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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predicting the spatial distribution of stoats, ship rats and weasels in a beech forest setting using GIS

Lough, Hamish January 2006 (has links)
Using trap data the Hawdon, Poulter and South Branch valleys, a spatial distribution model was created for Stoats (Mustela erminea), Ship Rats (Rattus rattus) and Weasels (Mustela nivalis) in the North Branch of the Hurunui River. Ten spatial attributes were analysed in this thesis as potential spatial predictors of Stoats, Ship rats or Weasels; four of which were distance related measurements (distance from ecotonal edge, distance from river, distance from river tributary and distance from trapping edge); three were climate based variables (mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature and mean precipitation) and three were topographical based variables (elevation, aspect and slope). Relationships that existed between each spatial attribute and the number of Stoats, Ship Rats and Weasels caught were quantified by comparing the significance of the mean trapping rate with each spatial attribute and expressed spatially as maps in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Results from this thesis found elevation, aspect and distance from ecotonal edge as potential spatial predictors of Stoat populations. Elevation and aspect were found to be potential predictors of Ship rat and Weasel populations. GIS is able to predict the spatial distribution of pest species to a similar (or better) level compared to more formal associative models. The potential of GIS is however, restrained by the same limitations associated with these models. By using a larger trapping data set and identifying a number of social interactions between Stoats, Ship Rats and Weasels, one can improve the accuracy of spatially modelling each species within a Beech forest environment. Therefore, improve our understanding how landscapes influence the distribution of each pest species.

Survavibility in Multilayer Networks : models and Polyhedra / Sécurisation de réseaux multicouches : modèles et polyèdres

Taktak, Raouia 04 July 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à un problème de fiabilité dans les réseaux multicouches IP-sur-WDM. Etant donné un ensemble de demandes pour lesquelles on connaît une topologie fiable dans la couche IP, le problème consiste à sécuriser la couche optique WDM en y cherchant une topologie fiable. Nous montrons que le problème est NP-complet même dans le cas d'une seule demande. Ensuite, nous proposons quatre formulations en termes de programmes linéaires en nombres entiers pour le problème. La première est basée sur les contraintes de coupes. Nous considérons le polyèdre associé. Nous identifions de nouvelles familles de contraintes valides et étudions leur aspect facial. Nous proposons également des algorithmes de séparation pour ces contraintes. En utilisant ces résultats, nous développons un algorithme de coupes et branchements pour le problème et présentons une étude expérimentale. La deuxième formulation utilise comme variables des chemins entre des terminaux dans le graphe sous-jacent. Un algorithme de branchements et génération de colonnes est proposé pour cette formulation. Par la suite, nous discutons d'une formulation dite naturelle utilisant uniquement les variables de design. Enfin, nous présentons une formulation étendue compacte qui, en plus des variables naturelles, utilise des variables de routage. Nous montrons que cette formulation fournit une meilleure borne inférieure. / This thesis deals with a problem related to survivability issues in multilayer IP-over-WDM networks. Given a set of traffic demands for which we know a survivable logical routing in the IP layer, the aim is determine the corresponding survivable topology in the WDM layer. We show that the problem is NP-hard even for a single demand. Moreover, we propose four integer linear programming formulations for the problem. The first one is based on the so-called cut inequalities. We consider the polyhedron associated with the formulation. We identify several families of valid inequalities and discuss their facial aspect. We also develop separation routines. Using this, we devise a Branch-and-Cut algorithm and present experimental results. The second formulation uses paths between terminals of the underlying graph as variables. We devise a Branch-and-Price algorithm based on that formulation. In addition, we investigate a natural formulation for the problem which uses only the design variables.  Finally, we propose an extended compact formulation which, in addition to the design variables, uses routing variables. We show that this formulation provides a tighter bound for the problem.


