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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas

Botella Mascarell, Carmen 30 June 2008 (has links)
Los sistemas MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) multi-usuario multi-celda coordinados se definen como una configuración avanzada y cooperativa de sistema MIMO. En estos sistemas, varias estaciones base cooperan perfectamente en datos a través de un enlace de alta capacidad, y transmiten de forma coordinada a todos los usuarios de una determinada área. Además, cada estación base del sistema está sujeta a una restricción en la potencia total que puede transmitir. El objetivo general de la Tesis es estudiar algoritmos que combinan control de potencia y beamforming óptimo para resolver el problema de minimización de potencia en el enlace downlink de un sistema W-CDMA MIMO multi-usuario multi-celda coordinado. Al mismo tiempo, se propone un modelo de sistema matricial y lineal que caracteriza completamente los procesos que tienen lugar en transmisión y en recepción en este tipo de sistemas. Paralelamente, a lo largo de la Tesis se contemplan soluciones a problemas de tipo práctico, como por ejemplo, limitaciones en el tipo de información que se dispone en transmisión. / Botella Mascarell, C. (2008). Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2421

Ultra Dense Networks Deployment for beyond 2020 Technologies

Giménez Colás, Sonia 01 September 2017 (has links)
A new communication paradigm is foreseen for beyond 2020 society, due to the emergence of new broadband services and the Internet of Things era. The set of requirements imposed by these new applications is large and diverse, aiming to provide a ubiquitous broadband connectivity. Research community has been working in the last decade towards the definition of the 5G mobile wireless networks that will provide the proper mechanisms to reach these challenging requirements. In this framework, three key research directions have been identified for the improvement of capacity in 5G: the increase of the spectral efficiency by means of, for example, the use of massive MIMO technology, the use of larger amounts of spectrum by utilizing the millimeter wave band, and the network densification by deploying more base stations per unit area. This dissertation addresses densification as the main enabler for the broadband and massive connectivity required in future 5G networks. To this aim, this Thesis focuses on the study of the UDN. In particular, a set of technology enablers that can lead UDN to achieve their maximum efficiency and performance are investigated, namely, the use of higher frequency bands for the benefit of larger bandwidths, the use of massive MIMO with distributed antenna systems, and the use of distributed radio resource management techniques for the inter-cell interference coordination. Firstly, this Thesis analyzes whether there exists a fundamental performance limit related with densification in cellular networks. To this end, the UDN performance is evaluated by means of an analytical model consisting of a 1-dimensional network deployment with equally spaced BS. The inter-BS distance is decreased until reaching the limit of densification when this distance approaches 0. The achievable rates in networks with different inter-BS distances are analyzed for several levels of transmission power availability, and for various types of cooperation among cells. Moreover, UDN performance is studied in conjunction with the use of a massive number of antennas and larger amounts of spectrum. In particular, the performance of hybrid beamforming and precoding MIMO schemes are assessed in both indoor and outdoor scenarios with multiple cells and users, working in the mmW frequency band. On the one hand, beamforming schemes using the full-connected hybrid architecture are analyzed in BS with limited number of RF chains, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of these schemes in a dense-urban scenario. On the other hand, the performance of different indoor deployment strategies using HP in the mmW band is evaluated, focusing on the use of DAS. More specifically, a DHP suitable for DAS is proposed, comparing its performance with that of HP in other indoor deployment strategies. Lastly, the presence of practical limitations and hardware impairments in the use of hybrid architectures is also investigated. Finally, the investigation of UDN is completed with the study