Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CONTACTLESS"" "subject:"[enn] CONTACTLESS""
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Platební karty v České republice / Payment cards in the Czech republicŠvirk, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis "Payment cards in the Czech republic" deals with payment cards, which are currently the most widely used payment instrument. Theoretical part is focused on the formation and development of the first ancestors of payment cards, various kinds of payment cards, there is historical development, basic characteristic, division, possibilities of their current use and future of payment cards. Also there are introduced different types of the payment cards according to different criteria, according to their mode of operation and safety. In the first part practical part of the work is an analysis of the current situation and developments in the payment cards market in the Czech Republic. Subsequently, there is analysis of the payment cards, current accounts and related services at selected bank in the Czech republic mBank S.A., Fio banka a.s., Equabank a.s., Zuno bank a.s. and Air bank a.s. When the objective of the thesis is to find out whether these banks target the same segments of clients. There is a comparation of payment card payment from the perspective of the monthly cost of using payment card from four basic segments of one bank, while there is a comparison of services related to payment card and in the end for every client is chosen the best alternative of payment card and the current account from the perspective of the average monthly cost.
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Determinação de cafeína e identificação de adulterações no café empregando a eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato / Determination of caffeine and identification of adulteration in coffee by capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectionNogueira, Thiago 12 December 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas estratégias para a determinação de cafeína e detecção de adulterações no café, empregando a eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato (CE-C4D). A estratégia desenvolvida para a separação da cafeína se baseia na complexação dinâmica do analito com o ânion do eletrólito de corrida, 3,4-dimetoxicinamato. Utilizou-se como eletrólito de corrida 20 mmol L-1 de ácido 3,4-dimetoxicinâmico/Tris (pH 8,5). As separações foram conduzidas contra o fluxo eletrosmótico e o tempo de análise foi menor do que 5 minutos. Adicionalmente, o método se mostrou seletivo uma vez que análogos da cafeína (teobromina e teofilina) apresentaram tempo de migração diferenciado. O método proposto foi comparado com uma metodologia padrão (HPLC), apresentando resultados concordantes. O método foi aplicado para a determinação de cafeína em amostras de café convencional, solúvel e descafeinado. O limite de quantificação estimado para o método (0,33 mg/g) se mostrou suficientemente baixo, de forma a atender às exigências da legislação vigente. A identificação de adulterações no café provenientes da adição de outros materiais pode ser procedida utilizando como indicadores os teores totais de glicose e xilose obtidas por hidrólise controlada. Para promover a separação dessas espécies dos demais carboidratos presentes no café, varias estratégias foram avaliadas. As separações foram realizadas utilizando NaOH como eletrólito de corrida, de forma a possibilitar a ionização dessas espécies. O emprego de aditivos como metanol, acetonitrila e íons borato foram avaliados. A melhor condição obtida foi utilizando 80 mmol L-1 de NaOH, 0,5 mmol L-1 CTAB e 30% (v/v) de metanol. Os resultados mostraram que é possível identificar contaminações menores que aquelas consideradas como limites aceitáveis. / In this work, methods based on capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE-C4D) for the determination of caffeine in coffee as well as for the identification of its adulteration by addition of some other vegetal products were developed. Caffeine is a neutral species, and the proposed method was based on its mobilization by the formation of a complex with the anion 3,4 dimethoxycinnamate. The experiments were carried out in buffer Tris/3,4 dimethoxycinnamic acid (pH 8.5) and the migration of the complex was done in counter electroosmotic flow. The running time was less than 5 minutes. In addition, theobromine and theophylline (two caffeine analogues) were completely separated. The new method was compared to a standard method based on HPLC, and similar results were obtained. Samples of integral, soluble, and decaffeinated coffees were analyzed and the limit of quantification (0.33 mg/g) was low enough to fulfill the Brazilian norm. The proposed approach for the identification of adulteration was based on the controlled hydrolysis of xylan and starch present in some vegetable adulterants, followed by the analysis of the resulting xylose and glucose, which are the monosaccharides that compose, respectively, the two polysaccharides. Although the monosaccharides are neutral species in ordinary conditions, they form anionic species in high values of pH. The best separations were obtained in NaOH 80 mmol L-1, CTAB 0.5 mmol L-1, and methanol 30% (v/v). The results showed that it is possible to identify levels of contamination below tolerable limits.