FABIAN ARTURO CASTILLA PENARANDA 29 December 2014 (has links)
[pt] Uma generalização do problema de roteamento de veículos (VRP) presente em aplicações práticas em portos e operações em minas é o objeto desta dissertação. Nesta variante do VRP cada cliente pode demandar diferentes tipos de veículos para cumprir tarefas colaborativamente. Nesta atividade, os veículos podem aguardar o início da operação no local porém, devem iniciar as tarefas ao mesmo tempo. O objetivo é determinar as rotas dos veículos disponíveis de modo a maximizar a soma (ponderada) dos clientes atendidos enquanto a distância total percorrida é minimizada. O caso específico onde todos os clientes são atendidos e a distância total percorrida é minimizada determina o problema central estudado nessa dissertação. Este caso particular pode ser visto como uma generalização direta do, muito estudado e conhecido problema de roteamento, VRP com janelas de tempo (VRPTW) onde a capacidade dos veículos é suficientemente grande. Esta escolha de um problema mais restrito é justificada por permitir uma clara comparação de sua dificuldade através da sua relação com o VRPTW. A partir da classificação dos casos de sincronização em problemas de roteamento proposta por (DREXL, 2012), denominamos o problema aqui estudado de Problema de Roteamento de Veículos com Janelas de Tempo e Sincronização exata da Operação (VRPTWEOS). Neste trabalho damos uma definição formal ao VRPTWEOS. Modelos de programação inteira são propostos e analisados. Também apressentamos métodos de resolução baseados na decomposição Dantzig-Wolfe, dos quais são derivados algoritmos exatos e aproximados. Com o propósito de avaliar a eficiencia desses algoritmos, foi criado um grupo de instancias de teste baseado no benchmark do Solomon para o VRPTW. O método usado para criar o conjunto de instancias de teste é descrito em detalhe. Experimentos computacionais sobre este conjunto de instancias mostraram que o método de resolução proposto é promissor para a resolução do VRPTWEOS. / [en] This dissertation addresses a generalization of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) that arises in real life applications in ports and mine operations. In this VRP variant, each customer may demand different types of vehicles to perform a task collaboratively. Vehicles are allowed to wait at the locations but they must start operating at the same time. The objective is to route the available vehicles while maximizing the (weighted) sum of served customers and minimizing the total distance traveled. The specific case where all customers must be served while minimizing the total distance traveled is the central problem here studied. This special case can be viewed as a straightforward generalization of, a well known and more specific routing problem, the VRP with time windows (VRTPTW) where the capacity of the vehicles is sufficiently large. We support this narrower scope by stating that it allows a clear comparison of the problem hardness by its relation to the VRPTW. Sticking to the classification of synchronization in vehicle routing proposed by (DREXL, 2012) we named this problem as the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Exact Operation Synchronization (VRPTWEOS). In this work, a formal definition for the VRPTWEOS is provided. Integer programming models for this problem are proposed and analyzed. Furthermore, we propose a solution method based on the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition for which exact and aproximated resolution algorithms are described. In order to test the performance of those algorithms, a group of benchmark instances for the VRPTWEOS was created on top of the Solomon benchmark for the VRPTW. The method used to create the benchmark instances is described in detail. Computational experiments over the mentioned set of instances showed that the proposed solution approach is a promising alternative for solving the VRPTWEOS.


