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Tillämpningen av tredimensionell fastighetsbildning : studie av resultatet efter 2,5 år med ny lagstiftning

<p>Ny lagstiftning infördes 1:a januari 2004 som tillät tredimensionell fastighetsindelning. Genom en undersökning skulle information tas fram om hur tillämpningen blivit de första 2,5 åren, samt även få en bild av hur den fortsatta utvecklingen skulle bli. Frågeställningarna var om detaljplaner hade anpassats för tredimensionell fastighetsindelning, vilka ändamål som fanns representerade och hur rättigheter tillförsäkrats. Vidare skulle undersökningen behandla skillnader i tillämpningen beroende på geografisk spridning i landet, och vilken påverkan fastigheternas läge i en tätort hade.</p><p>Informationsinsamlingen gjordes genom att gå igenom data från fastighetsregistret, genomföra fallstudier, intervjua myndigheter och delta vid ett seminarium. De kommuner som valdes ut för myndighetsintervjuerna representerade en spridning i folkmängd och huruvida de hade en hög eller låg andel bildade fastigheter med tredimensionellt utrymme.</p><p>Totalt hade det bildats 89 stycken fastigheter. Den geografiska spridningen över landet var fördelad på ungefär samma sätt som folkmängden. Hyreshusenheter var den enskilt största huvudtypen, med de flesta ändamål fanns representerade. En så stor del som 75 % av fastigheterna var belägna i områden med hårt bebyggelsetryck. I storstäderna var de främst lokaliserade till innerstadsnära och vattennära områden. 92 % av fastigheterna var belägna inom detaljplanerat område. 40 % av fallen hade grundats på en detaljplan som hade ett plandatum fr o m 2003-07-01. Detta var i sig inget bevis på att dessa planer har anpassats för tredimensionell fastighetsindelning. Fastigheterna hade i 51 % av fallen enbart bildats genom avstyckning. Den relativa frekvensen av fastigheterna som använde sig av servitut var 91 %, och 51 % deltog i gemensamhetsanläggning. I minst 10 % av fallen tillgodosågs rättigheterna genom följdförrättning. I en av fallstudierna framkom att åtgärden hade anpassat fastighetsindelningen till befintliga förhållanden, och skapade förutsättningar för en mer ändamålsenlig förvaltning. Alla kommuner hade fått förfrågningar om tredimensionell fastighetsindelning. I de kommuner där tredimensionellt indelade fastigheter tidigare hade bildats, fanns nya på gång.</p><p>Det gick att urskilja att bostadsrättsföreningar var inblandade på något sätt i en ansenlig del av de fastigheter som var tredimensionellt indelade. Men även en stor andel utgjorde fall där målet var att optimera utnyttjandet av egna lokaler. Den enda geografiska kopplingen som fanns ur ett ändamålsperspektiv, var att hyreshusenheter i högre 3 utsträckning var placerade i större städer i södra delen av landet. Tredimensionell fastighetsindelning kommer antagligen också att få en stor betydelse vid nyutveckling och förtätning av de flesta tätorter. Det verkade då vara parkeringslösningar i kombination med annat ändamål som blir grundkonceptet. Det låg ett tungt ansvar på planförfattarna i städerna, att i ett tidigt skede av planprocessen ta upp frågor kring ett effektivt markutnyttjande. Tredimensionell fastighetsindelning kommer att bli en naturlig del i den framtida samhällsbyggnaden, oavsett geografisk placering.</p> / <p>From January 1, 2004 a new legalisation had established that allow three-dimensional real estate property founding. Through a investigation, information would be collected how the application become the first two and a half years, and also get a image of how the continuing development would become.</p><p>The questions was if detail plans had been adjusted for three-dimensional real estate property division, which purpose that existed represent, and how the rights and duties had been secured. Further the investigation would treat differences in the application depending on geographical distribution in the country, and which affect the location had in the cities.</p><p>The information was collected by go through data from the real estate property directory, carry out case studies, make interviews with public authorities and participate at a training college. The municipalities that had been chosen out for the interviews was a representative selection of different amount of population and whether it had a high or low use of real estate properties with three-dimensional space.</p><p>Totally, it had founded 89 real estate properties. The geographical spreading over the country was distributed approximately at the same way as the inhabitants. Big rental buildings come to be the biggest existed primary real estate property type, but the most purpose was existed. As big part as 75 per cent of the real estates were located in areas with roughly hard settlement pressure. In the big cities, foremost areas close to central business district and close to open water was employed. 92 per cent of the real estates were situated within a area that was covered by a detailed plan. 40 per cent had founded based on a detail plan that have a date not older than 1 July, 2003. This was in itself not a evidence on that these plans had been adjusted for three-dimensional real estate property division. The real estates had in 51 per cent of the cases only founded through partition. The relative frequency of the real estates that was encumbered with an easement was 90 per cent, and 51 per cent participating in jointly-owned facilities. In at least 10 per cent of the cases, some needs were provided in a official duty made afterwards. In one of the case studies, information came out that the official duty had founded a more suitable real estate property division, based on the existing circumstances, and had also create conditions for a more adapted administration. All municipalities had received queries 5 about three-dimensional real estate property division. There it earlier had founded threedimensional real estates properties, new official duties were going on.</p><p>It was possible to discern that co-operative apartment junctions was somehow involved in a considerable part of the real estates properties that was three-dimensionally divided. But also a big part constitute cases there the purpose was that optimise the utilization of real estate property. The only geographical connection that existed within a purpose perspective was that rental buildings in a higher extension were located to bigger cities in south part of the country. Three-dimensional real estate property division become probably also to constitute a big importance in development and condensation of the most populated areas. It seems to be mult i-story car parking in combination with other purposes that becomes the first outline concept. It lay a big liability on the plan authors in the cities, that in a early stage of the plan process take up questions about a effectively land use. Three-dimensional real estate property division will become a natural part in the future building of social structures, regardless to the geographical location.</p>
Date January 2007
CreatorsDanneby, Björn
PublisherUniversity of Gävle, Department of Technology and Built Environment
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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