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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie av ventilation i simhall : Med fokus på klorbaserade luftföroreningar / Study of Ventilation in Public Baths : Focusing on chlorine-based air pollution

Dahlby, Mikael, Gustafson Sjöberg, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Allmänna bad bidrar i hög grad till att främja allmänhetens hälsa och välbefinnande. De erbjuder möjlighet till motion och rekreation för människor i alla åldrar. För att badgäster ska trivas och må bra krävs det att vatten- och luftkvalitet håller hög nivå. I syfte att förhindra spridning av sjukdomsalstrande organismer mellan badgäster används klor som en central komponent för att desinficera vattnet. Kloret lämnar dock restprodukter efter sig, främst trikloramin som påverkar människors hälsa negativt. Trikloramin samlas över vattenytan och stannar kvar i andningszonen om inte föroreningarna transporteras bort via luftrörelser.  I Nolhaga simhall sker fram till 2018 en ombyggnad av anläggningen. Rapporten berör den nya ventilationslösning som kommer att användas till motionsbassängen. För att studera hur denna lösning fungerar och hur god luftväxling den skapar över vattenytan har en modell av simhallen skapats i CAD-program. Luftflöden har sedan simulerats i en förenklad CFD modellen och jämförts med ett röktest i en liknande simhall. Utöver den lösning som är tänkt att byggas har ett alternativ med kompletterande frånluftsdon i golvnivå simulerats.  Resultatet indikerar att lufthastigheter över vattenytan ligger inom de rekommendationer som finns angivna. Luften har en tendens att röra sig i lokalen med ett återcirkulerande beteende där tilluften följer taket in i hallen för att sedan gå ner vid bakre väggen och tillbaka över vattenytan. Luftrörelserna följer detta beteende oberoende om frånluftsdonet är placerat i golv- eller taknivå. Någon skillnad i mängd bortfört trikloramin kan inte säkerställas med de metoder som använts i rapporten. Röktestet gav inte ett tillräckligt tydligt resultat för att några kopplingar till simulering ska kunna göras. Brist på tid, förkunskaper och erfarenhet inom området gör att osäkerheten kring de resultat som nåtts är stor. Mer arbete inom CFD och badhusventilation krävs för att öka trovärdigheten.

Fundamental Characteristics of Fluidable Material Dam Break Flow with Finite Extent and Its Application / 流動性材料を用いた有限領域のダム破壊流れの基本特性とその応用に関する研究

Puay, How Tion 23 March 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15344号 / 工博第3223号 / 新制||工||1485(附属図書館) / 27822 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 細田 尚, 教授 後藤 仁志, 准教授 米山 望 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Predicting Flow Dynamics of an Entire Engine Cooling System Using 3D CFD

Johansson, Adam, Gunnarsson, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
A combustion engine generates a lot of heat which need to be cooled to prevent damages to the engine and the surrounding parts. If the cooling system can not provide enough cooling to keep the engine in a well defined range of temperatures performance and durability will decrease and emissions increase. It is also important that the cooling system do not over-cool the engine, since this may result in rough running, increased engine friction and an overall negative performance. The aim of this thesis work is to create a complete 3D digital model of the cooling system for the first generation VED4 HP with CFD in STAR-CCM+. The simulated results are compared to available experimental data for validation. Today the entire system is being modeled with 1D CFD. One of the selected components in the cooling system being model in 3D at Volvo Cars is the water jacket. The 3D CFD model depends on the 1D CFD model for the boundary conditions which is an ineffective and time consuming process, sending data back and forth between the models when making changes. A 3D CFD model is not only more accurate than the 1D CFD model, since it capture the 3D flow phenomenas but it also allows parts or areas to be studied in detail. A study of four different turbulence models is conducted on the water jacket and on an arbitrary pipe in the cooling system. A mesh study is carried on the water jacket, the same arbitrary pipe and on the thermostat, both for the opened and closed thermostat. These studies are done with regard to pressure drop only. The study yields a low Reynolds model with the k-ε v2f turbulence model gave the best results. There is a discrepancy between the simulated results and the experiments. Main reasons to this may be the difference in the geometry used in this thesis for the digital model and the geometry used for the experiments together with the inaccuracies in the experimental data. The overall deviation is larger for a case with closed thermostat than for a case with an open thermostat. With the correct geometry and more accurate experimental data the simulations should be a close representation of reality.