DIEGO GALINDO PECIN 01 April 2015 (has links)
[pt] Os Problemas de Roteamento de Veículos estão entre os problemas combinatoriais mais difíceis de se resolver à otimalidade. Eles foram propostos no final da década de 1950, e desde então eles têm sido amplamente estudados. O interesse deve-se a sua importância prática, bem como da dificuldade de se fornecer algoritmos eficientes para resolvê-los. Esta tese trata principalmente da resolução exata do Problema de Roteamento de Veículos com Capacidades (PRVC). Neste problema, um conjunto de clientes, cada um associado a uma demanda, deve ser atendido por uma frota de veículos. Todos eles têm o mesma capacidade e, inicialmente, estão localizados no mesmo depósito. Uma solução é um conjunto de rotas que começam e terminam no depósito e visitam cada cliente uma única vez. A restrição em uma rota é que a soma das demandas de seus clientes não exceda a capacidade do veículo. O objetivo é encontrar uma solução com um custo mínimo. Os melhores algoritmos exatos para o PRVC desenvolvidos nos últimos dez anos são baseados na combinação de geração de cortes e colunas. Alguns autores utilizaram apenas cortes sobre as variáveis da formulação original, com a finalidade de manter o subproblema de geração de colunas relativamente fácil. Outros puderam reduzir os limites duais utilizando também um número restrito de cortes expressos nas variáveis do problema mestre, parando de incluir tais cortes quando o subproblema tornavase proibitivamente difícil. Uma família eficaz de tais cortes são os Subset Row Cuts. Esta tese apresenta uma técnica para reduzir consideravelmente o impacto que tais cortes causam no subproblema de geração de colunas, permitindo assim que muito mais cortes sejam adicionados. O novo algoritmo Branch-Cut-and-Price proposto também incorpora e combina pela primeira vez vários elementos presentes em trabalhos anteriores, como enumeração de rotas, fixação de variáveis e strong branching. Todas as instâncias usadas em algoritmos exatos, com até 199 clientes, foram resolvidas à otimalidade. Além disso, algumas maiores, com até 360 clientes, apenas consideradas antes em métodos heurísticos, também foram resolvidas. / [en] Vehicle Routing Problems are among the most difficult combinatorial problems to solve to optimality. They were proposed in the late 1950 s and since then have been widely studied. This interest arises from their practical importance, as well as the difficulty of providing efficient algorithms to solve them. This thesis is mainly concerned with the exact resolution of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). In this problem, a set of customers, each one associated to a demand, must be serviced by a fleet of vehicles. All vehicles have the same (limited) capacity and initially are located in the same central depot. A solution is a set of routes, starting and ending at the depot, that visit every customer exactly once. The only constraint on a route is that the sum of the demands of its customers does not exceed the vehicle capacity. The objective is to find a solution with minimum total cost. The best performing exact algorithms for the CVRP developed in the last 10 years are based in the combination of cut and column generation. Some authors only used cuts expressed over the variables of the original formulation, in order to keep the pricing subproblem relatively easy. Other authors could reduce the duality gaps by also using a restricted number of cuts over the Master LP variables, stopping when the pricing becomes prohibitively hard. A particularly effective family of such cuts are the Subset Row Cuts. This thesis introduces a technique for greatly reducing this impact on the pricing of these cuts, thus allowing much more cuts to be added. The newly proposed Branch-Cut-and-Price algorithm also incorporates and combines for the first time (often in an improved way) several elements found in previous works, like route enumeration, variable fixing and strong branching. All the instances used for benchmarking exact algorithms, with up to 199 customers, were solved to optimality. Moreover, some larger instances with up to 360 customers, only considered before by heuristic methods, were solved too.

Novos limitantes inferiores para o flowshop com buffer zero / New lower bounds for the zero buffer flowshop

