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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Εφαρμογή του αλγορίθμου BLAST στην αναγνώριση μεταλλάξεων γονιδιακών ακολουθιών / Application of the BLAST algorithm in the recognition of mutations in biological sequences

Ντάλλα, Μαρία 03 October 2011 (has links)
Το πρόβλημα της ευθυγράμμισης βιολογικών ακολουθιών, δηλαδή πρωτεϊνών και γονιδιακών ακολουθιών, είναι από τα πιο απαιτητικά στην επίλυση και ταυτόχρονα πιο εφαρμόσιμα προβλήματα που σχετίζονται με την επιστήμη της βιοπληροφορικής. Από την ευθυγράμμιση βιολογικών ακολουθιών προκύπτει ένας σημαντικός όγκος πληροφορίας που δίνει απαντήσεις σε εξελικτικά ερωτήματα αλλά, κυρίως, βρίσκει εφαρμογή σε πληθώρα τομέων, όπως η διάγνωση και η θεραπεία ασθενειών. Πρόκειται για ένα θέμα που τράβηξε την προσοχή της παγκόσμιας κοινότητας της πληροφορικής μόλις στο δεύτερο μισό του περασμένου αιώνα, επομένως είναι ένα πεδίο με αρκετό χώρο για έρευνα. Στην παρούσα εργασία, αφού δοθεί το απαραίτητο βιολογικό υπόβαθρο, παρουσιάζονται αρχικά οι βασικότεροι αλγόριθμοι που έχουν παρουσιαστεί μέχρι τώρα ως προτάσεις για την εκτέλεση ευθυγραμμίσεων, εξηγούνται οι βασικές δομικές και λειτουργικές διαφορές τους και δίνεται μια πρώτη εκτίμηση της αποτελεσματικότητάς τους, όπως αυτή αντλείται από τη βιβλιογραφία. Στη συνέχεια, το ενδιαφέρον επικεντρώνεται στον αλγόριθμο τοπικής ευθυγράμμισης BLAST. Αναλύεται η λειτουργία του βήμα προς βήμα, παρουσιάζονται οι κυριότερες εκδόσεις του, οι είσοδοι και οι έξοδοί του καθώς και το μαθηματικό υπόβαθρο στο οποίο βασίζεται η υλοποίησή του. Στόχος του πειραματικού τμήματος της εργασίας είναι να εξετάσει κατά πόσο ο BLAST επιτυγχάνει να ταυτοποιήσει, και με τι σφάλμα, μια μεταλλαγμένη ακολουθία, τόσο ως προς το γονίδιο από το οποίο προέρχεται όσο και ως προς το είδος της και τις πιθανές της συνέπειες στον οργανισμό στον οποίο εκφράζεται. Με βάση το γονίδιο BRCA1 του Homo Sapiens, παράγεται μια σειρά μεταλλάξεων, οι οποίες μεταφράζονται. Το σύνολο των παραγομένων βιολογικών ακολουθιών, νουκλεοτιδιακών και αμινοξεϊκών, τίθεται προς αναζήτηση με χρήση του BLAST σε κατάλληλες βάσεις δεδομένων, προκειμένου να ελεγχθεί η ευαισθησία του σε μεταλλάξεις διαφορετικού τύπου και έκτασης. Αποδεικνύεται ότι παρότι ο BLAST επιτυγχάνει με πολύ μικρό σφάλμα την ταυτοποίηση του γονιδίου, ακόμα και σε περιπτώσεις έντονης μετάλλαξης της αρχικής ακολουθίας, ωστόσο η κατανομή των αποτελεσμάτων είναι πολύ πιο ασαφής ως προς την ταυτοποίηση του είδους της μετάλλαξης. / The goal of the present thesis is the examination of the sensitivity of the local alignment algorithm BLAST, on a set of mutated biological sequences. The algorithm's sensitivity is to be measured with regard to three basic criteria: - identification of the relation to the original gene - identification of the mutation type - prediction of possible influence of the organism in question In the first, theoretical part of the thesis, a general biological background is offered, followed by a sufficient presentation on both the history and the latest achievements in the field of sequence alignment. The main topic introduced is the structure and functionality of BLAST, together with its principal editions, its inputs and outputs and the mathematical foundation standing below it. In the experimental part of the thesis, the BRCA1 gene is picked out of the Homo Sapiens Genome; its sequence suffers a number of mutations of different type and extent. Each produced mutation is translated into the corresponding protein. The entire set of biological sequences produced is going through a BLAST Search to test the sensitivity of the algorithm according to the mutation under examination. Analyzing the results, it is safe to claim that BLAST succeeds to recognize the gene from which the mutated sequences are produced, including extremely low error in the process. On the other hand, the identification of the mutation type is certainly of significantly lower sensitivity. Thus the main proposal extracted is the implementation of a patterns recognition system, which will integrate artificial intelligence methods to connect patterns encountered within the input sequence, with diseases reported in the appropriate documentation.

