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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A soft systems approach to social sciences projects

Davids, Steven Emlyn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper asks the question: "Is the Guide to the PMBOICs method appropriate for doing projects of a social science character?" Inthis enquiry extensive use is made ofliterature that is available via the world wide web. This paper follows the school of thought that regards the world as a complex set of interrelated systems. Humans as social beings are an integral part of these complex systems. In order to do justice to human endeavours, one must understand the systems in which humans operate and interpret all human undertakings in relation to those systems. Three broad types of systems approaches to project management are distinguished. A common underlying principle of all three approaches is that they regard social systems as complex, highly volatile and in constant flux. A direct consequence of this characteristic of social systems is that project goals are also not simple and rigidly fixed. The project goals are also complex, in constant flux and open-ended. The traditional Guide to the PMBOICs method for doing project management is unable to deal effectively with these complex and volatile system problems. This paper advocates that a slightly modified version of Checkland's soft systems method be used to deal with social projects, which are by definition, also complex projects. It is proposed that Checkland's soft systems method should be used in addition to the traditional approach. The method proposed by this paper is, to various degrees, already being implemented in practice. The proposed method is, however, presently not being catered for in the project management software packages that are readily and commercially available. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die vraag: "Is die metode soos voorgestel in die Guide to the PMBOK geskik vir projekte met 'n sosiaal wetenskaplike karakter?" In die ondersoek word op grootskaal gebruik gemaak van literatuur wat beskikbaar is op die internet. Hierdie studie sluit aan by die wetenskaplike gedagterigting wat die wêreld beskou as bestaande uit 'n reeks ingewikkelde en onderling verbinde sisteme. As sosiale wese is die mens 'n integrale deel van hierdie gekompliseerde sisteme. Om reg te laat geskied aan menslike handelinge, moet die sisteme waarbinne die mens leef verstaan word. Menslike handeling moet ook vertolk word teen die agtergrond van daardie sisteme en in verhouding tot die sisteme. Drie gedagterigtings kan onderskei word binne die sisteem benadering tot projekbestuur. 'n Gemeenskaplike en onderliggende beginsel van al drie gedagterigtings is dat hulle sosiale sisteme beskou as gekompliseerd, uiters onbestendig en in voortdurende beweging. 'n Direkte gevolg van hierdie eienskap van sosiale sisteme is dat projekte se doelwitte ook nie maklik definieerbaar en stabiel is nie. Projekte se doelwitte is gekompliseerd, onbestendig en oop. Die konvensionele metodes vir projekbestuur soos voorgestel deur die Guide to the PMBOK is nie in staat om hierdie gekompliseerde en onbestendige sisteem probleme effektief te hanteer nie. Hierdie studie debatteer dat 'n effens gewysigde weergawe van Checkland se sagte sisteem metode gebruik word vir die doen van sosiale projekte, wat per definisie gekompliseerde projekte is. Dit word aan die hand gedoen dat Checkland se sagte sisteem metode gebruik word saam met die konvensionele benadering. Die metode wat hierdie studie bepleit, word alreeds tot vlakke in die praktyk toegepas. Daar word egter nie voorsieining gemaak vir die voorgestelde metode in rekenaar sagte ware programme in projekbestuur wat redelik algemeen in die kleinhandel beskikbaar is nie.

Participation and paradoxes: community control of mineral wealth in South Africa's Royal Bafokeng and Bakgatla Ba Kgafela communities

