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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O inadimplemento na nova teoria contratual: o inadimplemento antecipado do contrato / Breach in the new contractual theory: the anticipatory breach of contract

Cunha, Raphael Augusto 19 March 2015 (has links)
Os institutos clássicos do direito das obrigações, notadamente os conceitos de obrigação, adimplemento e inadimplemento precisam ser relidos à luz dos valores da Constituição Federal de 1988 e dos princípios e das cláusulas gerais trazidos pelo Código Civil de 2002, em especial a boa-fé objetiva. A noção tradicional de obrigação, consubstanciada na ideia de uma submissão do devedor ao credor, vem sendo paulatinamente abandonada em favor de um novo conceito de relação obrigacional, composto por direitos e deveres recíprocos que convergem para a consecução de um objetivo comum: o adimplemento. Assim examinado, o adimplemento consiste em um processo dinâmico dentro do qual o devedor deve executar uma série de atos e observar inúmeros deveres (principais, secundários e laterais) necessários ao adimplemento. Foi diante dessa premissa que a doutrina moderna começou a sustentar que a infringência de deveres de conduta e de deveres anexos ao longo da relação obrigacional pode configurar um inadimplemento antecipado do contrato, que se refere às hipóteses em que o inadimplemento resta configurado a despeito de ainda não se ter atingido o termo contratual. Esse estudo visará analisar o conceito e demonstrar a necessidade da consolidação do inadimplemento antecipado como um mecanismo de proteção do credor, examinando a sua possibilidade de aplicação no direito brasileiro, os seus requisitos, a sua natureza jurídica, os seus limites e os seus efeitos. / The classic institutes of contract law, notably the concepts of obligation, performance and breach of contract need to be reread pursuant to the values of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the principles and general clauses brought by the Civil Code of 2002, in special the good faith. The traditional notion of obligation, based on the idea of the debtors submission to the creditor, has been gradually abandoned in favor of a new concept of obligatory relationship, composed of reciprocal rights and duties converging to achieve a common goal: performance. Thus, performance consists of a dynamic process in which the debtor must perform a series of acts and observe numerous duties (primary, secondary and lateral duties arising of good faith) necessary for performance. It was under this premise that modern legal scholars began to argue that any breach of duties along with the obligatory relationship can configure an anticipated breach of contract, which refers to cases in which the breach is affirmed before the contractual term. This essay aims to analyze the concept and demonstrate the need for consolidation of the anticipated breach as a creditor protection mechanism, examining its application possibility under Brazilian law, along with its requirements, legal status, limits and effects.

O inadimplemento na nova teoria contratual: o inadimplemento antecipado do contrato / Breach in the new contractual theory: the anticipatory breach of contract

Raphael Augusto Cunha 19 March 2015 (has links)
Os institutos clássicos do direito das obrigações, notadamente os conceitos de obrigação, adimplemento e inadimplemento precisam ser relidos à luz dos valores da Constituição Federal de 1988 e dos princípios e das cláusulas gerais trazidos pelo Código Civil de 2002, em especial a boa-fé objetiva. A noção tradicional de obrigação, consubstanciada na ideia de uma submissão do devedor ao credor, vem sendo paulatinamente abandonada em favor de um novo conceito de relação obrigacional, composto por direitos e deveres recíprocos que convergem para a consecução de um objetivo comum: o adimplemento. Assim examinado, o adimplemento consiste em um processo dinâmico dentro do qual o devedor deve executar uma série de atos e observar inúmeros deveres (principais, secundários e laterais) necessários ao adimplemento. Foi diante dessa premissa que a doutrina moderna começou a sustentar que a infringência de deveres de conduta e de deveres anexos ao longo da relação obrigacional pode configurar um inadimplemento antecipado do contrato, que se refere às hipóteses em que o inadimplemento resta configurado a despeito de ainda não se ter atingido o termo contratual. Esse estudo visará analisar o conceito e demonstrar a necessidade da consolidação do inadimplemento antecipado como um mecanismo de proteção do credor, examinando a sua possibilidade de aplicação no direito brasileiro, os seus requisitos, a sua natureza jurídica, os seus limites e os seus efeitos. / The classic institutes of contract law, notably the concepts of obligation, performance and breach of contract need to be reread pursuant to the values of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the principles and general clauses brought by the Civil Code of 2002, in special the good faith. The traditional notion of obligation, based on the idea of the debtors submission to the creditor, has been gradually abandoned in favor of a new concept of obligatory relationship, composed of reciprocal rights and duties converging to achieve a common goal: performance. Thus, performance consists of a dynamic process in which the debtor must perform a series of acts and observe numerous duties (primary, secondary and lateral duties arising of good faith) necessary for performance. It was under this premise that modern legal scholars began to argue that any breach of duties along with the obligatory relationship can configure an anticipated breach of contract, which refers to cases in which the breach is affirmed before the contractual term. This essay aims to analyze the concept and demonstrate the need for consolidation of the anticipated breach as a creditor protection mechanism, examining its application possibility under Brazilian law, along with its requirements, legal status, limits and effects.

