Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COMPETITIVENESS"" "subject:"[enn] COMPETITIVENESS""
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Apprentissages et coopétition au sein des réseaux territorialisés d'innovation / Learning and coopetition within territorialized innovation networksZellal, Ahlem 26 November 2016 (has links)
Le socle de ce travail doctoral est constitué par le résultat d’une recherche antérieure, puisque nous avons réalisé une expérience fort enrichissante, sur l’émergence des projets collaboratifs de recherche et développement, au sein des réseaux d’innovation. Pôles de compétitivité (PDC), clusters et Centre Francilien de l’Innovation, furent, en effet, observés, dans le cadre d’un travail de master. Le principal apport de cette thèse, par rapport à cette précédente réflexion, c’est que nous ne nous sommes pas arrêtée à l’observation des pôles, puisque nous avons été jusqu’aux entreprises porteuses (EP) de projets collaboratifs. Nous ne nous sommes pas, non plus, arrêtée à une analyse descriptive des comportements coopétitifs et d’apprentissage organisationnels, au sein de ces réseaux, puisque nous sommes allée vers une classification de ces comportements, par type et par degré de récurrence. Plus, nous avons eu l’ambition d’en tenter une explication, pour, au final, aboutir à l’élaboration, à partir de ceux qui sont les plus avantageux, d’un modèle de bon fonctionnement des pôles de compétitivité, sans exclure, compte tenu du dégagement d’un certain nombre de recommandations théoriquement justifiées, celle d’un guide de bonnes pratiques, à l’intention des entreprises porteuses de projets de R et D. Nous visons donc, l’optimisation de la qualité du fonctionnement de ces réseaux ainsi que de ces projets collaboratifs de R et D. L’originalité des résultats de cette thèse de doctorat, réside donc dans l’ajout, au document de la thèse, d’un fascicule à part, relié et illustré, en vue, après sa validation par mon jury, de le tirer en 30 exemplaires et de le remettre, en guise de reconnaissance, aux interlocuteurs de notre échantillon de PDC et d’EP, qui, directeurs de pôles, qui directeurs scientifiques, qui chargés de projet, qui chefs de projets, qui Ingénieurs, qui directeurs de recherches, ont bien voulu répondre, lors d’entretiens en face à face, aux 34 questions de 02 guides d’entretiens. Les copieuses données primaires ont été patiemment retranscrites, permettant, de la sorte, la vérification de 05 hypothèses. / The theoretical and practical background of this doctoral work consists of the results of a previous research project, as we carried out a very rewarding experience, about the emergence of collaborative projects research and development, in innovation networks. Pole of competitiveness, clusters and Francilien Innovation Centre, were, in fact, observed.The main contribution of this thesis, with respect to this previous work is that we have observed not only the poles of competitiveness, but also the carrier companies of collaborative projects exploration.In addition to a descriptive analysis of coopetitive behavior and organizational learning within these networks, we have also categorized these behaviors, through their type and degree of recurrence.Moreover, from those most preferred behaviors, we have had the ambition to attempt their explanation for, ultimately, develop a model of functioning of clusters without excluding, the proposal of the release of a number of theoretically justified recommendations, that of good practices guide, for carrier companies to R and D projects.Thus, we are aiming at the optimization the quality of operation of these networks.The originality of the results of this doctoral thesis lies in the addition to the document of the thesis, of a separate booklet, bound and illustrated, in order, after its validation by my jury, to print 30 copies and deliver it, in recognition, to the interlocutors of our sample of PDC and EP (CEO poles, Scientific Directors, Project Manager, Engineer, Creator of the Company, Research Director, Driver innovation), who have responded during face-to-face interview, to 34 questions of 02 guides. Copious primary data were patiently transcribed, allowing, in this way, the verification of 05 hypothesis.