Mnwana, Sonwabile Comfords January 2012 (has links)
Resource control as a form of community participation in the mineral economy has gained much recognition. One prevailing argument is that direct control of natural resources by local communities is an important precondition for equitable utilisation of the natural resource wealth, peaceful co-existence between mining corporations and indigenous communities, and congenial relations between local communities and the state. Studies have also shown that the absence of direct community control of mineral wealth remains a major factor in the communal resistance and socio-political conflict witnessed in the natural resource-endowed regions of countries such as Nigeria, Ecuador, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, little is known about mineral resource control at the community level. Does community control necessarily translate to equity? How does local involvement in the mobilisation of mining royalties benefit different segments of the community? Indeed, how do different segments of the community “control” the wealth? What is the specific model adopted to engender broad-based community participation in the utilisation of mineral wealth – and does it matter? These theoretical and practical questions were the impetus for undertaking this study in the Royal Bafokeng and Bakgatla Ba Kgafela – two platinum-rich ‘traditional’ communities in South Africa’s North West Province that have significant control over platinum resources in their territories. Utilising ethnographic data collected in the two study communities in 2008 and 2009, the thesis examines the character of community participation in platinum wealth utilisation; specifically, the conditions under which community participation promotes or hinders sustainable community development. The analysis uses a “three-dimensional participation ladder” conceptual scheme, based in part on Sherry Arnstein’s (1969) “ladder of citizen participation” and subsequent typologies of participation. Among the key findings of the thesis are that despite observed benefits, the interface of resource wealth and community development is fraught with tokenistic participation, elite-targeted grassroots anger, and local tensions – all linked to the contradictory nature of participation. The thesis further reveals that in some instances the challenge of platinum wealth-engendered community development tends to undermine existing customary and democratic spaces for participation, and that this is exacerbated by community-level issues such as poverty and inequality. The findings of the study compel a shift of analytical focus from conflict as an epiphenomenon of collective community exclusion and deprivation (as in the case of many natural-rich countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere), to conflict as also resulting from collective community inclusion (in natural resource utilisation). At the policy level, the study generates insights that will, hopefully, assist mineral resource-endowed countries, such as South Africa, in dealing with the challenge of developing appropriate policy frameworks for regulating business and social partnerships between local communities and mining corporations, and within resource-rich communities themselves.

Una grande narrazione del capitalismo: potere e scienze sociali nel pensiero politico di Daniel Bell / A Grand Narrative of Capitalism: Power and Social Sciences in Daniel Bell's Political Thought

Cento, Michele <1984> 06 June 2013 (has links)
Questa tesi punta a ricostruire il pensiero politico di Bell tra il secondo dopoguerra e la metà degli anni Settanta. In tale arco cronologico, la riflessione politica di Bell si profila, per usare una formula di Jean-François Lyotard, come una «grande narrazione» del capitalismo. Nel complesso, cioè, l’opera di Bell appare come una storia sociologica del capitalismo, che nella fine delle ideologie registra l’apogeo del fordismo e, in seguito, ne mette in luce le trasformazioni in senso post-industriale, indagando le ricadute che tali mutamenti implicano sul piano dei rapporti di potere e della legittimazione del sistema. Nell’ottica di Bell, pertanto, il capitalismo non costituisce soltanto un sistema economico, ma la forma specifica attraverso cui si dispiega la società nel suo complesso, attivando una serie di rapporti di potere mediante i quali gli individui vengono coordinati e subordinati. Una siffatta concezione del capitalismo agisce immediatamente la questione del potere e solleva un interrogativo a esso connesso: «che cosa tiene insieme una società?». Una domanda che attraversa la traiettoria intellettuale di Bell e, sia pure declinata mediante una terminologia sociologica, riflette in realtà l’ambizione delle scienze sociali di farsi teoria politica. Esse si presentano quindi come teoria politica della modernità, nella misura in cui distinguono il potere sociale dal potere politico e, al tempo stesso, instaurano tra i due poli una tensione dialettica produttiva. Mettendo a fuoco la concettualizzazione del potere nell’opera di Bell si analizzeranno le mutazioni nel rapporto tra Stato e società negli Stati Uniti durante la Golden Age del capitalismo. In particolare, si metterà in luce nella grande narrazione di Bell l’ascesa e il declino di un ordine istituzionale che, alla metà degli anni Settanta, appare percorso da molteplici tensioni politiche e sociali che preannunciano l’avvento dell’età globale e il bisogno di una nuova “scala” di governo. / This dissertations deals with Daniel Bell’s political thought between the post-war era and the Seventies. During these years, Bell’s political reflection appears to be, to say it in the words of Jean-François Lyotard, a «grand narrative» of capitalism. Overall, Bell’s work is a sociological history of capitalism. It points out the height of fordism by assuming the end of ideology, and then sheds light on the post-industrial transformations, looking at the effects produced on power relations and the legitimacy of the socio-political system. In Bell’s view, capitalism is not only an economic system, but a complex social system which places individuals in the power structure by means of subordination and coordination. «What holds a society together?» is the question that go trough the whole trajectory of his reflection. It looks a sociological question, but actually it is a political question, because the order of society depends on the legitimacy of obligation relationships. The link between politics and sociology marks Bell’s thought and shows how social sciences are assumed to be the political theory of modernity: they analyze the political side of social relations as well as the social element inherent to the workings of political institutions. In other words, I look at the way in which Bell, «the sociologist of capitalism» as «The Economist» put it, distinguishes between social power and political power and then makes them interact. Focusing on Bell’s view of power I analyze the transformations occurred in the relationship between State and society in the US during the so-called Golden Age of Capitalism. Particularly, drawing the trajectory of this «grand narrative» of capitalism up to mid-seventies, I highlight that Bell recognizes the coming of a global age, full of political and social strains, and the need of a new institutional scale to cope with them.