of their main limitation, which is the increasing inter-cell interference in the network. In order to tackle this problem, an eICIC scheduling algorithm based on resource partitioning techniques is proposed. Its performance is evaluated and compared to other scheduling algorithms under several degrees of network densification. After the completion of this study, the potential of UDN to reach the capacity requirements of 5G networks is confirmed. Nevertheless, without the use of larger portions of spectrum, a proper interference management and the use of a massive number of antennas, densification could turn into a serious problem for mobile operators. Performance evaluation results show large system capacity gains with the use of massive MIMO techniques in UDN, and even greater when the antennas are distributed. Furthermore, the application of ICIC techniques reveals that, besides the increase in system capacity, it brings significant energy savings to UDNs. / A partir del año 2020 se prevé que un nuevo paradigma de comunicación surja en la sociedad, debido a la aparición de nuevos servicios y la era del Internet de las cosas. El conjunto de requisitos impuesto por estas nuevas aplicaciones es muy amplio y diverso, y tiene como principal objetivo proporcionar conectividad de banda ancha y universal. En las últimas décadas, la comunidad científica ha estado trabajando en la definición de la 5G de redes móviles que brindará los mecanismos necesarios para garantizar estos requisitos. En este marco, se han identificado tres mecanismos clave para conseguir el necesario incremento de capacidad de la red: el aumento de la eficiencia espectral a través de, por ejemplo, el uso de tecnologías MIMO masivas, la utilización de mayores porciones del espectro en frecuencia y la densificación de la red mediante el despliegue de más estaciones base por área. Esta Tesis doctoral aborda la densificación como el principal mecanismo que permitirá la conectividad de banda ancha y universal requerida en la 5G, centrándose en el estudio de las Redes Ultra Densas o UDNs. En concreto, se analiza el conjunto de tecnologías habilitantes que pueden llevar a las UDNs a obtener su máxima eficiencia y prestaciones, incluyendo el uso de altas frecuencias para el aprovechamiento de mayores anchos de banda, la utilización de MIMO masivo con sistemas de antenas distribuidas y el uso de técnicas de reparto de recursos distribuidas para la coordinación de interferencias. En primer lugar, se analiza si existe un límite fundamental en la mejora de las prestaciones en relación a la densificación. Con este fin, las prestaciones de las UDNs se evalúan utilizando un modelo analítico de red unidimensional con BSs equiespaciadas, en el que la distancia entre BSs se disminuye hasta alcanzar el límite de densificación cuando ésta se aproxima a 0. Las tasas alcanzables en redes con distintas distancias entre BSs son analizadas, considerando distintos niveles de potencia disponible en la red y varios grados de cooperación entre celdas. Además, el comportamiento de las UDNs se estudia junto al uso masivo de antenas y la utilización de anchos de banda mayores. Más concretamente, las prestaciones de ciertas técnicas híbridas MIMO de precodificación y beamforming se examinan en la banda milimétrica. Por una parte, se analizan esquemas de beamforming en BSs con arquitectura híbrida en función de la disponibilidad de cadenas de radiofrecuencia en escenarios exteriores. Por otra parte, se evalúan las prestaciones de ciertos esquemas de precodificación híbrida en escenarios interiores, utilizando distintos despliegues y centrando la atención en los sistemas de antenas distribuidos o DAS. Además, se propone un algoritmo de precodificación híbrida específico para DAS, y se evalúan y comparan sus prestaciones con las de otros algoritmos de precodificación utilizados. Por último, se investiga el impacto en las prestaciones de ciertas limitaciones prácticas y deficiencias introducidas por el uso de dispositivos no ideales. Finalmente, el estudio de las UDNs se completa con el análisis de su principal limitación, el nivel creciente de interferencia en la red. Para ello, se propone un algoritmo de control de interferencias basado en la partición de recursos. Sus prestaciones son evaluadas y comparadas con las de otras técnicas de asignación de recursos. Tras este estudio, se puede afirmar que las UDNs tienen gran potencial para la consecución de los requisitos de