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Tempo de amor e adaptação: pesquisa participativa para promover a saúde da mulher e do seu filho no pós-parto / \"Time of love and adaptation\": participatory research to promote the health of the woman and her child in the postpartum

Introdução: No período pós-parto, as mulheres vivenciam diversas transições e modificações nos âmbitos físico, emocional, familiar e social, das quais derivam situações latentes, relacionadas às responsabilidades conjugais, familiares e os cuidados com o seu filho. Nesta fase do curso de vida feminino, a educação em saúde representa importante recurso para promover saúde, prevenir intercorrências e minimizar sentimentos de insegurança e ansiedade inerentes ao período pós-parto. Objetivos: Elaborar cartilha educativa para promover o autocuidado da puérpera e os cuidados com o seu filho recém-nascido segundo as demandas expressas por mulheres que vivenciam esta fase da vida. Explorar demandas educacionais das mães no puerpério e do cuidado do recém-nascido; identificar as demandas educacionais de maridos/companheiros relacionadas aos cuidados das mulheres no puerpério e dos recém-nascidos; identificar estratégias de atendimento às demandas de suporte segundo as necessidades expressas por essas mulheres. Metodologia: Pesquisa qualitativa, aplicada por meio da pesquisa participativa no munícipio de Rio Grande (RS), Brasil, com 22 mulheres no período pós-parto imediato e com 9 maridos/companheiros, com dados coletados por entrevistas semiestruturadas. Resultados: Referente aos cuidados da mulher no período pós-parto, foram identificadas as categorias: episiotomia, cesárea, loquiação e involução uterina, edema de membros inferiores, gases, alimentação, higiene, consulta médica de retorno, emoções, adaptações e suporte necessários para o período pós-parto e conhecimentos sobre sexualidade no pós-parto. Referente aos cuidados com o recém-nascido, as categorias foram: aleitamento materno, coto umbilical, higiene, pele, sono, soluço/arroto/refluxo, cólicas e eliminações intestinais e urinárias, vestuário e vacinas. Outra categoria foi a busca de informações na internet sobre autocuidado e cuidado com o recém-nascido. Discussão: O período pós-parto desencadeia alterações corporais e emocionais nas mulheres. O conhecimento de tais alterações influi sobre a forma como a mulher vivencia esta fase da vida. Durante a pesquisa participativa, as mulheres fizeram questionamentos e reflexões que permitiram identificar as demandas para desenvolver o autocuidado e o cuidado com dos filhos. Tais demandas nortearam a composição do material educativo, que foi elaborado com base em evidências científicas atualizadas. Este material foi aprovado por um grupo de peritos, quanto ao seu teor científico, e por algumas mulheres, no que se referiu à facilidade de compreensão da linguagem e das ilustrações. Conclusões: A pesquisa participativa permitiu perceber que as mulheres do estudo têm muitas dúvidas sobre autocuidado e cuidados com o recém-nascido. O título do material educativo produzido (\"Tempo de amor e adaptação: promoção da saúde da mulher no pós-parto e do recém-nascido\") revela que o período pós-parto consiste em uma fase do curso de vida feminino caracterizado pela vivência de sentimentos de amor, mas que a vivência plena deste sentimento demanda o oferecimento de suporte profissional e familiar. A existência deste suporte é fundamental para que as adaptações pessoais e familiares possam ocorrer de forma suave e conforme os anseios das próprias mulheres. / Introduction: In the postpartum period, the women experience several transitions and changes that occur in the physical, emotional, family and social dimensions. These important changes to provoke a latent condition derived from the responsibilities in the marital, family members, and children care scopes. Especially in this stage of female life course, the health education is an important resource to promote health, to prevent complications and to reduce feelings of insecurity and anxiety, which are inherent to the postpartum period. The relevance of this study is justified in this scenario considering its main purpose, to develop an educational support material to promote the womens health and their newborn in the postpartum period. General Objective: To develop an educational support material to promote self-care and postpartum care of their newborn child according to the demands expressed by women who experience this phase of life. Specific Objectives: To explore the educational demands of physical, emotional and social nature of women who experience the experience postpartum and newborn child care; identify the educational demands of husbands/partners related to women\'s care who are postpartum and newborn; to identify strategies for meeting the support needs of physical, emotional and social according to the needs expressed by women who experience postpartum experience and newborn care; draw up an educational material to meet the demand for educational support women who experience postpartum care of the newborn. Methodology: A qualitative research was developed through participatory research. The study setting was the Rio Grande City (RS), Brazil. Twenty-two women living in the immediate postpartum period and nine husbands/partners have participated in this research study. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews done during home visits, and across the three educational workshops with collective participation. All these meetings were integrally audiotaped. These amounts of data were recorded in audio and transcribed in full, and repetitive reading and full of all interviews, coding the interviews by the similarity in the statements of the research subjects and the reflections of the researcher, who prepared themes in order to respond fully to the research question, analyzed this data set. This analysis permitted to elaborate themes to fully answer the research questions. The elaborated themes were used to guide the composition of educational material content. The ethical aspects of research involving humans were being respected according to the recommended in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, and the research protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the USP School of Nursing (register number 1,212,765) and University hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande, RS (register number 167/2015). Results: The themes related to the womens care in the postpartum period were related to episiotomy, cesarean section, loquiation and uterine involution, lower limb edema, gas, food, hygiene, medical consultation return, emotions, adaptations and support needs related to postpartums experiences and the sexuality across the postpartum period. In relation to the newborn care, the themes requested by the women were related to breastfeeding, umbilical stump care, hygiene, skin care, sleep, sob/burp /reflux, colic, intestinal/urinary elimination, clothing and vaccines. Another theme was related to the search for information on the web about self-care and newborn care. Discussion: The postpartum period triggers bodily and emotional changes in women and knowledge of such changes influence on how women experience this phase of life course. During the PP process, women have expressed questions and did reflections about the self-care needs, and their childrens care. Such demands have guided the composition of educational material, which was based on updated scientific evidence. This material has been approved by an expert group as to their scientific content and for some women, as referred to the ease of understanding of language and illustrations. Conclusions: Through the PP, it was revealed that women who were in the immediate postpartum period have many doubts related to self-care and the newborns care. The produced educational material was titled \"Time of love and adaptation: promotion of women\'s health in the postpartum and newborn.\" This title reveals that the postpartum period is a phase of the female life course characterized by the experience of feelings of love, but it is a period of the womens life course demanding professional and family members support. The availability of this support according to the womens own needs and desires is essential for a smooth family and personal adjustment in this important stage of their life course.
Date16 December 2016
CreatorsGonçalves, Bruna Goulart
ContributorsHoga, Luiza Akiko Komura
PublisherBiblioteca Digitais de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Source SetsUniversidade de São Paulo
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeTese de Doutorado
RightsLiberar o conteúdo para acesso público.

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