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10 kamp i fjärrvärme : Hur ett befintligt fjärrvärmesystem kan bli mer effektivtHejde, Alexander, Kylén, Peter January 2010 (has links)
Fjärrvärmen utgör idag ungefär 12 % (48 TWh) av Sveriges totala energianvändning. Starka argument att använda fjärrvärme för att tillgodose bostäders och lokalers värmebehov är möjligheten att använda olika bränslen av skiftande pris och kvalitet, den goda verkningsgraden en centraliserad värmeanläggning erhåller samt fördelen med att kombinera produktionen av el och värme. Halmstad energi och miljö (HEM), förser Halmstad och närområdet med fjärrvärme och total mängd producerad energi uppgick 2009 till 596 GWh. Avfall och biobränsle utgör den största produktionsandelen men även industriell spillvärme samt mindre mängder olja och naturgas används för att framställa värme. Konkurrenssituationen för fjärrvärme är på många orter i det närmsta monopolistisk där en stor aktör äger hela marknaden. Det är viktigt att förbättra fjärrvärmesystemet för att i framtiden behålla dess konkurrenskraft. Följande rapport utreder och beskriver åtgärder för att göra ett redan befintligt fjärrvärmesystem mer effektivt. Utifrån möten med personal på HEM har tio punkter presenterats, vilka utvärderar olika delmoment i Halmstads fjärrvärmesystem. Utifrån dessa punkter presenteras en ”kvalitetsstämpel” vilken beskriver hur väl HEM:s fjärrvärmesystem fungerar inom respektive delområde. Slutsatsen av rapporten visar att förbättringspotential ur en energieffektiv synvinkel är möjlig men att de ekonomiska fördelarna är få. / District heating constitutes about 12 % (48 TWh) of the total energy usage in Sweden. Arguments for utilize district heating to provide housings and premises with heat are the possibility to use different kinds of fuels with various prices and quality, the good efficiency a centralized heating plant gives and the benefits of produce electricity and heat at the same time. The energy company HEM supplies Halmstad and surrounding area with district heating and the produced amount of energy 2009 was 596 GWh. Waste and bio fuels constitutes the largest part of produced energy but also industrial lost heat and small amounts of oil and natural gas are used to produce heat. The competitive situation for district heating is in many places close to monopolistic because only one major participant owns the market. It is important to improve a district heating system to maintain it’s ability to be competitive in the future. The following report investigates and describes interventions to make an already existing district heating system more efficient. From meetings with personnel, ten items has been presented evaluating different elements in the district heating system of Halmstad. These elements also give a view of how well HEM:s district heating system works in different areas. The conclusion of this report shows that the potential of a more energy efficient system is possible but the economical benefits are few.
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Posilování konkurenceschopnosti firmy / Development of Competitiveness of CompanyHorká, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis titled Development of competitiveness of company deals with arrangements for a café in the city center leading to the strengthening of its competitiveness. First, it analyzes the internal and external environment and evaluates customer satisfaction questionnaire. The results of these analyzes are summarized in the SWOT analysis. Based on the information measures are proposed, which should contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the company.
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Strategie konkurenčních střetů / Strategy of Competitive EncountersJílek, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the optimal choice of competitive strategy for the company Sulko. The work consists of an analysis of the company´s current state, the theoretical background and the proposal part. The part of thesis analyzing the company´s current state focuses on whether the company has a competitive strategy and strategic goals set. The theoretical part describes the issue of competitive strategy, the process of strategy formation and competitive advantages. The third part includes the comparison of Sulko to the top ten competitors at the market and also there is a practical example of all companies´ responses to customer´s demand for a product. Finally, the optimal competitive strategy is determined.