la 5G. Sin embargo, sin el uso conjunto de mayores porciones del espectro, adecuadas técnicas de control de la interferencia y el uso masivo de antenas, las UDNs pueden convertirse en serios obstáculos para los operadores móviles. Los resultados de la evaluación de prestaciones de estas tecnologías confirman el gran aumento de la capacidad de las redes mediante el uso masivo de antenas y la introducción de mecanismos de I / A partir de l'any 2020 es preveu un nou paradigma de comunicació en la societat, degut a l'aparició de nous serveis i la era de la Internet de les coses. El conjunt de requeriments imposat per aquestes noves aplicacions és ampli i divers, i té com a principal objectiu proporcionar connectivitat universal i de banda ampla. En les últimes dècades, la comunitat científica ha estat treballant en la definició de la 5G, que proveirà els mecanismes necessaris per a garantir aquests exigents requeriments. En aquest marc, s'han identificat tres mecanismes claus per a aconseguir l'increment necessari en la capacitat: l'augment de l'eficiència espectral a través de, per exemple, l'ús de tecnologies MIMO massives, la utilització de majors porcions de l'espectre i la densificació mitjançant el desplegament de més estacions base per àrea. Aquesta Tesi aborda la densificació com a principal mecanisme que permetrà la connectivitat de banda ampla i universal requerida en la 5G, centrant-se en l' estudi de les xarxes ultra denses (UDNs). Concretament, el conjunt de tecnologies que poden dur a les UDNs a la seua màxima eficiència i prestacions és analitzat, incloent l'ús d'altes freqüències per a l'aprofitament de majors amplàries de banda, la utilització de MIMO massiu amb sistemes d'antenes distribuïdes i l'ús de tècniques distribuïdes de repartiment de recursos per a la coordinació de la interferència. En primer lloc, aquesta Tesi analitza si existeix un límit fonamental en les prestacions en relació a la densificació. Per això, les prestacions de les UDNs s'avaluen utilitzant un model analític unidimensional amb estacions base equidistants, en les quals la distància entre estacions base es redueix fins assolir el límit de densificació quan aquesta distància s'aproxima a 0. Les taxes assolibles en xarxes amb diferents distàncies entre estacions base s'analitzen considerant diferents nivells de potència i varis graus de cooperació entre cel·les. A més, el comportament de les UDNs s'estudia conjuntament amb l'ús massiu d'antenes i la utilització de majors amplàries de banda. Més concretament, les prestacions de certes tècniques híbrides MIMO de precodificació i beamforming s'examinen en la banda mil·limètrica. D'una banda, els esquemes de beamforming aplicats a estacions base amb arquitectures híbrides és analitzat amb disponibilitat limitada de cadenes de radiofreqüència a un escenari urbà dens. D'altra banda, s'avaluen les prestacions de certs esquemes de precodificació híbrida en escenaris d'interior, utilitzant diferents estratègies de desplegament i centrant l'atenció en els sistemes d' antenes distribuïdes (DAS). A més, es proposa un algoritme de precodificació híbrida distribuïda per a DAS, i s'avaluen i comparen les seues prestacions amb les de altres algoritmes. Per últim, s'investiga l'impacte de les limitacions pràctiques i altres deficiències introduïdes per l'ús de dispositius no ideals en les prestacions de tots els esquemes anteriors. Finalment, l' estudi de les UDNs es completa amb l'anàlisi de la seua principal limitació, el nivell creixent d'interferència entre cel·les. Per tractar aquest problema, es proposa un algoritme de control d'interferències basat en la partició de recursos. Les prestacions de l'algoritme proposat s'avaluen i comparen amb les d'altres tècniques d'assignació de recursos. Una vegada completat aquest estudi, es pot afirmar que les UDNs tenen un gran potencial per aconseguir els ambiciosos requeriments plantejats per a la 5G. Tanmateix, sense l'ús conjunt de majors amplàries de banda, apropiades tècniques de control de la interferència i l'ús massiu d'antenes, les UDNs poden convertir-se en seriosos obstacles per als operadors mòbils. Els resultats de l'avaluació de prestacions d' aquestes tecnologies confirmen el gran augment de la capacitat de les xarxes obtingut mitjançant l'ús massiu d'antenes i la introducci / Giménez Colás, S. (2017). Ultra Dense Networks Deployment for beyond 2020 Technologies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86204

