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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do comportamento elétrico de filmes de PVDF na fase alfa / Electric behavior of alfa phase PVDF films

Costa, Mauro Miguel 22 March 1991 (has links)
A técnica do triodo de corona com corrente constante foi utilizada para carregar amostras de PVDF na fase &#945, acompanhando a evolução do potencial de superfície durante o carregamento. Com essa técnica foi possível não só obter a fase &#945p a partir da fase &#945 como também analisar o comportamento elétrico de ambas as fases. Os resultados obtidos em ambiente úmido mostram que a forma geral das curvas de potencial nas amostras carregadas com corona positiva e negativa são similares, ou seja, no início do carregamento tem-se um salto inicial, continua crescendo numa taxa mais lenta até alcançar um valor máximo de potencial e a partir deste valor decai para um regime estacionário. Os valores de potenciais alcançados na superfície da amostra não foram suficientes para gerar campos elétricos da ordem 1.5MV/cm, requeridos para induzir uma transição para a fase &#945p. Apesar de ocorrerem mudanças no comportamento elétrico durante os carregamentos, nenhuma mudança na estrutura das amostras foi detectada, usando a técnica de difratometria de raios-X. Em ambiente seco foi verificado que, durante o carregamento, o potencial na superfície da amostra alcançava valores altos quando comparado aos obtidos em ambiente úmido. Verificou-se também, que as amostras apresentavam enrugamento, característicos de materiais poliméricos. As mudanças ocorridas devido ao carregamento foram detectadas pela técnica de raios-X, confirmando a mudança de estrutura para &#945p. O comportamento ferroelétrico das amostras na fase &#945p, foi identificado pela curva de evolução do potencial de superfície, onde se avalia a quantidade de polarização ferroelétrica adquirida. As mudanças de estrutura e das propriedades elétricas em ambiente seco foram irreversíveis. / The constant current corona triode was used for charging &#945-PVDF samples and monitoring their surface potential buildup during poling. It is shown that the method allows one to obtain the polar &#945p form of PVDF from the non-polar &#945-form and also to analuse electrical characteristics of both forms. The experimental results obtained with samples under humid conditions show a similar behavior for positive and negative corona. There is na initial steep increase in the surface potential which then increases passing through a maximum value, and decreases until a steady state is reached. The maximum values attained are not sufficiently high to attain electric fields of around 1.5MV/cm required for causing a phase change from &#945 to &#945p. Furthermore, no change in the structure of the samples is noted in X-ray diffractograms. For measurments carried out under dry conditions, on the other hand, the sample surface potential attain much higher values. The samples become wrinkled after being submitted to these high electric fields (&#62 1.5MV/cm), and this is characteristic of ferroelectric materials. The change to &#945p from samples is confirmed by the structural changes exhibited in X-ray diffractograms. The ferroelectric behavior of the &#945p samples is further identified by the surface potential buildup, from which the remanent polarization can be inferred. The structural as well as the electric changes caused by the corona charging are found to be irreversible.

Controle de propriedades multiferroicas em filmes finos óxidos dopados com íons terras raras para aplicação como dispositivos lógicos e de memória / Control of multiferroic properties in rare earth doped oxide thin films for memory and logic device applications