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Posílení konkurenceschopnosti v oblasti prodeje automobilů s využitím operativního leasingu / Development of Competitiveness of Sales of Cars on the Base of Operating LeasingHalounek, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on possibilities of raising competitivness in the area of car sales using operational leasing with Škoda Auto, a.s as an example. This automotive company together with Škofin, s.r.o. provides its customers with a service „Škoda without worry“. The company positioning on the market was evaluated based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the product, market and competition. Suggestions presented in this thesis bring up a conceptual change of the service „Škoda without worry“ with a goal to increase the value for customers and competitivness of the company. Introducing a loyalty program Škoda is mentioned as an alternative solution. Benefits and risks associated with implementation of the suggested measures are listed in conclusion.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The biodiesel production chain in Rio Grande do Sul is based on the production of soybeans potential, traditional cultivation of family farmers. Agricultural cooperatives are important economic agents in the energy market. They hold about 30% of the receipt of the soybean crop, and are included in institutional actions foreseen by the National Plan for Production and Use of Biodiesel. Based on this reality, the objective of this research is to analyze the position taken by the agricultural cooperatives entered in the production chain of biodiesel soybean oil base in Rio Grande do Sul. Is employed multicases study method. The conceptual approach uses the SWOT and through the fuzzy sets, illustrating the positioning of the cooperative compared to production chain. The linguistic model was applied in five agricultural cooperatives, authorized by the Ministry of Agrarian Development to supply raw material to the biodiesel industry in the state. With the results of applying the SWOT-Fuzzy linguistic model, it was possible to explore the positioning of the cooperatives compered to the biodiesel production chain. Among the five analyzed cooperatives, the Coopermil has the boldest competitive positioning against the biodiesel chain, the internal environment is formed by intensity forces and the external environment predominance opportunity. The Cotrirosa has an internal organization with structured forces that allows positioning unobtrusively and capturing the opportunities in their favor and deflecting threats. The Cotribá and Cotrisal have an internal scenario classified as neutral, as the external environment is rooted in the development of potential opportunities with this characterization cooperatives adapt their forces and reduce their threats according to the opportunities that biodiesel chain offers. The cooperative with more discreet competitive positioning ahead the chain is Cotrijal that shapes their strengths and mitigates weaknesses in order to capture the biodiesel chain opportunity and divert the threat, the cooperative is positioned directly as the right time to market. / A cadeia produtiva do biodiesel no Rio Grande do Sul está pautada no potencial produtivo do grão soja, tradicional cultivo dos agricultores familiares da região. Por deterem aproximadamente 30% do recebimento da safra de soja, e por serem contempladas em ações institucionais previstas pelo Plano Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel, as cooperativas agrícolas são importantes agentes econômicos atuantes nesse mercado energético. Partindo dessa realidade, o objetivo da presente pesquisa é analisar o posicionamento assumido pelas cooperativas agropecuárias inseridas na cadeia produtiva do biodiesel a base do óleo de soja no Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, emprega-se o método de estudo multicasos. Utiliza-se a abordagem conceitual da matriz SWOT e através dos conjuntos fuzzy, ilustra-se o posicionamento das cooperativas frente à supracitada cadeia produtiva. O modelo linguístico foi aplicado em cinco cooperativas agropecuárias, habilitadas pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário ao fornecimento de matéria-prima a indústria de biodiesel no estado. Com os resultados da aplicação do modelo linguístico SWOT-Fuzzy, foi possível explorar o posicionamento das cooperativas gaúchas frente à cadeia produtiva do biodiesel. Entre as cinco cooperativas analisadas, a Coopermil possui o posicionamento competitivo mais arrojado frente à cadeia do biodiesel, o ambiente interno é formado por intensidade de forças e o ambiente externo de predominância de oportunidade. A Cotrirosa tem uma organização interna com forças estruturadas que permite se posicionar de forma discreta e captar as oportunidades ao seu favor e desviar das ameaças. A Cotribá e Cotrisal possuem um cenário interno classificado como neutro, já o ambiente externo é alicerçado no desenvolvimento de potenciais oportunidades, com essa caracterização as cooperativas adaptam suas forças e reduzem suas ameaças de acordo com as oportunidades que cadeia do biodiesel oferece. A cooperativa com posicionamento competitivo mais discreto frente a cadeia é a Cotrijal, que molda as suas forças e ameniza suas fraquezas no objetivo de captar as oportunidade da cadeia do biodiesel e desviar das ameaça, a cooperativa se posiciona diretamente conforme o momento certo de mercado.
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The models of performance measurement help in decision-making, reflecting the organization's strategy into a set of measures which are capable of performing the measurement of its performance. In this scenario, the present work has the objective to propose a model of performance measurement based on the satisfaction of company's customers Brasilata S/A. This model is responsible for indicator of customer satisfaction from the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The proposed model consists in the application of a diagnostic for measuring the satisfaction indicator applied to customers of the company. The modeling presents in its assessment phase, the index of individual satisfaction of each customer, thus permitting the comparison and discussion of the results obtained. It is concluded that it is possible to measure and evaluate the level of satisfaction of customers of the company object of study through the use of the proposed model, where it is found that the overall rate of customer satisfaction reached the level of 98.68 %. / Os modelos de mensuração de desempenho auxiliam nas tomadas de decisão, traduzindo a estratégia da organização em um conjunto de medidas capazes de realizar a mensuração do seu desempenho. Frente a este cenário, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de mensuração de desempenho com base na satisfação dos clientes da empresa Brasilata S/A. Esse modelo é responsável pelo indicador de satisfação dos clientes na perspectiva de clientes do Balanced Scorecard (BSC). O modelo proposto consiste na aplicação de um diagnóstico para mensuração do indicador de satisfação aplicado aos clientes da empresa. A modelagem apresenta em sua fase de avaliação, o índice de satisfação individual de cada cliente, permitindo-se assim a comparação e discussão dos resultados obtidos. Conclui-se que é possível medir e avaliar o nível de satisfação dos clientes da empresa objeto de estudo por meio da utilização da modelagem proposta, onde se verifica que o índice global de satisfação dos clientes atingiu o patamar de 98,68%.