Simulering av NOx-bildning i rosterpanna hos Vasa värme Kalix

Holappa, Mia January 2017 (has links)
Vasa värme är ett företag som producerar och levererar fjärrvärme. Anläggningen i Kalixomfattar bland annat en 10 MW rosterpanna, FBP2, som eldas med fuktigt biobränsleoch Vasa värme vill sänka sina NOx-emissioner från denna panna. Syftet och målet meddetta examensarbete är att förstår hur förbränning leder till NOx-bilning i FBP2 och geförslag på hur emissionerna kan minskas. Arbetet studerar hur termisk-, bränsle- och prompt NOx bildas samt utvärderar reducerandeåtgärder. Primära åtgärder i form av flerstegsförbränning, rökgasåterföring, reburningoch bäddformation har studerats tillsammans med de sekundära åtgärderna SCR och SNCR. För att kunna utvärdera hur väl de olika åtgärderna skulle fungera för FBP2 har mätdatasamlats in och en CFD modell skapats utifrån ett verklig driftfall. Modellens temperaturprofiljämförs med fyra termoelement som finns utplacerade i FBP2 och i tre av fyrafall överensstämmer temperaturmätningarna med det modellen visar. I det fjärde fallet ärdet något osäkert om termoelementet ger ett korrekt resultat. Temperaturprofilen visaratt det finns områden som skulle gynna en reduktionsreaktion för SNCR men modelleninnehåller förenklingar i detta områden vilket innebär att den verkliga temperaturen ärlägre än det modellen visar. De simulerade NOx värdena överensstämmer med de somuppmätts och modellen visar att det bara bildas bränsle NOx. Fyra fall med ändrar geometri simuleras; ett med fler tertiärlufthål, ett utan tertiärlufthål,ett med fler sekundärlufthål och ett med halverad primärluft. Alla fall utom halveradprimärluft, som visade på en rejäl NOx sänkning, gav högre simulerade NOx värden. I fortsättningen föreslås att det NOx-reducerande arbetet ska innefatta att minska primärluftmängdenoch undersöka möjligheten att installera SNCR. Modellen kan användasför fortsatt arbete men innan dess bör modellens geometri utökas, en del förenklingar börarbetas bort och modellen

Field and Numerical Investigation of Mixing and Transport of Ammonia in the Ottawa River

Vouk, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
Wastewater treatment plants discharge effluents containing a number of constituents whose concentrations may negatively affect the receiving waters. Current research in mixing and transport between a point source discharge and the ambient environment attempts to reduce these effects through a better understanding of the physical processes involved and development of numerical models to better predict the fate of the effluents under different conditions. This thesis examined the mixing and transport of ammonia discharged from a multiport diffuser of a municipal wastewater treatment plant into the Ottawa River. The river reach was surveyed using an M9 acoustic Doppler current profiler to obtain spatially distributed measurements of depth and velocity. Water samples were collected at and downstream of the diffuser at multiple depths. The samples were analyzed for ammonia concentration and kinetics. The river reach was also simulated in the FLOW-3D model using available turbulence closure schemes. Comparisons were made between measured and modelled results, as well as some empirical and semi-empirical approximations. A combination of measured and modelled results helped describe (quantitatively and qualitatively) the mixing and transport between the discharged effluent and receiving river. Unionized ammonia was tested for regulatory compliance. Both measured and modelled results showed that although the regulatory end-of-pipe discharge concentrations were met, downstream regulations were not met.

Prédiction de la taille et de la composition des inclusions dans une poche d'acier liquide : étude numérique / Prediction of inclusion size and composition inside a liquid steel ladle : numerical stud

Claudotte, Laurent 26 March 2010 (has links)
La qualité des aciers est un axe important pour ArcelorMittal. La présence d'inclusions, sous forme de précipités de compositions diverses, peut produire des défauts dans les brames (exfoliations) qui pourront se répercuter lors des opérations de laminage, en donnant un mauvais état de surface à la tôle d'acier. Afin de proposer des actionneurs permettant une élimination efficace de ces inclusions, nous devons avant tout connaître les phénomènes qui régissent leur naissance et leur vie. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc de comprendre et de pouvoir prédire les étapes de germination/croissance des inclusions solides présentes dans l'acier liquide. Dans cette optique, un outil numérique a été mis en place. Il prend en compte non seulement la mécanique des fluides à travers l'utilisation de Fluent® mais aussi la thermodynamique avec un outil fait maison et le suivi en taille des populations d'inclusions avec une nouvelle méthode basée sur les travaux de Marchisio et al. (2004). Le module Multi-QMOM est un outil élégant, construit avec un nombre fini de méthode QMOM (Quadrature Method Of Moments), utilisé pour suivre l'évolution en taille d'une population multiple. Il représente l'innovation majeure de cette thèse. L'outil numérique dont les résultats ont été confrontés à des cas analytiques et industriels permet de modéliser les phénomènes de précipitation, de croissance, d'agrégation et d'extraction de diverses inclusions solides et il permet l'étude de différents paramètres et leurs impacts sur la population inclusionnaire / The steel quality is an important focus for ArcelorMittal. The presence of inclusions in the form of precipitates of different composition can produce defects in the slab (exfoliation) which can affect rolling operations and giving a poor surface sheet of steel. To provide actuators for efficient removal of these inclusions, we must first know the phenomena that govern their birth and their lives. The objective of this thesis is to understand and to predict the stages of germination / growth of solid inclusions present in liquid steel. In this context, a numerical tool has been implemented. It takes into account not only the mechanics of fluid through the use of Fluent® but also thermodynamics with a homemade tool called MIPPHASOLACIDO and an inclusions population size tracking with a new method based on the work of Marchisio et al. (2004). Multi-QMOM is an elegant tool built with a finite number of QMOM (Quadrature Method Of Moments) used to monitor changes of population size. It represents the major innovation of this thesis. The numerical tool whose results were compared to analytical and industrial cases can model the phenomena of precipitation, growth, aggregation and extraction of various solid inclusions. It allows the study of different parameters and their impacts on inclusions population

