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Sexual compliance och Självobjektifiering : En studie på gymnasieelever i årskurs tre / Sexual compliance and Self-objectification : A study of students who are in their last year of upper secondary school

Studier har visat att det är vanligt att unga vuxna går med på att ha sex, trots att de egentligen inte vill ha sex (s.k. sexual compliance). Inga studier har dock undersökt fenomenet i ensvensk kontext. Föreliggande studie undersökte sexual compliance och självobjektifiering hos gymnasieelever i årskurs tre. Två självobjektifieringsvariabler undersöktes; kroppsiakttagandeoch kroppsskam. En webbenkät distribuerades som innehöll självobjektifieringsskalan OBC-Y och frågor om sexual compliance. Etthundratvå kvinnor och 55 män inkluderades ianalysen. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta skillnader i självobjektifiering mellan män som upplevt sexual compliance och män som inte gjort det. Kvinnor som upplevt sexual compliance hade signifikant högre kroppsiakttagande, jämfört med kvinnor som inte upplevt sexual compliance. Inga signifikanta samband eller skillnader upptäcktes mellan hur individer upplever sig ha påverkats av sexual compliance och självobjektifiering, kön respektive vilken typ av relation sexual compliance utspelat sig i. Deltagarnas vanligaste anledning till sexual compliance var att tillfredsställa sin partners behov, och den vanligaste anledningen till att inte vilja ha sex var att deltagarna inte var på humör för att ha sex. Framtida åtgärder diskuteras. / Studies have shown that a considerate amount of young adults agrees to have sex, despite not actually wanting to have sex (also known as sexual compliance). No previous studies have studied the phenomenon in a Swedish context. The current study examined sexual compliance and self-objectification among students in their final year at Swedish upper secondary school. Two self-objectification-variables were examined: body surveillance and body shame. Onlinesurveys that contained the self-objectification questionnaire OBC-Y and questions concerning sexual compliance were distributed. 102 women and 55 men were included in the analysis. The results showed no significant differences in self-objectification between men who had been sexually compliant and men who had not. Women who had been sexually compliant had a significant higher body-surveillance, compared to women who had not been sexually compliant. No significant correlations or differences were found between how individuals perceive they have been affected by sexual compliance and self-objectification, the participant’s sex or in what kind of relationships sexual compliance had occurred. The participants’ most common reason for sexual compliance was to satisfy their partner’s needs, and the most common reason for not wanting to engage in sex was because the participants were not in the mood for having sex. Future interventions are discussed.
Date January 2018
CreatorsBlom, Ida, Dahlgren, Siri
PublisherLinnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för psykologi (PSY), Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för psykologi (PSY)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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