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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated receiver channel and timing discrimination circuits for a pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinder

Kurtti, S. (Sami) 08 January 2013 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis integrated receiver channel techniques and circuit implementations for a pulsed time-of-flight (TOF) laser rangefinder are developed with the aim to achieve centimetre level accuracy within the dynamic range of > 1:10 000 of the input pulse amplitudes. The receiver channel converts the input current pulses produced by the photo detector to voltage pulses and produces a logic-level timing pulse for the time interval measurement. In addition to the minimization of noise, the main design challenge is the minimization of the timing walk error resulting from the varying amplitude of the received optical echo. In automotive perception laser radar application, which was the target application of this work, the input amplitude of the received echo varies in a range of 1:10 000 or even more due to changes in the measured distance and reflectivity and orientation of the target. Two receiver channel and timing discriminator architectures were developed and realized as integrated circuits in 0.35 μm BiCMOS technology, and finally verified by measurements. One of the receiver channels is based on the detection of the zero-crossing of the timing pulse produced with a unipolar-to-bipolar conversion at the input of the receiver. It achieved a timing walk error of ±8 mm in a dynamic range of 1:3000. Another receiver channel is based on the leading edge timing discrimination, in which the timing walk error is being compensated for in time domain by measuring the width of the timing pulse simultaneously with its leading edge time position. An important feature of this technique, suggested in this thesis, is that it is operative also beyond the linear range of the receiver channel, which is typically limited to < 1:100. The receiver channel with leading edge detection and pulse width compensation achieved a compensated walk error of ± 2–3 mm in a dynamic range of ~ 1:100 000. The bandwidth and input referred current noise of the channel were 230 MHz and <100 nArms, respectively. The single-shot timing precision was 120 ps (20 mm in distance) at the SNR of 10. The feasibility of the receiver electronics was verified by two laser radar prototypes. An accuracy of < ± 5 mm was measured in a measurement range from 1 to 55 m, which corresponds to the receiver dynamic range of > 1:10 000 taking into consideration the varying reflectivity of the target materials used. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjatyössä on suunniteltu integroituja vastaanotintekniikoita ja –piirejä valopulssin kulkuaikamittaustekniikkaan perustuvaan laseretäisyysmittaukseen. Tavoitteena on ollut saavuttaa senttimetriluokan tarkkuus laajalla tulopulssin amplitudin dynaamisella alueella > 1:10 000. Vastaanotinkanava muuntaa valoilmaisimelta saadun tulovirtapulssin jännitepulssiksi ja muodostaa siitä logiikkatasoisen ajoituspulssin aikavälimittauspiirille. Kohinan minimoimisen lisäksi toinen suuri suunnitteluhaaste on minimoida ajoitusvirhe, jota syntyy vastaanotetun optisen tulosignaalin amplitudin vaihdellessa laajalla alueella. Työssä kehitettyjen vastaanotinkanavien yksi sovelluskohdetavoitteista on ollut autoteollisuudessa käytettävät etäisyysmittarit. Näissä tulosignaalin taso vaihtelee erittäin laajalla dynaamisella alueella, joka voi olla > 1:10 000, johtuen laajasta etäisyysmittausalueesta sekä kohteen heijastavuuden ja orientaation vaihteluista. Väitöskirjatyössä kehitettiin ja valmistettiin kaksi vastaanotin- ja ajoitusilmaisurakennetta. Piirit valmistettiin 0,35 μm BiCMOS- teknologialla, ja niiden toiminta varmistettiin mittauksilla. Ensimmäinen vastaanotinkanava-arkkitehtuuri perustuu kanavan tulossa tapahtuvaan unipolaari-bipolaari muutokseen ja sen jälkeiseen nollaylityskohdan ilmaisuun. Piirillä saavutettiin ±8 mm ajoitusvirhe 1:3000 dynaamisella alueella. Toinen vastaanotinkanava-arkkitehtuuri perustuu etureunanilmaisuun, jossa ajoitusvirhe korjataan aikatasossa mittaamalla samanaikaisesti ajoituspulssin paikka ja leveys. Ajoitusvirheenkorjausmenetelmän tärkeä ominaisuus on, että se toimii laajemmalla kuin vastaanottimen lineaarisella alueella (< 1:100). Etureunanilmaisuun ja pulssinleveyden korjaukseen perustuvalla vastaanotinkanavalla saavutettiin korjattu ajoitusvirhe ± 2–3 mm 1:100 000 dynaamisella alueella. Kanavan kaistanleveys oli 230 MHz ja tulon redusoitu virtakohina < 100 nArms. Signaalikohinasuhteella 10 laseretäisyysmittauksen kertamittaustarkkuudeksi mitattiin 120 ps (20 mm etäisyydessä). Väitöskirjatyön yhteydessä valmistettiin lisäksi kaksi prototyyppilasertutkaa, joilla varmistettiin vastaanotinelektroniikan toiminta laajalla > 1:10 000 dynaamisella tulopulssin amplitudin vaihtelualueella. Lasertutkan ajoitusvirheeksi mitattiin < ± 5 mm 1–55 m:n mittausalueella.