Robazzi, João Vítor Silva 08 August 2018 (has links)
O sequenciamento e a programação da produção trazem grandes benefícios financeiros às empresas se realizados de forma adequada. Atualmente, soluções generalizadas apresentam resultados aceitáveis, porém têm como consequência benefícios inferiores quando comparados a estudos específicos. O ramo da otimização de resultados possui dois tipos de soluções: as exatas para problemas de menores dimensões e não exatas, ou heurísticas, para problemas de médias e grandes dimensões. Este trabalho apresenta algoritmos exatos do tipo Branch & Bound e Modelos de Programação Linear Inteira Mista para solucionar quatro variações de problemas de scheduling: Fm|block|∑Cjm, Fm|block|∑Tj, Fm|block, Sijk|∑Cjm e Fm|block, Sijk|∑Tj. As abordagens utilizadas são inéditas na literatura e apresentaram resultados animadores para a maioria dos cenários. O limitante para o tempo total de fluxo obteve resposta ótima em 100% dos casos para problemas de até 20 tarefas e 4 máquinas em menos de uma hora. Para o tempo total de atraso, o limitante se mostrou mais eficiente quando os valores das due dates apresentam alta taxa de dispersão. Para os casos com setup, foram elaboradas três variações de limitantes para cada problema. O limitante com setup que apresentou o melhor desempenho foi o que obteve a melhor relação entre o seu valor numérico e seu custo computacional. Os modelos MILP solucionaram 100% dos problemas sem setup para até 20 tarefas e 4 máquinas e para os casos com setup, foram solucionados problemas de até 14 tarefas e 4 máquinas no tempo limite de uma hora. Os testes computacionais mostram a eficiência na redução do número de nós e, consequentemente, no tempo de execução. Portanto, o estudo realizado indica que, para problemas de pequeno porte e médio, os métodos em questão possuem grande potencial para aplicações práticas. / Job Sequence and Programming give benefits both financial and organizational to any company when performed properly. Nowadays, there is still a gap between theory and practice due to solutions that are short in specification. The analyzed problems differ in type and dimension thus modifying its complexity. The results optimization field is divided into two types of solution: the exact solution for minor problems and the non-exact solution for greater dimension problems. The present paper presents exact algorithms to solve the problems Fm|block|∑Cjm, Fm|block|∑Tj, Fm|block, Sijk|∑Cjm by the Branch & Bounds and Mixed Integer Linear Program models. The approaches are new and presented good results for most cases. Bounds for the no-setup total flow time scenario solved 100% of the 20 jobs and 4 machines cases. High dispersion range due dates contributed for the effectiveness of the no-setup total tardiness bound\'s effectiveness. Three different approaches were developed for the setup cases. The best approach aimed to optimize the value/effort factor for the B&B. The Mixed Integer Linear Program models solved 100% of the no-setup cases for 20 jobs and 4 machines. The MILPs setup cases solved optimally 14 jobs and 4 machines cases. Computational tests were executed and analyzed and they highlighted the node count reduction and, consequently, the execution time. The present study points out that the exact methods can be applied to small and medium scheduling problems in practice.

O problema da subsequência comum máxima sem repetições / The repetition-free longest common subsequence problem

Tjandraatmadja, Christian 26 July 2010 (has links)
Exploramos o seguinte problema: dadas duas sequências X e Y sobre um alfabeto finito, encontre uma subsequência comum máxima de X e Y sem símbolos repetidos. Estudamos a estrutura deste problema, particularmente do ponto de vista de grafos e de combinatória poliédrica. Desenvolvemos algoritmos de aproximação e heurísticas para este problema. O enfoque deste trabalho está na construção de um algoritmo baseado na técnica branch-and-cut, aproveitando-nos de um algoritmo de separação eficiente e de heurísticas e técnicas para encontrarmos uma solução ótima mais cedo. Também estudamos um problema mais fácil no qual este problema é baseado: dadas duas sequências X e Y sobre um alfabeto finito, encontre uma subsequência comum máxima de X e Y. Exploramos este problema do ponto de vista de combinatória poliédrica e descrevemos vários algoritmos conhecidos para resolvê-lo. / We explore the following problem: given two sequences X and Y over a finite alphabet, find a longest common subsequence of X and Y without repeated symbols. We study the structure of this problem, particularly from the point of view of graphs and polyhedral combinatorics. We develop approximation algorithms and heuristics for this problem. The focus of this work is in the construction of an algorithm based on the branch-and-cut technique, taking advantage of an efficient separation algorithm and of heuristics and techniques to find an optimal solution earlier. We also study an easier problem on which this problem is based: given two sequences X and Y over a finite alphabet, find a longest common subsequence of X and Y. We explore this problem from the point of view of polyhedral combinatorics and describe several known algorithms to solve it.

