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Occupational wellbeing types in the health care industry in South Africa

Bibliography: pages 273-351 / The context of this research is the occupational wellbeing of employees in the healthcare industry in South
Africa. The purpose of this study was to identify occupational wellbeing types that cluster as a result of
variables (burnout, work engagement, workaholism and job satisfaction) which can be plotted on the
circumplex model of wellbeing, and determining the extent of type differences in as far as it pertains to
psychosocial antecedent variables (age, job demands, job resources and work-related sense of
coherence), as well as positive and negative outcome variables (comprising organisational commitment
and turnover intention). A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample of healthcare
workers (N = 461). The population consisted of predominately black African females, aged between 31
and 45 from the nursing profession.
Cluster analysis using k-means found statistically significant support for three occupational wellbeing
types, namely, Exhausted, Engaged and Burned-Out. Results from MANOVA revealed a difference
between all occupational wellbeing types and the psychosocial antecedent variables of job demands, job
resources and work-related sense of coherence. The occupational wellbeing types did not however differ,
based on the age of the participants. Multinomial logistic regression analysis revealed that age was
additionally not a significant predictor of the occupational wellbeing types, whilst Work-SoC predicted the
engaged type, and job demands and job resources predicted the engaged and exhausted types in
comparison to the burned-out type. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis concluded that each of
the occupational wellbeing types played a significant role by moderating the relationship between the
psychosocial antecedent variables of job resources and work-related sense of coherence, and the positive
and negative outcomes of organisational commitment and turnover intention.
Theoretically the study highlighted the importance of addressing the occupational wellbeing concerns and
challenges faced by healthcare employees in South Africa face. The empirical value of the study was the
identification of the occupational wellbeing types and a potential nomological net. The knowledge derived
from the relationship between the variables may be valuable in informing a holistic affective wellbeing
model which could direct practices within the healthcare industry in South Africa. / Die konteks van hierdie navorsing is die beroepswelstand van werknemers in die gesondheidsorgbedryf in Suid-Afrika. Die doel van hierdie studie was om tipes beroepsmatige welstand te identifiseer wat saamgevoeg word as gevolg van veranderlikes, naamlik uitbranding, werkbetrokkenheid, werksverslawing en werkstevredenheid wat op die sirkumpleksmodel van welstand geteken kan word, en om die omvang van tipe verskille in so ver aangesien dit betrekking het op psigososiale antesedente veranderlikes, naamlik ouderdom, werksvereistes, werksbronne en werkverwante samehang, sowel as positiewe en negatiewe uitkomsveranderlikes (wat organisatoriese toewyding en omsetintensiteit bevat). 'N Kwantitatiewe opname is gedoen oor 'n gerieflikheidsteekproef van gesondheidswerkers (N = 461). Die bevolking het bestaan uit hoofsaaklik swart vroulike vroue, tussen 31 en 45 jaar oud, uit die verpleegberoep.

Cluster-analise met behulp van k-middele het statisties beduidende ondersteuning gevind vir drie tipes beroepswelstand, naamlik uitgeputting, betrokkenheid en uitgebranding. Resultate van MANOVA het 'n verskil aan die lig gebring tussen alle tipes beroepswelstand en die psigososiale antesedente veranderlikes van werksvereistes, werkbronne en werkverwante samehang. Die tipes beroepswelstand verskil egter nie op grond van die ouderdom van die deelnemers nie. Multinomiale logistieke regressie-analise het aan die lig gebring dat ouderdom ook nie 'n beduidende voorspeller was van die tipes beroepswelstand nie, terwyl Work-SoC die betrokke tipe voorspelling en werksvereistes voorspel het, en dat werkbronne die betrokke en uitgeputte tipes voorspel in vergelyking met die uitgebrande tipe. Hiƫrargiese gemodereerde regressie-analise het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat elkeen van die tipes beroepswelstand 'n belangrike rol gespeel het deur die verhouding tussen die psigososiale voorgaande veranderlikes van werkbronne en werkverwante sin vir samehang te modereer, en die positiewe en negatiewe uitkomste van organisatoriese toewyding en omsetintensiteit.