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Redes de cooperação do estado do Rio Grande do Sul: um estudo dos motivos de participação das empresas em redes / Nets of cooperation in Rio Grande do Sul: a study of the reasons for the participation of enterprises in netsBecker, Deisi Viviani 20 June 2007 (has links)
At the present scenario, one of the solutions found by micro, small and even medium-sized enterprises to retake their growth, development and competitiveness has been the nets. This alternative may result in more development of the enterprises through a proposal of joint growth, which is a strategy of cooperation that aims to provide competitive advantages. The research had as objective verify the reason of the company enter in the net and if this objective be reached. Our research was concentrated in 117 enterprises that take part in the Nets of Cooperation proposed by the Business Development and International Affairs Department (SEDAI) of the government of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), in partnership with the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC) and the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). This sample was restricted to the enterprises that belong to the four biggest nets in number of associates from the two regions where the universities are located: the region of the Vale do Taquari and Rio Pardo and the region of the center of the state, respectively. Through a questionnaire, it was possible to verify the reasons that led the enterprises to join the nets and wheter their goals were being reached. The search of opportunities and the minimization of costs were found to be their main aims, while the sharing of resources (technological, management and human resources), leadership in the net and trust are in second plan. Another aspect that called attention mentions to it the referring answers to the number of associates in the nets, detailing that one of the reasons that had made with that the searched entrepreneurs
entered the nets was the high number of associates and not it low number as the theories point that it is one of the forms of development and reduction of internal conflicts.The content of this work is organized in six chapters: introduction, characterization of nets and the main international experiences, the reasons for joining the nets, methodology, analysis of the results and finally, concluding remarks with some suggestions for further studies / No atual cenário vivido por micro, pequenas e até mesmo médias empresas, uma das saídas encontradas para a retomada do crescimento, desenvolvimento e competitividade tem sido as redes. Essa alternativa pode proporcionar às empresas desenvolverem-se através de uma proposta de crescimento e desenvolvimento conjunto, proporcionando às mesmas alcançar vantagens competitivas através da cooperação. A pesquisa que teve como objetivo verificar os
motivos das empresas entrarem nas redes e se esses objetivos foram atingidos, foi desenvolvida em 117 empresas pertencentes às Redes de Cooperação criadas a partir da
iniciativa da Secretaria do Desenvolvimento e dos Assuntos Internacionais - SEDAI, do Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - RS, em parceria com as Universidades de Santa
Cruz do Sul (UNISC) e Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). A amostra se restringiu às empresas pertencentes às quatro maiores redes em número de associados nas duas regiões de
abrangência das Universidades, Vale do Taquari e Rio Pardo e região Centro do Estado, respectivamente. Através de questionário, foi possível verificar os motivos que fizeram com
que as empresas entrassem nas redes e se estes estavam sendo atingidos. Em um breve panorama do estudo, os principais pontos do trabalho desenvolvido chamam a atenção para os fatores de busca de oportunidades e de minimização de custos, sendo colocados em segundo plano, motivos como compartilhamento de recursos (tecnológicos, de gestão e humanos), liderança na rede e confiança. Outro aspecto que chamou atenção refere-se às respostas referentes ao número de associados nas redes, detalhando que um dos motivos que fizeram com que os empresários pesquisados ingressassem nas redes foi o alto número de associados e não o baixo número como as teorias apontam que seja uma das formas de desenvolvimento e diminuição de conflitos internos. O conteúdo do trabalho está desenvolvido em seis capítulos,
contendo a introdução, a caracterização de redes e as principais experiências internacionais, os motivos das empresas de entrada nas redes, método do trabalho, análise dos resultados e por fim as considerações finais e recomendações para estudos futuros