Toward the Clinical Application of the Prompt Gamma-Ray Timing Method for Range Verification in Proton Therapy

Petzoldt, Johannes 09 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The prompt gamma-ray timing (PGT) method offers a relatively simple approach for range verification in proton therapy. Starting from the findings of previous experiments, several steps toward a clinical application of PGT have been performed in this work. First of all, several scintillation materials have been investigated in the context of PGT. The time resolution was determined at high photon energies in the MeV-region. In conclusion, the fast and bright scintillator CeBr3 is the material of choice in combination with a timing photomultiplier tube as light detector. A second study was conducted at Universitäts Protonen Therapie Dresden (UPTD) to characterize the proton bunch structure of a clinical beam concerning its time width and relative arrival time. The data is mandatory as input for simulation studies and to correct for phase drifts. The obtained data could furthermore be used for the first 2D imaging of a heterogeneous phantom based on prompt gamma-rays. In a last step, a PGT prototype system was designed using the findings from the first two studies. The prototype system is based on a newly developed digital spectrometer and a CeBr3 detector. The device is characterized at the ELBE bremsstrahlung beam. It was verified that the prototype operates within the specifications concerning time and resolution as well as throughput rate. Finally, for the first time the PGT system was used under clinical conditions in the treatment room of UPTD. Here, PGT data was obtained from the delivery of a three-dimensional treatment plan onto PMMA phantoms. The spot-by-spot analysis helped to investigate the performance of the prototype device under clinical conditions. As a result, range variations of 5 mm could be detected for the first time with an uncollimated system at clinically relevant doses. To summarize, the obtained results help to bring PGT closer to a clinical application.

Étude des altérations du programme de réplication lors du vieillissement cellulaire : peuvent-elles être reprogrammées ? / Study of replication program alterations upon aging : can they be reprogramed back ?

