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Varför och hur integreras medier med svenskämnet? : En kvalitativ studie av tre pedagogers uppfattning om inkluderande arbetssätt

<p>This essay is about why and how the media is integrated with Swedish as a subject. The purpose of the study is to investigate if the teachers who use different media when teaching Swedish consider that this pedagogy develops the students’ learning. I also aim to find out if there are any differences and/or similarities between the teachers.</p><p>To fulfil the purpose I have done a qualitative study with three teachers who work at a school. I have focused on following issues: How, when, where and why do the teachers use media when teaching Swedish?</p><p>The investigation shows that media is popular today and it is becoming more so all the time. This means that further education and constant updating is necessary in the area of media studies. In addition the society and employees demand such competence, which means that educational institutions must take up this responsibility and follow this development. Additionally the teachers should make media technique education. Presently many pupils have better technical skills than the teachers and administrators in schools. I think that the current school system that has a media profile should invest on the teachers’ media competence.</p><p>Another conclusion is that with media based education people can get a good all - round education and schools can have discussions with the pupils about the subjects that are important to them. This makes it possible to break the traditional teaching methods and get more pupils interested in school work. One important factor in school development is variety, and to try out different ways of working, such as ”learning by doing”.</p>
Date January 2007
CreatorsRahimi, Angela
PublisherSödertörn University College, Lärarutbildningen, Lärarutbildningen
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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