Everton Bonturim 22 August 2017 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, o consumo de dispositivos eletrônicos e a alta demanda por armazenamento de dados tem mostrado grandes oportunidades para a criação de novas tecnologias que garantam as necessidades mundiais na área de computação e desenvolvimento. Alguns materiais multiferroicos tem sido amplamente estudados e o BiFeO3, considerado o único material multiferroico em temperatura ambiente, ganhou destaque como candidato para produção de dispositivos lógicos e de memória. O uso de técnicas de crescimento como a deposição por laser pulsado permitiu a produção de filmes finos de BiFeO3 com elevado controle de qualidade. Heteroestruturas de filmes multiferroicos de BiFeO3 e LaBiFeO3 foram crescidas com diferentes espessuras sobre substratos de SrTiO3(100), DyScO3(110) e SrTiO3/Si(100) para avaliação e teste de suas propriedades elétricas e magnéticas. Filmes ferromagnéticos de Co0,9Fe0,1 foram depositados por sputtering sobre os filmes multiferroicos para avaliação da interação interfacial entre ordenamentos magnéticos. Técnicas como fotolitografia foram utilizadas para padronização de microdispositivos gravados sobre as amostras. Tanto os filmes finos de BiFeO3 como os de LaBiFeO3 foram crescidos epitaxialmente sobre os substratos já cobertos com uma camada buffer de SrRuO3 usado como contato elétrico inferior. A estrutura cristalina romboédrica das ferritas de bismuto foi confirmada pelos dados de difração de raios X, bem como a manutenção de tensão estrutural causada pela rede cristalina do substrato para amostras de 20 nm. Os valores de coeficiente do tensor piezelétrico d33 foram da ordem de 0,15 V (∼ 60 kV.cm-2) para amostras com 20 nm de espessura enquanto que os valores de voltagem coerciva para as análises de histerese elétrica foram da ordem de 0,5 V para as mesmas amostras. A relação de coercividade elétrica com a espessura corresponde ao perfil encontrado na literatura pela relação E≈d-2/3. As amostras de CoFe/BFO e CoFe/LBFO depositadas em diferentes substratos apresentam acoplamento interfacial entre ordenamento ferromagnético e antiferromagnético com momento ferromagnético de rede. / For the last few decades, the consumption of electronic devices and the high demand for data storage have shown great opportunities to create modern technologies that assure the worldwide needs in computing and development. Some multiferroic materials have been extensively studied and BiFeO3, considered the only multiferroic material at room temperature, has received attention as a candidate to produce logic and memory devices. The use of growth techniques such as pulsed laser deposition allowed the production of thin films of BiFeO3 with high quality control. Multiferroic film heterostructures of BiFeO3 and LaBiFeO3 were grown with different thicknesses on SrTiO3 (100), DyScO3 (110) and SrTiO3/Si (100) substrates to evaluate and test their electrical and magnetic properties. The allow Co0.9Fe0.1 ferromagnetic films were deposited by sputtering on the multiferroic films to evaluate the interfacial interaction between magnetic ordering. Techniques such as photolithography were used to pattern microdevices on the samples. Both the BiFeO3 and LaBiFeO3 thin films were grown epitaxially on the substrates already covered with a SrRuO3 buffer layer used as the lower electrical contact. The rhombohedral crystalline structure of the bismuth ferrites was confirmed by the X-ray diffraction data as well as the strain maintenance caused by the crystal lattice of the substrate for 20 nm samples. The coefficient values of the piezoelectric tensor d33 were around 0.15 V (∼ 60 kV.cm-2) for 20 nm thick samples whereas the coercive voltage values for the electrical hysteresis analyzes were about 0.5 V for the same samples. The relation between electric coercivity and the thickness corresponds to the profile found in the literature by the relation E≈d-2/3. The samples of CoFe/BFO and CoFe/LBFO deposited in different substrates present interfacial coupling between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic arrangement with net ferromagnetic moment.

Medidas das constantes dielétricas e deslocamento elétrico em dielétricos: desenvolvimento da técnica e metodologia / Measurements of dielectric constant and dielectric displacement: development of technique and methodology