Schwerer, Hélène 17 December 2014 (has links)
La réplication de l'ADN, qui doit assurer à chaque cycle cellulaire une copie fidèle du génome pour que les cellules filles héritent du même génome, est un processus hautement régulé, faisant intervenir son organisation en chromatine mais aussi sa dynamique au sein de l'architecture nucléaire. Le vieillissement cellulaire, qu'il soit physiologique, pathologique ou induit in vitro par des conditions de culture sub-optimales, est accompagné de modifications de l'organisation du génome en chromatine, susceptibles de modifier la régulation spatiotemporelle du programme de réplication. Dans quelle mesure ces modifications sont réversibles et s'accompagnent d'une restauration du programme de réplication sont des questions que nous avons abordées. Notre étude a donc consisté dans un premier temps à analyser les modifications du programme de la réplication, dans différentes situations de vieillissement cellulaire, afin de vérifier notre hypothèse. Nous avons analysé sur l'ensemble du génome l'organisation spatiale (le long du génome) et temporelle des domaines de réplication, le timing, de cellules prolifératives ou approchant de la sénescence réplicative, de donneurs jeunes, âgés ou encore atteints de vieillissement accéléré ou progéria. Nous avons pu observer que certains domaines de timing permettent de distinguer des cellules jeunes de cellules âgées, ou des cellules prolifératives de pré-sénescentes. Afin d'explorer la réversibilité de ces processus, nous avons utilisé la reprogrammation en cellules souches pluripotentes induites ou iPS, suivie d'une redifférenciation fibroblastique. Nous avons pu démontrer que les iPS produites présentaient toutes les mêmes profils de timing, correspondant à celui d'une cellule pluripotente, indiquant que les modifications liées à l'âge ou à la sénescence pouvaient être reprogrammées. Ceci a ensuite été confirmé par une redifférenciation de ces iPS en cellules fibroblastiques dont les profils de timing de réplication ont pu être associés à ceux de fibroblastes jeunes. Cette étude nous a permis de mettre en évidence l'extrême plasticité de l'organisation spatio-temporelle de la réplication, révélant la possibilité de restaurer une dynamique de réplication altérée avec le vieillissement et l'entrée en sénescence, en manipulant le destin cellulaire vers un état indifférencié. Cette étude de la dynamique des domaines de réplication qui accompagne les modifications épigénétiques de la vie cellulaire a été complétée par l'étude à l'échelle moléculaire du rôle d'une histone déméthylase, Jarid1C/KDM5C, dans la réplication au sein des clusters d'origines. Ensemble, ces résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments sur l'interdépendance des dynamiques chromatiniennes et de réplication au cours de la vie cellulaire. / DNA replication allows at each cell cycle the exact copy of the genome that will be transmitted to daughter cells. Thus, the replication process is highly regulated in concert with its chromatin organization but also its dynamics in the nuclear architecture. Cellular ageing, be it physiologic, pathologic or induced in vitro by sub-optimal culture conditions, is accompanied by modifications of the chromatin organization of the genome. This could lead to spatio-temporal modifications of the replication program. We studied to what extent these modifications are reversible and could lead to the recovery of the replication program. In a first step, we analyzed modifications of the replication program upon several ageing situations to test our hypothesis. We analyzed the whole genome spatio-temporal organization of replication domains, the timing, of proliferating or near-senescent cells, of young, old or progeria (a premature ageing disease)-affected donors. We observed that young cells could be distinguished from old cells, and proliferative from near-senescent, by looking at some particular timing domains. To explore the reversibility of these processes, we used reprogramming to induce pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) followed by fibroblastic re-differentiation. We were able to demonstrate that the derived iPS cells have similar timing profiles corresponding to pluripotent cells profiles: ageing- and senescence-related modifications of the replication timing could be reprogrammed. It was confirmed by re-differentiating these iPS into fibroblastic cells which timing profiles could be associated to young fibroblasts ones. By manipulating cell fate toward an undifferentiated state, this study shows the extreme plasticity of the DNA replication spatio-temporal organization and highlights a chance to restore the replication dynamics when altered by ageing and senescence. This study of the replication dynamics linked to the epigenetic modifications of cells life was completed by a study at the molecular scale of the Jarid1C/KDM5C histone demethylase influence on replication within origin clusters. Together, these results bring new insights into the interdependency of chromatin and replication dynamics during cell fate modifications.

Hunger associations with meal timing and adherence to meal timing recommendations for weight loss

Wei, Ellie 01 March 2021 (has links)
Those who practice poor meal timing habits such as irregular day-to-day eating, eating late at night, and have a short overnight fast are more at risk for weight gain, reduced weight loss with weight loss attempts, and increased risk for developing and/or worsening health conditions such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease and/or risk factors for said conditions. Recent studies have identified possible factors that influence meal timing, one of which is hunger. Hunger is defined as a physiologic need to eat, and can be triggered by a rise in the hormone ghrelin. Hunger in general, or greater hunger at certain times of day, may lead to poor meal timing and/or difficulty adhering to meal timing recommendations made in behavioral interventions. The goal of our study was to determine if the overall hunger level and time of onset of greatest hunger were associated with poor meal timing cross-sectionally and lower adherence to meal timing recommendations. The meal timing behaviors we examined were eating late at night, having a longer overnight fast, and an earlier ingestive period midpoint based on published evidence suggesting these are important for weight control. We hypothesized that a greater overall hunger level and later onset of greatest hunger would be inversely associated with poor meal timing cross-sectionally and a lower adherence to potential meal timing recommendations to be applied to future interventions. Our cross-sectional study was a secondary analysis of data from a previous study on diet and energy regulation in 116 healthy adults (mean BMI 24.3 kg/m2; SD 3.8, mean age 29.4 years; SD 11.9). Both continuous and categorical meal timing outcomes were examined. The continuous outcomes were eating late at night (defined as eating past 20:00 h), length of overnight fast (defined as the length of time between the last meal consumed before bedtime and first eating occasion after waking), and timing of the largest meal, which we measured using the midpoint of the ingestive period. Categorical outcomes, which had cutoff values determined based on evidence from published research, were: not eating after 20:00, achieving an overnight fast of ≥13 hours, and having the midpoint of the ingestive period before 15:00. Associations of hunger variables with continuous meal timing outcomes were examined in three separate models using analysis of covariance, with hunger variables as the independent variables and the meal timing patterns as the dependent variables. Associations of hunger variables with categorical (bivariate) outcomes had the same independent variables but were examined with logistic regression analysis. Covariates included in both continuous and categorical models were age, sex, race, physical activity level, weighted average bedtime on weekdays and weekends, dietary restraint score, dietary disinhibition score, sleep duration, and sleep quality. After inclusion of all covariates, a higher hunger score was associated with having an overnight fast lasting ≥13 hours (p=0.026), suggesting that participants were able to achieve a longer overnight fast despite being hungrier. There was no significant association between hunger variables and eating late at night or midpoint of ingestive period (p>0.05), although the p-value was marginally non-significant with eating late at night (p=0.080). Time of greatest hunger was not associated with any of the meal timing variables (p>0.05). As previous studies have shown that a longer overnight fast improves weight loss, a possible application of our findings, namely the length of overnight fast, is for individuals who aim to achieve an overnight fast of ≥13 hours to lose weight by consuming a greater proportion energy in the morning/afternoon as opposed to dinner/later at night.. This suggestion is based on previous studies showing eating a larger breakfast decreases feelings of hunger at night. Additionally, including more protein and fiber in the diet can increase satiety at any time of day. Future studies are needed to examine relationships between hunger score and a longer overnight fast, in larger, more diverse populations and with randomized controlled designs, as our study was cross-sectional and was unable to determine causality.