Uma contribuição para o problema de programação de operações flow shop com buffer zero e tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina / A contribution to the flow shop problem with zero buffer and sequence and machine dependent setup times

Takano, Mauricio Iwama 03 August 2016 (has links)
O problema do sequenciamento da produção diz respeito à alocação das tarefas nas máquinas em um ambiente de fabricação, o qual vem sendo amplamente estudado. O sequenciamento pode variar em tamanho e complexidade dependendo do tipo de ambiente onde ele é aplicado, do número e tipos de restrições tecnológicas e da função objetivo do problema. A utilização de métodos de decisão para a solução de problemas de sequenciamento na indústria depende de modelos que sejam capazes de oferecer soluções para os problemas reais, que geralmente envolvem diversas restrições, os quais devem ser considerados simultaneamente. No presente trabalho o problema de sequenciamento da produção em ambientes flow shop permutacionais, com bloqueio com buffer zero, e com tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina, com o objetivo de minimização do makespan é estudado, sendo este considerado um problema NP-Completo. O problema é pouco explorado na literatura. No presente trabalho é apresentado um procedimento de cálculo para o makespan e três métodos de solução para o problema: quatro limitantes inferiores para o procedimento Branch-and-Bound; quatro modelos MILP, sendo dois deles adaptados; e 28 modelos heurísticos construtivos adaptados para o problema. Os métodos desenvolvidos baseiam-se em propriedades matemáticas do problema que são apresentadas neste trabalho como limitante inferior e limitante superior. Dentre todos os modelos MILP, o modelo adaptado RBZBS1 obteve os melhores resultados para os problemas menores e o modelo desenvolvido TNZBS1 obteve os melhores desvios relativos médios do makespan para os problemas maiores, que não foram resolvidos dentro do limite de tempo computacional estipulado. O limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 foi melhor que os demais tanto no tempo computacional e no número de nós explorados como também no número de problemas não resolvidos e no desvio relativo médio do makespan. Foi realizado uma comparação entre o melhor modelo MILP e o melhor limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound, sendo que o último obteve melhores resultados para os problemas testados. Entre os métodos heurísticos adaptados, o PF foi o que obteve, de uma forma geral, os melhores resultados em todas as fases. / Production scheduling is defined as a problem of allocating jobs in machines in a production environment and it has been largely studied. The scheduling can vary in difficulty and complexity depending on the environment, the variety and types of technological restraints and the objective function of the problem. The use of decision making methods to solve scheduling problems in the industry needs models that are capable to solve real problems, that usually involve a big variety of restraints that have to be simultaneously studied. At the present work the scheduling problem in a permutational flow shop environment, considering blocking with zero buffer, and sequence and machine dependent setup times, with the objective of minimizing makespan is studied, which is considered a NP-Complete problem and little explored in literature. The work presents a calculation procedure for the makespan and three solution methods for the problem: four lower bounds for the Branch-and-Bound procedure; four MILP models, two of which are adapted; and 28 constructive heuristic methods adapted to the problem. The methods developed are based on mathematical properties of the problem that are presented in this work as a lower bound and an upper bound. Among all the MILP models, the adapted model RBZBS1 was the one to obtain the best results for the smaller problems, and the developed model TNZBS1 obtained the smallest mean relative deviation of the makespan for the bigger problems that were not solved within the specified computational time limit. The lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 obtained smaller computational times and number of explored nodes as well as the number of unsolved problems and the mean relative deviation for the makespan than all other lower bounds. Also, a comparison among the best MILP model and the best lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound was performed, being that the last obtained better results for the tested problems. Among the adapted heuristic methods, the PF heuristic was the one that obtained, in general, the better results in all phases.

An evaluation of the appraisal system on branch managers of the Bank of China group.