Cabral, Flávio Pandur Albuquerque 21 July 1998 (has links)
Desenvolveu-se um sistema para medir a constante dielétrica complexa de amostras dielétricas, de construção simples, versátil e de baixo custo. A medida é feita aplicando-se uma tensão senoidal e fazendo-se a aquisição do sinal aplicado e do sinal da resposta elétrica (carga elétrica). Emprega-se uma placa A/D para a aquisição de dados com taxa de amostragem de 100 Ksamples/seg e através da transformada de Fourier discreta destes sinais determina-se a impedância complexa da amostra, a partir da qual calcula-se a constante dielétrica complexa. A placa utilizada e o circuito de medida da carga elétrica introduzem defasagens indesejáveis nos sinais, cujas correções são feitas através de programa no computador usado para aquisição dos sinais. O sistema mostra um desempenho similar àqueles dos equipamentos comerciais para freqüências no intervalo de 0,1H.z a 1KHz, sendo testado com componentes resistivos e capacitivos e posteriormente em amostras de Teflon FEP, poli(fluoreto de vinilideno) e seus copolímeros com trifluoretileno. O sistema também foi utilizado para medir o deslocamento elétrico nos polímeros ferroelétricos sob a aplicação de campos elevados. Neste caso determinaram-se as curvas de histerese dielétrica e os deslocamentos de primeira, segunda e terceira ordem. / A low cost and a simple experimental system for measuring the complex dielectric constant of dielectric samples were developed. Measurements were performed measuring the electric charge response resulting from the application of a sinusoidal voltage. The system was based on an A/D acquisition board with sampling rate of 100 Ksamples/sec. The complex impedance was calculated using the discrete Fourier transform from which the complex dielectric constant was found. The phase differences introduced by the A/D board and the amplifiers circuits were connected by software. The setup showed that the results are comparable to that ones obtained with commercial impedance analyzers in the range of frequencies between 0.1 Hz and 1 KHz. Such measurements were obtained using resistors and/or capacitors and also using samples of Teflon FEP, PVDF and its copolymers with trifluorethylene. The setup was also capable to measure the electric displacement in ferroelectric polymers submitted to high fields. Hysteresis loops and the nonlinear electric displacement of first, second and third order were measured.

Interpretação teórica da subida do potencial de superfície em polímeros ferroelétricos carregados com corrente constante / Theoretical interpretation of surface potential buildup on ferroelectric polymers charged with constant current

Minami, Gerson 29 September 1992 (has links)
A evolução do potencial de superfície de amostras dielétricas é calculada através da resolução de modelos teóricos pelo método numérico de diferenças finitas. São considerados os fenômenos de polarização elétrica, condutividade intrínseca, injeção de carga espacial, dissociação iônica no volume da amostra e difusão de moléculas, através da superfície da amostra, as quais podem se dissociar no volume. A subida do potencial de superfície é calculada para cada caso e também são discutidas as situações nas quais se consideram a ocorrência de dois fenômenos. Procura-se, com a ajuda dos modelos desenvolvidos, interpretar o comportamento geral da subida do potencial em função do tempo para amostras ferroelétricas (polímero PVDF-beta e copolímero P(VDF-TrFE)) e amostras não ferroelétricas (polímero PVDF-alfa). / The finite-difference method has been employed for the determination of the surface potencial buildup of dielectric samples. In the models several processes have been considered such as the electric polarization, intrinsic conductivity, space charge injection, ionic dissociation and diffusion of molecules which dissociates in the sample bulk. The surface potential has been determined for each case considering two different phenomena. The models developed throughout the work are used for interpreting surface potential buildup curves of ferroelectric materials (PVDF-beta and P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers) and also of non-ferroelectric PVDF-alfa samples.

Estudo da polarização ferroelétrica no copolímero P (VDF/TrFE) / Study of ferroelectric polarization in P(VDF/TrFE) copolymer