Effects Of Rhythmic Context on Time Perception in Individuals with Parkinson Disease

Miller, Nathaniel Scott 12 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Techniques for Variation Aware Modeling in Static Timing Analysis of Integrated Circuits

Pendela Venkata Ramanjuneya, Suryanarayana 05 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis and Enforcement of Properties in Software Systems

Wu, Meng 02 July 2019 (has links)
Due to the lack of effective techniques for detecting and mitigating property violations, existing approaches to ensure the safety and security of software systems are often labor intensive and error prone. Furthermore, they focus primarily on functional correctness of the software code while ignoring micro-architectural details of the underlying processor, such as cache and speculative execution, which may undermine their soundness guarantees. To fill the gap, I propose a set of new methods and tools for ensuring the safety and security of software systems. Broadly speaking, these methods and tools fall into three categories. The first category is concerned with static program analysis. Specifically, I develop a novel abstract interpretation framework that considers both speculative execution and a cache model, and guarantees to be sound for estimating the execution time of a program and detecting side-channel information leaks. The second category is concerned with static program transformation. The goal is to eliminate side channels by equalizing the number of CPU cycles and the number of cache misses along all program paths for all sensitive variables. The third category is concerned with runtime safety enforcement. Given a property that may be violated by a reactive system, the goal is to synthesize an enforcer, called the shield, to correct the erroneous behaviors of the system instantaneously, so that the property is always satisfied by the combined system. I develop techniques to make the shield practical by handling both burst error and real-valued signals. The proposed techniques have been implemented and evaluated on realistic applications to demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency. / Doctor of Philosophy / It is important for everything around us to follow some rules to work correctly. That is the same for our software systems to follow the security and safety properties. Especially, softwares may leak information via unexpected ways, e.g. the program timing, which makes it more difficult to be detected or mitigated. For instance, if the execution time of a program is related to the sensitive value, the attacker may obtain information about the sensitive value. On the other side, due to the complexity of software, it is nearly impossible to fully test or verify them. However, the correctness of software systems at runtime is crucial for critical applications. While existing approaches to find or resolve properties violation problem are often labor intensive and error prone, in this dissertation, I first propose an automated tool for detecting and mitigating the security vulnerability through program timing. Programs processed by the tool are guaranteed to be time constant under any sensitive values. I have also taken the influence of speculative execution, which is the cause behind recent Spectre and Meltdown attack, into consideration for the first time. To enforce the correctness of programs at runtime, I introduce an extra component that can be attached to the original system to correct any violation if it happens, thus the entire system will still be correct. All proposed methods have been evaluated on a variety of real world applications. The results show that these methods are effective and efficient in practice.