Arbetstagares upplevelser av psykologiska kontraktsbrott : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Breaching psychological contracts and how this is perceived by employees : A qualitative interview study

Eklund, Carl, Wennerberg, Nils January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka upplevelser av psykologiska kontraktsbrott hos arbetstagare. Särskilt intressant har varit att belysa hur kontraktsbrotten har uppstått, hur arbetstagarens känslor och beteenden har påverkats, samt om det har gått att återupprätta brutna kontrakt. Ett målinriktat bekvämlighetsurval gjordes (n=10). Av dessa var fem män och fem kvinnor i olika åldrar. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med arbetstagare från olika organisationer, som på ett eller annat sätt haft erfarenheter av psykologiska kontraktsbrott. En innehållsanalys användes för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Resultatet visade att olika kontraktsbrott orsakats på grund av hög arbetsbelastning och brister i chefens kommunikation samt ledarskap. Konsekvenser av brotten var minskad arbetsglädje, lojalitet och motivation, samt ilska och irritation. Engagemang och effektivitet minskade hos arbetstagarna och de blev mer benägna att söka andra arbeten. Studien visade att chefen hade en central roll i återupprättandet av brutna kontrakt.

Compensation claims against trustees

Elliott, Steven Ballantyne January 2002 (has links)
The thesis examines the claims that may be brought against express trustees for pecuniary compensation. It contends that a difference of principle divides this conventional category in two. Some compensation claims complain that the trustee has breached one of his duties and seek to charge him with reparation for whatever ensuing loss has been suffered by the beneficial interests. These claims resemble claims for damages founded upon a tort or breach of contract. Other compensation claims overlook whatever breach there may have been and demand that the trustee account and perform the trusts, in money where this cannot be done in specie. This second type of claim resembles a claim for the specific performance of a contract, bearing in mind that specific performance may be given with compensation where the defendant cannot deliver what he has promised. The claims are cumulative subject to the principle of full satisfaction.

違約精神損害賠償研究 : Study on compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract / Study on compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract

李雅茜 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

An assessment of the South African law governing breach of contract : a consideration of the relationship between the classification of breach and the resultant remedies

Venter, Cindy Michelle 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African system of breach of contract recognizes several distinct forms of breach. each encompassing its own set of requirements. Before one is able to determine the outcome and accordingly the rights of each contracting party in respect of an alleged breach of contract. the factual situation must be fitted into one of the recognized forms of breach. This has resulted in a highly complex system of breach of contract and resultant remedies. The existence of a direct relationship between the form of breach present in a factual situation and the remedies available to the innocent party is a fundamental premise of South African law and one that is often accepted without much investigation. This thesis investigates the extent of this interdependence and to establish whether this intricate system is necessary from a practical and a theoretical point of view. To this end. the thesis examines the less complex system of breach of contract as embodied in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods C·CISG'·) which has been widely adopted in international trade. and which has provided a template for the reformation of various national systems of law. This study concludes that the South African approach to breach of contract and remedies is in need of reform. and that a unitary concept of breach could provide a basis for both a simplification and modernization of our law. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg erken verskeie verskyningsvorms van kontrakbreuk, elk met sy eie besondere vereistes. Ten einde die uitkoms van probleemsituasies waarin kontrakbreuk beweer word te bepaal en derhalwe die regte van die betrokkenes uit te kristalliseer. moet die feitestelonder die een of ander vorm van kontrakbreuk tuisgebring te word. Hierdie benadering het 'n besonder komplekse stelsel van kontrakbreuk en remedies tot gevolg. 'n Fundamentele uitgangspunt van die Suid-Afrikaanse stelsel is dat daar Il direkte korrelasie bestaan tussen die tipe van kontrakbreuk wat in 'n bepaalde geval teenwoordig is en die remedies waarop die onskuldige party kan staatmaak. Hierdie siening, wat meerendeel sonder bevraagtekening aanvaar word, vorm die fokuspunt van hierdie ondersoek. Die oogmerk is om die praktiese nuttigheid en teoretiese houbaarheid van die benadering vas te stel. As 'n vergelykingspunt neem die tesis die vereenvoudigde sisteem van kontrakbreuk beliggaam in die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie aangaande die Internasionale Koopkontrak ("CISG"). Hierdie verordening geniet wye erkenning in die Internasionale Handel en het alreeds die grondslag gevorm van verskeie inisiatiewe vir die hervonning van Il aantal nasionale regstelsels. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die Suid-A frikaanse benadering tot kontrakbreuk en die remedies daarvoor hervorming benodig en dat die opvatting van 'n sg uniforme kontrakbreuk as 'n basis kan dien vir die vereenvoudiging en modernisering van ons reg.