Multi-beam Antenna Array System with Butler Matrix for mmWave Applications

Wang, Xiaozhou 18 June 2024 (has links)
The growing demand for high data rates, reliable connections, low latency, and increased user density has driven the operating frequency of modern wireless communication systems towards the millimeter-wave (mmWave) band. Large-scale antenna arrays capable of supporting simultaneous multi-beamforming are crucial for these mmWave systems. Passive beamforming networks, particularly Butler matrices (BM), offer several advantages for mmWave applications due to their low complexity, high energy efficiency, zero DC power consumption, and ability to generate multiple orthogonal beams. However, existing BM designs are often limited to low-order matrices, supporting a restricted number of radiating elements and featuring bulky cubic structures unsuitable for the microwave range. The contributions of this work include extensions in the Butler matrix order to support a massive antenna array, simplification of the Butler matrix topology to reduce the insertion loss, and layout optimization for straightforward antenna array integration. The novel multi-beam antenna systems for the one- and two-dimensional beamforming at mmWave band are designed and experimentally validated. First of all, a theoretical analysis of the Butler matrix topology is conducted to find effective solutions for matrix order extension, simplification, and loss reduction. Then, a multi-beam system consisting of a compact 8×8 one-dimension BM and an antenna array is implemented. To further extend the number of multi-beams, a 28 GHz multi-beam array system based on high-dimension 16 × 16 one-dimension BM and 1 × 16 linear antenna array is proposed. Additionally, a 28 GHz multi-beam array system fed by a planar 16 × 16 twodimensional Butler matrix is examined. Utilizing the proposed concept for the planarization of the cubic-formed two-dimensional Butler matrix, a system implemented with the multi-layer lamination in a dramatically reduced size provides 16 spatial orthogonal beams over a conical space. Furthermore, two new concepts for the planar and uni-planar 32 × 32 two-dimensional Butler matrix are developed not only for more beams but also to reduce the required signal layers.

Applications of Adaptive Antennas in Third-Generation Mobile Communications Systems

Lau, Buon Kiong January 2002 (has links)
Adaptive antenna systems (AAS's) are traditionally of interest only in radar and sonar applications. However, since the onset of the explosive growth in demand for wireless communications during the 1990's, researchers are giving increasing attention to the use of AAS technology to overcome practical challenges in providing the service. The main benefit of the technology lies in its ability to exploit the spatial domain, on top of the temporal and frequency domains, to improve on transceiver performance. This thesis presents a unified study on two classes of preprocessing techniques for uniform circular arrays (UCA's). UCA's are of interest because of their natural ability to provide a full azimuth (i.e. 360') coverage found in typical scenarios for sensor array applications, such as radar, sonar and wireless communications. The two classes of preprocessing techniques studied are the Davies transformation and the interpolated array transformations. These techniques yield a mathematically more convenient form - the Vandermonde form - for the array steering vector via a linear transformation. The Vandermonde form is useful for different applications such as direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation and optimum or minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming in correlated signal environment and beampattem synthesis. A novel interpolated array transformation is proposed to overcome limitations in the existing interpolated array transformations. A disadvantage of the two classes of preprocessing techniques for UCA's with omnidirectional elements is the lack of robustness in the transformed array steering vector to array imperfections under certain conditions. In order to mitigate the robustness problem, optimisation problems are formulated to modify the transformation matrices. / Suitable optimisation techniques are then applied to obtain more robust transformations. The improved transformations are shown to improve robustness but at the cost of larger transformation errors. The benefits of the robustification procedure are most apparent in DOA estimation. In addition to the algorithm level studies, the thesis also investigates the use of AAS technology with respect to two different third generation (3G) mobile communications systems: Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution (EDGE) and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). EDGE, or more generally GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN), is the evolution of the widely successful GSM system to provide 3G mobile services in the existing radio spectrum. It builds on the TDMA technology of GSM and relies on improved coding and higher order modulation schemes to provide packet-based services at high data rates. WCDMA, on the other hand, is based on CDMA technology and is specially designed and streamlined for 3G mobile services. For WCDMA, a single-user approach to DOA estimation which utilises the user spreading code and the pulse-shaped chip waveform is proposed. It is shown that the proposed approach produces promising performance improvements. The studies with EDGE are concerned with the evaluation of a simple AAS at the system and link levels. / Results from, the system and link level simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of AAS technology in the new mobile communications system. Finally, it is noted that the WCDMA and EDGE link level simulations employ the newly developed COST259 directional channel model, which is capable of producing accurate channel realisations of macrocell environments for the evaluation of AAS's.