Blast response of aircraft structures

Κοτζακόλιος, Αθανάσιος 14 February 2012 (has links)
The scope of this project is the realization of composite and hybrid sub-aerostructures which exhibit superior blast performance compared to reference composite and hybrid substructures. The scope will be fulfilled with minimum weight penalty. Within the scope of this work is to provide a roadmap for the integration of explicit hardening measures for blast in future aerospace structural components. In the case of blast loading, the proposed methodology for achieving these aims involves vulnerability analysis of the composite and the hybrid substructures (scaled fuselage substructure). The vulnerability analysis will be based on numerical results, obtained by the systematic, analysis of the coupled blast / structural problem. The aims and objectives of the present project can be summarized as follows: • Development of numerical models and their correlation against experimental results. • Development of numerical tools for blast vulnerability analysis of composite and hybrid aeronautic structures • Blast vulnerability map of composite and hybrid scaled fuselage substructure for different charge locations • Explicit blast hardening strategies of composite and hybrid aerostructures by design and by novel materials / Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι η μελέτη αεροπορικών κατασκευών από σύνθετα υλικά όπου θα παρουσιάζουν βελτιωμένες ιδιότητες υπό συνθήκες έκρηξης σε σύγκριση με υπάρχουσες αντίστοιχες κατασκευές.Ο στόχος αυτός επετεύχθη με ελάχιστη προσθήκη βάρους. Μέσα στους στόχους της παρούσας διατριβής είναι να παρέχει μια μεθοδολογία για την προσθήκη μέσων προστασίας για τις μελλοντικές αεροπορικές κατασκευές.

Avaliação da combustibilidade de carvão brasileiro para injeção em altos-fornos em simulador de PCI E em termobalança