January 1991 (has links)
by Chiu Yun-ming, Leung Ka-chun. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Bibliography: leaves 143-145. / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF EXHIBITS --- p.v / LIST OF APPENDIXES --- p.vi / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.vii / CHAPTER / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / The Performance Appraisal --- p.1 / The Importance of Appraisal System --- p.2 / The Effective Characteristic of the Appraisal System --- p.3 / The Problems for an Effective Appraisal System --- p.5 / The Significance of the Study --- p.7 / Study Object --- p.8 / Objective of the Study --- p.10 / Target of the Study --- p.11 / Scope of the Study --- p.12 / Methodology --- p.13 / Chapter II. --- THE CURRENT APPRAISAL SYSTEM --- p.17 / Bank of China (BOC) Group Background --- p.17 / The Organisation Structure of BOC Group --- p.19 / Common Methods of Appraisal --- p.29 / The Current Appraisal Method in BOC Group --- p.33 / The Appraisal Procedures --- p.38 / The Final Adjustment Process --- p.40 / Limitations of the Current Appraisal System --- p.41 / Opinion Research on Branch Manager --- p.43 / Chapter IV. --- PROPOSED APPRAISAL SYSTEM FOR BRANCH MANAGER --- p.47 / The Basic Framework of the New System --- p.47 / The Amendment of the Appraisal Factor --- p.48 / The Amendment of the Rating Method of Appraisal Factors --- p.50 / The Method of Measurement of Branch Performance --- p.53 / The Advantages of the New Appraisal System --- p.63 / Problem in Implementing the New System --- p.66 / Chapter V. --- CURRENT BRANCH PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT METHOD --- p.68 / Availability of Management Information in the Computer Systems --- p.69 / Management Information Not Available in the Current Systems --- p.70 / Description of Current Branch Performance Evaluation Method --- p.72 / Disadvantages of Current Branch Performance Measurement Method --- p.76 / Chapter VI. --- AMENDMENTS OF THE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM --- p.81 / Transfer Pricing Analysis --- p.81 / Cost and Revenue Allocation Systems Analysis --- p.90 / Standard Costs Applications --- p.103 / Budget Planning Process --- p.108 / The Branch Profit and Loss Statement under the New Scheme --- p.116 / Chapter VII. --- INTEGRATION OF THE PROPOSED APPRAISAL SYSTEM AND THE CURRENT COMPUTER SYSTEM --- p.119 / Appraisal Factors to be Measured by Computer --- p.119 / Suggestions on the Change of Computer Systems --- p.121 / Chapter VIII. --- RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.123 / APPENDIXES --- p.127 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.143

Locational analysis and distribution strategy for a local retail bank.

January 1999 (has links)
by Lam Chun Wah, Lo Kar Ming, Alen. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 81-82). / INTRODUCTION --- p.3 / METHODOLOGY --- p.6 / Identify social-economic trends --- p.6 / Review of the banking industry --- p.7 / review Hong Kong local banks financial performance --- p.7 / Perform in-depth financial and locational analysis of the selected local bank and its distribution channels --- p.8 / Explore alternate product/service distribution channels --- p.8 / Determine consumer behavior towards different financial product/services and channels --- p.9 / Recommend future distribution channel strategy for this local bank --- p.9 / Predict competitor response to the recommended strategy --- p.9 / SOCIAL - ECONOMIC REVIEW --- p.10 / Population Demographics --- p.10 / Economic Indicators --- p.14 / REVIEW OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY --- p.19 / The Banking Industry of Hong Kong --- p.19 / The three-tier system --- p.19 / The Interest Rate Rules --- p.21 / The Hong Kong Monetary Authority --- p.21 / The Banking Industry Performance --- p.22 / The Banking Strategic Review --- p.28 / REVIEW ON HONG KONG LOCAL BANKS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE --- p.31 / The Asset Size and Profit --- p.31 / Financial Performance --- p.33 / Correlation analysis on bank performance --- p.36 / LOCATIONAL ANALYSIS OF BRANCH DISTRIBUTION FOR THE WING HANG BANK --- p.40 / Company Background --- p.40 / The Branch Network --- p.41 / List of Wing Hang Bank Branches and Addresses --- p.42 / Hong Kong Insland --- p.42 / Kowloon --- p.42 / Financial Performance of Branches --- p.42 / Locational Analysis --- p.44 / Transaction Analysis --- p.47 / ALTERNATIVE PRODUCT/SERVICE DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS --- p.53 / Banking service industry --- p.53 / CONSUMER BEHAVIOR TOWARDS DIFFERENT FINANCIAL PRODUCT/SERVICE AND CHANNELS --- p.59 / General trends --- p.59 / RECOMMENDATION ON TO WING HANG BANK --- p.66 / Branch Network Size --- p.66 / Cost cutting --- p.68 / Combine functions and develop new products --- p.69 / Branch Image --- p.72 / Branch atmosphere --- p.72 / Branch contact --- p.73 / Use of Self Service Terminals --- p.75 / COMPETITOR RESPONSE --- p.76 / OVERALL COMMENTS --- p.79 / APPENDIX --- p.80 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.81