CFD calibrated thermal network modelling for oil-cooled power transformers

Wu, Wei January 2011 (has links)
Power transformers are key components of electric system networks; their performance inevitably influences the reliability of electricity transmission and distribution systems. To comprehend the thermal ageing of transformers, hot-spot prediction becomes of significance. As the current method to estimate the hot-spot temperature is based on empirical hot-spot factor and is over-simplified, thermal network modelling has been developed due to its well balance between computation speed and approximation details. The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) on transformer thermal analysis could investigate detailed and fundamental phenomena of cooling oil flow, and the principle of this PhD thesis is then to develop more accurate and reliable network modelling tools by utilising CFD.In this PhD thesis the empirical equations employed in network model for Nusselt number (Nu), friction coefficient and junction pressure losses (JPL) are calibrated for a wide range of winding dimensions used by power transformer designs from 22 kV to 500 kV, 20 MVA to 500 MVA, by conducting large sets of CFD simulations. The newly calibrated Nu equation predicts a winding temperature increase as the consequence of on average 15% lower Nu values along horizontal oil ducts. The new friction coefficient equation predicts a slightly more uniform oil flow rate distribution across the ducts, and also calculates a higher pressure drop over the entire winding. The new constant values for the JPL equations shows much better match to experimental results than the currently used 'off-the-shelf' constants and also reveals that more oil will tend to flow through the upper half of a pass if at a high inlet oil flow rate. Based on a test winding model in the laboratory, the CFD calibrated network model's calculation results are compared to both CFD and experimental results. It is concluded that the deviation between the oil pressure drop over the pass calculated by the network model and the CFD and the measured values is acceptably low. It proves that network modelling could deliver quick and reliable calculation results of the oil pressure drop over windings and thereby assist to choose capable oil pumps at the thermal design stage. However the flow distribution predicted by network model deviates from the one by CFD; this is particularly obvious for the cases with high flow rates probably due to the entry eddy circulation phenomena observed in CFD. As no experiment validation has been conducted, further investigation is necessary. The CFD calibrated network model is also applied to conduct a set of sensitivity studies on various thermal design parameters as well as loads. Because the studies are on a directed oil cooling winding case, an oil pump model is incorporated. From the studies recommendations are given for optimising thermal design, e.g. narrowed horizontal ducts will reduce average winding and hot-spot temperatures, and narrowed vertical ducts will however increase the temperatures. Doubled oil block washers are found to be able to significantly reduce the disc temperatures, although there is a slight reduction of the total oil flow rate, due to the increase of winding hydraulic impedance. The impact of different loadings, 50%~150% of rated load, upon the forced oil flow rate is limited, relative change below 5%. The correlations between the average winding and hot-spot temperatures versus the load factors follow parabolic trends.

Highly resolved LES and tests of the effectiveness of different URANS models for the computation of challenging natural convection cases