Barbieri, Cláudia Caroline Teixeira January 2018 (has links)
A injeção de carvão pulverizado na região das ventaneiras dos altos-fornos (Pulverized Coal Injection – PCI) é uma tecnologia amplamente praticada em altos-fornos com o objetivo de substituir parte do coque empregado por carvões não-coqueificáveis. O carvão injetado fornece energia e gases redutores para o processo de fabricação do gusa, além de contribuir para a redução da emissão de gases poluentes devido à menor produção de coque. Atualmente todo o carvão injetado em altos-fornos brasileiros é importado. O país possui grandes reservas de carvão, porém este carvão necessita passar por processos de beneficiamento para redução dos teores de matéria mineral e enxofre. A flexibilidade do processo PCI permite a utilização de ampla gama de carvões não-coqueificáveis, o que abre a possibilidade para utilização de carvão brasileiro. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar propriedades de carvão brasileiro beneficiado com teor de cinzas de 18,9% para injeção em altos-fornos. O estudo foi conduzido através de ensaios de combustão empregando um moderno simulador de PCI projetado e desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Siderurgia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (LaSid) e também uma termobalança de modo a ser possível traçar um comparativo entre ambos os equipamentos. Além do carvão brasileiro, de baixo rank, foram utilizados dois carvões importados já em uso para injeção, um de alto e um de baixo rank. A combustibilidade (ou eficiência de combustão) em simulador de PCI foi avaliada pela conversão (burnout), calculada pelo método ash tracer, um balanço de massa entre a quantidade de cinzas que entra e sai do reator. Em termobalança o parâmetro adotado foi a temperatura de pico, correspondente à taxa máxima de reação. Fez-se também a avaliação da reatividade ao CO2 dos chars gerados em simulador de PCI, visto que o char ao deixar a zona de combustão passa por uma zona rica neste gás. Análise estatística revelou que a técnica adotada de burnout mostrou-se bastante eficiente para diferenciar carvões de teores de matéria volátil distintos, porém não no caso de carvões com teores de matéria volátil similares. No simulador de PCI a influência da matéria volátil do carvão foi mais pronunciada do que o rank e em termobalança o rank teve mais efeito sobre a combustibilidade do que a matéria volátil. O carvão brasileiro apresentou propriedades comparáveis às do carvão importado de baixo rank utilizado para PCI. Isto representa uma grande vantagem, visto que possibilitaria a utilização do mesmo na siderurgia. / Pulverized coal injection through blast furnace tuyeres (PCI) is a widely practiced technology in blast furnaces to replace part of coke by non-coking coal. Injected coal provides energy and reducing gases for pig iron production process, as well as contributes to reducing pollutants gases emission due to coke saving. Currently all coal injected into Brazilian blast furnaces is imported. The country has large reserves of coal, but this coal needs to undergo beneficiation to reduce mineral matter and sulfur contents. PCI process flexibility allows the employment of a wide range of non-coking coals, which opens the possibility to use Brazilian coal. This work aimed to evaluate properties of Brazilian coal benefited with 18.9% ash content for injection into blast furnaces. The study was conducted through combustion tests employing a modern PCI test rig designed and developed by the Iron and Steelmaking Laboratory (LaSid) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and also a thermobalance in order to draw a comparison between both equipments. In addition to low rank Brazilian coal, two imported coals which are already used for injection were used, one high and one low rank. The combustibility (or combustion efficiency) in a PCI test rig was evaluated by burnout, calculated by the ash tracer method, a mass balance between the amount of ash that enters and leaves the reactor. Peak temperature was the parameter adopted to evaluate combustibility in thermobalance, corresponding to the maximum rate of reaction. It was also evaluated the CO2 reactivity of chars generated in the PCI test rig, since char leaving the combustion zone passes through a CO2 rich area. Statistical analysis revealed that burnout technique proved to be efficient enough to differentiate coals with different volatile matter contents, but not in the case of coals with similar volatile matter contents. In PCI test rig the influence of volatile matter was more pronunced than rank and in thermobalance rank had more effect on combustibility than volatile matter. Brazilian coal showed properties comparable to the ones of imported low rank coal already in use for PCI. This is a great advantage, since it would make it possible to use it in ironmaking.

Evaluating the feasibility of implementing direct analysis in real time - mass spectrometry for the forensic examination of post-blast debris