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Redes horizontais de empresas no Rio Grande do Sul: um estudo dos fatores influentes na formação e desenvolvimento / Horizontal business networks in Rio Grande do Sul: a study of the factors that influence the formation and developmentWegner, Douglas 28 February 2005 (has links)
As the increase in competition in the market has risen, so has the number of new business arrangements. Among these, horizontal business networks stand out. Horizontal business networks are groups of businesses in the same business field
that share costs, exchange information and increase their buying power, thus making themselves more competitive than larger and more prepared competitors in the domestic and international markets. Currently in Rio Grande do Sul there are more than 100 horizontal business networks, created with governmental support or started by self-employed business owners. Networks can be found in various industries,
such as construction material, bakeries, hotels, video rental stores, agro-industries, pharmacies, supermarkets, and furniture businesses. The object is always the same,
to increase competitiveness of the participants. This study of multiple cases, involving four business networks from the areas of industry and commerce, with the participation of 89 businesses, identifies and analyzes the factors that stimulate and restrict the formation and development of horizontal business networks in Rio Grande do Sul. It verifies that the culture of collaboration of the participating businesses of
the networks, together with the organizational aspects of the collective undertaking, constitute the principle factors that influence obtaining competitive results in the networks researched. Results show that when a mutual effort is made among the factors described, a positive cycle occurs that brings growth to those who participate. The use of appropriate mechanisms for the growth of the culture of collaboration and the honesty of the organization of the network are aspects that can contribute significantly so that the network achieves competitive results. Considering that the
present work involved only four business networks out of hundreds, it is suggested that new research be conducted involving a larger number of networks to increase
the understanding of the subject and confirm the result obtained in this study. / O aumento da competição pelo mercado tem levado ao surgimento de novos arranjos organizacionais. Entre esses, destacam-se as redes horizontais de empresas, nas quais organizações de um mesmo segmento de negócio dividem
custos, trocam experiências, qualificam-se e aumentam seu poder de barganha, tornando-se mais competitivas diante dos competidores maiores e mais bem preparados, tanto no mercado interno quanto externo. No Rio Grande do Sul existem
atualmente mais de 100 redes horizontais de empresas, criadas com o apoio governamental ou a partir de iniciativas autônomas dos empresários. Podem ser encontradas redes em segmentos tão variados quanto lojas de materiais de
construção, padarias, hotéis, videolocadoras, agroindústrias, farmácias, supermercados ou fábricas de móveis, sempre com o objetivo de aumentar a competitividade dos seus participantes. A partir de um estudo de casos múltiplos,
envolvendo quatro redes de empresas dos segmentos indústria e comércio, com a participação de 89 empresários, este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os fatores que estimulam ou restringem a formação e desenvolvimento de redes horizontais de empresas no Rio Grande do Sul. Verificou-se que a cultura de colaboração dos empresários participantes das redes, juntamente com os aspectos organizacionais do empreendimento coletivo, constituem-se nos principais fatores influentes para a obtenção de resultados competitivos nas redes pesquisadas.
Ressalta-se ainda que ocorre um reforço mútuo entre os fatores descritos, em um ciclo positivo no qual um leva ao incremento do outro. A utilização de mecanismos adequados para o aumento da cultura de colaboração e para a correta organização da rede são aspectos que podem contribuir significativamente para que a rede atinja bons resultados competitivos. Considerando-se que o presente trabalho envolveu apenas quatro redes de empresas de um universo de mais de uma centena, sugere-se que sejam realizadas novas pesquisas envolvendo um número maior de redes, com o objetivo de aumentar a compreensão sobre o assunto e confirmar os resultados obtidos.
