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企業的策略制定與執行並非一成不變的,必須依產業的變化、競爭的動態況、及本身的資源多寡,隨時檢視是否需要加以修正,如此才能讓企業立於不敗之地,達成永續經營。在產業的生命週期步入成熟期以後,單靠『產品創新』與『流程創新』均不足以維持企業的競爭力,必須藉由『策略創新』來接續企業的生命力,所謂的『策略創新』也就是重組價值鏈,傳統上,許多企業對於重組價值鏈的做法是進行『垂直整合』。但在核心能力(Core Competency)的觀念普遍化之後,管理的鐘擺又朝向了垂直分工,於是降低垂直整合反而成為風尚,企業開始更加注重專注、輕裝、簡捷,把競爭力的重點放在自己最為優勢的領域,對於非核心能力價值活動,企業改以外包的方式來取代。
一、 導致企業由『垂直整合策略』走向分工的因素為何?
二、 企業應如何由『垂直整合策略』調整至『分工策略』?
三、 如何進行分工後外包的管理?
一、 導致企業由『垂直整合策略』走向『分工策略』的因素
(二)、外在因素:當『產業規模經濟』的良性循環所彰顯的利益超越企業進行垂直整合的利益時,企業將會將『垂直整合策略』調整至『分工策略』,改以外包取代自製。所以,企業進行外包的動機,從個案公司的研究中得知,除部分項目與文獻所提的不同外,其餘項目諸如專注於核心能力,將資源聚焦,避免或減少資本支出、減少材料的損耗,及降低無效率,以取得較低的成本,改進服務的績效等,均與學者Lomas (1997) 與 Mariotti (1996) 提出的企業進行外包的動機相符。
二、 企業應如何由『垂直整合策略』調整至『分工策略』?
關於企業由『垂直整合策略』調整至『分工策略』的方法,結合文獻與個案研究的結果,本研究認為應包含三個部分,第一是決定外包的標的,第二是遵循外包的流程,第三是掌握外包的關鍵成功因素。在選擇外包的標的上,企業應將非核心或無效率的值值活動予以外包;而在外包的流程上,有二十一項的程序必須加以遵循。 外包的流程與外包的關鍵成功因素,兩者為一體兩面。
三、 如何進行分工後外包的管理?


3、原本採取『垂直整合策略』的企業,若需要調整為『分工策略』時,在作法上,企業必須審視自身在『產業價值鏈』的地位,找出『核心能力』所在,集中資源予以強化;對於非核心的價值活動,則適當予以『外包』,借由『產業規模經濟』提升效率、降低成本。而為了確保『外包』的作法能夠成功,企業必須掌握外包的關鍵成功因素,選擇優秀的供應商,以公平、對等的合約與供應商建立起長期而穩定的『夥伴關係』,代替過去的『競爭關係』;同時對外包後的供應鏈進行持續的管理,如此才能成功的達成策略轉折的目的。 / To ensure sustainable development of a company, the relevant business strategies should be reviewed and adjusted from time to time, taking into account changes in the industry, dynamic status of competition and the availability of resources. Once the industry has entered the maturity stage of its life cycle, “Product Innovation” and “Process Innovation” no longer suffice the needs of a company to maintain its competitiveness in the market. “Strategic Innovation”, therefore, would be the key to maintain the vitality of an enterprise. “Strategic Innovation” implies the restructuring of value chain. To achieve this purpose, many companies adopt the traditional approach, i.e., vertical integration. With the popularity of the “Core Competency” concepts, however, the management focus has been shifted to “Vertical Disintegration”. Business entities have since paid more attention to achieving a concentrated, efficient and easily-mobile organizational structure, endeavoring to build up the company’s competitiveness by enhancing its key advantages. Value activities which do not involve the core competencies, therefore, are outsourced.
From the existing literature, we can find that a lot of research has been done on both vertical integration and disintegration strategies. Less literature was found, however, about the key success factors for vertical integration, the internal/external factors necessitating strategic adjustments due to relevant changes in the external environment, methodologies for such strategic adjustments, as well as the management direction after the strategic adjustment, etc. In this research, therefore, we shall probe the following issues, focusing on the small home appliances industry:
1. What are the factors causing the shift of business focus from the “Vertical Integration Strategies” to the “Disintegration Strategies”?