Lising, Ariel 13 July 2017 (has links)
Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) continue to be a national threat to the safety and security of the public. Research in explosives analysis for intact and post-blast samples continue to be a topic in which practitioners are constantly improving and searching for faster methods and techniques to analyze these sample types. The key role crime laboratories play in analyzing these sample types can have limitations, such as increasing turnaround times and backlogs. This concern additionally plays a role in the safety of the public if an unknown individual has not been discovered. Current analytical instrumentation in which explosives are analyzed includes Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS), and Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS). Each instrument has benefits in the analytical results obtained. Direct Analysis in Real Time - Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) has shown a significant promise as an analytical approach that can help remedy the time an explosive sample is analyzed, while additionally providing discriminating analytical results. Previous research has shown that DART-MS is capable of analyzing explosives, including smokeless powder. A limitation currently in the area of smokeless powder analysis with DART-MS is the application of utilizing this method and technology to realistic casework that may be encountered in forensic laboratories. Intact and post-blast explosive samples encountered in forensic laboratories arrive in various states and conditions. For example, the severity of the blast and environmental factors may play a role in the detection of smokeless powder on these sample types. To provide objective information and additional research, studies were conducted with mixture samples of smokeless powder and potential matrices that may be encountered in real world case samples. Faster processing time, in addition to the discrimination of smokeless powder, was the ultimate goal of this research. Due to the complexity of the mass spectra that may be generated from sample mixtures, an extraction technique coupled with DART-MS was investigated. A liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method and dynamic headspace concentration using Carbopack™ X coated wire mesh were tested for the effectiveness of separating the analytes of interest of smokeless powder from various matrix interferences. Hodgdon Hornady LEVERevolution (HHL) smokeless powder, Pennzoil 10W-40 (P10W40) motor oil, and residue from metal end caps (China SLK brand) and black steel pipe nipples (Schedule 40) were used during the course of the matrix interference study. The method of applying dynamic headspace concentration using Carbopack™ X coated wire mesh and analysis by DART-MS provides an effective alternative to obtaining mass spectral data in a shorter amount of time, compared to techniques currently used in forensic laboratories. Effective separation was not achieved using the various LLE methods tested. Further testing would be required in order to evaluate the feasibility of implementing the technique as a sample preparation approach prior to analysis by DART-MS.

Behaviour of Cross-Laminated Timber Subjected to Blast Loading

Poulin, Mathieu Michael 09 January 2019 (has links)
Heavy timber construction is emerging as a viable alternative to conventional building materials, such as steel and concrete, for mid- and high rise structures. With the increasing presence of timber structures at or near potential targets comes an increased risk for damage to the structure and more importantly human casualties. The current provisions related to wood in the blast code (CSA, 2012) are limited and based on general understanding of the material behaviour rather than thorough research studies. Also, the standard does not clearly distinguish between the various types of engineered wood products. A study was undertaken to assess the behaviour of cross-laminated timber panels subjected to simulated blast loading using a shock tube apparatus. More specifically, the aim of this study was to investigate the behaviour of CLT panels subjected to static and dynamic loads to determine a dynamic increase factor in order to quantify high strain rate effects on this material. Testing was completed on a total of 18 CLT panels, with panel thicknesses of 105 and 175 mm corresponding to a 3-ply and 5-ply panel, respectively. An average dynamic increase factor of 1.28 on the resistance and no apparent increase in stiffness from static to dynamic loading were observed. Two resistance material predictive models that account for high strain-rate effects and the experimentally observed post-peak residual behavior were developed. A single degree-of-freedom model was validated using full-scale simulated blast load tests, and the predictions were found to match well with the experimental displacement-time histories.

A review of couple based interventions for PTSD and relational functioning in military populations and their partners (literature review) ; The association between maladaptive emotion regulation and cause of injury type in UK military veterans with co-occurring TBI and PTSD (empirical study)