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Autentizace pomocí mobilních telefonů / Authentication using mobile phonesFusek, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with authentication by mobile phone. The mobile phone with operating system Android was chosen as authentication device. The Eclipse development environment was used for the implementation of applications. The aim of the thesis was to study and practically implement access system for mobile phones, where the Bluetooth LE and NFC interface are used for data transmission between the mobile device and reader. Firstly, the thesis deals with the client application, which is installed on the authenticated device, and then is focused on the characteristics of the application which is running on the reader. Both client and reader applications describe the design of graphical user interface, process of authentication via Bluetooth LE and NFC, analyse packages and classes, and eventually perform security analysis. The thesis also presents schema of authentication protocol HM14.
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Bezkontaktní platby – budoucnost platebních karet / Contactless Payments – Future of Payments CardsChludilová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of payments instruments, contactless technologies and instruments of contactless payments. This thesis describes intentions of card associations VISA and MasterCard in area contactless payments. It also contains a questionnaire survey, on the basis of which was carried out an evaluation and comparison with intentions associations. At the same was recommend of development for a provider of services in the area.
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Měření fyzikálních veličin na rotujících částech / Physical Quantities Measurement of the Rotating PartsŠtorek, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
This work is dedicated to small distance contact-less measurement. Especially the surface detection of the commutator or collector of the electrical machines was described. The probes utilising the induction principle of the distance measurement have been developed. The part of the work described the history of the induction distances sensing in FEEC BUT and the using of the induction principle in the industry small distances sensing nowadays. The paper concretely determines the possibilities of the small distances measurement using mentioned probes. The sensitivity for different materials was investigated and the error of the measurement for different measuring object was investigated, too. The effects, that could affected the measurement error, were described in the work. The contribution of the each effect for the total measuring error was specified. Next part is including the description of the measuring workstation and of the hardware and software. At the end the verification of the measuring principle and measuring workstation is presented. The verification has been made on three different commutator types. The verification results are in the conclusion.
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Bezkontaktní měření tepové frekvence z obličeje / Face-detection based touchless measurement of heart rateChmelíková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of contactless and noninvasive methods for estimation of heart rate. Contactless measurement is based on capturing person faces by video camera and from sequences of pictures are estimated values of the heart rate. The theoretical part describes heart rate and methods that are being used to estimate heart rate from color changes in the face. It also contains testing of tracking algorithms. Practical part deals with user interface of program for contactless measurement of heart rate and its software solution. Thesis also contains statistical evaluation of program functionality.
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Osvětlovací LED modul pro bezkontaktní měření fyziologických parametrů / Lighting LED module for contactless measurement of physiological parametersByrtus, David January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of the illumination LED module for contactless measurement of basic physiological parameters. Contactless methods is based on the fotopletysmografických methods. The acquisition parameters used video camera for monitoring body part of the patient. Designed lighting LED module is used to enhance the optical signal with respect to quantum efficiency of the camera used. The acquired video sequences are then programmatically processed, analyzed, and the result is an estimate of the measured parameter.
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Bezpečnost protokolů bezkontaktních čipových karet / Security of Contactless Smart Card ProtocolsHenzl, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Tato práce analyzuje hrozby pro protokoly využívající bezkontaktní čipové karty a představuje metodu pro poloautomatické hledání zranitelností v takových protokolech pomocí model checkingu. Návrh a implementace bezpečných aplikací jsou obtížné úkoly, i když je použit bezpečný hardware. Specifikace na vysoké úrovni abstrakce může vést k různým implementacím. Je důležité používat čipovou kartu správně, nevhodná implementace protokolu může přinést zranitelnosti, i když je protokol sám o sobě bezpečný. Cílem této práce je poskytnout metodu, která může být využita vývojáři protokolů k vytvoření modelu libovolné čipové karty, se zaměřením na bezkontaktní čipové karty, k vytvoření modelu protokolu a k použití model checkingu pro nalezení útoků v tomto modelu. Útok může být následně proveden a pokud není úspěšný, model je upraven pro další běh model checkingu. Pro formální verifikaci byla použita platforma AVANTSSAR, modely jsou psány v jazyce ASLan++. Jsou poskytnuty příklady pro demonstraci použitelnosti navrhované metody. Tato metoda byla použita k nalezení slabiny bezkontaktní čipové karty Mifare DESFire. Tato práce se dále zabývá hrozbami, které není možné pokrýt navrhovanou metodou, jako jsou útoky relay.
