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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A case study investigation into the diffusion of e-mediated learning technology in UK higher education

Grewal, Simran Kaur January 2006 (has links)
This thesis addresses the following research paradox: Despite continual investment in e-mediated learning technology by higher education institutions, why has technological diffusion within UK universities been a slow process? It will be argued that the level of investment in e-mediated learning technology by UK universities and the impact of this technology across higher education as a whole, makes this subject area an appropriate setting in which to study this phenomenon. An interpretivist case study investigation of the adaptation process of e-mediated learning technology by academic staff is analysed through the development of a grounded theory approach. The investigation will show that the majority of academic staff in the School of Management at the Case Study University are adopting e-mediated learning technology at a basic level. Various factors can combine to influence technological adoption. These include conflicting priorities for academic staff, IT skills levels and the potential for the technology to transform the social relation between the academic member of staff and student leading towards a heightened culture of expectation. In addition, the study will show that e-mediated learning technology has the ability to place the expertise of the academic member of staff in a vulnerable position. Together these factors can combine to affect the successful diffusion of e-mediated learning technologies in UK universities. At a more critical level, the research identifies that using models of critical mass in isolation to indicate the take-up of multi-functional e-mediated learning technologies are misleading. As such, models that incorporate the levels and stages, as well as the pace of adoption provide a more detailed perspective of the successful diffusion of e-mediated learning technology.

Právní postavení rodičů dítěte při jeho osvojení / The legal status of parents of a child in case of the child's adoption

Vaisová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The legal status of parents of a child in case of the child's adoption Abstract The thesis is concerned with adoption, focusing primarily on the legal status of child's parents during adoption proceedings. It aims to highlight the current problems, which stem not only from the incompleteness and ambiguity of the legislation, but also from its application in practice. When analyzing the particular topics, I relied on professional publications and commentaries on laws, which I compared with the actual articles in selected journals and the current jurisdiction, which, however, is not too rich in this area. Practical side was consulted with Dr. Zarasova - an employee of the Department of Social and Legal Protection of Children in Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The work consists of an introduction, five successive chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter defines the basic terms that are often used in practice and the definition of which is often not entirely clear - children, parents and family. In addition, this chapter addresses the concept of substitute family care and introduces some of its forms, which the law in the Czech Republic offers. As an overview, several international and year-to-year comparisons are also listed. The second chapter investigates the actual adoption in more detail. It...

Právní aspekty osvojení / Legal aspects of adoption

Bulantová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Právnická fakulta Markéta Bulantová PRÁVNÍ ASPEKTY OSVOJENÍ Diplomová práce Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce Legal aspects of adoption The purpose of my thesis is to analyze legal aspects of an adoption. By use of the analytic and descriptive methods the valid legal provisions are described and evaluated. Furthermore some changes of the respective law are proposed de lege ferenda. The thesis deals with the proposal of new civil code and analyses it critically. The last part of the thesis describes German Law regarding adoption. The thesis is composed of eleven chapters. First chapter describes the alternative care of children generally. Second chapter deals with the term "adoption". The third chapter deals with history of an adoption and contains a separate part regarding history of an adoption in the Czech territory after 1918. In this part of this thesis the main source of law regarding adoption and most important international contracts and conventions are described. The fourth chapter describes kinds and forms of an adoption. The largest fifth chapter deals with conditions for adoption stipulated by the Czech Law. This chapter is subdivided into two parts, which describe the conditions for the open and closed adoption. The sixth chapter deals with legal aspects of an adoption. This...

Essays on extension education and farmers' adoption of oilseeds crops and conservation practices

Andrango Quimbiulco, Graciela Cristina January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agricultural Economics / Jason S. Bergtold / Timothy J. Dalton / Adoption of technological improvements are crucial to increase agricultural productiviy to help reduce poverty by obtaining higher farm incomes due to higher productivity and lower production costs. However, the introduction of new agricultural technologies has not always been successful or had diffuse adoption. Factors that determine farmers’ adoption decisions are: 1) farm and farmers' characteristics; 2) technology attributes, and 3) the farming objective. Understanding these factors and how they affect adoption of new technologies on the farm is crucial to assure higher levels of adoption. The over all purpose of this thesis is to explore the adoption process of new technologies and practices by farmers. This is accomplished through three essays to meet the objectives of the thesis. The purpose of the first essay was to evaluate whether or not farmers in the western U.S. are willing to grow specialized oilseed crops that could be used for certified hydrotreated renewable jet (HRJ) fuel production and incorporate them into existing wheat-based production systems under contract. Results indicate that providing oilseeds crops and contracts with desired attributes and features would positively affect farmers' decisions to incorporate oilseed crops into their rotation system. Preferred seed and contract attributes that may affect a farmer’ adoption decision differ across different geographic regions of the U.S. The second essay focused on identifying factors that impact participation and farmers' decision to adopt soil conservation and fertilization management practices for cassava producers in Thailand and Vietnam. Results indicate that asset ownership and cassava yield positively influence participation. Adoption of new practices was positively linked to farmers’ participation in training activities, use of fish ponds (as a measure of alternative agricultural practices), presence of a nearby starch factory, and slope of the land. Finally, the purpose of the third essay was to examine extension educators' characteristics that affect educators' selection decision of outreach methods in the U.S. This essay examines the diffusion process that impacts adoption of best management practices by farmers. The decision extension educators make for selecting a teaching method is affected by the relationship between the objectives of the learning process and the characteristics of the teaching method.