Rose, Mark January 2016 (has links)
Literature review: Background: Military-related stressors can adversely affect veterans’ mental health, in particular PTSD. This can have a detrimental impact on intimate relationships and family adjustment. To date, couple based interventions for PTSD and relational functioning in military couples have not been systematically reviewed. Objectives: This review summarises and synthesises literature investigating couple based interventions for PTSD and relational functioning in military couples. Method: A systematic review of all literature to date across 24 databases using an advanced combination of search terms. Ten studies were included (nine USA; one Australian). Results: A wide range of couple based interventions were identified: complementary and alternative therapies (CAM), sport and recreation programmes, retreats, courses as well as structured disorder focused couple therapies. There was preliminary evidence of support for couple based interventions treating PTSD, with relatively stronger support for disorder focused couple therapies over sports and recreation activities, CAM and retreats/courses. There was relatively little support for improved relational functioning assessed in couple based interventions treating PTSD. However, spouses tended to report a greater degree of improved relational functioning compared to veterans. Conclusions: There was relatively stronger evidence to support disorder focused couple therapies over other treatment modalities. However, there was a lack of robust designs used in effectiveness research of couple based interventions in military populations. There is potential for couple based interventions to be effective in treating PTSD in the UK military. Empirical study: Objective: Deployment to the armed conflicts in Afghanistan (Operation HERRICK/Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation TELIC/Iraqi Freedom) can adversely affect the physical and mental health of those deployed. This study explored the association between traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the mediating effect of maladaptive emotional regulation strategies (MERS) and the effect of cause of injury (no injury, blunt force related or blast force related) in UK military veterans. Methods: 16 month longitudinal follow-up was conducted on a sample of 123 veterans (Murphy et al., 2015). Regression based secondary data analyses investigated the mediating effects of MERS (n=116) whilst correlational analyses explored the effect of injury mechanism on the relationship between TBI severity and PTSD severity (n=29). Results: Findings revealed support for the role of anger in mediating the effect that TBI severity had on PTSD severity. There was no support that the mechanism of injury was associated with greater reporting of psychological symptoms (anger, alcohol use or PTSD) or that MERS influenced the association between TBI severity and PTSD recovery at 16 month follow-up. Conclusion: Findings contribute to the understanding of how anger may underlie the relationship between TBI severity and PTSD severity, i.e., TBI severity was positively associated with PTSD scores and this effect operated due to increased TBI severity leading to higher rates of expressed anger which in turn increased PTSD symptoms. Future research using larger samples is required to further understand how the complicating factors of MERS and cause of physical injury affect outcome in veterans with co-occurring TBI and PTSD.

Alkali Circulation in the Blast Furnace - Process Correlations and Counter Measures

Carlsson, Joel January 2018 (has links)
In blast furnace ironmaking one major challenge is to control and measure the alkalis circulating and accumulating in the blast furnace (BF). Alkali enter the BF with the primary raw material and will form a cycle where it is first reduced to metal at the lower parts forming gas. Alkali then follows the gas flow up where it oxidizes and solidies as the oxide form has a higher melting and volatilization temperature. Condensation then occurs on burden material and in their pores and by that it is following the burden downwards. The circular nature of the reactions leads to a build-up of alkali in the form of potassium in the BF that is hard to control or measure. Condensation of alkali compounds can also occur on the BF walls functioning like a glue to which particles attach, forming scaffolds that can rapidly increase and disturb the burden descent. The increased alkali catalyzes gasication of coke with CO2 that increasescoke consumption and leads to disintegration of coke. A common method today to control alkali is by varying the basicity in the BF. As lower basicity increases the amount alkali removed through slag while at the same time reducing the amount of sulfur that can be removed with the slag. This project was divided into two parts. The first part was a continuation of a previous study performed at Swerea MEFOS. Where to control the effect of alkali on coke gasication a method was tested using coke ash modication to inhibit the catalyzing properties of alkali bound on coke. The method has previously shown that alkalis are bound in the desired form but the added amount was not sufficient for inhibition of all picked-up alkalis. In this study, additional trials with higher additions of kaolin was performed. 2 wt% kaolin was added to the coal blend for producing coke that was then added to LKAB's experimental blast furnace (EBF) as basket samples in the end of a campaign. The excavated samples were analyzed using XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS and TGA to find if the alkali was bound in aluminum silicates in the coke ash, if the addition was sufficient for binding all alkalis and if the catalytic effect in coke gasication had been achieved. The second part was a novel approach with a statistical process analysis using SIMCA to connect top gas composition of SSAB Oxelösund's BF No. 4 to alkali content using process data. The approach investigated the correlation between NH3(g) and HCN(g) in the top gas to alkali content. Expanding on the possibility to measure alkali content quickly for the operators using top gas measurements. Top gas composition was measured using a mass spectrometer (MS) and where complimented with process and tap data provided by SSAB. Data was analyzed using the multivariate analysis tool SIMCA 15 to find possible correlations. Results from the first part showed that the alkali that was found was present as alkali aluminum silicates independent of kaolin addition after the EBF. As temperature along gas composition was the main factors behind alkali uptake in coke. Main differences in alkali uptake and development of coke properties in the BF was linked to the temperature and gas composition profile during tests campaigns compared. Results from TGA showed that the reaction rate of coke with CO2 increases with increasing K2O and that start of reaction was lower with increasing alkali. The results from the second approach did not find a correlation between HCN(g) and K2O in slag. Positive correlation could be seen between HCN(g) and increased SiO2 in slag and that H2O(g) would affect HCN(g) negatively.