Odstoupení od smlouvy v obchodněprávních vztazích (předpoklady, důsledky) / Withdrawal from a contract in business relations (preconditions and consequences)

Kačerová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
RESUME The aim of this thesis is to provide a general description of the purpose, functions and principles governing the right to unilaterally terminate a contract under Czech law. The main part of the thesis provides overview of the provisions of the new Civil Code regarding termination of contract, describing the conditions for termination of the contract, limitations on contractual freedom to agree upon grounds for the termination of the contract, prerequisites of the termination of the contract and the legal consequences to the rights and obligations of the contractual parties following successful termination of the contract. The thesis differentiates between the following generally applicable grounds for the termination of the contract: (i) a material breach of contract; (ii) a breach of contract (whether material or immaterial) constituting delay within the meaning of the new Civil Code, (iii) fulfilment of specific obligation with defects and (iv) anticipatory breach of contract. Each ground for termination is analysed in detail and the overlaps of the specific grounds for termination is identified. The thesis further introduces selected interpretation difficulties connected with the new Civil Code and suggests possible solutions to these issues, taking into account the purpose of the provisions...

La résolution du contrat pour inexécution : étude comparative du droit français et du droit chinois /

Chang, Marie Pei-Heng. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Aix-Marseille, 2005.

The psychological contract of designated and non-designated groups in a financial institution / C. Strydom

Strydom, Chanette January 2009 (has links)
Due to socio-political transformation, South Africa has been subjected to dramatic changes that influenced employment relationships, employment contracts between employees and employers arid the psychological contract of employees. Due to all these socio-political changes different groups of employees experience differences in their psychological contracts and have certain expectations that their organisation should fulfil. The general objective of this research is to determine the psychological contract of designated and non-designated groups of a banking institution in the North West Province. A cross-sectional survey design was used to collect the data and reach the objectives of this study. Stratified random sample (n = 131) was taken from permanently appointed designated and non-designated employees of different branches in a South African banking institution in the North West Province. A structured, self-completion questionnaire was used to collect the data. The Psycones Questionnaire and discrimination and affirmative action questions were selected from different existing questionnaires and were used to compile the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (e.g. means, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis) were used to analyse the data. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationships between the variables. Multiple regression analyses were used to investigate the effects of the variables in this study, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed to assess the differences in the experience of affirmative action policies of demographic groups. Item-level analysis is performed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that designated and non-designated groups of employees do not experience a difference in their breach or violation of their psychological contracts when affirmative action policies are correctly implemented and communicated. Based on the findings of this study organisations are advised to ensure that affirmative action policies are implemented correctly and communicated to all groups of employees, and then designated and non-designated employees would not differ in their experience of violation in their psychological contracts. Limitations in the research are identified and recommendations were made. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

The psychological contract of designated and non-designated groups in a financial institution / C. Strydom

Strydom, Chanette January 2009 (has links)
Due to socio-political transformation, South Africa has been subjected to dramatic changes that influenced employment relationships, employment contracts between employees and employers arid the psychological contract of employees. Due to all these socio-political changes different groups of employees experience differences in their psychological contracts and have certain expectations that their organisation should fulfil. The general objective of this research is to determine the psychological contract of designated and non-designated groups of a banking institution in the North West Province. A cross-sectional survey design was used to collect the data and reach the objectives of this study. Stratified random sample (n = 131) was taken from permanently appointed designated and non-designated employees of different branches in a South African banking institution in the North West Province. A structured, self-completion questionnaire was used to collect the data. The Psycones Questionnaire and discrimination and affirmative action questions were selected from different existing questionnaires and were used to compile the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (e.g. means, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis) were used to analyse the data. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationships between the variables. Multiple regression analyses were used to investigate the effects of the variables in this study, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed to assess the differences in the experience of affirmative action policies of demographic groups. Item-level analysis is performed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that designated and non-designated groups of employees do not experience a difference in their breach or violation of their psychological contracts when affirmative action policies are correctly implemented and communicated. Based on the findings of this study organisations are advised to ensure that affirmative action policies are implemented correctly and communicated to all groups of employees, and then designated and non-designated employees would not differ in their experience of violation in their psychological contracts. Limitations in the research are identified and recommendations were made. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

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