Att knyta an : Adoptivföräldrars upplevelser av mötet med och stöd från BVC

Hedström, Somali, Holm, Anna-Carin January 2017 (has links)
De internationella adoptionerna startade i Sverige på 1960-talet och har sedan mitten av 1980-talet minskat från 1800 barn till 1132 barn år 2013. För en adoptivfamilj har anknytning en central betydelse i familjens vardag och handlar om samspel mellan förälder och barn. Tidigare forskning tyder på att adopterade barn i större utsträckning visar på ett otryggt anknytningsmönster än barn som bor med sina biologiska föräldrar. En trygg anknytning kan främjas genom att föräldern är lyhörd för barnets signaler. Studiens syfte är att ta reda på vilka upplevelser adoptivföräldrar har av mötet med och stöd från BVC. Tio kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med adoptivföräldrar och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes vid analysprocessen. Resultatet beskrivs utifrån två kategorier, vilka är: ”Behov av stöd” och ”Attityder och förhållningssätt”. Studiens resultat visar att föräldrarna upplever att BVC-sköterskors kunskap och stöd kring anknytning är begränsad. Föräldrarna önskar att få samtala med BVC-sköterskor kring anknytningens betydelse och hur den utvecklas över tid. De BVC-sköterskor som föräldrarna har förtroende för är de som har ett brinnande intresse för adoption. Även bemötandet hos BVC-sköterskorna har en inverkan på föräldrarnas förtroende. Ett öppet förhållningssätt och en förståelse för att adoptivbarnet har med sig ett bagage av tidigare upplevelser kan bidra till att föräldrarna känner större trygghet i mötet med BVC- sköterskorna. Att få möta andra familjer i samma situation och utbyta erfarenheter är något föräldrarna uttrycker är värdefullt. Ett förslag som kan vara användbart i BVC- sköterskors verksamhet är ett internetbaserat utbildningsprogram med adoptionsrelaterade frågor som kan inhämtas vid behov.

Essays on Internet economics: customer reviews, advertising, and technology adoption

Lei, Ying 12 August 2016 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three chapters on the economics of the Internet. The first chapter begins with presenting the advertising spending patterns of US local restaurants that have different ratings on Yelp.com. Rating information on Yelp includes display ratings and review distributions. The Yelp's rounding algorithm creates a discontinuity in display ratings. Therefore, I use a regression discontinuity design to identify the effect of a higher display rating on local restaurants' advertising spendings. I find a significantly negative effect of display rating for highly-rated restaurants on advertising. However, when the display rating is constant between two steps, the relationship between local restaurant advertising spending and average rating is significantly positive. The second chapter uses a game-theoretic model to analyze competing firms' advertising and pricing decisions. Here customer reviews are available and firms may build up loyal customer bases. I find that highly-rated firms are more likely to advertise more, i.e., online reviews complement advertising. Comparative static results can explain the results found in the first chapter. Intuitively, when the capacity of a local business becomes limited, a jump in the display rating will reduce the complementary effect of online reviews on advertising. I also analyze an extension of the model, where an entrant and an incumbent interact. I find that customer reviews undo the "fat-cat" effect of a large incumbent with lots of loyal customers. The third chapter proposes a new explanation for adoption failure or delay in markets with network effects. In the model, consumers and software providers play a dynamic adoption game. Each group of players choose between two incompatible technologies. Consumers may wait, but firms may not. Although efficiency requires one technology to be adopted by all consumers and firms right away, there is a "market split and adoption delay" equilibrium. In this equilibrium some consumers choose to wait at first and firms split between the two technologies. The model is motivated by the 56K modem market, in which competition between two technologies appears to have led to adoption failure, until an industry standard setting organization coordinated the market on an alternative standard.

