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Outsourcing av officersutbildning : vem kan vara huvudman för utbildningen av officerare i Sverige?

Uppsatsen beskriver en undersökning av Försvarsmaktens och Försvarshögskolans attityder till outsourcing av officersutbildning. Huvudmannaskapets betydelse för  officersutbildningen belyses genom att jag har djupintervjuat personer med strategiskt inflytande inom Försvarsmakten och Försvarshögskolan. Undersökningen utgår från den institutionella teorin som menar att organisationer strävar efter att vara effektiva och rationella, men hindras av olika sociala och kulturella mekanismer. Detta skulle innebära att även om outsourcing av officersutbildning vore det mest effektiva för Försvarsmakten, så kan detta förhindras av sådana sociala och kulturella mekanismer.Underlag för frågeställningar inför intervjuerna har hämtats från utredningen ”Försvarsmaktsgemensam utbildning för framtida krav” samt ”Riksdagens revisorers förslag angående Försvarshögskolan i det nya försvaret”. Intervjuade befattningshavare är: C GRO, stf C GRO, C FHS, C MHS K, stf C ÖS och C FHS Chp. / Several changes of the Swedish system for officers training has taken place during the nineties and at the same time has the use of so called outsourcing increased within the administration of governments and local governments, mainly within the healthcare sector, real-estate administration and maintenance of different computer systems.During the same time, the Armed Forces has shown an increased interest  for outsourcing. The reason for this is the aim to buy better or equal quality in services and products for less money. Those reasons has been the motive for me to do this research.As several researches has been done of the subject outsourcing from an economical view, this work uses the institutional theory as a take-off. This theory means, very briefly described, that organisations strive for effectiveness and rationality but find themselves held back by different social and cultural mechanisms.In consequence of the above, the author has chosen to examine the attitude to outsourcing with in selected, placed in strategic seats, persons in the Armed Forces and the National Defence College. To be able to examine if the theory is relevant in this case, the subject for the research is what might be described as “a sacred cow” namely outsourcing of officers training and to find out who can be the responsible authority for officers training.The research has been implemented through the use of qualitative interviews with the chosen respondents and the questions has its foundations in two governmental reports: “Joint officers training for future demands” and “ The accounts of the Swedish Parliament proposal about the National Defence College with-in the new National Defence”.The conclusions in this research support the standpoints of the institutional theory and also raise some suggestions for future research in this area. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01
Date January 2001
CreatorsJenvald, Per
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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