Teoreties het die studie die belangrikheid daarvan beklemtoon om die kommer en uitdagings wat gesondheidswerkers in Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar, aan te spreek. Die empiriese waarde van die studie was die identifisering van die tipes beroepswelstand en 'n potensiƫle nomologiese netwerk. Die kennis wat verkry word uit die verband tussen die veranderlikes, kan waardevol wees om 'n holistiese affektiewe welstandsmodel in te lig wat praktyke binne die gesondheidsbedryf in Suid-Afrika kan rig. / Umongo walolu cwaningo wukuphila kahle kwabasebenzi abasembonini yezokunakekelwa kwempilo eNingizimu Afrika. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuhlonza izinhlobo zenhlalakahle yomsebenzi ezihlangana ngenxa yokuguquguqukayo (ukutubeka, ukuzibandakanya emsebenzini, ukusebenza ngokweqile nokweneliseka emsebenzini) okungabekwa kumodeli yenhlalakahle ye-circumplex, nokunquma ubukhulu bezinhlobonhlobo zohlobo kuze kube manje njengoba kumayelana nokuhlukahluka kokuphikisana kwengqondo (iminyaka, izidingo zomsebenzi, izinsiza zomsebenzi kanye nokuzwana okuhlobene nomsebenzi), kanye nokuhlukahluka kwemiphumela emihle nemibi (ehlanganisa ukuzibophezela kwenhlangano kanye nenhloso yenzuzo). Ucwaningo oluningi lwenziwe kusampula elula yabasebenzi bezokunakekelwa kwezempilo (N = 461). Isibalo besinabantu besifazane ikakhulukazi abamnyama base-Afrika, abaneminyaka ephakathi kuka-31 no-45 abavela emsebenzini wobunesi.

Ukuhlaziywa kweqoqo ngokusebenzisa izindlela ezingama-k kutholwe ukwesekwa okubalulekile kwezibalo zezinhlobo ezintathu zomsebenzi, okungukuthi, Ukhathele, Ukuhlanganyela kanye Nokushiswa. Imiphumela evela kwa-MANOVA iveze umehluko phakathi kwazo zonke izinhlobo zenhlalakahle yomsebenzi kanye nokuhlukahluka kokuphikiswa kwengqondo kwezidingo zomsebenzi, izinsiza zomsebenzi kanye nokuzwana okuhlobene nomsebenzi. Izinhlobo zezenhlalakahle zomsebenzi azizange zehluke, ngokuya ngeminyaka yabahlanganyeli. Ukuhlaziywa kokuhlelwa kabusha kwezinto kwamazwe amaningi kuveze ukuthi iminyaka yobudala ibingeyona imbonakaliso ebalulekile yezinhlobo zenhlalakahle yomsebenzi, ngenkathi i-Work-SoC ibikezela uhlobo lokuzibandakanya, nezimfuno zomsebenzi, nezinsizakusebenza zibikezela izinhlobo ezibandakanyekile nezikhathele uma kuqhathaniswa nohlobo olushile. Ukuhlaziywa kokuhlehliswa kwe-hierarchical kuphethe ukuthi uhlobo ngalunye lwezinhlalakahle zomsebenzi lubambe iqhaza elibalulekile ngokuhlolisisa ubudlelwano phakathi kokuhlukahluka kokuphikiswa kwengqondo kwengqondo kwezinsiza zomsebenzi kanye nokuzwana okuhlobene nomsebenzi, kanye nemiphumela emihle nemibi yokuzibophezela kwenhlangano kanye nenhloso yenzuzo.

Ngokwezifundo lolu cwaningo luqhakambisa ukubaluleka kokubhekana nezinkinga nezinselele ezibhekene nabasebenzi bezempilo eNingizimu Afrika ababhekene nazo. Inani lezobuciko lolo cwaningo kwakuwukuhlonzwa kwezinhlobo zenhlalakahle yomsebenzi kanye nenetha elingaba namandla lokuqanjwa. Ulwazi olususelwe ebudlelwaneni obuphakathi kokuguquguqukayo lungaba lusizo ekwaziseni imodeli yenhlalakahle ephelele engaqondisa izindlela ezenziwa embonini yezokunakekelwa kwempilo eNingizimu Afrika. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
Date12 1900
CreatorsBux, Ciara
ContributorsVan der Westhuizen, S. C.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format1 online resource (351 pages; tables, graphs), application/pdf

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