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國際企業社會責任發展對我國跨國企業的衝擊與契機 ─以手機代工業為例 / Impact and Opportunity of International Corporate Social Responsibility on Taiwan Multinational Enterprises—Citing the Handset ODM/OEM Industry as an Example

台灣的企業在過去數十年有驚人的進步與發展,無數的企業甚至於從家庭工廠或小型公司開始,憑藉台灣人辛勤苦幹與創業家精神戮力經營,逐漸地成長茁壯,進而提升及蛻變,終能在國際上嶄露頭角,甚至成了勝出於國際同業之間的跨國性企業,但是面對企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,簡稱CSR)由2005年的邊緣性的議題,轉變為2006年全世界談論的焦點之際,台灣企業卻對CSR仍然陌生,倘若不及早規劃因應,恐將遭受極大的衝擊與損失,鑑於公司治理係屬CSR所涵蓋財務面、環境面及社會面等三個面向當中的財務面向,因此允宜在國內過去推動公司治理的經驗與基礎之上,持續推動落實公司治理,並擴大至整體企業社會責任的推動與建制,本研究即秉持這樣的基調,希冀經由探討及瞭解CSR的意涵、沿革、現況與未來發展,透過產業案例之研究,分析檢討台灣在CSR的履行與因應上的問題與缺乏,並試圖提出改善與強化的建議,進而作為未來資本市場本身暨其針對上市上櫃公司及其他市場參與者,宣導、推動及落實CSR的起點與參考。
「第五章」為建議與結語,乃針對我國整體與企業面對CSR潮流與挑戰,暨或可規劃努力的策略、方向與層面提出建言;在宣導、推動與機制建立方面,建議「從公司治理到企業社會責任」,以近年來推動公司治理的經驗為本,參照既往的方式與軌跡,朝更多的面向與層面努力以赴,期能克竟其功,並期許台灣企業或可以公司治理與CSR均佳的台積電公司為典範,落實建立與履行CSR,俾能造就更多台灣產出的世界級企業。 / Over decades, some very small family business and manufacturers have grown and developed significantly to large enterprises in Taiwan. Nowadays they are becoming prosperous, developing multinational business, and some are even globally recognized brand names.

However, when facing the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which has become an essential issue in 2006, these prosperous enterprises are not familiar with and yet to be well-prepared.

Given that corporate governance involves only the financial aspect of CSR, which entails economic, social, environmental, and ecological aspects of firms’ operations and activities, it may well be appropriate to promote overall CSR concept and infrastructure based on corporate governance. This concept serves as the purpose of this dissertation: to analyze and investigate into problems facing enterprises obliged to take CSR, by studying the meaning, background, current circumstances and future developments of CSR, and through case study of mobile phone industry.

Hopefully more conclusion and suggestions can be drawn from this dissertation to provide TSE and GTSM listed companies and other market participants with more reference to promote and implement CSR.

This dissertation is divided into 5 parts:
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter includes research background, motive, purpose, research scope, structur and process. New cases, especially in 2006, of corporate governance, environmental impact, and social issues are presented in the section of research background to demonstrate new trends of CSR.

The motive of conducting this research is based on a report from an international organization named SOMO based in the Netherlands. This report addresses CSR topics regarding worldwide handset manufacturers. CSR issues mentioned in this report will directly affect handset suppliers and ODM/OEM enterprises. With further research and investigation, hopefully handset manufacturers and related enterprises can be more aware of CSR and can better cope with these issues and take proactive measures to prevent CSR related problems, which serves as the purpose of this dissertation.
Research scope encompasses listed companies in the handset ODM/OEM enterprises. Research process includes literature review, case study, and questionnaire analysis.

Chapter 2: Literature review of CSR
This chapter first looks at the definition, evolution, various aspects, practical meaning, and purposes of CSR. Afterwards the international standards of CSR and international practices and development of CSR cases would be elaborated. Finally Taiwan CSR status quo and challenges would be discussed.

Chapter 3: Taiwan and global handset manufacturing market status
In this chapter, mobile phone industry analysis is conducted, including domestic and global mobile phone market status, Taiwan handset manufacturing supply chain. It also looks at Taiwan handset makers’ market position in the global industrial environment. This chapter stresses the threats of domestic enterprises when facing global main handset players, which makes them face more stress and problems as a result of CSR.

Chapter 4: CSR challenges facing Taiwan handset ODM/OEM firms
In the beginning we will look at the criticism and warning to handset global brand names from the aforementioned report of SOMO. In addition we analyze potential requests and conducts required by these global players to their ODM/OEM firms in the face of CSR. These requests and conducts can subsequently impact Taiwan mobile phone manufacturing industry. In a bid to look at the current circumstances of domestic handset makers’ CSR operation, we use ICT’s CSR questionnaire as a reference to design a simplified version, and distribute to TSE and GTSM listed handset ODM/OEM enterprises. According to the questionnaire result, we find some current drawbacks and propose solutions.

Chapter 5: Suggestion and conclusion
In this chapter we are looking at trends and overall CSR challenges facing domestic enterprises in Taiwan. Practical strategies and directions are proposed. In terms of promotion, implementation, and establishing CSR mechanism, this dissertation proposes that firms start from Corporate Governance to CSR, and develop in more CSR aspects based on their previous Corporate Governance experience. This article also cites TSMC as a role model for CG and CSR, hoping that firms to follow suit and for this island to create more globally renowned enterprises.

Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Multinational Enterprise, Handset ODM/OEM, CSR Initiatives, CSR International Standard, Corporate Governance, Corporate Sustainable Development, Supply Chain, Supplier
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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