Localisation et contribution de sources acoustiques de navire au passage par traitement d’antenne réduite / Array processing for the localization and the contribution of acoustic sources of a passing-by ship using a short antenna

Oudompheng, Benoit 03 November 2015 (has links)
Le bruit rayonné par le trafic maritime étant la principale source de nuisance acoustique sous-marine dans les zones littorales, la Directive-Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin de la Commission Européenne promeut le développement de méthodes de surveillance et de réduction de l'impact du bruit du trafic maritime. Le besoin de disposer d'un système industriel d'imagerie du bruit rayonné par les navires de surface a motivé la présente étude, il permettra aux industriels du naval d'identifier quels éléments d'un navire rayonnent le plus de bruit.Dans ce contexte, ce travail de recherche porte sur la mise en place de méthodes d'imagerie acoustique sous-marine passive d'un navire de surface au passage au-dessus d'une antenne linéaire et fixe au nombre réduit d'hydrophones. Deux aspects de l'imagerie acoustique sont abordés : la localisation de sources acoustiques et l'identification de la contribution relative de chacune de ces sources dans la signature acoustique du navire.Tout d'abord, une étude bibliographique sur le rayonnement acoustique d'un navire de surface au passage est menée afin d'identifier les principales sources acoustiques et de pouvoir ensuite simuler des sources représentatives d'un navire. La propagation acoustique est simulée par la théorie des rayons et intègre le mouvement des sources. Ce simulateur de rayonnement acoustique de navire au passage est construit afin de valider les algorithmes d'imagerie acoustique proposés et de dimensionner une configuration expérimentale. Une étude sur l'influence du mouvement des sources sur les algorithmes d'imagerie acoustique a conduit à l'utilisation d'un algorithme de formation de voies pour sources mobiles pour la localisation des sources et une méthode de déconvolution pour accéder à l'identification de la contribution des sources. Les performances de ces deux méthodes sont évaluées en présence de bruit de mesure et d'incertitudes sur le modèle de propagation afin d'en connaître les limites. Une première amélioration de la méthode de formation de voies consiste en un traitement d'antenne à ouverture synthétique qui exploite le mouvement relatif entre le navire et l'antenne pour notamment améliorer la résolution en basses fréquences. Un traitement de correction acoustique de la trajectoire permet de corriger la trajectographie du navire au passage qui est souvent incertaine. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse concerne une campagne de mesures de bruit de passage d'une maquette de navire de surface tractée en lac, ces mesures ont permis de valider les méthodes d'imagerie acoustique proposées ainsi que les améliorations proposées, dans un environnement réel maîtrisé. / Since the surface ship radiated noise is the main contribution to the underwater acoustic noise in coastal waters, The Marine Framework Strategy Directive of the European Commission recommends the development of the monitoring and the reduction of the impact of the traffic noise. The need for developing an industrial system for the noise mapping of the surface ship have motivated this study, it will allow the naval industries to identify which part of the ship radiates the stronger noise level.In this context, this research work deals with the development of passive noise mapping methods of a surface ship passing-by above a static linear array with a reduced number of hydrophones. Two aspects of the noise mapping are considered: the localization of acoustic sources and the identification of the relative contribution of each source to the ship acoustic signature.First, a bibliographical study concerning the acoustic radiation of a passing-by surface ship is conducted in order to list the main acoustic sources and then to simulate representative ship sources. The acoustic propagation is simulated according to the ray theory and takes the source motion into account. The simulator of the acoustic radiation of a passing-by ship is built in order to validate the proposed noise mapping methods and to design an experimental set-up. A study about the influence of the source motion on the noise mapping methods led to the use of the beamforming method for moving sources for the source localization and a deconvolution method for the identification of the source contribution. The performances of both methods are assessed considering measurement noise and uncertainties about the propagation model in order to know their limitations. A first improvement of the beamforming method consists of a passive synthetic aperture array algorithm which benefits from the relative motion between the ship and the antenna in order to improve the spatial resolution at low frequencies. Then, an algorithm is proposed to acoustically correct the trajectography mismatches of a passing-by surface ship. Finally, the last part of this thesis concerns a pass-by experiment of a towed-ship model in a lake. These measurements allowed us to validate the proposed noise mapping methods and their proposed improvements, in a real and controlled environment.