Alves, Neri 29 April 1992 (has links)
Usando-se a técnica do triodo de corona com corrente constante estudaram-se as propriedades ferroelétricas dos copolímeros P(VDF-TrFE) contendo diferentes teores de VDF. Descrevem-se as metodologias usadas na preparação de amostras por solução, a caracterização por raios X e DSC e a determinação do grau de cristalinidade. Apresentam-se o princípio de funcionamento da técnica do triodo de corona com corrente constante e a equivalência das curvas de potencial de superfície com as curvas de histerese. Mostra-se que a condução elétrica pode ser desprezada quando as medidas são realizadas em atmosfera com baixo valor de umidade. O valor do campo coercivo e da polarização remanente foram determinados a partir das curvas de subida do potencial de superfície, sendo o valor da polarização diretamente proporcional ao grau de cristalinidade das amostras. Esses resultados foram analisados supondo-se que os filmes de P(VDF-TrFE) podem ter duas fases cristalinas. Também são discutidos os modelos teóricos usados para interpretar as curvas de subida do potencial de superfície. / Ferroelectric properties of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers having different contents of VDF were investigated using the corona triode with constant current. The casting procedure for the sample preparation, the characterization by X rays and DSC, and the determination of the degree of crystalinity were presented. The corona triode method allowing to charge samples with a Constant current and the equivalence between the potential buildup curves and hysteresis curves are presented. The coercive field and the remanent polarization were determined from the potential buildup curves and it was found that the polarization is linearly dependent on the degree of crystalinity. Results were discussed taking into account two different crystaline phases which could exists in P(VDF-TrFE). Also, it was presented theoretical models aiming to fit the potential buildup curves.

Ferroelectric polymers for organic electronic applications / Polymères ferroélectriques pour applications électroniques organiques