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A competitividade das academias de ginástica e musculação de Santa Maria RS / The competitiveness from fitness centers in Santa Maria-RSRoth, Claudio Weissheimer 01 February 2007 (has links)
The aim of this work was to evaluate and analyze the degree of competitiveness from the sector of fitness centers in Santa Maria RS. The study brings an analytics support of Porter
Competitiveness Model (1986), of the five competitive strengths, of the small and medium companies and of the fitness centers sector, charactering as quantitative, descriptive and as a field study. The data used in the analysis and interpretation of this research were obtained through answers to a questionnaire applied for the managers/administrators of the companies related in the Cadastro de Contribuintes de Alvará, from SMIC Secretaria de Indústria e Comércio da Prefeitura Municipal de Santa Maria RS. Through this data it was verified that these companies are mostly PMEs, their basic way of administration is familiar, most part of them was created less than 5 years ago and has as its first concerning the search for solutions
for its internal operational problems. Among the competitive strengths acting in the sector, the bargain power from the customers is considered the most powerful one, because there is in the market a huge sensitiveness to the prices and localization of the fitness centers. Despite it doesn t represent a barrier to the entrance of new companies into the market, the skill to maintain the prices, by the learning curve, is highlighted as a way to remain in the sector. The intensity of rivalry among the competitors is noticed as high and attributed to the big number of similar companies working without differentiation. As the companies don t own a big
extension of shopping and any provider has a relevant participation of goods and equipments, there isn t, in this sector, conditions to the providers to have a bigger power of negotiation. The overcoming of substitute services doesn t concern the companies, and there are no systematic researches for their identification. Among generic competitive strategies described by Porter, most part answered that uses differentiation, that has made investments to improve its competitive position and usually tries to fit the market instead to influence it or to be in front of the competitive moves in the sector. In the end of the research it was concluded that,
the non perception of differentiation from the clients of the services offered by the fitness centers of Santa Maria, is the main challenge to be faced by the companies. The search for
solutions of the companies for a faster and effective visualization of the differentiation of their services face to the concurrence requests actions in the way of profisionalization of the gesture, definition and adoption of an adequate competitive strategy and the creation of a local class entity / O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e analisar o grau de competitividade do setor de academias de ginástica e musculação de Santa Maria RS. O estudo traz um embasamento analítico do Modelo da Competitividade de Porter (1986), das cinco forças competitivas, das pequenas e médias empresas e do setor de academias de ginástica e musculação, caracterizando-se como quantitativo, descritivo e de estudo de campo. Os dados utilizados na análise e interpretação desta pesquisa foram obtidos através de respostas a um questionário aplicado aos gerentes/administradores das empresas relacionadas no cadastro de Contribuintes de Alvará, da SMIC - Secretária de Indústria e Comércio da Prefeitura Municipal de Santa Maria-RS. Através destes dados verificou-se que estas empresas são predominantemente PMEs, a sua forma de administração é basicamente familiar, a maioria foi criada a menos de 05 anos e tem como preocupação primeira a busca por soluções para seus problemas operacionais internos. Entre as forças competitivas atuantes no setor, o poder de barganha dos
clientes é considerada a mais forte, pois existe no mercado uma sensibilidade muito grande quanto aos preços praticados pelas empresas e quanto à localização das academias. Apesar de não identificarem barreiras ao ingresso de novas empresas no mercado, a habilidade de manter os preços praticados, pela curva de aprendizagem, é destacada como o meio de
permanecer no setor. A intensidade da rivalidade entre os concorrentes existentes é percebida como alta e atribuída ao grande número de empresas semelhantes trabalhando sem
diferenciação. Por não possuírem um grande volume de compras e por nenhum fornecedor ter uma forte participação no fornecimento de insumos e equipamentos, não há, no setor,
condições dos fornecedores exercerem um poder maior de negociação. O surgimento de serviços substitutos não traz preocupação às empresas, não havendo pesquisas sistemáticas para a sua identificação. Entre as estratégias competitivas genéricas descritas por Porter, a maioria respondeu que utiliza a de diferenciação, tendo feito investimentos para melhorar sua posição competitiva e normalmente procura se ajustar ao mercado ao invés de tentar
influenciá-lo ou de se antecipar às movimentações competitivas do setor. Ao final da pesquisa concluiu-se que a não percepção pelos clientes de diferenciação entre os serviços prestados pelas academias de ginástica e musculação de Santa Maria é o principal desafio a ser
enfrentado pelas empresas. A busca por soluções para o estabelecimento de uma mais rápida e efetiva visualização da diferenciação de seus serviços perante a concorrência exige ações no sentido da profissionalização da gestão, da definição e adoção de uma estratégia competitiva adequada e da criação de uma entidade de classe local
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