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OTD as a KPI in PGGI-projects / Leveranssäkerhet som nyckeltal i PGGI-projekt

ABB Power Grids Grid Integration, PGGI, deliver substations to external customers, the performed work is done in project form and all the projects are being tracked by several Key Performance Indicators, KPI. In this Thesis work one KPI will be investigated, which is OTD. The OTD is in form of 17 standardized milestones that are set from ABB to support the PGGI-project’s on-time-delivery. The problem that shall be investigated is the downward trend discovered regarding the OTD for the 17 milestones. This downward trend means that the PGGI-project’s ability to deliver on time is decreasing. To take on the problem a status analysis to achieve a picture of the current situation regarding the 17 milestones was done, the current situation is called As-Is. An analyze of the targeted situation regarding the milestones was also performed, which is called To-Be. When these two were made an analysis between them was also done. The result from this was that a gap between the As-Is and the To-Be situation exists. The reasons for this gap are; deficiencies in knowledge and lack of understanding regarding OTD, reporting, and unreliable data regarding the 17 milestones. Thereafter a roadmap was developed to suggest how the notified gap between As-Is and To-Be situation can be reduced and possibly be eliminated. This roadmap contains 7 improvement suggestion and an implementation plan for how some of the suggestions is recommended to be managed. This goes out to the company to perspicuous illustrate the shown gap and how to minimize it. Lean philosophy and Statistical Process Control laid as foundation for the developed improvement suggestions. An implementation of the roadmap as a template for the improvement suggestions that were developed are therefore suggested as further work. / ABB Power Grids Grid Integration, PGGI, levererar transformatorstationer till externa kunder, arbetet som utförs är i projektform. Alla projekt följs upp via nyckeltal, nyckeltalet OTD som ska undersökas i detta examensarbete är i form av 17 stycken standardiserade milstolpar satta från ABB för att stötta PGGI-projektens leveranssäkerhet. Problemet som ska redas ut är den nedåtgående trenden som upptäckts i leveranssäkerheten hos de 17 milstolparna. För att ta an detta gjordes en nulägesbeskrivning samt en börlägesbeskrivning, detta visade ett gap i arbetssättet gällande de 17 milstolparna. En analys av gapet mellan nuläge och börläge genomfördes, i analysen upptäcktes brister i kunskap, förståelse, rapportering samt opålitlig data gällande de 17 milstolparna. Därefter utvecklades en plan för att föreslå hur gapet mellan börläge och nuläge ska minska för att sedan elimineras. Lean filosofi, Lean verktyg samt Statistisk Process Styrning låg som grund för de framtagna förbättringsförslagen. Den framtagna planen är tänkt att användas som grund för vidare arbete med förbättringsförslagen som tagits fram.
Date January 2019
CreatorsSöderlund, Anna, Jonasson, Sanna
PublisherÖrebro universitet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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