2. Methodologies for companies to make strategic adjustments from the “Vertical Integration Strategies” to the “Disintegration Strategies”.
3. Outsourcing management after the disintegration process.
By means of case studies and information integration, we have reached the following conclusion:
I. Factors causing the shift of business focus from “Vertical Integration Strategies” to the “Disintegration Strategies”.
(I) Internal Factors: Vertical integration may lead to a higher integration cost if the company failed to grasp the key success factors in the integration process, particularly if it failed to conduct the integration “within the scope of value activities which may develop into core competencies of the company”.
(II) External Factors: Once the profit generated from the positive cycle of the “industrial economy of scale” has exceeded the profit resulted from the vertical integration, the company will adjust its business direction from the “vertical integration strategy” to the “disintegration strategy”, i.e., outsourcing of business rather than self-manufacturing.
II. Methodologies for companies to make strategic adjustments from the “Vertical Integration Strategies” to the “Disintegration Strategies”.
Based on results of documentation review and case study, we conclude that the strategic adjustments involve three parts: (1) Determine the business items for outsourcing, (2) Follow the procedures for outsourcing, (3) Grasp the key success factors for outsourcing.
III. Outsourcing management after the disintegration process.
Based on the results of our study, successful supplier management for outsourced business involves two major aspects:
(I) Key Business Philosophy: To achieve successful management after disintegration, the company should build up a solid relationship with its suppliers and, through better coordination and mutual efforts, achieve a cost reduction for the value chain. Continuous efforts should be made in managing the outsourced business.
(II) Specific Measures: This also involves two parts: (1) Establishing the “Post-disintegration Management Procedures”, including improved work flow, establishment of standard operational procedures and adjustment of organization and job contents, (2) Building up a management model for the corporate synergy system (CSS).
Finally, we have the following recommendations to the target companies of our case study, as well as other small home appliances companies:
(I) Recommendation to the target companies of our case study:
1. Carefully select the outsourced suppliers, ensuring their competitiveness in the market.
2. Treat the suppliers fairly. Build up a good partnership to achieve mutual prosperity.
3. Implement the contents of agreements and standard operational procedures speedily and effectively to shorten the period of mutual adaptation.
4. Introduce the methodologies for outsourcing management as recommended by the CSS Development Center.
5. Shift the business direction to the OVM model; make R&D efforts on high-value-adding products; build up barriers to competition by acquiring more patents.
6. Rebuild the brand image and develop self-owned brands in the China market.
(1) Increase R&D resources. Aggressively develop small home appliances that can fully meet consumer demand in the China market.
(2) Access to the small home appliances market of China through alliance with international brands, by means of distributorship, license-borrowing or acquisition, etc.
(II) Recommendations to other small home appliances enterprises
1. For industries featured by large scope and number of companies, an “Economy of Scale” can be achieved by disintegration, rather than the conventional way of vertical integration. Between the options of vertical integration and disintegration, therefore, “disintegration” is a better strategy.
2. In the event that a company needs to adopt the vertical integration strategy to meet its overall strategic requirements, the company should ensure that the key success factors for vertical integration are fully grasped (Table 5-1).
3. For an enterprise contemplating a shift from the “vertical integration” strategy to “disintegration strategy”, it should first review its own position in the industrial value chain and identify its core competencies. The company should then focus its resources on enhancing its core competencies and outsourcing the value activities which do not involve core competencies, wherever deemed appropriate. In other words, the company should endeavor to improve its efficiency and lower costs by achieving an “industrial economy of scale”. To ensure the success of outsourced business, the company should also grasp the key success factors for outsourcing, select high-quality suppliers and build up a long-term and stable “partnership” with the supplier by means of a fair and equally-positioned agreement, instead of the “competitive relationship” in the past. Continuous efforts should be made to manage the value chain after the outsourcing to ensure a successful strategic change.
Creators黃功傑, Huang, Kung Chieh
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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