Conception et performance de schémas de coordination dans les réseaux cellulaires / Design and performance of coordination schemes in cellular networks

Abbas, Nivine 09 November 2016 (has links)
L'interférence entre stations de base est considérée comme le principal facteur limitant les performances des réseaux cellulaires. Nous nous intéressons aux différents schémas de coordination multi-point (CoMP) proposés dans la norme LTE-A pour y faire face, en tenant compte de l'aspect dynamique du trafic et de la mobilité des utilisateurs. Les résultats sont obtenus par l'analyse mathématique de modèles markoviens et par des simulations du système. Nous montrons l'importance de l'algorithme d'ordonnancement sur les performances en présence d'utilisateurs mobiles, pour des services de téléchargement de fichier et de streaming vidéo. Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme d'ordonnancement basé sur la dé-priorisation des utilisateurs mobiles se trouvant en bord de cellule, afin d'améliorer l'efficacité globale du système. Nous montrons ensuite qu'il est intéressant d'activer la technique dite Joint Processing uniquement dans un réseau à forte interférence, son activation dans un réseau à faible interférence pouvant conduire à une dégradation des performances. Nous proposons un nouveau mécanisme de coordination où une cellule ne coopère que lorsque sa coopération apporte un gain moyen de débit suffisant pour compenser les pertes de ressources engendrées. Nous considérons enfin la technique de formation de faisceaux coordonnée. Nous montrons notamment que la coordination n'est pas nécessaire lorsque l'on dispose d'un grand nombre d'antennes par station de base, un simple mécanisme d'ordonnancement opportuniste permettant d'obtenir des performances optimales. Pour un nombre limité d’antennes parstation de base, la coordination est nécessaire afin d’éviter l’interférence entre les faisceaux activés, et permet des gains de performance substantiels. / Interference is still the main limiting factor in cellular networks. We focus on the different coordinated multi-point schemes (CoMP) proposed in the LTE-A standard to cope with interference, taking into account the dynamic aspect of traffic and users’ mobility. The results are obtained by the analysis of Markov models and system-level simulations. We show the important impact of the scheduling strategy on the network performance in the presence of mobile users considering elastic traffic and video streaming. We propose a new scheduler that deprioritizes mobile users at the cell edge, in order to improve the overall system efficiency. We show that it is interesting to activate Joint Processing technique only in a high-interference network, its activation in a low-interference network may lead to performance degradation. We propose a new coordination mechanism, where a cell cooperates only when its cooperation brings a sufficient mean throughput gain, which compensates the extra resource consumption. Finally, we show that the coordination of beams is not necessary when a large number of antennas is deployed at each base station; a simple opportunistic scheduling strategy provides optimal performance. For a limited number of antennas per base station,coordination is necessary to avoid interference between the activated beams, allowing substantial performance gains.

Adaptive and Robust Multi-Gigabit Techniques Based MmWave Massive MU-MIMO Beamforming For 5G Wireless and Mobile Communications Systems. A Road Map for Simple and Robust Beamforming Scheme and Algorithms Based Wideband MmWave Massive MU-MIMO for 5G Wireless and Mobile Communications Systems

Alabdullah, Ali AbdulMohsin S. January 2021 (has links)
Over recent years, the research and studies have focused on innovative solutions in various aspects and phases related to the high demands on data rate and energy for fifth-generation and beyond (B5G). This thesis aims to improve the energy efficiency, error rates, low-resolution ADCs/DACs, antenna array structures and sum-rate performances of a single cell downlink broadband millimetre-wave (mmWave) systems with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation and deploying multi-user massive multiple inputs multiple outputs (MU mMIMO) by applying robust beamforming techniques and detection algorithms that support multiple streams per user (UE) in various environments and scenarios to achieve low complexity system design with reliable performance and significant improvement in users perceived quality of service (QoS). The performance of the four 5G candidate mmWave frequencies, 28 GHz, 39 GHz, 60 GHz, and 73 GHz, are investigated for indoor/outdoor propagation scenarios, including path loss models and multipath delay spread values. Results are compared to confirm that the received power and delay spread is decreased with increasing frequency. The results were also validated with the measurement findings for 60 GHz. Then several proposed design models of beamforming are studied and implemented modified algorithms of Hybrid Beamforming (HBF) approaches in indoor/outdoor scenarios over large scale fading wideband mmWave /Raleigh channels. Firstly, three beamforming based diagonalize the Equivalent Virtual Channel Matrix (EVCM) schemes with the optimal linear combining methods are presented to overcoming the self-interference problems in Quasi-Orthogonal-Space Time Block Code (QO-STBC) systems over narrowband mmWave Single-User mMIMO (SU mMIMO). The evaluated results show that the proposed beamforming based- Single Value Decomposition (SVD) outperforms the conventional beamforming and standard QO-STBC techniques in terms of BER and spectrum efficiency. Next, the proposed HBF algorithm approaches with the fully/ partially connected structures are developed and applied for sum-rate and symbol error rate (SER) performance maximization MU mMIMO-OFDM system, including HBF based on block diagonalization (BD) method Constraint/Unconstraint RF Power, Codebook, Kalman schemes. In addition, the modified near optimal linear HBF-Zero Forcing (HBF-ZF) and HBF-Minimum Mean Square Error (HBF MMSE) schemes, considering both fully-connected and partially-connected structures. Finally, Simulation results using MATLAB platform, demonstrate that the proposed HBF based codebook and most likely HBF based-unconstraint RF power algorithms achieve significant performance gains in terms SER and sum-rate efficiency as well as show high immunity against the deformities and disturbances in the system compared with other HBF algorithm schemes. / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Republic of Iraq