Uma contribuição para o problema de programação de operações flow shop com buffer zero e tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina / A contribution to the flow shop problem with zero buffer and sequence and machine dependent setup times

Mauricio Iwama Takano 03 August 2016 (has links)
O problema do sequenciamento da produção diz respeito à alocação das tarefas nas máquinas em um ambiente de fabricação, o qual vem sendo amplamente estudado. O sequenciamento pode variar em tamanho e complexidade dependendo do tipo de ambiente onde ele é aplicado, do número e tipos de restrições tecnológicas e da função objetivo do problema. A utilização de métodos de decisão para a solução de problemas de sequenciamento na indústria depende de modelos que sejam capazes de oferecer soluções para os problemas reais, que geralmente envolvem diversas restrições, os quais devem ser considerados simultaneamente. No presente trabalho o problema de sequenciamento da produção em ambientes flow shop permutacionais, com bloqueio com buffer zero, e com tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina, com o objetivo de minimização do makespan é estudado, sendo este considerado um problema NP-Completo. O problema é pouco explorado na literatura. No presente trabalho é apresentado um procedimento de cálculo para o makespan e três métodos de solução para o problema: quatro limitantes inferiores para o procedimento Branch-and-Bound; quatro modelos MILP, sendo dois deles adaptados; e 28 modelos heurísticos construtivos adaptados para o problema. Os métodos desenvolvidos baseiam-se em propriedades matemáticas do problema que são apresentadas neste trabalho como limitante inferior e limitante superior. Dentre todos os modelos MILP, o modelo adaptado RBZBS1 obteve os melhores resultados para os problemas menores e o modelo desenvolvido TNZBS1 obteve os melhores desvios relativos médios do makespan para os problemas maiores, que não foram resolvidos dentro do limite de tempo computacional estipulado. O limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 foi melhor que os demais tanto no tempo computacional e no número de nós explorados como também no número de problemas não resolvidos e no desvio relativo médio do makespan. Foi realizado uma comparação entre o melhor modelo MILP e o melhor limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound, sendo que o último obteve melhores resultados para os problemas testados. Entre os métodos heurísticos adaptados, o PF foi o que obteve, de uma forma geral, os melhores resultados em todas as fases. / Production scheduling is defined as a problem of allocating jobs in machines in a production environment and it has been largely studied. The scheduling can vary in difficulty and complexity depending on the environment, the variety and types of technological restraints and the objective function of the problem. The use of decision making methods to solve scheduling problems in the industry needs models that are capable to solve real problems, that usually involve a big variety of restraints that have to be simultaneously studied. At the present work the scheduling problem in a permutational flow shop environment, considering blocking with zero buffer, and sequence and machine dependent setup times, with the objective of minimizing makespan is studied, which is considered a NP-Complete problem and little explored in literature. The work presents a calculation procedure for the makespan and three solution methods for the problem: four lower bounds for the Branch-and-Bound procedure; four MILP models, two of which are adapted; and 28 constructive heuristic methods adapted to the problem. The methods developed are based on mathematical properties of the problem that are presented in this work as a lower bound and an upper bound. Among all the MILP models, the adapted model RBZBS1 was the one to obtain the best results for the smaller problems, and the developed model TNZBS1 obtained the smallest mean relative deviation of the makespan for the bigger problems that were not solved within the specified computational time limit. The lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 obtained smaller computational times and number of explored nodes as well as the number of unsolved problems and the mean relative deviation for the makespan than all other lower bounds. Also, a comparison among the best MILP model and the best lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound was performed, being that the last obtained better results for the tested problems. Among the adapted heuristic methods, the PF heuristic was the one that obtained, in general, the better results in all phases.

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