Spampinato, Nicoletta 18 December 2018 (has links)
L'électronique organique représente une alternative réaliste aux technologies conventionnelles à base de silicium par le design, la synthèse et la mise en oeuvre des matériaux organiques fonctionnels dans des dispositifs légers et flexibles. Les matériaux organiques, tels que les petites molécules ou les polymères organiques, sont avantageux pour leur faible coût, leur flexibilité et leur facilité de traitement. Grâce aux avantages liés à l'utilisation de matériaux organiques, en termes économiques et de gain de temps, l'électronique organique est devenue un domaine innovant qui s'applique aux technologies de l'énergie, de l'environnement, de la santé, de l'information et de la communication.L'électronique organique est issue de la découverte de polymères dotés de fonctionnalités semi-conductrices. Cependant, il ne faut pas négliger une autre classe de polymères exceptionnels, les polymères ferroélectriques. La nature électroactive des polymères ferroélectriques, qui sont également pyroélectriques et piézoélectriques, combinés aux avantages intrinsèques des polymères, les a désignés comme éléments constitutifs d’une gamme étendue de dispositifs électroniques organiques.La famille de polymères ferroélectriques la plus connue est celle du poly(fluorure de vinylidène) P(VDF) et de son copolymère avec le trifluoroéthylène, P(VDF-co-TrFE). La récupération d'énergie, le stockage et la détection de données, principales applications de l'électronique organique, peuvent potentiellement tous être réalisés avec ces matériaux fonctionnels exceptionnels. La ferroélectricité étant une propriété dépendant de la structure, il est indispensable de mieux comprendre les relations réciproques entre la structure et les propriétés ferroélectriques finales afin d'améliorer les applications existantes des polymères ferroélectriques en électronique organique et de promouvoir l'introduction du P(VDF-co-TrFE) dans de nouvelles applications.P(VDF-co-TrFE) en tant que polymère semi-cristallin possède des propriétés cristallines sensibles au traitement thermique. Puisque seules les régions cristallines contribuent a le commutation électronique de la polarisation et non les amorphes, le degré de cristallinité est un facteur clé pour moduler les propriétés ferroélectriques. En autre, l'orientation des cristallites ainsi que la présence de défauts dans les cristallites sont des paramètres cruciaux qui jouent un rôle important dans la définition des performances finales des dispositifs dans lesquels P(VDF-co-TrFE) est incorporé. Tel est l'objectif de cette thèse: atteindre une compréhension exhaustive des relations traitement-structure-fonction qui serviront d'outil pour moduler les performances des dispositifs ferroélectriques.De plus, les applications potentielles de P(VDF-co-TrFE) en électronique organique sont explorées en examinant sa mise en oeuvre dans: (1) des capteurs médicaux à cathéter piézoélectrique destinés à mesurer la fonction cardiaque et éventuellement à détecter maladies cardiaques et (2) dispositifs électroniques dans lesquels P(VDF-co-TrFE) est mélangé avec le polymère poly(3-hexylthiophène) semi-conducteur, P3HT. Ce dernier a déjà été appliqué dans les diodes à mémoire ferroélectrique non volatile et l’utilisation potentielle dans le champ de l’organique photovoltaïque est explorée. / Organic electronics represent a realistic alternative to conventional silicon-based technologies through the design, synthesis and implementation of functional organic materials into light and flexible devices. Organic materials, such as small molecules or organic polymers, are advantageous for their low-cost, flexibility and easy processing. Thanks to the economical and timesaving advantages, organic electronics have emerged as an innovative field with application in energy, environment, health, information and communication technologies.Organic electronics originates from the discovery of polymers with semiconducting functionalities. However, one should not neglect another class of outstanding polymers, the ferroelectric polymers. The electroactive nature of ferroelectric polymers, which are also pyroelectric and piezoelectric, combined with the intrinsic advantages of polymers have designated them as constituent elements of a widespread range of organic electronic devices. The most well-known family of ferroelectric polymers is that of poly(vinylidene fluoride), P(VDF), and its copolymers with trifluoroethylene, P(VDF-co-TrFE). Energy harvesting, data storage and sensing, main applications of organic electronics, can potentially all be realised using these exceptional functional materials.Since ferroelectricity is a structure-dependent property an insight into the interrelations between structure and final ferroelectric properties is indispensable in order to improve existing applications of ferroelectric polymers in organic electronics and to promote the introduction of P(VDF-co-TrFE) in new application fields. P(VDF-co-TrFE) as semi-crystalline polymer possess crystalline properties which are sensitive to thermal treatment. Since only the crystalline regions contribute to ferroelectric switching and not the amorphous ones, the degree of crystallinity is a key factor to modulate the ferroelectric properties. Moreover, crystallites orientation as well as the presence of defects within the crystallites are crucial parameters playing an important role in defining the final performance of the devices in which P(VDF-co-TrFE) is incorporated.Herein stands the aim of this thesis: reach an exhaustive understanding of processing-structure-function relationships that will serve as tool to modulate ferroelectric devices performances.Going one step further, the potential applications of P(VDF-co-TrFE) in organic electronics are explored by investigating it in: (1) medical piezoelectric catheter sensors for measuring cardiac function and eventually for detecting cardiac disease and (2) electronic devices in which P(VDF-co-TrFE) is blended with the semiconducting polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene), P3HT. The latter has already been applied in non-volatile ferroelectric memory diodes and the potential use in organic photovoltaics is explored.

Phase switching behaviour in lead-free Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-based ceramics