Modélisation thermomécanique d'un creuset de haut fourneau / Thermomechanical modelling of a blast furnace hearth

Brulin, Jérôme 25 November 2010 (has links)
Le creuset est une structure majoritairement composée de matériaux réfractaires destinés à supporter de fortes sollicitations thermomécaniques, dues au contact direct de ses parois internes avec la fonte à 1500°C. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer un modèle thermomécanique de creuset capable de localiser les zones sensibles de la structure et d’estimer les contraintes. Des blocs de carbone, des structures maçonnées (briques avec mortier) et un pisé carboné sont les principaux constituants du creuset. Afin d’identifier leur comportement, des essais de caractérisation ont été développés pour des températures atteignant les 1500°C. Un modèle de type Cam-Clay modifié est proposé pour modéliser le comportement compactant du pisé. L’influence de la température et des fortes pressions est prise en compte. Une bonne corrélation est obtenue entre les résultats expérimentaux et numériques. Les structures maçonnées, en contact direct avec la fonte, sont fortement sollicitées, ce qui peut conduire à l’ouverture des joints de mortier. La modélisation proposée pour ces structures est basée sur une approche micro-macro où les briques et le mortier sont remplacés par un matériau homogène équivalent, et ce pour différents états d’ouverture de joints. La non-linéarité du comportement est reproduite grâce à un critère d’ouverture en contrainte, qui permet le passage d’un état à un autre. Les propriétés homogénéisées sont obtenues par homogénéisation périodique en s’appuyant sur une approche énergétique. La modélisation d’un essai de la littérature permet la validation du modèle. La modélisation finale du creuset est confrontée aux résultats de l’instrumentation d’un creuset. Une bonne concordance entre ces résultats est obtenue. / The blast furnace hearth is mainly composed of refractory materials to support strong thermo-mechanical loads. Indeed, there is a direct contact between its internal walls and the molten pig iron at 1500°C. The objective of this thesis is to develop a thermo-mechanical model able to locate the sensitive areas and to estimate the stress fields. Carbon blocks, masonries (bricks and mortars) and a carbon ramming mix are the main constituents of the hearth. In order to identify their behaviours, characterization tests have been developed for temperatures up to 1500°C. A modified Cam-Clay model is proposed in order to reproduce the hardening behaviour of the ramming mix. The influences of temperature and pressure are taken into account. Experimental and numerical results are in good agreement. Masonries, submitted to high temperature gradients are highly stressed, which can lead to the opening of the mortar joints. The proposed masonry modelling is based on a micro-macro approach where bricks and mortars are replaced by an equivalent homogenous material for different joint states. The non-linearity of the behaviour is reproduced thanks to a stress criterion, allowing the transition from one state to another. Homogenized properties are obtained by periodic homogenization with an energetic approach. The modeling of a shear test available in the literature allows the validation of this model. The final modelling of a hearth is compared with in-situ instrumentation results. A good agreement is reached between these results.