Communication sociale et sciences sociales

Laflamme, Simon January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Nutzung von Social Media und onlinebasierten Anwendungen in der Wissenschaft: Erste Ergebnisse des Science 2.0-Survey 2013 des Leibniz-Forschungsverbunds „Science 2.0“

Pscheida, Daniela, Albrecht, Steffen, Herbst, Sabrina, Minet, Claudia, Köhler, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
Der Science 2.0-Survey geht der Frage nach, welche Rolle die Nutzung von Social Media und onlinebasierten Anwendungen für Wissenschaftler/-innen an deutschen Hochschulen spielt. Seine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Werkzeuge aus der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit nicht wegzudenken sind. Zu den meist genutzten Anwendungen zählen die Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia (von 95% der Befragten beruflich genutzt), Onlinearchive und -datenbanken (79%), Mailinglisten (76%) und Content Sharing bzw. Cloud-Dienste wie beispielsweise Dropbox oder Slideshare (68%), die jeweils von mehr als zwei Dritteln der Wissenschaftler/-innen für berufliche Zwecke genutzt werden. Die Forschenden wählen dabei zielgerichtet diejenigen Anwendungen aus, die für ihre Arbeit besonders effizient sind. Der praktische Nutzen und die Erleichterung und Beschleunigung des Arbeitsalltages sind die meistgenannten Motive für den Einsatz der Online-Werkzeuge. Neben speziell für die Wissenschaft entwickelten Anwendungen wählen sie auch allgemein verbreitete Tools. Für den Zugriff auf die Anwendungen werden neben Notebooks (90%) und PCs (76%) von mehr als der Hälfte der Befragten auch Smartphones genutzt. Während fast alle Anwendungen eine Rolle in der Forschungstätigkeit spielen, werden für die Wissenschaftskommunikation vor allem Web 2.0-Anwendungen, aber auch Kommunikationstools genutzt. Für die Wissenschaftsadministration werden im wissenschaftlichen Umfeld vor allem Mailinglisten und Content Sharing-Dienste eingesetzt. In der Lehre dominieren dagegen Wikipedia sowie Lernmanagementsysteme. Aus der Alltagskommunikation bekannte und beliebte Web 2.0-Dienste wie Weblogs, Social Networks, Microblogs und Social Bookmarking-Dienste werden nur in geringem Maß zu beruflichen Zwecken von den Wissenschaftler/-innen eingesetzt. Allerdings bleiben auch speziell für Lehre und Forschung entwickelte Anwendungen wie Lernmanagementsysteme, Literaturverwaltungen und Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen hinter ihren Möglichkeiten zurück. Hier zeigt die Studie Entwicklungsbedarf auf, um das World Wide Web, das einst für die Wissenschaft erfunden wurde, noch stärker in deren Dienst zu stellen. Der Datenreport dokumentiert erste Ergebnisse der bundesweiten Onlinebefragung von insgesamt 778 Wissenschaftler/-innen an deutschen Hochschulen. Die Erhebung wurde von Anfang September bis Mitte Oktober 2013 als Gemeinschaftsprojekt im Rahmen des Leibniz-Forschungsverbundes Science 2.0 durchgeführt. Die Projektleitung lag beim Medienzentrum der TU Dresden.:Executive Summary 1. Einleitung 2. Methode und Untersuchungsdesign 3. Charakterisierung des Datensamples, Gewichtung 3.1 Ausschöpfung der Stichprobe 3.2 Gewichtungsfaktoren 3.3 Geschlecht 3.4 Altersgruppen 3.5 Wissenschaftlicher Status 3.6 Dauer der Beschäftigung im Hochschulbereich 3.7 Fächergruppen 3.8 Befragte nach Fächergruppen und Geschlecht, Alter und wissenschaftlichem Status 3.9 Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt 3.10 Konferenzteilnahme, Mitgliedschaften 4. Nutzung von Web 2.0-Anwendungen und Online-Werkzeugen 4.1 Allgemeine und berufliche Nutzung von Online-Werkzeugen 4.2 Häufigkeit der beruflichen Nutzung 4.3 Kontext der beruflichen Nutzung von Werkzeugen 4.4 Kontext der Nutzung innerhalb der Forschungstätigkeit 4.5 Gründe für berufliche Nutzung der Online-Werkzeuge 4.6 Gründe für berufliche Nichtnutzung der Online-Werkzeuge 4.7 Aktive und passive Nutzung von Online-Werkzeugen 4.8 Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen 4.9 Endgerätenutzung 4.10 Informationsquellen 5. Einstellungen zur Nutzung von Web 2.0-Anwendungen und Online-Werkzeugen im akademischen Alltag 5.1 Einstellungen insgesamt 5.2 Einstellungen nach Geschlecht 5.3 Einstellungen nach Altersgruppe 5.4 Einstellungen nach wissenschaftlichem Status 5.5 Einstellungen nach Fächergruppen 6. Referenzen Anschreiben Fragebogen