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Induktives Ladesystem für den Einsatz in autonomen VerleihstationenVogt, Johannes Paul, Kertzscher, Jana 28 February 2020 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt das Konzept eines induktiven Ladesystems für autonome Verleihstationen. Unter Beachtung der Betriebsanforderungen wird im ersten Teil eine zweckmäßige Spezifikation des Ladesystems erarbeitet. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die Modellierung des Resonanzübertragers, welcher technisch als Prototyp realisiert wurde. Dazu erfolgt die analytische Berechnung der Parameter und Vergleich mit den experimentell bestimmten Parametern am Prototypen. / This article describes the concept of an inductive charging system for autonomous sharing stations. In accordance with the operational requirements, a suitable specification of the charging system is developed in the first part of this paper. The second part describes the modelling of the resonant transmitter, which was technically realized as a prototype. For this purpose, the analytical
calculation of the parameters and their comparison with the experimentally determined parameters on the presented prototype are carried out.
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Facial-based Analysis Tools: Engagement Measurements and Forensics ApplicationsBonomi, Mattia 27 July 2020 (has links)
The last advancements in technology leads to an easy acquisition and spreading of multi-dimensional multimedia content, e.g. videos, which in many cases depict human faces. From such videos, valuable information describing the intrinsic characteristic of the recorded user can be retrieved: the features extracted from the facial patch are relevant descriptors that allow for the measurement of subject's emotional status or the identification of synthetic characters.
One of the emerging challenges is the development of contactless approaches based on face analysis aiming at measuring the emotional status of the subject without placing sensors that limit or bias his experience. This raises even more interest in the context of Quality of Experience (QoE) measurement, or the measurement of user emotional status when subjected to a multimedia content, since it allows for retrieving the overall acceptability of the content as perceived by the end user. Measuring the impact of a given content to the user can have many implications from both the content producer and the end-user perspectives.
For this reason, we pursue the QoE assessment of a user watching multimedia stimuli, i.e. 3D-movies, through the analysis of his facial features acquired by means of contactless approaches. More specifically, the user's Heart Rate (HR) was retrieved by using computer vision techniques applied to the facial recording of the subject and then analysed in order to compute the level of engagement. We show that the proposed framework is effective for long video sequences, being robust to facial movements and illumination changes. We validate it on a dataset of 64 sequences where users observe 3D movies selected to induce variations in users' emotional status.
From one hand understanding the interaction between the user's perception of the content and his cognitive-emotional aspects leads to many opportunities to content producers, which may influence people's emotional statuses according to needs that can be driven by political, social, or business interests. On the other hand, the end-user must be aware of the authenticity of the content being watched: advancements in computer renderings allowed for the spreading of fake subjects in videos.
Because of this, as a second challenge we target the identification of CG characters in videos by applying two different approaches. We firstly exploit the idea that fake characters do not present any pulse rate signal, while humans' pulse rate is expressed by a sinusoidal signal. The application of computer vision techniques on a facial video allows for the contactless estimation of the subject's HR, thus leading to the identification of signals that lack of a strong sinusoidality, which represent virtual humans. The proposed pipeline allows for a fully automated discrimination, validated on a dataset consisting of 104 videos. Secondly, we make use of facial spatio-temporal texture dynamics that reveal the artefacts introduced by computer renderings techniques when creating a manipulation, e.g. face swapping, on videos depicting human faces. To do so, we consider multiple temporal video segments on which we estimated multi-dimensional (spatial and temporal) texture features. A binary decision of the joint analysis of such features is applied to strengthen the classification accuracy. This is achieved through the use of Local Derivative Patterns on Three Orthogonal Planes (LDP-TOP). Experimental analyses on state-of-the-art datasets of manipulated videos show the discriminative power of such descriptors in separating real and manipulated sequences and identifying the creation method used.
The main finding of this thesis is the relevance of facial features in describing intrinsic characteristics of humans. These can be used to retrieve significant information like the physiological response to multimedia stimuli or the authenticity of the human being itself. The application of the proposed approaches also on benchmark dataset returned good results, thus demonstrating real advancements in this research field. In addition to that, these methods can be extended to different practical application, from the autonomous driving safety checks to the identification of spoofing attacks, from the medical check-ups when doing sports to the users' engagement measurement when watching advertising. Because of this, we encourage further investigations in such direction, in order to improve the robustness of the methods, thus allowing for the application to increasingly challenging scenarios.
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