A study of non-adoptive plans made by unmarried mothers for their babies

Wood, Marjorie Isobel January 1952 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University

Jag är inte från mammas och pappas mage för jag är kines : Förskolepedagogers resonemang kring adoptivbarn som förlorat sin anknytningsperson / I’m not from mom’s and dad’s tummy because I’m Chinese : Preschool teacher’s discussion about adopt children who have lost their person of connection

Björlin, Maria, Lind, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Adopterade barn med anknytningssvårigheter är vanligare än mantror, numera är det lagstadgat att dessa barn har rätt till trygghet, bådei hemmet och på förskolan. Pedagogernas roll har fått större betydelsei barns utveckling och lärande, detta gör att vi bör vara medvetna ombarns olika uppväxt och bakgrund.SYFTE: Vi vill undersöka hur pedagoger i förskolan resonerar kringadopterade barn som förlorat sin primära anknytningsperson. Hurarbetar lärarna i förskolan med adoptivbarn som upplevt tidigaseparationer?METOD: Vi har i vår undersökning valt att använda oss av kvalitativaintervjuer.RESULTAT: Vår studie visar att vi har i våra intervjuer upptäckt att pedagoger iförskolan under sin utbildning inte fått någon information angåendeadopterade barn som varit med om tidiga separationer och därmedförlorat sin primära anknytningsperson. Sina kunskaper har de fåttfrån föräldrarna till de adopterade barn som de mött. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Det balanserade styrkortet : En studie av forskning kring adoptionsbeslut. / The balanced scorecard : A research of an adoption decision

Persson, Angelica, Olsson, Gabriel January 2012 (has links)
Kaplan och Norton publicerade år 1992 den första tidskriftsartikeln där en ny styrmodell presenterades – det balanserade styrkortet. Ambitionen med denna styrmodell var att öka förståelsen och ge ett nytt perspektiv på hur verksamheter kan ledas. Nya möjligheter skapades åt företag och detta ledde till att organisationer kunde precisera nyckelfaktorer och sammankoppla dessa till verksamhetens strategier och mål. Modellen för det balanserade styrkortet har sedan dess utvecklats och modellens framtagna funktioner och användning har förändrats med tiden. Denna utveckling har generat olika anledningar för verksamheter att adoptera det balanserade styrkortet, vilket denna uppsats belyser.Undersökningen har visat att det finns flera faktorer som spelar in på varför vissa verksamheter väljer att adoptera eller förkasta det balanserade styrkortet. Med hjälp av uppsatsens analys har vi kunnat identifiera vilka dessa faktorer är och dessa benämns i slutsatsen, där vi även besvarar uppsatsens problemformulering. Målet med vår studie är att förklara de huvudsakliga faktorer som påverkar ett adoptionsbeslut. Syftet blir därmed att identifiera och beskriva dessa faktorer. Undersökningen visade att verksamheter vill framstå som proaktiva och rationella på grund utav att omgivningen är en stark faktor som påverkar adoptionsbeslutet. Eftersom det finns flera modeller av ett styrkort blir detta en påfrestning för organisationer och komplicerar därmed adoptionsbeslutet, vilket även har en påverkan. En ytterligare faktor är kulturen inom en verksamhet, kulturen formar organisationer och därmed även styrmodellen. Sambandet mellan dessa påverkar utfallet av ett adoptionsbeslut.Vi valde att forma vår undersökning utifrån en kvalitativ ansats. För att samla information kring detta har vi haft kontakt med Christian Ax och Nils-Göran Olve som båda är kända forskare inom ekonomistyrning. Deras hjälp gav oss en riktlinje till relevant forskning samt att de deltog i vår empiriska undersökning. Undersökningen grundas på intervjuerna med forskarna samt en egen tolkning på valda forskningsartiklar. / Program: Kandidatutbildning i företagsekonomi

Mezinárodní osvojení / Intercounty adoption

Abdualkarim, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Intercountry adoption Abstract Intercountry adoption is a global phenomenon. The countries of origin, children adopted abroad mostly come from, have a lot in common. Intercountry adoption comes about only if the child cannot be adopted in the country of origin because of the principle of subsidiarity. That is why it is important to consider, which conditions cause impossibility of domestic adoption and try to eliminate these conditions, as well as conditions causing leaving a child. It is a fight against poverty, drug addiction, alcoholism, insufficient funding of social and legal care of children or racism, like in the Czech Republic, where mostly children of Roma ethnics, whom Czech applicants for adoption do not want to adopt, are adopted abroad. The countries of origin have these social conditions (and others) in common. High number of children adopted abroad is a sign of a certain dysfunctions in the society. In the Czech Republic, Office for Legal Protection of Children with its registered office in Brno is a central body arranging intercountry adoption within the meaning of Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. Intercountry adoption means a possibility of growing up in a family to a child, so the cooperation of international community in this area...

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