Estudo de fibra alternativa de escória de alto-forno como reforço em matrizes cimentícias / Study of alternative blast furnace slag fiber as reinforcement in cementitious matrices

Bassi, Mara da Rocha January 2010 (has links)
Resíduos gerados em diversas indústrias têm sido aproveitados na produção de materiais buscando reduzir o impacto ambiental. No campo das fibras, materiais alternativos vem sendo produzidos em maior quantidade e ganhando destaque na fabricação de compósitos mais adequados ambientalmente. Entre estes produtos está a fibra de escória de alto-forno, microfibra cuja matéria-prima é originária da produção do ferro-gusa, que apresenta vantagens em seu processo produtivo citando-se custo reduzido e ganho ambiental ao proporcionar a ampliação da aplicabilidade de um subproduto gerado em elevada quantidade, tem despertado o interesse no seu uso como reforço de matrizes cimentícias. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa visa avaliar se, além do beneficio ambiental proporcionado pela utilização da fibra de escória em substituição a outras fibras convencionais, a aplicação deste produto pode proporcionar também benefícios técnicos ao incrementar o desempenho de matrizes cimentícias. Para tanto o programa experimental foi dividido em quatro etapas, sendo a etapa inicial de caracterização dos materiais empregados e da fibra de escória por meio de ensaios de Fluorescência de Raios X, Difração de Raios X e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). A segunda etapa foi proposta buscando avaliar a afinidade existente entre fibra e matriz cimentícia através do ensaio de Le Chatelier. Destinou-se a terceira parte do programa experimental ao preparo dos corpos-de-prova utilizados nos ensaios e a última para avaliação dos compósitos com relação à: Trabalhabilidade; Resistência à Tração na Flexão; Resistência à Compressão; Módulo de Elasticidade Dinâmico; Retração Restringida e Resistência ao Impacto. Os resultados não confirmaram a hipótese levantada, indicando que o desempenho da adição da fibra de escória em matrizes cimentícias foi insatisfatório, sendo constatada falha na distribuição da fibra através da produção de compósitos heterogêneos, com presença de aglomeração da fibra e incorporação de ar. Mesmo com o problema na dispersão da fibra, considerou-se com potencial promissor o resultado obtido no ensaio de retração restringida, onde foi possível verificar a atuação da microfibra de escória na distribuição das tensões permitindo o retardamento da fissuração nos anéis de argamassa reforçada. Estudos adicionais buscando melhorar a dispersão da fibra também não obtiveram bons resultados. Acredita-se que para fins de reforço em matrizes cimentícias a presença de resina adicionada à fibra de escória no seu processo de fabricação compromete a dispersão do material e, consequentemente, seu uso neste tipo de reforço. / Waste generated in various industries have been utilized in the production of materials seeking to reduce the environmental impact. In the field of fibers, alternative materials have been produced in greater quantity and gaining prominence in the manufacture of composites more environmentally appropriate. Among these products is of blast furnace slag fiber, microfiber whose raw material is sourced from the production of pig iron, which has advantages in its production process by citing the cost savings and environmental gains by providing expansion of the applicability of a byproduct generated in large amounts, has stimulated interest in its use as reinforcement in cementitious matrices. In this sense, this research aims to assess whether, in addition to environmental benefits provided by the use of slag fiber as a substitute for other conventional fibers, application of this product may also offer technical benefits to increase the performance of cementitious matrices. For both the experimental program was divided into four phases, the initial step of characterization of materials used and the slag fiber by tests of X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The second step was proposed by assessing the affinity between fiber and cement matrix by testing of Le Chatelier. Allocated to third part of the experimental program to prepare the bodies of the test piece used in the tests and the final assessment for the composites with respect to: Workability; Tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity; Restrained and Retraction Impact Resistance. The results did not confirm the hypothesis, indicating that the performance of slag addition of fiber in cementitious matrices was unsatisfactory, and found fault in the distribution of fiber through the production of composite heterogeneous with the presence of fiber clustering and incorporation of air. Even with the problem in dispersion of fiber, it was considered a promising potential with test result of restrained shrinkage, where it was possible to verify the performance of micro stress distribution in the slag allowing delayed cracking in mortar reinforced rings. Additional studies seeking to improve the dispersion of the fiber also did not obtain good results. It is believed that for purposes of reinforcement in cementitious matrices the presence of resin added to the slag fiber in its manufacturing process compromises the dispersal of the material and hence its use in this type of reinforcement.