Social studies curriculum development in Belize: 1950-2001

Oestreich, Jo Beth Babcock 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Wild west science reporting : pitfalls and ethical issues in the reporting of frontier sciences

Low, Marcus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When reporting on new research or claims by scientists, the science journalist faces a number of pitfalls. For a number of reasons the journalist might produce a story which is inaccurate or misleading. Thus, when a scientist claims to have found a cure for cancer, the journalist needs to check himself before delivering the story. In this paper I will examme a number of issues concerning the reporting of frontier science, or new research. In this realm it is particularly difficult to distinguish more reliable science from less reliable science. The problem is compounded by the vested interests of scientists, pharmaceutical companies and other interest groups. What the science journalist writes, influences public opinion, conceptions about science, and often affects people's decision-making regarding medical issues. There is thus a clear ethical aspect to science reporting. I will try to show that an understanding of how science works is crucial to reporting science responsibly. In this regard the distinction between frontier and textbook science is of particular importance. Theoretical distinctions such as these provide useful tools for the interpretation of claims from the frontier. The first chapter, then, will deal with theoretical concepts pertaining to how SCIence works. In the second we will examine a number of examples of how reporting from the frontiers can go wrong. We will argue that a better understanding of science might have prevented many of the inaccuracies and misleading claims examined. In chapter three we will attempt to list what can go wrong, and examine some of the possible consequences, thus outlining the ethical aspect of science reporting. Finally we will make a few suggestions and outline some guidelines which might contribute to more accurate and responsible reporting from the frontiers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer daar oor nuwe navorsing of aansprake deur wetenskaplikes berig moet word, word die wetenskapsverslaggewer gekonfronteer deur 'n aantal moontlike slaggate. Om verskeie redes kan daar onakkuraat of misleidend verslag gedoen word. Wanneer 'n wetenskaplike dus berig dat daar 'n kuur vir kanker gevind is, moet die joernalis homself eers aan sekere beginsels herinner. In hierdie skrywe sal ek 'n aantal kwessies te doen met die beriggewing van pionierswetenskap, of nuwe wetenskap, ondersoek. Op hierdie terrein is dit veral moeilik om tussen betroubare en minder betroubare wetenskap te onderskei. Die probleem word vererger deur die belange van wetenskaplikes, farmaseutiese maatskappye en ander belangegroepe. Dit wat deur die wetenskapsjoernalis berig word, beïnvloed publieke opinie en beskouings oor die wetenskap, en raak dikwels mense se besluitneming rakende mediese kwessies. Daar is dus 'n duidelike etiese aspek aan wetenskapsverslaggewing verbonde. Ek gaan poog om te wys dat 'n begrippnj van hoe wetenskap werk, onmisbaar is vir verantwoordelike wetenskapsverslaggewing. In hierdie verband is die onderskeid tussen pioniers- en handboekwetenskap van besondere belang. Teoretiese onderskeide soos dié verskaf bruikbare gereedskap VIr die interpretasie van aansprake uit die pionierswetenskap. In die eerste hoofstuk sal 'n aantal teoretiese konsepte oor die werking van wetenskap verduidelik word. In die tweede hoofstuk sal 'n aantal voorbeelde van waar verslaggewing van [N4]pionierswetenskap verkeerd geloop het, bespreek word. Ek gaan argumenteer dat In beter begrippisj van wetenskap moontlik baie van dié onakkuraathede en misleidende aansprake sou kon voorkom het. Hoofstuk drie sal dan poog om te lys wat verkeerd kan gaan, en sal sommige van die moontlike gevolge ondersoek. Hierdeur sal die etiese aspek van wetenskapsverslaggewing dus uitgestippel word. Aan die einde sal ek 'n paar voorstelle maak, en probeer om riglyne uit te stip wat kan bydra tot meer akkurate en verantwoordelike verslaggewing van pionierswetenskap.