Rhythmic movement: The role of expectancy and skill in event and emergent timing / Movimentos rítmicos: o papel de expectativas e treino no controle temporal de movimentos contínuos e discretos

Janzen, Thenille Braun 26 May 2014 (has links)
Recent investigations suggest that rhythmic movements rely on two distinct timing systems: event and emergent timing. Event timing is based on an explicit internal representation of the temporal interval marked by clear perceptual detectible events whereas emergent timing is derived from the dynamics of smooth and continuous movements. However, crucial aspects of the distinction between these mechanisms remain unclear. This thesis investigates the role of expectancy and skill in the internal representation of time in event timing and emergent timing. Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical framework that supports the differentiation between event and emergent timing mechanisms and presents the hypotheses that were tested. Chapter 2 describes a series of five experiments that investigated the role of expectancy through examining the effect of a single unexpected perturbation of feedback content (e.g. pitch, timbre, intensity) on timing of finger tapping. Chapter 3 expands this question by investigating the effect of unexpected auditory perturbations on two types of timed movements: event and emergent timing. The role of expertise and training on motor timing is the subject of discussion of Chapters 4 to 6 where a total of 4 experiments tested the effect of expertise and music training on accuracy of finger tapping and circle drawing tasks. More specifically, Chapter 4 compares accuracy levels of experts in movement-based activities (music and sports) with non experts, whereas Chapters 5 and 6 focus on the effect of music training on event and emergent timing in students of 10 to 14 years of age. Finally, Chapter 7 reviews and discusses the main findings of this body of work with respect to current theories of timing and movement. Foremost, these data challenge current models of human movements controlled by event and emergent timing mechanisms demonstrating that expectancy and training are crucial in determining the timing strategy and the type of expectancy mechanisms adopted to perform distinct rhythmic movements / Estudos recentes sugerem que movimentos rítmicos dependem de dois sistemas distintos para controle do tempo, chamados tempo emergente e discreto. Sugere-se que tempo discreto baseia-se em uma representação interna do tempo intervalar que é marcada por eventos perceptuais evidentes, enquanto tempo emergente origina-se da própria dinâmica dos movimentos contínuous. No entanto, aspectos cruciais da diferença entre esses mecanismos ainda necessitam ser examinados. Esta tese investiga o papel de expectativas e treino no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos contínuous e discretos. Capítulo 1 introduz as bases teóricas que subsidiam as hipóteses testadas no presente trabalho. Capítulo 2 descreve uma série de cinco experimentos que investigam a importância da retroalimentação auditiva e dos mecanismos de expectativa, e assim examina o efeito de uma perturbação inesperada e transitória no conteúdo do feedback (e.x. altura, timbre, intensidade) na precisão temporal de movimentos rítmicos discretos (i.e. finger tapping). Capítulo 3 expande essa investigação e analisa o efeito de perturbações inesperadas da retroalimentação auditivo em tarefas de movimentos contínuos, como desenhar círculos repetidamente. O papel do treinamento para o controle temporal é foco de discussão nos Capítulos 4 a 6, onde se descrevem um total de quatro experimentos que testam o efeito de expertise e treino na precisão de movimentos em tarefas de finger tapping e desenho de círculos. Mais especificamente, Capítulo 4 compara a performance de músicos e atletas com participantes sem nenhum treinamento nestas áreas a fim de examinar o papel do treinamento no controle motor, enquanto os Capítulo 5 e 6 focam no efeito do treino em música no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos discretos e contínuous em estudantes de 10 a 14 anos de idade. Capítulo 7 revisa e conclui as discussões propostas com base nos principais resultados descritos neste trabalho. Em suma, os resultados apresentam novas e relevantes informações a respeito da importância de expectativas e do treinamento no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos, cujas implicações podem contribuir significativamente para áreas relacionadas à pedagogia e reabilitação motora. Além disso, esta tese apresenta novas informações que ampliam modelos atuais sobre os mecanismos envolvidos no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos demonstrando a importância do papel de expectativas, retroalimentação auditiva e do treinamento para determinar os diferentes mecanismos de expectativa adotados pelo sistema nervoso na execução de movimentos rítmicos

Analysis and modelling of jitter and phase noise in electronic systems : phase noise in RF amplifiers and jitter in timing recovery circuits

Tomlin, Toby-Daniel January 2004 (has links)
Timing jitter and phase noise are important design considerations in most electronic systems, particularly communication systems. The desire for faster transmission speeds and higher levels of integration, combined with lower signal levels and denser circuit boards has placed greater emphasis on managing problems related to phase noise, timing jitter, and timing distribution. This thesis reports original work on phase noise modelling in electronic systems. A new model is proposed which predicts the up-conversion of baseband noise to the carrier frequency in RF amplifiers. The new model is validated by comparing the predicted phase noise performance to experimental measurements as it applies to a common emitter (CE), bipolar junction transistor (BJT) amplifier. The results show that the proposed model correctly predicts the measured phase noise, including the shaping of the noise about the carrier frequency, and the dependence of phase noise on the amplifier parameters. In addition, new work relating to timing transfer in digital communication systems is presented. A new clock recovery algorithm is proposed for decoding timing information encoded using the synchronous residual time-stamp (SRTS) method. Again, theoretical analysis is verified by comparison with an experimental implementation. The results show that the new algorithm correctly recovers the source clock at the destination, and satisfies the jitter specification set out by the ITU-T for G.702 signals.