Μελέτη υλοποίησης τεχνικών κατανεμημένου προσανατολισμού σε πραγματικές συνθήκες

Μπότσης, Βασίλειος 09 December 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός αυτής της εργασίας είναι η μελέτη τεχνικών κατανεμημένου προσανατολισμού σε πραγματικές συνθήκες. Πιο συγκεκριμένα σε αυτά στα συστήματα θεωρείται ότι ο κόμβος-πομπός δεν έχει καλή σύνδεση με το δέκτη και κατά συνέπεια δεν μπορεί να επικοινωνήσει απευθείας με τον κόμβο-δέκτη χωρίς δραματική αύξηση της ενέργειας μετάδοσης. Παρόλα αυτά η χρήση κατανεμημένου προσανατολισμού δίνει τη δυνατότητα να βελτιωθεί σημαντικά η κατανάλωση ενέργειας. Το σχήμα που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί είναι ενίσχυση και προώθηση (AF) 2 βημάτων, με το οποίο οι συνεργατικοί κόμβοι απλώς ενισχύουν και στην συνέχεια επαναμεταδίδουν το μήνυμα. Συνεπώς, ζητούμενο είναι η εύρεση των μιγαδικών βαρών με τα οποία πρέπει ο κάθε συνεργαζόμενος κόμβος χωριστά να ενισχύσει το σήμα. Οι τεχνικές που θα χρησιμοποιηθούν έχουν ως κριτήρια την ελαχιστοποίηση της ενέργειας μετάδοσης με ταυτόχρονη ικανοποίηση του SNR, μεγιστοποίηση του SNR με περιορισμένη ολική ενέργεια μετάδοσης και μεγιστοποίηση του SNR με περιορισμένη ενέργεια μετάδοσης ανά συνεργαζόμενο κόμβο. Το πρώτο κριτήριο θα εξεταστεί, επίσης, και σε συστήματα με πολλαπλούς πομπούς και δέκτες. Λόγω της φύσης του προβλήματος, ο κατανεμημένος προσανατολισμός αναμένεται να έχει μεγάλη απήχηση σε συστήματα με πολλούς διασκορπιστές και εμπόδια, όπως σε ένα αστικό περιβάλλον, και, επομένως, είναι λογικό να θεωρηθεί ότι τα κανάλια του συστήματος είναι Rayleigh, δηλαδή ασυσχέτιστα χωρίς οπτική επαφή (LOS). Για να προσομοιωθεί το σύστημα σε πραγματικές συνθήκες οι μέθοδοι που θα υλοποιήσουμε στην εργασία χρησιμοποιούν τα στατιστικά του καναλιού. Επιπλέον, η εκτίμηση καναλιού εφόσον θεωρούμε ότι έχουμε Gaussian λευκό θόρυβο θα γίνει με την χρήση του βέλτιστου γραμμικού εκτιμητή (BLUE). Η επίδραση της εκτίμησης του καναλιού θα μελετηθεί για δύο περιπτώσεις: με αμοιβαία και χωρίς αμοιβαία κανάλια. / The purpose of this thesis is the study of methods of distributed beamforming under real circumstances. More specifically, these systems are considered that the transmitter must increase tremendously the required transmit energy to communicate with the receiver. However the use of the distributed beamforming allows the system to improve the energy consumption. The scheme that is used from relays is amplify and forward of two steps, where the relays only amplify and then forward the message to the destination. That is, the purpose is to find the complex weights to be used by the corresponding relay so as to amplify the message of the transmitter. The methods that are implemented have as criterions the minimization of transmit energy while satisfying the SNR, maximization of SNR while limiting the system's transmit energy and maximization of SNR while limiting transmit energy of each relay individually. The first criterion is also studied at systems with more than one pair transmitter-receiver. Due to the nature of the problem, distributed beamforming is expected to be used at environments with many obstacles and scatterers, like urban environment, and so it is rationale to suppose that the channels should be Rayleigh, meaning uncorrelated without line of sight. To simulate the system under real circumstances the methods that we will implement shall use the second order statistics of the channels. Moreover, due to Gaussian white noise, channels are estimated using the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator. The impact of channel estimation is studied in two cases: "reciprocal" and "not reciprocal".