Antikorupcijos sistema Šiaulių universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakultete / System of Anticorruption at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Šiauliai University

Krutinytė, Grita 02 August 2011 (has links)
Daugelis lietuvių ir užsienio mokslininkų (G. Šatienė, V. Pruskas, S. P. Huntington ir kt.) tiria korupciją valstybės tarnyboje, politikoje, privačiame sektoriuje. Tik nedaugelis mokslininkų analizuoja korupcijos atsiradimą švietime. Nėra paprasta gauti dokumentų, įrodančių korupcijos faktus šioje srityje, tačiau nepaisant to, kad mokslinių darbų apie korupciją švietimo srityje nėra itin daug, kovą su korupcija švietime reikia laikyti prioritetine. Korupcija daro įtaką švietimo paslaugų kokybei, jų veiksmingumui, griauna pasitikėjimą visa švietimo sistema. Korupcija švietimo srityje yra itin žalinga, kadangi jos poveikis yra ilgalaikis. Antikorupcija apima viską, ką galima padaryti ar jau daroma, kad korupcijos iš viso nebūtų ar kad jos būtų kuo mažiau. Lietuvoje korupcijos prevencija yra orientuojama daugiausia į teisingumą, sveikatos priežiūrą, politiką ir kitas sritis, pamirštant švietimą, nors ši sritis yra viena iš svarbiausių. Bakalauro baigiamojo darbo tyrimo objektas – antikorupcijos sistema Šiaulių universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakultete. Šiuo darbu siekta išanalizuoti antikorupcijos sistemą Socialinių mokslų fakultete. Buvo išnagrinėta mokslinė literatūra, dokumentai ir publicistikos straipsniai, siekiant apibrėžti antikorupcijos politikos aspektus teisiniame kontekste; išanalizuoti institucijų veiklą, funkcijas, kuriomis įgyvendinama antikorupcijos politika, išnagrinėti korupcijos prevencijos priemones ir antikorupcinį švietimą, atskleisti antikorupcijos sistemos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Many Lithuanian as well as foreign scientists, such as G. Šatienė, V. Pruskas, S. P. Huntington and others analyse corruption in the sector of public service, politics, private sector and only several scientists analyse the appearance of corruption in spheres of education. Availability of documents, discussing the identified corruption in the sphere of education is rather limited. Despite the fact, that there are few works of scientists, related to the corruption in the sphere of education, anticorruption policy in the sphere of education should be treated as an important priority of the state. Corruption affects the quality and efficiency of education services as well reduces the trust in the system of education. Corruption in the sphere of education is harmful, because it has the long-term effect within this sector. Anticorruption covers everything to be done in order to avoid or to reduce corruption. Corruption prevention in Lithuania is mainly oriented towards such spheres as justice, health, politics and etc., but the sphere of education, though being one of the most important spheres, is left out of consideration. Object of the Bachelor’s Degree Work is the system of anticorruption at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Šiauliai University. The Work has been prepared to analyse the system of anticorruption at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Šiauliai University. Scientific literature, documents and articles have been analysed in order to analyse aspects of the policy of... [to full text]

Le problème de la détermination sociale de la science

Tournier, François January 1983 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Nietzsche et les sciences sociales

Chamberland, Jacques January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

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