Influência da operação de desmonte de rochas no carregamento de material fragmentado

Botelho, Anneliese Honscha January 2014 (has links)
O ciclo produtivo mineiro é composto essencialmente pelas seguintes operações: Perfuração & Desmonte (P & D), Carregamento, Transporte, Cominuição e Beneficiamento. Sendo assim, tem-se um modelo de produção em série onde uma etapa é dependente da outra. Portanto, melhorias nos estágios iniciais impactarão na eficiência e produtividade dos estágios subsequentes. A etapa de Perfuração & Desmonte, sendo responsável pela fragmentação primária do material, representa, neste modelo, o fornecedor de material para as operações que seguem, devendo atender a curva granulométrica demandada pelo britador primário. No entanto, por tratar-se de uma linha de produção em série, a curva granulométrica definida pelo britador primário, irá influenciar os processos intermediários, carregamento e transporte, bem como, no caso de uma fragmentação inadequada, todo o processo será prejudicado. Assim, deve-se avaliar a produtividade e a eficiência de todas as etapas de modo a definir a curva granulométrica (fragmentação) que melhor atende os equipamentos utilizados na mina, gerando uma maior produção com os menores custos possíveis. O presente trabalho faz uma análise entre a fragmentação da rocha e a eficiência e produtividade da etapa de carregamento do material, discutindo os principais fatores que influenciam esta operação. Visando estabelecer uma metodologia, realizou-se um estudo de caso em uma mina de ferro, onde se buscou determinar os diversos tempos de ciclo dependentes da fragmentação gerada pelo desmonte, relacionando a fragmentação aos fatores envolvidos no carregamento. Analisou-se, também, o grau de influência que a etapa de Perfuração & Desmonte tem sobre a etapa de carregamento, uma vez que elas se sobrepõem em determinados pontos da produção e, a realização de uma, por vezes, interrompe a outra. Tem-se, assim, que a operação de P & D impacta diretamente na massa carregada e, quando esta operação não é adequada, pode reduzir drasticamente a quantidade de horas trabalhadas pelos equipamentos de carregamento, uma vez que estes sofrerão um maior desgaste e apresentarão um maior número de manutenções, bem como a etapa de P & D inadequada irá aumentar o número de horas improdutivas. / The mining productive cycle is comprised essentially for the following unit operations: drill and blast (D&B), loading, haulage, comminution and mineral processing. Thus, there is a model of mass production where one step depends on another. Therefore, improvements in the initial stages will impact on the efficiency and productivity of the subsequent stages. D & B being the responsible for the primary fragmentation of the material is, in this model of production, the material supplier for the operations that follow, should attend the grading curve demanded by the primary crusher. However, because it is a line of series production, the grading curve defined by the primary crusher will influence on the intermediaries processes, loading and haulage, as well as in the case of improper fragmentation, the whole process will be impaired. So, it is necessary evaluate the productivity and the efficiency of all steps to set the grading curve (fragmentation) that suits the equipment used in the mine, generating the more output with the lowest possible cost. This dissertation carried out analysis on: rock fragmentation, efficiency and productivity of the loading material, discussing the main factors that influence these operations. In order to establish a methodology, a case study in an iron ore mine was performed, where the cycle time dependent on the fragmentation generated by the blast was sought and relating the fragmentation to the factors involved in loading. D & B degree of influence in load step was also analyzed, since it overlap at some points of production and, sometimes, one step interrupts other. Thereby, the D & B operation directly impacts on the loading mass and, when this mass is improperly fragmented, it can drastically reduce the amount of working hours of the loading equipment, because this equipment will suffer more damage and will need more maintenance, as well as an inappropriate D & B will increase unproductive hours.

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