Wang, Ge January 2017 (has links)
This PhD project is focused on three lead-free ferroelectric solid solutions, which are specifically Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-KNbO3(NBT-KN), Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-NaNbO3(NBT-NN) and Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-BaTiO3(NBT-BT), to evaluate the effects of composition, electric field and temperature on structural and electrical properties. Novel observations of both reversible and irreversible electric field-induced phase switching were made in both NBT-KN and NBT-NN ceramics. The NBT-KN solid solution is the primary focus of this thesis. All compositions were observed to be cubic in the as-sintered, unpoled state. However, a well-defined ferroelectric hysteresis P-E loop was obtained for compositions with low KN contents, indicating that an irreversible phase transition from a weak-polar relaxor ferroelectric (RF) to a long-range ordered metastable ferroelectric (FE) state had occurred during the measurement procedure. Both the unpoled and poled ceramic powders were examined using high resolution synchrotron XRD. For the poled state, a rhombohedral R3c structure was identified for compositions with low KN content, confirming the occurrence of the irreversible electric field-induced structural transformation from cubic to rhombohedral. In contrast, a cubic structure was retained for high KN contents, giving rise to reversible phase switching evidenced by constricted P-E hysteresis loops. Similar behaviour was observed for NBT-NN system. An 'in-situ' electric field poling experiment was conducted using high energy synchrotron XRD. In certain NBT-KN compositions the structural transformation, from cubic to mixed phase cubic+rhombohedral and finally single phase rhombohedral, occurred progressively with increasing cycles of a bipolar electric field. Similar behaviour was observed for NBT-NN compositions having low NN contents. Furthermore, the distributions of domain orientation and lattice strain over a range of orientations relative to the poling direction were determined for NBT-KN, NBT-NN and NBT-BT ceramics exhibiting the rhombohedral phase. By combining the structural information with the results of dielectric and ferroelectric measurements, a phase diagram was constructed to illustrate the influence of temperature and composition on the stability of the metastable ferroelectric and relaxor ferroelectric states for the NBT-KN system. Furthermore, the phase transition temperatures obtained from dielectric measurements were correlated with the ferroelectric and thermal depolarisation characteristics for each of the NBT-KN, NBT-NN and NBT-BT systems.

Nano- and micro-particle doped liquid crystal phases

Al-Zangana, Shakhawan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents the investigation of the liquid crystal (LC) - particle suspensions. Particles from nano- to micro-size, spherical to two-dimensional shapes, with different functionality are dispersed into nematic and smectic phases. The aim is to create ordered nanoparticle (NP) assemblies and thereby modify the common properties of the liquid crystal, such as dielectric anisotropy and electro-optical, revealing any interaction between particles and LC properties. It is found that for concentrations (>0.5vol%), the ferroelectric NPs have increased the sensitivity of the nematic liquid crystal to the electric field through electro-optical responses, which is seen by an enhancement in the dielectric anisotropy. This could be induced by the coupling of the electrical dipole moments in the spherical NPs with the LC director field. The electro-optical properties of the chiral smectic (SmC*) phase (tilt angle Θ, switching time τ_s and spontaneous polarisation P_s) are found to be independent of the concentration and sizes of the doped NPs. The relaxation frequency f_R of the Goldstone mode is faster in the ferroelectric NPs suspensions of 2.0vol% compared to the paraelectric NPs. In the graphene oxide (GO) - nematic LC (5CB) suspensions, the small GO sizes of mean size 560 nm are more easily dispersible than larger flakes of 2.8 micro metre mean size. As the GO concentration is increased, each of the threshold voltage and splay elastic constant dramatically increases, reaching saturation at ≈1.0wt%. The field driven switching-on time is practically not affected, while the purely elastically driven switching-off time is strongly sped-up. Interestingly, thermotropic and lyotropic LC phases are exhibited in the GO-5CB suspensions when heating the thermotropic liquid crystal into its isotropic phase. The isotropic phase of 5CB acts as a solvent for the GO particles, forming a lyotropic nematic phase with largely reduced birefringence. It is found that the nematic to isotropic phase transition is shifted toward higher temperature for the GO-5CB system compared to the BaTiO3-5CB system. Dispersions of different sizes of GO flakes are prepared in isotropic and nematic fluid media. The dielectric relaxation behaviour of GO-dispersions was examined for a wide temperature range (25-60 ℃) and frequency range (100 Hz-2 MHz). The mixtures containing GO flakes were found to exhibit varying dielectric relaxation processes, depending on the size of the flakes and the elastic properties of the dispersant fluid. The relaxation frequencies in the isotropic media were lower compared to the nematic medium. Relaxation frequencies (~10 kHz) are observed in the GO-isotropic media, which are reduced as the size of the GO flakes are decreased, are anticipated to be inherited from GO flakes. However, the fast relaxations (~100 kHz) that are observed in the nematic suspensions could imply strongly slowed down molecular relaxation modes of the nematogenic molecules. Finally, the phase diagram of lyotropic LC as a function of the lateral dimensions of the GO flakes, their concentration, geometrical confinement configuration and solvent polarity was investigated. Polarising optical microscopy was used to determine isotropic-biphasic-nematic phase evolution. The confinement volume and geometry of the sample relative to the GO size are shown to be vital to the observation of the lyotropic phase. GO LCs have the potential for a range of applications from display technologies to conductive fibres. The confinement related LC phase transition is critical toward their applications. It is also found that the stability of the LC phase is higher for the solvent of higher dielectric constant.