Ammour, Dalila January 2014 (has links)
In the present thesis turbulent natural convection of air within different challenging test cases are investigated numerically by means of an unstructured finite volume code, Code_Saturne. First, flow within both two-dimensional vertical and inclined differentially heated rectangular cavities at 60° and 15° to the horizontal for an aspect ratio of H/L=28.6 and Rayleigh number of 0.86×10e6 is computed using several high and low-Re models. Here the effectiveness of the RANS models in Code_Saturne is assessed through comparisons with a range of available experimental data. After some tests of thermal field inside vertical cavity, the “two-velocity-scale wall function” is chosen to be used with high-Re models. In both vertical and inclined cases the overall flow pattern appears similar, with a single circulation cell, and a boundary layer at the wall. The levels of turbulence energy are generally slightly lower in the inclined case. Most models give a reasonable prediction of measured Nusselt number, with the two low-Re approaches generally being closer to the data than the schemes employing wall functions. For the 15° inclined cavity, a multi cellular motion is shown by the high-Re models. Nevertheless, all the model predictions disagree with experimental data due to the presence in real flow of 3-D unsteady structures as found in Benard convection problems. These cannot, definitely, be reproduced using a 2-D geometry. Both highly resolved LES and unsteady RANS computations are then conducted, for turbulent natural convection of air inside 15° unstably and stably stratified cavities. In accordance with recent experimental data, the LES computations for both enclosures returned three-dimensional time-averaged flow fields. In the case of the unstably stratified enclosure, the flow is highly unsteady with coherent turbulent structures in the core of the enclosure. Results of LES computations show close agreement with the measured data. Subsequent comparisons of different URANS schemes with the present LES are used in order to explore to what extent these models are able to reproduce the large-scale unsteady flow structures. All URANS schemes have been found to be able to reproduce the 3-D unsteady flow features present in the 15° unstable cavity. However, the low-Re model tested as well as requiring a high resolution near-wall grid, also needed a finer grid in the core region than the high-Re models, thus making it computationally very expensive. Flow within the 15° stable cavity also shows some 3-D features, although it is significantly less unsteady, and the URANS models tested here have been less successful in reproducing this flow pattern. Finally, natural convection of CO2 inside a horizontal annular penetration enclosure, which can be found in AGR's, has been performed using a highly resolved LES and a set of RANS models. The Rayleigh number is 1.5×10e9. RANS models agree with the present LES on the fact that the flow is unsteady and there are large-scale oscillations present which decrease in amplitude as one moves from the open towards the closed end of the annular enclosure. Overall heat transfer and thermal quantitative and dynamic results show that RANS schemes are in close agreement with the current LES data except some discrepancies shown by the high-Re model which can be returned to the limitation of the simple wall function used to predict such complex flow.

Application of genetic algorithms to problems in computational fluid dynamics

Fabritius, Björn January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis a methodology is presented to optimise non–linear mathematical models in numerical engineering applications. The method is based on biological evolution and uses known concepts of genetic algorithms and evolutionary compu- tation. The working principle is explained in detail, the implementation is outlined and alternative approaches are mentioned. The optimisation is then tested on a series of benchmark cases to prove its validity. It is then applied to two different types of problems in computational engineering. The first application is the mathematical modeling of turbulence. An overview of existing turbulence models is followed by a series of tests of different models applied to various types of flows. In this thesis the optimisation method is used to find improved coefficient values for the k–ε, the k–ω-SST and the Spalart–Allmaras models. In a second application optimisation is used to improve the quality of a computational mesh automatically generated by a third party software tool. This generation can be controlled by a set of parameters, which are subject to the optimisation. The results obtained in this work show an improvement when compared to non–optimised results. While computationally expensive, the genetic optimisation method can still be used in engineering applications to tune predefined settings with the aim to produce results of higher quality. The implementation is modular and allows for further extensions and modifications for future applications.

A Computational Protocol for Spray Flows Using the Quadratic Formula as the Primary Atomization Module

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Computability of spray flows is an important issue, from both fundamental and practical perspectives. Spray flows have important applications in fuel injection, agriculture, medical devices, and industrial processes such as spray cooling. For this reason, many efforts have been devoted to experimental, computational and some theoretical aspects of spray flows. In particular, primary atomization, the process of bulk liquid transitioning to small droplets, is a central and probably the most difficult aspect of spray flows. This thesis discusses developed methods, results, and needed improvements in the modeling of primary atomization using a predictive Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) formula. Primary atomization for round injectors and simplex atomizers is modeled using a three-step procedure. For each spray geometry, a volume-of-fluid simulation is run to resolve the trajectory of the intact liquid core. Atomization criterion is applied to the volume-of-fluid velocity field to determine atomization sites. Local droplet size is predicted at the atomization sites using the quadratic formula for Sauter Mean Diameter. Droplets with the computed drop size are injected from the atomization sites and are tracked as point-particles. A User Defined Memory (UDM) code is employed to compute steady-state Sauter Mean Diameter statistics at locations corresponding to experimental interrogation locations. The resulting Sauter Mean Diameter, droplet trajectory, and droplet velocity are compared against experimental data to validate the computational protocol. This protocol can be implemented on coarse-grid, time-averaged simulations of spray flows, and produces convincing results when compared with experimental data for pressure-atomized sprays with and without swirl. This approach is general and can be adapted in any spray geometry for complete and efficient computations of spray flows. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2020

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