Efficient FPGA SoC Processing Design for a Small UAV Radar

Newmeyer, Luke Oliver 01 April 2018 (has links)
Modern radar technology relies heavily on digital signal processing. As radar technology pushes the boundaries of miniaturization, computational systems must be developed to support the processing demand. One particular application for small radar technology is in modern drone systems. Many drone applications are currently inhibited by safety concerns of autonomous vehicles navigating shared airspace. Research in radar based Detect and Avoid (DAA) attempts to address these concerns by using radar to detect nearby aircraft and choosing an alternative flight path. Implementation of radar on small Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV), however, requires a lightweight and power efficient design. Likewise, the radar processing system must also be small and efficient. This thesis presents the design of the processing system for a small Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) phased array radar. The radar and processing is designed to be light-weight and low-power in order to fly onboard a UAV less than 25 kg in weight. The radar algorithms for this design include a parallelized Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), cross correlation, and beamforming. Target detection algorithms are also implemented. All of the computation is performed in real-time on a Xilinx Zynq 7010 System on Chip (SoC) processor utilizing both FPGA and CPU resources. The radar system (excluding antennas) has dimensions of 2.25 x 4 x 1.5 in3, weighs 120 g, and consumes 8 W of power of which the processing system occupies 2.6 W. The processing system performs over 652 million arithmetic operations per second and is capable of performing the full processing in real-time. The radar has also been tested in several scenarios both airborne on small UAVs as well as on the ground. Small UAVs have been detected to ranges of 350 m and larger aircraft up to 800 m. This thesis will describe the radar design architecture, the custom designed radar hardware, the FPGA based processing implementations, and conclude with an evaluation of the system's effectiveness and performance.

Conception et réalisation d'un système de Télécommunications MIMO avec Formation Numérique de Faisceaux en réception ; Calibrage aveugle du Démodulateur triphasé Zéro-IF et comparaison au démodulateur classique à 2 voies I et Q.

Mabrouk, Kais 12 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche, nous nous somme intéressés à un système de télécommunication MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) à multiplexage spatial utilisant des récepteurs Zero-IF et la technique de formation numérique de faisceaux (FF). Le domaine d'application de ces travaux de recherches peuvent être aussi bien les applications fixes (exp: WiFi, IEEE) que les applications mobiles (exp: LTE, 3GPP).<br /> La première partie de ce travail est consacrée à une étude comparative entre les différents types de démodulateurs cinq-port et triphasés. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence l'aspect tridimensionnel des démodulateurs cinq-port et triphasés, de gagner 20dB en termes de réjection des produits d'intermodulation des signaux adjacents et de trouver une nouvelle méthode de calibrage aveugle du récepteur.<br /> La seconde partie de la thèse se concentre sur le prototypage d'un système MIMO. Cette phase nous a permis d'exposer les difficultés de mise en place de ce genre de système et de souligner les nouvelles problématiques qui n'apparaissait pas auparavant dans les systèmes mono- transcepteur. Aussi, un algorithme de Formation de Faisceau a été développé dans cette partie. Ce FF numérique a permis non seulement d'accroître la capacité mais aussi la qualité de liaison en considérant le système MIMO comme N système SIMO en parallèle. Comparativement à la technique ZF(Zero Forcing), nous démontrons que le FF permet d'obtenir une meilleure qualité de signaux pour des faibles valeurs de rapport signal à bruit.

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