Hyperchanneling of low energy ions on the platinum(111) and gold(110) surfaces and ion scattering spectrometry of ferroelectric lithium tantalate. / Hyperchanneling of low energy ions on the Pt(111) and Au(110) surfaces and ion scattering spectrometry of Ferroelectric LiTaO3 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2002 (has links)
"May 2002." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Time-of-flight ion scattering and recoiling spectrometry (TOF-SARS) studies of surface charge dynamics of LiTaO3(0001) single crystal. / 利用飛行時間散射反衝符號測量譜儀研究LiTaO3(001)單晶之表面電荷動態特性 / Time-of-flight ion scattering and recoiling spectrometry (TOF-SARS) studies of surface charge dynamics of LiTaO3(0001) single crystal. / Li yong fei xing shi jian san she fan chong fu hao ce liang pu yi yan jiu LiTaO3(001) dan jing zhi biao mian dian he dong tai te xing

January 2003 (has links)
Leang Po Shan = 利用飛行時間散射反衝符號測量譜儀研究LiTaO3(001)單晶之表面電荷動態特性 / 梁寶珊. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 50-51). / Text in English; abstracts in English and Chinese. / Leang Po Shan = Li yong fei xing shi jian san she fan chong fu hao ce liang pu yi yan jiu LiTaO3(001) dan jing zhi biao mian dian he dong tai te xing / Liang Baoshan. / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Ferroelectricity and pyroelectricity of LiTαO3 --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Surface Studies of Ferroelectrics --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Size Effect and Importantce of Surface Properties --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- General Difficulties in Surface Studies of Ferroelectrics --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Applicability of TOF-SARS in the Analysis of Ferro- electrics --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3 --- Surface Charge Dynamics on Ferroelectrics --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- Surface Charge Screening of Spontaneous Polarization --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- Discharge of Excessive Surface Charge --- p.7 / Chapter 1.4 --- Objectives of the Thesis Work: TOF-SARS Study of Surface Charge Dynamics of LiTαO3 --- p.11 / Chapter 2 --- Ion-Surface Interaction --- p.13 / Chapter 3 --- Time-of-Flight (TOF) Ion Scattering and Recoiling Spectrom- eter --- p.17 / Chapter 3.1 --- TOF Ion Scattering and Recoiling Spectrometer --- p.18 / Chapter 3.2 --- Ion Column --- p.19 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Ion Source --- p.19 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Pulsing System --- p.19 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- ExB Wien Filter Mass Analyzer --- p.20 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- Einzel Lens --- p.20 / Chapter 3.2.5 --- Neutral Beam Trap --- p.20 / Chapter 3.2.6 --- Vacuum Chamber and Manipulator --- p.20 / Chapter 3.3 --- Variable Angle Detector --- p.23 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Setup --- p.23 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Beam Alignment --- p.24 / Chapter 4 --- Results and Analysis --- p.25 / Chapter 5 --- Study of Charge Relaxation Process --- p.35 / Chapter 5.1 --- Derivation of Surface Electric Potential --- p.35 / Chapter 5.2 --- Data Analysis --- p.40 / Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.49 / Bibliography --- p.50

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