the main theoretical approaches to the technique of note-taking (principally those of the Geneva and Heidelberg schools) including the issues of the languages involved in interpreting or the nature of signs. As the accent is on the process of semiosis (apprehension of signs by interpreters, generating signs according to the meaning of the speech and searching for the motivation for the interpreters' concrete choices of signs and their form), the chapter lists some basic signs and methods well- tested by practitioners. The signs are also analysed in terms of their origin and possibilities of expansion (composition, derivation...
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Sémiotický rozbor textu zaměřený na asymetrii jazykového znaku / Semiotic analysis of the text concentrated on asymmetry of linguistic singFraňková, Sylvie January 2012 (has links)
English abstract: Title of the thesis: Semiotic analysis of the text concentrated on asymmetry of linguistic sing Keywords: semiotics, linguistic sign, semiotic analysis, asymmetry of linguistic sign, myth, denotation, connotation Abstract: The objective of this thesis is to show how the linguistic sign functions in practice and what is its real meaning in the context of communication. This process is based on semiotic analysis of illustration of the artistic literature. In its theoretical part an elementary terminology and historical pillars of formation and developement of semiotics such as an equal humanistic science are presented. In the practical part we will demonstrate, thanks to the semiotic analysis of myth, how the linguistic sign functions within the communication and the cultural context.
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Symbol, znak. Citace a používání uměleckého díla jako tvůrčí princip / Symbol, sign. Citations and use of work of art as a creative principleFricová, Soňa January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to a postmodern use of symbol and sign. It is based on set definitions of major terms in the fine art and maps the space between a word and a picture as well as impersonal understanding of computer-generated codes. Didactic part enables to work with symbol and sign in art education. An analytical and syntactical thinking, the knowledge of the art history and the ability of intellectual fabrication are the basic ideas of the thesis. Art works, that use multilevel symbol expressions and are formally based on a postmodern thinking, are introduced in a practical part of the thesis.
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Vývoj jednotlivých plaveckých způsobů od prvních novodobých Olympijských her do současnosti / Development of individual swimming styles from the first modern Olympic Games to the presentKulhánek, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The aim is to map the development of techniques of swimming for the period from 1896 to the present. The work will also outline changes to the rules swimming. Key words swimming styles, breast, crawl, backstroke, dolphin swimmer, Olympic games, development, rules of swimming
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