Rhythmic movement: The role of expectancy and skill in event and emergent timing / Movimentos rítmicos: o papel de expectativas e treino no controle temporal de movimentos contínuos e discretos

Thenille Braun Janzen 26 May 2014 (has links)
Recent investigations suggest that rhythmic movements rely on two distinct timing systems: event and emergent timing. Event timing is based on an explicit internal representation of the temporal interval marked by clear perceptual detectible events whereas emergent timing is derived from the dynamics of smooth and continuous movements. However, crucial aspects of the distinction between these mechanisms remain unclear. This thesis investigates the role of expectancy and skill in the internal representation of time in event timing and emergent timing. Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical framework that supports the differentiation between event and emergent timing mechanisms and presents the hypotheses that were tested. Chapter 2 describes a series of five experiments that investigated the role of expectancy through examining the effect of a single unexpected perturbation of feedback content (e.g. pitch, timbre, intensity) on timing of finger tapping. Chapter 3 expands this question by investigating the effect of unexpected auditory perturbations on two types of timed movements: event and emergent timing. The role of expertise and training on motor timing is the subject of discussion of Chapters 4 to 6 where a total of 4 experiments tested the effect of expertise and music training on accuracy of finger tapping and circle drawing tasks. More specifically, Chapter 4 compares accuracy levels of experts in movement-based activities (music and sports) with non experts, whereas Chapters 5 and 6 focus on the effect of music training on event and emergent timing in students of 10 to 14 years of age. Finally, Chapter 7 reviews and discusses the main findings of this body of work with respect to current theories of timing and movement. Foremost, these data challenge current models of human movements controlled by event and emergent timing mechanisms demonstrating that expectancy and training are crucial in determining the timing strategy and the type of expectancy mechanisms adopted to perform distinct rhythmic movements / Estudos recentes sugerem que movimentos rítmicos dependem de dois sistemas distintos para controle do tempo, chamados tempo emergente e discreto. Sugere-se que tempo discreto baseia-se em uma representação interna do tempo intervalar que é marcada por eventos perceptuais evidentes, enquanto tempo emergente origina-se da própria dinâmica dos movimentos contínuous. No entanto, aspectos cruciais da diferença entre esses mecanismos ainda necessitam ser examinados. Esta tese investiga o papel de expectativas e treino no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos contínuous e discretos. Capítulo 1 introduz as bases teóricas que subsidiam as hipóteses testadas no presente trabalho. Capítulo 2 descreve uma série de cinco experimentos que investigam a importância da retroalimentação auditiva e dos mecanismos de expectativa, e assim examina o efeito de uma perturbação inesperada e transitória no conteúdo do feedback (e.x. altura, timbre, intensidade) na precisão temporal de movimentos rítmicos discretos (i.e. finger tapping). Capítulo 3 expande essa investigação e analisa o efeito de perturbações inesperadas da retroalimentação auditivo em tarefas de movimentos contínuos, como desenhar círculos repetidamente. O papel do treinamento para o controle temporal é foco de discussão nos Capítulos 4 a 6, onde se descrevem um total de quatro experimentos que testam o efeito de expertise e treino na precisão de movimentos em tarefas de finger tapping e desenho de círculos. Mais especificamente, Capítulo 4 compara a performance de músicos e atletas com participantes sem nenhum treinamento nestas áreas a fim de examinar o papel do treinamento no controle motor, enquanto os Capítulo 5 e 6 focam no efeito do treino em música no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos discretos e contínuous em estudantes de 10 a 14 anos de idade. Capítulo 7 revisa e conclui as discussões propostas com base nos principais resultados descritos neste trabalho. Em suma, os resultados apresentam novas e relevantes informações a respeito da importância de expectativas e do treinamento no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos, cujas implicações podem contribuir significativamente para áreas relacionadas à pedagogia e reabilitação motora. Além disso, esta tese apresenta novas informações que ampliam modelos atuais sobre os mecanismos envolvidos no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos demonstrando a importância do papel de expectativas, retroalimentação auditiva e do treinamento para determinar os diferentes mecanismos de expectativa adotados pelo sistema nervoso na execução de movimentos rítmicos

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